Re: Need Help for gwt-rpc mysql database connectivity

2011-03-15 Thread Dilip Rathod
Tanks Ben, Jaun for taking interest in my difficulties.

I finnaly got stack trace. In fact I am new to gwt & eclipse, good knowledge
of java.
But things are not turning as i expect. So can any body give me some
detailed steps to connect to mysql in development mode.

Connection conn = null;
String url  =
String driver   = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
String user = "user";  String pass = "user";

Class.forName(driver).newInstance();   ==> works fine

conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pass);
=>problamatic whose stacktrace is given below

I thank in advance

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could
not create connection to database server.
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.createNewIO(
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.(
at com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection.(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at com.demo.server.GeneralServiceImpl.login(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Re: GWT Designer Exits Upon Loading

2011-03-15 Thread Eric Clayberg
I see you are using a build from more than a month ago.

Have you tried it using the latest build?

On Mar 15, 4:50 am, Arvind Ganesh  wrote:
> I am seeing the same behavior.
> In my case, everything has been installed fresh and there are no 3rd party
> components. I installed Eclipse, then GWT and then the GWT designer.
> I've attached a screencap of  version numbers, as well as the Eclipse crash
> log.
> Any help appreciated! My project is basic, it's the basic "Hello, GWT World"
> app.
> Thanks,
> Arvind
> -
> Couldn't attach the crash log. Pasting here -
> #
> # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
> #
> #  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc005) at pc=0x3b41d7c4, pid=5392,
> tid=2084
> #
> # JRE version: 6.0_23-b05
> # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (19.0-b09 mixed mode windows-x86 )
> # Problematic frame:
> # C  [cairo.dll+0x5d7c4]
> #
> # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
> #
> # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
> # See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
> #
> ---  T H R E A D  ---
> Current thread (0x00b56800):  JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_native, id=2084,
> stack(0x0003,0x0013)]
> siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc005, reading address 0x
> Registers:
> EAX=0x, EBX=0x0003, ECX=0x, EDX=0x0003
> ESP=0x0012cf1c, EBP=0x002e0a7f, ESI=0x2080, EDI=0x000e9aff
> EIP=0x3b41d7c4, EFLAGS=0x00210202
> Register to memory mapping:
> EAX=0x
> 0x is pointing to unknown location
> EBX=0x0003
> 0x0003 is pointing to unknown location
> ECX=0x
> 0x is pointing to unknown location
> EDX=0x0003
> 0x0003 is pointing to unknown location
> ESP=0x0012cf1c
> 0x0012cf1c is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00b56800
> "main" prio=6 tid=0x00b56800 nid=0x824 runnable [0x0012e000]
>    java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
> EBP=0x002e0a7f
> 0x002e0a7f is pointing to unknown location
> ESI=0x2080
> 0x2080 is pointing to unknown location
> EDI=0x000e9aff
> 0x000e9aff is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00b56800
> "main" prio=6 tid=0x00b56800 nid=0x824 runnable [0x0012e000]
>    java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
> Top of Stack: (sp=0x0012cf1c)
> 0x0012cf1c:   0042  3bc423b8 3bc3e2e0
> 0x0012cf2c:    2002 2080 000e9aff
> 0x0012cf3c:   1d00 2002 002e0a7f 
> 0x0012cf4c:   3bc42674 3bc42614 3bc14b00 0012d2fc
> 0x0012cf5c:   3b3d203e 0012d2fc 3bc39b60 78134c58
> 0x0012cf6c:   1518164d 0005 0005 0047
> 0x0012cf7c:   001d  3b41dac0 0003
> 0x0012cf8c:   3bc3e2e0  3bc423b8 001f
> Instructions: (pc=0x3b41d7c4)
> 0x3b41d7b4:   68 01 00 00 a1 04 47 47 3b 64 8b 0d 2c 00 00 00
> 0x3b41d7c4:   8b 04 81 05 08 00 00 00 89 44 24 20 33 d2 83 c0
> Stack: [0x0003,0x0013],  sp=0x0012cf1c,  free space=1011k
> Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native
> code)
> C  [cairo.dll+0x5d7c4]
> Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
> j
> t(Ljava/lang/Number;)Ljava/lang/Number;+0
> j
> ()Lorg/eclipse/swt/graphics/Image;+5
> j
> enshot()Lorg/eclipse/swt/graphics/Image;+4
> j
> rScreenshot()Lorg/eclipse/swt/graphics/Image;+12
> j
> /lang/Object;)V+4
> j
> +57
> j  org.eclipse.wb.core.model.ObjectInfo$5$
> j
>  org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.execution.ExecutionUtils.runDesignTime(L 
> org/eclipse/wb/internal/core/utils/execution/RunnableEx;)V+9
> j  org.eclipse.wb.core.model.ObjectInfo$
> j
>  org.eclipse.wb.core.model.ObjectInfo.doRefresh(Lorg/eclipse/wb/internal/cor 
> e/utils/execution/RunnableEx;)V+1
> j  org.eclipse.wb.core.model.ObjectInfo.refresh()V+25
> j
>  org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.editor.DesignPage.internal_refreshGEF(Lorg/ecl 
> ipse/core/runtime/IProgressMonitor;)V+121
> j
>  org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.editor.DesignPage.access$9(Lorg/eclipse/wb/int 
> ernal/core/editor/DesignPage;Lorg/eclipse/core/runtime/IProgressMonitor;)V+ 2
> j  org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.editor.DesignPage$7$
> j  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.syncExec(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V+121
> j  org.eclipse.ui.internal.UISynchronizer.syncExec(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V+91
> j  o

