Re: [slim] Positive ReplayGain and Clipping

2008-12-15 Thread Moonbase

@ cliveb, jeffmeh, marsboer:
Sorry if I was too ambigous regarding -where- RG should be applied. If
we -know- that we have something »at the receiving end« that -can- do
it, we should do it there, since the receiver might well have some 24-,
48- or 96-bit DAC that of course could apply changes much more

I also very much agree with the possibility of a decision on a
per-player basis. (Missing it on remote streams though#8212;I often
listen to my music while working and use Winamp or xmms for that.)

I found that this actually pretty much is how SC/SB combos work

The reason for maybe elaborating too much on general principles was
maybe that

- I tend to see all standpoints, try not to forget a real-world
  possibility. (Over 30 years in the business affect the brain ;-)
- I also tried using a »remote stream«, i.e. hooking Winamp to SC.
  Which will currently -not allow RG adjustment.- (That#8217;s why I
  thought about doing something on the server end for these cases.
  Almost every cheap software player can do that nowadays, so I
  expected it not be too much overhead for these cases.)
- I have been working a lot in the broadcasting area during the past
  years, this might have influenced my writing a little. (Need to do
  all processing before signal gets »on air«.)
- Frankly, I#8217;m quite new to this product, so I haven#8217;t
  had the time to study each and every aspect of it. (Actually missed
  how much RG stuff was already implemented.)
Anyway, sometimes a good thing to »re-invent the wheel« again without
being influenced, and then compare the results.

So, my apologies if I offended anyone by stating the obvious again. I
guess we pretty much agree, after all.


Moonbase: 'The Problem Solver' (

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread pichonCalavera

pippin;365497 Wrote: 
 Regarding features/functions (I didn't answer in detail above):
 - iPeng in the future will support all plugins that are supported on
 the Controller and do NOT requite LUA (which would violate Apple's TC)
 plus likely some others, most notably it will also have the NowPlaying
 centric plugin feature of the skin. That's with a 1.1 release, I don't
 yet have a due date for that

No idea if the SBC supports it (I don't have one), but support for
IR-Blaster would be great... only the basic functions (PowerOff,
PowerOn, VolumeUp, VolumeDown). 

Right now I can send the PowerOff and PowerOn commands correctly from
the Now Playing screens (Main and Multiple players) when I press the
Power button. And actually I can send the commands for VolumeUp and
VolumeDown succesfully with the Volume controls (I move the slider to
the left and it starts sending the VolumeDown signal, move it to the
right and the VolumeUp signal kicks in), but the volume UI controls
don't adapt well to the behaviour of IR-Blaster, for two causes:

1) I have a Fixed Volume enabled in my player's settings (set to Max
Volume, because the volume is controlled by the amplifier being managed
by IR-Blaster), so when I move the slide and release it... it returns to
it's original position (to Max volume).

2) Becuase the UI element is a slider, and for IR-Blastet what is
needed is buttons to increment and decrement (VolumeUp and VolumeDown),
pippin;365884 Wrote: 
 The hardware volume buttons: Formally, Apple doesn't allow it, but when
 1.0.3 is out I will do a dedicated 1.0.4 release with just that single
 feature to try out Apple's response to that, then we'll know...
If somehow the hard buttons can get implemented, I guess this could be

Altough I tried the Volume controls in the iPeng Web skin and for some
reason they don't send the VolumeUp and VolumeDown signals to
IR-Blaster like in the main Squeezecenter Web Volume controls.

Implementing this would be perfect since right now I still have to keep
my Amp remote control near me for volume management.


*rip* (eac)  *convert* (flac)  *tag* (musicbrainz/mp3tag) 
*normalize* (replaygain/foobar2000)  *albumart* (www/firefox) 
*transport* (winscp)  *store* (debian)  *manage* (squeezecenter) 
*control* (ipodtouch/ipeng-app)   *play* (squeezebox)  *preamplify*
(zpre2)  *amplify* (zampv3)  *listen* (axiomm2/sennheiser-hd595) 
*scrooble* (  *enjoy* (me :)

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Re: [slim] Positive ReplayGain and Clipping

2008-12-15 Thread cliveb

jeffmeh;370621 Wrote: 
 I'm not really clear on the problem with the attenuation via the
 player's digital volume control.  I would expect this to be additional
 attenuation, after replaygain is applied.  Is that not how it works
The simplest way to explain is probably with an example. Suppose you
have a file that peaks at -3dB and has a replaygain value of +6dB. This
would clip if the RG value is blindly applied (as at present). So the
simple solution is back off the RG to +3dB. And this could easily be
done at the server end.

But suppose the player's digital volume control is set to -4dB. That
would put the file's peak at -7dB. So there is now enough headroom to
apply the full +6dB of replaygain. If the player's volume was set to
-2dB, there's room to apply +5dB of the RG. I hope you get the

So, you may ask, why can't *this* calculation be done at the server
end? I don't know for sure, but I believe it can't because although the
server knows what volume setting the player has in terms of the 1-100
scale, I don't think the server knows how that setting maps to a
specific dB attenuation. We know that the characteristics of the volume
control varies between different firmware releases (and possibly between
different player models).

The question is: does SqueezeCenter have a way of discovering the dB
attenuation for attached players? If it can, then what I previously
described as the gold standard implementation for replaygain can be
done entirely inside SqueezeCenter. If not, then it would need firmware


Transporter - ATC SCM100A

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread michel

When playing a song and performing a search via iPeng 1.04 sound output
is interrupted several times just before the search is ready. Search
times are quite long (20-25 sec).


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

michel;370740 Wrote: 
 When playing a song and performing a search via iPeng 1.04 sound output
 is interrupted several times just before the search is ready. Search
 times are quite long (20-25 sec).

What kind of server? This sounds like the server gets too busy while


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread kantblue

Hi, just to let you know that with Ipeng 1.4 the Wake on Lan function is
working fine, so I can leave the controller in the box!

Excellent program, working fine for me here.



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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

michel;370783 Wrote: 
 It's a C2D sporting 2gig's of RAM. Did not have any performance issues.
 Search via SB3 or web interface is much faster and does not interrupt

When during search do you have the issues?
iPeng search is somewhat refined. It uses the standard search of SC,
but repeats that every time you type something to permanently update
the search results. This gives you quick access to a small number of
results but may put some pressure on the server. Although I've never
experienced any issues.
It also only searches for a limited result set.
When you press search, it will query a full (err, longer, I think it
requests 100 items) result set and also query additional details plus
artwork for tracks (only if the artwork is not yet loaded).


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Re: [slim] Positive ReplayGain and Clipping

2008-12-15 Thread cliveb

marsboer;370809 Wrote: 
 Wouldn't this lead to some unwanted behaviour. It would at least annoy
 me when I lower the volume on my Transporter and the volume is not
 reduced because all it does is to fill inn the non-clipping headroom.
That's a fair point, and certainly it is a downside. Maybe whether
digital volume control is incorporated in the adjustment calculations
should be a user option. But now we're getting dangerously into
creeping elegance territory - which is the enemy of getting things

Here's my position. There's currently a bug that can cause clipping. It
needs to be fixed. If taking account of the digital volume control when
making the fix is easy, then it makes sense to include it, perhaps with
a user option to switch it off. On the other hand if it makes the fix
complex (eg. lots of firmware changes), then I'm happy to see that
aspect ignored or deferred to a later release.


