Re: [Flashcoders] Question regarding use of Delegate in a class

2006-02-21 Thread Nathan Derksen
There is another way of doing it as well, FYI, that doesn't use the  
delegate class. You can take advantage of the fact that handler  
functions can see local variables and use a local variable to make  
reference to the class. The line:

var parent = this;
(or fully typed, var parent:MyClassName = this;)

allows you to store a reference to the class instance. You can then  
reference any method or property by just calling parent.methodName()  
or parent.propertyName from within your handler functions.

private function doFade():Void{
var parent = this;
container_mc.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(this.fader_mc._alpha = 0){
delete this.onEnterFrame;

container_mc.onRelease = function()


On Feb 21, 2006, at 9:40 AM, Wouter Steidl wrote:

private function doFade():Void{
container_mc.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(this.fader_mc._alpha = 0){
Delegate.create(this, startTimer); -- DOESN'T WORK
delete this.onEnterFrame;
container_mc.onRelease = Delegate.create(this, startTimer); --

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Re: [Flashcoders] hiding datagrid columns?

2006-02-08 Thread Nathan Derksen

Use removeColumnAt() and addColumn()/addColumnAt()

var dataArray:Array = new Array();
dataArray.push({foo:1, bar:2, baz:3});
dataArray.push({foo:1, bar:2, baz:3});
dataArray.push({foo:1, bar:2, baz:3});
dataArray.push({foo:1, bar:2, baz:3});
dataArray.push({foo:1, bar:2, baz:3});
dataArray.push({foo:1, bar:2, baz:3});
dataArray.push({foo:1, bar:2, baz:3});
dataArray.push({foo:1, bar:2, baz:3});
dataArray.push({foo:1, bar:2, baz:3});

myDG.dataProvider = dataArray;

// Later call the following to get the column back:
myDG.addColumnAt(2, baz);

Note that the third column of data is not removed from the data  
provider when you call removeColumnAt(2), it just removes the visual  
representation of the data.


On Feb 8, 2006, at 1:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Does anyone know a way to hide a datagrid column.
The information contained in this electronic message and any  
attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of  
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Re: Re[4]: [Flashcoders] Q:getter setters vs accessor methods

2006-02-08 Thread Nathan Derksen

The line in the constructor:

this._size = 2;

is calling the setter. Maybe you meant to call this.__size = 2;  
Setters will trigger regardless of whether the property is set by  
code within the class itself or from external code.


On Feb 8, 2006, at 5:31 PM, Iv wrote:

Hello JesterXL,

my test shows anoter result and add new question:
-who called getter in the code?

class Test {
private var __size:Number = 0;
function Test() {
this._size = 2;
public function get _size():Number {
trace(get _size);
return this.getSize();
public function set _size(new_size:Number):Void {
trace(set _size);
trace(end set _size\n);
private function setSize(new_size:Number):Number {
this.__size = new_size;
return new_size;
private function getSize():Number {
return this.__size;

foo = new Test()


set _size
end set _size

get _size

J size = 2 does:
J - setter runs
J - getter runs for setter
J - getter runs getSize function
J - getSize function gets value, returns it
J - getter returns value for setter
J - setter changes value

Ivan Dembicki
[EMAIL PROTECTED] || http://

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Flashcoders mailing list

Re: Re[4]: [Flashcoders] Q:getter setters vs accessor methods

2006-02-08 Thread Nathan Derksen

Sorry, ignore me, I misread the question. setter != getter


On Feb 8, 2006, at 9:58 PM, Nathan Derksen wrote:

The line in the constructor:

this._size = 2;

is calling the setter. Maybe you meant to call this.__size = 2;  
Setters will trigger regardless of whether the property is set by  
code within the class itself or from external code.


On Feb 8, 2006, at 5:31 PM, Iv wrote:

Hello JesterXL,

my test shows anoter result and add new question:
-who called getter in the code?

class Test {
private var __size:Number = 0;
function Test() {
this._size = 2;
public function get _size():Number {
trace(get _size);
return this.getSize();
public function set _size(new_size:Number):Void {
trace(set _size);
trace(end set _size\n);
private function setSize(new_size:Number):Number {
this.__size = new_size;
return new_size;
private function getSize():Number {
return this.__size;

foo = new Test()


set _size
end set _size

get _size

J size = 2 does:
J - setter runs
J - getter runs for setter
J - getter runs getSize function
J - getSize function gets value, returns it
J - getter returns value for setter
J - setter changes value

Ivan Dembicki
[EMAIL PROTECTED] || http://

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Re: [Flashcoders] dynamic text field whoas

2006-02-07 Thread Nathan Derksen
Damn, I always thought that seemed a silly way to do it. After all  
this time of re-calling that bloody thing every time I changed it.

Thanks for the correction, I'll go back and fix my old code :-)


On Feb 7, 2006, at 2:49 PM, Ian Thomas wrote:

Or call setNewTextFormat() instead.

setTextFormat() applies to the _existing_ text within the field.

setNewTextFormat() applies to any text that will be put into the  

This is why (Nathan) you're having to call setTextFormat() multiple  
times -

calling setNewTextFormat() just once, before putting anything into the
field, should solve that issue.


On 2/7/06, Nathan Derksen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You need to re-apply setTextFormat() every time you change the .text
or .htmlText properties of a text field:

percent.text = percentNum;

I tried this out with your code, and it worked fine afterwards.

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Re: [Flashcoders] How do you code your Flash applications?

2006-02-06 Thread Nathan Derksen
You make it sound like I'm forcing it to work. I'm not forcing it, it  
works as a nice byproduct of how I normally setup and group my movie  
clips. I see this as being good coding practice. Things that are  
grouped together share a parent movie clip, making control of the  
group easier and making depth management easer as each movie clip  
manages the depths of its children. I hate renumbering depths, and I  
don't like having to figure out blocks of depths then later finding  
that I need to move a block later on. This works very cleanly for me,  
both from architecting movie clips into a logical hierarchy and from  
preventing annoying depth collisions. I don't deny that it will not  
work in all situations, nor did I claim so, nor do I know your  
particular experiences with depth management. I do however have a  
hard time imagining that manual depth management is a best practice.

   Anyway, this has gone on long enough. If you haven't gotten the  
point yet you're never going to.

Nonsense, this is a great debate IMHO, and I would love to hear more  
from others as well. This is something that everyone has to deal  
with, and I genuinely thought that others would make more use of  
getNextHighestDepth() and was surprised that you and others avoid it.  
What are the situations that you have come across where only manual  
depth management would work? Do you have other ways of managing depth?


