RE: [Flashcoders] 500 blur filters on 500 MCs

2007-03-20 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
500 MCs is gonna be a hit already on VM1, 500 blurred MCs?  Best of

AS3/FP9 you'll have better performance but 500 blurs seems like lot.  I
would suggest you write some an algorithm that creates groups of clips
with the same blur into container clips and blur the container clips
rather than all the individual clips.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Create an object by name

2007-03-19 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Most of the time, what I've seen is setting a temporary var to either an
instance of the class, or in the case of a static class, setting it to a
reference to the class.

var myClass:MyClass = new com.client.project.package.MyClass();
var myClass:MyClass = com.client.project.package.MyClass;

I have to wonder, though, if there's not a better way to accomplish what
you're trying to achieve.
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RE: [Flashcoders] apollo is in macromedia labs

2007-03-19 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
It's not only for Flex.   Flex == Flash.  That's like saying It's only
for Ruby, not Rails.  Rails is written in Ruby.

Flex 2 is built with Flash.  It's simply a bunch of classes and
components written in AS3 that provide a framework for developing

Currently, the Apollo compiler is a plug-in for Flex Builder 2, but you
could make a stub projector that will load any AS3 swf, which there are
multiple ways to write.  There's the Flash 8 patch to publish Flash 9,
the ANT compiler which works with FlashDevelop, and Flex Builder 2.
Yes, you can write regular AS3 swfs with Flex Builder.  Flex Builder is
just Eclipse with a plug-in.

I'm not sure what you need Apollo for.  It's still in beta, and even
after launch, I'm sure that like every single other wrapper out there,
it will need time to work the kinks out before it will be ready for mass
distribution.  If you have a client depending on a Flash wrapper
technology, you should look to mProjector or Zinc.
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RE: [Flashcoders] stopDrag question

2007-03-19 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
function compareX():Void
if (MC_Drag._x == mc2._x) 
function beginDrag():Void
MC_Drag.startDrag(false, t, l, b, r);
compareInterval = setInterval(this, compareX, 10);
function endDrag():Void
MC_Drag.onPress = Delegate.create(this, beginDrag);
MC_Drag.onRelease = Delegate.create(this, endDrag);
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RE: [Flashcoders] xml parse question - Steve Sacks

2007-03-16 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Hey Jason,

You don't say .nodeValue - the nodeValue is just the first item in the
Array.  Technically, it's a String object.

Here is a sample class that parse that entire xml and traces it out.
In your timeline just put:

import com.Test;
var test:Test = new Test();

And you'll see it trace the test.xml file.


import mx.utils.Delegate;

class com.Test
private var xml:XML;

function Test() 
var d:Date = new Date();
var xmlPath:String = test.xml;
private function load(xmlPath:String):Void
xml = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
xml.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, parseXML);
private function parseXML(success:Boolean):Void 
if (success) {
var xmlObj:Object = {};
XML2AS.parse(xml.firstChild, xmlObj);
trace( =  +
var nodes:Array =
var i:Number = nodes.length;
while (i--) {
} else {
trace(XML Failed to load);

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RE: [Flashcoders] Q:using printjob class

2007-03-16 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 1) always make a printer default to landscape mode and
 I know the answer to #1 is no. 


 1) You can't make the printer default to landscape, 
 but you can rotate the clips that you are printing.

Actually, you can!

PrintJob is a poorly written class that you have to make special
accomodations for to do this.  Here is the code to force printing in

Awesome, the Flashcoders archives are all 404 according to google.  :(

Here is the code (scroll all the way down to the bottom - the post by
Ultimante) to do it.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Q:using printjob class

2007-03-16 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Here's a shorter version of that link showing how to do it.  Code
written by me.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Q:using printjob class

2007-03-16 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
And on my blog:
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RE: [Flashcoders] Q:using printjob class

2007-03-16 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
There is no difference between printing a rotated clip in portrait or a
non-rotated clip in landscape.  A printer does the same thing when it
prints an image in landscape.  Technically, I'm telling the printer to
print in landscape mode even when it's not set to print in landscape
mode.  My script results in an identical print regardless of what the
user sets the printer to, so I think I'm right in saying that you can
force a printer to print in landscape.

Also, my script doesn't rotate the clip if the printer is set to print
in landscape.  You have to rotate the clip is only part of the story.
The PrintJob class has inconsistencies in its internal math, which is
why I had to set realW, realH, orgX and orgY and do different
calculations at different points in the script.

I wrote that code with much trial and error (and no wasted paper thanks
to Microsoft image documents).

 Um - unless I'm missing something - the code you link to is 
 just rotating the image to be printed to make it landscape 
 (if the printer settings aren't already set to landscape). 
 You can't actually set the printer settings to landscape 
 programmatically, you have to rotate the clip in question.
 Which is, I think, what I said.
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RE: [Flashcoders] xml parse question

2007-03-15 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Here's XML2AS as an AS2 static class for her pleasure.

public static function parse(n, r) 
var a, d, k;
if (r[k=n.nodeName] == null) r = ((a=r[k]=[{}]))[d=0];
else r = (a=r[k])[d=r[k].push({})-1];
if (n.hasChildNodes()) {
if ((k=n.firstChild.nodeType) == 1) {
r.attributes = n.attributes;
for (var i in k=n.childNodes)
XML2AS.parse(k[i], r);
} else if (k == 3) {
a[d] = new
a[d].attributes = n.attributes;
}else r.attributes = n.attributes;

test foo=bar/
item![CDATA[Some text]]/item
item![CDATA[More text]]/item
item![CDATA[Other text]]/item

var xml:XML = someXML;
var xmlObj:Object = {};
XML2AS.parse(someXML.firstChild, xmlObj);

-- bar

var nodes:Array = xmlObj.config[0].items[0].item;
var i:Number = nodes.length;
while (i--) {
-- Some text
-- More text
-- Other text
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RE: [Flashcoders] Flash - using the back button

2007-03-15 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Google SWFAddress


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Karim Beyrouti
 Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 4:56 AM
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Flash - using the back button
 Hi All,  
 I was just wondering what the best way to activate the 
 browser's back button for a Flash(8) app?... are there any up 
 to date resources / tutorial about this?...
 Kind regards
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RE: [Flashcoders] xml parse question

2007-03-15 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Or you can save yourself the very slow Array.reverse() and just iterate
through the array backwards, too.

 You might be aware of this, but just an FYI, if you're 
 concerned about attributes being order specific. When you 
 loop through the attributes with a for statement, you'll get 
 the attributes in the reverse order. I personally loop 
 through the attributes and push the attribute name to an 
 array and then reverse order, when the for is done.
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RE: [Flashcoders] is flash still alive?

2007-03-13 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Flash is dead.  Long live WPF/E!   ;)
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RE: [Flashcoders] deleting a progress bar after loading

2007-03-12 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
You can't tell an object to delete itself from within its own thread.

When you delete an object outside of its own thread, you need to first
delete any functions assigned to that object and remove it from any
event listeners of other objects or you will end up with memory waste.
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RE: [Flashcoders] RE: Cache Killer... is it bulletproof ???

