On 6-May-2009, at 01:29, Rik wrote:
I could not agree more. To the point this is the very *LAST* place I go
for help.

This should be the last place you go for help. You read the docs, you google, you research, try and find the answer, and THEN you post here.

I can't tell you how often I've been composing an email of ruly epic proportions with postconf output, logs, and dozens of paragraphs only to discard it all once I found the answer in the whole process of generating the post.

And I STILL ask stupid questions sometimes... sigh.

Some list nazis are so mad about list etiquette the notion
that it is for support seems to be entirely lost on them.

No one is forced to be here, and no one is paid to offer support. If you can't take the time to follow the list etiquette then you will brusquely be told to do so. It's happened to me many times, I just don't whine about it.

To me the need to insult

Some people are just too sensitive and fragile for the big bad Internet.

is an indication of insecurity and a crippled mind - but that
covers many in lists, usenet and the web at large. It's funny how a face to face visit and a smack in the mouth can improve their take on things.

Oh yeah, good luck with that. If you're REALLY lucky, you'll only get arrested for that. If you're unlucky you might get carted off by the local coroner. Your position that violence is that answer to what you perceive to be rudeness says a lot more about you than it does about the denizens of this list.

Hi, I'm Gary Cooper, but not the Gary Cooper that's dead.

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