Jonathan McMahon wrote:
I'm 100% completely new to Postfix, somewhat new to *nix.
My general feedback:

1. I find Postfix to be somewhat difficult, and the "google search" documentation for my specific setup is fragmented and incomplete at best. I did expect this given the number of possible system permutations.
2. I'm convinced that the information is complete and accurate, but 
it is nearly indecipherable for the truly new user.

3. I realized that the best solution was to sign up for this mailing list and 
politely ask for some help, while at the same time educating myself as much as 
possible via books/internet resources.

It's probably not realistic to expect a mailing list, geared to answering specific questions, to provide remedial lessons or exhaustive step by step instructions. When you get to the point where you have some specific questions, the folks here are more than willing to provide answers.

So, the best advice I can give you for now is to obtain and read "The Book of Postfix" by Ralph Hildebrandt et al, published by no starch press and available at and other outlets.


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