Transporter - ATC SCM100A

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[slim] 7.2 web interface unresponsive

2008-12-15 Thread bobkoure

Client - winXP sp2 / firefox 3 w noscript (server in OK list)
Server - Win2k server / SC 7.2

In the web interface left panel, often, when I press play this/these
now (right triangle) or add (plus sign) - nothing happens.
... and sometimes it does work.
The web interface is otherwise responsive (click on a track, get
details, do a search, start/pause player(s), etc)
If I have two players synchronized, and the web interface stops letting
me add/change the playlist, at least sometimes, when I switch to the
other player, it will respond.

I've been keeping a remote desktop window open to the server to see if
it's busy doing other things but I've never seen it loaded past 50%
when this happens. (server's also a very lightly loaded email server (2

Any suggestions?


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Re: [slim] 7.2 web interface unresponsive

2008-12-15 Thread Siduhe

Try removing the exception for the server in noscript and then adding it
back in again when you navigate to the webinterface (via the no-script
pop up menu which comes up at the bottom). I have had to re-add
exceptions for the web interface a couple of times with noscript.  Not
sure why.


Who am I on 'LAST.FM' (
-Siduhe Loved Tracks radio got the thumbs up. Feedback included: yeah,
it's good... got the odd dodgy track tho...- (c) 'ModelCitizen'

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Re: [slim] 7.2 web interface unresponsive

2008-12-15 Thread Michael Herger
 Client - winXP sp2 / firefox 3 w noscript (server in OK list)

Do you still see the same issue with noscript disable/removed?


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Re: [slim] Rhapsody Issue With Song Track 59:xx

2008-12-15 Thread FredFredrickson

The developers have mentioned that it's a Rhapsody direct problem.
Apparently their servers can't handle the current load. There's an
update on the way that was supposed to be out last thursday, but hasn't
been out yet. 

I'm sure we'll be updated when something changes. Until then:


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Re: [slim] Controller or alternative (iPod touch/iPhone)?

2008-12-15 Thread morsejeff

pippin;370718 Wrote: 
 iPeng 1.0.x and Squidgy are iPhone (and iPod touch) applications
 available through the App Store. Both currently only work as a remote
 control. As a remote control, both of course have no trouble with
 The (older, free) iPeng 0.5.3 is a PLUGIN for SqueezeCenter, that
 provides a web skin for the iPod/iPhone which DOES have some playback
 on the device. But that does NOT work with flac, but only with mp3 and

I understand that they are applications and only operate as the remote
control.  What I don't understand is how iTunes comes into play, since
I don't currently have an iPod and have not used iTunes for a few
years.  But as I thought about this more after I posted last night, I
couldn't see any reason why iTunes and Flac would matter, since your
application is talking to Squeezecenter, not iTunes.  Is that correct?


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Re: [slim] 7.2 web interface unresponsive

2008-12-15 Thread bobkoure

Removing the server from the NoScript permitted and then re-adding
seems to have fixed things. But this is an intermittent problem, so I
can't report conclusively.
I notice that 7.3 is now available as a release, so maybe the best
thing is for me to upgrade and see if it happens again (no point in
trying to figure out a problem with a now-not-current release).
I'll do the NoScript remove/add again after I upgrade, and report back
in a few days if the issue's gone.
Thanks again!


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Re: [slim] Artwork Display

2008-12-15 Thread Michael Herger
 That's cool. Just need a way to have it update automatically.  I was
 looking through the UI.js file (as this is where info is polled to
 update the nowplaying.html) at how this could be done and it appears
 there would have to be an update to the song parser.

No need to change the song parser, as a biography won't be part of the songinfo 
query's response. Where do you have it stored?

Best approach will be to create a new class based on SqueezeJS.UI.component. 
This will trigger an event whenever the track is changed. In this case you 
could do whatever is needed to get the new biography.


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Re: [slim] Positive ReplayGain and Clipping

2008-12-15 Thread marsboer

cliveb;370731 Wrote: 
 The simplest way to explain is probably with an example. Suppose you
 have a file that peaks at -3dB and has a replaygain value of +6dB. This
 would clip if the RG value is blindly applied (as at present). So the
 simple solution is back off the RG to +3dB. And this could easily be
 done at the server end.
 But suppose the player's digital volume control is set to -4dB. That
 would put the file's peak at -7dB. So there is now enough headroom to
 apply the full +6dB of replaygain. If the player's volume was set to
 -2dB, there's room to apply +5dB of the RG. I hope you get the
 So, you may ask, why can't *this* calculation be done at the server
 end? I don't know for sure, but I believe it can't because although the
 server knows what volume setting the player has in terms of the 1-100
 scale, I don't think the server knows how that setting maps to a
 specific dB attenuation. We know that the characteristics of the volume
 control varies between different firmware releases (and possibly between
 different player models).
 The question is: does SqueezeCenter have a way of discovering the dB
 attenuation for attached players? If it can, then what I previously
 described as the gold standard implementation for replaygain can be
 done entirely inside SqueezeCenter. If not, then it would need firmware

Wouldn't this lead to some unwanted behaviour. It would at least annoy
me when I lower the volume on my Transporter and the volume is not
reduced because all it does is to fill inn the non-clipping headroom.
So I practically have to reduce the amount of volume more than the
difference between REAL replay_gain and CALCULATED replay_gain to
really get lower volume. This will of course only be a problem in the
upper volume levels, and the persons who are using the volume control
are most likely to be well below maximum volume when listening so they
won't notice it in a big way.


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Re: [slim] Positive ReplayGain and Clipping

2008-12-15 Thread jeffmeh

Clive, thanks for the example.  I understand.

If the player's digital attenuation were incorporated into the
replaygain adjustment, I would expect that if the user were to increase
the volume mid-track, then he could cause clipping.

To continue with your example:
- File peaks at -3dB, replaygain is 6dB, player volume -2db.
- The basic no-clip replaygain is 3dB.  The player-specific no-clip
replaygain is 5dB.
- User queues the track, SC sends replaygain of 5dB.  While track is
playing, user increases player volume to -1dB.  Track clips.

I do not think it desirable to allow the user to introduce clipping
with the player volume control, so I would not really be in favor of

That being said, if it is simple to implement, optional, and defaults
to off, I would have no problem with it, lol.


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Re: [slim] Controller or alternative (iPod touch/iPhone)?

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

morsejeff;370838 Wrote: 
 I understand that they are applications and only operate as the remote
 control.  What I don't understand is how iTunes comes into play, since
 I don't currently have an iPod and have not used iTunes for a few
 years.  But as I thought about this more after I posted last night, I
 couldn't see any reason why iTunes and Flac would matter, since your
 application is talking to Squeezecenter, not iTunes.  Is that correct?

