Re: ssh and devices

2001-02-16 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Rick Rezinas [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hi,
# I'm using testing
# I was having an issue (think I saw a post regarding this recently),
# where a regular user couldn't use ssh due to ' no controlling tty'
# I found that the issue was an inability for nonroot to write to
# and changed o+w for /dev/tty
# Now all seems happy, but I was curious if this is actually a good fix
# creates a security issue...and why this would've been changed.  Also,
# packages are in charge of which there a debian standard
for this
# or do package maintainers just create and modify devices as they see

I think the correct fix would be to change the group of all the tty*
devices to the tty group. Then, when you log in, it gets temporarily
changed to your own group ID. So, permissions should be rw-rw, with
tty as group, root as owner.

I think. :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Antwort: Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-16 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Carel Fellinger [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 04:06:03PM -0500, David B . Harris wrote:
# ...
#  You also need to re-boot for some hardware re-initialization. See
#  recent thread on XFree 4.0.2 and an IntelliMouse-compatible mouse.
# I doubt it.  Any trouble I've had with PS2 mouses not being properly
# initialized could be solved by /etc/init.d.gpm restart preceded by
# the occasionally physical reconnecting of the mouse.  But YMMV:)

Don't doubt it. I didn't just make it up to prove that a reboot *could*
be required to re-initialize hardware :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: keeping checksums of every file installed

2001-02-15 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hi!
# I´ll soon have to give out the root-pw of one of my boxes temporarily,

#  but I´m a little paranoid...
# Does anybody know of some program/script that could make checksums of
#  eachevery file installed and keeping this list somewhere safe so
#  I can compare it when I take the password away from my colleague to
#  make sure there´s no trojan or something installed?
# (The joke is that there´ll be a security audit and they want to have 
#  the root-pws for that...)

I think something along the lines of;

find ./ -type f | xargs md5sum  outputfile.txt

Would work. Later, do the same, and then 'diff -u outputfile.txt
newoutputfile.txt', to see the differences.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: upgrade to a lib in testing

2001-02-15 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Robin Rowe [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hi. I don't seem to have it right. I get an error on 'apt-get install
# libsdl1.1-dev':
# Reading Package Lists...
# Building Dependency Tree...
# E: Couldn't find package libsdl1.1-dev

Don't read the other reply ...

Use deb-src, trust me.

Here's what you do;

1) Temporary add a deb-src entry pointing to testing. You've done this
2) As root, do 'apt-get -b source libsdl1.1'. That'll build libsdl1.1
3) As root, do 'dpkg -i .debs', where .debs are the names of the
.deb files generated by 'apt-get -b source'..

If you just add a 'deb' line pointing to testing, and then 'apt-get
install something' from it, you're going to run into big problems, trust
me. And you'll get little sympathy :(

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Site to watch

2001-02-08 Thread David B . Harris
To quote DSC Lithuania [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# He's the guy who wrote TIP that keeps my ZIP drive working, so he
seems to
# know his
# stuff.

Personally, I used to use that site a lot for portscans and the like(for
well over a year). Now, while I think he provides a very good service, I
also think he's pulling some of this stuff out of his arse. A lot of the
stuff he's invented is just a page of marketspeak.

Now, I think his portscanning service is useful(even if some other ones,
that are better, are available). But read everything he writes with a
big 'ol grain of salt.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Site to watch

2001-02-08 Thread David B . Harris
To quote John Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Agreed.  And as you said there are other sites that offer more
# scans.  Something like comes to mind.  
# But unfortunately the only truly secure networked computer is one that

# isn't networked at all 8^).

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way; I feel bad when I put
someone else down.

Anyways, another good one is . Very
nice :) has a list of them, I think halfway down the page.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Cannot boot off hardrive and help?

2001-02-04 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Daniel Mashao [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I cannot boot from my harddrive. I made sure the root partition is
# bootable according to fdisk. This is a new Debian install using potato
# disks. I can boot (slow) from a diskette.

The error you get when trying to boot off the harddrive would be useful.

Otherwise, my guess would be that you havn't installed LILO or GRUB.
They're both what are called boot loaders. They take on the task of
booting a kernel or OS, and passing any appropriate parameters to the
aforementioned kernel or OS.

Neither are particularily easy to set up; check out the HOWTOs available
at .

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Cannot boot off hardrive and help?

2001-02-04 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Daniel Mashao [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# All the computer says is:
#   Searching for Boot Record from IDE-0...
# and it never finds it so it goes thru other options such as CD and

This confirms what I originally thought; the MBR hasn't been
written(this is done by either LILO, GRUB, or any other boot loader).

# No I have installed LILO. I have used lilo since I got to know Linux
# was around 1994. I thought of installing grub but I do not know how it
# works. The problem seems to be much earlier. My hard drive is 15GB. 

Oh, that makes things extremely odd. In that case, double-check that
/etc/lilo.conf is correct, and then run 'lilo'. Does it give you any

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Truetype fonts

2001-02-03 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Anton Emmerfors [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# While it is true that ttmkfdir identifies more fonts and encodings
# than mkttfdir, I have not been able to make xfs (4.0.2 from testing)
# work with its fonts.dir files. The only difference I can find is that
# ttmkfdir does not capitalize foudries but that should not make a
# difference, should it?

While I don't think that that should make a difference, I'd like to
point out that it Word For Me(tm) :) I'm running Sid, XFree86 4.0.2, and
I'm using the built-in font renderer.

If you're using the 'xfs' font server, a seperate executable, then
that'd be your problem. It doesn't do truetype fonts. 'xfs-xtt' does,
however, and you can use that if you insist on having a seperate font
server. XFree86 4.0.x has native support for truetype fonts, though.
Just add:

Load freetype

into your Modules section of XF86Config-4. Then add a FontPath to
your truetype fonts in the Files secton.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: more post-upgrade weirdness: debconf

2001-02-03 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Glenn Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# 1) when I run command debconf as root (or non), I get command not

There is no 'debconf' command. The debconf package provides various
facilities to packages, but no 'debconf' command.

# 2) when I run man debconf, the system grinds for a bit, spits out some
# those 'dangling symlink' man page warnings, and finally says there is
# man page for debconf. HOWEVER

After you've installed/upgraded many packages, 'man' rebuilds its
database. That's what's happening when your system grinds to a halt.
Very normal. I've also got a number of dangling symlinks in my man dirs.
I'm not too happy about them, but it's no biggie.

# 3) when I apt-get install debconf, the system tells me that debconf is
# already the most recent version, and

Then debconf probably is the most recent version :)

# 4) if I try to apt-get remove debconf, I'm told a giant slew of
# are *ALSO* gonna be deleted.

Many packages use debconf for various configuration tasks. 'apt-cache
show debconf' for more information.

# 5) update-alternatives --config debconf gives no alternatives for

That makes sense - there's no 'debconf' command. :)

If you're trying to reconfigure a package(which will probably use
services provided by the debconf package), you're probably looking for
the 'dpkg --configure package' command.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Truetype fonts

2001-02-02 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Rob VanFleet [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Since XFree86 4 has been moved into testing, I figured that I can do
# away with xfstt since the new xfs supposedly supports truetype fonts.
# The problem is that I can't seem to find out what package contains the
# ttmkfdir command that allows one to make a fonts.dir for truetype
# Does anyone have an idea as to where to look?

I'd like to warn you that there are two 'ttmkfdir' programs around that
people mix up; 'ttmkfdir', and 'mkttfdir'. One is good, the other isn't
quite so good.

A while ago in #debian on, there was a debate about
which was better. I got the tarball of the one I used and sent it around
to people and had them run in. For the six people that did it, there was
a 150-230% gain in the number of fonts and font encodings that were
recognized. The one which recognized the most encodings was 'ttmkfdir'.

A search for ttmkfdir on Freshmeat immediately turned up what I was
looking for, and a tarball with a prebuilt, statically linked binary is

So, there you go :) Have fun. Keep in mind that you need to have the
freetype module loaded from /etc/X11/XF86Config, and your font paths
need to point to the right places.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Dangers in upgrading to unstable?

2001-02-01 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Colin Cashman [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I recently installed Debian on my laptop, but some of the programs I
was planning on using exist only in unstable (for instance,
# Enlightenment 0.16.5).

If you only want a limited number of newer packages(I'd say less than 20
or 30), you can do the following to get the newer package for your
Potato system:

1) Temporarily add a deb-src line in your sources.list pointing to
2) 'apt-get source package'
3) Go into the newly created directory, and run, as root,
'dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b'
4) In the directory above the newly created directory(probably where you
ran 'apt-get source package', you'll have new binary .deb(s), made for
5) Comment out your unstable deb-src line in sources.list.
6) Lather, rinse, repeat :)
# What are the dangers in upgrading my system to run unstable? What
issues am I likely to face if I do upgrade the whole thing to
# unstable? Would it simply be better to download the specific unstable
packages I want and otherwise stick with simply running
# stable?

