On Tue, 12 Sep 2006 20:54:03 +0100
Tony Firshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Derek Stewart wrote:
> > Tony, 
> > 
> > The BBS closed down 5 years, I think, no one was using it. 
> > 
> > I still have 2 V90 USR modems, which I guess are surplus to
> > requirements these days as everyone is using PC hardware
> > and internal PC V90 modem are less then £5
> > 
> > The best option was to have SuperHermes to give the fastest serial
> > port to modem speed, which allowed the modem to connect at 33600
> > Baud through the BT network. 
> > 
> > It is a pity that no one wants to use the system, as I got Phil
> > Borman to make many chnages to Pbox, to make it have the
> > functionality of the Remote Access BBS software. 
> > 
> > I still have the software setup on disk, maybe I could convert it
> > to a Internet node on a SMSQ/E system. But it is temping to use
> > Linux or even Windows since it works. But I fancy a QL Internet
> > node.
> > 
> ... now that *would* be interesting, especially if it could link to
> QBBS Fido (8-)#


I used to have email and newsgroup access from Pbox, a friend had some
software called Fidogate which converted the Internet mail to Fidonet. 

So it not impossible.

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