[Flightgear-devel] FMC

2004-08-06 Thread Harald Johnsen

> Would it work to have one node in the property tree that would contain
> the text on the CDU display ?
> The 3D cockpit could listen for changes to this node and when one
> happens, update the CDU display in the 3D cockpit...

I like this idea, the text could be use for the FG cockpit or for some
CRT CDU. Except that the 3D cockpit can't handle text display atm. The
2D panel can.

> Using a dynamic - non library-based - approach, possibly utilizing
> Nasal for it, would probably be preferable if all the stuff is available
> within the Nasal scope, that way one could easily borrow fragments of
> code from other FMC implementations and add it to your own FMC.
> ...

My first idea was to write everything in Nasal ;) But due to some
in FG I have decided to start with an external FMC. Once it start to
I'll see how to make a buildin version. We are talking of an FMC but of
I wanted to redo at least the ehsi display (for the eye candy). 
Now there is a few problems with 3D gauges : can't draw text, can't draw
occurence of sprite/texture. Similar limitations with 2d gauges
concerning the
dynamic part. So I was thinking about draw to texture technique and some
api in Nasal to generate that kind of display... This would have delayed
the ehsi too much.

> So, you'd mainly want to have access to all the relevant data,
> the first thing that comes to mind would be functions to
> interactively retrieve data from the navaids/airports file
> in order to deal with those value accordingly, I don't think
> that Nasal can already retrieve such data !?

It's not difficult to add a few interfaces to acces this data. Even
can allready be added just by touching the right property but the code
in auto_gui.cxx
is too restrictive about the type of wp one can insert.

> In order to really determine what data and functions to access
> it would be necessary, one would first need to look into a
> FMC manual and find out what data sources are being used to
> compute the stuff, OR what -flightgear based data- could
> ALTERNATIVELY be used for that purpose.

FG has the needed databases for the routes (airports, runways, nav,

> here, but actually there's still a bit more to it - which is probably
> easier to find if you really get your hand on a FMS (training) manual,
> actually that would be quite a sufficient source because you could
> design the whole FMS -> page by page <- after it.

I am looking the web to find the information and I try to understand the
pages. Some are obvious, some not, I don't have a real manual. And of
course I never
used a real FMC.

> Another idea I just had: Why not put all the general algorithms needed
> in an average FMC into a library (possibly as part of SimGear). 
> Things like performance calculations, (access to) route databases, input
> validation (eg: airport code exists?, does this airport have a runway
> xxR?),routing calculations,...
> This library could then be used/linked to build an FMC, either withing fgfs our
> as a standalone program.

Sure, and the external version is allready using part of FG code, as is
or modified.
When we are more advanced in the project we will see where to put back
all the adds.

> An approach like the one suggested by Jim would certainly have
> the potential to add many variations of FMCs simply because it
> would be mainly a thing of specifying the appeareance and logics
> using a XML file with some Nasal code.


> Or... how about implementing it outside of flightgear at first and then
> hooking it in when the code is somewhat stable? 


> Maybe Harald can provide some more details about what he want to
> take into consideration and if there are any things that weren't
> yet mentioned in that thread.

Thanks for the feedback. Concerning the implementation of the fmc I will
continue with
the external version for now because I think it's the one that can be
ready the first
in time. As I said before I don't have all the knowledge to build it
enterely by myself
so I will need a lot of feedback at the beginning (the fonctions of the
fmc but also 
the look and feel).
The gui (with skins) and the ability to build new looks/functionalities
with XML config
and nasal code is a great idea.
I talked a bit about the ehsi allready, I don't know how to enhance the
one in FG without 
using opengl code.


ps: I hope you can read me, english is not my first tongue.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] FMC

2004-08-08 Thread Harald Johnsen
> > We are talking of an FMC but of  course
> > I wanted to redo at least the ehsi display (for the eye candy). 

> Erik mentioned some time ago that it isn't yet really possible to
> do simple animations using Nasal in FlightGear, at least that's
> what Andy indicated when he was asked about that, I think.

I remember but I had the impression that they were afraid for the

> > This would have delayed the ehsi too much.

> is there really that much lag involved when doing
> such things using Nasal - i.e. NO smooth animations ?

I was not clear. I was saying that to do the ehsi I would have to wait
the implementation of some new graphic code. 
Concerning smooth animations, I think it can be the same as current

Now let me open a little parenthesis about a reflexion I had some times

We have a caneva to build 2d and 3d instruments and its doing the job
for a wide variety of gauges. But even if can extend those
there will always be some cases that can't be handled.
Lets call them owner draw gauges. How to draw them ? With pure opengl
code in C.
This is the first bottleneck. It seems stupid the have to build
Flightgear to
use a new gauge when someone release a new panel or new plane.
The other thing that disturb me is that this OD gauge should of course
on a 2d and on a 3d panel.
Let me remind you : a 2D gauge is a stack of layers (textures), a 3d
gauge is
a 3D gemoetry object (textured).
If we use only one texture for both the 2d and 3d gauge we have a
texture that can
be used for both instruments.
So this is my suggestion to have compatible 2d/3d specials gauges, ie
they both
refer to the same texture, this texture is generated by some special
(drawing to texture/pbuffer is something standard for 3d cards).
Now how do we draw in this texture ?
In Nasal of course, with the appropriate graphic library. Not a pseudo
library because there is no more than perhaps 10 api to implement :
draw a line, draw text, draw a texture, etc. I am prety sure we can pair
api to the existing draw code.

What about the performance ?
Imagine a simple gauge with a background and a needle. This could be
drawn with 
3 lines of Nasal code: 
DrawTexture(background, x,y), 
Drawtexture(nnedle, x,y)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] FMC

2004-08-08 Thread Harald Johnsen

Last mail was cut...

What about the performance ?
Imagine a simple gauge with a background and a needle. This could be
drawn with 
3 lines of Nasal code: 
DrawTexture(background, x,y), 
Drawtexture(nnedle, x,y)

So it can't be slower than xml gauges.
And more complex gauges ? This is were draw to texture is handy. There
is no
need to generate the texture every frame. Some instruments need to be
refreshed every 1/10
of second, perhaps a radar could use a refresh of half a second, and a
moving map a
refresh every second (or less).

Now the xml gauges wont refer to a texture loaded from a file but to
this generated texture.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] FG Launcher and the airports

2004-08-11 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
The launcher only lists airports that are present in your installed 
I think your problem is in your scenary path on the first tab of the 
launcher (FG_SCENERY field).
You shoulf have something like /FlightGear/data/SceneryTerrain.
Then press refresh on the airport page.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Bypass FG Physics and Draw

2004-08-24 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Does this mean that we would have the ability to save and load flight 
data so as to reproduce, say, a taxi, take off, pattern and landing at 
KSFO or another airport automatically (i.e., as a demo or as a 
training exercise).  Perhaps a short flight around the SF area also 
showing off the new scenery?

Could we ship such flights around scenic areas (Mount Ranier, Crater 
Lake, the Grand Canyon) for new users in the base package or as 
downloadables off of flightgear.org?

How big would such files be? How much data needs to be kept, how much 
can be calculated on the fly?  Do weather conditions need to be saved 

Would flights around scenic areas be done better as flight plans with 
waypoints or tied into this new playback method somehow?

Can this playback tool be used as a training method for new simulator 

If we are not saving a real recorded flight, perhaps we can use a 
similar method to extract either entire flights or the last XX number 
of seconds of a flight to save to disk for later replay?

MS FlightSimulator has an extensive tutorial that involves pre-saved 
flights which the users can break into at certain points in the 
flights. How difficult would it be to add something similar to FG and 
where would one begin (if no one is already working on something like 

Flightgear-devel mailing list
I think that the ability to "play" a flight recorded by an external 
source is different from the ability to save/load a flight from FG.
In other words, I don't think we should save any state variable - ie 
parts of totality of the property tree.
We have an initial state when FG is launched with a specific set of 
parameters. Now how do you fly ? You use your joystick, mouse,
keyboard et al to interact with the simulator. So a recorded fligth 
could be defined as a list of user interactions paired with a time stamp,
and to be more accurate a very limited set of properties could be added 
lets say every 10 or 20 seconds (position, heading, etc).
The advantage would be :
   - short record file size
   - accurate property tree because the simultor would run exactly with 
the same imputs
   - easy to implement because it is not tied to the internals of the 
simulator (like fdm).

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Radio Hardware.

2004-08-28 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
martin pardee wrote:
i''d like to offer my (bleated) thanks to curtis olson, john wojnaroski and
manuel bessler for taking the time to respond to "yet another newbie".  

i've received some good pointers from you all.
it looks as if there are several approaches i could take to interfacing a stack
of simulated radios to the FG sim.  i guess i'm going to have to roll up my
sleeves and dive into the code base.
one additional approach has occurred to me though, and i wonder if you all can
offer an opinion.
it's been said that there are two approcahes to my problem:
1) write a module that will run once per frame and handle control inputs and
display outputs on my hardware.

I don't think it is possible to have a reliable data flow, and doing 
things every frame will slow the whole thing.

2) write a network client that is "telnet based" and send packets over the net.
it occurrs to me that if FG supports telnet, that there must be a class
somewhere that handles socket based communication. since sockets also make a
fairly elegant for of IPC on a unix system, i was thinking that developing a
class (or subclass) for this purpose might work out well with minimum impact to
the existing code.

Well, if you use the "telnet" protocol there is no impact on FG code and 
it can work today.

could anyone commenton this idea please?
in closing, i'd also like to ask if there is any sort of technical reference
dosumentation that would allow a new coder to begin exploring the project.

You should have a look at fgfsclient.cxx in the FG/script/exmaple 
subtree (on the cvs). The script/python subtree has also good examples
of what can be done using the telnet protocol.
The server side of the "telnet" protocol can be found in the 
src/Natwork/props.* files.
Also FG must be lauched with --props=5501 to activate the server side.
Now you juste have to find the properties that you need and the property 
browser is handy for that.

thanks to all, and best regards,
martin pardee

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re:chase/cockpit view

2004-08-29 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Yu QingRou wrote:

> I have another question regarding the view manager:
> Is it possible in FlightGear, we can have two viewpoints at the same
> time? I found in some other flight simulator, for the
> panels/instruments, user sees with cockpit view, while at the same
> time, for the scenery outside the cockpit, it uses chase view so user
> can see the attitude of the aircraft.Or, we can say, the window of the
> simulator is splited to two small windows, one for panels/instruments
> using cockpit view while the other, using chase view.
> By checking the codes, seems FlightGear doesn't support this. Any
> ideas about how to realize this? Though this functionality may not
> have too much value...:-(
The 2D panel allready uses a second viewpoints. I think you could try to
play with this function
in Cockpit/panel.cxx :

fgPanelVisible ()
if(globals->get_current_panel() == 0)
return false;
if(globals->get_current_panel()->getVisibility() == 0)
return false;
return true;
if(globals->get_viewmgr()->get_current() != 0)
return false;
if(globals->get_current_view()->getHeadingOffset_deg() *
return false;
return true;
Perhaps you can add a property to trigger the 2D panel so its configurable.

> Thanks & Regards,
> QingRou
> [Flightgear-devel] Re: chase/cockpit view
> Melchior FRANZ mfranz at aon.at Sun Aug 1 09:31:31 CDT 2004
> Previous message: [Flightgear-devel] fgfs aborted with the dc3 Next
> message: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear v0.9.5 Messages sorted by: [
> date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
> * Sam -- Sunday 25 July 2004 18:33:
>> can anybody give me an advice how to implement new view
>> inflightgear: a combination of cockpit and chase view - so that the
>> plane would be looked at from behind (like in chase mode) but at the
>> same time viewport behaviour would be the same as in cockpit - i mean
>> precise rotation (with no "delays" like in chase mode, [...]
> Just leave the  settings in the view config away.
> m.
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[Flightgear-devel] How to compute Takeoff speeds

2004-09-03 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Ok there is a lot of table of speed vs weight vs flaps position
I want to compute them and not use any table. And it obvious that
tables are the result of some computation.

Do you think I can use something like that ?

Vr = sqr( W / (0.5 *
rho(0) * CL0 * S) )
CL0 is CL-0, rho is at airways level.
I think I should add "Delta_Lift_due_to_flaps" to CL0, is this correct ?
If any guru can help me ;)

Something else. I have well advanced with the fmc, you can see a few
screenshots here : http://www.chez.com/tipunch/flightgear/index.html



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] glGenList Bug

2004-10-11 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Frederic Bouvier wrote:
Erik Hofman a écrit :
Frederic Bouvier wrote:
Perhaps a patch to simgear/flightgear only without touching plib 
would be better. The threading problem is a flightgear problem.

Generally I would agree with you but this differed DList method is 
way easier than integrating it into FlightGear itself. Besides it 
doesn't change the functionality of plib itself but instead it adds a 
new method of using display lists.

With makeDList really functionning :
You should like it ;-)

Flightgear-devel mailing list
747-100 on ground at SFO default runway, cycling thru different view (V 

view - 0.9.5 - 0.9.6 10/09   -   Dlist 10/10
cockpit-33 fps-47 fps   -   57 fps
v   -   24 fps   -   39 fps   -   50 fps
v   -   25 fps   -   39 fps   -   50 fps
v   -   27 fps   -   42 fps   -   53 fps
v   -   24 fps   -   28 fps ?   -   37 fps
v   -   22 fps   -   32 fps   -   40 fps
cockpit again   -   28 fps   -   39 fps   -   48 fps
night cockpit view
enhanced runway light on   -   4 fps   -   4 fps   -   4 fps
enhanced runway light off   -   24 fps   -   31 fps   -   36 fps
AMD 2100+ GeForce Ti4200 W98 (1024x768 32bits)
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS:

2004-10-13 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Frederic Bouvier wrote:
Vivian Meazza wrote:

Martin Spott wrote:

Sent: 13 October 2004 09:42
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS:
"Vivian Meazza" wrote:

I've just downloaded and installed fgfs-0.9.6-20041010 from
ftp://ftp.ihg.uni-duisburg.de/FlightGear/Win32/. It crashes, cause


However, fgfs-0.9.6-20041009 works very well, using all the same



To my impression there's already a 'release' package:
Would you mind to try that one ?

