Marcel Kilgus writes:

> Even though it is my idea this probably needs more thinking. The
> device I proposed is probably not the way to go, instead perhaps the
> OPEN routine would need to be changed to automatically make use of the
> "current directory", otherwise it's probably somewhat pointless. BUT
> if this were so, relative path-names would have to be introduced, too.
> I mean things like ".." and "\" (root directory) of DOS.

> > get the length of the file/dir names (this would only be of interest
> > if *somebody* actually gets around to implementing some form of long
> > file names).
> Shouldn't we just decide on a "suggested value" now instead of making
> it dynamic (things like configuration options can't be dynamic
> anyway)? Windows has a max path length of 260 characters for example
> (UNC names can actually be longer, but hardly anybody uses them for
> local files).

As long as it is a "reasonable" limit.
> > set a default filename for a job with a certain name
> How do you know the job name? When using HOT_whatever, don't you just
> know the filename then?
> > As usual, relatively few people have commented on this...
> Which sometimes can be a good thing ;-)

I heard that! ;)

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