on printing, link of that page print in Footer, I want remove those link from footer

2011-03-15 Thread Neel

I am using code provided by Freller for Printing. Its working fine.
Now I am facing one problem- Link of that page print on every page in
I want to remove that link from footer.

Thanks in advance for help.

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jquery jqGrid with GWT

2011-03-15 Thread ajaxDeveloper
I want to use jgQrid as my GWT widget. If anyone has done this please
do help me with example code.

I will be very grateful... coz i m in urgent need of that integration

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Re: How to compile selectively or avoid compilation of inheriting/implementing classes?

2011-03-15 Thread A. Stevko
It does not seem likely that the GWT compiler is bringing in any classes
that are not in the source paths.
I suggest looking at the imports within those directories to see which are
referencing thoughworks etc.

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 11:21 AM, KD  wrote:

> Here is my situation.
> On the top level of my API is...
> com.mycompany.core.MODEL
> I have made this a GWT module, has a blank entry point and has
> MyModel.xml. Its structure is as below...
> Now there are implementations of this model to make a default out of
> the box framework and those reside in the following packages
> com.mycompany.core.API
> com.mycompany.core.KERNAL
> i.e. Abstract and concrete classes in these 2 packages above implement
> interfaces from the MODEL package
> e.g
> AbstractMessageListner (in core.API) implements MessageListener (in
> core.MODEL)
> Now there is another GWT module...
> com.mycompany.DASHBOARD
> which inherits the MODEL
> When I compile all in eclipse or do a 'mvn clean install', there are
> no errors. There are Maven dependencies in Dashboard for MODEL source
> When I launch dashboard module from eclipse using my custom .launch
> file, I get a lot of "No source code..." found errors pointing to
> classes in API and KERNAL and also things like
> - No source code is available for type;
> did you forget to inherit a required module?
> - The method close() is undefined for the type OutputStream
> - No...for type; did
> you...
> - No...for type; did you...
> So my question is:
> How can I avoid API and KERNEL being pulled in while compiling. My
> argument is MODEL does not depend on anything, rather everything
> depends on MODEL. Is there a way I can tell GWT compiler (preferably
> selectively) not to worry about classes that DEPEND ON core.MODEL with
> the exception of DASHBOARD of course.
> My end goal is that, I would like to use MODEL in DASHBOARD on client
> side and avoid writing new DTO interfacing between widgets and
> backend.
> Any ideas or help here would be super in taking me over this roadblock.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Google Web Toolkit" group.
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-- A. Stevko
"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." M.

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Vertical menu

2011-03-15 Thread xdzgor

I want a vertical menu, with submenus, which is always "expanded". For


I'm using "" and

I've managed to create the vertical menu, including submenus. But how
do I make all the items appear permanently expanded?