That one works as well as fgfs-0.9.6-20041009. Frame rates of up to 75 on a
Pentium 4 2.8 512Mb Ram and Nvidia FX5200. A very worthwhile effort by all

It's good to read that the final release works :-)
It should be a little better than fgfs-0.9.6-20041009 in building areas.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

the 'release' binary of fgfs does not launch, it calls MSVCR71D.DLL (not 
on my system).

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: crease for ac3d files and speedup

2004-10-14 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Melchior FRANZ wrote:
* Curtis L. Olson -- Wednesday 13 October 2004 23:47:

I haven't looked closely at the display list stuff.  Are we being 
careful to free the display lists when we free the associated objects 
and remove them from the scene graph?  Is this something that plib 
should automatically handle (but maybe isn't because we are the first to 
stress test it?)

No, it doesn't look like plib accumulated DLists. I flew the Hunter again
from KLAX to KSFO along the coast, then quite a while heading W, into the
 KLAX, right after taking off:  22k  (i.e.: 22.000 DLists)
 coast:   avg. ~18k  (13K--22k, depending on the
  terrain; peaks at 30k)
 KSFO:  27k
 heading W, slowly falling to:   9k
 exiting from fgfs:  2960
The final 2960 DLists were not freed via glDeleteLists. But in any case:
the DLists weren't the cause for excessive memory consumption. It could
have been problems with KDE's artsdsp.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Those numbers (22k...9k) seam enormous to me. You say 13 to 22k 
depending on terrain...
If I understand well we have one dlist per polygone ?
Each terrain chunk (.btg) is loaded and stored in his ssg tree. A range 
and transform matrix is added at the top of this tree.
Isn't it possible to have one Dlist for this whole tree ?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Back online

2004-10-01 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
I had no connection for some time. I did not work on the fmc this last 
weeks, I wanted to change my mind so I played with some piece of code to 
try some possible enhancement to the graphical environment (sky, cloud, 
weather). I got nothing that really convice me, we will see that later.

I have put the source code of the prototype fmc here : 
I would appreciate some comments.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] VATSIM/IVAO integration & MCDU/FMC

2004-10-01 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers wrote:
On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 02:54:21PM +0200, Boris Koenig wrote:

Harald has even created some preview screenshots of his FMC project:

Hmmm, do I recognize my own photo there? With the small damage to the MCDU
casing near the left annunciators?   :-)
I have this photo up to 1280x1024 (bigger, actually) ---> ask! Straight from
the Lufthansa sim.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

You are right. I had this image on my HD and could not remember from 
where it came.
I am sorry. Now that you said from where it comes, its even more obvious 
that we can't keep it
as we need gpl material.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Weather - Clouds

2005-04-17 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
I did some research on 3D clouds for some time and finaly got something 
not too bad. I've started to add that to SimGear this week end, here are 
the first alpha screen shots :

I have alse some code nearly ready for rain, snow and lightnings.
My next step will be the automatic generation of the cloud layers 
depending on the METAR data, I have allready found some plausible rules 
to generate the right kind of clouds based on altitude, wind, dew point, 

Well, the idea is to have a visual environment almost realist and why 
not, not so far from real weather.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Weather - Clouds

2005-04-18 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
Hi Harald,
Your screen shots look really nice.  Are you using some sort of 
imposter technique?  If you have something workable, please feel free 
to send early versions to Erik or I for inclusion in CVS.  I'm sure 
there are  plenty of others who'd love to play with these.  We do have 
an existing 3d cloud demo in FG, but it was written with an entirely 
separate scene graph/coordinate system and never fully integrated into 

Best regards,
The impostor code is not ready, I still need to call the new 
RenderTexture class. I must also look at the reposition code because atm 
the clouds are moving with the plane...I will try to send something next 
week end.

Jon Stockill wrote:
Nice :-)
Are the additional effects just a "whole screen" effect, or are they 
tied to the cloud objects so that (for example) visibility is reduced 
below rainclouds.

A lightning is tied to a cloud and could perhaps cast light around (even 
if I don't know how).
I thought of "whole screen effect" for rain or snow because I am using 
the technique described in Niniane Wang paper - a double cone around the 
camera - to draw raindrops or falling snow. And its easy to reduce the 
whole scene visibility or light when its raining for example. But I was 
thinking of adding cloud shadows if the clouds themself don't kill the 
fps too much.

John Wojnaroski wrote:
Are you using the techniques and algorithms devleoped by Mark Harris 
that are currently in SimGear?  You might want to read his 
dissertation posted on his web site.  Mark has since gone on to 
greener pastures working for Nvidia.

I don't think there are any snapshots on the website.
John W.

No I am not doing like this. I read his papers (and a lot of others 
about clouds) but I don't totaly like the method.
He tries to do some realist lighting of clouds and I agree they are nice 
but first I am not sure that this is fast enough and second I am 
wondering if this is usefull to do accurate lighting. Water and ice 
clouds don't look the same, clouds cast shadow on other clouds, etc, lot 
of things that are hard or time consuming.

I am using some sort of metaballs that are randomly placed in box 
containers. The cloud is built with a set of positionned box that 
determine his general shape. For the lightning I first use the classical 
dot product of normal and light - on each vertex for a smooth shading - 
this will give a bit of volume and should light the side of the cloud 
facing the sun and darken the opposite side. This computed light is 
weightned by an anisotropic factor, and finaly an ambient term is added. 
Its not realistic but its not too bad too ;)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New 3d clouds

2005-04-24 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Erik Hofman wrote:

I have added the new 3d clouds code from Harald Johnson to CVS. The 
code is not yet perfect (the movements to the viewer needs some 
tweaking) but the effects are really nice. I hope we can figure out 
the problems and eliminate them because the results are even better 
than I had expected!

Another thing is that it seems to depend on glut functions which need 
to be resolved for SDL users also.

A third problem is that it uses the RenderTexture class which hasn't 
been implemented for MacOS-X yet.

Anyway, en
Flightgear-devel mailing list
Ok let's see the different problems :
- use of RenderTexture class on MacOs : I didn't know (and didn't look 
very hard either), I am wondering if its is not implemented in the cvs 
tree of SDL, should check that.

- poping clouds when rotating view : I don't think I had this bug, will 
recheck that, perhaps it depends on the location.

- FPS droping from 40 to 10 and can't disable clouds : try to set 0 in 
texture cache size to disable but I must admit that this code was a bit 
bugged, its allready corrected at home. Also there was another bug, a 
lot of computation were done even for impostors.
Never push the visibility of 3d clouds behind 3 meters.
Also try to set the texture cache to 1024k, that should give a lot of 
impostors. The default number of impostor is not right and that's why 
you have a degradation of fps.

- fog bug : ok I think I have not re-enable fog
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New 3d clouds

2005-04-24 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Roy Vegard Ovesen wrote:
On Sunday 24 April 2005 15:21, Paul Surgeon wrote:

On my system the new 3D clouds only appear when I look directly at them.
I have to move the pan cursor over them to see them.

Same thing here, and there are red/white squares around the clouds that "have 
not yet turned into 3D clouds".


Red/white square was for debug only.
If the rendering options don't do anything when you press ok perhaps you 
missed the flightgear patch in envirenment_mgr.cxx.

About the display bug, nobody can see that at KSFO ?
on ground : 
in the air : 

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Blank screen implementation

2005-04-25 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Vivian Meazza wrote:
Drew wrote

Ah...that's alright, I'll just stick with what I have.  I was told it
was a few mouse clicks, and it's already taken more of my time that
it's worth.  All I'm really trying to do is draw a black rectangle.
Thanks for your help.

No problem, pity you can't make it work - it really is a boon during
development. But you are right not to waste time on it.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

I have another probleme with wincvs.
In the list of files in the explorer nearly all files have an 'unknown' 
state. So i don't have the diff choice when I right click on them.
I've tried an update with the command line but that does not chance 
anything. Its a fresh install of wincvs 2.x but I had the same with the 1.3.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New 3d clouds

2005-04-26 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Jon Stockill wrote:
Yes, it's slightly odd seeing the clouds appear/disappear (even when 
stationary - just rotating the view seems to cause the problem). 
However, the overall effect is fantastic - is there any way to see the 
precipitation model yet?

Great work Harald!
Shame on me.
I was not using an up to date flightgear cvs, now that I have updated it 
I see the desastrous effect.
Clouds are not culled correctly. That explains the poping, but it had 
also an enormous impact on fps.
In attachment is a quick hack.


cvs diff -u -- cloudfield.cxx (in directory 
Index: cloudfield.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/source/simgear/scene/sky/cloudfield.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 cloudfield.cxx
--- cloudfield.cxx  26 Apr 2005 09:08:58 -  1.4
+++ cloudfield.cxx  26 Apr 2005 18:28:46 -
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@
// correct the frustum with the right far plane
ssgContext *context = ssgGetCurrentContext();
frustum = *context->getFrustum();
+   frustum.setFOV(55.0,0);
frustum.setNearFar(1.0, CloudVis);
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Blank screen implementation

2005-04-26 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Vivian Meazza wrote:
Harald JOHNSEN wrote:

I have another probleme with wincvs.
In the list of files in the explorer nearly all files have an 'unknown'
state. So i don't have the diff choice when I right click on them.
I've tried an update with the command line but that does not chance
anything. Its a fresh install of wincvs 2.x but I had the same with the

I'm absolutely not a WinCVS guru. What I know about it has been learned
mostly by trial and error (some of the former and lots of the latter). The
documentation, shall we say, leaves a lot to be desired.
So here goes. What are the extensions of the unknown status files? Many
files in the source code are generated by the compiler, and are therefore
not in the repository (sorry, BGOTO) extensions .a, .o .exe fall into this
category. Files which you have generated and are not in the repository also
have the status unknown. Some editors spew these like crazy; they are hidden
in windows explorer, but not in WinCVS.
Try selecting a directory (make sure it's not one in which you have modified
files - that's not fatal, but recovering your work is a darned nuisance -,
then Modify > Update. On the update screen select 'create missing
directories' and 'get the clean copy'. See what happens.
Next, open some directory in windows explorer and delete the files which
have status unknown (but are not .a .o. or .exe) See what happens - they
should get the status missing. (If they don't they are probably not in the
repository in the first place.) Then try the above again to restore them.
Finally, if none of this addresses the problem, you can always delete the
directories and start over. I've had to do that several times when my copy
and the cvs copy just got too far out of line. The good thing about the
later versions of WinCVS is that it pretty much works, but it's not all that
intuitive and takes some figuring out.
Hope none of this is teaching grandmother to suck eggs. 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Thx for the help. Nothing worked so I did a checkout on an empty 
directory as you sugjested.
If cvs creates the files all is ok. It does not work with files coming 
from a tarball or created by hand.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New 3d clouds

2005-04-26 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Frederic Bouvier wrote:
Selon Melchior FRANZ:

* Harald JOHNSEN -- Tuesday 26 April 2005 20:41:

Clouds are not culled correctly. That explains the poping, but it had
also an enormous impact on fps.
In attachment is a quick hack.

Ahh. That makes a big difference. Almost usable now.  :-)
Now, if you could fix the fog problem and fade clouds in&out rather than
popping them up abruptly, it would be quite cool already.

I just compile them with MSVC without a single warning. And they work fine 
( I
missed the initial glitches ;-). I am really impressed.

Erik did a few adaptations, I'm only using .net since a week or two and 
I have allready forgotten the headach I had with templates and MSVC ;)

I know this is preliminary code, but is there a reason why 100% cloud density
doesn't give us overcast rather than scatered/broken as it is now ?
Flightgear-devel mailing list

The density is supposed to reduce the number of clouds on low to mid 
level computer, it won't change a broken layer into an overcast one.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New 3d clouds

2005-04-27 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Frederic Bouvier wrote:
So the 3d code shouldn't exclude 2d clouds but fade into them.
But if we want to model front one day, it is a thing to ponder now.
Overcast layers are flat at the base but often show towers from the top, at
altitude a 737 or an Airbus are supposed to fly.
I wish we could one day see really big clouds in FG and not only small cumulus

Is that towering cumulus or perhaps some cumulonimbus ?
I agree cirrus can stay 2d.

BTW: how are computed cloud shapes ? In the M. Harris code, they are modeled
with a tool he never released and stuck to the same set of shape ( stored in a
binary format file ). Is it a procedural function or something fixed ?
I am dreaming loudly here but we could envision in a distant future that clouds
could be reshaped at runtime by wind and current. So implementing a very simple
procedural function rather than something fixed could be seen as the first step
of something more ambitious later. In fact I was thinking about implicit
surfaces ( see http://www.unchainedgeometry.com/jbloom/papers.html ) aka
metaballs in blender to picture the sky at a rough level and refine individual
clouds with impostors like M. Harris' or now Harald's code. 
ideas provider
Flightgear-devel mailing list

I made 3 screenshot of my lab test program. First I give position and 
size of containers, those will give the general shape
of the cloud : 
With that, and given some hardcoded rules (cu bottom are flat, stratus 
only use 1 metaball, etc), metaballs are generated :
We have now a sort of volumetric shape that we render with simple quads 
for speed :

The idea is to build the cloud with a very simple definition (position 
of boxes, size, content). This definition will be in an xml so
everybody will be able to test new shapes. To reply at your question, 
yes it is fixed, but there is still the possibility to alter the shape 
by moving the metaballs or adding new.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] MSVC 7.1 Runtime Error

2005-04-29 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Ben Morrison wrote:
I have downloaded the following source code files: FlightGear 9.8, 
SimGear 3.8, plib 1.8.4, and zlib 1.1.4. I was able to get this to 
compile in Visual Studio 2003 but when I try to run flight gear with 
the following command: “fgfs –fg-root=c:\\GS_PTT\\Flightgear\\data 
–airport=KSFO – aircraft=A-10cl –disable-sound” and I get the 
following runtime error almost immediately:

Debug assertion failed!
Program: fgfs.exe
File: isctype.c
Line: 68
Expression: (unsigned)(c+1) <= 256
Has anyone ever encountered this error? Is it possible to set 
breakpoints in Flightgear and debug it that way?