That is correct.

andynormancx;370841 Wrote: 
 The reason that the file format as an issue is because the Touch/iPhone
 already has support built in for playing back aac and mp3 files. It has
 no such support for playing back flac files.
 The old iPeng plugin has no choice but to use the built in support, so
 it can only play back mp3 and aac files.
 The new native iPeng shouldn't have this restriction, though of course
 it will have to provide its own flac decoder so it can play back flac

Yes. That's true. When we do local playback on the iPhone, FLAC (and
ALAC) would definitely be things to support. Although it's not yet
completely sorted out, how this should happen. I'm not 100% convinced
that the audio quality of the iPod is good enough to make a difference
vs. transcoded streams, but we'll find out.


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread .:.impossible

pippin;370720 Wrote: 
  .:.impossible;370641 Wrote: 
  Upgraded to 104 and sc 73 today... after the usual frustrations,
  everything is up and running. 
  I am still having a couple of issues. One is with cover art. After 45
  minutes, I still only have cover art through F. It seems to have
  stopped at Filmworks XI.
  I assume you have tried starting iPeng more than once?
  Did you try to flush the cache? (Settings-Flush Cache).
  Yo also updated SC, are you sure scanning the library (on the server)
  was finished? If not, the number of albums changes over time and iPeng
  will refresh it's cache.
  when you enter the Album? Or in the albums list? Is this through
  browsing Albums or Music Folder?
  If it's while entering the album, what do you get when you enable
  inhibit pushout in Settings?
  What do you see, if you open the SqueezeCenter Web Interface and browse
  that album?
  Try to quit iPeng (normally, as opposed to through it crashing due to
  your album issue), then it should always start with the server you were
  last connected to.
  Obviously it can take a bit if your server is in sleep mode and has to
  wake up, first. Anything special about your network setup? Jailbreaks?
  If detecting the server stays problematic, try entering the server's
  address in the list of additional servers in Settings, iPeng will
  always try to connect to these.  
 Yes, I flushed the cache in ipeng, and did a complete rescan through
 When browsing Albums, I have the issue. I have never had any issues
 with this album in SC.
 ipeng totally freezes the iphone to the point where the hardware is
 non-responsive. After a few minutes, it restarts itself.
 Nothing special about my set-up... I will type in the server IP.
 Thanks pippin.


Squeezebox v3 (firmware 113), SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3, Mac OSX
10.4.11, ipeng 1.0.4

'' (


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Re: [slim] Controller or alternative (iPod touch/iPhone)?

2008-12-15 Thread morsejeff

pippin;370850 Wrote: 
 I'm not 100% convinced that the audio quality of the iPod is good enough
 to make a difference vs. transcoded streams, but we'll find out.

You may be right, but many of us have all (or mostly all) of our music
encoded in FLAC.

Thanks for clarifying.  After about a week of trying to decide which
direction to go for a Christmas present, I decided to purchase another
SB Classic and also to get the iPod Touch.  I'll post my thoughts later
once I've downloaded the application and tried it out.


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Re: [slim] Controller or alternative (iPod touch/iPhone)?

2008-12-15 Thread morsejeff

pippin;370850 Wrote: 
 I'm not 100% convinced that the audio quality of the iPod is good enough
 to make a difference vs. transcoded streams, but we'll find out.

You may be right, but many of us have all (or mostly all) of our music
encoded in FLAC.

Thanks for clarifying.  After about a week of trying to decide which
direction to go for a Christmas present, I decided to purchase another
SB Classic and also to get the iPod Touch.  I'll post my thoughts later
once I've downloaded the application and tried it out.


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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-15 Thread Dogberry2

MeSue;370566 Wrote: 
 I personally just don't feel that anyone should profit from viruses.
 What incentive do they have to really fight them, then?
Do you go to a doctor or pharmacist when you're sick? Do you pay them?
Do they therefore have no incentive to fight diseases and cure people?

Do you pay state or municipal taxes for a local police force? Do they
not thereby profit from crime? Do they still have an incentive to fight

Does your local fire department have an incentive to fight fires,
despite the fact that they get paid to fight fires?

If we refused to pay doctors and police and firemen for their efforts,
would they then have greater incentive to do their jobs?

Just curious, I am. That's all.


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[slim] Use tp's optical output to switch amp on and off ?

2008-12-15 Thread jaysung

I noticed that the optical output of tp is active whenever the unit is
connected to a power source (dc) even if it is powered down.
When it went inactive whenever I powered off the tp and went active
again whenever the tp is powered on via the remote or sc7 it would be
possible to switch an amp I v2 (maker is Audionet)(could be a power amp
that I would consider)  on and off as needed.
You get the point?
The amp has an optical input which is only used to decide if a signal
is present. When that signal is present the unit is switched on.
Without that signal the unit remains silent.
That optical input does NOT transport digital audio but is only a means
of switching the device via an other device.
Optical spdif is used to electrically isolate the power amp from the
So if any one knows about a way of switching the digital out of
transporter on when powering on and off when I use the power off button
of my ir remote it would be nice if he shared his knowledge.
I think it wouldn't be a problem if the tp transmitted audio data via
that spdif port since the amp only cares about a signal being present.
It doesn't care what signal mostlikely.
Thanks and regards


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Re: [slim] Controller or alternative (iPod touch/iPhone)?

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

morsejeff;370887 Wrote: 
 You may be right, but many of us have all (or mostly all) of our music
 encoded in FLAC.

I know, but SqueezeCenter is able to transcode that. So if it doesn't
make any difference, quality wise, you can get away with less
bandwidth, more buffering and hence longer battery life.

But I think we'll need a test here, although I could bet the flac
advantage gets lost somewhere between 192kbps and 320kbps mp3 on an


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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-15 Thread Mark Lanctot

thurstongarden;370418 Wrote: 
 I never considered that the FLAC files were dragging the startup time
 down - but tried a defrag last week and I gave up after 14 hours and
 23%! This is what brought me to the idea of creating a partition. Looks
 like it's a winner when I do the back up and reinstall

But FLACs wouldn't generally tend to fragment.  They get written once
and then are generally not touched.

It's not a bad idea to put them on a separate partition (even better to
put them on a separate drive) but you will probably find that they don't
fragment too much because they're so static.

In regards to startup processes, a free program which I've used for a
very long time is Codestuff Starter:  It allows you to see
a few more things than MSCONFIG and has a handy Google search function
that allows you to search each startup item.

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta), SBC (beta - no battery)
Sold: SB3, Duet

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[slim] Pandora no longer in Music Services

2008-12-15 Thread Woobag

Can you tell me why Pandora no longer appears in Services? 
I know it's not (legally) available any more in the UK so is that the
reason it's not showing? Last question, how do I get it back?


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Re: [slim] Pandora no longer in Music Services

2008-12-15 Thread andyg

It's based on the country setting in your SN account.


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Re: [slim] Pandora no longer in Music Services

2008-12-15 Thread Siduhe

If you are based in the UK (and using a UK IP address to sign into
Squeezenetwork which Pandora runs off) you should have lost Pandora
quite some time ago - as you say the service has been withdrawn for a
while now.

No way to get it back so far as I know at least via the Squeezebox -
unless you have changed the country setting in SN?