2007-03-06 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 A: deny a user from hotlinking 


B: deny cacheing of swf files and content


 C: deny playability locally. 

Check for domain at launch. If domain doesn't match, don't play.

Cache Killer isn't about keeping something from being cached (which
you can't do), it's about forcing the browser to not load the cached
version but instead get the latest version from the server.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Cache Killer... is it bulletproof ???

2007-03-05 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
The user would have to reset their clock and make the request at the
EXACT SAME MILLISECOND in time.  It's nigh impossible.  It will never
ever ever EVER happen.  You're good to go.

var d:Date = new Date();
var noCache:String = String(d.getTime());
var xmlPath:String =; + noCache;
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RE: [Flashcoders] OT: Pirated Books

2007-03-02 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Omar Fouad said:
this is not called piracy my little brave boy...know your right and
respect your older bro.

Give us a break, Omar.
The copyright infringement of software refers to several practices when
done without the permission of the copyright holder:
Creating a copy and giving it to someone else. This constitutes
copyright infringement in most jurisdictions.
Author J.K. Rowling has not allowed the first six Potter stories to be
released as e-books and has no plans to change that for the seventh and
final work.  ... Rowling has cited ... concern[s] about online piracy.

Lots more can be found here.

Maybe you should know you're wrong and stop trying to justify your
illegal activity.

At the same time, I don't agree with Ian the tattle-tale posting about
it on Flashcoders.  He would have done quite well in the McCarthy era.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Dynamic Flash

2007-03-02 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Posting the same question under three different subjects won't get your
question answered any quicker.

Flash is perfectly capable of CRUD communication with a database and
displaying it however you like.

You're asking for advice on how to set up a relational database and how
to write inner join SQL statements, and then how to send that data to
Flash.  Only one part of that has anything to do with Flash, and it's
probably one of the most basic things you can do with Flash (displaying

I suggest you buy an introduction to Flash book and an introduction to
relational database book and get to reading.

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RE: [Flashcoders] shape tweens at 60fps

2007-03-02 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Any browser except IE on Windows will have reduced performance.  Only IE
gives Flash as much RAM and CPU as it wants.

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RE: [Flashcoders] OT: Pirated Books

2007-03-02 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Are you so retarded that you would repost the same ignorant denial to
the list?

Omar, you broke the law and that's that.  You're only making yourself
look dumber by denying it.  Drop it move on before you make yourself
look any worse.
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2007-03-02 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
You should just post their emails on spam forums where they are sure to
be culled by bots and then they'll start getting so much spam it'll
force them to get a brand new email.

Maybe then they'll see that a few unwanted emails are really not that
bad compared to how bad it will be if they don't stop whining about an
issue you're obviously working on.
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2007-03-02 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 I know the whining has been excessive, but there are real 
 people behind those e-mails.  

Your bleeding heart is making a mess of the sarcasm on this thread.

I know you work in an extremely corporate environment, but try and find
a sense of humor and lighten up, Jason.  ;)
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RE: [Flashcoders] Subscription problems

2007-03-01 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 There are those who cry and then there are those who help themselves.

Hear, hear!
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RE: [Flashcoders] Skewing MovieClip??

2007-02-28 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 Please take me off this list, the emails just keep coming 

At the bottom of every email it tells you how to get off the list.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Getting frustrated. regarding set Interval, and for loop.

2007-02-28 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 So even though I never wrote it I would offer the following 
 advice, which is to *almost* not use setInterval at all.  


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RE: [Flashcoders] test

2007-02-26 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
1 out of 1 tests completed. Errors: 0. Warnings: 0.

BLITZ | Steven Sacks - 310-551-0200 x209

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Dave Watts
 Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 11:11 AM
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] test
 Test again ...
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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 vendor-authorized instruction at our training centers in 
 Washington DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Baltimore, Northern 
 Virginia, or on-site at your location.
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RE: [Flashcoders] What do you think are the best Flash projects andRIA's

2007-02-15 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Looks like they're using DENG or something like it.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Glen Pike
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 3:44 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] What do you think are the best 
 Flash projects andRIA's
 It might not be a full on application as such, but I 
 really liked the way that Pier Inc's site uses Flash to 
 enhance the blog as I see it.
 Check it out, there is some nifty ideas and slick stuff 
 in there.  
 Then set your user-agent to GoogleBot and see what is served.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Anyone hate flash 9 already?

2007-02-14 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 What people keep missing here is THERE IS NO FLASH 9.  
 There is the Flash 9 player, there is the Flash 9 beta, which 
 is only Flash 8 with a Flash 9 player compiler, but no Flash 9 yet.

The closed Flash 9 Beta (Blaze) has been going on for a few months now.
You're talking about the public patch for Flash 8 that lets you publish
as Flash 9. 

If the OP is sharing information about Blaze on this list, he's breaking
the NDA.  This alone is probably pushing it.  *duck*
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RE: [Flashcoders] Anyone hate flash 9 already?

2007-02-14 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Adobe calls it Flash 9 Professional Actionscript 3.0 Preview

Fair enough, though in my defense, I didn't capitalize it as if it was
the actual.  I just described it.  

Still not a beta.  ;)
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RE: [Flashcoders] limits to AS2 levels of OOP class inheritance?

2007-02-14 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 - Refactor to simpler class relationships (worst case but it 
 did the trick for me - had to duplicate code, ewww).

You could use Composition instead, which reduces the need for normal
class inheritance.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Coding Standards: Use of Get/Set

2007-02-13 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Get/set is useful when creating a visual object class, as well as for
setting private variables on set.  It's also useful when you don't want
the variable that is being set to be getted, as well.

For instance, I have an application which allows a user to type in the
day, month and year into three different fields.  

This data is applied to the model via setters:

public function set month(n:Number):Void 
_month = --n;
var d:Date = new Date(_msDate);
_msDate = d.getTime();
public function set day(n:Number):Void 
_day = n;
var d:Date = new Date(_msDate);
_msDate = d.getTime();
public function set year(n:Number):Void 
_year = n;
if (String(_year).length == 1) {
_year = Number(200 + n);
} else if (String(_year).length == 2) {
_year = Number(20 + n);
var d:Date = new Date(_msDate);
_msDate = d.getTime();

This allows me to set the month to a valid flash month (month - 1), and
update _msDate, which is the date in milliseconds, for sorting by dates
very easily.

I use setters and getters because it makes autocompletion and code hints
a breeze.  It also is great for visual object model classes.

If you choose to write getVariable vs get variable, it's up to you.  I
use them in different ways at different times.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Adding a function to the String prototype

2007-02-13 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
You should absolutely feel comfortable and fine using prototype to add
functions to the String native object if you want.  I say if it works,
use it.  Just because they skimped on String and Array methods that MOST
other languages have doesn't mean you should have to write a bunch of
extra code to extend the class or cast your Strings as MyStrings.  