Flightgear-devel mailing list
You can debug, no problem.
The assert is a known problem, it happens with a debug build under VS, 
you have to change a view lines in simgear, patch attached.

Index: strutils.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/source/simgear/misc/strutils.cxx,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 strutils.cxx
--- strutils.cxx7 Sep 2002 02:58:19 -
+++ strutils.cxx26 Apr 2005 17:01:34 -
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@
while (i < len)
-   while (i < len && isspace(str[i]))
+   while (i < len && isspace((unsigned char)str[i]))
j = i;
-   while (i < len && !isspace(str[i]))
+   while (i < len && !isspace((unsigned char)str[i]))
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
result.push_back( str.substr(j, i-j) );
-   while (i < len && isspace(str[i]))
+   while (i < len && isspace((unsigned char)str[i]))

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] MSVC 7.1 Runtime Error

2005-04-29 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Ben Morrison wrote:
Thanks, guys.  This is my first time posting to the board and I am impressed
with the response times.  I am compiling in debug mode because I am going to
be modifying flightgear later.  Ok, Harald's solution fixed the runtime
error but now flightgear just sits there and doesn't start.  What could be
causing this?
Flightgear-devel mailing list

It's not very clear. Check that you added the 
'--fg-root=x:\flightgear\data' parameter to the debugger, not finding 
the airports/runway data can lead FG to an infinite loop for example. Or 
just press break and look where he is in the code ;)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] new 3d clouds - strange movement

2005-05-07 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Lee Elliott wrote:
On Friday 06 May 2005 17:29, Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

On May 6, 2005 10:06 am, Karsten Krispin wrote:

If you bank your plane the clouds will move in the opposite
direction as you turn
to - They move  to the right or to the left depending
whether you turn left or right. (And I'am not talking about
the movements through the wind ;)). It is strange to
discribe this - The easiest way would be you try it your
self :) - You'll immediatly recognize what I mean. - Just do
some hard and fast turns. Also it looks like if they get
zoomed in or zoomed out...

You are right there is a strange movement. It's perhaps the rotation 
axes of the clouds that are a bit off.

I know what you mean.  It seems you can never go inside the
Perhaps visibility should be decreased to a few meters when
one is inside the clouds?


I think that you have that effect if you fly to the border of a cloud. 
The quads are rotated to face the camera and when the quads are very 
near on the left or the right the rotation is too big and the quad go 
out of sight. This will be corrected.

Hmm... I've flown inside them pretty convincingly but I'm seeing 
a darkened region within the clouds, even when I'm outside them, 
between the horizon and what I presume to be the bottom of the 

I can post some screen shots of inside the clouds or of the 
horizon problem if anyone wants.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Can you post screen shots of the darkened clouds problem ?
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] new 3d clouds - strange movement

2005-05-07 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Lee Elliott wrote:
On Saturday 07 May 2005 10:04, Harald JOHNSEN wrote:

Lee Elliott wrote:

On Friday 06 May 2005 17:29, Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

On May 6, 2005 10:06 am, Karsten Krispin wrote:

If you bank your plane the clouds will move in the opposite
direction as you turn
to - They move  to the right or to the left depending
whether you turn left or right. (And I'am not talking about
the movements through the wind ;)). It is strange to
discribe this - The easiest way would be you try it your
self :) - You'll immediatly recognize what I mean. - Just
do some hard and fast turns. Also it looks like if they
get zoomed in or zoomed out...

You are right there is a strange movement. It's perhaps the
rotation axes of the clouds that are a bit off.

I know what you mean.  It seems you can never go inside the
Perhaps visibility should be decreased to a few meters when
one is inside the clouds?


I think that you have that effect if you fly to the border of
a cloud. The quads are rotated to face the camera and when the
quads are very near on the left or the right the rotation is
too big and the quad go out of sight. This will be corrected.

Hmm... I've flown inside them pretty convincingly but I'm
seeing a darkened region within the clouds, even when I'm
outside them, between the horizon and what I presume to be
the bottom of the sky-sphere.
I can post some screen shots of inside the clouds or of the
horizon problem if anyone wants.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Can you post screen shots of the darkened clouds problem ?

Hello Harald,
there's a screen-grab (425k) at
I've got the weather visibility set to 3m at this altitude.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

I'm affraid I can't reproduce the problem, but I have allready changed a 
few things in the rendering order of clouds to correct the problem of 
scenario objects visible in front of clouds, I changed the transparency 
of clouds too, they now appear totaly transparent at the horizon.

3 screen shots, visibility set to 3,  clouds visibility set at 3 
different ranges :

another screen shot from another view :
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] new 3d clouds - strange movement

2005-05-07 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Manuel Massing wrote:

I think that you have that effect if you fly to the border of a cloud.
The quads are rotated to face the camera and when the quads are very
near on the left or the right the rotation is too big and the quad go
out of sight. This will be corrected.

so are you using billboards rather than impostors? Is a single cloud
represented by multiple billboard primitives or by a single quad? 

In the latter case, you could try to use impostors with fixed world-space
orientation, which are invalidated (&updated) above a certain viewing angle
treshold and distance treshold (which depend on the extent of the cloud
bounding box and impostor texture resolution, respectively).
Flightgear-devel mailing list

A cloud is represented by multiple billboard primitives. Above a certain 
distance they are replaced by an impostor (one quad).
When they are near I draw all their billboards, each having its viewing 
angle to face the camera. It's that angle that must be locked above a 
certain value.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] new 3d clouds - strange movement

2005-05-08 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Erik Hofman wrote:
Gerard ROBIN wrote:
working with CVS MAY-08   -->2 o clock<--
 When using -enable-real-weather-fetch, i get a non permanent presence
of the clouds.
once every disappear , once only one disappear, once every coming 
back. This, randomly  during a very short period  of  time 3 ,4 second.
Sometime its quiet.

Flying during 10 min, over the se,a altitude 500.
Looking at the content of the data coming from metar:
elevation 907 coverage few  thickness 65

When the coverage is few or broken the cloud layer disappears when 
inside the layer. This behavior is rather new but is useful for 
training purposes. It should not be necessary to do it this way when 
the 3d clouds are good enough to replace the 2d cloud layers.

Yes, even with 3d clouds there was still the 2D code running for this 
effect. Also your version still have an hard coded 3d cloud layer (and 
the base of the two layers is not coherent).
I will commit in a day or two a version that handle the metar and the 
cloud dialog a bit better.

If i run again without real-weather everything is good. The clouds 
are nice and very fluid.

The option --disable-clouds3  has no effect. We still continu loading on
3D clouds.

That's because we now have two(!) pieces of code for generating 3d 
clouds, this option is only for the old cloud code. You should be able 
to disable them by adding the following:

Flightgear-devel mailing list
They won't be enabled by default in my next release because I am now 
generating different type of layers and - ahem - it's far from perfect ;)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Aircraft Model: AC130-H

2005-05-10 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
Ben Morrison wrote:
Sorry, I am not being very clear.  When I asked for a good example to 
with, I meant which aircraft is the most complete.  For example, 
which has
sounds, panels, landing gear and flap animations, etc.  For the 3d 
model I
think I will try to convert a model made for Microsoft's Flight 

I'm not sure there is any single aircraft that has fully exploited all 
the facilities FlightGear provides.  Lee Elliott's aircraft seem to be 
especially nice in terms of the external 3d model and surface/gear 
animation.  Some of his gear retraction/compression animations are 
simply outstanding and amazing.  Other people have done some really 
great 3d cockpits ... the P51 was one of the first examples, there is 
also the spitfire and hunter.  The standard C172 has a pretty complete 
electrical system modeled ... down to the individual buses and circuit 
breakers which are all fully functional in the sense that you can pop 
a circuit breaker and everything down stream will go dark.  Some 
aircraft have really well tuned flight dynamics models such as the 
pa28-161.  The 3d model is fine, but nothing too fancy, and the 3d 
cockpit is not yet finished (i.e. no radio stack.)  The piper cub 
might be a nice example to start with.  It's pretty simple all around, 
but has animated control surfaces, a 3d cockpit, and all the other 
basic components.  It can be a *lot* of work to fully model all 
aspects of an aircraft, occasionally developers have teamed up to each 
work on their area of expertise and build a better aircraft than any 
of them could have done individually.

I'd like to work on a plane too in my spare time (model, animation or 
Do we know of some aircraft from cvs that need some work or is it better 
to start a new one ?
What type of aircraft are people using or would like to use ?

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Web site problems?

2005-05-12 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
Ben Morrison wrote:
This doesn't relate to this topic in anyway but the site looks like 
it is
partially down (www.flightgear.org).  The menu on the left is 
missing.  Has
anyone else noticed this?  I am getting javascript errors and after 
the source it looks like the function call MainMenu() is causing an 
The Japanese version is working.  Lol, too bad I can't read Japanese.

What browser are you using?  What specific javascript error messages 
are you seeing?

I had that on IE 6.x since yesterday I think (or perhaps the day before 
but not sure).
error line 134 : object expected
here is the source of the page (begins with a blank line)

 FlightGear Flight Simulator


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] City signs

2005-05-14 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Dave Culp wrote:
I made a large (1000 meter) sign to place over the coordinates for Sembach and 
Enkenbach, Germany, because the scenery data for that area is not good enough 
for finding towns visually.

It would be possible to put these over lots of towns and have them switched 
on/off with a key binding.  Is there any interest in that sort of thing being 
applied elsewhere, and on a large scale,  amongst the developers?

Flightgear-devel mailing list

How did you made that ?
Is it a scenari object inserted in the .stg or a run time generated poly 
from a text string ?

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Simgear props & dialogs

2005-05-14 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
The last commit on props.cxx and prios_io.cxx has a side effect on dialogs.
They appear correctly the first time you invoke them, but on the second 
time they are drawn in the bottom left corner
of the screen with a transparent background.
A roll back on these 3 files corrected the problem.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] today's 3d clouds commit

2005-05-16 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Lee Elliott wrote:
On Sunday 15 May 2005 15:50, Curtis L. Olson wrote:

Erik Hofman wrote:

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

Is there something special that needs to be done to
activate the new 3d clouds?  Before this commit I got them
automatically, now I am just getting the original textured
layer clouds.  I don't see anything promising in
preferences.xml ... ?

MenuBar->View->Rendering->Enable 3d clouds
This is done because the code isn't perfect yet.

Hmmm, does this not work with 16bit visuals depth?

I can't get the new 3d clouds to appear here either.  They used 
to work ok (except for the problem I posted about) but enabling 
them in the rendering options dialogue didn't have any effect.


Imediatly after starting FG, enabling the 3d clouds in the rendering 
dialog should allways display a layer of cumulus.
This is the same hardcoded layer as in the previous version.
If you change the weather in the 'weather scenario' dialog you should have :
- with 'fair weather' => a layer of cumulus (3d) + a layer of cirrus (2d)
- with 'thunderstorm' => a layer of cu/cb (3d) +a layer of ns (3d)
- with 'metar' => this is not perfect (lets say buggy) because the real 
metar data is not fetched before the usual 15 minutes
so the layers generated will just use the current data from the property 
tree. Also note that the layers can be a mix of 2d/3d
and perhaps no 3d layers will be generated (because I desactivated the 
generation of stratus type layers, I was not very happy
with their apparence).

Now what do you see if you disable all clouds clayers but the first ? An 
empty sky or a 2d layer ?

I also found that the rendering options dialogue became unusable 
if it was closed and then re-opened: it seemed to be centered on 
the bottom left of the screen and was transparent, except for 
the value/data boxes and the close button:(

Checked everything in the property browser but couldn't see 
anything wrong.  Log-level=warn didn't show anything.


Yes this is the problem with dialogs/properties.
The 2d clouds seemed fine.
I also noted that, both with and without real-weather fetch, and 
with each of the scenarios I tried, I was still frequently 
getting the incorrect wind and visibility settings for the alt & 
agl that I was flying at.  Or even sitting on the runway, for 
that matter.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Ok, I will check that.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] today's 3d clouds commit

2005-05-16 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Erik Hofman wrote:
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
Lee Elliott wrote:
I can't get the new 3d clouds to appear here either.  They used to 
work ok (except for the problem I posted about) but enabling them in 
the rendering options dialogue didn't have any effect.

It appears that the newest incantation of 3d clouds no longer works 
in 16 bit graphics modes. :-(

For those who are currious:
Flightgear-devel mailing list
I hope no one will have an heart attack, the thunder sound is surprising 
the first time ;)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] today's 3d clouds commit

2005-05-16 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Chris Metzler wrote:
On Sun, 15 May 2005 16:21:52 +0200
Melchior FRANZ wrote:

This is extremely impressive. Very well done, not only the clouds
(fading in in the distance!; brighter?), but also lightning and rain.
(BTW: we could extract some more lightning info from metar IIRC, such as
lightning frequency; I didn't do this before, because we had no use for

It's been gorgeous stuff so far.  Does it solve the two most noticeable bugs
I've seen:
- static 3d ground objects seen through the clouds with unlimited visibility

I thought it was corrected. If you launch fg with --enable-clouds3d the 
problem reappear, I can also see the problem Erick was talking and that 
I could not reproduce. The strange thing is that when I disable it in 
the property tree the visual bug persists
as if some (opengl) state is altered. The bug is not visible when 
launched with --disable-clouds3d.
I'll check that.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] today's 3d clouds commit

2005-05-16 Thread Harald JOHNSEN
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
Dave Culp wrote:
MenuBar->View->Rendering->Enable 3d clouds

I can't get the new 3d clouds to appear here either.