Who am I on 'LAST.FM' (
-Siduhe Loved Tracks radio got the thumbs up. Feedback included: yeah,
it's good... got the odd dodgy track tho...- (c) 'ModelCitizen'

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Re: [slim] blank display on SB after 7.3 Update

2008-12-15 Thread vagskal

Phiddel;370208 Wrote: 
 after updating my SC from 7.2 to 7.3 my 2 SB updated the firmware as
 aspected (Boom - 40; SB2 - 120).
 But then both display a blank/black diplay :-(
 I can control them via webfontend and they both play music from library
 and radio.
 The SC (on W2K Server) works good.
 Perhaps the firmware update fails; ho can i repeat the firmware
 Is there anybody with the same problem or someone with any idea???

I had the exact same problem on my Boom (but not on my 2 SB3). I solved
the problem (finally, after an array of other futile measures) by
pressing reset player settings for my Boom in the web UI. Now
everything works fine.

(The SC 7.3 nightly as of 5 December worked fine and that one used, as
I recall it, the same firmware on the Boom as the final SC 7.3 release.
Therefore - and considering what fixed the problem for me - I do not
think it was a firmware issue.)


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[slim] Which product should I get?

2008-12-15 Thread allelopath

I want to stream Pandora (and other such streaming music) using firefox
through my computer to my stereo receiver. Which squeezebox product
will do this? Also, to consider, I have mac, windows and linux


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Re: [slim] Which product should I get?

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

allelopath;370923 Wrote: 
 I want to stream Pandora (and other such streaming music) using firefox
 through my computer to my stereo receiver. Which squeezebox product
 will do this? Also, to consider, I have mac, windows and linux

All of them.
Oh, except for a standalone Controller.


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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-15 Thread Goodsounds

Dogberry2;370889 Wrote: 
 Do you go to a doctor or pharmacist when you're sick? Do you pay them?
 Do they therefore have no incentive to fight diseases and cure people?
 Do you pay state or municipal taxes for a local police force? Do they
 not thereby profit from crime? Do they still have an incentive to fight
 Does your local fire department have an incentive to fight fires,
 despite the fact that they get paid to fight fires?
 If we refused to pay doctors and police and firemen for their efforts,
 would they then have greater incentive to do their jobs?
 Just curious, I am. That's all.

Well said Dogberry. Seemed an odd comment.


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Re: [slim] Which product should I get?

2008-12-15 Thread bpa

If your require other such Streaming music that is not supported by
SqueezeCenter (SC) then you may need to run a plugin to reroute PC
sound to SC.  I know of solutions (e.g. WaveInput) for Windows and
Linux.  I am not sure if there is a OSX/Mac solution.


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Re: [slim] Positive ReplayGain and Clipping

2008-12-15 Thread cliveb

jeffmeh;370848 Wrote: 
 Clive, thanks for the example.  I understand.
 If the player's digital attenuation were incorporated into the
 replaygain adjustment, I would expect that if the user were to increase
 the volume mid-track, then he could cause clipping.
 To continue with your example:
 - File peaks at -3dB, replaygain is 6dB, player volume -2db.
 - The basic no-clip replaygain is 3dB.  The player-specific no-clip
 replaygain is 5dB.
 - User queues the track, SC sends replaygain of 5dB.  While track is
 playing, user increases player volume to -1dB.  Track clips.
Indeed. That's another reason why to incorporate the digital volume
control into the calculations, it probably needs to be done in the
firmware - which could re-calculate while playing the track when the
volume is changed.

The more this gets analysed, the trickier it seems that incorprating
the digital volume control would be. Probably the safe option is to
just forget about it - in which case the fix can be done purely in
SqueezeCenter, which ought to be much easier than fiddling with the


Transporter - ATC SCM100A

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Re: [slim] Should I create a Partition?

2008-12-15 Thread Goodsounds

Mark Lanctot;370906 Wrote: 
 But FLACs wouldn't generally tend to fragment.  They get written once
 and then are generally not touched.
 It's not a bad idea to put them on a separate partition (even better to
 put them on a separate drive) but you will probably find that they don't
 fragment too much because they're so static.

I have no idea what rules the software follows when writing files to
a drive, but a large file written to a fragmented drive is going to be
fragmented from the outset. Whether it's static or not isn't going to

I've experienced this myself on a not too fragmented drive. I'd be
interested in knowing what the drive firmware tries to do.


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Re: [slim] End of the line for Squeezebox Classic?

2008-12-15 Thread maggior

Perhaps its just a creative way to drum up some additional sales during
these poor economic conditions.

I'd imagine that the slim devices team is feeling some pressure to move
product.  It's not easy being in a non essential division of a large
tech company.

I went through this with Intel.  If you weren't part of the core
business and weren't contribuing a signficant amount of revenue to the
bottom line, you worried for your survial when times got tough.  We had
nothing to do with making CPUs, so ultimately the division I worked for
was sold off and subsequently downsized.

The slim devices team isn't making mice or keyboards, so...


Setup: 2 SB3s, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 11.0 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.2.1, SqueezeSlave, and MusicIP (thanks to ghan for
solution to seg fault issue!!).

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Re: [slim] Pandora no longer in Music Services

2008-12-15 Thread Woobag

Thanks for the replies. It did work on my SB for sometime after it was
withdrawn from the UK. I just wondered why it's not added as standard,
you never know, we might get it back sometime!


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[slim] 7.3: bitrate limiting seems to be broken/unstable

2008-12-15 Thread ymilner


I tried to upgrade to 7.3 from 7.2.1 nightly. No major issues, except
the following:
I regularly stream flac to Softsqueeze 3.7 with bitrate limiting
enabled (160Kbps, level4).
After upgrade to 7.3 I tried to stream to my SS. First thing I noticed
CPU on SC went 100% for about 20 seconds (taken by lame process). The
audio started. About 30 sec before the track end lame kicked in again.
However, the first track did not finish - it was cut off about 10
seconds before the end, and the next track started to play. This went
on with every track.

I rolled back to 7.2.1 - everything perfect again.


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Re: [slim] Which product should I get?

2008-12-15 Thread allelopath

pippin;370927 Wrote: 
 All of them.
 Oh, except for a standalone Controller.
All of them?
You mean i need:
Squeezebox™ Boom
Squeezebox™ Duet
Squeezebox™ Classic
Squeezebox™ Receiver


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Re: [slim] Rhapsody Issue With Song Track 59:xx

2008-12-15 Thread y360

I've seen this in the past. What's your firmware version ?


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

.:.impossible;370853 Wrote: 
  pippin;370720 Wrote: 
  Yes, I flushed the cache in ipeng, and did a complete rescan through
  When browsing Albums, I have the issue. I have never had any issues
  with this album in SC.
  ipeng totally freezes the iphone to the point where the hardware is
  non-responsive. After a few minutes, it restarts itself.
  Nothing special about my set-up... I will type in the server IP.
  Thanks pippin.  
 Sorry, I still don't exactly understand what's happening. Could you
 give me a step-by-step explanation what you do and see before iPeng


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Re: [slim] Which product should I get?

