2012/5/19 Antón Méixome <cert...@certima.net>:
> 2012/5/19 Lucia.Morado <lucia.mor...@ul.ie>:
>> Acáboo de comprobar no meu teléfono, e en francés e en español usan o 
>> tratamento de vostede nese programa.
>> Ao cambiar o idioma na configuración xeral de android, cámbiase 
>> automaticamente tamén o de WhatsApp. Supoño que cambiarán iso, porque que eu 
>> saiba (e xa se falou aquí hai tempo) aínda non está o android en galego.
>> Lucía
> Grazas polo importante detalle. En catalán tamén está coa forma de respecto
> «No s'ha pogut obtenir el vostre estat. Reintenteu-ho més tard.»
> Iso do "tuteo" penso que é moi "typical spanish" para ben e para mal.
> Outro "detalle"... ffff...acaba de aparecer finalmente a versión para
> Windows Phone tamén dispoñible para traducir

Curiosamente, acabo de atopar as guías de estilo para tradución de
Windows Phone 7. Moi interesantes. A conclusión é que pretenden lograr
un estilo intermedio, conversacional


Para español
(nada de catalán, nin esas "zarandajas") e respecto ao que estamos
comentando aquí (tratamento, tamaño de cadeas, etc.)

Style guides provide instructions to help ensure that your app speaks
to the user in the same tone, style and level of formality as Windows
Phone itself. For example, should you say please or address the user
as you and what level of formality is appropriate; should you use Sie
or du in German? And how do you abbreviate words for a smartphone

As the target user is not a teenager, try to avoid using overly
colloquial language, and
keep a professional and at the same time friendly and positive tone instead.

The phone is intended to meet the needs of modern users, so the less
formal way of
addressing the user in Spanish should be used (“tú”). This choice
helps to create a
more personal connection between the device and the Spanish end user, puts the
user at ease when using the phone, and sets Windows Phone apart from standard
mobile devices, which usually use the more formal way of address
(“usted”) for this

As per standard conventions in the Spanish language, infinitives are
used when the
user requests the device to perform a certain action: e.g. “Cancelar”,
“Abrir”, “Cerrar”.

EN US Source Translation
Start Iniciar
Close Cerrar
buy album {0} comprar álbum {0}

When the phone is adressing the user, structures with “tú“ should be
used. This is a
similar tone that users naturally use when talking with colleagues or friends.


EN US Source Translation
Are you sure you want to delete the entire call ¿Estás seguro de que
quieres eliminar toda la
history list? lista de llamadas?
Do you want to connect to this accessory? ¿Quieres conectar con este accesorio?
{0} song credits remaining on your Zune Music Te quedan {0} créditos
de canciones en tu Zune
Pass. This purchase will use 1 song credit. Pass Música. Esta compra
consumirá 1 crédit

Para brasileiro

Please use the active voice, always sticking to a natural register,
without being overly
technical or formal. The user is addressed with the pronoun "you" (você), but be
careful not to overuse it. The excessive use of the pronoun will
impair the fluency of
the text.

Do you want to save this contact
to your device?

Deseja salvar este contato em seu

Para francés

The style is direct and personal.
Tu/Vous. Use the formal "vous" instead of "tu", because professionals
in their thirties
are not likely to want to see "tu" all over their mobile applications.
Je/Nous. For the same reason, make the phone speak as "nous" instead
of "je", which
might sound too childish.


We can't seem to download
all these notes from the
server. You can still edit
these notes on a PC in
Outlook or a browser, but if
you edit them on your
phone your changes will
overwrite the notes on the

Nous ne pouvons pas
télécharger toutes ces notes
du serveur. Vous pouvez les
modifier sur un PC à l'aide
d'Outlook ou d'un
navigateur. En revanche, si
vous le faites sur votre
téléphone, les modifications
remplaceront les notes sur
le serveur.

Un contraste moi nutritivo, non?