Same here.  I don't get 3D clouds.  Using CVS from ten minutes ago.
I set the weather scenario to "thunderstorm" and I get rain.  I 
select "Enable 3d clouds" in the Rendering options dialog and nothing 

I'm pretty sure the new clouds don't work in 16 bit graphics mode.  I 
have a laptop here I get to use once in a while and that has to run at 
16bit graphics ... no clouds.  I go down to my desktop with 24/32 bit 
graphics and I have clouds.

It's working in 16 bit mode here. The only thing that changed is a 
double check when initialazing the rtt code.
from cvs, bbcache.cxx
@@ -113,9 +115,9 @@
rt->Reset("rgba tex2D ctt");
//rt->Reset("rgba tex2D");
if( rt->Initialize(256, 256, true) ) {
-rtAvailable = true;
if (rt->BeginCapture())
+rtAvailable = true;
glViewport(0, 0, 256, 256);

Can someone check the value of the boolean rtAvailable ?
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] splash screen distortion

2005-05-23 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Dave Culp wrote:

During sim startup, about 2 or 3 seconds before the "world" appears, the 
splash image is distorted, most often stretched vertically, sometimes split 
in two vertically.  It's been doing this for a long time, maybe a year or 
more, but I've been ignoring it until now. 

Anyone else getting this?

Mandrake 10.1
nVidia MX440 with latest driver
cvs plib, SimGear, FlightGear
glut, openal


Flightgear-devel mailing list


This is because of the 2D panel.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear startup time

2005-05-24 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Drew wrote:

Interesting...I have no use for navaid data.  Is there an option to
turn these off?  And as far as airports go, I only care about the
imagery.  Any other info, I can do without.  Hmmm, that would probably
free up a lot of memory too, huh?

I'll look into limiting the region of airports it loads.

I find it odd that it takes 5 minutes for you...I'm by no means
running it on a top-of-the-line gaming machine...a Centrino laptop
1600 MHz with 256 Megs of RAM and a Mobility Radeon 9000 graphics


Edit apt.dat and runways.dat, just leave KSFO for example. Normaly you 
should leave a few others used in ai or atc (I don't remember) or 
disable this functionalities if you don't want an abort of FG.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear startup time

2005-05-24 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Drew wrote:

FlightGear takes nearly a minute to start up from my Windows build,
and I'm just wondering if there's an easy way to shorten this if I'm
not using all of flightgear's features.  Is there one particular task
that takes particularly long?

Flightgear-devel mailing list


Another problem not related to pure performance is that the first 
retrieval of metar data can block FG for a long time (perhaps one 
minute) when the metar server is not accessible (or when there is any 
network problem). The code does a lot of (useless) retries. Perhaps its 
simpler not to update the metar on IO error and continue silently.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Questions about IO system

2005-05-24 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Steven Beeckman wrote:

Hi Mike,

there's an example in the scripts folder (or utils folder) of the
sourcecode (I think) on how to interface in Java. I haven't used it yet
due to lack of time :(.



Citeren Mike Kopack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


Hey gang,

I'm trying to write some Java code to interface with FlightGear's IO
via sockets. I'm running on Windows (don't know if that matters or
Anyhow, I need to do two things:

1) Have one socket sending flight commands (like changing the rudder
position, or turning on/off the autopilot, setting throttle, etc.)
These can
come in at any time.

2) Have another socket that my code listens for periodic updates in
information from FlightGear (position, attitude, engine temp, fuel
rates, etc.)

From what I see in the documentation, it shows that you can do this.

I'm a
bit confused by it though.

To do task #1 above, do I just open a socket to Flightgear on the
port, then send a XML doc with just the 1 command element I want to

To do task #2 above, as I understand it, I have to set up a XML file
on the
machine running FG that basically tells FG what data I want sent back
the socket. Does it come across the wire as an XML doc every x.x
seconds (I
see that there's a Hz setting when specifying the socket connection
in FG),
or does it come across as comma delimited or something like that?

Any help with this is greatly appreciated.



Mike Kopack
ISX Corporation
1800 Parkway Place Suite 900
Marietta, GA 30067

Flightgear-devel mailing list


Flightgear-devel mailing list


You don't need XML, all you want to do is read and write the property tree.
As Steven said, check FGFSConnection.java in the scripts subdir for 
access via props/telnet protocol.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear startup time

2005-05-24 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Erik Hofman wrote:

Harald JOHNSEN wrote:

Another problem not related to pure performance is that the first 
retrieval of metar data can block FG for a long time (perhaps one 
minute) when the metar server is not accessible (or when there is any 
network problem). The code does a lot of (useless) retries. Perhaps 
its simpler not to update the metar on IO error and continue silently.

Which version of FlightGear are you using?
This has been fixed a long time ago.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

I've just looked at the code. I see that the error count is incremented 
in the catch but I think I don't enter here, I am spamed with 'metar 
data too old' on the console. After some time I have a real socket error 
and I think that after that I enter the catch statement and the error 
counter is finaly incremented ! Strange that the increment is inside the 
#ifdef threads.

So to be clear :
1) I have a lot of 'metar too old' message (no log file but its more 
than 50 per loop)
2) after some time I have a sigio (if I remember well, that does not 
happens everyday of course)

3) repeat 3 times

Its with cvs version and that happens in the init code.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Scenery size constraints

2005-05-25 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Alberico, James F wrote:


I have been tracking down the cause of an FGFS access violation that
occurs when attempting to use 1-arcsec scenery data for a tile generated
in TerraGear to have 4 nodes.  Granted, this may be extremely
ambitious from a performance standpoint, and may prove to be completely
infeasible.  However, I am very interested in knowing the current limits
and pushing hard on them.

What I think I've learned so far from debugging:
1.)  The FGFS FGBinObj reads with no errors.
2.)  The access violation occurs during leaf generation.
3.)  The breakage occurs shortly after the texture coordinate index
exceeds the max value of a short (32767) and goes negative.
4.)  The symbols (e.g., tris_tc) that carry the read-in indices are of
type int
5.)   Examination of the TerraGear bin writes, and the FGFS reads reveal
the indices are stored as short types.
6.)   So, my conclusion is the scenery of the 1-arcsec tile is limited
to 32767 nodes.  (or maybe polygons?) And, 
TerraGear will truncate any index above that when writing to the binary


I'm a newbie to TerraGear/FGFS details, so please correct me if I'm
wrong about any of this.

I would appreciate any comments on what mess might result from any
attempt to store/read ints, rather than shorts, to expand the scenery
resolution.  From a performance standpoint, the capacity of the short
type may far exceed anything practical at the present time.  Comments on
that aspect are welcome, too.



Flightgear-devel mailing list


I think that the only side effect will be that your new binary will be 
incompatible with current scenario files,

perhaps that changing short to unsigned short could be enought.
But I am wondering if you won't have problem when rendering, isn't there 
an hardware limite on the number of tris

we can send to glDrawElements and glDrawArrays in the plib code ?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Compiled terragear

2005-05-25 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

� wrote:

Dear list members,
I would like to show functions of flightgear and terragear to my boss. 
I have succeeded to compile flightgear, but not terragear. There is no 
problem with plib, metakit and openal, but I have add some constants 
(M_LN2, M_PI, M_E) for simgear and still got 16 errors with model.cxx.

I have sent an e-mail to terragear-devel mailing list, but got nothing 
as answer. So I sent another mail to simgear mailing list, but I got a 
message to send my problem to flightgear mailing list.

I have got flightgear-devel mailing list archives, but there are a lot 
of file to check for similar errors, and I do not have enough time.

That is why, I would like to get windows compiled version of terragear.

Best regards...

Flightgear-devel mailing list

I can be a pain to compile some source with VS6. If Fred does not have 
the binaries you could try with the VC7 compiler freely available from 
the microsoft site. After installation you just change the path to 
executable, include and lib and you use it in VS6 like the old compiler.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Strange acceleration issues with 9.8---possibly

2005-05-25 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Lee Elliott wrote:

On Tuesday 24 May 2005 22:14, Martin Spott wrote:

Wesley Alden Pegden wrote:

glxgears gives me 700fps (as good as it's ever given me),

With a working OpenGL/DRI setup you typically get far more
than 1000 fps with 'glxgears'. Please run 'glxinfo' or
'gl-info' - whatever you have on your machine - and have a
closer look at the OpenGL 'vendor',


I'm having a strange problem that may be linked to this.

Now when I start at KSFO, looking forward, I'm getting < 1fps.  
Same with the heli & chase views.  If I switch to the tower it's 
the same until I start zooming in.  At around 15 deg fov the 
frame rate jumps up to around 25-30 fps.  Switch back to the 
chase view and it's back down to < 1 fps.

Incidentally, the a/c I'm checking with has slowly revolving 
props so I can see the changes in frame rate very clearly.

Anyway, back to the chase view and rotate the view around using 
shift and the num-pad.  Shift-9 is fine - > 20 fps, shift-6 < 1 
fps, shift-3 > 20 fps.  From 2 through to 8 are all < 1 fps.

Try KJFK.  Here only one view gives problems (can't remember 
exactly which one now though).  It's also apparent while using 
the mouse to change the view.

Back to KSFO, tower view and try a take off - > 20 fps.  Try 
chase view and < 1 fps until just after the last of the white 
blocks on the runway (sorry, don't know their proper name) when 
it jumps to > 20 fps.

It'll also happen while I'm flying - I flew out over downtown SFO  
and was heading back to KSFO at > 20 fps but then it dropped 
back down to < 1fps.

I'm guessing that it's due to a scenery or random object problem, 
as it also happened at KJFK where there're no custom scenery 
objects, but I can't identify what it can be.

Any ideas anyone?  FG is pretty unusable for me atm.

FWIW, glxgears gives > 3900 fps here.


Flightgear-devel mailing list


I have also 1fps, but that's with enhanced runway lighting at night ;)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGFS final link fails: _imp__pthread symbols not found

2005-05-30 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Giles Robertson wrote:

I've tried compiling fgfs from cvs on mingw again. There are various little 
changes which I'll roll up at some point (as in, when it's working ;).

However, there's an odd problem I'm getting at final link:

g++ -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/point/share/FlightGear\" -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT  -L/point/lib 
-o C:/msys/1.0/point/include/simgear/threads/SGThread.hxx:232: undefined reference to 
 undefined reference to `_imp__pthread_mutex_unlock'

This continues for many screens (and for many other calls - it's not just mutex 

The error is the same whether or not I add -lpthread to the command.

Investigating the pthread library, all the calls are present in the form 
_pthread (_pthread_mutex_lock, _pthread_mutex_unlock, _pthread_cond_destroy 
etc), but none with the _imp_ prefix.

gcc 3.4.2 (mingw-special) with win32 thread model.

Does anybody have any ideas about what is going wrong?

Giles Robertson

PS: Apologies for the html email.

Flightgear-devel mailing list


I know nothing about mingw but perhaps you are using the wrong 
The msvc pthreadVC2.lib that I use have symbols begining with _imp, 
perhaps you should pick this one.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] msvc71 compiling

2005-06-05 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

can kalkan wrote:

while compiling fg i get these errors.  i ignored libcmtd.lib, 
libcmt.lib and errors reduced to these ..additional libs are;   sg.lib 
sl.lib ssg.lib pui.lib  ssgaux.lib  psl.lib puaux.lib pw.lib
 fnt.lib ul.lib net.lib sl.lib js.lib  zlib.lib   simgear.lib 
alut.lib openal32.lib

please help
obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ___argc referenced in 

bootstrap.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ___argv 
referenced in function [EMAIL PROTECTED]

libcpmtd.lib(_tolower.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
__malloc_dbg referenced in function __Getctype

libcpmtd.lib(xdebug.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 

libcpmtd.lib(xdebug.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
__free_dbg referenced in function "void __cdecl operator delete(void 
*,struct std::_DebugHeapTag_t const &,char *,int)" 

.\Release/FlightGear.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

You can't ignore libcmt or libcmtd. I suspected that you ignored them 
because you mixed debug and non debug libraries and then you add lot of 
errors. Rebuild everything in debug or in non debug (everything = plib + 
simgear + fg).


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Animation Was: jsbsim airstream info

2005-06-05 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Josh Babcock wrote:

Josh Babcock wrote:

Jon Berndt wrote:


It's alpha and beta.

in radians:


in degrees:




OK, I'm trying to find what the air velocity relative to the fuselage of
a jsbsim plane is. I'm pretty sure the info is in
/fdm/jsbsim/atmosphere, but I don't know which values are which.
Ultimately this will be used to make a ribbon indicate the wind. If I'm
cool, I will be able to make it flap faster as the speed increases.
Any help?

Flightgear-devel mailing list


OK, got it working. On another note, are interpolation tables supposed
to work everywhere factor tags do? They don't for spin animations, which
would be handy for me right now.


Flightgear-devel mailing list


Hmm, it appears that these only show the aircraft's angles relative to
it's own velocity vector. I also need to sum in the crosswind so that I
get the angles relative to the air mass. I know I not getting this
because when I land and switch the weather to "thunderstorm" the ribbon
doesn't move. Anybody know where I can find the wind angles relative to
the aircraft?


Flightgear-devel mailing list


I don't think there is this in the property tree (and even in the code). 
The basic data is /environment/wind-from-heading-deg, and 
/environment/wind-speed-kt wich are absolute values.

