Neil Riley wrote:
> Hi Guys.
Hi Neil, I've decided to reply to the list this time so if anything I 
say is complete rubbish hopefully it'll be corrected ;)

> First the good news, for those of you who have been helping with my
> Aurora.
> The KVM switch is now working with my Aurora, After fitting a keyboard
> PS2 to  DIN 
> and PS2 to Serial mouse connector the KVM happily switches between PC
> and Aurora
> and the screen quality is perfect.

Glad you got that bit working, sounds like you're having more luck than 
I did with my KVM...
> At the top of the screen i get the following:
> TF Services RomDisq V2.14 @ 1997 TT
> Super Gold Card V2.49
> Real Time Clock Failure ( Haven't fitted new Battery in SGC as Yet ! )
> QUBIDE/REBEL Driver v2.01 @1994-98
> Initialising .........  ( the ...... appear one at a time over a few
> seconds)
> LTN526S
> At this point the PC's keyboard appears to recognise me pressing the F1
> or F2 key although if i wait
> it seems to carry on.
This is normal behaviour - Minerva has the ability to 'default' to 
either an F1 or F2 keypress after a certain amount of timeout.

> Although probably not important, If i press the F1 key the screen
> clears, shows the usual window #0,#1 and #2
> where the windows are white / red and black, if i press F2, the screen
> becomes a blue square for a blink of an eye 
> before we have windows #0,#1 and #2 where the windows are black/red and
> black.
This is again normal, its set up to default to the 'monitor' mode so 
even if you press F2 for TV mode it'll revert to the monitor style windows.

> after a couple of seconds, the screen clears again and i get the
> following green on black messages at the top of the screen.
This reboot is again normal - that's what happens when SMSQ/E is loaded, 
it should continue and reboot as normal.

> TF Services RomDisq V2.14 @ 1997 TT
> QUBIDE/REBEL Driver v2.01 @1994-98
> Initialising
> Whilst the messages are duplicates of before, the system gets stuck on
> Initialising and continues no further.
But it obviously get's hung up on the Qubide re-initialisation. I have a 
couple of thoughts here, the first would be that the Hard Disk is on the 
way out and that it's fine on a cold reboot but doesn't like the warm 
reset. However - I know the machine booted fine from the RomDisq before 
I sent it to you so I'm going to discount that.

My second thought concerns the CD drive, I know you replaced it with a 
more modern drive than was in there, I'm wondering if it's somehow not 
compatible either with Qubide itself or whether there's an issue with 
the drive that's in there clashing with it - have you tried 
disconnecting the CD from the IDE bus and rebooting without it?

> Phil, the previous owner suggested the keyboard driver loaded from the
> RomDisq and prior to fitting the PS2 to DIN convertor 
> suggested the system could be hanging, not able to 'find' the keyboard
> but seeing as F1 and F2 are being picked up oin the 
> initial boot screen I'm no longer certain.
This was a 'hunch' and obviously incorrect - the behaviour is the same 
whether or not the keyboard is connected.

> p.p.s. Before being able to fit the keyboard/mouse i took the RomDisq
> out and booted up, was able to boot up far further, with 
> windows #0/#1 and #2 being shown with plenty of text ( cannot recall
> what all the messages were but there were plenty of Version numbers ! ).
I would suggest trying this again, it is quite possible that the 
keyboard extensions are on the HD anyway, incidentally the version 
numbers you see on this boot are various extensions (turbo etc) loading 
at startup.

I probably do have a copy of the bootup sequence that is on the Romdisq 
here (somewhere) but not having a working QL set up at the moment its 
not possible for me to find it.

I vaguely seem to remember that later versions of Romdisq had a jumper 
on them to prevent the QL reading it - though I could be spouting 
rubbish of course - Tony would be able to tell you more on that. But if 
the HD boot sequence works and the Romdisq one doesn't then that might 
be a place to start.

Let me know how you get on...


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