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

allelopath;370955 Wrote: 
 All of them?
 You mean i need:
 Squeezebox#8482; Boom
 Squeezebox#8482; Duet
 Squeezebox#8482; Classic
 Squeezebox#8482; Receiver

Your question was
 Which squeezebox product will do this?
All or any of the products you listed will be able to play Pandora with
your Hifi as long as Pandora and an internet connection is available ;-)


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Re: [slim] Which product should I get?

2008-12-15 Thread jaysung

Well, you need either one of those you mentioned.
The have some drawbakcs and pros each being roughly the same device but
with slight differences.
The all do pandora streaming.
But the boom does not stream via spdif neither coaxial nor optical.
The transporter is far too expensive if you merely do compressed music
streaming formats
So remaining are the Squeezebox classic aka squeezebox 3.
Or the new and all shiny squeezebox receiver.
The latter has no display and though can only be controlled via
network. That is to say via squeezebox controler which is a special
remote with display to browse music collections from your easy chair.
When deciding for a squeezebox receiver you could as well use an iphone
or note/netbook to control squeezecenter which in turn controls the
squeezebox receiver.
The squeezebox classic has a display (bit small though) and an infrared
remote like any other hifi unit would have.
So it is really up to you. I'd choose a classic / sb3 for it has
- infrared remote
- vfd display (small)
- spdif out optical and coaxial
- reasonable dac

You say you want to connect to a hifi. Well, then the boom is not for
you. It has it's own speakers and amplifier.
All products have rca analogue outputs. So they will connect to your
amplifier just fine.


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Re: [slim] Which product should I get?

2008-12-15 Thread Secret Squirrel

allelopath;370955 Wrote: 
 All of them?
 You mean i need:
 Squeezebox™ Boom
 Squeezebox™ Duet
 Squeezebox™ Classic
 Squeezebox™ Receiver

I think they meant that all of the products except the Controller will
meet your needs. (Many on the forum do have many different products
within the line up.) It all depends on where you want to start. Boom is
a self contained stereo that run on your network system, Classic and
others interface with your existing stereo equipment. Transporter is
the ultimate in network stereo equipment (In my and many others
opinions.) Pick the one you like best. They all function using the same
software! As a matter of fact you can download Squeeze Center and
install their software player, Soft Squeeze, and try it all out. Search
the wiki and the forum for more details on that.

Best of luck!



Secret Squirrel

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Re: [slim] Which product should I get?

2008-12-15 Thread Pat Farrell
pippin wrote:
 Which squeezebox product will do this?

 All or any of the products you listed will be able to play Pandora with
 your Hifi as long as Pandora and an internet connection is available ;-)

The only SlimDevices products that can not do this are long obsolete.
The SliMp3 and SqueezeBox 1 could not do it. So if you buy used or on
eBay, make sure you have a current product.

And getting a Boom to do it is a bit silly, as it has a HiFi built in.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] End of the line for Squeezebox Classic?

2008-12-15 Thread funkstar

snarlydwarf;370636 Wrote: 
 They must have hid this batch hidden somewhere, since they've been
 shipping Logitech branded units for ages.
They could have been planning this for aag too, just
never got around to actually signing them all until now. Too busy with
Boom and 7.2 then 7.3 perhaps? :)


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Re: [slim] Controller or alternative (iPod touch/iPhone)?

2008-12-15 Thread andynormancx

morsejeff;370838 Wrote: 
 I understand that they are applications and only operate as the remote
 control.  What I don't understand is how iTunes comes into play, since
 I don't currently have an iPod and have not used iTunes for a few
 years.  But as I thought about this more after I posted last night, I
 couldn't see any reason why iTunes and Flac would matter, since your
 application is talking to Squeezecenter, not iTunes.  Is that correct?

The reason that the file format as an issue is because the Touch/iPhone
already has support built in for playing back aac and mp3 files. It has
no such support for playing back flac files.

The old iPeng plugin has no choice but to use the built in support, so
it can only play back mp3 and aac files.

The new native iPeng shouldn't have this restriction, though of course
it will have to provide its own flac decoder so it can play back flac


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [slim] Which product should I get?

2008-12-15 Thread allelopath

ok squeezebox classic then.
On pandora, I have many stations set up.
I will be able to log in and select my stations on the squeezebox


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread michel

It's a C2D sporting 2gig's of RAM. Did not have any performance issues.
Search via SB3 or web interface is much faster and does not interrupt


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread Rob Stone

pippin;370712 Wrote: 
 If you get a splash start screen while starting up, featuring the
 penguin, you are on 1.0, if you are getting just a black screen while
 starting up, you are on 1.0.3.
 In both cases I recommend to go to App Store and update to 1.0.4

I am getting just a black screen while starting up, confirming as I
thought, that I am in 1.0.3.  Problem is, I go to the app store and it
states that all apps are up to date! So, I am stuck. Don't know where
to go from here.

Thanks for all of your help in advance.  Problems notwithstanding, this
is a great app.


Rob Stone

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

Rob Stone;370976 Wrote: 
 I am getting just a black screen while starting up, confirming as I
 thought, that I am in 1.0.3.  Problem is, I go to the app store and it
 states that all apps are up to date! So, I am stuck. Don't know where
 to go from here.
 Thanks for all of your help in advance.  Problems notwithstanding, this
 is a great app.

Try to update through iTunes.
I think the App Store on the device is only updated once a day or so.
For example, I've got two devices and on one the 1.0.4 showed up on
Saturday night (Sunday morning in Europe) while on my iPhone it just
shows up right now.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread Borgen


Greate work on the updates, more and more bugs are solved.

I have one issue that I wounder if it is normal behaviour or not.

When I play a song from a album and then skips to the next song the
song starts to play at once but then it takes 7-15 seconds before the
title is changed in the iPeng App.

Then I have another question around the volume control... still hope
that you can do this by the hardware buttons on the iPhone one day. But
could it not be solved in another way, by sliding the finger upward on
the now playing picture to increase the volume and slide it downwards
to decrease the volume? Still keep the display of the volume control on
the bottom of the screen.


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Re: [slim] Which product should I get?

2008-12-15 Thread bklaas

allelopath;370973 Wrote: 
 I will be able to log in and select my stations on the squeezebox

Yes, absolutely.

Squeezebox Classic or Squeezebox Duet are the best fits for what you
are trying to do.



Logitech Developer: 
Community Developer: Nokia770Skin

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

Borgen;370992 Wrote: 
 When I play a song from a album and then skips to the next song the
 song starts to play at once but then it takes 7-15 seconds before the
 title is changed in the iPeng App.
Yes, that can be normal.
Shouldn't ALWAYS happen, but there can be delays of up to 15s. Will
improve in future versions.
 Then I have another question around the volume control... still hope
 that you can do this by the hardware buttons on the iPhone one day. But
 could it not be solved in another way, by sliding the finger upward on
 the now playing picture to increase the volume and slide it downwards
 to decrease the volume? Still keep the display of the volume control on
 the bottom of the screen.

