On Fri, 26 Jul 2002, Robert Jones wrote:

> On Sat, 27 Jul 2002, Keith Morse wrote:
> >
> > Would mere mortals at least have the ability to view the archives of
> > this mail-list?
> Keith, I have been lurking on this list since Nov 26, 1999 and have
> saved everything (better than 190 megs) that has come down the 'pike.
> Before becoming suicidal over the threat of a sudden loss of valuable
> information, I suggest you might search the archives for contributions
> made by the OP.   I did but I'd really rather others came up with their
> own numbers.
> Best regards

I've been semi-lurking on this list since 1995 (or 1996?, can't remember 

Can't imagine how one could construe "suicidal" from my one line question?  
I do understand the reasoning behind the original poster's mail.  The 
chaff rate can be quite high on the redhat-list depending on your point of 
view.  I would hope that if that the list comes to fruition, the content 
will be available for review, barring some silliness concerning NDAs.

My involvement in the redhat-list stems from the fact that I know less 
than you (definitely in a collective sense and probably in a personal 
one).  The things I've learned from reading the postings are invaluable.
And to see a new wellspring of "high level" info (well potentially 
anyway) discussed kinda whets my chops.

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