On Feb 6, 2006, at 3:10 PM, ryanm wrote:

Then I create a placeholder movie clip...

   You miss the point. Doing something because you can usually find  
a way to make it work doesn't make it a valid replacement for good  
coding practices. That you rarely come across a scenario that you  
can't handle that way only means that there *are* scenarios that  
won't work that way, and that it is likely that at least some of  
the time when it does work for you it would still be better (more  
efficient, more readable, etc) to do it a different way. Also, just  
because you rarely run into situations that don't work that way  
doesn't mean that others don't run into them all the time, which  
means your method probably isn't the best one to be recommending  
broadly in a thread about best practices. Why not pick a good,  
standardized way to manage depths that works in every scenario?

   Anyway, this has gone on long enough. If you haven't gotten the  
point yet you're never going to.

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] How do you code your Flash applications?

2006-02-05 Thread Nathan Derksen
Then I create a placeholder movie clip in the order I intend for it  
to go, then put the new movie clips in that clip later. The parent  
clip holds the depth, so no matter how many child clips I create,  
they are always ordered relative to the rest of the content as  
intended. I always group related content into its own movie clip to  
simplify moving/animating/hiding the content anyways. I rarely come  
across scenarios where a combination of movie clip organization and  
getNextHighestElement do not work as intended.


On Feb 5, 2006, at 1:33 AM, ryanm wrote:

and you want to add something between the content and the footer,   
then just add it in between:


Guess where the new stuff ends up? No figuring out what depth to   
assign, no re-assigning depths, no collisions. Nice and simple.

   What if it's not supposed to be built at the same time as the  
other elements? There are thousands of what ifs that might make  
your example not work. All of this becomes moot with the AS3  
DisplayList, but as long as you have to work with the current depth  
system, it is a good idea to keep track of where you are putting  
stuff, rather than depending on execution order to place them in  
the right depths.

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Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] using MCL to keep track of total bytes loaded.

2006-02-04 Thread Nathan Derksen
No, you will have problems with that implementation. You can't just  
add loadedBytes to your total. Say you are loading just one movie  
clip, you start off with zero, then 10 bytes come in, so loadedWeight  
is now 10. Next, 10 more come in so loadedBytes reports 20, which is  
added to your total, leaving loadedWeight at 30, which is incorrect.  
Instead, you can have a function that loops through each movie clip  
to test for loadedBytes.

mainMclListener.onLoadProgress = function( targetMC, loadedBytes,  

var totalBytes:Number = 0;
var numClips:Number = mainSWFArray.length;

for (var i:Number = 0; i  numClips; i++)
  totalBytes += baseTimeline 


   // then do a test to find out the percentage loadedWeight is of
totalWeight. i need to know when it's reached 10%, 20%, 30%, etc...

The baseTimeline reference should be replaced with a reference  
pointing to the parent movie clip.

This is a bit inefficient, though. If you want, I can show you a more  
efficient way of doing it using a single setInterval() call.


On Feb 4, 2006, at 9:26 AM, Matt Ganz wrote:


i have a question on using the MovieClipLoader class to load an array
of swf files. i just want to add the loadedBytes of each swf to
another variable so i can constantly compare the loaded to the total
of all swf files. in the end, i need to figure out the percentage of
the total swfs combined weight is loaded. i've started off a little
here but am not sure how to compare the values or if i'm adding it
correctly. can anyone see if i'm approaching this correctly so far?

here's my code:

// An array that holds the paths to external swf files.
var mainSwfArray:Array = new Array( { path: one.swf, id:  
one_mc, depth: 6 },

{ path: 
two.swf, id: two_mc, depth: 8 },
{ path: 
three.swf, id: three_mc, depth: 18 },
{ path: 
four.swf, id: four_mc, depth: 16 },
{ path: 
five.swf, id: five_mc, depth: 14 },
{ path: 
six.swf, id: six_mc, depth: 12 },
{ path: 
seven.swf, id: seven_mc, depth: 10 } );

var totalWeight:Number = 5677376; // the total weight of the swf files
in the mainSwfArray (in bytes).
var loadedWeight:Number = 0; // we'll add to this variable as the
movies get loaded.

var mainMCL = new MovieClipLoader();
var mainMclListener = new Object();
mainMCL.addListener( mainMclListener );

// onLoadProgress()
mainMclListener.onLoadProgress = function( targetMC, loadedBytes,  

loadedWeight += loadedBytes;
   // then do a test to find out the percentage loadedWeight is of
totalWeight. i need to know when it's reached 10%, 20%, 30%, etc...

thanks. -- matt.
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Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] How do you code your Flash applications?

2006-02-03 Thread Nathan Derksen

getNextHighestDepth() is your friend :-)


On Feb 3, 2006, at 2:05 AM, ryanm wrote:

   Another little bit of advice you may find useful, don't put  
depths right next to each other, leave room between them. When  
developing a UI, I often put them 10 depths apart, as in navigation  
container at 10, content container at 20, footer container at 30,  
etc, instead of at 1, 2, and 3. That way, if I need to add a new  
section, or if I need to drop in additional elements like a  
scrollbar, etc, I have a depth available without having to go  
through the code and increment all the subsequent depths. Since  
there are 65k depths available and I rarely use more than a dozen  
on any given timeline, I figure spacing them out is safer than  
putting them right next to each other.

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] LoadClip and centering new content

2006-02-03 Thread Nathan Derksen
Ah yes, that's a fun issue. Unfortunately, once you load an SWF  
inside another, there is no way that I know of to get the original  
published stage size. I would love to be proved wrong, though, but I  
have looked hard for a way to do that as well. All you can really do  
is keep xscale and yscale to 100, and use a fixed size mask so that  
anything outside of the area you have set aside for the clip is  
hidden (in case stuff goes outside the bounds of the stage).


On Feb 3, 2006, at 8:06 AM, Éric Thibault wrote:

I already do that... but the width and height of the container clip  
takes into account any instances outside the boundary of the loaded  
SWF's stage...
So I'm getting the total with and height but want only the stage  
dimentions of the loaded SWF!

I want to align the loaded SWF'stage in the loading flash

If it was just for me, i would not put anything outside the stage  
of the loaded SWF but I'm not the producer of those swf...