Check data/Models/Airport/windsock.xml.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] opengl texgen - projected textures

2005-06-05 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

I am trying to project a texture on the scenario background. A priori 
everything is setup correctly and the code should

work but at the end I only get a projection on the screen space.
picture here : 
It's the leftmost texture from the bottom of the screen that should be 
projected on the ground. I added a diagonal line to clearly see that 
there is no perspective on the screen projection.

If someone is courageous enought the code is here :
http://sites.estvideo.net/tipunch/flightgear/shadow/shadowmap.cxx <= new 
http://sites.estvideo.net/tipunch/flightgear/shadow/shadowmap.hxx <= new 
http://sites.estvideo.net/tipunch/flightgear/shadow/render.diff <= patch 
for render.cpp

use an external view.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] opengl texgen - projected textures

2005-06-06 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Manuel Massing wrote:

Hello Harald,


I am trying to project a texture on the scenario background. A priori
everything is setup correctly and the code should
work but at the end I only get a projection on the screen space.
picture here :

hmm, don't have the time to delve deeper into your example, but you seem to
be using the same projection matrix for light and camera, so the outcome is

keep in mind that OpenGL will multiply the texgen matrix with the inverse
of the camera matrix at time of specification. So you have to make sure that
modelview is set to the camera view at that point. If you use the
light point of view, the texgen results in an identity transform + projection.
If the light projection matrix matches the camera, fragment and
texture coordinates will be identical (modulo bias), thus the screen plane
alignment of your projection.

Also, a possible caveat: depending on the storage layout of SGMatrix, you
might need to feed OpenGL the transposed texgen matrix as plane vectors (and
use the transposed bias matrix i have seen lying around :-)).



Flightgear-devel mailing list


You are right, it is indeed working with another light view matrix.
Thx ;)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Main Airports Conflict with Graphic Card6600GT !!!

2005-06-08 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Gerard ROBIN wrote:

Le mercredi 08 juin 2005 à 03:08 +0200, Gerard ROBIN a écrit :

Le mercredi 08 juin 2005 à 01:45 +0200, Gerard ROBIN a écrit :

Le mardi 07 juin 2005 à 17:07 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

I also have an nvidia card, though an older one, and when I go from Enhanced 
Runway Lights (as low as 3 fps) to no Enhanced Runway Lights, it jumps to 40 
fps.  Any connection?


As far as i understand the preference.xml content,
We do have that property



In the fg menu i did not indicate Enhanced Runway Lighting.


To conclude about that problem, and before i come back to my old NVIDIA 5200

Does anybody can tell me, how may i deactivate the runway landing
lights ?


IT IS  UNUSUAL that i give the question and later on the answer :-)

I have solved it with a patch in renderer.cxx (hope temporary)

// draw runway lighting
 if ( draw_otw ) {
//ssgCullAndDraw( globals->get_scenery()->get_vasi_lights_root() );
  ssgCullAndDraw( globals->get_scenery()->get_rwy_lights_root() );

added comment on line 638
ssgCullAndDraw( globals->get_scenery()->get_vasi_lights_root() );

about, fps: the result is ok  (70 fps)
about, Runway landing light it is deleted
about, Runway light still present not deleted.

May be an other Question:
Is it, a PLIB bug, a NVIDIA bug, a FG bug ???
about NVIDIA 6600 it is now able to process GL 2.0 so !!


So you have 'Enhanced Runway Lighting' even when its disabled in the 
rendering dialog ?

The slowness is not rellay a bug, it just says that the card can't 
render that in hardware.

Perhaps someone will find another way to draw those light...


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] poll

2005-06-10 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Dave Culp wrote:

This is a poll.  Does anyone really want the FDM to allow flying under the 
terrain, or was that a misunderstanding by me?

If nobody wants it then I think it should be disallowed.


Flightgear-devel mailing list


By flying under the terrain you means like flying in a tunnel under a 
montain ? I think it's improbable.
And how would you manage landing on ground or water if one can fly under 
them ?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: "old" 3d clouds code

2005-06-16 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Vivian Meazza wrote:

Mathias Fröhlich wrote


On Mittwoch 15 Juni 2005 11:00, Vivian Meazza wrote:

When browsing Mark Harris' web page I got the impression that he
simulates the

This one?


I can't find any reference in the site or the papers there to simulating
airflow. It just renders clouds.


Look into that. I believed that this was integrated somehow. That looks
phantastic and does things like that.
Watch the video on the bottom of that page.


Wonderful - just what we need! However, where's the code? I don't think it's
what we have. The OpenGL stuff for download from Mark's site just renders
cloud. This is "Simulation of Cloud Dynamics on Graphics Hardware" 

From his paper:

"5. Hardware Implementation

As mentioned before, we perform all of the numerical
computation for our cloud simulator in the programmable,
floating point fragment unit of a graphics processor."

Hmmm. Have I got this one wrong? 

Mark's code (OpenGL) renders up to 51 fixed shape clouds. His lighting and
shading is good. I like the way the aircraft penetrates cloud from an
outside view. Harald's clouds are nicer, more varied, but perhaps not quite
as well lit and shaded. The cloud penetration from an outside view could be
improved (and I'm sure will be). Mark's code does not seem to be under
active development, while Harald's is. I therefore support the retirement of
Mark's OpenGL code.

Of course, if we can go the "Simulation of Cloud Dynamics on Graphics
Hardware" route, then wow! All bets are off. 

Anyone know how to program graphics hardware so that any/all cards would



On Harris pages there is two different things.
One is about cloud rendering - physical aspect of scattering of light 
and technical implementation using dynamic billboards, etc.
The other is about simulating the formation of clouds (and simulating 
fluids in general).
The 'Skywork' code available on his site and integrated in FG only 
handle the rendering, the simulation of formation of clouds is usually 
non real time anyway. It could be done realltime of course, it all 
depends of the degree of realism one wants. Other papers show how to do 
that with non physical rules and still have nice results.
See Dobashi and Nishita paper : 

About the current lighting of clouds : I admit that it is very 
simplistic but it has at least the advantage of being light

for the cpu and the graphic card.
Now it is possible to integrate the Harris lighting method with the 
existing code and have something perhaps not so far
from his rendering. This is easy to do, I could make a prototype (err 
when I have a free moment).


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Opengl rendering

2005-06-16 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

I was thinking of using some pixel shader for one or two effects.
This would be with the arbvp1 & arbfp1 type shader. Of course I won't 
write them in assembler by would

use Cg to produce the assembler source.
The use or arb type program should limit the dependencies on standard 
opengl driver.

But before starting anything like that I first want to know if :
1) people have program shader capable cards (ie FX5200+ or ati9500+)
No need to code lot of things if only 5% of the user can see them. 
Normaly a good percentage should have correct
cards (or will have in the next 6 month) but I feel that some still use 
olders cards.
2) you think it's a good idea to enhance a bit some visual aspect of 
Flightgear or you think that only simulation count

and all the rest is useless eye candy ;)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: Re : Re: [Flightgear-devel] getting the best perfo with FG

2005-06-17 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

BONNEVILLE David wrote:

From the Quadro FX 3000 :

* 60 Hz refresh
* vertical synchro forced
* no AntiAlias
* no Anisotropic filtering
* 1280*1024
* 32 bpp
* visibility 5 meters

--- Message d'origine ---

De : "Ampere K. Hardraade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À : FlightGear developers discussions 
Sujet : Re: [Flightgear-devel] getting the best perfo with FG
Date : ven 17 jun 2005 10:11:46 CEST

On June 17, 2005 03:17 am, BONNEVILLE David wrote:

Hi again people,

problem solved ! :D

I've just recompiled the latest cvs of plib, simgear and FlightGear,


on the threads flags, and now I have a FG running up to 60 fps (i have
forced the synchro with the vertical refresh).

Cuold somebody explain me the way to tune FG options to get the best perfo
? visibility, threads, dynamic terrain loading ...



Well, 30 fps isn't that bad in my opinion, considering I only have 15 fps if
am lucky.

What other options did you use beside vertical synchronization?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Your 60 Hz refresh seems too low, you should try 80-85, it will be more 
confortable for your eyes.

But now that your fps is maxed you want to know how to lower it ? ;)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: [Flightgear-devel] getting the best perfo with FG

2005-06-17 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

BONNEVILLE David wrote:

I forced 60 Hz because I will use a projection system ;)

Well for the moment, I don't think I need to lower my fps, but maybe, what would
be nice is if I could force FG to run at a given fps which prevents me from
"little freezes"...  ;)


--- Message d'origine ---

À : FlightGear developers discussions 
Sujet : Re: Re : Re: [Flightgear-devel] getting the best perfo with FG
Date : ven 17 jun 2005 10:45:48 CEST

BONNEVILLE David wrote:


From the Quadro FX 3000 :

* 60 Hz refresh
* vertical synchro forced
* no AntiAlias
* no Anisotropic filtering
* 1280*1024
* 32 bpp
* visibility 5 meters

--- Message d'origine ---


De : "Ampere K. Hardraade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À : FlightGear developers discussions 
Sujet : Re: [Flightgear-devel] getting the best perfo with FG
Date : ven 17 jun 2005 10:11:46 CEST

On June 17, 2005 03:17 am, BONNEVILLE David wrote:


Hi again people,

problem solved ! :D

I've just recompiled the latest cvs of plib, simgear and FlightGear,




on the threads flags, and now I have a FG running up to 60 fps (i have
forced the synchro with the vertical refresh).

Cuold somebody explain me the way to tune FG options to get the best


? visibility, threads, dynamic terrain loading ...




Well, 30 fps isn't that bad in my opinion, considering I only have 15 fps


am lucky.

What other options did you use beside vertical synchronization?


Flightgear-devel mailing list


Your 60 Hz refresh seems too low, you should try 80-85, it will be more 
confortable for your eyes.

But now that your fps is maxed you want to know how to lower it ? ;)


Flightgear-devel mailing list


Flightgear-devel mailing list


I see... There is something weird somewhere in the code, don't know if 
someone has allready investigated that or
perhaps it is simply by design but those freeze are a real pain. The fps 
can drop by 50 or 90% for a few frames
for no reason. Is it caused by the 360° scan done every 500 frames, or 
some side effect of the autogen or

perhaps some other piece of code (atc, ai, fdm, etc) ?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-06-17 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

I have started to add some volumetric shadows in Flightgear.
It uses the standard stencil method to count shadow volume (let me know 
if you want an implementation

without stencil, it can also be done with the alpha buffer).
A few days ago I thought that it would be overkill for the processor or 
the graphic card to add this effect, but with
a few optimisations the impact on frame rate - while still noticeable - 
is acceptable.
I can render the Concorde with a debug build so all is not lost if your 
computer is not 10 years old.
Some screenshots here : 

Let me know what you think of that.

nb: only the AC is casting shadows atm, I still need to verify how are 
handled other objects in the scene graph

(tile objects, AI objects, etc).


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-06-17 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

Finally, there is shadow in FlightGear. =)

Couple of questions:

Do the authors of the aircrafts have to specify the objects that can cast 
shadow, or is it all done automatically?


It's automatic. All sub models of the aircraft (the ssg Vtx nodes) are 
preprocessed to extract the edges used

by the shadow computation.

<>On aircrafts that have multiple level of details, such as the MD-11, 
of the objects are made invisible. If these invisible objects cast 
shadow as
well, it might produce huge overhead. Is your code intelligent enough 
to leave these invisible objects out of the calculations?

This case is handled, I check the value of the ssgSelector in the object 
tree so select and range animations are

correctly rendered.

Unlike other aircrafts where everthing is put into a single mesh file, 
A380 model is split into multiple files to allow meshes of different 

to work together. Does shadow work on the A380?

It should be ok if all your files are tied to the aircraft branch in the 
scene graph.

Finally, what is the minimal graphic card requirment to be able to see 

It's hard to say, I just changed my graphic card but with the previous 
one - a Ti 4200 - I was not under the impression
that I was fill rate limited. But the cpu has some impact too. There is 
a few computation needed to determine what
to draw. The result of this computation is cached and updated when 
needed (when the sun moves or when an
animation is doing a rotation for example). At the end it all depends on 
the model used, the Concord has like 30.000 polys, the c172p has less 
than 2000 polys.

Dave Culp wrote:

Does the canopy frame cast a shadow on the cockpit interior?

Yes ;)

Do transparent surfaces cast shadows?

( I don't mean to be annoying, just curious.  This would add a whole new level 
of realism to 3D cockpits :)


I didn't do anything special for transparent surface atm. So yes they 
cast shadows but I can't tell if this is a good or a bad thing.

Martin Spott wrote:

Do you need _any_ changes to the aircraft models (like Melchior did for
the BO-105) or does it just work right out of the box with the existing
models ?

It's a bit early to reply that question. Perhaps we need to make the 
current model shadows conditioned by a
property so that we have either the volumetric shadow or the one from 
the model.

Anyway, this looks really great and I think your effort is definitely
worth being added to FG, maybe switched off by default - for users like
me  :-)  with a property to toggle it on demand 


Yes of course it will be optional ;)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-06-18 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

Forgive my annoyance, but here are a few more questions. =)

First of all, I am seeing a potential problem when the sun is below the 
horizon (during dawn and dusk) and doesn't cast any shadow onto the ground.  
Does your code handle this special case at the moment?  If so, how?

Shadows must be disabled when the sun is below the horizon because of 
course there should not be shadows
(or if we want shadows we could use the moon to replace the sun but this 
is not usefull atm since the night lighting
is too dark, we could calculate the light casted by the moon depending 
on its phase but I am not sure it's worth it
in a non military simulation) and also because drawing horizontal 
shadows for all scenery objects could kill the
frame rate for fill rate limited cards. The sun-angle property is used 
to switch shadows on/off, it is also used to

compute how much we need to 'darken' the background.

Secondly, do objects with illumination (such as the flame from the f-16's 
exhaust) disrupt shadows?

