On Thu, 12 Mar 1998, Scott Kindley wrote:

> post in this thread) and all linux distro's soon to follow or be dead". I cant
> understand why a 5.x version ISN'T backward compatible with libc5.  Seems to me,
> IMHO, if libc5 was to become unsupported it should phase out over a couple of

One "small" shot: it was a major pain for the big guys (netscape and all)
to port their Unix apps to Linux using libc5, because libc5 was _not_
compatible with the rest of Unixes around.

So basically if we want big guys to start _thinking_ about porting their
apps to Linux we have to give them what they want - namely a
closer-to-standard header structure that will make porting their
applications a whole lot easier.

After you see some commercial code written like

#ifdef linux
        /* do some linux-specific things */
        /* do some things that compile okay on every other unix */

you'll understand why a lot of big software vendors were not thrilled
about starting porting and maintaining a port of Linux for their apps.

Cristian Gafton   --   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   --   Red Hat Software, Inc.
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