And having the stage dimentions would help because the loaded SWF's  
dimentions only takes into account the instances present on frame  
1... (mc_square 100*100 at (0,0) on a stage of 300*300 results in a  
container clip of 100*100!)


j.c.wichman wrote:

If you use something like:
var my_mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();

var myListener:Object = new Object();

myListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
};  my_mcl.addListener(myListener);
my_mcl.loadClip(YOUR path to SWF here eg test.swf, path
to container here_root.dummy);

It should trace the width of your clip upon load. Is that what you  


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Éric
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 3:11 PM
To: Flashcoders Mailing List
Subject: RE:[Flashcoders] LoadClip and centering new content

Hello again...

My problem is : how to know the stage's dimentions of a loaded SWF  
to center

it correctly in its container?

Here's my tests on that particular problem

1. Set _lockroot inside the loaded SWF : no effect.
2. Set Stage.scaleMode = |noScale : no effect.

|When I execute the loaded SWF independently, the Stage dimentions  
OK but once loaded inside another Flash movie, the Stage's  
dimentions are

those of the main movie.

I was looking to include a mc with the same dimentions as the  
stage inside

the loaded SWF but there will be a lot of SWF and not all made by me!

I there a way to retreive this kind of information or is it  

Thanks a million.
Flashcoders mailing list

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Re: [Flashcoders] How do you code your Flash applications?

2006-02-03 Thread Nathan Derksen
No, but what Ryan describes is exactly what getNextHighestDepth() is  


On Feb 3, 2006, at 8:19 AM, Scott Hyndman wrote:

It's not when you don't want the movieclip to be on the highest depth.


-Original Message-
From:	[EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Nathan  

Sent:   Fri 2/3/2006 11:07 AM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject:Re: [Flashcoders] How do you code your Flash applications?

getNextHighestDepth() is your friend :-)


On Feb 3, 2006, at 2:05 AM, ryanm wrote:

   Another little bit of advice you may find useful, don't put
depths right next to each other, leave room between them. When
developing a UI, I often put them 10 depths apart, as in navigation
container at 10, content container at 20, footer container at 30,
etc, instead of at 1, 2, and 3. That way, if I need to add a new
section, or if I need to drop in additional elements like a
scrollbar, etc, I have a depth available without having to go
through the code and increment all the subsequent depths. Since
there are 65k depths available and I rarely use more than a dozen
on any given timeline, I figure spacing them out is safer than
putting them right next to each other.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] How do you code your Flash applications?

2006-02-03 Thread Nathan Derksen
I always have a movie clip as a base. Gives a better platform for  
moving everything around together if I need, and getNextHighestDepth 
() works as advertised.


On Feb 3, 2006, at 8:23 AM, Bart Wttewaall wrote:

And certainly not when you work within the _root.
It will give depths at which you can't remove movieclips.

2006/2/3, Scott Hyndman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
It's not when you don't want the movieclip to be on the highest  


-Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of  
Nathan Derksen

Sent:   Fri 2/3/2006 11:07 AM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject:Re: [Flashcoders] How do you code your Flash  

getNextHighestDepth() is your friend :-)


On Feb 3, 2006, at 2:05 AM, ryanm wrote:

   Another little bit of advice you may find useful, don't put
depths right next to each other, leave room between them. When
developing a UI, I often put them 10 depths apart, as in navigation
container at 10, content container at 20, footer container at 30,
etc, instead of at 1, 2, and 3. That way, if I need to add a new
section, or if I need to drop in additional elements like a
scrollbar, etc, I have a depth available without having to go
through the code and increment all the subsequent depths. Since
there are 65k depths available and I rarely use more than a dozen
on any given timeline, I figure spacing them out is safer than
putting them right next to each other.

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Re: [Flashcoders] LoadClip and centering new content

2006-02-03 Thread Nathan Derksen
Not that I know of. If the first frame was representative of the size  
as a whole, then iterating through the movie clips looking for clips  
with negative x/y values could be done, however it's sort of a moot  
point as soon as everything moves around in subsequent frames. I also  
don't think that will work if some of the symbols are graphic symbols  
instead of movie clips. You basically need to know in advance what  
the size of the clip is going to be, then code that into your  
positioning code. Not pretty, but it's doable.


On Feb 3, 2006, at 8:40 AM, Éric Thibault wrote:


The funiest thing is that if I want to center my loaded SWF that  
has instances outside the loaded SWF'stage, it gets shifted :'(

Is there a way to know the nomber of pixels to the left, top,  
bottom and right of the registration point (0,0) of a container?  I  
could than compensate for the extras of the SWF inside of it...

Say that my container is 200px in width but I know that it has 50px  
extra to the left (-50px), my real width is then 150px??


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] How do you code your Flash applications?

2006-02-03 Thread Nathan Derksen

Free is always nice to have  :-) That's pretty wicked support, though.

I considered it, but I like to support SEPY partially because they  
are at least working on a Mac version, while PrimalScript is not that  
I know of.


On Feb 3, 2006, at 8:41 AM, Andreas Rønning wrote:

Surprised at the lack of support for Primalscript on this list :)  
It's easily the most comprehensive and solid scripting IDE out  
there, and for mid to large scale flash development i don't see how  
i could do without it. In particular the dynamic code completion  
and code hinting for your own methods as you write them is really  
really nice to have. Another thing that's nice about something NOT  
being open source and NOT being modified by every geek on the block  
is that you have actual customer support heh. Like when i first  
tried out Primalscript 3 and found that it handled alt gr keys in  
such a way as to make scripting near-impossible on norwegian  
keyboards (alt gr+7 through alt gr+0 for brackets and curly braces,  
and the alt gr key was invariably setting keyboard focus to the  
menu bar). I notified them, immediatly got a message back that they  
had ordered a norwegian keyboard and was going to fix it asap. Was  
fixed within the week. Raw.

Never caught on to se|py unfortunately, mostly because i change the  
colors on my code highlighting to run on a black background (black  
with light grey letters is easier on my eyes in the long run. Less  
staring at the sun), and se|py has line highlighting that's black,  
making the current line invisible ;P Couldn't work with that. Funny  
how simple i am.

- Andreas

Nathan Derksen wrote:
Yah, I really like it too, but it does the same thing for me. I  
save constantly anyways, so I rarely lose anything. I have yet to  
get the Mac version to actually run, which is a shame.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] XML Driven Application Driving me crazy :)

2006-02-01 Thread Nathan Derksen
This is a problem that has been addressed numerous times. I suggest  
that you search the archives at 

The summary is that the speed problem usually has little to do with  
the actual xml handling and more to do with how you are updating the  
user interface, especially if you are using components. Parse all of  
the XML data first, placing the data of interest into an array of  
objects. Only once you have built the array should you set your  
component's data provider or otherwise update the user interface.