Thanks, Peter

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Announcing Mvp4g 1.3.0:/1.3.1 the easiest way to implement MVP/event bus

2011-03-15 Thread Pierre Coirier
Mvp4g 1.3.0/1.3.1 has been released. The 1.3.0 version is compatible
with GWT 2.1 and older versions, whereas 1.3.1 is compatible with GWT

Mvp4g is a framework that allows GWT developers to easily implement
the MVP/Event bus pattern thanks to one interface and a few
annotations. The framework supports code splitting and browser history
and comes with a lot of great features (lazy loading, navigation
event, event filtering...).

Among the new features available with 1.3.0/1.3.1, you will find:
-Navigation event: thanks to this feature, you have the same control
of user's navigation as with the GWT Activities/Place feature. You can
easily detect when a user leaves a page and display a confirmation
-Easily generate event token for hyperlink
-Easily customize the place service to fit your needs
-Better support for the Reverse MVP (or View Delegate) pattern thanks
to Reverse View feature
-Event feature improvement: event broadcast, passive event
-APT: detect Mvp4g errors directly in Eclipse

Mvp4g has been successfully used on several commercial projects
including You can read feedback from other developers
on the Mvp4g forum ( or on GWT
marketplace (


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Re: Jetty in development/production

2011-03-15 Thread Filipe Sousa
On Tuesday, March 15, 2011 12:45:54 PM UTC, Jens wrote:
> I know it is a GWT group but as GWT uses embedded Jetty I hope someone with 
> a deeper Jetty knowledge is reading my questions and willing to answer :)
> We currently use Glassfish 3.1 with the following features:
> - EJB 3.1 Lite (only local no-interface beans, mainly for using @EJB)
> - @ManagedBean on some classes to be able to use @EJB inside
> - JPA 2.x (Eclipselink)
> - JAX-RS 1.1
> - Servlet 3.0
> - Session Failover / Clustering
> - Connection pooling and validation
> - maybe in the future: web sockets / push

Support for Servlet 3.0 is implemented in Jetty 8, which is not stable.

> Our server code is pretty stateless and with some rewrite I guess we could 
> get rid of @ManagedBean classes and maybe also of EJBs as we only use them 
> for easy @EJB injection (could be done with google guice also).
> Is it possible to integrate these features into Jetty? Do you think this 
> will result in some performance increase (and memory reduce)? Does anyone 
> use GWT + Jetty in production or even has compared Jetty + J2EE features 
> with Glassfish? If its possible to integrate all of these features, how 
> robust is session failover / clustering?
> Could we also configure the embedded jetty used by GWT Eclipse Plugin to 
> match our production settings (J2EE features + same application context root 
> + hot redeploy)?
> Thanks in advance.
We have services running on Glassfish 2.1.1, 3.0.1 and 3.1, but in my team 
we are using embedded jetty during development. At the end, we generate a 
WAR that we deploy to a remote server using the asadmin command.

We are not yet using Jetty in production, but we intend to do it later. We 
always had some problems with Glassfish that we never managed to solve. The 
six-monthly releases (iirc) does not help when it comes to bugs. Moreover, 
we only use a small part of JEE standard.

The Jetty documentation is excellent. There are examples with connection 
pooling, clustering, websockets

When it comes the performance, I think that Jetty is better.

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Proxy hell

2011-03-15 Thread cvh
I have bashed my head against this for almost two weeks now. I am
trying to do something really simple - proxy a request from a stand-
alone Jetty 6.1.22 instance to localhost to connect to my Bugzilla

My app is developed using GWT2.2.0.

My Bugzilla runs just fine at http://localhost/bugzilla.

The folder containing my webapp is to be found at jetty-6.1.22/webapps/

I have read about proxies and GWT extensively, the most useful thing I
found are the tales of woe (and advice) at
. Based on comment 46 on this page, I chose to use Jetty 6.1.22.

My client code looks like this:

public void onModuleLoad() {

Frame frame = new Frame("/bugzilla/");

My web.xml looks like this:";>









In WEB-INF/lib I have jetty-util-6.1.22.jar and gwt-servlet.jar. When
I run the app by hitting http://localhost:8080/proxytest, this is the
output I get. Please please please can anyone help me get past this
404 error? I see there is no value in the output for
javax.servlet.forward.context_path - is this fatal? Thanks in
advance ...

