On Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 09:57:50AM -0500, Justin Bell wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 12:09:28PM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> # But I keep saying - not everyone who installs and runs a Linux box
> # nowadays is going to have the sort of knowledge many of the people on
> # this list seem to assume.  It's just not going to happen I'm afraid so
> # a little more help and warnings in the qmail documentation would not
> # go amiss.
> then they shouldnt be installing it then
> it's THAT simple
To you, yes (and maybe me) but how do *they* know they shouldn't be
installing it?  They may well have installed Linux with no problems
and also a few applications from RPMs.

....  ah, look here, an RPM to install qmail, everyone says it's
better than sendmail ....

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