On Wed, 2009-05-06 at 03:18 -0400, Aaron Wolfe wrote:

> As it stands, this list gets poorly posed or lazy questions from time
> to time, usually from new users.  The trend in these cases is that the
> new user ends up feeling insulted.  This may well be the poster's own
> fault for not respecting how this list works, but I for one am
> interested in exploring ways to provide a friendlier environment (if
> it can be done without degrading the high quality of this list).

I could not agree more. To the point this is the very *LAST* place I go
for help. Some list nazis are so mad about list etiquette the notion
that it is for support seems to be entirely lost on them. To me the need
to insult is an indication of insecurity and a crippled mind - but that
covers many in lists, usenet and the web at large. It's funny how a face
to face visit and a smack in the mouth can improve their take on things.

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