On Nov 18, 2011, at 8:50 PM, Shifty wrote:

> So, I was just about to plunk down a couple of hundred dollars on a Berthoud 
> front bag at Rene Herse. Mike kindly returned my phone call and immediately 
> asked about the bike I was going to put it on. A Rivendell, I replied (A. 
> Homer Hilsen). He said, do you know that the bag's weight will affect the 
> handling somewhat; some people can't live with it while others aren't 
> bothered by it at all. He said it was because of the "trail" high or low (I 
> don't recall which) of all Rivendell bikes and that Herse bikes have a (high, 
> low?) trail that accounts for weight carrying in the front.
> So what do YOU think Rivendell front bag owner? Have you ever regretted the 
> effect the bag has on your Rivendell's handling?

This varies not only by a bike's steering geometry but also a lot of other 
factors.  Trying to make it merely an issue of steering geometry over 
simplifies the issue.  For example, wheelbase strongly affects stability with a 
longer wheelbase bike tending to be more stable.  So does the rider's weight 
distribution as determined by build, weight and the various positioning 
parameters (saddle height and fore-aft, bar reach and height relative to the 
saddle, etc.).  Lateral frame stiffness (top and down tubes in particular) 
probably have an effect on how well a frame tolerates a front load.  There are 
probably other factors.

The result is that rider A could have a different experience on the very same 
bike as rider B just due to differences in weight and build, especially if 
adjustments are made to the fit of the bike.  I won't describe mine in detail 
because my all-Rounder is so different from your AHH that the comparison would 
be invalid.  Hopefully other people will have bagified the same size AHH with 
the same rack and bag, and can tell you abut their experiences- just bear in 
mind that your experience might be very different and the only way to find out 
for sure is try it.

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