Now, I've been running Sid for a while now(I was using Woody before
that). I can say that my system is really quite stable. Very few things
segfault on me, everything compiles well, it's really quite a pleasure

However, sometimes the upgrade itself causes problems. For instance, I
see a lot of people coming in to #debian on with
perl installation problems - only when they're upgrade to Woody/Sid,
though. I didn't get that problem, so I don't know the solution, but
it's a good example.

Also, you should be familiar with system recovery. You should have a
rescue disk, with anything you might need to get your system up and
running. For example, a broken LILO package made it into Sid a while
back, and over-wrote some people's lilo.conf, without a backup. Some
people's systems were even unbootable after that. Not a good thing :)

And, lastly, if you're using Sid(unstable), you'll likely not get any
sympathy if a new package breaks stuff. You're using unstable Debian,
after all :) Expect hiccups and maybe even worse.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: gnome problems

2001-02-01 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hey people. I'm running the gnome binaries from 2.2r2, and I'm
having a
# few problems. I managed to get the bloody thing to finally run sawmill
# switching WMs back and forth, but the control center still isn't on
the panel.
# I can run gnomecc in a terminal to bring it up, but I'd like it to be
part of
# the panel. 

Right-click the panel. You'll be offered several options in several
menus. You're probably looking for Add Launcher or somesuch.

# Also, in the gnome-terminal, I don't seem to have the help files.
How do I
# set a default geometry? I've set the font size, but I'd like to set a
# height and width as well. 

Run 'gnome-terminal --help' in a terminal; it'll list the options it

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Cannot get iptables to work in 2.4.1 and compiling question.

2001-01-31 Thread David B . Harris
To quote seg [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hi,
#  I get the error command not found when I type iptables. I know I
compiled every net option in the kernel (choosed y).  What am I doing
wrong? Not much to go on, I know

You need to get the iptables package as well; the 'iptables' command
doesn't come with the kernel.

#  Also what does make modules do, does it create an image like make
bzImage? I have 2 comps running linux at home: a 1Ghz t-bird and a
p166. Compiling on the p166 is painfully long. I would like to compile
everything on the 1Ghz and then transfer the bzImage and the modules
image (if there is one, following make modules) to the p166 and make
modules_install there. Is that possible? Or would I need to make dep on
both comps, make bzImage on the 1ghz, transfer the image and make
modlues and make modules_install on the p166? 

You have to be sure the kernel you compile is compiled for you target
computer(ie: in 'make xconfig' or whatever you use, CPU Type is set to

Aside from that, make modules_install copies all the modules to
/lib/modules/kernel-version. So if you copy that directory over to
your target computer, that should work(assuming it's compiled properly
for the target CPU).

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: how to stop gdm?

2001-01-31 Thread David B . Harris
# Hello,
# I recently installed helix-gnome and would rather not have gdm load
# matically. With xdm I could just remove xbase, then xdm so prevent it
from starting but with gdm, dpkg would not allow it not unless I remove
task-helix-gnome :( what can I do?

Remove /etc/rc2.d/Sxxgdm , where x is a number(so there are two of
them ;). It's probably 20.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: unresolved symbols

2001-01-29 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Do a mv /lib/modules/2.2.17 /lib/modules/2.2.17-backup and then
# make modules_install.

Another option is to edit the kernel toplevel Makefile. It's probably
/usr/src/linux/Makefile .

Four lines down, there an EXTRAVERSION variable that is generally unset.
Add you own identifier(-custom1, -custom2, -01-29-2000), and that's
what's added your kernel version. So, if you compiled 2.2.17, with an
EXTRAVERSION of -custom1, 'uname -r' would report 2.2.17-custom1,
all your modules would automatically be put in
/lib/modules/2.2.17-custom1(meaning that you don't have to get rid of
your old modules, etc.), and so on and so forth.

This is probably the best solution to your problem.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Newbie Shell Script Problems

2001-01-29 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Tom Schuetz [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Could someone please give me a hint re. how to get a functional shell 
# script?
# I've done the #! /bin/bash, and I've chmod'd to +x, and the CHMOD
shows up 
# correctly as executable in ls -l, but still will not go.

If you run 'echo $PATH' from the command-line, you'll see where your
shell looks for commands when you try to run something. If your script
is not in one of those directories, you have to use the full pathname
when calling it. For instance, if your script is
/home/user/scripts/myfirstscript, and /home/user/scripts is not in
$PATH, you have to execute it by typing
'/home/user/scripts/myfirstscript'. If you're currently in
/home/user/scripts, you can just type './myfirstscript', since ./ is a
short form of for your current directory.

You should also have #!/bin/bash as the first line in your script. #!
/bin/bash, with the space, is generally not how it's done. It probably
won't case any problems, but it's best to do things the way they're
expected to be done.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Linux Partitions

2001-01-29 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Leonard Leblanc [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hello Everyone,
# I am going to be running a Linux box as Firewall/DNS/WWW/FTP/POP and
maybe some other network applications.  I was wondering what your
suggestions would be for Partitions.  I have already ready the Partition
HOWTO, but still aren't quite sure what partitions would be best for my

It depends on a number of things; what you'll be using the box for, how
reliable it needs to be, how much space you have to throw around, how
experienced you are, how much the box's uses will change over time, and
a host of other things.

Most people I run in to drastically over-partition their hard drive.
Five, six, even seven partitions for one running Linux system. Now,
that's not to say it isn't useful - espeically in high-demand

However, until you get a good feel for how much space the different
directories will be taking, I suggest you make three partitions. One
swap partition, one root partition, and one /home partition. Only
reformat the root partition when you re-install your OS(if you ever do).

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Linux Partitions

2001-01-29 Thread David B . Harris
To quote ktb [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I would add /var to this list.  The reason being is if you run
# like squid and don't manage it right it will bring your system down if
# it grows too large.  Maybe with todays large HD's it doesn't matter as
# much but I've had it happen.  Log files can get large also.  Course if
# you are on top of it there isn't a problem but not everyone is,
# especially in the beginning:)  In addition take a look at -
# There is a little section on partitioning for a gateway.  There are
# reasons for having more than 3 partitions.

That's the entire point - if you run something like squid and don't
manage it right ...

*IF* you run *something like squid*.

When you over-partition, you *really* screw up versatility. Until they
know what they're using their system for, versatility is key.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: galeon..

2001-01-28 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Isn't galeon just a front-end for mozilla ?? If so, the memory leak
# will likely still be there. By the way, you do know that galeon
# *requires* mozilla to be installed, right ??

Hoping to avoid starting a flamewar here, Mozilla isn't a browser. It's
more than a browser. It's damned near its own platform. If it was just
a browser, which is what most Linux people want, it'd be dead before it
ever hit the market. IE is a browser, and it's a good one - there's
relatively little over IE that Mozilla could offer if it was just a

Anyways, Galeon just uses Gecko, the Mozilla rendering engine. Since
Mozilla has a pretty darned fast(and relatively complete) rendering
engine, this is a good thing. Mozilla is slow mostly in the UI
department(and boy, is it SLOW!). Galeon is GTK+/GNOME based, of course,
and it's quite a bit faster. It doesn't use XUL nor does it generate all
its interfaces on the fly(actually, I think it uses libglade, so that's
no quite right).

I'd say it's at least as fast as Netscape, and definetly faster than
Konqueror. It's not quite feature-complete yet, but it's getting there.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: galeon..

2001-01-28 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Roberto Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Please some help? Mozilla leaks a ton of memory... 

I don't think Galeon is available for Potato, anywhere. Sorry.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: apt-get feature question

2001-01-28 Thread David B . Harris
To quote James Lindenschmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# My question is, could we put a flag in apt-get that specifies whether
we want 
# stable or unstable? Something like this: apt-get install unstable foo?

Since it's generally very unsafe to install testing/unstable binaries on
a Potato system(or mixing binaries of any of the distributions, for that
matter), I'd like to amend this suggestion to the following:

'apt-get install unstable foo'

Compiles package foo(therefore lessening the chances of major
breakage), and all the unstable dependancies that foo requires. If
any of the dependancies are met by your native distribution, they should
be installed in binary form, without compiling.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: galeon..

2001-01-28 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Roberto Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Is what they say in their official site... 

My apologize; you're right. It's not for stock Potato, though, the
dependencies for the Potato Galeon .deb looks like XFree 4.0.1 was
installed(search google, or add deb
xf401_potato/i386/ to your sources.list).

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: du and df not in sync?

2001-01-28 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED],
#   du reports 110M in / filesystem and df reports 649M used - that's
# quite a difference. I have just ran apt-get clean (before that df
# reported 97% used on /), is it possible that df does not use up to
# info? Is there anything I need to do before df reports current state
# (which I think is 110M used)?