WebApp JSP Snoop page

Request information

Requested URL:  http://localhost:8080/jspsnoop/ERROR/404
Request method: GET
Request URI:/jspsnoop/ERROR/404
Request protocol:   HTTP/1.1
Servlet path:   /jspsnoop
Path info:  /ERROR/404
Path translated:/usr/share/java/jetty-6.1.22/webapps/test/ERROR/404
Query string:
Content length: -1
Content type:   null
Server name:localhost
Server port:8080
Remote user:null
Remote address:
Remote host:
Authorization scheme:   null
Request headers

Header: Value:
Connection  keep-alive
Referer http://localhost:8080/proxytest/
Accept  application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/
User-Agent  Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.63 Safari/534.3
Accept-Encoding gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6
Accept-Charset  ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3
Cookie  LASTORDER=bug_status%2Cpriority%2Cassigned_to%2Cbug_id;
Request Attributes

Attribute:  Value:
javax.servlet.forward.request_uri   /bugzilla/
javax.servlet.forward.servlet_path  /bugzilla/
testFilter  2
javax.servlet.error.message NOT_FOUND
requestInitialized  ''
javax.servlet.error.status_code 404
org.mortbay.jetty.newSessionId  ed9z6uthzmor
javax.servlet.error.request_uri /bugzilla/

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Re: GWT service that transforms a HTTP request including running javascript

2011-03-15 Thread Y2i
... or instead of httpclient.

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Re: Multiple requests in one context

2011-03-15 Thread
Were you able to find the answer to this?

I am having a similar issue

On Feb 19, 12:42 pm, Mike Limansky  wrote:
> Hi all.
>   We are using GWT in our project. And we got the problem related with
> RequestFactory.
>   The problem is following. Let's we have a some entity class which
> contain some formula and a data to evolute it. The calculation is
> performed on the server side. We are using RequestFactory to get
> intermediate result (this because in real application we have a huge
> object graph involved in this calculation process, so it's difficult
> to pass it via GWT RPC). The result is passed back to the form, and
> the user can check it, modify if it needed, and commit.
>   Because of the are using RequestFactory to pass the proxies to
> server, the EntityProxy objects became to the frozen state, and we can
> not edit them anymore. If we call Request.edit(..) in the onSuccess
> handler it fails with "Request is already in progress" message.
>   How it's better to solve it?

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Re: EditorDriver.setViolations in 2.3 release branch doesn't work as expected

2011-03-15 Thread
Now I get it. I have missed ZipPlusCodeBox. Thanks again.

Although I still got the problem with editorDriver.setViolations in my
example and in DynaTableRf.
15-03-2011 20:13 użytkownik "Thomas Broyer"  napisał:

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Re: Compiled GWT JS size > handwritten JS size?

2011-03-15 Thread nino ekambi
Thanks for mentioning Sumwire. I did not know about that application. I
allways been interested in those types of applications to see what i can
"steal"  from them :)



2011/3/15 David Chandler 

> Thanks for the vote of confidence, Dal. In fairness, there are some cases
> where you wouldn't use GWT, and writing a static Web page with NO Javascript
> is certainly one of them. GWT is intended for rich Internet applications.
> GWT incurs some overhead just to bring in the base JRE, so if all you need
> is a few lines of Javascript, there's not a compelling case for GWT. But I
> know of an app that started with a few lines and grew to 3000 lines of
> script, at which point the developers wished they'd used GWT even for the
> few lines.
> Apps that benefit the most from GWT are those that could not conceivably be
> written without it. One example that comes to mind is Sumwise, which
> implements a complete financial modeling language and spreadsheet in the
> browser. Large projects / teams also get the most from GWT due to the
> improved manageability of a strongly typed language vs. a dynamic language.
> /dmc
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Gal Dolber  wrote:
>> I have been working with gwt for more than 2 years now and I can't imagine
>> a page where I won't use gwt.
>> If you really try you may find some cases where handwritten js produce a
>> smaller page than gwt. It is also probable than in the small size of that
>> cases the difference won't matter. But I doubt you will get a better
>> performance from js than gwt.
>> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 4:27 PM, ss.require  wrote:
>>> Let's take a common non very interactive page, like a common
>>> "Wikipedia" page. For such pages, where there is not a lot of
>>> javascript: Compiled GWT JS size > handwritten JS size and it's more
>>> optimal(performance overhead) to use simple JavaScript than GWT
>>> On the other hand, if web-page is very interactive, like Gmail, then :
>>> Compiled GWT JS size < handwritten JS size due to GWT's optimizations.
>>> In such cases it's more optimal(performance overhead) to use GWT than
>>> JavaScript.
>>> In general, It would be a mistake to use GWT for Wikipedia due to
>>> performance overhead. Am i right?
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "Google Web Toolkit" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> .
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>> --
>> Guit: Elegant, beautiful, modular and *production ready* gwt applications.
>>  --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Google Web Toolkit" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
> --
> David Chandler
> Developer Programs Engineer, Google Web Toolkit
> w:
> b:
> t: @googledevtools
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Google Web Toolkit" group.
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GWT API for the Flash Platform

