I strongly disagree with everything you said in that email.

I'll reply inline

On 25 March 2017 at 21:17, Alexander Rechitskiy <art1st...@yandex.ru> wrote:

> My original claim was that discussion about opening #reactos-dev is useless
> because:
> 1. Devs intentionally not pay attention to #reactos
SOME devs don't pay attention to #reactos. I do, Amine does, Hermes does,
... stop generalizing.

> 2. They even intentionally not pay attention to forum and JIRA
I personally don't use the forums. I have my reasons to want to avoid them,
and I don't feel the need to defend myself about it. I guess it's the same
for anyone else who dislikes the ambient in forums.
JIRA is another matter, I don't avoid it, but I'm usually not looking at it.

> So if we open #reactos-dev the dev will start ignore #reactos-dev too
Bullshit. This may happen if we start to let any idiot derail the channel
and we allow the channel to become offtopic. You are simply making a world
out of one small possibility.

> So the real problem is the devs intentional detachment and indifference
> and not the problem of #reactos-dev

> You spend time in useless discussion instead of facing the real problem.

> Also even you treat ReactOS as a hobby, you should not treat it as a toy.
> Too many people have already set their hopes for ReactOS. We should not
> dissappoint them by leaving the job half way again and again. ReactOS will
> not become more mature thing, while you still consider it just as a pet.
> It really may be mature, but with that attitude it is not possible. We
> should take some responsibility. The sooner you accept that, the better.
No one is "leaving the job half way". We have more contributions than ever.
ReactOS is a giant undertaking, so it's natural for it to be slow.

Using myself as an example: I currently don't have the motivation to
develop for reactos, after I'm get home from my job. This isn't going to
change any time soon. My options are simple: either I dedicate as much as I
can to helping the project, which right now means I stay around in the
#reactos channel (even while at work!), and help people who ask questions
and have doubts, or I quit from the project completely and contribute
nothing at all.

The sentiment is nice, but not many people have the luxury to dedicate MORE
than they are already doing. You are demanding that people risk their
lives, their families, and their future, for ReactOS. Have you even
considered that it may simply be asking too much?

> We have the paradoxical situation.
No we do not. Progress is slow, but steady.

> ReactOS Foundation has money for contracts, but nobody accepts them.
The ReactOS Foundation can only pay for scholarships, most developers are
not students anymore, so they are simply not candidates.

> Unstead the majority of participants reported the excuses, that they have
> all the time spent on  REAL work and personal life.
Oh so having a life is an excuse to you? You don't value having a future
for yourself?

> And for ReactOS there is no time left.
Bullshit. We even have old members who have come back to help once again.
We have been selected for GSoC for a second year in a row, which is an
historical milestone. Reactos is stronger than ever, but you are only
focusing on your pessimism and you can't see the progress that is happening
under your nose.

> Do not you think that there is a self-deception here?
I only see your blind pessimism.

> Why not combine a hobby and earning money? Why not work for the ReactOS
> Foundation? ReactOS, with the right approach taken, may grow into serious
> buisnes.
See above. We can only legally pay for scholarships, and the foundation
can't pay as much as a proper engineer gets paid, not by far.

So no, I don't agree with anything you said.
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