Yes, Keith, it arrived on a solar flare, and jumped from one human host to 
another to spread destruction. No names. Psych self-defense kicking in again...

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

 Subject : RE: [scifinoir2] Stephen Baldwin (was Dragon Wars)

 Date : Tue, 27 Jan 2009 00:39:25 +0000

 From :

 To :

I forgot Earthstorm and Darkstorm. Wasn't one of them about a black hole or 
something? They were awful!

Oh--and do you remember that really terrible film with Sean "Lord of the Rings" 
Astin and Robert "Chakotay" Beltran? It was about some kind of fire elemental 
wreaking havoc. I think the damned thing came to Earth on a solar flare (or 
maybe it emerged from beneath the Earth's mantle. Whatever). It was another one 
with bad CGI. I told my brother recently that the finger of God writing the Law 
in "The Ten Commandments" was better CGI than the elemental in that one!

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Aubrey Leatherwood 
> These are lovely. My list is short because the brain has been damaged from 
> weekend viewing.
> Mistie
> Epoch (I enjoyed that one, too)
> Dungeons and Dragons the first one... haven't seen that second one yet
> Dragon Storm (Who thought Maxwell Caulfield could find a more demeaning role 
> than the nerd turned secret-indentity-wielding hot biker? Still, I didn't 
> mind 
> it)
> Even if you're on a plane, walk out:
> BloodRayne
> BloodRayne 2
> Any future BloodRaynes
> (Careful folks Stephen King's about to take a beating!) The Langoliers
> Earthstorm (That Damn Stephen Baldwin)
> Darkstorm (That Damn Stephen Baldwin)Gargoyles
> Aubrey Leatherwoodwww.aubreyleatherwood.comFaceBook * MySpaceThe People You 
> 2008ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0Lyrical Press. Inc
> To: scifino...@yahoogroups.comfrom: truthseeker...@lycos.comdate: Mon, 26 Jan 
> 2009 12:28:37 -0500Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Stephen Baldwin (was Dragon Wars)
> Alright, I'm chiming in.Worth a Mistie WatchDead and DeaderBasilisk: The 
> Serpent 
> KingDragon SwordDungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon GodLake Placid 
> (on 
> loop!)10.5 Apocalypse (Dean's magic makes it all better)"Even if you're on a 
> plane, walk out" (LMNAO, BTB!)Kaw ("Never more", to quote Poe)Dragon Wars 
> (sooner have my eyes burnt from their sockets with white-hot needles)ANYTHING 
> with the name Uwe Boll attachedWraiths of Roanoke (even the dead folks in the 
> movie asked to have their names removed from the credits)A Sound of Thunder 
> (always thought that it was more boomy and less sucky)100 Million B.C. (all 
> that 
> time... one would think they would've gotten it right at some point...)Rise: 
> Blood Hunter (vampyr everywhe! re protested the making of this, regardless of 
> the potential risks)Rock Monster (shuddering)Pterodactyl (any movie in which 
> Coolio is the best actor in the cast?)Abominable (aka The Movie Which Lives 
> Up 
> To Its Name)(LNAO, more to come)
> ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] 
> Stephen 
> Baldwin (was Dragon Wars)Date : Mon, 26 Jan 2009 16:09:33 +0000From : 
> keithbjohn...@comcast.netto : scifino...@yahoogroups.comhey, that's cool. the 
> real trick is knowing which B- movies are really fun camp for the ages, and 
> which are just crappy schlock. What we need to do, gang, is start rating 
> these 
> movies for each other on that level. See, as Martin just did, showing me that 
> at 
> least this Dean Cain flick is a good time-waster. I've seen others of his 
> that 
> are just plain bad. There was one where he was a security chief in an 
> underground facility creating dinosaurs from old DNA. (And isn't Cain always 
> playing a security chief or soldier in a top-secret facility?) One of the 
> baddies got loose and started having human snacks. It was so bad because the 
> CGI 
> was horrible, and the used the *exact same* scene for every appearance of the 
> creature! It was running down this curving hallway, and every single time the 
> monster was shown, it was the exact same loop of film. So bad it wasn't even 
> good camp. So we'll do that. Whoever has sat (suffered) through a SciFi flick 
> can rate it on "camp" or MST3K factor, so the others can know if it'd be a 
> great 
> laugh riot on a cold winter's day, or just a woefully bad piece of CGI-filled 
> dreck that's not even worth watching for derision. And on that scale, I can 
> drop 
> a couple of films like that: Worth a Mistie watch: Rock Monster (though I 
> don't 
> know why, it makes me life) The Beast of Bray Road (that urban werewolf 
> legend 
> in film) Leprechaun - yes I said it. Horrible, horrible film, but Warwick 
> Dunn 
> (?) makes me laugh as the creepy killer sprite. This ain't your daddy's Lucky 
> Charms! Dragon Sword (I think) - it's the one with Patric Swayze. Again, a 
> bad 
> movie, but acting is just good enough (it has many established actors) to 
> make 
> it dumb fun Epoch - The first couple of these movies about some alien rock 
> thingie activating on Earth may be a bit befuddling, but star David Keith 
> helps 
> make 'em watchable Alien Lockdown (think that's it) - there's one or two of 
> these flicks about a monster loose on an orbiting prison. I think one stars 
> Christopher Lambert. Dumb fun. Frankenfish - not sure why I laughed at this 
> one, 
> it's one of the worst ever. But watching these idiot young people run from a 