We have two problems here. First the flame will cast shadow because the 
geometry is like any other light occluder.
Second the flame will be shadowed. The first case can perhaps be solved 
with some tag in the object to tell it
not to cast shadow (a kind of 'noshadow' branch in the object tree). I 
don't see a simple solution for the second case,
but perhaps it's not a real problem if the emissive light is hight 
enought, the shadow could be hardly visible.

Finally, is there a potential for this technique of generating shadow to be 
used on generating the effects of spot lights (eg. landing light, taxi light, 
logo light, etc.)?


I don't think it's possible. In modern games that do shadows the scene 
is rendered at least two times. In the first
pass the scene is rendered with only ambient term. Then shadows are 
computed in the stencil. Then the second pass
is done with all lightings (ambient term, lights contribution, specular 
term) with stencil test enabled to touch only

non shadowed parts of the scene. This is the way to do correct illumination.
In FG there is only one light and nearly no specular effect visible so 
the rendering is a bit different (in order not to
render the scene two times). First the scene is rendered as usual with 
full lighting (ambient, light, specular), then
shadows are computed in the stencil, then the stencil mask is blended on 
the screen to darken the shadowed

So to be clear for shadows I darken the pixels on screen, if we use the 
same technique for spotlight that mean
we will lighten pixels, this will produce really bad result in totaly 
dark scene. And the same effect could be done
with a cone, just using another blending equation. To have real lights 
in the dark the stencil should contain the
spot volume, the scene should be rendered with normal night illumination 
outside the spot, then the scene should

be rendered again with day light illumination inside the spot volume.
I don't know if I am very clear...


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] RE: msvc7.1 compiling problem

2005-06-18 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

eagle monart wrote:

thanks for info Fred , I used FG-ProjectFiles-msvc71.zip now i ve some 
link errors.  I uploaded to :


( I wanted to see 3d clouds before next release :) )

You need to update your project files and add the new source files in 
simgear and flightgear projects.

For the clouds and from my memory you'll need to add :
environment/visual_enviro.cxx, scene/sky/bbcache.cxx, 

scene/sky/newcloud.cxx in simgear
and environment/fgclouds.cxx in fg.
But other files were added too in flightgear, you should check that all 
sources are included in the VC project.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] RE: msvc7.1 compiling problem

2005-06-19 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

eagle monart wrote:

I have some visual problems in FG. I comPiled the latest source in 
msvc71 and i dont know these problems caused by msvc compiling

first I wanted to talk about 3d clouds ... They are beatiful and also 
faster then  I expected ...Its like flying in heaven)) but there is a 
huge gap between cloud fýelds. I played 3d cloud options in gui but 
these options only affect cloud details. I have wrong settings or some 
compile error in msvc ??

here are some screens

Yes I should change that. What you see is indeed the first cloud demo 
and so the clouds here are hard coded,
the problem is the like you have a 50 km2 cloud field but only 1/4th is 
filled with clouds.

also when i change  weather settings for example to thunderstorms 3d 
clouds gone missing... and after that nothing reenables 3d clouds ( i 
change settings of 3dclouds in gui  also change weather , reset sim.)

You are missing the cloudlayers.xml file in your data directory. You 
should also have a line like :


in your preferences.xml

other problem is about strange rectangles in sim... I ve the same 
problem even in 0.9.8 release compile.. i can see these rectangles 
almost everywhere  in clouds , on the sea and on the  ground.

here some screens

First time I see that, could it be a problem in the texture file ?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-06-19 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Andy Ross wrote:

* Stated exactly: the silhouette is a subset of triangle pairs sharing
 an edge where one triangle is front-facing with respect to the light
 source, and the other is back-facing may be on the silhouette.


There is a pre process step where I look for the 2 triangles that share 
an edge. For rendering we only consider
triangles facing the light. For each of its 3 egdes we check if the 
neighbour triangle is facing the light or not.
The edge shared by 2 triangles facing the light is not a silouhette 
edge, if the neighbour triangle is not facing the

light (or does not exist) then this edge is a silouhette.

The problem is that detecting this silhouette (or at least an
approximation) in a situation where the object and light source can
have any orientation is a big mess, and I never found a good way to do
it.  Lots of really complicated code got me nowhere.


The idea is to use a light in model space, not in world space. So if the 
object move it's like if the light was moving
in the opposite direction. When I compute the silouhette for an object I 
climb the scene graph to find all the
ssgtransform node and then I use the inserve matrix to rotate my light 
vector. The translation part of this
matrix is nullified since the sun if far way I do as if the sun was 
moving with the object.
The silhouette computation is only done when my sun vector change 
enought and I cache the list of silouhette

edges so the cpu is not too stressed every frame while nothing changes.

Basically, the whole experience convinced me that a shadow buffer
approach, which is *much* simpler conceptually (just draw the thing
into a texture from the point of view of the light source), was a
better idea.  Shadow buffers don't need the really complicated
silhouette optimization work to make them run fast.  It is true that
shadow buffers don't work for self-shadowing objects (shadow of the
vertical stabilizer on the wing, etc...), though.



I started a prototype before using hardware shadow maps. You are right 
it's a lot simpler, but it can't run
on all hardware (and nvidia don't have the shadow ambient extension so 
shadows would be black...)
and I think that shadows should be available to all users. And of course 
shadow maps a problem of



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] "Short Reference" Document error?

2005-06-19 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Jon Berndt wrote:

I think you are making a disingenuous assumption, here, on what I am saying. It 
IS correct
and clear for*European*users, yes. All that I did to the PDF document was to 
add a _note_
in the appropriate section in brackets that says: "[U.S. keyboards use "." 
instead of


Now I don't understand. Flightgear uses a key, its the same for all 
contries whatever keyboard you use. What changes
is the position of this letter on the keyboard, not the key because we 
are not using the raw keyscan.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-06-20 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

Finally, is there a potential for this technique of generating shadow to be 
used on generating the effects of spot lights (eg. landing light, taxi light, 
logo light, etc.)?

You are a genius, forget my previous reply.
We can't lighten pixels from the framebuffer because of the low 
precision (8 bits) but we can of course darken them.

Algo (works better at full night) :
1) render the scene and all non emissive geometry with a 'day' ambient term
2) render all lights (or emissive geometry) and update the stencil 
buffer ( stencil := 1)

3) render a quad on screen to darken everything where stencil == 0

with 1 & 3 the scenery goes dark/black as usual
with 2 the scenery in light stay illuminated
Its quasi free, simple, support a million (fake) spot light ;)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Main Airports Conflict withGraphic Card6600GT !!!

2005-06-22 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Gerard Robin wrote:

Le mercredi 22 juin 2005 à 09:49 -0500, Alberico, James F a écrit :

The hardware is able to do it, with the old driver 6229 it can. 
But the average performance is less, because that driver  
does not suit to these new GPU with GPL 2. May be a bug in 
the last NVIDIA driver. 
I could explain the problem if i was more accurate about GL 
and that light animation.



For what it's worth, additional info on this thread:

I saw the same bad performance on an Fx 3400 with new driver.  I was not
able to find any properties or run options to alleviate the problem (10
fps or less, when looking at an airfield -- running with enhanced
lighting OFF).

Gerard's fix (comment out the call to get_vasi_lights_root()) worked
great.  All is smooth now.  Thanks, Gerard!



And i worry than kind of solution.
It is only a 10 lines code in Simgear which slow the world of NVidia,
what a pity !  :=)

change :
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_POINT);
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE);
in render.cxx, its not perfect but you will be able to see lights 
without fps loss.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Lights was: Shadows

2005-06-22 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Roman Grigoriev wrote:


I would like to add support for them, just in the proper way. That's why
it is still in my TODO box. It's just the time ...

Here are a few things to consider:

1. Move the Shader class over to a new file (probably shader.cxx and
   shader.hxx) in SimGear/simgear/screen

2. Use the SimGear extension header files (you will probably need to
   extend them (see FlightGear/docs-mini/README.extensions)


I think that you are right Erik!
But I propose a technique and you Erik - fgfs maitainer, so you can decide
where to put this classes

I second what Erik said, extract your code from render.cxx and put them 
in separates files.
Then it will be easier to use your code for new effects, no need for me 
to reinvente the wheel :-)

since you allready have exprerience with shaders.

I think this shader method have advantages that shaders are in text files
that can be changed by users without compiling all simgear and flightgear

Good thing.

This framework add you functionality to optimize shaders to you
current architecture (NV/ATI or other machines) so we have higher
framerates. because you can specify shaders that can be loaded to NV only or
ATI only and during fgfs startup we can detect archtecture and load proper
shader. for example using NV shaders on NV hardware can get 20% boost to
and detection of hardware is so easy you can only querry about
NV_fragment_program extension - so you have NV hardware overwise -ATI or
other videocard.

Ok, but we must at least have a generic hardware independant shader (arb 
or glsl).

But I don't know about SGI - does this architecture support shaders at all?
So I think that if you add new classes to simgear people can start using
them and mekes things better.


And of course shaders don't replace existing code (they can replace 
existing effect), they are allways optional.
I'll have a deeper look at your code in a few days, I need to finish the 
shadow code atm.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-06-25 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Paul Kahler wrote:

Oh does that sound like a bad hack. What happens to objects that have
specular highlights? Would the illumination be as if the sun were
shining rather than the spotlight? Lighting is important, but this
doesn't seem like it's physically correct at all. OTOH, fake lighting is
better than no lighting ;-)



You are right, this is totaly incorrect lighting. For correct lighting 
and correct specular we should use an
Opengl light for each light source. The problem is that opengl is sill 
slow for spot lights, and there can be
more than 100 light around an airport. Of course opengl can not handle 
more than 8 lights in hardware
(and I am not sure that it is still realtime on lot of machines) so we 
would have to switch ogl lights
depending on the position of objects or ground geometry... a bit 
overkill I think.
Perhaps can we use a real ogl light for the aircraft landing light and 
fake light for the airport lights,
and since the view is centered on the aircraft the hack could be good 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] About 3D Clouds

2005-06-27 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Erik Hofman wrote:

Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

After removing Xorg and upgrading XFree to the latest CVS version, I 
am finally able to use FlightGear in 24-bits color.  However, I am 
still not seeing any 3D clouds.

I have an ATI Radeon 9200SE graphic card.  I remember 3D Clouds was 
working fine when it (the code for the new 3D Clouds) was first added 
the code to the CVS.  I haven't been able to get the 3D clouds to 
show up in subsequent updates.

What am I missing?

Harald at one point added a check to make sure the RenderTexture 
context was actually available. It almost looks like this was a bit 
too drastic.


in simgear..bbcache.cxx commited May 15th
*** 114,120 
// rt->Reset("rgba tex2D");
if( rt->Initialize(256, 256, true) ) {
- rtAvailable = true;
if (rt->BeginCapture()) {
glViewport(0, 0, 256, 256);
--- 116,122 
// rt->Reset("rgba tex2D");
if( rt->Initialize(256, 256, true) ) {
if (rt->BeginCapture()) {
+ rtAvailable = true;
glViewport(0, 0, 256, 256);

You can try to reverse that change (moving the rtAvailable = true; one 
line up).
But you normaly have a warning in the log if the error comes from this 
part of the code.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-06-27 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Lee Elliott wrote:

On Sunday 26 Jun 2005 23:03, Vivian Meazza wrote:

Frederic Bouvier


2 stranges things that I know are inherent to the shadow
volume technique

1. even when surfaces are smoothed, the shadows are hard and
apply to a whole quad when a fuselage shadows itself ( try
the A320, look at the airframe and press t to see what I
mean ).

Cool I didn't know about time warp ;) I'll see what I can do for that 

What we see is the projected shadow that is received by the caster itself.

2. transparent surfaces ( the suspension chains of the
bridges, or the metallic structures ) produce filled

There is no real solution for that because it's the surface that cast 
shadow and not the texture.

Yes, I can see that. The markings on the Hunter are on
separate transparent object: these throw a shadow. It seems as
if I'm going to abandon that method if shadows are to be
usable with that model. Pity; it saves a huge amount of
artwork and texture. 

Don't change your model for that. If it's not a problem to rename your 
objects you can add
a 'noshadow' prefix to your markings, they won't caste shadow ('mydecal' 
=> 'noshadow.mydecal').

The edges of the shadows are a bit too
hard; a little penumbra would be good

ahem ;) so you have too much fps ? this can be done with a fragment shader.


Let wait the hardware to catch up a hit, and we could have
clouds and mountains casting shadows ;-)

We could use a simple ovale for clouds, it's just that the shadow would 
be as dark as the other type

of shadows - perhaps too dark then but not sure.

Nice if aircraft could throw shadow on cloud.

I didn't enable writes in the depth buffer while rendering clouds, 
that's why they don't catch shadows.
I can't remember if that gave a visual glitch or if it was just for 

Altogether it's a nice enhancement.



thanks ;)

Yep - I've used the same texturing technique on a few a/c as 
well:(  Then again, I've already stopped using it:)  It did save 
a lot of texture space though.

Re the 1st problem Fred referred to, it seems to happen when an 
object puts itself in shadow.  Shadows cast by other objects 
seem to be ok.  Generally, the old shading code did a good 
enough job of shading each individual object in a model, 
according to the sun pos, so I wonder if the new shadows might 
work better if they were only applied to other objects, and let 
the old code shade each individual object...



I'll check that.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Regarding buildings (was Shadows)

2005-06-28 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Martin Spott wrote:

Frederic Bouvier wrote:

Quoting Martin Spott :

Look by yourself :

Oh, nice   I think we urgently need a way to inject user-submitted
landcover details into the process of scenery generation 
Curt, do you see a chance to accept geo-referenced shapefiles from
users ?