You could try to 'sync' before the 'df'. I imagine that would clean up
the discrepancy. However, this does seem like a big - you might want to
contact the appropriate people(in this case, the 'df' author(s)).

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: X troubles (serious) with testing/woody

2001-01-28 Thread David B . Harris
To quote RAccess [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# P.S. As topic indicates, this is a woody/testing box.

Unless I'm mistaken, you can use the task-x-window-system package to
install X. Since you've uninstalled everything, this is probably your
safest bet.

Keep in mind there are, as of yet, no GUI tools to configure XFree

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Unable to install LILO

2001-01-27 Thread David B . Harris
To quote John Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I've tried following Debian's suggestion to place a
# small /boot partition at the beginning of the disk,
# but that hasn't helped, either. Has anyone run into
# and been able to fix this?

Please include your lilo.conf and any errors you received.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: fstab entry for cd-rw device?

2001-01-27 Thread David B . Harris
Try adding the following parameters to your kernel:

ignore=hdc hdc=ide-scsi

You can do this with lilo.conf's: 

append=ignore=hdc hdc=ide-scsi

Or right at the boot prompt.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: directory size?

2001-01-27 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Mike Egglestone [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# How do you find how big a directory is?

The 'du' command is probably what you're looking for. The '-h', '-c',
and '--max-depth=1' are popular options.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Magic cookies and running programs under X as root

2001-01-27 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Christopher R. Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I guess tonight I finally want to get around to figuring out how to
stop this
# from happening. What do I do so I can run programs as root?

There are two solutions, that I know of. 'xhost' changes the access
controls for the $DISPLAY under which it's run.

'xhost +' removes all protection - anyone can access your display.
'xhost +localhost' lets only local users(but any of those) access your

You're probably looking for the second option. 'man xhost' for more

The second way I know how to do it is to set $XAUTHORITY to the
user's(the one who started the X session) ~/.Xauthority. So, my login is
david, I start an X session, 'su' to root, and then:

export XAUTHORITY=/home/david/.Xauthority

If that .Xauthority file is readable by the user who wants to open a
connection(in your case, it's root, so you know it's readable), then X
will accept the connection.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: About Debian documentation

2001-01-26 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Dr. Aldo Medina [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# For example, Why are so many packages from older version of programs.
# For example X-chat, wwwoffle ,ncftp and even XFree's packages are from
# very old versions of the actual programs.
# I believe dpkg is the absolute best in terms of packaging system (I
# from RedHat's rpm). That's why I think twice to install a new non-deb
# version of some program, even when I need some of the new features
# XFree 4). So what do you recommend?

Debian is split up into three distributions: Potato/stable,
Woody/testing, Sid/unstable. Potato is the stable distribution, and is
generally meant for servers. When you install Potato, you can be sure
that nothing will be changed out from underneath you. You can run
'apt-get update  apt-get upgrade' without worry.

Woody/testing and Sid/unstable are generally what people run on their
desktops. Woody is safer than Sid, in that new/updated packages are
uploaded to the Sid repositories before they're automatically added to
Woody(a few conditions have to be met; the package in Sid can't have
been updated for at least two weeks, the package in Sid has to have a
lesser or equal number of bugs, and a few other things). Woody is
actually fairly up-to-date. glibc 2.2, GNOME 1.2, KDE2, lots of goodies.
XFree86 4.0.x hasn't made it in, and the Linux kernel 2.4.0 hasn't been
packaged yet. Sid has XFree86 4.0.2, but the kernel is still 2.2.x.
However, you can upgrade to 2.4.0 easily(if you run Sid).

So, if you want more recent packages, you should change all references
to stable or potato in your /etc/apt/sources.list to either
testing or unstable.

You can also add a deb-src line in your /etc/apt/sources.list pointing
to unstable. Then, whenever you 'apt-get source package', you'll be
getting the unstable version of that package. You can then use
'dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b' (as root, in the directory(ies) created by
the 'apt-get source') to get binary .debs for your system. This isn't a
guaranteed solution, but it has always worked for me.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Upgrade process halted

2001-01-26 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Brian Furry [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# How do you find out which packages are not mission critical vs which
# are optional so the non-essential packages could be purged to allow
# upgrade to
# finish.

There are some semi-automated tools to do this(deborphan comes to
mind), but there's no substitude for system administrator knowledge.
Your best bet would be to use a tool like 'dselect' or 'stormpkg', to go
through the list of installed packages, reading the titles and
descriptions, and deciding which ones  you need, and which ones you can
chuck out the window.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: about stable and unstable

2001-01-26 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Xucaen [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I am running stable as my primary operating
# system. I needed something stable to learn from.
# and actually I am very happy with it so far. 
# (even tho I have been posting like a mad man! 
# ;-)

Good plan. :)

# On that note, is testing available on CD, or
# perhaps I should simply upgrade to testing from
# stable? comments? suggestions??

No CDs are available, you just install a base Potato system, then
'apt-get -fu dist-upgrade' after editing your /etc/apt/sources.list .
It's usually a bumpy ride.

# ahhh.. so maybe this is how I can do it?
# will this upgrade stable to testing? Or upgrade
# stable to unstable? which is more fun to play
# with?  :-)

'testing' is probably what you want. Whether you upgrade to testing or
unstable is detemined by whether you reference testing or unstable
in /etc/apt/sources.list.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: kernel 2.4 woes

2001-01-26 Thread David B . Harris
# Dear All,
# Having successfully compiled 2.4 for my desktop PC (a Compaq Deskpro
# w/ 500 mhz Penium), I decided to do the same for my laptop (compaq
# armada with 233 mhz mmx). Everything seemed to be going happily until
# I tried to boot (after editing lilo.conf and running lilo -v),
# whereupon the computer loaded the kernel, announced 'Ok, booting the
# kernel', and stopped dead in its tracks. I have the uptodate versions
# of ppp, modutils and so forth, and am (against advice) compiling under
# gcc 2.95, which produced no problems on the desktop machine.
# Has this happened to anyone else. Any advice? I was tempted to think
# that it was something wrong with lilo, until I noticed that the
# version on the laptop was actually more recent than the desktop,

Double-check that the CPU type is set properly in the kernel config. It
defaults to Pentium III, and I forgot to set it to what I wanted a few
times ;)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: fstab entry for cd-rw device?

2001-01-26 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# If you know way to use CD-RW disk on /dev/scd0 with harddisk like 
# R/W access, let me know.  I am sceptical though.

There is currently a patch available for the kernel which allows just
that. I am not completely sure of the name, but I know it's hosted on
Sourceforge, and it has something to do with packet-writing and UDF :)

Hope that helps.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: diskless gateway/firewall ?

2001-01-26 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Chris Majewski [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
# Anyone have experience with diskless installations? Any

I strongly recomment the Linux Router Project which, if I'm not
mistaken, was at some point a descendant of Debian(but I'm not sure).
Check out , or . The
second(notice the 0(zero) there) seems to be more up-to-date, and has
many resources.

Alternatively, you could use Coyote Linux(dunno URL, check freshmeat).
It's LRP-based, and I've had success with this. Easy to set up.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Help! How to find ext2fs on disk

2001-01-26 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Christian Pernegger [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# The file system must still be valid, save for the first superblock
# perhaps - how can I find its beginning and end? I'd just like to get
# the data out...

Check out 'gpart'. I know it's apt-gettable from Debian unstable, and
I'm sure a google/freshmeat search will turn up the homepage.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: xinitrc isn't being read??

2001-01-25 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Xucaen [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I created ~/.xsession and added the line

Try 'chmod +x ~/.xsession'.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Console question (2x)

2001-01-25 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Brooks R. Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED],
#  Incidentally, X uses the next free tty. So if you have 'getty's up
#  tty11, X will be on tty12.
#   I was under the impression that X had tty7 hardcoded into it (or was
# xdm?)

Nope, neither. It just uses the next available tty. From 'X --help', you
can see that there's an option: 

vtXX   use the specified VT number

So, you could even force it to use a particular tty.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: ~/.xsession causes X to restart (infinite loop)

2001-01-25 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Xucaen [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hi all..
# here's what's happening:
# I created ~/.xsession and it causes X to restart
# immediately upon login (I type my password, hit
# return(enter) and poof! the screen flickers and
# I'm prompted again for user name and password)
# I've tried about 5 different variations of the
# contents of ~/.xsession, including all lines
# commented out.

