On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Bearing in mind that I'm fairly new to all things Linux....
> I have a total of 10 mail servers for which I need to provide a higher
> level of email protection.  9 of them are hosted on one Lotus Domino server
> (running on a Windows NT 4.0 server), each with their own domain name and
> public IP address; the other one is hosted on an IBM AS/400, with its own
> domain name and public IP address.  Both machines are behind a corporate
> firewall (CheckPoint software).
> What I'm wanting is a box between the firewall and the two mail servers.
> Mail comes in, is sent to the SMTP scanner box, then sent on to the
> appropriate server after being processed.  Vice-versa for outbound email.
> Can I do this with MailScanner/F-Prot/Sendmail on a Redhat box?
> or....
> Can I configure sendmail to direct email to a specific server, based on the
> destination IP address?
> Pluses would be:
> - if the email is not intended for one of my IP addresses, or
> - if the email is not FROM one of my IP addresses,
> - reject the email to put a stop to any relaying attempts
> Tom Hightower
> Solutions, Inc
> http://www.simas.com

I don't see a problem with what you're trying to do.  The key is to set up
sendmail first so that it does what you want ie. forward your incoming
mail to the RH box and use it to relay to the two internal servers.  

I'm assuming that your firewall is being used to select which server
should get the appropriate mail.  You would need to change this to forward
all mail to the RH server and have it scanned there.  This box would
quarantine any virus' and relay clean messages to the other servers.  
Check the sendmail doc's but I believe you use sendmail's mailertable to
accomplish this.  All outgoing mail is just pointed at the RH box which is
setup to allow relaying from your internal servers.

The beauty of MailScanner is that it doesn't need your MTA (ie sendmail) 
to be modified.  MailScanner uses sendmail to receive the incoming mail, 
then pulls messages from the queue, calls the virus scanner to process 
each message, sticks those with virus' in a quarantine directory, does the 
appropriate notification, and passes clean messages back to sendmail for 

You would setup sendmail on the RH box first.  Once that's working then 
install MailScanner, turn off the sendmail daemon (MailScanner will call 
sendmail as required), and turn on MailScanner.  MailScanner has many 
options that can be used to configure it the way you want.  

I suggest you subscribe to the MailScanner list.  You will get detailed 
instructions there on the best way to set this up.  I know there are 
people doing exactly what you want there.


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