On 09/09/16 15:08, Blake Hudson wrote:
> Couldn't one just use a separate smtpd listener in master.cf for IP4
> and IP6 if one wanted to implement different policies for each protocol?
> Personally, I want to have parity between IP4 and IP6, not additional
> differences that are going to increase troubleshooting.
> --Blake
You're probably right.   The PREGREET in postscreen,  and things like
policyd-weight will inflict a fair attrition rate, even with IPv6.  And
that is before the content filters get hold of the message...

Also, the  Spamhaus  DROP listings  now have a file of compromised IPv6
netblocks.  (I have a multi-list / IPv6 version of Julien Vehent's
lasso-update.sh  -  which processes the listings for postscreen  -  if
anyone is interested)

Allen C

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