Le lundi 6 janvier 2020 14:21:56 UTC+1, E. Madison Bray a écrit :
> I agree with Nils.  There should be at least a one release deprecation 
> period.  Also, while I don't think we use any kind of real semantic 
> versioning, I think we should name a Python 3-only release 10.0 as 
> it's a very major backwards-incompatibility change. 
On the other hand, for the end user the major backwards-incompatibility 
change already happened: a Python 2-only piece of code will break 
immediately in any Sage 9.0 binary. Can we really say to the end user: "to 
solve your issue, download SageMath sources and compile them with 
./configure --with-python=2" ?
As for developers, the Python 3 switch has been discussed for something 
like 2 years, so what would be the point to extend that (effective) 
deprecation period? (maybe I am missing something here)


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