On Jan 31, 2006, at 9:33 AM, Ing. Mario Falomir wrote:

Hi, I need some advice from you guys :) I have an XML Driven FLash  
basically it's a tool that displays charts and data in grids,  

etc...that my client will handout in CDs. So at the beginning of the
development process I thought XML would suit perfectly in the  
purpose of
this app. But it happened that the DB used to generate the  
apporpiate XML

files that my app consume had grown amazingly so eventually my app
(exclusively the part that searches for an specific registry entry)  

very slow and sometimes (rarely but happens) it crashes due to the
exhaustive loops and interations i do in order to the search/ 
display data of

an specific registry and filtering functions.

So i thouhgt, upon your experience,  to ask how would you do to  
this thing or what its the best way to do the queries to an XML in  
smooth things a little bit more :) Or what approaches (or  
guidelines ) do
you use when you have to develop an app. that will have XML to  
serve as its

DB. Do you load everysingle XML at once ? on demand ? etc ?

Thanks in advanced!
Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Tell me more about _global

2006-02-01 Thread Nathan Derksen
Yah, as Ian mentioned, you lose all type checking with this  
technique. Also, you require that the object be in the global name  
space, while a singleton class does not clutter up the global  
namespace at all (var globalData = AppState.getInstance(); = bar). Finally, how do you alert other parts of the  
application to a change in a property? Setters and getters can do  
that for you automatically by broadcasting an event, but an anonymous  
object can't do that, you have to trigger the event yourself when you  
change the property.

Not understanding why something is done in a particular way does not  
make it lame.


On Jan 31, 2006, at 3:08 PM, Steven Sacks wrote:

Making a class for globals is lame.  I don't get why people do  
stuff like

that.  It's completely unnecessary.  Here's how I make a namespace for
globals in one line.

On frame one of the root timeline:

_global.APP = {};

Wow. That was so hard.


Nathan Derksen nderksen at wrote:

I generally keep at least one singleton class which is responsible
for storing global properties. I make those properties accessible
with getters and setters so that I can allow changes in those
properties to trigger events. You can't really do that if you use
_global to store your data. Also, there is always a risk in name
space collision if you load in other elements that also use global,
where one or more variables use the same name and are thus
inadvertently shared for different uses. You definitely do not want
to use _global within any classes that you create, as that

can cause

entanglement, gives you no private protection, and does not


contain your code into a well-defined unit with a well-defined API.


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Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] XML Driven Application Driving me crazy :)

2006-02-01 Thread Nathan Derksen
Yah, agreed. I just know from experience on the various boards that  
one of the most common mistakes for people to make is to update a  
combo-box or data grid for each iteration of the xml parsing loop  
rather than waiting until the end. That can lock up the player tight,  
while if you wait till the end to set the data provider, even a quite  
sizable xml file generally won't cause the dreaded this app is  
running slowly alert.


On Feb 1, 2006, at 8:28 AM, Merrill, Jason wrote:

The summary is that the speed problem usually has little to do with
the actual xml handling and more to do with how you are updating the
user interface,

I'm sorry, but I partially disagree with that statement based on my
experience.  Components can take some time to render, sure, but for  

most of my XML data loading time woes stem from the time it takes the
player to load a large XML file.  If I am using something to parse  

objects, that takes even more time.  Once the data is loaded into a
variable/object/property in Flash, the time it takes to updating a
component is far less of a concern  - usually its lickity split.  If
you're not using components, its even faster.

Jason Merrill   |   E-Learning Solutions   |

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Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] XML Driven Application Driving me crazy :)

2006-02-01 Thread Nathan Derksen
To answer your question a bit more, there are a couple of approaches.  
One approach is to build in the filtering server-side, so that when  
you need a subset of the data for something, you send a request to  
the server, which does the filtering and only sends what is relevant  
as XML. This is useful if you rarely need to actually work with small  
subsets of data, not the full list. If that's not the case, then as I  
mentioned previously, load all the data, parsing it into an  
intermediate data set. You can then do fairly quick searches through  
that data and build a smaller data set to feed to your components.  
Alternately, there are XML XPath implementations out there that are  
designed to be able to search through XML data quickly. I personally  
prefer the build-your-own array of objects approach, though, as it  
gives me full control over how I work with the data, however others  
really like using XPath. Use whatever works for you :-)


On Jan 31, 2006, at 9:33 AM, Ing. Mario Falomir wrote:

Hi, I need some advice from you guys :) I have an XML Driven FLash  
basically it's a tool that displays charts and data in grids,  

etc...that my client will handout in CDs. So at the beginning of the
development process I thought XML would suit perfectly in the  
purpose of
this app. But it happened that the DB used to generate the  
apporpiate XML

files that my app consume had grown amazingly so eventually my app
(exclusively the part that searches for an specific registry entry)  

very slow and sometimes (rarely but happens) it crashes due to the
exhaustive loops and interations i do in order to the search/ 
display data of

an specific registry and filtering functions.

So i thouhgt, upon your experience,  to ask how would you do to  
this thing or what its the best way to do the queries to an XML in  
smooth things a little bit more :) Or what approaches (or  
guidelines ) do
you use when you have to develop an app. that will have XML to  
serve as its

DB. Do you load everysingle XML at once ? on demand ? etc ?

Thanks in advanced!
Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Tell me more about _global

2006-02-01 Thread Nathan Derksen
Coolness, I missed that before. The actual page that this is shown is for  
those who don't want to search through the docs.


On Feb 1, 2006, at 6:29 PM, David Peek wrote:

Besides, you don't want to go teaching people bad habits,  
especially when the _global scope is not long for this world...

AS2: _global
AS3: Removed.
Comment: Use a static member of a class instead.



You are clearly an idiot.


-Original Message-
From:	[EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of  
Steven Sacks

Sent:   Wed 2/1/2006 2:43 PM
To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
Subject:RE: [Flashcoders] Tell me more about _global
Let's make classes for everything.  Let's make components out of  
There are so many benefits to complicating things and we CAN do it  
so we
SHOULD do it because it's so clever and smart to do it that way.   
Let's code
everything in one frame when working closely with designers so we  
can make
them feel stupid and helpless when they go into our application  
and can't
find anything and we can feel so superior to them because it's so  
and now we have to walk them through it and by doing so can show  
them how

smart and clever we are.