Feel free to use prototype until you move to AS3.
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RE: [Flashcoders] (no subject)

2007-02-12 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
I wasn't aware that Foreigner posed their question to Flashcoders, but
I'm sure they appreciate the answer.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Omar Fouad
 Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 11:28 AM
 Subject: [Flashcoders] (no subject)
 Omar Fouad-- Love is always patient and kind. It is never 
 jealous. Love is never boastful nor conceited. It is never 
 rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not 
 resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's 
 sins...but delights in the truth. It is always ready to 
 excuse, to trust, to hope... and to endure... whatever comes.
 Live Search: Better results, fast
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RE: [Flashcoders] determining which object is displayed at agivenpoint

2007-02-09 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Oops.  I responded to the wrong thread, I'm sorry.  :(

That being said, perhaps rethinking your approach would help. There's a
tutorial on Kirupa about managing z-order stacking of movieclips which
might contribute to a solution.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Identifier expected

2007-02-09 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 As you have discovered you are not able to use numbers as 
 keys in line objects.

That's not true.

Just wrote this and it works fine.

a = {};
a[a] = {};
a[a][1] = new Number(5);
-- 5

Works for me.  You must be doing something else wrong.

I'm not sure why you're using new Number().  I don't think I've ever
used that.  Ever.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Identifier expected

2007-02-09 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
private function createData():Void 
this._data = {a:{t1:0, t2:0}};

One line.  :)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Mendelsohn, Michael
 Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 11:02 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Identifier expected
 Thanks Jason.  I see what you're saying.  So I inited an 
 object and then define it, but the below still errors.  I was 
 just hoping to be able to define my object with only one line of code.
 private function createData():Void {
   this._data = new Object();
   this._data[a] = new Object();
   this._data[a] = {t1:0, t2:0};
 I was using new Number for a reason, but it's not critical I suppose.
 Thanks Steven.
 - Mike
 The second line does not work because you are evaluating a 
 string to try to resolve it to a property of the object, 
 (which you are hoping is a
 sub-object) that does not exist yet.  In other words,
 the .a in the above statement has not been declared or 
 identified as an object, and thus this._data[a] resolves to nothing.
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RE: Re[2]: [Flashcoders] Identifier expected

2007-02-09 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Stop using new Object() and use {};

I'm not experiencing the same issue you're having Jason.  Not sure why.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Detecting mouse events over non-white parts of amovieClip

2007-02-08 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
class com.domain.RollWhileWithin extends MovieClip 
public var rolled:Boolean;

function RollWhileWithin () 
rolled = false;
public function doRollOver():Void 
if (!rolled) {
rolled = true;
public function doRollOut():Void 
if (rolled) {
rolled = false;

One level above it, you can manage as many clips as there are.

var checkMouseInterval:Number;
checkMouseInterval = setInterval(this, checkMouse, 100);
private function checkMouse():Void 
var i:Number = 5;
while (i--) {
var clip:MovieClip = this[MC_RollClip + i];
if (_xmouse  clip._x  _xmouse  clip._x + clip._width
 _ymouse  clip._y  _ymouse  clip._y + clip._height) {
} else {
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RE: [Flashcoders] determining which object is displayed at agivenpoint

2007-02-08 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
I think the class I wrote works well enough, I actually pulled it out of
an app I'm working on with complex rollovers like that.  Why not
consider my way?  It's simple, easy and, most importantly, it works.  It
hardly takes any processing power, too.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Tab Problem

2007-02-07 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Increments are your friend.  :)

a = 0;
tf1.tabIndex = ++a;
tf2.tabIndex = ++a;
tf3.tabIndex = ++a;
btn4.tabIndex = ++a;
btn5.tabIndex = ++a;

If you had to reorder any of those tab orders all you have to do is cut
and paste them into their new position.  If you number your tabIndexes
specifically and you needed to move one, you would have to renumber any
that came after the one you moved.  Not fun, especially if you have a
lot of tabbable elements.

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RE: [Flashcoders] finding out which fonts are embedded inaswfatruntime?

2007-02-07 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Mike, your signature needs an editor.  :)

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RE: [Flashcoders] Detecting Rollover w/o onRollOver

2007-02-06 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
You can use hitTest, you can use mouse position, or you can set an
interval to fire a function in 10 ms when you rollout that checks to see
if a flag is true that the other button will set true onRollOver.

function checkFlag() {
delete checkInterval;
if (btn2Flag) {
btn2Flag = false;
btn1.onRollOut = function() {
checkInterval = setInterval(checkFlag, 10);
btn2.onRollOver = function() {
btn2Flag = true;
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RE: [Flashcoders] Extending List v2 component

2007-02-06 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Why use a component at all?  All you're talking about doing is scrolling
a bunch of movieclips behind a mask.  I posted some code here awhile
back that covered doing that.  Search the archives and you'll find it.
It's pretty straightforward to do.

The MM components are heavy, take too long to render and are buggy to
boot.  You're better off rolling your own or trying a 3rd party
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RE: [Flashcoders] What are your thoughts on creating a hook back vsDelegate ?

2007-02-05 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 Also, anyone please let me 
 know if my code formatting doesn't work (i.e: shouldn't be 
 using hotmail to post)

Your code formatting is not working.
Delegate rocks.  I use it all the time.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Stephen Ford
 Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 7:48 PM
 Subject: [Flashcoders] What are your thoughts on creating a 
 hook back vsDelegate ?
 Which do you prefer:oThis:Object = this;mcClear.onRelease = 
 function():Void{oThis.clearForm();}ormcClear.onRelease = 
 Delegate.create(this, clearForm);
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RE: [Flashcoders] Need help with Keyboard events

2007-02-05 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ

obj.onKeyDown = function() {
if (Key.getAscii() == C  Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
// copy
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RE: [Flashcoders] Progresivly track upload speed

2007-01-31 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 Is there any way to progressively track upload speed in flash?
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RE: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern bad mixins good (?)

2007-01-31 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Yeah, the GoF book is definitely like reading a calculus textbook.  It's
dry and to the point and the examples are in Smalltalk and some C++,
which means a lot of cross-referencing with google.  The concepts they
discuss and the examples they give are helpful to a point but code
examples you can't understand definitely get in the way.

GoF's is good reference book worth owning, and once you grasp design
patterns more firmly, you'll probably get more from it.  Head First is a
lot more accessible out the gate.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Shorhand for if statement without else statement

2007-01-29 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 (foo) ? foo() : (bar) ? bar() : (foobar) ? foobar() : 
 trace(sorry! no soup for you!);

I feel like I need a shower after that one.  ;)
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RE: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern?

2007-01-29 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
I've never heard of an OOP design pattern called Flair.  From the class
you've pasted, it looks like a novice attempt at implementating a design
pattern known as Decorator.

Perhaps they were trying to be funny with a reference to the movie
Office Space where buttons decorating a TGIFriday's uniform were called
Flair?  I know that comedy helps when teaching dry material, but
renaming a design pattern like that seems to me to be confusing at best.

At any rate, here is a link to a description of the Decorator pattern.
It should get you on your way.

