On Tuesday 3 September 2024 at 19:44:43 UTC-7 Kwankyu Lee wrote:

I think that only valid argument for AA(-1)^(1/3) = -1 is that it is the 
status quo. It is just human that likes what she/he used to. Removing 
inconsistency is for the future.

The fact that powers with odd denominator do not leave AA is also a 
documented design decision:


(thanks to hgranath 
https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/38362#issuecomment-2325700870 for 
finding that one)

There is good precedent that the parent of a power depends on the value of 
the exponent. For instance, parent(3^2) is ZZ and parent(3^-1) is QQ. So 
I'd add as a valid argument for the branch choice in AA that it makes sense 
to choose a branch that does *not* require an extension of the parent, if 
possible. Yes, it's a different branch choice than the one made in Qbar, 
but AA and Qbar are different objects, with AA coercible into Qbar.

Once again, the design decisions for powering for floats in Python are made 
in the absence of representable non-integer rationals.

OTOH, it seems the coercion system may force our hand here (at least I 
think what happens below is a consequence of an overeager coercion system):

sage: parent(AA(-2)^(1/3))
Algebraic Real Field
sage: a=AA(2)^(1/2)
sage: a^a
TypeError: unsupported operand parent(s) for ^: 'Algebraic Real Field' and 
'Algebraic Real Field'

sage: parent(AA(-2)^(0.3333333))
Complex Field with 53 bits of precision
sage: parent(AA(-2)^RealField(1000)(1/3))
Complex Field with 1000 bits of precision

I don't think there are many people who would be unhappy if the last two 
would raise an error, but here we are: algebraic numbers CAN be raised to 
"non-rational" exponents (represented as floats) and the result is a 
floating point result, with the precision gleaned from the exponent. So 
there IS a continuity concept for the exponent when the base is an element 
of AA. Unfortunately, by that argument, we're forced to take the principal 

I'd much rather see that exponentiation on AA with a 
not-explicitly-rational exponent would yield an error on account of the 
result not being (reliably) algebraic. Then there's not an obvious topology 
on QQ that needs to be respected with continuity for exponentiation and 
then it would be reasonable to choose a branch that does not need a larger 
parent. But curtailing the mechanics of coercion around exponentiation 
would be an even bigger change.

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