Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
> You will notice that (contrary to the long file names topic) I
> didn't ask a question, but made a suggestion. This implies that I'm
> quite willing to do that stuff...

Very well :-) I'm willing to contribute, perhaps in adapting the

> I'm not promising anything quick, though.

Not needed. Better something well thought out and well written. Also
some new questions or requests will surely arise during the

> It will be set up as a "thing" (since I don't think we have found
> any other satisfactory solution for compiled Basic).
> For each job, the thing should contain:
> the complete filename
> the dir whence it came from (home dir)

Very essential and certainly in itself already worthwile.

> the current dir which will initially be the home dir

Even though it is my idea this probably needs more thinking. The
device I proposed is probably not the way to go, instead perhaps the
OPEN routine would need to be changed to automatically make use of the
"current directory", otherwise it's probably somewhat pointless. BUT
if this were so, relative path-names would have to be introduced, too.
I mean things like ".." and "\" (root directory) of DOS.

What my aim is with all this: the biggest bother for me with the
SMSQ/E file system is that all paths always have to be absolute. I'd
like for example to copy my sources from src_x to src_y and still be
able to compile them. Real life example: when I did UDPNet I wanted it
to be separate from SERNet, which is here in win1_progs_midi_s_. But
it is not enough to copy all sources to win1_progs_midi_u_, instead I
have to alter basically every single file to reference midi_u now.
Actually this was too much of a bother for me and I just altered the
SERNet sources.

> get the length of the file/dir names (this would only be of interest
> if *somebody* actually gets around to implementing some form of long
> file names).

Shouldn't we just decide on a "suggested value" now instead of making
it dynamic (things like configuration options can't be dynamic
anyway)? Windows has a max path length of 260 characters for example
(UNC names can actually be longer, but hardly anybody uses them for
local files).

> set a default filename for a job with a certain name

How do you know the job name? When using HOT_whatever, don't you just
know the filename then?

> As usual, relatively few people have commented on this...

Which sometimes can be a good thing ;-)


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