Let's stroke our egos to prove what smart coders we are and  
program job
security into our applications by making it extremely difficult  
for our
clients to hire anyone else to work on our code, especially  
considering we
might not be available (busy, vacation, dead) to help walk anyone  
the complicated messaging system we've put into place to do  
something as
simple as storing global variables.  It's such a clever way of  
doing things,
don't you see?  We've built a better mousetrap!  Those people  
using a simple

global namespace objects are suckers!

I'm not saying variable watchers and events don't have their  
place, but
we're talking about a global namespace to store variables  
available to the
entire application, a replacement for _global and the conflicts  
that can
arise from it, something that has been done longer than you've  
been coding.
You're acting like a simple global namespace to store variables is  
only for
noob coders and that really smart coders make their code super  
You guys are the reason Dreamweaver MX 2004, Photoshop 7, etc.  
take 10-20
seconds to start up instead of 1-3 like their predecessors.  You  
guys are
the reason many clients have bad tastes in their mouths from  
working with
independent contractors.  Why not apply your cleverness and  
creativity to
planning your next DD campaign or go learn a real programming  
language like

C and learn to program games if you're so smart.

As far as debugging goes, I've never had trouble with standard  
techniques.  You know, like trace() and NetDebug.trace().  Quick  
and easy.

Here's my debug code:

import mx.remoting.debug.NetDebug;
_global.out = function(m) {

Oh noes!  It's not complicated enough for you!  Feel superior in your
complicated debugging style!


Flashcoders mailing list


Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] What native events do (AS2, but not V2) components implement?

2006-01-31 Thread Nathan Derksen
Take a look in the Flash help panel under Components Language  
Reference - UIComponent Class and UIObject Class. Most components  
inherit from UIComponent, which in turn inherits from UIObject, so  
all the properties/methods/events listed for these two classes will  
apply. When you create your own components, you have a choice as to  
whether you want to go the somewhat lighter-weight approach and just  
extend UIObject, or to get the full V2 framework from UIComponent.


On Jan 31, 2006, at 4:22 AM, Alias wrote:

Hi guys,

This is always really hard to find information about, so I wanted to
ask the list.

Which events do AS2 components automatically have? I'm not talking
about V2 components, I'm referring to components created from scratch
in AS2. For example, there are functions like onResize, which seem
to be automatically called, and others, which don't, but get
implemented by the component developers themselves.

Can anyone point me to a list of these? Or just let me know what  
they are?

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Tell me more about _global

2006-01-31 Thread Nathan Derksen
I generally keep at least one singleton class which is responsible  
for storing global properties. I make those properties accessible  
with getters and setters so that I can allow changes in those  
properties to trigger events. You can't really do that if you use  
_global to store your data. Also, there is always a risk in name  
space collision if you load in other elements that also use global,  
where one or more variables use the same name and are thus  
inadvertently shared for different uses. You definitely do not want  
to use _global within any classes that you create, as that can cause  
entanglement, gives you no private protection, and does not properly  
contain your code into a well-defined unit with a well-defined API.


On Jan 31, 2006, at 6:26 AM, Manuel Saint-Victor wrote:

I'm reading about the wrongs of using _global in various books and  

and blogs but I have used several extensions and resources that I am
confident are well built that seem to be making use of _global. My  

project has some use of _global in the code that I am updating an I m
wondering in which cases I should try to remove those.   Is there a
reference that I can read that would educate me on the reasons not  
to use
_global and even tell me some workarounds that would allow me to  
safely use

_Global if it's necessary.  I'm familiar with the use of the Singleton
pattern but feel as if in some cases I might be better with some  

One case in particular that I'm considering is for some functions  
that we
would like to have globally available. Am I better off making them  

functions of a class (like  Math.random() etc)
and having people importing the class or just plopping them as  
functions on

the global timeline?

Thanks in advance-

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] avoiding a stack of lists

2006-01-30 Thread Nathan Derksen
Well, regardless of whether or not you use listeners, you still need  
to create the data relationship. I don't think encoding the  
relationships into 25 listeners is necessarily a good idea, either.  
An associative array, indexed by ID, could store the IDs of the other  
list items that are related, all in a single data structure. So for  

listRelationships[itemID1] = [itemID2, itemID3];
listRelationships[itemID2] = [itemID1];
listRelationships[itemID3] = [itemID2];

This allows you to store arbitrary relationships between each list  
item. When a list item is moused over, just grab listRelationships 
[itemID] and you will get a corresponding array of list items to  


On Jan 30, 2006, at 8:30 AM, Alan MacDougall wrote:

Kent Humphrey wrote:

I've made a single item work with my initial solution, which was  
to  have a list for each item that lists which items in the other  
lists  should highlight. But by the time I've made 25 lists for my  
25  (current) items, that seems like a lot of redundant and  
duplicated  data somehow.

That sounds to me like you want to use events -- the items which  
light up should listen to the items that trigger them. When the  
triggering item gets moused over, the listening item(s) can decide  
whether to react. This might just take your redundancy and put it  
somewhere else, but it keeps you from writing and checking a ton of  
different lists.

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] avoiding a stack of lists

2006-01-30 Thread Nathan Derksen

Sorry for the delayed response, it's been a busy day.

It's been a while since I have touched Lingo, so I won't comment  
there, but yah it's basically a list of properties. Associative  
arrays can be accessed in two ways. First:

listRelationships:Object = new Object();
listRelationships[propertyName] = foo;

and second:

listRelationships:Object = new Object();
listRelationships.propertyName = foo;

The two syntaxes are equivalent and interchangeable. I used the first  
syntax because it easily allows you to access properties by name,  
passed through another variable.

var itemID:String = itemID1;

You would create your full data structure, each line representing one  
list item and containing an array of IDs linked to the given ID.  
Ideally you would pull this data in from an external source, such as  
through XML or through LoadVars, and build this data structure  
dynamically. Also, this is only one way of doing it. Another way may  
be more appropriate for you, given your particular requirements.

var listRelationships:Object = new Object();
listRelationships[itemID1] = [itemID2, itemID3];
listRelationships[itemID2] = [itemID1];
listRelationships[itemID3] = [itemID1, itemID3];
listRelationships[itemIDN] = [itemID6, itemID7, itemID8];

When one of the items is selected or moused over, you call a function  
that you create, pass in the ID of the item in question, and use that  
ID to find the related IDs:

function handleSelect(itemID:String):Void
var selectedItemData:Array = listRelationships[itemID];
for (var i:Number = 0; i  selectedItemData.length; i++)
// Get each row that should also be highlighted

I hope this helps.