Do you find the normal slider difficult to use? Sliding on the cover
art would hide the volume overlay, but I'll play around with it a bit.
I'll stay silent on the use of hardware buttons from now on ;-)


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread Borgen

pippin;370996 Wrote: 
 Do you find the normal slider difficult to use? Sliding on the cover
 art would hide the volume overlay, but I'll play around with it a bit.
 I'll stay silent on the use of hardware buttons from now on ;-)

Yes the slider is still hard to use, double tap on it helps a bit, but
it still seams to be a rather small area you have to hit to be able
to slide the volume control. 

Would be better if you not had to have the finger on the little ball on
the volumbar, if you just could slide anywhere on the volumbar and it
would change, just as you do to drag to the playlist or players (drag
left or right anywhere on the coverart)

pippin;370996 Wrote: 
 Sliding on the cover art would hide the volume overlay, but I'll play
 around with it a bit.

If I slide my finger up or down on the cover art today nothing hides?


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Re: [slim] 7.3: bitrate limiting seems to be broken/unstable

2008-12-15 Thread Andy Hawkins

In article, wrote:
 I tried to upgrade to 7.3 from 7.2.1 nightly. No major issues, except
 the following:
 I regularly stream flac to Softsqueeze 3.7 with bitrate limiting
 enabled (160Kbps, level4).
 After upgrade to 7.3 I tried to stream to my SS. First thing I noticed
 CPU on SC went 100% for about 20 seconds (taken by lame process). The
 audio started. About 30 sec before the track end lame kicked in again.
 However, the first track did not finish - it was cut off about 10
 seconds before the end, and the next track started to play. This went
 on with every track.

 I rolled back to 7.2.1 - everything perfect again.

Not helpful, but it seems to work Ok here. I'm doing almost exactly the same
as you. Playing via SqueezePlay across the Internet.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

Borgen;371002 Wrote: 
 Yes the slider is still hard to use, double tap on it helps a bit, but
 it still seams to be a rather small area you have to hit to be able
 to slide the volume control. 
Really? Even on 1.0.4? It's a looong time since I last missed it.
 Would be better if you not had to have the finger on the little ball on
 the volumbar, if you just could slide anywhere on the volumbar and it
 would change, just as you do to drag to the playlist or players (drag
 left or right anywhere on the coverart)
No. That's how it was done initially and I got a _lot_ of comments to
the end that you could easily hit the bar in error and move your system
to very high volumes and things like that. That's especially a problem
since it's close to the bottom where you can erroneously activate it
while fiddling with the (hardware) button.
 If I slide my finger up or down on the cover art today nothing hides?

If you use the slider, iPeng displays an overlay showing the actual
volume. That would be hidden by your finger if you move it around the


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[slim] SqueezePlay not pausing correctly?

2008-12-15 Thread Andy Hawkins
Hi all,

After 7.3 was release I upgraded my SqueezeCenter from SVN, and downloaded
the latest nightly of SqueezePlay. For the first time ever I am able to play
back using SqueezePlay as the player rather than having to use it to control
an instance of SoftSqueeze.

However, I'm seeing something odd when I pause playback. The audio stops,
but after a while (can't be much more specific than that, cos I'm pausing it
when I go away from my desk) the playback is resuming, but there's no audio.
As a result the playlist advances even though I've put it into pause (by
hitting Spacebar with SqueezePlay active).

I *think* I was seeing similar behaviour using Squeezeplay to control
SoftSqueeze, but wouldn't swear to it.

Anyone else seeing anything similar?


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread Rob Stone

pippin;370984 Wrote: 
 Try to update through iTunes.
 I think the App Store on the device is only updated once a day or so.
 For example, I've got two devices and on one the 1.0.4 showed up on
 Saturday night (Sunday morning in Europe) while on my iPhone it just
 shows up right now.

Thanks for the prompt reply. This is where I feel like an idiot, but I
can't figure out how you update through iTunes.  In the store there is
no pathway to an update that I can  see (via my desktop computer) nor
can I find a path through the iTunes on the iPhone. Sorry about this.


Rob Stone

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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay not pausing correctly?

2008-12-15 Thread mkanet

Sounds like the same bug thats been around for years in Softsqueeze.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

Rob Stone;371014 Wrote: 
 Thanks for the prompt reply. This is where I feel like an idiot, but I
 can't figure out how you update through iTunes.  In the store there is
 no pathway to an update that I can  see (via my desktop computer) nor
 can I find a path through the iTunes on the iPhone. Sorry about this.

Ok. When your phone is connected to iTunes, there's an Applications
section on the left hand side, below your Music Library.
If you go there, there's a search for updates button or something
After you've done the update, you might have to sync the iPhone, if
that's not done automatically


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[slim] Controller update on Infrant

2008-12-15 Thread brdbointx

I have two SB Controllers showing 7.2 r3191 and 3 SB3's and a Boom
running on my network. I updated my Infrant NV to the 7.3 release this
morning with no issue. The SBs work fine, but none of the two
controllers will update. I go to software update and it says it is up
to date. As a result the controllers are not functioning properly.

Anny thoughts?


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Re: [slim] Streaming problem FIOS

2008-12-15 Thread maggior

Huh, that's pretty cool - I wasn't aware of that tool.

I wonder why port 9000 is being blocked?  Perhaps you have something
else using that port.  Do you use Vonage or anything like that?  The
fact that you could not get http://localhost:9000 to work implies that
something on the machine is already using port 9000.  A game?  Not

Regarding static vs. dynamic IP - you may still have a dynamic IP given
your description.  It will change (at least it does for me on my Verizon
DSL) if you turn the modem/router off and turn it back on - basically
break the connection between your house and the telco.  When the
connection is reestablished, you will get a different IP.

Since you dyndns set up, you don't need static IP.  Which is good since
it usually costs extra.

I have a linksys router which supports dyndns.  It's great to have and
makes remote streaming much easier for me.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 11.0 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.3 and SqueezeSlave.  MusicIP has been turned off
temporarily while I move to a lossless version of my library.

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Re: [slim] SB1 Not updating firmware

2008-12-15 Thread Mark Lanctot

Just out of curiosity, how much did you pay for it?  :-)

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta), SBC (beta - no battery)
Sold: SB3, Duet

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Re: [slim] Which product should I get?

2008-12-15 Thread Mark Lanctot

I'm surprised everyone has missed this...

allelopath;370923 Wrote: 
 I want to stream Pandora (and other such streaming music) using firefox
 through my computer to my stereo receiver.

If that's really what you want to do, you need a long stereo audio or
digital audio cable from your soundcard to your stereo.  If that's what
you really want to do, that is.

Why would you -not- want to do this?  Well if your stereo is in another
room you'll have no control over which songs play, thumbs up/thumbs
down, etc.  You'd have to run back to your computer for that.

The Squeezebox products aren't long audio cables, they offer a remote
interface (remote from your computer, that is) to music.  And for
Pandora you don't need your computer on at all.

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta), SBC (beta - no battery)
Sold: SB3, Duet

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Re: [slim] 7.3 using 100% CPU on Win XP

2008-12-15 Thread Mark Lanctot

Any chance it was just rescanning?