You know, it *might* be useful to include your .xsession.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: SOLVED: Re: ~/.xsession causes X to restart (infinite loop)

2001-01-25 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Xucaen [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hi all..
# thanks foir all your help, because of you I
# figured it out.
# for some reason, fvwm starts automatically (I
# haven't figured out why)
# and when I created my .xsession, fvwm no longer
# loaded, so I had to load it myself from my
# .xsession script.
# so now my last line of my .xsession is:
# exec fvwm 
# and all is well.  :-)
# does anyone know why creating .xsession causes
# fvwm to NOT load anymore? I'd really like to know
# why

There is something like a default .xsession . Now, if you have your own,
it doesn't run that one, it runs yours. If it tried to run the default
one too, you might end up having two window managers fighting over the
desktop, and things like that.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: apt-get install / remove / install looses files

2001-01-25 Thread David B . Harris
To quote hanasaki [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I did an:
# apt-get install squid
# messed some things up
# apt-get remove squid
# rm /etc/squid.conf since it was left behind
# apt-get install squid
# /etc/squid.conf was not installed this time.
# How do i get squid to fully install again?

'dpkg -r --purge squid' or maybe just 'dpkg --purge squid'.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: [Fwd: ~New~ installation questions]

2001-01-25 Thread David B . Harris
To quote C-Cose Masters [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I'm about to re-install Stormix Hail after several unsuccessful
attempts to
# install and upgrade the Rain version. I've also invested in VMware, so
I will be
# completely formatting my HD, and installing W98 as a Guest OS through
VM. As
# this will be my ?teenth attempt at installing debian, I'd like to get
# advice from all the gurus out there.

I'm only speaking for myself, and not for everyone here.

But this is debian-user. You're using a Storm Linux, a commercial
distribution. Don't you think you should contact your vendor for

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: internet connection sharing

2001-01-24 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Omar Shuja Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# hi
# i have recently installed a network of to Linux boxes.
# one of them is a working dial up machine. i want to
# share the internet connection with the other Linux box
# also. please tell me what is the whole procedure for
# doing this.

There is very good documentation available for this. Check out . You want the IP Masquerading HOWTO or
something like that. It's a fairly involved procedure.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Cant create module dependencies

2001-01-24 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Hammurabi Mendes [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I was using the default kernel of potato, but after I installed 2.4.0,
# I can't build my modules.dep file for this kernel version, even
# using depmod -a. (The system automatically does that in the boot
# process too).
# In fact, the file is created, *empty*. I'm worried because I would
# that dependencies to use modprobe and run sound modules on demand.

Read Documentation/Changes in the kernel source tree. It'll tell you
what versions of which packages(like modutils) that you need.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Console question (2x)

2001-01-24 Thread David B . Harris
To quote RAccess [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# 1. I have heard that its possible to run console in multiple
# How do I do this in debian, specifically?

One way is to compile framebuffer support into your kernel. Read
/path/to/linux/source/Documentation/fb/* . Probably vesafb.txt .

# 2. How can I have more console windows than the default 6? I want to
# up tty7 and above used for X. Also, what happens if I want more
# than 12? There are only 12 function keys!

Take a look at /etc/inittab . You'll see a bunch of lines that look

6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

Add new lines, simply changing the very first and the very last numbers,

7:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty7

That'll give you a seventh console. Continue to taste :) As far as
having more than 12, I don't know about that. Maybe using left alt will
allow you to use another set. But why would you want so many?

Incidentally, X uses the next free tty. So if you have 'getty's up to
tty11, X will be on tty12.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Still no Konqueror kookies w/o KDE running in Sid

2001-01-24 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Steve Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I'm up to the KDE 2.1-beta2-2 binaries and Konqueror still ignores
# unless the KDE environment is running.
# Should I clear out my KDE settings or is it just not fixed yet?  Is it

# definitely reported as a bug to

I've already reported it to , and I imagine
the KDE2 maintainer has already forwarded it to the KDE2 developers.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Compiling X4.0.2

2001-01-23 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# now we're at it, where does one get the Debian Packaged distribution
# Xfree86 4.0.2 ?

I can't remember off the top of my head, by all you need to do is add a
line to your /etc/apt/sources.list . Search Google for deb; or somesuch. I'm pretty sure that's
how the sources.list line started.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: mkisofs

2001-01-23 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Benjamin Pharr [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I'm trying to make an iso of a directory structure on my hard drive
# mkisofs.  I have Rock Ridge and Joliet enabled (along with a few other

# things), but it gives me an error saying the files with the same name,
# in different directories have the same Rock Ridge name.  Then it says 
# Unable to sort directory.  Anybody know what is going on?

Since people seems to be putting down Joilet and Rock Ridge, I figured
I'd mention that I've successfully created numerous images where both
types of extensions were enabled.

Never had any errors, though :(

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Debian Newbie

2001-01-23 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Vittorio De Martino [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I've been using RedHat 6.2 and 7.0 for about a year and now I think
I'm ready 
# to have a go at some other Linux distro.  Being fascinated by Debian 
# stability and real Open Source nature I put the following
# preliminary questions:
# Migrating to Debian potato can I have a USB working 
# support (for an Epson  scanner)  as I have now  automatically set up
# RH7?
# Is there any user-friendly utility to setup X  (I'm using KDE2 at this
# moment)? 

As of now, the kernel which will be installed on your system would be I have no idea what that is :) I know that it's
more recent than 2.2.18pre21, which was what it was the last time I
installed Debian. So you'll have USB support.

As far as a user-friendly utility to set up X, I don't know. There's
XF86Setup, that comes with XFree86 3.3.6. I find that fairly intuitive.
If you upgrade to 4.0.1(or 2), there's a walkthrough shell
script(xf86config) which'll get you started. However, you might need to
manually tinker with the XF86Config-4 file.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: This is too strange.

2001-01-23 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Bill Shui [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# You don't exist, go away!
# I have checked my /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files.
# they are in the right format.

I don't know what's going on, but if you reboot, you can get into a
shell by adding init=/bin/bash as a parameter to your kernel. For
instance, at the LILO prompt, you could type:

linux init=/bin/bash

Which would drop you to a bash shell, without asking you to log in.

As far as not existing, double-check that there's a root account in

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Compiling X4.0.2

2001-01-23 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# that would be BUT this is a
# pre-lease version that was distributed there temporarly.
# I'm looking for the real thing.
# That's in the dists/pool but i'm not sure on how to get it out of
there with
# dselect and/or apt.

That isn't what I was meant. Go to ,
and you can see that they've got both XFree86 4.0.1 and 4.0.2 there,
packaged for Potato.

If you want the real thing, you can either upgrade to Sid(unstable),
or temporarily add a deb-src line pointing to unstable and then apt-get
source X packages. Compile from there. I wouldn't suggest it, though.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: (sans sujet)

2001-01-23 Thread David B . Harris
# je voudrais svp les drivers de la cartes jazzmultimedia rush 3d
# pour windows   
# 98 2nd edition 
# je vous remercis d avance.

Cete liste est pour Debian Linux, alors ce n'est pas un place ou vous
demand des questions du Windows.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: adding Windoze

2001-01-22 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Glenn Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Although it grieves me to say so, there are a couple of Windows-only
# I'd love to run ... specifically the XML IDE XMLSpy, and a couple of
# Chinese-language applications. 

If you're willing to do a little work, you might consider Win4Lin. Nice
app, I've used it before. Runs Windows in a window, at near-native
speed. It doesn't quite support everything, though(like DriectX), but
for what you can run(almost any app), it does it well.

Aside from that, you might consider making a LILO diskette. Just do
'lilo -b /dev/fd0', reboot, and double-check that it works. Then you can
let Windows overwrite your MBR, boot into Linux using the LILO diskette,
add a lilo.conf entry for Windows, re-run LILO(without the -b /dev/fd0
option), and there ya go. :) LILO in the MBR, Windows in its place.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Compiling X4.0.2

2001-01-22 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Cameron Matheson [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hey,
# I just compiled X4, but after I did make install  install.log I
checked the log, and it bailed because I don't have -lz.  What package
is this library in?  (or where can I download it?).  Also, I'm trying to
install emacs, X, etc.  Someone told me I could if I put the packages on
hold, but it still won't let me install without install
xfree86-common/xlib6g.  Please help me.

'z' is probably zlib. I've got the zlib1g and zlib1g-dev packages,
which are probably what you'r looking for.

Incidentally, you shouldn't compile from source if there's a package
available for what you want(and, of course, XFree86 is packaged). If you
*must* compile from source, then do it with a source package, 'apt-get
source package(s)', then go into whichever directory it created, and
do a 'dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b'(as root). If you need a package out of
unstable, make a deb-src entry in sources.list pointing to Unstable, and
then do the above process for it.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Can't run freshly compiled X

2001-01-22 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Cameron Matheson [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hey,
# I just finished compiling X4.0.2, but now when I try to run it, it
# Fatal server error:
# could not open default font 'fixed'

a) Used packaged wherever possible. Compiled-from-source packages are
are *much* better than just doing a './configure; make; make install'.
b) You need the xfonts-base package.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: No available ptys

2001-01-21 Thread David B . Harris
# drwxr-xr-x rootroot0 Jan 21 13:08:32 2001 pts

Looks like you're running 2.4.0, with devfs enables and mounted.