On Jan 30, 2006, at 9:26 AM, Kent Humphrey wrote:

On 30 Jan 2006, at 17:13, Nathan Derksen wrote:

Well, regardless of whether or not you use listeners, you still  
need to create the data relationship. I don't think encoding the  
relationships into 25 listeners is necessarily a good idea,  
either. An associative array, indexed by ID, could store the IDs  
of the other list items that are related, all in a single data  
structure. So for instance:

listRelationships[itemID1] = [itemID2, itemID3];
listRelationships[itemID2] = [itemID1];
listRelationships[itemID3] = [itemID2];

This allows you to store arbitrary relationships between each list  
item. When a list item is moused over, just grab listRelationships 
[itemID] and you will get a corresponding array of list items to  


That sounds a bit more like where I'm at. Not that I've used  
associative arrays before, but they're basically the same as  
property lists in Lingo right?

In your above example, wont I still need a listRelationships 
[itemID1] = [whatever] line for each item I'm wanting to  
reference? Or have I totally misunderstood what's going on there?

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Problems with Flash Plugin Switcher 2.1.0

2006-01-22 Thread Nathan Derksen

Yup, works great. I wish there was a version for the Mac as well.


On Jan 22, 2006, at 4:35 PM, Johannes Nel wrote:

not an insatller just an executable and it works like a charm.

On 1/22/06, Adrian Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm just about to install Flash Plugin Switcher 2.1.0 and wondered  
if this

has caused any problems for anyone.

I'm coming to the end of a project and I don't fancy trying to fix  

issues when I should be working :O)

Oh and does it work as nicely as it sounds?



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Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Final Class Question

2006-01-21 Thread Nathan Derksen
A few points: First, you are not actually setting the amMessage and  
pmMessage properties anywhere. The variables that you are passing  
through the constructor actually obscure those two properties because  
they share the same variable name; they don't copy any data. Second,  
it's a better idea to make the properties private, and use getters  
and setters as is shown below. You still access the properties in the  
same way (classInstance.amMessage = foo), but it makes a function  
call instead. That way, if you need to do something else in response  
to the changed property, you can easily add it without affecting the  
API. Third, it's good to name private properties using a naming  
convention that allows you to easily identify in your code the fact  
that it is a class property. I prepend a p to the variable name,  
others like prepending a _ character. Do whatever you want, just  
use it consistently.

class com.bushidodeep.TimeStamp {
private var now:Date;
private var pAMMessage:String;
private var pPMMessage:String;
// Movie clip that will contain visual
// elements of the hello.
private var container_mc:MovieClip;
	public function TimeStamp(target:MovieClip, x:Number, y:Number,  
amMessage:String, pmMessage:String) {

init(target, x, y, amMessage, pmMessage);
	private function init(target:MovieClip, x:Number, y:Number,  
amMessage:String, pmMessage:String):Void {

now = new Date();
pAMMessage = amMessage;
pPMMessage = pmMessage;
container_mc = target.createEmptyMovieClip(blah, 1);
container_mc._x = x;
container_mc._y = y;
container_mc.createTextField(messageText, 0, 0, 0, 400, 25);
container_mc.messageText.text = createGreeting();
private function createGreeting():String {
var greets:String = now.getHours()12 ? pAMMessage : pPMMessage;
var fullGreeting:String = The time is now 
return fullGreeting;
private function createFormat():TextFormat {
var messageFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
messageFormat.font = Verdana;
messageFormat.color = 0xff;
messageFormat.bold = true;
return messageFormat;
private function formatTime(theDate:Date):String {
var hour:Number = theDate.getHours();
		var minute:String = theDate.getMinutes()9 ? theDate.getMinutes 
().toString() : 0+theDate.getMinutes();
		var timeString:String = hour12 ? (hour-12)+:+minute+PM. : hour 

return timeString;
public function set amMessage(message:String):Void
pAMMessage = message;
public function get amMessage():String
return pAMMessage;
public function set pmMessage(message:String):Void
pPMMessage = message;
public function get pmMessage():String
return pPMMessage;


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] how does ExternalInterface behave in Flash 7 and earlier

2006-01-20 Thread Nathan Derksen

ExternalInterface requires Flash 8, it won't compile back to v7.

You can use the integration kit just fine. There is a distinction  
between extending an open source project and using it as a library.  
In this case, you are using it unmodified as a library, which does  
not require you to make your whole project open source. You are  
thinking of the GPL, while when using an open source project as a  
library would be covered instead under the LGPL, the lesser GPL. In  
the case of this kit, the license is much more lenient than either  
the GPL or the LGPL. The license for the integration kit can be seen  


On Jan 19, 2006, at 6:40 AM, Manuel Saint-Victor wrote:

I've been Googling for a statement about this that I am comfortable  
with.  I
am wondering if the externalInterface is an IDE thing or player  
thing.  If a user has Flash Player 7 installed does that mean no  
use of the
externalInterface and if so how are people dealing with this?  Are  
you guys

waiting for a greater penetration of the Flash8 player?

The current project is not open source and I believe that means  
that I can't

use the Flash-Javascript integration kit.

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [FlashCoders] FSCommand Problems with Mac

2006-01-20 Thread Nathan Derksen

Yup, fscommand is not supported on many/most Mac browsers:

Depending on what you want to do, the alternatives are to use getURL 
(javascript:foo()); to call a javascript function (no return data  
allowed), to use the Flash 8 ExternalInterface class, or to use the  
Flash-JavaScript integration kit ( 


On Jan 20, 2006, at 1:01 PM, Ben Wakeman wrote:

Anyone have good experience with FSCommands? We are trying to do  
some very
basic stuff and finding radically inconsistent support across  
browsers that

are supposed to work at least according to Colin Moock:

We are unable to get FSCommands to work at all on the Mac platform.  
FireFox = no love. I thought the problem may be a result of us  
putting the
little VBScript call and the JS function in the BODY rather than  
the HEAD.

So, I put the scripts in the HEAD, still no love, but we got the  
added bonus

of PC Internet Explorer not longer working!

Any council would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.


Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] my old problem... with big loads of swf's

2006-01-18 Thread Nathan Derksen
Have you tried loading them into movie clips instead of levels? I  
generally try staying away from levels when at all possible. Also,  
you can use the movie clip loader class to make the movie clip loads  
sequential, loading the next movie after the previous movie generates  
an onLoadInit event. Third, you can use setInterval to delay the  
initial load a little bit so that it is not loading during the  
initial startup of the projector exe.


