Neil Riley wrote:
> I seem to remember these items appearing originally. Are they still used
> today, are they still relevant or are they museum pieces. If still in
> use
> what sort of broardband connection is required, for example, dial up 
> or broadband and if dial up.... is that still available !?
> Ok, assuming these are museum pieces, can the QL connect to the WWW
> ( I'm talking about an original QL and not the Q40 etc etc ) and if so,
> how?
> I suspect these are more daft question but hey, I must ask.
The Tandata modems will still work fine as long as you find in internet 
dial-up connection that knows about V23, and you are happy downloading 
at 1200 baud! All providers can handle dial-up, but may not go down to 
that speed.  My BBS won't work with any QL modem now. The USR Robotics 
modem will handle V23 and speeds up to 56kb, but not at the same time (8-(#

I am now getting 4.5 Mbps internet connection.  The Tandata is .0012 
Mbps - over 4000 times slower!
With superHermes, supergoldcard and a modern modem you would get a full 56k.


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