IMHO the first thing that really needs to be fixed is the Radio loosing
connection to MYSB.COM. Indeed after more than 6 hours in standby (soft
off), there's a 90% chance that my Radio looses the connection to
MYSB.COM and doesn't even try to reconnect when I press e.g. the alarm
button. And let me emphasize that neither my internet connection nor the
WLAN setup is the problem. Indeed even the stream is played at the
correct time, so this can't be a connection problem on my side.

The main problem with this is that I need to get to the menu and select
the entry since this seems to be more or less the only way to
re-establish the broken connection. There are several facts that hint
that the Radio is not even aware that the connection was lost and thus
gets into an undefined state as the software developers obviously forgot
to add a sensible fault handling for this case.
The fact that the Radio just beeps in this state when I press e.g. the
alarm button instead of trying to reconnect is a major design flaw.
Indeed there should be also a timer event that checks the connection
every e.g. 10 minutes. Else chances are that the Radio doesn't receive a
new alarm setup via MYSB which is really a big problem since you have to
rely on a programmed alarm.

As a side note: it's not only that the alarm menu is not shown in this
faulty state. Also the whole system behavior is erratic. E.g. while the
programmed station is played, it usually stops after a few minutes
instead of playing for the full alarm time. Which is also a very big
problem as chances are that I miss the alarm or fall asleep again when
it plays only for a few minutes.
Sometimes playing continues in this case when I press the knob,
sometimes it doesn't. In the end I really need to navigate to the main
menu and select before the alarm menu pops up. And all of this
in darkness and without glasses.

Obviously this doesn't happen for all customers so maybe it's related
to dynamic IP or maybe it's a problem in my local MYSB node (the system
info hints that the Radio indeed connects to a nearby datacenter and not
to the American server). Yet it's really a shame that such a basic
design fault survived the beta phase and was not even fixed with 7.4.1.

I understand that some features like a better NP screen and
customization features need some time. Yet the most basic functions for
a bedside radio MUST work soon. And nothing is more important than a
working and reliable alarm feature. 

So I REALLY, REALLY hope that I don't have to wait for December or
January when 7.5 is released, before at least the alarm works reliably.
This could be such a great product with a mature software and a better
display layout. Currently it's pretty much frustrating.

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