Since we are talking about scenary generation... Has no one wrote a 
converter from Taxidraw output to .btg ?
Am I the only one frustrated because I can not (simply) edit a few 
airports and use the result imedialty ?
From the terragear source I find it quite easy to do that, so if 
nothing exists I will write the converter.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] About 3D Clouds

2005-06-30 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

On June 29, 2005 09:24 am, Simon Hollier wrote:

No 3D clouds on an r200(9200) with the latest ATI(8.14.13) driver : "No
suitable pixel format". Shadows work nicely though :>


I don't see any evidence of a shadow with my graphic card (ATI 9200SE).  May 
be my graphic card doesn't support it.  I don't see any "Enable Shadow" 
option either.



The options to enable shadows are in the rendering dialog.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] About 3D Clouds

2005-06-30 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

On June 30, 2005 12:46 pm, Harald JOHNSEN wrote:

The options to enable shadows are in the rendering dialog.


Strangely, the option is not there.  Do I have to run ldconfig after I 
compiled and installed SimGear?


You need to sync the data or at least data/preferences.xml and 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: About 3D Clouds

2005-06-30 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Jon Stockill wrote:

Melchior FRANZ wrote:

BTW: I just noticed that volumetric shadows work for me with
Linux + nVidia 6629, but not with Linux and
driver 7664. With the latter, the whole screen goes darker, and
no other shadows are visible. But since the newer drivers lock
the machine if RenderAccel is activated, switching back is a
good idea anyway.

I upgraded to 7664 a couple of days ago, fired the sim up, and the 
machine promptly overheated (it's been a bit warm here for the last 
couple of weeks) looks like the fan stopped on the graphics card, so 
that just died when asked to do anything. I swapped it for my old card 
(also nvidia) and noticed that runs with no shadows, but a darker 
screen as you describe - I put it down to the card being less capable, 
but I think I'll downgrade the driver and try again.

Can you set "/sim/rendering/multi-pass-clouds" to true in property 
browser for a few frame then to false

again and see if that change anything ? I forgot to initialize something...


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] About 3D Clouds

2005-07-01 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Andy Ross wrote:

Frederic Bouvier wrote:

The stencil test is always succeeding. Is there a possible
interaction with the multi pass clouds. Or maybe there is no stencil

Dumb question: are we sure we are asking for a stencil buffer?  In
both the glut and SDL implementations?



Apparently there is no stencil in 16 bpp mode.
Can someone check if there is an alpha channel in 16bpp mode and how 
many bits in it ?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] About 3D Clouds

2005-07-01 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Andy Ross wrote:

Frederic Bouvier wrote:

The stencil test is always succeeding. Is there a possible
interaction with the multi pass clouds. Or maybe there is no stencil

Dumb question: are we sure we are asking for a stencil buffer?  In
both the glut and SDL implementations?



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] gui colors

2005-07-04 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Melchior FRANZ wrote:

It would be nice if we could make the dialog colors user settable. I've
abstracted the process of reading colors from the property tree out into
a function in dialog.cxx:

 void getColor(const SGPropertyNode * prop, sgVec4 color);

This reads a .. structure from a
property node and merges it into the color array. (props may be zero.)
But should this rather go to fg_props.cxx!? So that colors for different
purposes could be read by it, too, such as HUD color, or splash screen
progress text color (not that this is an important feature)?

Yes make the properties readable for the different rendering code.

The plan is to read the dialog background/foreground color from
preferences.xml (or gui/color.xml) and make it changeable at runtime,
because the light blue dialogs are suboptimal for some cases (flying
over reddish mars, night, otherwise dark sceneries). It can be quite
unpleasant if you are flying in dark/night scenery, in a dark room,
and then a big bright dialog pops up. 

So there will be one customizable color theme and 2 or 3 preset themes 
like on some TV

(old school, mars theme, acid theme, etc) ?

Before this would be possible, other problems would have to be solved,
though: It turned out that (1) too many dialogs don't use FGDialog at
all (e.g. property picker), and (2) our gui font doesn't look good in 
bright color dark background.  :-/



Perhaps the font should be selectable too, but this will surely add a 
few problems in the layout of

some dialogs.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Error compiling GPSsmooth

2005-07-05 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Richard Bytheway wrote:

I am getting a compilation failure in GPSsmooth:
(System is Cygwin on W2K, Athlon. FlightGear and SimGear source are CVS from 
this morning)

Error is below:


[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/FGFS/FlightGear/build/utils/GPSsmooth
$ make
if g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../source/utils/GPSsmooth -I../../src/In
clude -I../../../source/src  -I/usr/local/include  -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT -MT
gps.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/gps.Tpo" -c -o gps.o ../../../source/utils/GPSsmoo
th/gps.cxx; \
then mv -f ".deps/gps.Tpo" ".deps/gps.Po"; else rm -f ".deps/gps.Tpo"; exit
1; fi
In file included from ../../../source/utils/GPSsmooth/gps.hxx:2,
from ../../../source/utils/GPSsmooth/gps.cxx:7:
../../src/Include/config.h:194:1: warning: "WIN32" redefined
In file included from /usr/include/w32api/windows.h:48,
from /usr/include/plib/ul.h:113,
from /usr/include/plib/sg.h:29,
from /usr/local/include/simgear/constants.h:44,
from ../../../source/utils/GPSsmooth/gps.cxx:3:
/usr/include/w32api/windef.h:29:1: warning: this is the location of the pre
vious definition
if g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../source/utils/GPSsmooth -I../../src/In
clude -I../../../source/src  -I/usr/local/include  -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT -MT
main.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/main.Tpo" -c -o main.o ../../../source/utils/GPSs
mooth/main.cxx; \
then mv -f ".deps/main.Tpo" ".deps/main.Po"; else rm -f ".deps/main.Tpo"; e
xit 1; fi
g++  -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT  -L/usr/local/lib -o GPSsmooth.exe  gps.o main.o -
lsgtiming -lsgmisc -lplibnet -lz
/usr/local/lib/libsgtiming.a(timestamp.o)(.text+0xd): In function `_ZN11SGT
mgear/timing/timestamp.cxx:74: undefined reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [GPSsmooth.exe] Error 1


It appears to be in the link to the SimGear timing routines.

I have checked that there is only one version of SimGear installed (OK), and double checked that I have the latest SimGear from CVS (OK), and now I am lost. 

Any offers?


timeGetTime is defined in WinMM.lib


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-07-10 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Gerard Robin wrote:

I just wonder about the fact that every "alpha objects" make the shadow,
which is behind, disappeared (Vivian did notice it).
Every AC3D users can notice that problem => the object hierarchy must be
built in order to make the "alpha objects" (canopy, propeller disk  ...)
at the end of the hierarchy. 
If it is not, AC3D 3D-view don't show the objects which are behind these

"alpha objects".

May be that could be an explanation and help to solve that ugly effect. 

Is it any hierarchy in FG view processing ? 
if yes,
may be the shadow must be put on the top of the hierarchy 

Transparent objects are a pain to deal with. In a perfect world all 
semi-transparent objects
should be draw *after* all opaque objects, they should be *sorted* by 
depth and drawn back to front -
or if not sorted they must be draw with depth writes *disabled* (this is 
for true transparent surfaces,

not surfaces that use an alpha mask to build their shape).
The shadow post-process should be done between the drawing of opaque 
objects and the drawing of
transparent objects because we don't want that a totaly transparent 
triangle stops the light (and atm

it *is* stoping the light because it has changed the zbuffer).
As you said modelers usually sort their model graph to handle that 
problem but the shadow code need

the whole scene because it uses the screen zbuffer.
I don't see a clear solution to this problem.

BTW: i have renamed every alpha objects "noshadow.."


You can now use the  animation in your models and reference 
all the parts that should not

cast shadow. Examle for radio-medium.xml :



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-07-10 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Gerard Robin wrote:

Le dimanche 10 juillet 2005 à 19:42 +0200, Frederic Bouvier a écrit :

I noticed another artefact :
http://frbouvi.free.fr/flightsim/moving-shadow.gif ( animated gif )

When moving toward the blue building, the shadow on the nearest building 
face is moving and it seems dependant on the viewer's position.



I introduced a polygon offset in my last patch (to reduce some 
flickering), perhaps the value is too high.
If you are above 50m the effect is less visible (since we switch the 
near/far clip planes when above/under 50m).

I can reduce the offset a bit.

Yes i did noticed it.
And i do not get shadow from the usual objects which are randomly
situated on the scenery => farmhouse, house, apartment.

Yes it's on my todo list.

The object "noshadow" definition (name or animation) does not keep off
that object getting  the shadow from an other object. will it be any way
to make it:  noshadow means ==> not receiving shadow, in addition to the
existing not transmitting shadow

No that is not possible.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-07-12 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Gerard Robin wrote:

Le mardi 12 juillet 2005 à 07:45 +0200, Mathias Fröhlich a écrit :



As I last looked into the shadow code, there was some heuristic based on 
object names which made some surfaces 'noshadow' ones.

That heuristic gives me false positives with the F-18.

I would vote for dropping that heuristic completely and apply the noshadow 
where apprioriate.




Do you mean that using 
"noshadow.myobjectname" or  noshadow

are the same and the consequence is "noshadow.myobjectname" is not
useful ?

"noshadow.myobjectname" or noshadow are really the same.
But I think Mathias is talking about the fact that some object parts 
were silently not casting shadows
based on their name. Before the noshadow animation exist I was checking 
for names like 'disk' for

example so a 'propeller.disk' was not casting shadows.
But in the current cvs only the 'noshadow' name and the  
animation are used.
Sorry for the confusion, I realize that I did not talk about this hidden 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Scenery files triangles

2005-07-13 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

While looking at the scene graph I saw that the .btg files are 
generating a lot of leafs.
This is not new, but perhaps it is becoming worse each time the source 
data resolution used to build the

tile becomes finer.
I have added a few traces in simgear's sgBinObjLoad functions, an example :

sgBinObjLoad (F:/FlightGear/data/Scenery/Terrain/w130n30/w123n37/942058.btg)
sgBinObjLoad (F:/FlightGear/data/Scenery/Terrain/w130n30/w123n37/942043.btg)
sgBinObjLoad (F:/FlightGear/data/Scenery/Terrain/w130n30/w123n37/KNUQ.btg)
sgBinObjLoad (F:/FlightGear/data/Scenery/Terrain/w130n30/w123n37/KPAO.btg)

We can see that :
- tile objects use only fans
- airport objects use strips and regular tris
- for an equal number of triangles a tile object uses 50 times more 
leafs than an airport object ;
- the number of leafs from a tile has nothing to do with the number of 
materials ( leafMap )

When the leafs are inserted in the scene graph they are sorted by 
materials, so my concern is not about
OpenGl material switching but rather on the number of calls needed to 
draw a few triangles.
The use of display list has divided the number of calls to opengl, 
that's why there was a substancial gain.
If we do one call per material we can divide this number of calls by 50 
for tile objects.
And yes I know strips or fans are supposed to be faster than triangles, 
but no this is not true in
the current situation (1000 calls to draw a 10 triangle strips/fans 
can't be faster than 10 call to draw 1000

regular triangles).

Is there a reason why we are using fans and not strips for tile objects ?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Scenery files triangles

2005-07-13 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Erik Hofman wrote:

Harald JOHNSEN wrote:

Is there a reason why we are using fans and not strips for tile 
objects ?



lol ok, I didn't saw that ;)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-07-16 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Gerard Robin wrote:

Yes i have seen it. (my question was rather to get some answer about the
next noshadow updates depending on "Harald to do list").
That property should be like "select" and any others property.

I never thought of it as a dynamic selector, maybe I am wrong.

Is it any technical reasons which keep off to do it?

I think it can be done, we could have a condition for dynamic selection 
in addition to the current

static form.

If yes, that will reduce the advantage of that "noshadow" property.

Could you give some examples ? The noshadow thing is usualy used to hide 
some artifacts
caused by transparent geometry like windows, rotating propeler disk, 
paintings, etc, or to reduce the
complexity of the shadow (virtual cockpit or other complex parts of the 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Overhaulling the networking code

2005-07-17 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

<>[...]As to /surface-positions, the properties inside this node can 
allow one to see

<>the animations of others correctly.

Displaying an animated aircraft won't be easy. Animation code in xml 
file is refering properties from
the FG property tree (ie the user property tree) so we need a way to 
change some properties
during the rendering of a MP aircraft. Perhaps can we do this with a 
temporary aliasing in the tree

so that some branches point to the MP aircraft ?

To make this even more flexible, one can include a XML file under each 
aircraft's folder to specify what nodes/properties should be exchanged during 
online sessions.

Good idea, with that we can handle all special cases.

To cut down the amount of data being sent/received, a client only have to 
broadcast the above nodes once, and resend individual properties when needed.


There is also some data/properties that can be guessed depending on the 
current 'action'.
We can do a good guess of the different surface position for some 
standard manoeuvres.
We can draw a smooth gear up/down animation without knowing the real 
value of 
/gear/gear[0]/position-norm for example, and if we were using this value 
it would be

impossible to have a smooth animation because of the latency of the network.

Of course in a client server configuration there is also optimisation to 
be done based on
distance. No need to send any other data then position.velocity if the 
other MP aircraft
is just a point on screen or on the radar, and no need to send any data 
at all if it is

1000 miles away.

In the future we could also consider to have one server handling all AI 
objects for the clients
to have a coherent environment. Imagine that you are training landing on 
the Nimitz with
your friends but the ship is at a different position on each client. 
This would be very weird.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Overhaulling the networking code

2005-07-17 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Vivian Meazza wrote:

<>Multiplayer models are already animated - gear goes up/down 
correctly. The

problem is that all models are controlled by the receiving player, not the
transmitting one. Shouldn't be too hard to fix.
Is this the right approach? Could we include e.g. the "gear up" 
command in a
message, and let the rx system sort it out? That's almost what happens 
Smooth transitions already happen, but, as I said, under the control 
of the

rx player.

