On Fri, 13 Mar 1998, Mike Wangsmo wrote:

> On Fri, 13 Mar 1998 22:37:05 +0100 (CET), Andreas Kostyrka wrote: 
> >What bugs me quite with RH are many small non-security related bugs, that
> >have a tendency to be NOT fixed; Examples:
> >- taper is being supplied, but taper require ncurses v4 -> RH5 ships with
> >  ncurses 1.99. Either upgrade ncurses or stop shiping taper.
> rpm -qp --requires taper-6.8.0a10-2.i386.rpm 
> libncurses.so.3.0  
> libform.so.3.0  
> libc.so.6  
> ld-linux.so.2  
> rpm -qp --provides ncurses-1.9.9e-8.i386.rpm 
> libpanel.so.3.0
> libncurses.so.3.0
> libmenu.so.3.0
> libform.so.3.0
> We provide the correct libs for the ncurses that we ship.
The problem is, that the taper UI doesn't work with ncurses 1.99 ->
Try entering some archive name. I've even recompiled it a new, took a
newer version, etc. (Than I've read the FAQ, and there it states it quite
easily that it needs ncurses 4+, as almost always RTFM is the answer :( )

> >- Tcl/Tk 8.0. This version is quite buggy, and I've found the error with
> >  zircon, and much more grave with my own app, that I need for my
> >  customers.
> There are incompatibilities between the tcl/tk 7 that we shipped and with 8.0. 
> I just checked with Gafton and he wasn't aware of any bugs in tcl/tk 8 that we 
> ship.
Then download the newest zircon (ftp://catless.ncl.ac.uk/pub/) and try a
popup menu. It's a bug with Tk, as it's the same with my app
(Python/Tkinter) AND it is fixed by using the newer Tk8.0p2 (it's in the 
same dir).
> >- BackSpace not working in X11 (try netscape for this.) What kind of
> >  keyboards do you use at RH?
> My backspace key works just fine in X (and in Netscape).  I've got a 
> generic PS/2 keyboard, nothing special.
Hmmm, perhaps this is something special with german keyboards, or so, but
I always have to "add echo 'keycode 22 = BackSpace' | xmodmap -" to
Xsession :(

> >Another nice thing would be a howto explaining how to recompile RH5.0 from
> >scratch (in a chrooted enviroment), it's not that easy, as .src.rpms don't
> >support dependencies -> you have to check manually if a .src.rpm rebuild
> >failed because it the .spec file has a bug, or because a library, etc. are
> >missing.
> This is no trivial issue.  The only person here that knows how to do it is 
> Erik.  I doubt he will be writing any docs in the near future on this issue 
> either. :)
It's not that difficult to setup up the enviroment, the tricky part is the
recompilation + installation path :(
> >Another thing: RH support via Email is (was?) a joke. But then, I at least
> >learned how a M$ customer feels (not really, RH is still cheaper
> >*evilgrin*). The funny thing is, that the only answer that was ok was
> >signed by someone, while the ``cover-your-ass'' answers where all
> >unsigned. (Additionally these guys have the tendency to close a ticket,
> >even if they have demonstrated that they didn't crasp the problem :( )
> Support now is at full staff and the mail back log that we had last month is 
> under control.  Please feel free to send support issues to [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
> he is now handling the entire department (and he is physically here, finally)
As I said it, it was not a real issue to me, because I usually are able to
help myself, and I've heard that RH has quite quickly ``reorganised'' the
support :)
The problem comes when I try to argue to some Linux newbies why to go RH:
While I know RH is probably technically superior (don't know Debian), it's
hard to explain to a newbie.


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