Don't use devfs unless you're read the documentation(not sure where it
is, check /usr/src/linux/Documentation ).

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: 2 kernels on the same machine

2001-01-21 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Philipp Bliedung [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hi,
# Can I use two kernels (for example 2.4 and 2.2.17) on the same
# I mean can I use kernel 2.2.17 as the normal kernel I boot with and
# then still compile kernels in the 2.4 version (not for this computer
# for others)  - or will with cause more problems than it would solve?
# Will there be any problem when I have two kernel sources in  /usr/src?
# Will there be any conflicts with the modules of either version?
# Does anybody know any site where I can find information about this?

Yes and no. You can have more than one kernel stored on a machine at any
one time, and with some special software, you can even have more than
one kernel *running* at the same time.

Watch how you compile your kernel, though. Don't use 'make install' or
anything that'll install anything anywhere(except maybe 'make
modules_install'). To make the kernel, just do 'make bzImage'. Not 'make
install' or 'make lilo' or anything like it. Your kernel will be in
/usr/src/linux-version, or wherever you unpacked the
source/arch/i386/boot/bzImage(assuming you're on an Intel-compat

Now, I don't know if you can compile kernels for other machines without
some special work. For instance, if your other machine(s) are different
architectures(ie: PowerPC as opposed to Intel-compat), then you'll have
to set up a cross-compiling environment. There are other concerns,
though, even if your host architecture(where you build the kernel) and
target architecture(where the kernel will be used) are the same. Try it
to find out, though :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Krumbled konqueror kookies (new Sid version ignores cookies!)

2001-01-21 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Steve Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# When I let dselect upgrade my kde packages on Jan. 18th Konqueror
# handling cookies.

I had the same problem, and I filed a bug report on it. Konqueror uses
cookies fine when 'startkde' is running(ie: then entire KDE destop), but
not when it's run standalone. Hopefully it'll be fixed for the next

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Driver for DSL Modem

2001-01-21 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Ken Weingold [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# AFAIK, all Linux would need to support is the NIC.  Does BellSouth use
# pppoe?  If so, Roaring Penguin's pppoe for Linux is AWESOME.  Painless
# install.

If indeed it's just a NIC. Sounds like it's an internal(PCI) ADSL modem.
Not a standalone box.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: possible move to unstable..

2001-01-21 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Marcial Zamora III [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# hey all.. I know this mite stir up a great deal of debate, but its not
my intention.. Im currently running potato, and thinking bout running
unstable.. there are quite a few packages I would like to have in
unstable, and I know ahead of time, to successfully install those
packages, there are others in the same directory tree that I would
need.. from wut I have seen in the entries in the mailing list so far,
unstable is not really that *unstable*. The only real concern I think I
would have is the move from Xfree86 3.3.6 to 4.0.2.. any of you guys
have any input on this ? or any recommendations as to wut to do ahead of
time, before I decided to go with a dist-upgrade ? to all who respond, I
thank you in advance  =)

Well, there are a few things you can do;

a) Add a deb-src entry in sources.list pointing to unstable, then
'apt-get source package that you want', then go into the newly created
directory and(as root) 'dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b'. That'll give you a
nice binary .deb built for your platform. This isn't guaranteed to
work(since you're compiling a Sid package on a Potato machine), but it's
always worked for me.
b) Upgrade to Sid(unstable). It runs fine on my machine, but there are
two things you should worry about: the upgrading process itself seems to
be touchy - so you might run into trouble there. If you jump that hurdle
though, you're probably set. The second thing is that you should be
familiar with system recovery. For instance, a new LILO package was
uploaded to Sid recently, and it made more than one machine unbootable.
So, you should be able to restore things on your own. Also keep backups.
:) Also, if something breaks, people are much less likely to sympathize
with you, since you're running Sid(unstable), and you should know better
c) Upgrade to Woody(testing). Woody is the new in-between
distribution, which is supposed to be more stable then Sid. For
instance, the broken LILO package never made it into Woody. This is what
I suggest to most people who ask about the different versions.
Woody/testing is a nice compromise - you get relatively up-to-date
packages, and your system isn't nearly as likely to die because of it.
Currently, Woody is using XFree86 3.3.6, so if you upgrade to Woody, you
won't need to worry about 4.0.2 yet. Hopefully, by the time 4.0.2 gets
into Woody, a nicer setup program will exist(since the 3.3.6 and 4.0.2
config files are vastly different). Right now, there's 'xf86config',
which is an admirable stop-gap measure, but it's not right for at least
60% or the users out there.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: gnome-session messed up in Woody?

2001-01-21 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Pollywog [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I have a problem starting gnome-session in Woody.
# Formerly, I just had 
# exec gnome-session
# in my ~/.xinitrc  but now I also have to put
# panel 
# in .xinitrc or I don't get the panel.  Is anyone else having this
# problem with helix-gnome in Woody?

Can't say as I have. But maybe if you Save Session in Foot Menu -
Settings - Session, it'll save the panel for you(and if you do that, be
sure to remove 'panel ' from your .xinitrc, or it will whine very

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Fw: Re: gnome-session messed up in Woody?

2001-01-21 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Pollywog [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Thanks, that did the trick.  I must have fried the settings when my
# machine locked up a few sessions ago.

I find 'gnome-session' buggy.

For quite a long time, I've been running without it. When I was using
the panel, I just added 'panel ' to my .xinitrc(actually, not that, but
an equivalent). I set my background in the same script. I set everything
that 'gnome-session' would normally do manually, and I havn't looked
back since. I notice that the system is generally more responsive.

However, it should be noted that things like mouse settings and keyboard
repeat rates can't be set in the Gnome Control Center if you don't use

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: apt-get update from cron?

2001-01-21 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Jonathan D. Proulx [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# In this context I've been kicking around the idea of running
# apt-get update  /dev/null  apt-get -qq -y upgrade
# from /etc/cron.daily
# I'm wondering if anyone else is doing this and what the experience has
# been.

I guess it depends on which Debian distribution you track, and how much
you trust the packagers. I'd consider doing that on my home desktop
computer(but I don't), but I would never think about setting it up on
all the workstations at work. Too much risk.

However, if you made your own little apt repository, and made all the
workstations' sources.lists point there instead of the regular Debian
ones, you can test packages before you put them on the workstations.
When you're sure they're done, drop them into your local repository, and
off they go.

# I'm somewhat concerned that this may happen from cron as well, but
# these systems will be intel boxen with heads (atleast mostly).

It's never a good thing to wholly automate workstation upgrades. You
should at least check the packages yourself, and *then* let the
workstations have them.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: apt-get update from cron?

2001-01-21 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Jonathan D. Proulx [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Is there a way to tell apt-get to do an upgrade from limited sources
# (my local repository), without juggling /etc/apt/sources.list (I could
# move it swap in a different safe version, update, upgrade, swap
# back)

Well, you'd set up your testing workstation(s) with a regular
sources.list, pointing to the regular Debian repositories. 'apt-get
update  apt-get dist-upgrade' them manually, and check for problems.

Now, for the bulk of your workstations, I'd make their sources.list
contain only one line; the line pointing to your own server. On that
server, you'd have a repository(complete with Packages.gz and friends)
which would have the packages you know are good. I don't know how to
make such a repository, but I'm sure the tools are around. Packages[.gz]
has to be generated somehow ;)

That way, you can make the bulk of your workstations 'apt-get update 
apt-get -qq -y upgrade'(or whatever flags you prefer) nightly,
automatically, and you can be sure the install will go well.

# The other alternative is a flat NFS directory with .debs for security
# fixes and a dpkg --selected-only --skip-same-version
# --refuse-downgrade --install /deb/repository/* in cron.

For a quick fix, that's what I'd do right there.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: cant compile gtk theme

2001-01-20 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Marcial Zamora III [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# hey all. im tryin to install a gtk theme from source, and am getting
this error:
# checking for gtk-config... no
# checking for GTK - version = 1.2.0... no
# *** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found
# *** If GTK was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
# *** your path, or set the GTK_CONFIG environment variable to the
# *** full path to gtk-config.
# configure: error: *** GTK 1.2 not installed - please install first ***
# I am running potato, and do have libgtk1.2 installed, along with
gtk-engines-pixmaps package as well..
# any ideas ? new to debian, so any input would be appreciated  =)

There are lots of extra things you need to compile. Headers, little
config programs, you name it, it's required. Rather than include all
those extra things in the libgtk1.2 package, it's seperated -
libgtk1.2-dev is what you're looking for. So, to compile an app that
uses libgtk1.2 , you'll need libgtk1.2-dev . This is the same for most
library-like packages - they'll also have a -dev package which you can
use to compile apps that use that library.