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta), SBC (beta - no battery)
Sold: SB3, Duet

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Re: [slim] Shipping costs

2008-12-15 Thread sellars

You guys seriously rock. Anyone living in Western Canada should contact
Gramophone if they consider a purchase. Not only have you gone the
extra mile of taking a SBR out of a duet set, but you shipped fast,
were extremely courteous on the phone and the product was packaged
really well.
Compare this to any of the resellers in Vancouver who said they did not
have a SBR standalone in stock.
Than you Gramophone, I will send my friends to you, too!

Gramophone;365159 Wrote: 
 We are squeezebox resellers in Edmonton - we carry a large amount of
 stock including extra controllers and receivers for the Duet. Are you
 asking for a new IR remote control? We can certainly supply one but in
 almost 3 years as a reseller for Canada, we have never been asked for a
 new remote control. I just ordered six more Booms yesterday and if you
 want a something that we do not have on hand, we can add it to our
 order, plus we have no PST in Alberta, so there is a savings for you
 there as well.
 info'@'   Please remove the single quote marks, of
 Kind Regards,


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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay not pausing correctly?

2008-12-15 Thread Andy Hawkins

In article, wrote:
 Sounds like the same bug thats been around for years in Softsqueeze.

Quite possibly, like I said in the original report I *think* I've seen
something similar before.

Any chance of it being fixed?


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[slim] Music and Internet Radio in a single playlist

2008-12-15 Thread Chippy

Hi -
I'd like to setup a playlist which starts with a single MP3, followed
by an Internet radio station. I want to use such a playlist for an
alarm - I figure it would make a nice way to wake up in the morning.
However, I'm having some problems:

I start with an empty playlist then add an MP3 and finally add a radio
station to the playlist. When I do this, the internet radio station
leapfrogs the MP3 to number 1 in the list.

I did a search, and this thread seems to discuss the same issue. But
it's in German... :)

Anyone technically or linguistically able to assist?!


SC 7.3
Mac OS X 10.5.6
Squeezebox 3 (fw 120)
Mac Mini Intel Core Duo


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread horseflesh

loc4me;369966 Wrote: 
 How about having FULL browsing functionality so people could check
 performance but limit playback time. Say every 5mins or 2mins or
 whatever that playback would stop and you could just restart it. Kinda
 like a nag screen or something?

That's a good idea. Give us full functionality but every 5 minutes
clear the playlist and quit the app, or something like that. 

Without the ability to evaluate the app's responsiveness with a full
library, the demo isn't that useful, unfortunately. Instead, limit
things like playback time, playlist size, saving playlists, and other
things that aren't possible performance issues. 

My $0.02.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

horseflesh;371109 Wrote: 
 That's a good idea. Give us full functionality but every 5 minutes clear
 the playlist and quit the app, or something like that. 
 Without the ability to evaluate the app's responsiveness with a full
 library, the demo isn't that useful, unfortunately. Instead, limit
 things like playback time, playlist size, saving playlists, and other
 things that aren't possible performance issues. 
 My $0.02.
No it is not. I mean, the idea is good, but how do I do this? You could
just quit the app and all limitations are gone. Usually, I never have
iPeng active for 5 min, it's usually a minute or so of browsing and
than either exit or sleep.

I could cut the playback functionality to only allow one track in a row
if that's better?


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread horseflesh

Hmm... That sounds good to me!


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Re: [slim] SC Starting - The Balloon That Would No Die...

2008-12-15 Thread Glenn2

Anybody figure out how to get rid of this annoying balloon yet?


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Re: [slim] Rhapsody Issue With Song Track 59:xx

2008-12-15 Thread MikeekiM

y360;370816 Wrote: 
 I've seen this in the past. What's your firmware version ?

I'm on the latest firmware, and have also updated to the SC 7.3

This problem has happened pre and post updating though...


1 SqueezeBox Duet
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[slim] Change http port through config file?

2008-12-15 Thread Chippy

Help! I've just changed the http port in SC 7.3 to 9090 in preparation
for a Twonky install - without realising that it's the CLI port.

Now - SC doesn't run for long enough for me to change to another port
using the web interface.

Which file to I need to edit (on a Mac) to the http port?

Many thanks in advance...


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Re: [slim] Change http port through config file?

2008-12-15 Thread Chippy

I swear I searched for this first. I did!

But now I've found what I was looking for with a slightly more refined
search string...

~/Library/Application Support/SqueezeCenter/server.prefs


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Re: [slim] The songs are there but not showing...

2008-12-15 Thread toydoll

wow, totally forgot that I wrote here...
But I found all the NIN songs in the artist category a long time ago.
It is under T. The only thing I can come to think of is that *T*rent
Reznor is the man behind NIN so i checked the tagging or whatever it is
called but it clearly said that the artist is  NIN, not trent.
I have 21 albums with NIN and all of them are under the letter T.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread GTax

I updated to 1.0.4 this morning, and it crashes immediately after the
splash screen.  I'm running squeezecenter 7.3.  I'd give you more info,
but I'm not sure where to look for log files through the itouch.  Any



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[slim] Last.FM Radio - Music Skips

2008-12-15 Thread MikeekiM

Hi All,

When playing any of the Last.FM radio stations, I notice that I
experience some occasional skipping in the music from time to time... 
I have talked to friends who use Last.FM radio streams, and they
confirm that they have this problem as well...

Does anyone know the root cause of these skips?  Is it a server
bandwidth issue?  I see that one of the stated features of being a
subscriber to Last.FM is that you get bandwidth priority...  If this is
the case, could I expect to correct this skipping issue if I subscribe?

Thanks all...


1 SqueezeBox Duet
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Re: [slim] Last.FM Radio - Music Skips

2008-12-15 Thread andyg severely rate-limits the transfer speed on their streaming
files, that's probably why this is happening.


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Re: [slim] Last.FM Radio - Music Skips

2008-12-15 Thread MikeekiM

andyg;371201 Wrote: severely rate-limits the transfer speed on their streaming
 files, that's probably why this is happening.

Thanks Andy...

Any chance that being a paid subscriber would help?  Here is what they
say is one of the benefits of being a subscriber:

Get top priority with our webservers and radio servers at peak traffic


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

GTax;371194 Wrote: 
 I updated to 1.0.4 this morning, and it crashes immediately after the
 splash screen.  I'm running squeezecenter 7.3.  I'd give you more info,
 but I'm not sure where to look for log files through the itouch.  Any

Had that once upon upgrading.
Uninstall/Reinstall (using iTunes) will help in this case.
Another alternative could be this:
1. Turn off WiFi. iPeng should NOT crash when started now.
2. Go to settings and add some dummy server address (bleh will do,
IP-Addresses are a bad idea here!).
3. Go back to NowPlaying, swipe right, you get to the Players screen,
now you should see your new server under Music Sources.
4. Select the dummy server
5. Quit iPeng
6. Turn WiFi back on
7. Start iPeng
8. Just to be sure, Flush the Cache (in Settings).
9. Go to the players page again and select your real server (should
have been found by now).
10. You may or may not remove the dummy server from your

This sounds more complicated than reinstalling but can be done without
a computer.


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] Last.FM Radio - Music Skips

2008-12-15 Thread andyg

It is very possible being a subscriber would help.


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[slim] KCRW KO'd?

