Hello Skeeve,

Friday, July 26, 2002, 12:25:15 PM, you textually orated:

SS> Sick of dumb questions?

Nope. I think it's better to help those people learn how to find information
on their own and then ask better questions should that fail.

SS>  Are you an guru who wants to talk to other gurus?

>From the Jargon Files...

n. [Unix] An expert. Implies not only wizard skill but also a history of
being a knowledge resource for others. Less often, used (with a qualifier)
for other experts on other systems, as in `VMS guru'.

Seems like you would lose guru status if you don't want to share your
knowledge with others.

SS> I have tried in vain to find a mail list which is only for RHCE's....
SS> an expert list if you will - but have failed... so I have set one up on
SS> YahooGroups.

Perhaps because many of us would prefer not to be elitist or associate with
such. It is one of the true detriments to the Linux community when people
act with the "I don't have time to waste on those who know less then I do."
attitude. It is contradictory to the "community" proponent of Linux. A list
for only "experts" would be a "club".


SS> Post message: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
SS> Subscribe:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

SS> When you go to subscribe, I will ask you to provide your RHCE
SS> Certificate number... which I will verify via the RedHat Training
SS> website on: https://www.redhat.com/training/certification/verify/ - so
SS> please make sure you give me a real name and real certification number.

I hope you can find fulfillment with your new venture. Though I would find
it hard to think of what to even discuss on such a list. It would seem to me
that, if you are all "gurus", then there would be little to talk about.

SS> I would just prefer RedHat set up a list like this themselves... but no
SS> luck so far.

Red Hat, if you're listening in, don't bother creating such a list.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe                      CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]              Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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