Incidentally, compiling and installing from source into your regular
system is generally not a good idea. You should seperate those packages
which you compile and install yourself. Add something like
'--prefix=/extras --sysconfdir=/extras/etc' to the ./configure command.
That'll likely keep the package management system happy.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: X config errors, boot issues

2001-01-20 Thread David B . Harris
# I have a couple of issues to resolve now with my Debian installation:
# 1)  I commented out the tulip module in /etc/modules, but when I boot
# it still tries to config eth0.  This is currently a problem (I must
# wait for it to time-out) because I moved my computer and have no
# ethernet network available now.  How can I make it not load the
# module?

Check /etc/network/interfaces - there's probably still an entry there
for eth0. Try commenting it out(the entire section that deals with

# 2)  I have a zip drive, /dev/hdd.  I told it not to mount a boot-time
# in /etc/fstab.  It doesn't, but if a disk isn't in when the kernel
# does the Partition Check, it will sit in an infinite lost interrupt
# loop.  Even if I put a disk in, it won't work until I force a reboot.
# When I had RH6.1 this wasn't a problem (I think kernel 2.2.12) -- it
# would try the check, get a time out and then ignore the disk.  (I
# could mount a disk later with no trouble)  When I upgraded to RH7
# (kernel 2.2.16) the problem began.  Debian (Potato) has the same
# problem (kernel 2.2.18, normal).  How can I have the startup ignore
# the zip drive if no disk is present?  (IDE drive)

Other then having noauto as an option to the entry in /etc/fstab , I

# 3)  X looks horrible and GNOME has problems.  I copied my XF86Config
# file from RH7 which was a copy form RH6.1 which worked great in both
# RH's.  In Debian the startup screen (gdm) looks ugly (seems to be low
# res and low color).  When I log in (all dot files copied from RH
# system) my background (wallpaper) looks fine -- right size and color.
# XMMS looks fine too.  Gnome-terminal is huge with a large
# coarse-grained font.  Gnome-panel segfaults repeatedly on startup.
# With my RH system I had upgraded to a much newer version of gnome-*.
# Could this be the cause of my problems (as in newer config files not
# being understood)?

It could be any number of things, all resolving around the config files
:) Could be that they're too new - could be that they're trying to
access panel applets that you havn't got installed any more. You name
it, it's possible.

# 4)  Also, it is rather ridiculous to have to log in to halt or reboot
# the computer.  How can I add the Shutdown/Restart option to gdm?

Don't know about that - maye you need a newer version of GDM?

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: apt-move question/problem

2001-01-19 Thread David B . Harris
To quote John Covici [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hi.  I have two machines and I would like to avoid downloading the
# same debian packages for each one since I have a slow connection.  I
# want to use apt-move to make a mirror out of one machine and use it
# for both machines to avoid duplicate downloads.
# I did get it working (sort of), but I want to mirror both the unstable
# and the unstable/non-us distributions -- can I do this or is there a
# better way to go about this?

I had the same issue, but all I did was export the
/var/cache/apt/archives/ through NFS, and then the other machine would
mount it as their own. Pretty simple, and it seems to work. Everything
was then shared.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Problem installing Debian.

2001-01-19 Thread David B . Harris
To quote [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefan Möller),
# After rebooting the system, my computer restarts after the message:
# 'warning: unable to open an initial console'

I can't solve your problem, but I might be able to point you in the
right direction. The only time I've ever seen that error what when I
accidentally hosed /dev (completely, all files were gone).

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: how NOT to start x-session but x-window-manager instead

2001-01-19 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED],
#   I would like to start up x-window-manager instead. How to properly
# configure this in debian? remove all alternatives for
# x-session-manager?

If you're using 'startx', you can edit your ~/.xinitrc , and make it
executable(if it isn't already). It's a regular script - #!/bin/sh or
whatever else you'd like ;) So, if you wanted to use KDE2, it'd look

exec startkde

And there ya go ;) For me, it's rather more complex, as I use Sawfish
standalone, but for GNOME it'd be:

exec gnome-sessionn

And unless I'm wrong, you should be able to use whatever program you
want for ~/.xinitrc . Maybe I'll use some Python, play for a bit ;)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Why choose Debian?

2001-01-19 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Bill Wohler [EMAIL PROTECTED],
#   1) The package manager.

Speaking of packages, I think this should be raised.

In general, I find that the quality of Debian packages is better than
most others. Why?

With most distributions, managers are forced to make a compromise -
spend more time packaging very popular software, and less time packaging
less popular software, or spread out the available resources for all
packages. For the former, you'll end up with some very good packages,
but you'll also end up with lots more that are mediocre, at best. In the
latter case, you'll end up with a bunch of mediocre packages. When you
pay your packagers and rely on those packagers for your distribution,
you have finite resources to work with.

Debian is really a community - in essence, a community of packagers.
While there are only a few dozen dedicated packagers(who will package
anything and everything, and things that everyone uses, like libc and
such), there are hundreds of packagers who only package the program(s)
they want to. The ones they use, day to day.

What you end up with is a nice, even quality to the packages. The
less-popular packages are still packaged by someone who uses it -
they'll give just as much attention to detail with their pet package
as someone who's packaging 'util-linux' or 'file-utils' would. The best
of both worlds - you have a good, solid, base system of well-packaged
popular software, and you have hundreds(thousands!) of other
less-popular software packaged to the same standards and quality.

There is also the issue of updating. A distribution maker must expend
enourmous resources into making the next version of their distribution.
They also must expend resources to keep their most current distribution
up-to-date with the rest of the world. Let's look at Red Hat for an
example. Aside from security fixes, when was the last time you were able
to update to the latest GNOME desktop, using packages specifically
designed for your distribution's version, from you distribuion vendor?
Not very often, I can tell you. And they can't be blamed for that,
either. For some things, it can be a near-full-time job for twenty or
thrity packages. Considering a modern Linux distribution comes with
thousands of packages, this is obviously a time-consuming prospect.

Now, the single-package Debian Maintainer probably wants to have the
latest usable version of his pet program. Since they will most likely
want it in packaged format, they'll make a package of it. Since they've
made a package of it, they'll likely upload it to a Debian
repository(destined for the unstable branch of Debian, of course). Tada!
Everyone now has access to that new, updated program, straight from the
maintainer who originally packaged it(or, a new maintainer if the old
maintainer decided to give up the reins[sp?]).

I'm rambling a bit. Sorry, I'm tired. Maybe I'll write an essay :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: how NOT to start x-session but x-window-manager instead

2001-01-19 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED],
#   I know I can do it that way (for xdm or startx) but I don't want to
# completely override nice debian system of startup... we have these
# x-session-managers and x-window-managers etc. and I would like to
# how to work within this system, I now how to use update-alternatives
# use one or another x-session-manager or x-window-manager but how to
# choose x-window-manager over x-session-manager during X startup -
# a question. brief poking around shows no obvious way to do it other
# remove all the x-session-manager alternatives... not very elegant...

You're right. That's very ugly. :) You didn't mention, though, how you
start X. Do you concistently use any graphical login manager(s)? Which
one(s)? Or do you tend to use 'startx'?

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: can't ssh into box anymore

2001-01-18 Thread David B . Harris
To quote John F. Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hello
# I tried to connect to the box from a machine which I have never
# used as a client before.  It failed also.

Please be more specific with your problem. What versions of SSH are on
each machine? What operating systems are on each machine? Include any
relevant configuration files as attachments(so long as they're not

P.S.: I'm betting you're trying to log in as root. If this is the
case, then you must un-comment the PermitRootLogin yes line in
/etc/ssh/sshd_config .

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: expand the man page ??

2001-01-18 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Marcial Zamora III [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# hey wusup yall ? recently converted from using Red Crap for a year,
and am loving debian so far  =)
# I use a res of 1280x1024 in X.. when I open rxvt, and then a man page
inside it, the man page only takes up half of the width of the
# or thereabouts anyway.. is there somethin I can change in an rcfile
somewhere, to where it will auto expand to take up the full width ?
# by the way, apt-get rules  =)

I'm actually curious about this too :) Never did think to ask, though ;)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Can't use X as root

2001-01-18 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Ray Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# When I try to launch a X application as root it tells me the
# client can not connect to the server. It is a stock 2.2 X install
# does anyone have any thoughts on the subject? Thanks Ray

You can either:
a) As the user who started the X session, run 'xhost +localhost'. It is
very important that this is run by the user who started the session :)
b) Set the XAUTHORITY variable to /home/user who started
session/.Xauthority . For instance, 'set
XAUTHORITY=/home/user/.Xauthority; export XAUTHORITY'.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: cdrecord problems

2001-01-17 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Benjamin Pharr [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I'm still having difficulties getting my cd writer to work.  Here is
# I've done so far:
# Recompiled my (2.4.0) kernel with scsi-emulation and scsi 
# support.  IDE-CDROM support is compiled in statically.
# 1. apt-get install cdrecord
# 2. Added append=hdd=ide-scsi to my /etc/lilo.conf
# 3. Ran lilo
# 4. Added alias scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi to /etc/modutils/aliases
# 5. Ran update-modules
# When I reboot everything seems to load just fine, no errors or
anything.  I 
# get the following messages at boot time:
# . . .
# ide_setup: hdd=ide-scsi
# . . .
# When I run cdrecord -scanbus I still get no devices.  If I comment
# the append in lilo.conf hdd is mentioned once more at boot time, so 
# something is happening, I'm just not sure what.  Can anyone help me
# this thing fixed?  Thanks in advance!