On Jan 18, 2006, at 5:47 AM, julian atienza wrote:

At least somebody helps me...
I posted my problem here several times, about swf's and big loads in
projector but no solutions. Some helpful and patient words, but i was
beleaving i was going crazy (everybody tolds me here that it wasn't  
a normal


I posted my question in Creative Cow:

 Hello. I posted my problem several times in several forums (but  
this is my

first post here)

I haven't found a solution and the time for my project is running  
so fast
(i'm working hard, mornings, evening, nights, but no solutions for  


The Scene:
i'm programming a Projector-Flash Project that loads contents in  
local. It
uses _levels, AS2, and a MovieClipLoader to load contents in each  

through navigation in the app.
There is some big swf (5Mb) to load, but size must not be a problem  
in a

local-project (Kiosk CD or DVD project)

The Problem:
when i Load the swf's in the appropiate _level, the previous _level  

frozen (even a simple animation of time to wait during load).
I also tried a preloader technique in the swf that is being loaded  
with two

scenes, but the animation of the first scene also is frozen until the
complete load is made.

The Cause:
I think the cause of the problem has the following reason...

When i load in remote (flash web projects), there is a portion of
memo/processor free. So i can make anything during this time.

When i load in local, all the resources are taken to make the load, so
anything is frozen till the load is complete.

I've tried all kind of methods (Preloaders, MovieClipLoader (It  
only gives

me 0% and 100% in events to control load), and so on... no solutions.

Can anybody solve this problem?
Thank u in advance

In Creative Cow one person post me the following:
 My experience with the projector is it doesn't do a progressive  
like SWFs do on the internet. I've never used the projector to  
load SWFs, but I've made projectors of very large SWFs (20-75MB)  
and it
seems to me that when you run them, they need to load the full file  
memory before the projector app starts running (except for FLVs,  
which still
seem to stream fine). It wouldn't surprise me if it were the same  
for the
dynamically loading assets, which would only be an issue when you  
have large
files. The fact that it freezes things that are already loaded and  

is somewhat surprising to me, but not entirely unexpected.

I'm still with the same problem. But i hope that it helps to people  
try to build a big application developed in flash and actionscript  

Flash 8) without considering that advertisement...

thanks to all people...
Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] embed SWF with PHP

2006-01-17 Thread Nathan Derksen
A DOM viewer, such as the one that comes with Firefox, can easily  
allow you to get the URL of anything on the page, dynamic or not. To  
my knowledge, there is no way of hiding from that. You can then put  
that URL directly in the address bar, and retrieve the SWF file with  
save as...


On Jan 17, 2006, at 6:43 AM, Mike Britton wrote:

Pumping the object and embed tags into a DIV's innerHTML using AJAX  
is one

possibility.  You could also write the object and embed tags with an
external JavaScript.  This would prevent the source from being  
viewed and is

probably an easier option given its all on the client.

It's impossible to completely hide your swf filename, and  
techniques for
preventing caching are dodgy at best.  If anyone knows how to make  

un-obfuscatable I'd like to hear their approaches.


Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] reducing build times

2006-01-11 Thread Nathan Derksen
In the Flash IDE, you can convert movie clips in the library into  
compiled clips. Select your movie clips, right click, and select  
Convert to Compiled Clip. This will pre-compile these movie clips,  
and their linkage IDs (if any) will also remain intact. I've done  
this in the past with movie clips for custom skins, and it saved a  
heap load of time from the compile process. I had one movie clip as a  
placeholder that contained a copy of all the other movie clips.  
Compiling the one movie clip automatically included all the other  
ones in the compiled clip. The one thing is that make sure you save  
your original movie clips in another file, as once you convert then  
delete the original clip, the compiled clip is not editable.


On Jan 8, 2006, at 4:49 PM, Mark Winterhalder wrote:

On 1/9/06, Uri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
i'm trying to reduce build (publish) times for a project i'm  
working on. I
have many vector symbols that have AS2 classes assigned to them.  
Since i'm
working with complex vector symbols, it takes flash quite a while  
to publish

the swf of the movie each time.

Could anyone suggest a way to have the symbols' graphic vector  
data compiled
once, so that i can later change their AS2 class code without  
compiling the

vector data for them over and over again?

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Singleton as associative array - yucky icky?

2005-12-30 Thread Nathan Derksen
I would say to hell with the VB coders (and I used to be one). What  
if you want to change your implementation later on? What if this  
functionality changes with AS3? Without an API, you open yourself up  
to all sorts of fun stuff that may force the user to have to change  
their code later on. Be nice to yourself and to your users. You'll be  
happier in the end, and your guilt will be assuaged (rightly so)! And  
when was the last time that VB/VBScript catered to anyone in the  
Java, JavaScript, or ActionScript world? They use completely  
different syntax, so don't fret about it.


On Dec 29, 2005, at 10:05 PM, g.wygonik wrote:

whew! thought i might have missed clever and cool in there! :-) though
your comment did bring up some ideas i'll try in the AM.

it's all whack in my book right now. like i told Jesse - it works,  
i'll keep it.

time for bed!


On 12/29/05, Claus Wahlers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



not unless there's some super-secret way of using __resolve  
outside of

the normal way.

even with a __resolve function in-place in my class, you still  
get the

dreaded Left side of assignment operator must be variable or
property. when calling:

session(foo) = bar;

ah yes of course:

var session:Session = new Session();
session(foo) = bar;

this makes no sense.

maybe: = bar;
in combination with __resolve?

or maybe even let getInstance return a method of the singleton rather
than the instance itself? hmm no then the :Session type would be
invalid.. i guess the only way to do that is using the standard
dot-notation and __resolve.

sorry can't test as2 stuff right now, but maybe it helps somehow ;)

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Singleton as associative array - yucky icky?

2005-12-30 Thread Nathan Derksen

Well, consider how an object can be manipulated.

var myObject:Object = new Object(); = bar;


var myObject:Object = new Object();
myObject[foo] = bar;

Those are equivalent syntaxes. Everything basically inherits from  
Object, so this is valid syntax throughout, including your custom  
classes. Basically, you are accessing (and apparently creating)  
properties on the fly, with no type checking, and no compiler  
validation as to whether the property being accessed actually exists.