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Re: Eclipse plugin problem with OSX Java update 4?

2011-03-15 Thread David Chandler
See also


On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 3:36 PM, David Chandler wrote:

> FYI, the Google Plugin for Eclipse team is working on this issue. There
> will be a GPE point release which removes the -d32 argument from run
> configurations. In addition, we're in communication with Apple about the
> underlying JDK issue that affects the dev app server and will update the App
> Engine issue Stefaan referenced with more details as they become available:
> /dmc
> On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 5:51 AM, JSwinger wrote:
>> Thanks Stefaan for the link.
>> I followed Shengta's solution and that worked for me.
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Google Web Toolkit" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
> --
> David Chandler
> Developer Programs Engineer, Google Web Toolkit
> w:
> b:
> t: @googledevtools

David Chandler
Developer Programs Engineer, Google Web Toolkit
t: @googledevtools

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Re: Compiled GWT JS size > handwritten JS size?

2011-03-15 Thread David Chandler
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Dal. In fairness, there are some cases
where you wouldn't use GWT, and writing a static Web page with NO Javascript
is certainly one of them. GWT is intended for rich Internet applications.

GWT incurs some overhead just to bring in the base JRE, so if all you need
is a few lines of Javascript, there's not a compelling case for GWT. But I
know of an app that started with a few lines and grew to 3000 lines of
script, at which point the developers wished they'd used GWT even for the
few lines.

Apps that benefit the most from GWT are those that could not conceivably be
written without it. One example that comes to mind is Sumwise, which
implements a complete financial modeling language and spreadsheet in the
browser. Large projects / teams also get the most from GWT due to the
improved manageability of a strongly typed language vs. a dynamic language.


On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Gal Dolber  wrote:

> I have been working with gwt for more than 2 years now and I can't imagine
> a page where I won't use gwt.
> If you really try you may find some cases where handwritten js produce a
> smaller page than gwt. It is also probable than in the small size of that
> cases the difference won't matter. But I doubt you will get a better
> performance from js than gwt.
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 4:27 PM, ss.require  wrote:
>> Let's take a common non very interactive page, like a common
>> "Wikipedia" page. For such pages, where there is not a lot of
>> javascript: Compiled GWT JS size > handwritten JS size and it's more
>> optimal(performance overhead) to use simple JavaScript than GWT
>> On the other hand, if web-page is very interactive, like Gmail, then :
>> Compiled GWT JS size < handwritten JS size due to GWT's optimizations.
>> In such cases it's more optimal(performance overhead) to use GWT than
>> JavaScript.
>> In general, It would be a mistake to use GWT for Wikipedia due to
>> performance overhead. Am i right?
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Google Web Toolkit" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
> --
> Guit: Elegant, beautiful, modular and *production ready* gwt applications.
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Google Web Toolkit" group.
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David Chandler
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Re: Compiled GWT JS size > handwritten JS size?

2011-03-15 Thread Gal Dolber
I have been working with gwt for more than 2 years now and I can't imagine a
page where I won't use gwt.

If you really try you may find some cases where handwritten js produce a
smaller page than gwt. It is also probable than in the small size of that
cases the difference won't matter. But I doubt you will get a better
performance from js than gwt.

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 4:27 PM, ss.require  wrote:

> Let's take a common non very interactive page, like a common
> "Wikipedia" page. For such pages, where there is not a lot of
> javascript: Compiled GWT JS size > handwritten JS size and it's more
> optimal(performance overhead) to use simple JavaScript than GWT
> On the other hand, if web-page is very interactive, like Gmail, then :
> Compiled GWT JS size < handwritten JS size due to GWT's optimizations.
> In such cases it's more optimal(performance overhead) to use GWT than
> JavaScript.
> In general, It would be a mistake to use GWT for Wikipedia due to
> performance overhead. Am i right?
> --
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Guit: Elegant, beautiful, modular and *production ready* gwt applications.