 Implemented as a Singleton
 class  SnapFlair {
   private static var _obj:SnapFlair;
   private function SnapFlair() {}
   * @param target The MovieClip being 'flaired'
   * @param source The source of the event 
 that the flair  
 functionality is listening for
   * @param eventName  The name of the event that the 
 flair is listening  
   public function snapOn( target:MovieClip, 
 source:Object, eventName:String ) {$snapFlair = new Object();$snapFlair._obj = target;
   source.addEventListener( eventName, target.$snapFlair );$snapFlair[eventName] = onEvent;
   public static function getObj():SnapFlair {
   if (SnapFlair._obj == null) {
   SnapFlair._obj = new SnapFlair();
   return _obj;
   public function snapOff( target:MovieClip, 
 source:Object, eventName:String ) {
   source.removeEventListener(eventName, target.$snapFlair)
   public function onEvent( evt:Object ) {
   // do stuff
   public function toString():String {
   return Class SnapFlair;
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RE: [Flashcoders] Incremental compilation workflow

2007-01-29 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
 Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 6:04 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Incremental compilation workflow
 How would you go on implementing incremental compilation 
 workflow on Flash 8/AS2?
 I mean, compiling only the modified classes into their 
 correspondent swfs.
 Let's say you've got a really big project and that you are 
 constantly messing with code and recompiling it. ANT build 
 files are great, but surely it's not clever to rebuild the 
 whole application when you have modified only one class for example.
 Take the following application structure (it's not that big 
 application I said earlier of course bit I think it still 
 helps to depict the main issue):
  - gets compiled to Site.swf
  - gets compiled to Site.swf
  - gets compiled to IndexForm.swf
  - gets compiled to ContactForm.swf
 As you can see, I have a Site.swf which is the entry-point of 
 the application. IndexForm.swf and ContactForm.swf are both 
 loaded by The MenuBar is a class that 
 implements the menu bar for the site navigation. The menu bar 
 is part of the main application UI and gets compiled into Site.swf.
 If I update or fix something on the, for example, 
 I don't want to recompile into Site.swf, nor 
 compile the other classses to the other swfs. What I want is 
 only inject the new bytecode into Site.swf (the 
 modified class!). Simple, fast, effective.
 On FlashDevelop, I used to do this by using the Quick MTASC 
 build feature.
 I would just write the @mtasc statement in the class' header, 
 inside a javadoc comment, telling where to compile this 
 class. So, if I had to do a quick fix or something, I would 
 just hit CTRL+F8, and the new bytecode for would 
 get injected into Site.swf. I don't know if there are better 
 (more automatized ways) to do this, and if you know, please 
 share, this is the purpose of this post!
 Recently I've started using FDT 1.5 on Eclipse 3.2, and while 
 it is a killer piece of software, I miss some of FlashDevelop 
 features, mainly the simple and effective ones such as the 
 Quick MTASC build.
 Currently, I'm using an ANT build file (the FDT MTASC 
 launcher isn't really of any use in my opinnion) with an ANT 
 target to compile each of the swfs the application is made 
 of. When I'm working on a particular SWF, I set up the ANT 
 external tools configuration to launch only this target. 
 It's not the same as injecting only the modified classes 
 (other non-touched classes get compiled also) but it was the 
 best I could do atm.
 This message isn't really about implementing this with FDT, 
 though I would love to hear from FDT users how they would do 
 this. What I would like to know (and discuss) are the 
 following points:
  * Do you feel the need to have this workflow implemented?
  * Do you already have this workflow implemted somehow?
  * If so, what tools/techniques do you use (would use) to 
 implement it?
 Thanks in advance!
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RE: [Flashcoders] Incremental compilation workflow

2007-01-29 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
er, apparently it's a bizarro monday for me.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 10:47 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Incremental compilation workflow
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RE: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern?

2007-01-29 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
So I was dead on about the Office Space reference.  :)

The class manages assigning Decorators.  It isn't a design pattern.
It's a class that manages the Decorator design pattern on multiple

I'm not sure where the idea that the Decorator pattern must be used on
all or none of the objects in an application, or that Decorated objects
cannot be undecorated.

There are no references to the Flair design pattern anywhere else
because it doesn't exist anywhere except in the ego of Brendan Hall.
It's not a design pattern, it's a class that uses another design
pattern, and poorly, too, judging by the code example.

If you want to learn more about Design Patterns, there are quite a few
great books out there on the subject written by people more learned and
experienced than Brendan Hall.  Like people with PhD's in Computer
Science.  From the de facto bible Design Patterns by the Gang of Four to
many others.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern?

2007-01-29 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
I felt that I did qualify my statement, I'll try again with clearly

My statement:
There is no such thing as a Flair design pattern.

My qualification:
Brendan Hall's book and deep in the archives of Flashcoders back when
Brendan operated this list are the only places you will find reference
to it.

His class uses the Decorator design pattern.  Using a design pattern
doesn't mean you've made your own design pattern.  Calling it a design
pattern gives it a level of authenticity that it simply doesn't have
and is misleading to anyone who reads it, as the OP has demonstrated
with his post.  He has no point of reference outside of Brendan's book
or this list to support him or his questions.

I provided a link that would hopefully help him learn the actual design
pattern being used, which is called Decorator.  Using Decorator on
multiple objects isn't a design pattern, it's the usage of the Decorator
design pattern.

To your comment that Actionscript isn't C++ or Smalltalk, that's true.
My feeling is that Design Patterns are universal, not limited to syntax
or language.  I didn't mean to imply that GoF holds the one true set of
patterns.  They don't cover MVC in their book, for instance, a pattern I
use regularly.  Their book is weighted heavily towards the Composition
design pattern, which is slowly being embraced by the Actionscript
community.  The Flex framework and even the AS3 language are influenced
by the power of the Composition design pattern.

The Head First Design Patterns book is quite good, as well, and is more
accessible than the heady and dense GoF one which I had trouble
understanding parts of (often due to lack of experience with C++ and
Smalltalk) and had to turn to google and other books to grasp some of
the concepts they were talking about.  However, the 18 design patterns
covered by Head First can all be found in the 23 covered by Gang of
Four, and all are on Wikipedia, discussed all over the web, and come up
with many useful results in google, in contrast to Brendan's Flair
design pattern.

To the ad hominem remark:
When you're writing a book to help people and claiming you're using a
new design pattern who does it serve?  The reader or the author?  And if
it serves the author and not the reader, is that not an ego driven

Years ago, a company I worked at sent a few employees to Figleaf for
training and the class was taught by Brendan Hall.  I walked away from
that class with the impression that Brendan spent most of the time
telling everyone how smart he was but not teaching very much at all.
His class did little to improve my or my coworkers Flash skills.  That
experience, the way he ran Flashcoders in the early days, and now this,
is, I suppose, why I called it an ego driven decision to call it a
design pattern.  If you see it as ad hominem, that's my fault for not
using clear enough language.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Re: IE6 problem with SWFAddress?

2007-01-29 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Yes, mixing getURL and ExternalInterface causes problems with IE6 (and 7
to a lesser extent) when using SWFAddress.  He talks about it on his
site and there are also discussions on his forum, as well.  I didn't see
them at first, either.  It took me awhile to figure out why the site was
behaving oddly because the class that I had that used getURL (an
omniture tracking class) wasn't making getURL calls on my server but was
on the client's server.  I didn't put the two together until I spent an
afternoon chatting with Rostislov (the author of SWFAddress) and he
asked me casually about whether I was using getURL somewhere else.

