On 11/26/05, Jay R. Ashworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sat, Nov 26, 2005 at 02:54:56PM -0700, William Ferrell wrote:
>    Definitely. Red Hat and derivatives are still the prevalent distros.

For sufficiently large values of "derivatives".

Hehehehe yeah :)

>    It  *should*  [knocks  wood]  be a matter of just copying the programs
>    themselves  (all  the  .py  files)  to /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin, and
>    dropping  the  modules  used into /usr/lib/python2.[0-4]/site-packages
>    ... but it could still get interesting anyway :)

The number one issue is making sure the location in the shebang line
points to the real interpreter; if you get that right, you can take the
.py extensions off the user binaries and they'll still run.  Whether
you should put them in a directory that's on the path is a maintainer

Behold this spiffy magic:

#!/usr/bin/env python

As far as I know, every distro sets up "env" to spew the correct location of python (the above shebang has never failed to work for me on any system I've tried it on).

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