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Design of Breadcrumb Interaction

2011-03-15 Thread Jake Wharton
I have created a widget which allows for easy construction of the breadcrumb 
design pattern using common GWT patterns (including HasWidget) with relative 
ease. It is only when trying to wire this widget up to my MVP that I am 
running into issues.

While the breadcrumbs could be history based, my implementation is of 
pure hierarchical structure mapped to the logic of what the pages represent. 
A good example would be a vehicle inventory. The inventory has vehicle 
manufacturers, each manufacturer has models, and each model has pages for 
viewing specific info on a component.

Navigating into a more detailed view and adding the associated crumbs should 
be easy as you're only pushing items onto the stack via an event or 
injecting some kind of controller and calling a method.

The things I am uncertain of are:

   - If the user starts the application directly on viewing a car from a 
   bookmark, who is responsible for publishing the parent crumbs? Obviously 
   work has to be done to fetch information from the server about the names of 
   the parent crumbs.
   - Clicking a link which navigates "up" a crumb-level but to a different 
   car/manufacturer/whatever requires both removing the more detailed 
   breadcrumbs from the control and changing the current level to point to the 
   correct page. Should the whole trail be rebuilt on every place change?

My current line of thinking is for writing some kind of BreadcrumbController 
which would handle the (re)building of the crumbs and loading any 
information on parents. This would be a singleton injected with the place 
controller and request factory. I'd then inject this into each activity for 
the interaction.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this whether critiques on my thoughts, 
suggestions for a better solution, or perhaps a link to something with 
similar functionality?

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Re: Eclipse plugin problem with OSX Java update 4?

2011-03-15 Thread David Chandler
FYI, the Google Plugin for Eclipse team is working on this issue. There will
be a GPE point release which removes the -d32 argument from run
configurations. In addition, we're in communication with Apple about the
underlying JDK issue that affects the dev app server and will update the App
Engine issue Stefaan referenced with more details as they become available:


On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 5:51 AM, JSwinger  wrote:

> Thanks Stefaan for the link.
> I followed Shengta's solution and that worked for me.
> --
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David Chandler
Developer Programs Engineer, Google Web Toolkit
t: @googledevtools

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Compiled GWT JS size > handwritten JS size?

2011-03-15 Thread ss.require
Let's take a common non very interactive page, like a common
"Wikipedia" page. For such pages, where there is not a lot of
javascript: Compiled GWT JS size > handwritten JS size and it's more
optimal(performance overhead) to use simple JavaScript than GWT

On the other hand, if web-page is very interactive, like Gmail, then :
Compiled GWT JS size < handwritten JS size due to GWT's optimizations.
In such cases it's more optimal(performance overhead) to use GWT than

In general, It would be a mistake to use GWT for Wikipedia due to
performance overhead. Am i right?

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Re: EditorDriver.setViolations in 2.3 release branch doesn't work as expected

2011-03-15 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tuesday, March 15, 2011 7:09:08 PM UTC+1, Marcin Misiewicz wrote:
> Also, I'm confused, what kind of errors are recorded by the editorDriver 
> during flushing. 
> In DynaTableRF checking for errors after flush results in one error related 
> to the zipCode field (so suprisingly it looks like client side validation ? 
> ).
> But in my example it simply doesn't work, althought I also have the embeded 
> Address ValueProxy with the zipCode member annotated by @Pattern.

 is a ValueBox, whose Parser throws ParseException; and the 
ValueBoxEditor translates these exceptions into errors:
Nothing to do with JSR 303 Bean Validation.

Can't help on the validation side though.