The solution is to use ExternalInterface instead of getURL(), which
actually performs better anyway.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern?

2007-01-29 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 Can you elaborate?

While a trip down memory lane replete with posts from the archives
sounds like a wonderful time (not), I have work to do and it would take
this thread extremely OT.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern?

2007-01-29 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 Whether something is a true design pattern or not is kind 
 of beside the point, for me; what I want to know is if a 
 particular approach is good for what I am trying to 
 accomplish: in this case, adding and removing functionality 
 to an object at runtime.

If it works and you meet the deadline, then it's good enough, eh?  :)

If you want to engage in what a fellow coder friend of mine calls
aromatherapy, I'm for it.  I was mistaken in my impression that you
were looking to understand the design pattern, which is why I was trying
to lead you to Decorator and away from Flair because you weren't going
to find any information on Flair that would be helpful, but there are
plenty of helpful places to look for Decorator.  

If you want to discuss best practice for what you're doing, I'd be happy
to offer ideas later today when I have more time.  Other people might be
able to chime in here on the best application of Decorator in
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RE: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern?

2007-01-29 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Is adding and removing identical decorators on multiple objects a
commonly occuring problem in software development?  ;)

I avoid Decorators, as well, for the same reasons you stated and the
same solutions you offered, as well.  :)
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RE: [Flashcoders] Shorhand for if statement without else statement

2007-01-26 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 does anybody knows if there is any short hand for if 
 statement without the else statement?

1. You can remove the braces.  

I always use:
if (true) something();

But rarely use:
if (true) something();
else somethingElse();

because it can get lost visually in code.

2. Inline conditional

I use this all the time.
val = (boolean) ? trueVal : falseVal;

3. Inline or conditional

val = (if true) || (if not true)

This one is a little different than the inline conditional.  val will be
set to what is left of the || if what is left of the || resolves true
(i.e. not 0, undefined or null), otherwise it will be set to what's to
the right of the ||. 

You can also use these without setting a variable.

// If boolean is true, call funcA, else call funcB.
(boolean) ? funcA() : funcB();

// if funcA returns false, run funcB()
funcA() || funcB();

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RE: [Flashcoders] Shorhand for if statement without else statement

2007-01-26 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
function foo() {
function bar() {
(true) ? foo() : bar();
-- foo
(false) ? foo() : bar();
-- bar

Works fine for me.  Not the best practice (I would never use it), but
just showing what's possible with inline conditionals.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of eka
 Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 2:27 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Shorhand for if statement without 
 else statement
 Hello :)
 In FDT for example : cond ? methodA() : methodB() failed :)
 The operator cond ? true : false is used to return a value 
 but isn't really the good solution to launch method i think :)
 EKA+ :)
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RE: [Flashcoders] Shorhand for if statement without else statement

2007-01-26 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 ( condition )  ( code );

Hot!  I wonder how many of these shortcuts we can come up with that
nobody would use unless they were trying to show off to other
codemonkeys.  :)
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RE: [Flashcoders] Flash wish: Omit comments on publish

2007-01-25 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Comments are not compiled.  If you decompile a swf with commented code,
you will not see the comments.  If you have tons of comments in your
code, you may need to improve your coding practices and naming
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RE: [Flashcoders] scrolling a randomly generated field function resultHELP PLEASE

2007-01-24 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Check this out

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RE: [Flashcoders] Getting Frames Per Second

2007-01-24 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 Is there a way to know the original fps of a loaded swf? I 
 mean, the fps to which it was compiled to, not the actual framerate?

Sure, decompile it.  :)

FYI, you can set Flash to 24fps and runtime framerate calculators will
show it's running 35-38 fps.  The player ain't perfect.
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RE: [Flashcoders] AS3 properties woes

2007-01-24 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
I don't know about AS3 (and I can't imagine this is different from AS2)
but you cannot put any code before super() in a constructor.  

super() must be the first line of code in a constructor.

You should pass the labelClass value to the super constructor (watch
your every move, super constructor).


and in your parent 

function ClassName(lc:String) 
labelClass = lc;


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Keith Salisbury
 Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:32 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 properties woes
 Thanks guys, its was actually my fault,
 the example i gave was a little simpler than my real code, 
 and i discovered i was calling setTitle from inside the super 
 construtor, so obviously if i dont set my subclass variable 
 before calling super() it wont use that variable.
 by changing the subclass constructor to this:
 public function DateMarker ()
labelClass = date
 I have the desired functionalitythink i probably need to 
 spend some time refactoring tho.
 The example i've given (aside from Petro's astute comment) 
 should actually work as expected, not as i described!! Sorry 
 for the distractions!!!
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RE: [Flashcoders] Re: flash on osx thru parallels/bootcamp

2007-01-24 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Have you tried FlashDevelop for Windows or TextMate for Mac?
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RE: [Flashcoders] AS3 Defining Objects

2007-01-24 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
You can't strict type items in a hash.  You never could, and you don't
need to.  You cast them as you pull them out of the hash.

myObject[i] = {};
myObject[i].prop = Prop Value;
var someProp:String = myObject[i].prop;

Not to mention, casting as object is considered weak typing since an
object can be anything, so it should be avoided unless you are really
casting a object.
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RE: [Flashcoders] div over swf

2007-01-24 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Short answer: no.

Long answer: It's sort of possible, but it doesn't work in all browser
or on all platforms. So, unless you have total control of the delivery
platform, no.

Check out wmode=transparent and see if that helps but no guarantees.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Re: flash on osx thru parallels/bootcamp

2007-01-24 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
TextEdit on Mac is hands down the best text editor for Mac, possibly on
both platforms.

It's learning curve beyond the basics can be steep but it is so powerful
and you can tightly integrate it with MTASC, SVN, etc., which makes it
worthwhile.  The benefits to your workflow are measurable.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Re: flash on osx thru parallels/bootcamp

2007-01-24 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
The thing about TextMate is, you need to watch some of the screencasts
on their site to really see the awesome power of its macros and actions.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Getting Frames Per Second

2007-01-23 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
In addition to being the best Flash debugging tool on the planet, Xray
has a built in Framerate display.

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RE: [Flashcoders] External libraries

2007-01-22 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 Unfortunately I'm stuck using the Flash IDE only (no MTASC). :(

Why can't you use MTASC?  Has somebody got a gun to your head and will
pull the trigger if you use it?  If that's the case, might I suggest
bringing a kevlar helmet to work?  ;)

I highly recommend FLASC as a great easy
way to use MTASC.
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RE: Re[2]: [Flashcoders] External libraries

2007-01-22 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
I think you have a misconception about MTASC.  It isn't a replacement
for Flash (unless you're a G like Ben Jackson), it's a 3rd party
compiler for Flash.

When Flash compiles, it recompresses all the media (graphics, sound,
components) as it compiles.  All MTASC does is injects code into the
swf.  So, you can update your classes and use MTASC to compile and cut
your compile time down to less than a second where Flash can take many
(some of my FLAs take over 30 seconds!).