2008-12-15 Thread mcslim

I can access all the radio stations on Staff Picks except KCRW.
True for SqueezeCenter and SqueezeNetwork.
Is there a problem?
Thanks, Mark


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Re: [slim] Controller or alternative (iPod touch/iPhone)?

2008-12-15 Thread morsejeff

I went and picked up a 16GB iPod Touch today and when I got it home I
realized that it was a 1st generation Touch.  I should have realized it
when the price rang up for less than I expected.

Anyway, will the iPeng and/or Squidgy application work on the 1st
generation, or do I need the 2nd generation?  Also, is there any reason
other than the obvious (external speaker, side volume controls, etc)
that are critical enough to return this and get the 2nd generation?  I
primarily bought it for the wifi and to use to control my Squeezeboxes.


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[slim] Deterioration of technical support

2008-12-15 Thread billingsgate

I knew it was inevitable when Logitech bought Slim Devices. Tech support
would essentially disappear.

I truly enjoyed the immediate and personal support offered by Slim
Devices back when it was an independent company. My problems were
addressed by helpful engineers, or logged as bug reports. Things got
fixed rapidly and satisfactorily.

Now? No f***ing way! I sent in a simple complaint about the new
alignment of SqueezeNetwork menus, plus an issue about the
SqueezeNetwork web page which preventes me from accessing Live365.

Five days later I get a message that because I happen to live in Hong
Kong, my issue is being redirected to Logitech Asia-Pacific tech

Obviously no one even read my report. It has absoilutely NOTHING to do
with my location. It has absolutely nothing to do with my hardware
(which I bought in the USA, by the way).

So instead of actually responding to my simple report, now time is
wasted shuffling user reports around the globe, far far away from the
engineers at Slim Devices who can so simply and easily respond to my
report by checking the SqueezeNetwork web page.

Likely I will wait another five days to get some sort of boilerplate
cut-and-paste response. Want to bet the advice is: Uninstall and
reinstall my SqueezeCenter software, reboot, flush my browser cache.
I'll bet cold cash that's the reply I get.

Bring back REAL service. It used to be one of the best things which
distinguished Slim Devices from every other company out there.


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Re: [slim] Last.FM Radio - Music Skips

2008-12-15 Thread MikeekiM

andyg;371211 Wrote: 
 It is very possible being a subscriber would help.

Agreed...  That's the conclusion I drew as well...

Any subscribers able to chime in here?  Does it help?

I am not willing to pay on the chance that it might help...but I might
be willing to pay on the guarantee that it will... :)


1 SqueezeBox Duet
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Re: [slim] Controller or alternative (iPod touch/iPhone)?

2008-12-15 Thread pippin

morsejeff;371222 Wrote: 
 I went and picked up a 16GB iPod Touch today and when I got it home I
 realized that it was a 1st generation Touch.  I should have realized it
 when the price rang up for less than I expected.
 Anyway, will the iPeng and/or Squidgy application work on the 1st
 generation, or do I need the 2nd generation?  Also, is there any reason
 other than the obvious (external speaker, side volume controls, etc)
 that are critical enough to return this and get the 2nd generation?  I
 primarily bought it for the wifi and to use to control my Squeezeboxes.

I can answer the first one: It works.
I can't answer the second one since I don't have any 2nd gen touches.
Yet I do hope to be able to use the hardware buttons for iPeng one day
(no promises being made).


see iPeng at

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[slim] Disc tag

2008-12-15 Thread badbob

Is Disc ID tag used in slim scanner to designate disc number for
multiple CD albums?


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Re: [slim] Deterioration of technical support

2008-12-15 Thread Fletch

I'm certainly not going to defend the response you received...

But, IMO the best way to get something like this fixed is to go to and file your own bug report.


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Re: [slim] The songs are there but not showing...

2008-12-15 Thread MeSue

Did you check Album Artist? If you have Trent Reznor tagged as album
artist, it will override the track artist. 

When I want both the singer and the group in my artist list, I put the
singer as album artist and I put the group in the band tag, then I have
ticked the box in Squeezecenter to show Band tags in the artist list. 

Caveat: Apparently some taggers use the same tag for album artist and
band... if that's the case for you, I guess you can only use one or the
other, or get a new tagger.



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[slim] Playing a CD through SqueezeCenter

2008-12-15 Thread ronaldg

Is there a way to play a CD in a PC CD Drive and stream it via
SqueezeCenter to a Squeezebox?



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Re: [slim] Deterioration of technical support

2008-12-15 Thread iPhone

billingsgate;371229 Wrote: 
 I knew it was inevitable when Logitech bought Slim Devices. Tech support
 would essentially disappear.
 I truly enjoyed the immediate and personal support offered by Slim
 Devices back when it was an independent company. My problems were
 addressed by helpful engineers, or logged as bug reports. Things got
 fixed rapidly and satisfactorily.
 Bring back REAL service. It used to be one of the best things which
 distinguished Slim Devices from every other company out there.

I can see your complaint, but other things have changed besides now
having a parent company and maybe they need to be considered.
1) The user base has exploded since the release of Duet and Boom.
2) New Web browsers and new versions of old web browsers have come out
(read more stuff to have to support and bugs to fix).
3) Additional equipment types to be supported in SC.
4) Sounds like Logitech is trying to increase service not decrease it
if they are pointing you to a new support facility in your part of the

And Fletch makes a point, did you take the time to check to see if a
bug report has been filed on your issue and if not, file one?


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: SB3, GFR-700HD, Thiel 2.3, Second Boom
Home Office: SB3, NAD C370, two VSM-1
Home Gym: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, Thiel PowerPoint 1.2
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread jkish

I updated tonight from the App Store, but the help still says 1.03.

I had previously updated from 1.0 to 1.03.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-15 Thread garym

it is 1.0.4. The help screen wasn't changed. Look at lower left of
screen when starting app and you'll see1.0.4


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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay not pausing correctly?

2008-12-15 Thread radish

Take a look at to see if there's already a bug
ticket there, and if not raise one :)


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Re: [slim] Streaming problem FIOS

2008-12-15 Thread JFS737

not sure why 9000 didn't work, but no worries now.  I sure did spend
a bunch of time trying though and had I changed it sooner it would have
helped me tremendously.  Still, that website tool was absolutely the
bomb in allowing me to trouble shoot my router.  People need to know
about this thing.

Thanks for the info on the dynamic / static IP, hoping it'll work
out with the dysdns thing.  

Take care,


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Re: [slim] Rhapsody Issue With Song Track 59:xx

2008-12-15 Thread JFS737

I occasionally have this problem too.  Since most everything else is
working pretty well now, it's a bit of a downer.  I just have to carry
the remote (duet SC) with me so I can hit next track.  Otherwise it'll
go quiet for 59 minutes.   I have reported it before and eagerly await
a fix.

Win XP
7.3 and latest Duet firmware.



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Re: [slim] Positive ReplayGain and Clipping

2008-12-15 Thread CatBus

For those not tracking this bug closely, it looks like a server-side
solution has been implemented, which is certainly a big improvement.


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Re: [slim] SB1 Not updating firmware

2008-12-15 Thread egizzi


Seemed like a fair price


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