Yes, so we can say they are not animated atm.

receiver property tree using the c172p model
|-other properties

'player' 1 property subtree in receiver memory using a Concorde model

'player' 2 property subtree in receiver memory using the ufo model

So on the receiver side the c172p.xml, concorde.xml and ufo.xml 
animation code point to the root0

property tree so all animations will reflect the receiver plane animations.
An apparent simple hack is to change the root while rendering other 
'player' models
but this will break because the root1 & root2 don't contain all the 
necessary properties to render

a model. That's why I was thinking of doing this while renderering a model :
|-position/ => point to /root1/position1
|-surface/ => point to /root1/position1
|-other properties

So the receiver should manage a subset of the property tree for each 

Concerning animation command I won't pretend that it is the way to do it 
in FG, but this is done like that
in all MP games. Sending keyframe animation sequence is a waste of 
bandwith and worse of all
it gives ugly results. This can work on a local network with a 50 ms 
ping but not on the internet
with a 250ms ping. But this is only an optimization and has no impact on 
the design of the mp code.

Very good idea, and weather. I don't suppose clouds would be easy?



Cloud movement is based on wind direction and speed so it should be the 
same at all time if the
initial situation is the same. To construct the initial situation I 
think it's enought to send the cloud layer

information and the delta time during the connection to the server.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-07-18 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

I just noticed that when one is inside an object, or the shadow volume of an 
object, then the shadow casted by that object is not visible.

Here is an example:


It is because the viewer is inside a shadow volume, this breaks the so 
called zpass rendering.
The solution to that is to use the zfail rendering for the concerned 
shadow volume. It's easy.
What is not is to detect this situation in some efficient way and since 
the zfail rendering is
a lot slower than the zpass we don't want to render too many volumes 
with zfail.

It's on my todo list.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Shadows

2005-07-18 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Gerard Robin wrote:

==> some moving Aircraft components could cast shadow according to their
positions on the Aircraft. That is an exemple on a Naval aircraft the
hook will cast shadow only when it is not fully retracted.


I am not sure I understand this example, or perhaps I presume that what 
is visible should cast shadows ;p
Anyway the condition is available now. The old form without condition 
still exists.

I have also made a few changes for tranparent objects. In the rendering 
dialog there is a new option
near the aircraft checkbox. When enabled the rendering of the aricraft 
transparent parts is done
*after* the shadowing code. In other words the transparent parts won't 
hide shadows as it
should be. This is how things should be and this option should be 
enabled by default. But.
We can agree that a window or a propeler disk is transparent but for the 
code a transparent part
is a part that uses a transparent material, ie an alpha channel in his 
material or in his texture.
In practice you will see that the new option will break shadows on a lot 
of aircrafts. Just don't use

rgba textures where rgb would do the same ;)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] suggestions/questions regarding multiplayer

2005-07-19 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Oliver Schroeder wrote:

1) "out of reach"
So the question is: How can I easily calculate the distance and how many 
nautical miles are "out of reach" (thinking of e.g. radar systems) ?


I think the range should be user configurable.
For VFR we have a nearly hard coded limit of 10 NM from the metar, and 
at that range I don't think

one can really see another aircraft.
If your plane has some TCAS instrumentation then you will need perhaps 
20 to 40 nm.

If you are a traffic controler you want more than that.

2) chat messages
protocoll supports chat-messages and the ATC-module has functions to queue 
and display them on screen. So it should'nt be too hard to combine them and 
enable chat-messages. Somebody willing to give it a try?

As Pigeon said, make that a separate window, because the ATC line is 
allready nearly impossible
to read ;) It should not be hard to code but the atc code is not good 
for that (anyway it does not

queue messages).

3) artificial life at airports
The server gives a lot of opportunities. One of the first things which came 
to my mind was artificial traffic at airports. It should be fairly easy  to 
write clients in any (network capable) language which do simulate a client. 
This can be simply a helicopter standing near a hangar or even a plane flying 
around an airport. This would disburden fgfs itself (since it does not need 
to create AI traffic itself) and allow an arbitrary number of artificial 
clients, each serving it's "own" airport (or whatever area), bringing life to 
many areas of the world without manipulating fgfs itself.


The idea is interesting, but at the same time FG allready include the 
infrastructure to spawn entities and
animate them, and when we will add new animations like trains, forest 
fire or gates I would like to have

them even in the standalon version of FG.
If you want to 'inject' new entities via the server you could just 
launch a copy of FG without rendering

near your server and choose an ai scenarii to load.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] jsbsim won't start with w110n40 or w110n30 airports

2005-07-26 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Dave Perry wrote:

This bug showed up about 10 days ago with an update from cvs.  Any 
ideas what is broken?

Dave Perry

I have started to investigate that problem but not found anything atm.
I can reproduce the bug in the same situation as you.
FG is *not* freezed. All (?) is working correctly except the screen is 
not refreshed for some strange reason.
The main loop is executed, the render code is executed, you can do a 
clean exit with escape + enter.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

smoke was Re: [Flightgear-devel] Free simulator of the Frecce Tricoloriaerobatic jet

2005-07-28 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Vivian Meazza wrote:

Dave Culp

... snip ...

The present system makes smoke/contrails by releasing AI objects rapidly.
There are three problems with it now:

1)  Orienting the objects properly.  Only applies for long (i.e.
rectangular) models.

2)  Matching the release rate to the airplane's speed.

3)  Making a smoke model that merges well with the others.  I've heard (on
this list) that this may be a plib limitation.  It may require the use of
different visual model, like billboards or particle fields.

On the other hand, maybe a whole new tactic is needed.


I think Harald is working on this as an offshoot of his 3d clouds. I'm quite
sure we can't do better with the AI ballistic approach as it stands.



Not really working on it atm becaue I need to advance on the shader code 
and in the meantime
I did some profiling on FG, but yes I was thinking of adding a 'smoke' 
animation that

can be parametrable and with plausible physics.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Start up questions

2005-07-29 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Craig Martin wrote:

when I open a dos window, and type fgfs, then hit enter, this is what 
I get;
Base package check failed...Found version [none] at :\FlightGear

Please updrage to version: 0.9.8
Hit a key to continue.
I think the flightgear directory has to be at the root levelI'll 
try it. But if it is something else, please let me know.
H...remembering DOS, I think there is a PATH command I could use 
Please advise.
Thanks in advance,

Add the --fg-root param in your command line, for example :
fgfs --fg-root=\FlightGear\data


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] NVIDIA 1.0-7667 breaks shadows entirely.

2005-08-02 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Andy Ross wrote:

Gerard Robin wrote:

Being Nvidia and X installed , i continu to search a good answer :
After many experimentations, I did not notice any change between
24bpp and 32 bpp.

There is no difference between 24 and 32 bpp on NVidia hardware.  Both
of them give you a 32 bit 8:8:8:8 RGBA front and backbuffer, a 32 bit
Z depth and (now) an 8 bit stencil buffer, for a grand total of 104
"real" bits per pixel.

You can inspect the list of OpenGL visuals available using the
"glxinfo" command line tool if you like.  The real choice underneath
the (glut or SDL) abstraction layer is much more complicated than a
single number.

The reason that this suddenly breaks with the new drivers is that the
new drivers have a new feature: they can now support 16 bit color
buffers even when the desktop is at 32bpp.  But these 16 bit modes do
*not* support 8 bit stencil, which is required for the shadow
implementation.  So it used to by that when FlightGear asked for a
"16bpp stencil" framebuffer on a 32bpp desktop, it got a 32 bit mode
anyway.  But now, the driver can actually fulfill the request, so it
provides a mode that won't work with shadows.

FlightGear asks for a default color depth of 16bpp, but it also asks
for stencil; this is essentially a bug.  These are not compatible
requests on any modern GPUs, which only support 8 bit stencil in true
color modes.



And I'll add that we don't ask for a stencil buffer when in 16 bits 
mode, perhaps we should omit
this restriction. Then the driver would have a chance to make the right 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3DClouds versus 2DClouds

2005-08-03 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Gerard Robin wrote:

Everybody agree with 3DClouds, it is beautiful. I think so.
But, is any way to make the result realistic regarding the weather
(fictif or metar it is the same problem).

You will find here an exemple which makes unusable 3DClouds if we want
the good reality.


You are right there is a bug here. The cloud layers don't update 
themselfs when the parameters are changed
in the dialog. The change is applied only when reselecting the metar 
choice in the weather scenario dialog.

I'll check that.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Cygwin/Terragear/nurbs problem

2005-08-07 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Erik Hofman wrote:

Buchanan, Stuart wrote:

SimGear installed OK (I think), so I don't know
whether I'm missing from timezone libraries or what.

Any idea?

undefined reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Are you running Windows? I think you need to link an extra library for 
Windows, but I'm not using it myself so I hope someone else can answer 
this question.


you need winmm.lib


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] nojoy for simgear on amd64

2005-08-13 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Mathias Fröhlich wrote:

On Donnerstag 11 August 2005 10:20, Erik Hofman wrote:

Andy Ross wrote:
 > There is a similar spot in FlightGear where something wants to use a

pointer as an integer "ID".  I haven't checked these in as this is not
really a good solution -- the ID needs to be guaranteed-unique.

I just noticed there is even an id_t in sys/types.h on IRIX, is this

I don't think so.

The only type I know that is guaranteed to be capable of storing the whole 
pointer is a void*. But void* is menat to be not that pure address number in 
the properties, it is meant to store some arbitrary property, which is ok so 

But I believe that for our problem, it would be sufficient if we just convert 
that address to a string and take this string as an id.

That saied how about something like

stringstream s;
s << this;

and then take


as that id?




Using strings add too much overhead for a general solution, void * could 
be better except that those pointers
can not really be compared (if you want to use your id in a map you must 
have a < operator that does

not exist here).
But those ID are not pointers, they are just random numbers so 'id = 
++static_counter' is sufficient.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] crashes in GL

2005-08-23 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Jon Stockill wrote:

Due to the death of the machine I was doing all my flightgear work on 
I'm currently trying to set up another machine so I can still build 
packages, but I've run into a bit of a problem. While my old packages 
work ok on this machine (it's not gonna win any awards for framerates, 
but it proves it works) the current cvs code segfaults on startup like 

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 16384 (LWP 18753)]
0x401861b2 in _glthread_SetTSD () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1
(gdb) bt
#0  0x401861b2 in _glthread_SetTSD () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1
#1  0x401863f3 in glXCreateGLXPbufferSGIX () from 

#2  0x0846a17a in RenderTexture::Initialize (this=0x891d220, width=1,
height=1075494657, shareObjects=false, copyContext=false)
at RenderTexture.cpp:508

You are not supposed to have this width and height, in the bbcache.cxx 
code there is

rt->Initialize(256, 256, true);

Perhaps you can set a break point on the call in bbcache and then follow 
the execution step

by step to check what happens.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Pulsing splash screen at startup (on Cygwin)

2005-09-02 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Richard Bytheway wrote:



The correction should be in cvs soon, or you can change in 
SG/timestamp.cxx line 119:

#if defined( WIN32 )
#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] EasyXML.cxx

2005-09-13 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Richard Harke wrote:

I don't have the original post in front of me but if I remember rightly,
just a couple of values from the object are needed for the throw.
Why not copy them to local vars, do the XML_ParserFree
and then the throw using the local vars?



Now that you talk about that, this is not a jsbsim problem only, there 
is the same sequence in easyxml,
and that explain why there is nearly allways a crash when an xml file is 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Segfaults with real weather fetch

2005-09-15 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

AJ MacLeod wrote:

On Thursday 15 September 2005 18:12, Lee Elliott wrote:

since updating from cvs yesterday I now seem to get segfaults
whenever I try to use real-weather-fetch.

This has been happening with yasim A/C since some of Harald's changes a few 
weeks ago.  Using a JSBSim a/c you will find (if this is the same bug) that 
FG runs, but visibility is set to 0 - selecting Metar from the appropriate 
dialogue box will set things correctly.

Harald knows where the problem lies, I think, and has reproduced it on his own 

Or have you found another bug?  I must confess I've not updated from CVS for 
about a week now...



It's not forgotten, I'll send a patch in a day or two.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Determining range?

2005-09-18 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Dave Culp wrote:

... how do I get the distance from
my current Lat/Long to another Lat/Long? 

There's a function in SimGear that does this.  See 
SimGear/simgear/math/sg_geodesy.cxx for a function called int 

This may be overkill for your application.



Don't forget to check the reference : 
http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm (Aviation Formulary )


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: RFC: FlightGear 0.9.9

2005-10-04 Thread Harald JOHNSEN

Oliver Schroeder wrote:

Am Tuesday 04 October 2005 09:26 schrieb George Patterson:

I was not aware that it is possible to switch to another clients cockpit. 
However, if this really depends on properties which get not transmitted over 
the network yet, we should disable this in the upcoming release.
Sending properties over the net is more complicated than sending some values. 
I will address this in a seperate thread in the next days.


Some 3d models have conditional displays based on the view number. In 
internal view their often don't draw
most of the external model to be fps friendly. A simple solution for 
that problem is to set the view number
to 'external' when drawing MP planes. But this is not enought, 3d models 
should have LOD and handle
correctly the fact that they can be used as MP/AI aircraft (some 
animation rules could be different then

for the user aircraft).

I'm not sure what we gain if you (fgfs respectively) can ping the server. If 
you only want to debug the transmitted data you can simply connect 2 clients 
directly, without a server in the middle. Note that you can only connect 2 
clients directly, not more.
If you only want to know if the server recognises your (or any other) 
connection, you can simply telnet to the server and see the list of it's 
clients. The telnet port is commonly CONNECT-PORT +1.


You will spend a lot of your time replying to question on irc or lists 
when suddenly more and more people
start to use the mp feature. Or you could give the user some feedback on 
what's happening.
Is the host reachable, is the server launched, how many users are 
connected ? What the hell do you
want me to do in a console ? Give the user the tool he needs or you'll 
spend you time doing the hot line.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

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