Tony Firshman wrote:
> This looks like an issue with the HD boot program.
> Boot up off superHermes floppy and investigate win1_boot.
> Maybe it is trying to run SMSQ?
It is definitely running SMSQ (though I can't remember which version!) - 
you're right though, booting up from a floppy would be a good place to 
start - unfortunately when I sent the machine I couldn't find the 
original SH disk so unless there's another way to get the SH keyboard 
driver Neil is a little stuck.

> Is it running Minerva MKII (with battery)?
> If so, remove the small socketed chip, place on alu foil to zap its ram
> and replace.  As long as Minnie has a working battery-backed clock the
> SGC battery is not essential.  You will need to run the utility to force
> the Minerva clock (and miniconfig_bas to reset the MVR values).
No, it's an original Minerva rom straight in the socket of Aurora if I 
remember correctly - definitely not a Minnie MKII.


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