> stupid killer fish in the Louisiana Bayou had me rolling And from the "Even 
> if 
> you're on a plane, walk out" category: Dragon Storm - I just wailed on it. 
> American 90210 clones as reincarnation of Asian warriors and royals? 'Nuff 
> said. 
> Gargoyles -- not the Cornel West camp classic--that one had great makeup and 
> high fun, camp factor. The recent remake overflowing with cheap CGI Harpies - 
> Bad acting, lackluster action, bad CGI Gryphon - Bad acting (though it has 
> established actors like Larry Drake and Anthony LePalia's younger brother), 
> lackluster action, bad CGI That Francis Drake movie --came out last week 
> starring Adrian "Highlander" Paul. It was awful! The CGI ships and ocean 
> sucked, 
> the characters were pitiful. There are many, many more. Basically almost 
> every 
> SciFi Original that's loaded with cheap CGI instead of good scale models or 
> live 
> action shots, just sucks -------------- Original message 
> ---------------------- 
> From: "Martin Baxter" > Keith, you may look askance at this, but I'm *good* 
> with 
> Dean Cain in such > movies. I think that, instinctively, he knows that these 
> are 
> B-moives, and gives > them the full camp effect. One of those movies aired 
> last 
> weekend on Skiffy. > Can't remember the title, but he played an Army officer 
> leading a Delta team > into a Central American country to find the members of 
> a 
> research team that > hadn't answered calls. They were working on an 
> experimental 
> medicine that > created zombies. I was foing to pass on t until I heard that 
> Dean was starring. > I admit to two hours of brain-off-the-hook fun. Didn't 
> have 
> to Mistie it. Dean > did that himself. > > Ah! "Dead and Deader" was the 
> flick. 
> > > > > > > ---------[ Received Mail Content ]---------- > > Subject : Re: 
> [scifinoir2] Stephen Baldwin (was Dragon Wars) > > Date : Mon, 26 Jan 2009 
> 03:58:20 +0000 > > From : > > To : 
> > > > I'll see your Stephen Baldwin, and raise you 
> Lorenzo Lamas ("Raptor Island") and > Dean Cain (a whole bunch of cheesy dino 
> flicks). Those guys are in a bunch of > really bad flicks. And while we're at 
> it, today I was myself (as always) > lamenting the crappy movies that SciFi 
> serves up. One thing you note pretty > quickly is that they seem to be going 
> through the cryptid and mythology books > for inspiration. I mean, look at 
> all 
> the films they've done in the last couple > of years: Gargoyles, Harpies, 
> Gryphon, Wyvern, Basilisk, Minotaur, Baal: The > Storm God, Chupacabra, Rock 
> Monster--the whole encyclopedia of myth and legend. > And then add in Kaw 
> (killer crows), Frankenfish, Boa vs. Python--you get the > idea. > > Baldwin, 
> Lamas, and myths aside, the biggest problem is that all these movies > suck! 
> Bad 
> acting, bad writing, and really, really bad CGI. Every monster they > craft 
> is 
> worse than a the CGI in a five year old video game. Horrible! > > > > > > > > 
> -------------- Original message ---------------------- > From: Aubrey 
> Leatherwood > > > > Friday night into yesterday was one of those sweat shop 
> writing sessions for > me. > > Couch, laptop, grilled meat, strong iced 
> beverage, and remote control. Ahh the > > remote control... Useful when 
> something is on... Not so useful yesterday. > > Harpies! Yep, Harpies on Sci 
> Fi. 
> Now > > > > Much of the folklore, mythology, even urban legend I've loved to 
> read about > > since I was tiny, get made into SciFi Channel movies or movies 
> that *make it* > to > > SciFi. Harpies, gargoyles, dragons, Merlin (god I 
> hate 
> sam neill but i love > > miranda richardson), etc... I'm excited by the 
> prospect 
> of them all, which is > > why--as if I have the memory span of a fruitfly--I 
> watch (or try to watch) > these > > programs. I desperately want to suspend 
> my 
> disbelief for an hour or two, get > > lost in a story, then come back from my 
> odyssey refreshed and entertained. I > am, > > yes people, a damn idiot! > > 
> > > 
> In comes Stephen Baldwin. > > > > I've been trying to figure out how to 
> phrase 
> it for some minutes now, and > can't > > seem to do so. I feel like an 
> atrocity 
> has been visited on me. How does this > guy > > continue to get work, and why 
> does a ton of it end up on Sci Fi? Why? This guy > > has made two hundred and 
> seventy million movies. What deal has he made or > > perhaps one of his more 
> talented brothers (take your pick from the pill > poppin, > > punch throwin, 
> drunk dialin baldwin grab bag) with the devil to persist in > this > > 
> nonsense. 
> > > > > In Harpies he was an NYPD cop that went back in time after 
> > > > > accidentally 
> get > some > > amulets and inserting them into a glowing egg of some sort. 
> Back 
> in time he > > demands entry into the Lord's castle by demanding that he let 
> Nicky from the > > NYPD in. It gets worse, but I won't describe anymore to 
> you. 
> I don't have to, > > even if you haven't seen it, you know how bad it is. > > 
> > 
> > This pointless, directionless rant brought to you by the letter C for > > 
> craptastic.Aubrey Leatherwoodwww.aubreyleatherwood.comFaceBook * MySpaceThe > 
> > 
> People You Know, The Sex They HaveROMANTIC TIMES NOMINEE FOR BEST 
> > EROTICA 2008ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0Lyrical Press. Inc > > > > > > > > > > > 
> > > 
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