Before people start telling you to not compile-in IDE-CDROM support, to
start adding lines to lilo.conf etc., here's what I did; In the
appropriate section of lilo.conf, I added:

append = ignore=hdd hdd=ide-scsi

The ignore=hdd tells the IDE code to ignore HDD. Trust me, it works. I
know you're probably pissed at everyone else telling you to do different
things, but please try this. It should work. If it doesn't, *please* let
me know. :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Do i REALLY have to install kde to get something close to say outlook
# express (i know, i know, but it beats any linux mua i've seen)

No, you don't - not in my experience.

Currently, for me, Sylpheed is in the sweet spot. It has all the
features I use(filtering, newgroup reading/posting, multiple account
support, etc., etc.), and none of the features I don't work(calandering,
HTML, you name it).

Check it out. It's GTK+ based, not GNOME-based, so you don't have to
install too much. GTK+, of course. :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Cliff Sarginson [EMAIL PROTECTED],
#  To quote Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED],
#  # Do i REALLY have to install kde to get something close to say
#  # express (i know, i know, but it beats any linux mua i've seen)
#  No, you don't - not in my experience.
#  Currently, for me, Sylpheed is in the sweet spot. It has all the
#  features I use(filtering, newgroup reading/posting, multiple account
#  support, etc., etc.), and none of the features I don't
#  HTML, you name it).
# Only problem is it uses MH mail format... :(

Depending on why you think that's a problem, it might not be ;) I've
long hated mail apps that munge my stuff. If it's in 'mbox' format,
leave it alone. :) Anyways, check out the 'nmh' package. It has lots of
tools used with MH-format directories. Very useful. Procmail also
support MH-format folders too.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: fetching source/recompiling all my packages

2001-01-17 Thread David B . Harris
# It might, but if it does, it won't do it cleanly. It's not really 
# designed for it.
# dpkg -l|awk '{print $2}'
# can't be made part of a script, because dpkg cuts off filenames
# after a certain length. So you get things like 'netscape-base-',
# 'libstdc++2.10-', and 'communicator-s' twice. Anyway to change
# get a list of the _full_ filenames of all packages from the
# command line?

Yeah, 'dpkg-awk' will show you all your installed packages. 'grep' and
'awk' to suit.

# You would need to grab the source for each package you have,
# compile it into a .deb, then install, I think. Yes? 'apt-get
# source --compile package' will not place things into a nice
# neat tree, either. You would end up with a directory filled with
# tons of 'package-version' directories, as well as the diff's and 
# original source.

I'd suggest something like:

mkdir -p /tmp/temporary-build-area
mkdir -p /tmp/termporary-package-area
cd /tmp/temporary-build-area
for i in `dpkg-awk | grep Package | awk '{print $2}'`; do
apt-get -b source $i
mv *.deb /tmp/temporary-package-area
rm -rf *

However, 'dpkg-awk | grep Package' occasionally gives more than just
package names(ie: any line with the word Package in it ;). So the
output would have to be put into a file and then edited manually.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Question regarding upgrade potato - testing

2001-01-17 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Viktor Rosenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# 98 packages upgraded, 11 newly installed, 2 to remove and 2 not
# upgraded.
# Need to get 51.6MB of archives. After unpacking 34.8MB will be used.
# Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n
# Abort.
# My questions are:
# 1) There are only 11 new packages in woody?  After almost one year of
# the potato feature freeze?  Granted, I do not have much software
# installed, but I would figure that there would be more to upgrade.

Look more closely ;) 98 packages upgraded. :) 11 will be newly
installed, but there are 98 upgrades. Seems reasonable if you don't have
a whole lot installed. 'apt-get -u dist-upgrade' will show you all the
packages that will be upgraded, too.

# 3) What's meant by kept back packages?

If there is a bit of a dependancy problem, like a new package requiring
the removal of an old package(or something like that, not sure), the new
package will be kept back. Use 'apt-get -f -u dist-upgrade', -f
means fix dependancies.

# 4) How can I get a list of all packages installed (including version
# information)?

You can use either 'dpkg -l' or 'dpkg-awk' for more verbose output. 'man
dpkg' for useful information.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: KDE2 and login screen blanking

2001-01-17 Thread David B . Harris
To quote [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dean Allen Provins),
# Hello:
# I have KDE2 as the X display manager using an ATI rage128 card, but
# cannot get the login screen to blank.
# I've set xset to 10 minutes, but nothing happens at the end of the
# interval.

'xset' only works for the current X session, it it has to be run each
time your display manager starts up. You can also edit
/etc/X11/XF86Config[-4] to accomplish the same. 'man XF86Config' or 'man
XF86Config-4' for information.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: dropped out of potato install sequence

2001-01-17 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Ken Irving [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I'm not sure how to recover/restart the install, and don't see a
# troubleshooting section in the fine manual that covers this
# Running dselect shows a much more detailed package listing than was 
# displayed during the install dialogs. Is it possible to run a command
# to run through the install profiles (tasks) from the command line?

Yeah, try 'tasksel'.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: esd auto-start with Gnome?

2001-01-17 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Steve R. Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I kludged a solution by copying the .esd-auth file from the first user
# to the second user; now either user can use esd when it is started by
# the other user.  I'm not certain whether this is the correct long-term
# solution, but I'm running and right now that's all I care about.

Try adding -terminate to spawn_options in /etc/esound/esd.conf . It
will (hopefully!) make 'esd' terminate when the last client exits,
allowing it to be restarted when needed again(for instance, when the
next user logs in ;).

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Is there any way to prevent a package from upgrading?

2001-01-16 Thread David B . Harris
To quote [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bostjan Muller),
# Is there a way to do this with apt-get (I do apt-get -u upgrade, but
don't want
# to upgrade a specific package(s))?

When a package is on hold, nothing touches it. Not dselect, not apt,
not dpkg. Not unless you over-ride it, anyways ;)

You might also want to check out 'stormpkg', which is at least available
in Sid(unstable). It's a nice GTK+-based package manager. It implements
dselect-type functionality, but in an (at least for me) understandable

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Changing speed of PCI bus

2001-01-16 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Ekkehard Kraemer [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I am having some trouble with a PCI card; the trouble goes away if I
# reduce the PCI bus speed slightly (by reducing the FSB speed of my
# A7V mainboard from 100 to 95 MHz). The system (and the PCI bus) is not
# overclocked or in any other way non-standard; I suspect that some
# oscillator or something like that on the Adaptec is slowly breaking
# to its old age.
# Is it possible to modify the speed of the PCI bus in a running Linux
# environment? I.e., is there some command to temporarily reduce it and
# return it to its original value later?

In a word, no. This would require special hardware, and from what I know
of various low-level hardware bits, it would be rather difficult to do.


David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: what exactly is xdm and xfs??

2001-01-16 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Xucaen [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# about 2 weeks ago, I installed debian 2.2r2.
# During the package install phase, I checked off
# the X packages (simple menu). Along with all the
# X packages, xdm and xfs were also installed.
# Naturally I assumed that xdm and xfs were
# necessary parts of X. However, this weekend
# I installed the various XF86 packages
# (xserver-vga16, xserver-common, xf86setup, fvwm,
# and a few others) using apt-get onto a different
# machine. I chose not to install the xdm and xfs.
# much to my amazement startx works perfectly. 
# why does X work without xdm and xfs?

There are task-* packages in Debian. These task- packages install a
pre-determined set of packages. You probably installed
task-x-window-system, which installs a full X environment on to your
computer. On your second computer, you probably ended up with something
similar to task-x-winodw-system-core , which is a minimal, but still
functional X setup.

'xdm' is a nice graphical login screen. Not needed if you just want to
log in on the console and use 'startx'. However, if you want to go
straight from bootup into a nice graphical login, which will take you to
a nice graphical desktop, you'd need XDM(or a relative, like 'gdm',
'wdm', and such).

'xfs' is the X Font Server. I'm not *positive* about what ths has over
the regular way X handles fonts, but I use 'xfstt', which handles
truetype fonts.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: xfstt??

2001-01-16 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Xucaen [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# is xfstt a font server that can be used in place
# of xfs?