To use MTASC, you need to be writing AS2 classes, as any timeline code
or #include code changes won't be updated using MTASC.  FLASC is an easy
to use GUI for MTASC that runs as a panel in the Flash IDE and it's how
I use MTASC (beats learning to write those long command lines).

Using FLASC from the beginning of a project is ideal, because MTASC is
stricter than the Flash IDE compiler.  A benefit of its strictness is it
forces you to be a better coder.  If you jump into the middle of a
project with FLASC, it will probably take you a bit to get it going.  It
will only really benefit you if your FLAs take more than a second or two
to compile.  If you're waiting 5-10 seconds every time you make a
change, it might be worth your time to install FLASC.

As far as your corporatation goes, you're still using Flash.  FLASC is a
panel inside of Flash.  You'll have to get MTASC, which is just an
executable that sits in your Program Files folder, but it doesn't
require installation - you download it and put it there manually.  No
administrator access required.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Rotating a comboBox

2007-01-22 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 Is there any easy way...

Write your own.  Seriously.  The reason it's not rotated is because the
ComboBox component's drop down is drawn on the _root.  The v2 components
are crap.  They're hermetically sealed so you can't easily hack them,
they're bloated and slow, they're much harder to skin, etc. etc. 

The new AS3 ones promise to be better.  Until then, I suggest writing
your own, or purchase the Ghostwire ComboBox and use it (great
components even though they're written in AS1 but they do work in Flash

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RE: [Flashcoders] movement question

2007-01-19 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Need to clean up that enterFrame once it's finished.  This is about as
compact as it can get.

this.onEnterFrame = function()
if (--myClip._rotation == -90) delete this.onEnterFrame;

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RE: [Flashcoders] Override _xscale and _yscale setter in AS2

2007-01-18 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
You can do it with enabled, but you can't with _xscale or _yscale.

You have to use a watcher to catch it and return oldVal.

BLITZ | Steven Sacks - 310-551-0200 x209

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of eka
 Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:50 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Override _xscale and _yscale setter in AS2
 Hello :)
 Yes you can :) Try this code (not tested)
 class Test1 extends MovieClip
   * Constructor
  function Test1()
 public function get _xscale ():Number
  return _xscale_ ;
 public function set _yscale( value:Number ):Void
__xscale__ = value ;
   // your code :)
 private var _xscale_ = MovieClip.prototype._xscale ;
 I use this technik in LUnAS the extension of VEGAS my 
 framework OpenSource with the enabled property... it's 
 possible it's work with the _xscale property.
 NB 1 : Vegas project : NB 2 : the 
 AbstractComponent class in LunAS with this hack over the 
 enabled property :
 EKA+ :)
 2007/1/19, Patrick Matte | BLITZ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  In AS2, is it possible to override the _xscale and _yscale 
 setter in a 
  subclass of MovieClip ?
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RE: [Flashcoders] Loading .html as a String variable

2007-01-16 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Can't you use LoadVars with the html file as the path?

BLITZ | Steven Sacks - 310-551-0200 x209

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Andrew Murphy
 Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 4:41 PM
 To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Loading .html as a String variable
 Does anyone know of a way to load an .html document as a 
 simple String variable, so it can be parsed rather than 
 displayed like a webpage?  There's the good-ol-XML object, 
 but if the webpage you're loading isn't exactly XML 
 compliant, it won't load, correct..?
 Thanks. :)
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RE: [Flashcoders] Q:Dynamically REMOVE a class linkage

2007-01-10 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 Does this make sense?

No it doesn't.  I surmise that you are making the variable static,
either by declaring it as static variable or by setting it to a value
when you declare it.  Thus, it ends up shared across all instances of
the class (static variables are class variables, dynamic variables are
instance variables).
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RE: [Flashcoders] scrolling dynamic movie clip

2007-01-10 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 I really want the scroll buttons in the loaded library item.

You should rethink the way you're doing this.  Putting a scrollbar
inside the clip that is being scrolled is illogical.  If you want them
to appear together as one clip, put the scrolling content in one
movieclip in the library clip and the scrollbar in another movieclip on
the same level in the clip.  Every movieclip has a timeline and layers
and you should put them to good use.  :)
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RE: [Flashcoders] Will the new iPhone run flash?

2007-01-09 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 I just wish it was cheaper.

iPhone: $499 for 4GB, $599 for 8GB. 

4GB iPod Nano: $199
8GB iPod Nano: $249

Some other top rated Smart Phones:
Palm Treo 700p ~$679
Sony Ericsson P990i ~$680
RIM BlackBerry 7130c ~$200

Even the RIM Blackberry with a Nano is the same price as the 4GB model.

Considering the Palm Treo doesn't have nearly as many features, plus the
iPhone has a touch screen, OSX with Safari, unique non-sequential
voicemail, GPS, among all the other amazing features, I think the cost
is actually quite competitive and fair, especially since I won't have to
carry two gadgets in my pocket anymore.  :)
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RE: [Flashcoders] history, bookmarks, etc within flash

2007-01-09 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
SWFAddress is the answer.

BLITZ | Steven Sacks - 310-551-0200 x208

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of James Dean
 Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 1:38 PM
 Subject: [Flashcoders] history, bookmarks, etc within flash
 I've been asked to implement back button functionality and 
 possibly bookmarking for a flash project that I've been 
 involved in, and I'm aware of a project from unfocus 
 basically, having the back and forward buttons in the browser 
 respond to the flash movie rather than the browser's history. 
 My question is if anyone is familiar with a better version 
 than the unfocus method, or if there is currently a standard 
 method for this functionality other than what is being used 
 in unfocus.
 Ultimately i can incorporate the above. I am, however, 
 looking for what is considered the best / most recommended method.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Flash Tracer / FF2

2007-01-08 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
There's a standalone debug executable available too at

BLITZ | Steven Sacks - 310-551-0200 x208

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:54 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Flash Tracer / FF2
 I can do you one better. Download the XRay connector and 
 classes from Blitz agency and use this link and tell me 
 what you think ;)
 - Original Message -
 To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
 Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 5:42 PM
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Flash Tracer / FF2
  For those of you who haven't used it, there's a cool FF 
 plugin called 
  Tracer ( that lets 
 you view any
  traces generated by a SWF within firefox.
  My problem is that, since upgrading to FF2, I haven't been 
 able to get it 
  work properly. Has anyone had similar issues / know of a fix?
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RE: [Flashcoders] Drag on a specific angle

2007-01-05 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
I did something similar awhile back for a site with a diagonal

First, I tried the clip rotation and then rotating a container clip to
the inverse rotation method.  This created some pretty ugly jaggies
which were unacceptable.

Second, I did some Flash trickery and created an invisible box above the
graphic that would be dragged with no constraint and would indirectly
control the x and y of the clip being dragged using some basic math
based on its position.  That was ok, but it wasn't very smooth because
Flash tended to jump twips too much when it was being dragged slowly.

Finally, I did some smoke and mirrors by making the graphic as wide as
the draggable diagonal and masking its visible area along the diagonal
path we wanted it to follow and forced the graphic to drag on a vertical
constraint.  Looked and performed great.


