Statux, sorry for the long delay of my answer .. different 
time zone ...
Statux wrote:
> hmm.. just as a quick note: even though the system will run, you really
> should reboot after upgrading the system C library (glibc in this case
> since virtually EVERYTHING is compiled against it and looks for it in
> order to execute).
> it may very well be buggy. It's always good to read things like the
> errata, etc. Was there a reason that you were upgrading lynx (I forget if
> you mentioned one)? touchscreen or whatever you saw might have something
> to do with special monitors that you can touch (just a guess based on the
> name since I've never heard of it.. I could be wrong tho).

Yes, there was a reason for upgrading lynx: https.
the new version I wanted to install is the first I found with this an
https-capability *in itself*. Before -- if I understood it 
correctly -- you had to build onto your non-https-capable lynx some 
encryption capabilities -- for example I have an SSLeay-RPM mixed with 
lynx-2.8.2.-2 on my machine: with this combination lynx has a good  
encryption. But I found it a bit uncomfortable in writing my web-based 
emails with this lynx version (perhaps having something to do with the 
editoring capabilities of this lynx-version...? or with me being too 
newbie to set the editoring options of lynx correctly ? ... probably not
too far away, this last possibility ...)

But if I remember correctly it was not only the new lynx-RPM, which
was howling for   -- there were several other 
installs over the last weeks I couldn'd finish because of a lacking -- again: I hope to remember correctly in this 

So I thought I could do something good in upgrading with 
glibc-2.1.3-15.i386.rpm ...

I apologize for not having written down the exact error message where 
this "touchscreen" (or whatever the machine said ...was mentioned -- I 
simply got panicked when realizing I wasn't able to use the running 
consoles after the installs anymore and rushed to uninstall the whole
bunch of new RPM'S ... I really was frightened of standing on the edge of
having killed my complete most-loved   :) GNU/LINUX :)  ...

> I have glib-2.1.3-21 installed (as opposed to -15) and I don't have
> problems. What version of RH are you running again?

RedHat 6.1 -- still the same Kernel (2.2.12-32 on an i586) as shipped
with RedHat6.1, but lots of programs upgraded to their version shipped 
with 6.2 ...
Have you heard something that  glib-2.1.3-21   is doing well on 
RedHat6.1 ? ... you're making me curious :)

Regards --
and thanks for your help.


> On Sun, 12 Nov 2000, Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:
> > Statux wrote:
> > >
> > > do an "rpm -q glibc" to see if you meet the requirements or not :)
> >
> > I did that:
> >
> > # rpm -q glibc
> > glibc-2.1.2-11

> >         [... on  glibc-2.1.3-15.i386.rpm and its installation ...]


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