On 5/6/2009, Rik (hlug090...@buzzhost.co.uk) wrote:
>> As it stands, this list gets poorly posed or lazy questions from
>> time to time, usually from new users. The trend in these cases is
>> that the new user ends up feeling insulted. This may well be the
>> poster's own fault for not respecting how this list works, but I
>> for one am interested in exploring ways to provide a friendlier
>> environment (if it can be done without degrading the high quality
>> of this list).

> I could not agree more. To the point this is the very *LAST* place I
> go for help.

Me too... I generally try to find the answer myself first. More often
than not, I do, but when necessary, this list is incredibly powerful for
getting fast and precise answers to fix any particular problem you might
be having. I have *never* had a better support experience, *including*
paid (sometimes expensive) support

> Some list nazis are so mad about list etiquette the notion that it is
> for support seems to be entirely lost on them.

And some people are so arrogant and stubborn that they refuse to
acknowledge that someone else's list means someone else's rules.

> To me the need to insult is an indication of insecurity and a 
> crippled mind

To me, the need to take simple, short references to rtfm as an insult is
a sign of laziness, ignorance and/or general assholishness.

> It's funny how a face to face visit and a smack in the mouth can
> improve their take on things.

And its even funnier when some arrogant prick attempts to 'improve
someone else's take on things' with 'a face to face visit and a smack
them in the mouth', and end up getting their ass kicked up one side and
down the other, or even finding a cure for their severe lead deficiency.

If you don't like the help you get here, you are free to leave.

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