On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 18:47, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Bill Anderson wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 17:08, Emmanuel Seyman wrote:
> > > On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 03:26:48PM -0700, Bill Anderson wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Also: "Minimal installations currently require more than a single CD."
> > > >
> > > > Seems like a bug to me. Why not arrange them such that the most commonly
> > > > used and smallest installs be on the first disc, then the second, and
> > > > the third being for the least often installed options?
> > >
> > > This is what Red Hat did for the last few releases. I believe 8.0 (or
> > > is it 7.3) shipped without a i585 kernel because there wasn't enough
> > > space on the first CD to include (this was fixed in errata since there's
> > > no space limit there). I suspect it became impossible to fit the base
> > > install on the first CD.
> >
> > Maybe, but I think it is just amatter of not planning on it. The
> > "minimum" install is ~450MB. Surely that can be fit on one CD? :^) SuSE
> > has a similar problem last I knew. To do a base installation required a
> > little bit from each and every damned disc.
> Don't forget, there are kernels (UP and MP) and glibc for multiple
> architectures that all have to be on the first disk if single-disk
> installation on all platforms is to be supported.  Also, the install
> software, images, and some of the docs need to be there too.  That's
> probably close to 100MB right there, maybe more.

I know, yet hat leaves ~600Mb of room on the iso. ;^) But since we are
talking about the RH distribution, and more specifically, the personal
desktop install option, I don't see that as a problem. See below for
details. :^)

> > Then again, maybe "base" needs to be trimmed down anyway. I expect the
> > "personal desktop" could indeed fit on one disc, if the rest of it was
> > moved to the secondary and tertiary discs. If memory serves, RPMs do
> > *some* compression; 2:1 shouldn't be that hard to do. That'd put the
> > "workstation" in range of a single disc.
> Of course one man's base is another man's bloat.  "Personal desktop" might
> fit, but I want server stuff.  "Server" might fit, but you want
> "Workstation".  That would be a fun new religious topic, instead of vi vs.
> emacs or whatever...

That could be a refreshing Linux war for a change. ;)

That said, RH is already beginning to differentiate between Enterprise
and non-enterprise. Since the "personal" is the base for sales (as in:
the "smallest" one), that would be a good start, IMO. Personally, I
install much more like a cross between server/workstation as personal,
but that's me.

IMO, the "personal desktop" install option, being somewhat "dependant"
on i386 should install using only the first disc. Go beyond that and it
is more sensible to start going over multiple discs. At minimum "minimum
install possible" option should not need three discs, that's silly, IMO.

As an instructor who needs to insall on the sites I go to, I look at it
this way:
The most common use of personal should be optimized for the single disc
install. It decreases the number of discs, and speeds my install. This
is not an insignificant difference. Unfortunately, not all sites I've
gone to have a 100MB network, instead running 10MB through a hub -- an
install of half a dozen or more desktops over that network is s s s s s
s l l l l l l o o o o o o o o o ow. 

If I can drop a single disc in, get them all started, and move on to
something else, it cuts down my prep time dramtically.

That's why for Linux Fundamentals, and general admin/shell scripting
classes I've found Debian a better platform. One disc has made a major
difference in time spent there.

I'm not advocating (here) what should constitute a given "install
package", just that the "minimum" and/or the "personal desktop" should
not require all the discs, just the first one. Not advocating package
change, just disc sequencing. ;)

Bill Anderson
RHCE #807302597505773

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