>>> I seem to remember these items appearing originally. Are they still used
>>> today or are they museum pieces?
>>They were very slow (remember the QL serial port is only capable of 19K.
>>and only reliable for reception at 9K!) To get 56K you would need to
>>upgrade your QL with a SuperHermes (£53 new from Tony Firshman). Then
>>you could use a conventional serial modem, which are still made: I have
>>one with my PC (£30 new). No broadband, though!
>>Jon Dent's soQL-PPP has got as far as giving email access, but not (yet)
>>web access. When (if?) the latter comes, there's already a QL version of
>>Lynx for browsing.
>>Until then, the only way to browse the web on a QL seems to be by
>>finding a secondhand copy of the MSDOS emulator, PC Conqueror, and
>>running Arachne (graphical) or Bobcat (text).
>>However, I remember that the Minix operating system was ported to the
>>QL, which should be faster than a DOS emulator. If you could get that, I
>>assume it would be possible to compile and run a Linux/Unix version of

So, my interpretation is that, The SuperHermes (lite?)  replaces the 8049 
which is pretty rubbish at the job it does (not through fault of it's own). 
This plus my 
old PACE 56k modem would in theory, with other software in development, 
allow dial up internet access sometime in the future, or via an alternative 
systems or msdos emulation running something else. The point is, it is possible 
I really want to use my QL ( original QL, not a PC cased variant ) for Web 
access. I
think that is a remarkable achievement !

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