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RE: [Flashcoders] Switching sound between boxes and headphones

2007-01-04 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
You can't do that with Flash.  In fact, the only types of applications I know 
that support that are professional audio suites like Cubase, Logic, and 
ProTools and even then you have to spend time configuring them.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Dennis - I Sioux
Sent: Thu 1/4/2007 12:36 AM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: Fw: [Flashcoders] Switching sound between boxes and headphones


I need to be able to switch sound between boxes(minijack) and
headphones(usb) within flash (or 3th party).. mutch like you can switch your
mic/cam source.
Has anyone got a suggestion?

Many thanks,


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RE: [Flashcoders] Remove elements from Array

2006-12-22 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
That's a fantastic example of over-architecting if I ever saw one. 
Put away your epeen!  ;)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Arindam Dhar
 Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 12:10 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Remove elements from Array
   function removeElements(arr, level) {
  for (var i = 0; iarr.length; i++)
   var tempArr = arr[i];
if(Number(tempArr[1] )  Number(level))
 arr.splice(i, 1);
 arguments.callee(arr, level);

 removeElements(myArray1, 0);
 trace( myArray1);

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[Flashcoders] undocumented || usage

2006-12-21 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Saw this recently in code and was surprised that it worked but it's
pretty cool.

a = foo;
b = bar;
c = a || b;
-- foo

a = 0; 
// or a = ;
// or a = false;
// or a = null;
// or a is undefined
b = bar;
c = a || b;
-- bar

It will return b if a is an empty string, false, null, 0 or undefined.

Interesting shortcut.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Senior Developer Posisition

2006-12-20 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 We are currently looking for a senior flash developer
 The Salary is between 35K - 40K.

Yeah, good luck with that.  It's a seller's market right now.  I
wouldn't take a senior level position for less than $US 85K a year.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Good External Actionscript Editor for Mac?

2006-12-20 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 (pc - that term is a bit oldskool IMO)

Apple doesn't seem to think so.  ;)
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RE: [Flashcoders] Senior Developer Posisition

2006-12-20 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ

World: #1 Moscow, #2 Seoul, #3 Tokyo, #4 Hong Kong, #5 London
USA: #10 New York, #29 Los Angeles, #34 San Francisco

As of 2006, London is one of the most expensive places to live in the
world.  It's #1 among Western cities, #5 overall.

According to online COL calculators, if you got paid $80K USD per year
in NYC, the equivalent pay in London would be roughly $93K USD.  NYC is
the most expensive city to live in in the US, though.  

If you got paid $80K USD per year in San Francisco, another expensive
city in the US, the equivalent pay in London would be roughly $123K USD.

Reverse the math from London at $80K. 

NYC: $69K, SF: $52K
Both of which are far less than what a senior level flash dev should be
making in this market.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Senior Developer Posisition

2006-12-20 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Ok, so you've pointed out the issues with the various online Cost Of
Living Comparison Calculators I used to derive those numbers (I used two
different ones and took the average).  That's all well and good and I
certainly can't defend any of the numbers since I was just putting them
up as an example and I have no clue how accurate they are.  I'm glad you
pointed out the discrepancies, though.  Keep in mind these aren't my
figures.  I wouldn't vouch for anything found on the internet, I was
just passing it along as a rough estimate.

The bottom line is it's a $78K USD/year position in one of the most
expensive cities in the world.  It's only less expensive than a few
cities in Asia and is far more expensive than any city in the USA.  Can
we all agree on that and not bother with which city should be ranked 34?

The question at hand is whether you think $78,000 USD per year is a
competitive salary for London.  Given the current market demand for and
the scarcity of truly Senior level Flash developers, I think it's a bit
low, though I might negotiate for a little more for the opportunity to
live in London for awhile if I had never been there.  ;)
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RE: [Flashcoders] Good External Actionscript Editor for Mac?

2006-12-13 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
TextMate is the best script editor for the Mac, period, hands down.
Integrates with MTASC, auto-completion, macros, actions, command line
access, etc. etc.  If you take the time to learn all the cool stuff it
will become an invaluable tool for you.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Re: MVC pattern problem

2006-12-13 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
If you want an easy way to learn MVC, pick up this book and go through
the tutorial:

Agile Web Development with Rails

The Ruby on Rails MVC structure is easy to implement and understand and
it will set you on your way in MVC.  They've got great naming
conventions, too.

You should use the MVC design pattern with companion patterns like
Decorator and/or Observer. Also, Flash blurs the lines between
Controller and View and sometimes it's not worth over-architecting and
over-abstracting things.  At the end of the day, you need to get the
project done while keeping your codebase managable.  Most of the time,
you're not going to be swapping out too many pieces of your MVC, and so
MVC becomes a tool for organizing your code into logical pieces.  An
example of swapping out would be if you changed the model from using XML
to Remoting.  Or you change the view from using combo boxes to some
custom UI implementation.  The events/data they pass should stay
(basically) the same even if their internal implementation changes

One strength of MVC is to decouple the model from the view from the
controller such that you can replace any single one of them at any time
and not have to touch the code in the other two.  Your code example uses
direct references to the view from the model, which is counter to this
purpose, and event dispatchers and/or accessor methods will fix that.
The model just says I've updated to whoever is listening and the
view(s) that are listening receive that event and takes appropriate
action.  The model doesn't know or care what the view or controller is
or anything about how they work.  It only cares about managing the data
and dispatching events when that data is created, modified, updated,
deleted, etc..

Here is a simple class that Decorates Movieclips with event dispatchers.
I extend my Controller and View classes with this class.  My Model class
is the same but it doesn't extend MovieClip since Models are just data.


class com.stevensacks.mvc.ViewController extends MovieClip 
public var addEventListener:Function;
public var removeEventListener:Function;
private var dispatchEvent:Function;

function ViewController () 

In the model class, you dispatch events.  Views will add themselves as
listeners to those events and take appropriate action.  In MVC, the
Controller renders the View, the View listens to the Model and talks to
the Controller, which updates the Model, which broadcasts an event that
it has updates for any views that are listening.  Here is a trivial
example, and I am using direct access to certain methods for sake of
brevity, but you could have event listeners and delegated events between
the M V and C to decouple them completely.


import com.stevensacks.mvc.Model;

class com.clientname.MyModel extends Model 
private var data:Object;

function MyModel() 
private function doUpdate():Void 
dispatchEvent({type:update, data:data});
public function set someProperty(str:String):Void 
data.someProperty = str;

import com.clientname.MyModel;
import com.clientname.MyView;
import com.stevensacks.mvc.ViewController;

class com.clientname.MyController extends ViewController 
private var model:MyModel;
private var view:MyView;

function MyController()
model = new MyModel();
model.addEventListener(update, view);
view.controller = this;
function changeProperty(str:String):Void 
// do something with the data
// or just pass it through to the model
model.someProperty = str;


import class com.clientname.MyController;
import com.stevensacks.mvc.ViewController;

class com.clientname.MyView extends ViewController
public var controller:MyController;

private var TXT_Field:TextField;

function MyView()
function update(evt:Object):Void 
// receive the data when the model updates
private function draw(data:Object):Void 
// draw the view with the data
function makeSomeChange():Void 
// something is changed


It's important to note that with the Composition pattern, you might not
have every view listen to the model, but instead have a parent object
(composite) listen and it will 

RE: [Flashcoders] Good External Actionscript Editor for Mac?

