On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 2:16 PM Eric Gourgoulhon <egourgoul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Le mardi 7 janvier 2020 13:25:04 UTC+1, E. Madison Bray a écrit :
>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 7:30 PM Eric Gourgoulhon <egourg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > On the other hand, for the end user the major backwards-incompatibility 
>> > change already happened: a Python 2-only piece of code will break 
>> > immediately in any Sage 9.0 binary. Can we really say to the end user: "to 
>> > solve your issue, download SageMath sources and compile them with 
>> > ./configure --with-python=2" ?
>> > As for developers, the Python 3 switch has been discussed for something 
>> > like 2 years, so what would be the point to extend that (effective) 
>> > deprecation period? (maybe I am missing something here)
>> For this very reason I think there ought to be Python 2 binary
>> releases for 9.0 as well.  I'm building both for Windows, but I'm not
>> in control of the others.
> One may argue that there are already available Python 2 binaries: the 8.9 
> binaries.
> Is it worth to spend time and energy to build new Python 2 binaries?
> Wouldn't a message like "if you insist in running Python 2-only code, please 
> use the 8.9 binaries" be sufficient?

If that were the case, that should have been communicated clearly
during the 8.9 release, and it wasn't (as it is we don't communicate
changes between versions clearly enough, but that would be a major

> IMHO, most end users should now that Python 2 is dead (the younger ones even 
> do not know that such a thing had existed) and that "print bla" should be 
> changed to "print(bla)".

Most users I've encountered (especially new users) don't even realize
Sage is written in Python, and don't know anything about Python 2 vs
Python 3.  Fortunately, as you say, for Sage the most major
user-visible change is just print statements and we've already been
warning about that for a while.  But existing users' code can break in
other new an exciting ways (e.g. map).

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