I don't know if it can be used in place of xfs, but I know it can be
used alongside xfs. I've got plenty of resources to burn on my machine,
so I've never tried setting up xfstt to handle all my fonts. It just
handles the TrueType sort.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Forcing modem connection to 57600 bps

2001-01-16 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Jarkko Niemi [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# So, I went to look modem's AT manual and edited /etc/chatscripts/
# I added AT+MS= part just before number dialing.
# I don't know do I use wrong AT command, or are parameters wrong, 
# anyway it calls, but not connect.
# By commenting that out, everything works like earlier - giving usually
# 48000 or 46667 connects.

48000 and 46667 are just about par in many areas. The speed of a
connection is negotiated between the two modems, and depends on line
conditions. I live in a fairly old neighbourhood, and unless you've got
a very good modem, you'll only get those speeds here. I spent some extra
money quite a while ago and got a high-quality modem(although part of it
was luck), and I can usually connect at somewhere around 54000. But what
you're getting seems to be normal. If you were down in the 33.6k or
28.8k area, I'd worry that maybe something isn't set up rigt, but since
you're getting such high speeds(compared to the alternatives ;), I
wouldn't worry. Maybe you could bitch to the phone company about bad
lines, but that's just about it.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: what does menuconfig require?

2001-01-16 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Ken Weingold [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Anything in general that 'make menuconfig' needs?  I just did a new
# install, and when I type it at the console, I get an error when it is
# in lxdialog.

I know I had to install libncurses5-dev to get 'make menuconfig' to
work. Aside from that, everything was already there, but I don't know
the exact requirements.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: running another X from within X

2001-01-16 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Brian Stults [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Is it possible from within X to start another session of X on a
# console?  I know I can just Ctrl-Alt-F2, login, and then startx.  Then
# could toggle between Ctrl-Alt-F7 and Ctrl-Alt-F8.  However, I would
# to accomplish the same thing without dropping down to a console.  When
# try to do this from an xterm, I get a message about not being
# to run the X server.  Root, however, can do it.  Any suggestions?

The first X session's display is :0 . You have to tell 'startx' to start
a new X session, on a display other that :0. For instance,

startx -- :1

Would start a second X session, accessible by CTRL+ALT+F8. You can also
embed an X session in a window; 'man Xnest' for more info.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: running another X from within X

2001-01-16 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Warren Turkal [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I believe that he is having the same probs that I have.  Normal user
# startx, but root can.  Is there a group they need to be a part of?

What's the exact error?

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: could not open default font 'fixed'

2001-01-15 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Ker Ruben Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I've got a Fatal server error while trying to start X. I've got
# xfonts-100dpi and 75dpi installed.. anybody know what package do i
need to
# have the 'fixed' font?

'xfonts-base'. You could also 'apt-get install task-x-window-system' and
you'll get tons of stuff. For a more minimal(but actually working :)
install, 'apt-get install task-x-window-system-core'. You can also use
'tasksel' to pick these task-* packages.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: could not open default font 'fixed'

2001-01-15 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Ker Ruben Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Thanks guys!
#  'xfonts-base'. You could also 'apt-get install task-x-window-system'
#  you'll get tons of stuff. For a more minimal(but actually working :)
#  install, 'apt-get install task-x-window-system-core'. You can also
#  'tasksel' to pick these task-* packages.

Sorry, I might have been more specific, too. Use 'apt-cache show
task-x-window-system' and 'apt-cache show task-x-window-system-core' for
a bit more information. Good stuff n there.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: running xconfig

2001-01-14 Thread David B . Harris
To quote William Leese [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# i was.
# tried:
# $ xhost +local:
# but it gives the same error.

In order for 'xhost' to work, you have to be the user who started to X
session; so:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] xhost +local
[EMAIL PROTECTED] make xconfig

Try that :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Can't talk to user on same machine

2001-01-14 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Brian Frederick Kimball [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Is #off# in front of the ntalk line?  The wrapping of the text
# makes this difficult to parse.  IIRC you need ntalk enabled.  You can
# always run tcpdump on the interface being used to see what port the
# talk program is trying to connect to (that's how I found I needed
# also).
# As someone else said, make sure msg n hasn't been run by any of the
# users you're trying to talk with.

You can use the 'update-inetd' Debian utility to turn inetd services
on/off. That's where the #off# came from.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: gtv, mozilla, and X questions

2001-01-14 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Thomas J. Hamman [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# X:  The xhost localhost thing doesn't seem to work with X 4; what do
# need to do to allow my gf to run programs with her user when we're
# logged into X as my user?

I think the correct syntax is 'xhost +localhost'. However, if that
doesn't work, maybe 'xhost +'.

# gtv:  For a while now, the gtv program in the smpeg-gtv package has
# locking up when I try to use it to play mpeg's.  Is it working for
# anyone else?

Yup, seems to work allright here.

# Mozilla:  I tried the binary download of Mozilla 0.7 and it won't run
# (it starts up all the mozilla-bin processes but no mozilla windows
# appear)... does anyone else have it working?  Will there be a deb for
# in unstable soon?

Dunno about the deb, but it works allright here. I untarred the ball to
/temp, where I keep non-Debian stuff.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Wow, after weeks re-installing everything, I finally started x

2001-01-14 Thread David B . Harris
# So, I guess it is progress.  Finally succeeded on Mitsubishi Amity
# with xf86config, using monochrome VGA and lowest resolutions.  OK, now
X will 
# start, and a get cross-hatched screen with a big black X in the
middle.  But 
# system is not responsive to keystrokes, like alt-F2 to try to start a
#  find out what is going on (if possible), and mouse is frozen too. 
If I 
# exit with C_A_backspace, I can back to prompt.  

When in X, CTRL+ALT+Fx will get you to a console, not ALT+Fx. Your
mouse needs to be configured. :) If you're using Debian Potato, use
XF86Setup. If not, or if XF86Setup doesn't work, you'll probably have to
manually edit /etc/X11/XF86Config.

# OK. locate gnome finds MANY files.  But gnome at prompt returns:
# bash: gnome: command not found.

GNOME is a DE(Desktop Environment), and as such has many different
parts. Most parts have their own commands. Like gnome-session for the
session manager, 'panel' for the panel, ad nauseum. How are you starting
X? It should bring up *some* form of environment for you. If you're just
typing 'X' at the prompt, then that's your problem. Try 'startx'

You'll have to include more information for more help.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: ipchains and 2.4

2001-01-14 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Jason Arden [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# ipchains: Incompatible with this kernel

Linux 2.4.0 contains another re-write of the network/filtering code.
It's now called 'Netfilter', and it's pretty sweet, in my humble
opinion. Anyways, it's a re-write, and there are a number of userspace
changes. One of which is the switch to 'iptables', as opposed to
'ipchains'. 'iptables' uses different syntax, different targets, you
name it, it's probably different. However, this one feels right :) I
always found 'ipchains' a bit of a pain to deal with, and I'm much
happier with 'iptables'.

But don't fret ;) You need not re-write all your 'ipchains' rulesets
just yet. In the kernel config, under Network options say Y to
Network packet filtering (replaces ipchains). This turns on the new
Netfilter code. Then, in the next dialog/tree(IP: Netfilter
Configuration), scroll right down to the bottom. There, you'll see
ipchains (2.2-style) support. Make sure all the options above it are
set to N, and then say Y to ipchains (2.2-style) support. That'll
let all your old 'ipchains' commands work.

However, that's a compatibility layer, and you should start making
efforts to port any ipchains-dependant software you use over to

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: Network settings and ppp

2001-01-14 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Elizabeth R. Chichester [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Okay, I made a mistake.  When I set up Debian on my home machine, I
# thinking in terms of a home network and so set up networking (through
# eth0).  Unfortunately, I got ahead of myself and don't have everything
# set up.  Specifically, I didn't have internet access handled.
# I did set up wvdial during the installation process.  It works.  I'm
# able to connect to the ISP.  However, I can't get a DNS reading (i.e.,
# can't ping anything successfully).  The Gnome ppp dialer (where you
# specify the DNS addresses of the ISP) consistently gives an error
# message.
# Does anyone know (or can you direct me) to where I should disable
# networking so that I can get DNS through my ISP and otherwise get on
# 'net?  Just a sample /etc/init.d/networking and /etc/resolv.conf (or
# other files) might do the trick.

Sure :) /etc/resolv.conf should look something like:

order hosts,bind
nameserver ip.address.of.nameserver
nameserver ip.address.of.2nd-nameserver

That'll probably fix things, but no guarantees ;) Consider this a
quick-fix :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Answering machine software?

2001-01-13 Thread David B . Harris
Hello everyone :)

I have a plain USR Voice/Fax/Data modem, of the 56k variety. I was
wondering if anyon knew if there is some software(prefferably Free, of
course) which will act as an answering machine, using said modem?

Ideally, it'd also be able to handle faxes, but since I have a fax
machine anyways, that's not as important.

Thanks for your time,

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: help..kernel compile

2001-01-13 Thread David B . Harris
Did anyone else get this message 16 times?

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

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