2006-12-13 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
I'm not a fan of Eclipse.  I don't like that Flex Builder is based on
Eclipse, but I can't seem to get the ANT compiler working with Flash
Develop, so I'm stuck using the Flash IDE or Flex Builder 2 for my AS3
projects for now.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Good External Actionscript Editor for Mac?

2006-12-13 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Yeah, I followed Keith's step by step instructions, I've followed other
people's step by step instructions, John Grden has walked me through it,
and it still isn't working on my box.  I get a java command line error
every time I try to compile.  My computer is cursed or something.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of ben gomez farrell
 Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 12:16 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Good External Actionscript Editor for Mac?
 Not to turn this into a Flash Develop conversation cause it's 
 not for OSX, but I had tons of trouble getting my AS3 
 projects to work with ANT in Flash Develop, but I finally 
 took the time and followed step by step, and I've 
 been using Flash Develop for AS3 playing for about a month now.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Re: TextArea: shutting off selection?

2006-12-13 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 that would be
 if( x == duh){


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RE: [Flashcoders] flashing first frame

2006-12-12 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
 How can we avoid this? 

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RE: [Flashcoders] frame 1 - stop() not working with simulate download

2006-12-12 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
An empty movieclip has a size of 4 bytes so you check to see if the
bytesTotal  4 in addition to the percent loaded == 100.
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RE: [Flashcoders] loading thumbnails into a scrollable box via AS

2006-12-12 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
First, break it up into different pieces.  The first piece is the XML
parsing, the second piece is drawing the thumbnails, and the third piece
is scrolling the thumbnails.  I'll leave the XML parsing out of this and
focus on drawing the thumbnails.

Here's the most straightforward way to do this.  We could do it all with
code but let's mix it up a little since it's your first time.

1) Make an empty movie clip. Name it MC_Empty.

2) Draw a 50x50 pixel red square on the stage.  Delete the border.
Select the square and hit F8.  Name it MC_Square.

3) Make two layers in the timeline.  Name the top layer MC_Mask and name
the bottom layer MC_Container.

4) Put MC_Square on the MC_Mask layer and name it MC_Mask.

5) Put MC_Empty on the MC_Container layer and name it MC_Container.

6) Resize MC_Mask to whatever size you want the visible area to be.

7) Turn the MC_Mask layer into a Mask.  It should automatically mask

8) Now that your timeline is set up it's time to write some code.

I'm going to use some arbitrary values here for example. Season to

var imageArray:Array = parsedXmlImageArray;
// Set these values
var visibleRows:Number = 5;
var visibleCols:Number = 4;
var gutter:Number = 10;

// These are set based on what you set above
var colWidth:Number = (MC_Mask._width / visibleCols);
var rowHeight:Number = (MC_Mask._height / visibleRows);
var thumbWidth:Number = colWidth - gutter;
var thumbHeight:Number = rowHeight - gutter;
var rows:Number;
var cols:Number;

function draw() {
  rows = 0;
  cols = 0;
  MC_Container.createEmptyMovieClip(thumbs, 10);
  var i:Number = imageArray.length;
  while (i--) {
var mc:MovieClip = MC_Container.thumbs.createEmptyMovieClip(item +
i, i);
mc._x = cols * colWidth;
mc._y = rows * rowHeight;
mc.createEmptyMovieClip(img, 10);
mc._visible = false;
mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
  if (this.img._width  0) {
this._width = thumbWidth;
this._height = thumbHeight;
this._visible = true;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (++cols == visibleCols) cols = 0;
if (cols == 0) rows++;

This is a simple example.

First, we set up some initial variables that you can play with.  Decide
how many visible rows and columns you want and how much space you want
in between the thumbnails (gutter).  It will then determine the sizes of
the thumbnails, rows and columns based on the dimensions of MC_Mask.  In
this way, you can resize it easily by setting the width and height of
MC_Mask and calling draw() again.

The draw function:

Creates an empty movieclip inside MC_Container called thumbs.  This
makes it easier to refresh the view by simply removing the thumbs clip
rather than removing every single movieclip inside it.

Then we loop through the array of image paths you got from parsing your

In the loop, we create a reference to an empty movieclip.  The name of
the clip is item + i (item1, item2, etc.) and its depth is set to i.
We also make it invisible.

We set its _x to the number of columns times the width of the columns
and its _y to the number of rows times the height of the rows.

Inside that clip we create an empty movieclip to load the image into,
and tell it to load movie.

Then, we put an onEnterFrame on the movieclip (not the image clip
because when you loadMovie, when it's done loading it will overwrite
onEnterFrame) that checks to see when the image has loaded, and then
resizes the image to the thumbWidth and thumbHeight we set above.  Then
it makes the clip visible.  We do this so the image doesn't show until
it's done loading and resized.

Then we increment cols and see if it's equal to the visibleCols.  If it
is, we reset it back to 0 so it draws from the left position again.

If cols is equal to 0, then we know it's a new row so we increment rows.

That's all there is to it.  Doing a scrollbar is a different discussion,
and you could just as easily throw all of this into a movieclip and put
that movieclip into a scrollpane.  You'll need to use the undocumented
command setScrollProperties on the scrollpane once the images are
finished loading, though, so keep that in mind (google it for more

Hope this helps,

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RE: [Flashcoders] preloader not completely preloading...

2006-12-11 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
function checkLoad()
   var c = mc.getBytesLoaded();
   var t = mc.getBytesTotal();
   var p = (c / t) * 100;
   MC_LoaderBar._xscale = p;
   TXT_Load.text = Math.floor(p + %);
   if (p == 100  t  4) {
  delete this.onEnterFrame;
this.onEnterFrame = checkLoad;

Doesn't get much simpler.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Why does this work in Flash 6 Actionscript 2 butnot Flash 7 Actionscript 2 ...

2006-12-11 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
  Why does the following work when published as Flash 6 
 Actionscript 2, but not Flash 7 actionscript 2 (or Flash 8 
 Actionscript 2).var nInt:Number;var oMain:Object = {};var 
 nCounter:Number;var sClipName:String;var 
 nClipDepth:Number;function spawnClip():Void{var 
 mcTemp:MovieClip = this.attachMovie(mcCircle, 
 mcCircle+nCounter, nCounter, oMain);mcTemp._x = 
 Math.random()*600;mcTemp._y = Math.random()*400;
 nCounter++;}nInt = setInterval(this, spawnClip, 

Posting code without carriage returns makes baby Jesus cry.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Which technique do you use ...

2006-12-11 Thread Steven Sacks | BLITZ
Neither.  I use the technique where you put carriage returns after each
line of code.  

I'm not bragging.  I know it's a pretty advanced concept but I think
anyone is capable of getting their head around it if they put in the
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