Hi Guys.

First the good news, for those of you who have been helping with my
The KVM switch is now working with my Aurora, After fitting a keyboard
PS2 to  DIN 
and PS2 to Serial mouse connector the KVM happily switches between PC
and Aurora
and the screen quality is perfect.

Now for the bad news, The Aurora doesn't appear to fully boot up. I
will describe best i can 
what happens when i boot and what messages appear on screen.

Ok, after switch on i get the usual QL multicoloured screen which
clears and gives the MINERVA
logo, shortly followed by the F1/F2 Set Monitor/TV , F3/F4 For Duel
Screen,  1.93 @ The QView Mega 
Corporation etc.

At the top of the screen i get the following:

TF Services RomDisq V2.14 @ 1997 TT
Super Gold Card V2.49
Real Time Clock Failure ( Haven't fitted new Battery in SGC as Yet ! )
QUBIDE/REBEL Driver v2.01 @1994-98
Initialising .........  ( the ...... appear one at a time over a few

At this point the PC's keyboard appears to recognise me pressing the F1
or F2 key although if i wait
it seems to carry on.
Although probably not important, If i press the F1 key the screen
clears, shows the usual window #0,#1 and #2
where the windows are white / red and black, if i press F2, the screen
becomes a blue square for a blink of an eye 
before we have windows #0,#1 and #2 where the windows are black/red and

after a couple of seconds, the screen clears again and i get the
following green on black messages at the top of the screen.

TF Services RomDisq V2.14 @ 1997 TT
QUBIDE/REBEL Driver v2.01 @1994-98

Whilst the messages are duplicates of before, the system gets stuck on
Initialising and continues no further.

Phil, the previous owner suggested the keyboard driver loaded from the
RomDisq and prior to fitting the PS2 to DIN convertor 
suggested the system could be hanging, not able to 'find' the keyboard
but seeing as F1 and F2 are being picked up oin the 
initial boot screen I'm no longer certain.

Appologies for the lengthy nature of this email but I guess the more
info the better.

Many Thanks

p.s. removing the KVM has the exact same results so i've discounted
this as causing the lockup.

p.p.s. Before being able to fit the keyboard/mouse i took the RomDisq
out and booted up, was able to boot up far further, with 
windows #0/#1 and #2 being shown with plenty of text ( cannot recall
what all the messages were but there were plenty of Version numbers ! ).

I haven't performed this since fitting the keyboard mouse so i could
try that again if need be.

It had been suggested by the previous owner ( thanks for your help )
that it could be the 

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