> Botas unha man?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: proxecto-boun...@trasno.net [mailto:proxecto-boun...@trasno.net] On 
>> Behalf Of damufo
>> Sent: 19 May 2012 16:31
>> To: Fran Dieguez
>> Cc: proxecto@trasno.net
>> Subject: Re: WhatsApp
>> En 18/05/2012 21:12, Fran Dieguez escribiu:
>>> Home a verdade que choca bastante ver o tratamento de vostede en apps
>>> como Whatsapp...
>>> pero bueno.
>> +1
>>> Fran Diéguez
>>> http://www.mabishu.com
>>> GPG: 43DD 1B00 035F A764 4986  E695 98BB 6626 A2A4 F9B8
>>> On Ven 18 Mai 2012 15:26:06 CEST, damufo wrote:
>>>> Boas:
>>>> En 18/05/2012 14:57, Antón Méixome escribiu:
>>>>> As máquinas deben tratar ao uusario con respecto ...polo menos de
>>>>> momento
>>>>> :-)
>>>> Eu distinguría entre formal e respecto. ;-)
>>>> trato vostede -> trato formal
>>>> Na miña opinión o trato formal (vostede) é impreciso e por sorte cada
>>>> vez úsase menos.
>>>> Se queres cando nos vexamos cóntoche por que.
>>>> deica!
>>>>> 2012/5/18 Fran Dieguez<lis...@mabishu.com>:
>>>>>> Tratamento de vostede?
>>>>>> Fran Diéguez
>>>>>> http://www.mabishu.com
>>>>>> GPG: 43DD 1B00 035F A764 4986 E695 98BB 6626 A2A4 F9B8
>>>>>> On Ven 18 Mai 2012 12:49:01 CEST, Antón Méixome wrote:
>>>>>>> 2012/5/18 Fran Dieguez<lis...@mabishu.com>:
>>>>>>>> Ola,
>>>>>>>> Grazas por avisar.
>>>>>>>> que glosario se emprega?
>>>>>>>> chat/conversa
>>>>>>>> posíbel/posible
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> chat> conversa
>>>>>>> conversation> conversation
>>>>>>> posible> posíbel
>>>>>>> (a ferramenta controla xa que as variables sexan correctas e a
>>>>>>> puntuación)
>>>>>>> Cando hai restricións especiais de tamaño hai notas para o
>>>>>>> tradutor
>>>>>>>> Por outro lado hai que ter en conta que traducir para escritorio
>>>>>>>> non é o mesmo que para o móbil onde as frases tenhen que ser
>>>>>>>> concisas e curtas para que non ocupen toda a pantalla.
>>>>>>>> Saúdos
>>>>>>>> Fran Diéguez
>>>>>>>> http://www.mabishu.com
>>>>>>>> GPG: 43DD 1B00 035F A764 4986 E695 98BB 6626 A2A4 F9B8
>>>>>>>> On Xov 17 Mai 2012 15:23:06 CEST, Miguel Branco wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Grazas pola info, que non virá mal telo en galego, mais
>>>>>>>>> recórdovos que é software privativo... ;D
>>>>>>>>> nb. mirarei a ver que podo facer.
>>>>>>>>> Apertas!
>>>>>>>>> 2012/5/17 Antón
>>>>>>>>> Méixome<cert...@certima.net<mailto:cert...@certima.net>>
>>>>>>>>> 2012/5/4 Xosé<xoseca...@gmail.com<mailto:xoseca...@gmail.com>>:
>>>>>>>>> > Por se a alguén lle interesa.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> http://www.vilaweb.cat/noticia/4008364/20120504/whatsapp-catala-
>>>>>>>>> prop.html
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > http://translate.whatsapp.com/
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Xosé
>>>>>>>>> A versión de Nokia está neste momento ao 100% A de BlackBerry ao
>>>>>>>>> 26 % Pero a versión Android só ao 16% e a de Symbian a cero.
>>>>>>>>> Botades unha man hoxe coa de Android polo menos
>>>>>>>>> http://translate.whatsapp.com/
>>>>>>>>> Necesítase que algúns voten polas traducións, cando menos
>>>>>>>>> >
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