You can see a bit more of this if you consider the XML class:

var myXML:XML = new XML(); = bar;

In this case, foo is not a valid property of the XML class, so the  
compiler spits out an error. However, if you do this:

var myXML:XML = new XML();
myXML[foo] = bar;

the compiler happily allows it, and a trace on reveals the  
value bar.

One more thing, the LoadVars class takes advantage of the fact that  
the class is just a collection of properties. It allows for the  
arbitrary addition of properties using both syntaxes:

var myLV:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); = bar;
myLV[baz] -= quux;

In many respects, LoadVars is doing what you want to do with your  
Session class.

Fun, eh!

Regarding number 2, that is what getters and setters are normally  
for. With arbitrary properties, someone correct me if I am wrong, but  
I don't think there is a way of intercepting them all, just specific  
ones that you have defined.


On Dec 30, 2005, at 9:55 AM, g.wygonik wrote:

lol - indeed. :-)

i'm just trying to look at possible issues that may come up later
on... but this scenario brings up two follow-up questions/concerns:

1 - the fact that Flash (AS2) will happily turn a class into an
associative array without any sort of warning. if a coder comes in and
uses session[foo], it will work with no errors thrown. can i catch
this somehow? should they use this syntax throughout their modules, it
will work with no problems, but won't be correct.

2 - can i somehow catch items being added to the class via the
ass-array method and properly add them to the Items array instead of
the root class? in other words, say a user does use the session[foo]
method. can i intercept that call, add the item/value to the Items
array and remove it from the class? i thought about some sort of
watch, but i wouldn't know what to watch in this case...

while i'm going to be setting up a proper API for them to use, in a
way this conversation is over from a real world standpoint. but i'd
like to figure this out from a theoretical standpoint now.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Singleton as associative array - yucky icky?

2005-12-30 Thread Nathan Derksen

On 12/30/05, Nathan Derksen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

while that is true, i thought that was what the dynamic keyword was
to allow, and without it, you'd get some sort of error...

That's the theory, but as the XML example shows, using the  
associative array syntax gets around the compile-time checking for that.

In many respects, LoadVars is doing what you want to do with your
Session class.

well, in ways, yes - in ways, no. it's doing the same on-the-fly
variable assignment, but doesn't have any other methods (like
addItem) that would put keys/values into a specific class member.

it seems that LoadVars just iterates over the object and outputs any
property it finds (which is why onLoad=function used to appear in
LoadVars data).

i was doing iterations over both the class object and the Items
member. i'd obviously prefer just to have one place for all props.

Yah, that's why it is so much cleaner just to have an associative  
array as a private property within your class, and create addItem(),  
getItem(), and removeItem() methods to manage that associative array.  
That way you also don't have to worry about the names of added  
properties possibly colliding with existing property/method names  
within the class.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] JavaScript to Flash Communication Compatability

2005-12-29 Thread Nathan Derksen
I haven't seen an up-to-date chart either. You may be interested in  
knowing that Macromedia already has two ways for you to do this. The  
first is the Flash JavaScript Integration Kit:

This uses legacy techniques to make what you are doing work in  
versions 8 to (I believe) 6, and works in Firefox 1.0+ and Opera 8+.

The other one is the Flash 8 ExternalInterface class. I have an  
example up at and you can  
find the documentation at 
context=LiveDocs_Partsfile=2200.html. Very slick, but the  
browser support isn't as good and it only works in Flash 8.


On Dec 28, 2005, at 2:39 PM, Jeff Mastropietro wrote:

I'm working on a project using JavaScript to call functions in a  
flash movie.  I'm currently using the JSFCommunicator Library:

What I would like to know is, is there a better object available?   
Also, I'm guessing that all solutions are going to be dependant on  
the .GetVariable and .SetVariable methods being available to  
JavaScript.  Does anyone know of a more up to date compatability  
chart than this one?

More specifically, I need to know compatability with Mozilla and  
Opera browsers.

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] NumericStepper

2005-12-29 Thread Nathan Derksen
At the end of your change() handler, save the stepper value to a  
timeline variable or class property, then next time compare the  
stepper value with that previous value. Lather, rinse, repeat.


On Dec 29, 2005, at 12:03 PM, Mike Boutin wrote:

I have a NumericStepper that changes the value of a price textfield  
based on the stepper value.  Is there anyway to check if the user  
increment/decrement the stepper so I can muliply/divide the number  
when needed.  Thanks

var nstepListener:Object = new Object();
nstepListener.change = function(evt_obj:Object) {
  if ( == 0) {
  } else {
  var oldPrice:Number = proPrice.text;
  var step:Number =;
  proPrice.text = oldPrice*step;
orderQuantity.addEventListener(change, nstepListener);
Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash Class Array bug - Please verify

2005-12-29 Thread Nathan Derksen
Yes, when you assign an initial value to a property, it is basically  
like a static assignment. Do the initialization in the constructor  
instead. This works for me:

class myClass
   // initialize the array in the declarations
   var myArray:Array;

   function myClass()
  myArray = new Array()

   function addToArray()



On Dec 29, 2005, at 12:48 PM, Judah Frangipane wrote:

Hi Glenn,

Flash is still treating the array as a static member.

// treated as an instance variable
var myArray1:Array;
// treated as a static variable
var myArray2:Array = new Array();

Test this code:

// in actions frame 1
import myClass

trace(Creating instance a)
var a = new myClass();
trace(Creating instance b)
var b = new myClass();

// in class
class myClass {
   // treated as an instance variable
   var myArray1:Array;
   // treated as a static variable
   var myArray2:Array = new Array();
   static var myArray3:Array = new Array();
 function myClass() {
   trace( myArray1.length=+myArray1.length)
   trace( myArray2.length=+myArray2.length)
   trace( myArray3.length=+myArray3.length)

   function addToArray() {

Glenn J. Miller wrote:

Hey Judah,

Try this:

class myClass {
   // initialize the array in the declarations
   private var myArray:Array = new Array();

   function myClass {

   public function addToArray() {
} // end class

Run your code again, I think it'll execute the way you're  
expecting it to at

that point...

Skyymap, Inc.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judah
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:30 PM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: [Flashcoders] Flash Class Array bug - Please verify

It seems like Flash is creating static members out of public  
arrays that are initialized in the class declaration. Can someone  
confirm this? Is this not legal, is it implied behavior or a bug?

// create a class called myClass
class myClass {
   // initialize the array in the declarations
   var myArray:Array = new Array();

   function myClass {

   function addToArray() {


// on the actions frame
import myClass

var a = new myClass();
var b = new myClass();

// trace outputs

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