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2011-03-15 Thread khushithrone
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Re: Older version of GWT Eclipse plugin

2011-03-15 Thread KD
This is what I would do..
Install sdks in a separate directory say /gwt-sdks/2.0 , 2.1,
1.7 etc

In Eclipse under Preferences, just choose which one you want to be
active/default. Same goes for app engine
Now under project properties, chose the desired sdk in "Use Specific

If you reference versioned gwt jars in your project, then you better
mavenize it if possible and change dependency as need be


On Mar 15, 9:21 am, Michiel Weggen  wrote:
> I'm currently working on a piece of software that's still using GWT
> 2.0.4, and is not (yet) compatible with 2.2. I use eclipse, and the
> GWT plugin, and recently updated the plugin to GWT2.2, but since it's
> not working yet I'd like to switch back to GWT plugin 2.0.4; is this
> possible?

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Google Web Toolkit Plugin for RSA(Rational Software Architect)

2011-03-15 Thread kiraneveryday
I have a question for installing the Google Web Toolkit plugin for
Rational Software Architect.

In RSA, Under Help-> Software Updates -> Find and Install, I gave the
And   I can only see the Engine and Toolkit SDKs listed, but the
plugin is not listed.

My Proxy settings are good.

Can some one help to resolve this.

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Re: GWT application requires Plugin to be installed in browser

2011-03-15 Thread David Chandler
Hi BhaskerT, welcome to GWT.

Ben is correct. GWT development mode allows you to develop and debug quickly
in the browser without having to do a full compile to JavaScript. If you
haven't tried it already, be sure to try Debug As | Web Application and set
a breakpoint in your app in Eclipse, then tickle it in the browser. When
you're ready to publish your app, click the Compile button in Eclipse to
create the war folder.

FYI, Gmail was written before GWT and hasn't yet been rewritten. Many other
Google apps use GWT, including the AdWords and AdSense admin consoles, parts
of Docs and Maps, the new Groups interface, Google Moderator, and coming
soon, Blogger, which I tweeted yesterday from @googledevtools.


On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 2:31 PM, Ben Imp  wrote:

> You are running your application in development mode, which means you
> are probably running it from your IDE.  Its used for debugging and fun
> stuff like that.
> If you compile and deploy your web application to a server, like
> Apache or Tomcat, you wont get that.
> -Ben
> On Mar 15, 7:57 am, BhaskerT  wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I am new to GWT(2.0) development.
> > Problem statement: While accessing a GWT based web application, IE ask
> > me to install GWT plugin.
> >
> > Solution: If i instal the plugin then it works perfectly fine.
> >
> > As per my knowledge Gmail is based on GWT. and if i try to access
> > gmail from any where it does not ask me to install any plugin.
> >
> > I want my application to behave in similar manner.
> >
> > What i have googled till now is, there is something called GWT
> > development mode, due to which this problem is caused.
> >
> > Any suggestion will be very helpful.
> >
> > Thanks.
> --
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David Chandler
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Re: GWT application requires Plugin to be installed in browser

2011-03-15 Thread Ben Imp
You are running your application in development mode, which means you
are probably running it from your IDE.  Its used for debugging and fun
stuff like that.

If you compile and deploy your web application to a server, like
Apache or Tomcat, you wont get that.


On Mar 15, 7:57 am, BhaskerT  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am new to GWT(2.0) development.
> Problem statement: While accessing a GWT based web application, IE ask
> me to install GWT plugin.
> Solution: If i instal the plugin then it works perfectly fine.
> As per my knowledge Gmail is based on GWT. and if i try to access
> gmail from any where it does not ask me to install any plugin.
> I want my application to behave in similar manner.
> What i have googled till now is, there is something called GWT
> development mode, due to which this problem is caused.
> Any suggestion will be very helpful.
> Thanks.

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GWT application requires Plugin to be installed in browser

2011-03-15 Thread BhaskerT
Hi All,

I am new to GWT(2.0) development.
Problem statement: While accessing a GWT based web application, IE ask
me to install GWT plugin.

Solution: If i instal the plugin then it works perfectly fine.

As per my knowledge Gmail is based on GWT. and if i try to access
gmail from any where it does not ask me to install any plugin.

I want my application to behave in similar manner.

What i have googled till now is, there is something called GWT
development mode, due to which this problem is caused.

Any suggestion will be very helpful.


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FormPanel submit shows old page

2011-03-15 Thread Luca Meoni

I'm developing a web application based on GWT for client side and
SpringFramework for server side.
I submit a FormPanel on a SimpleFormController, the onSubmit method is
called and it returns a new html but the browser shows me the old
page. On start and on end jsp I have a GWT EntryPoint and I checks
that the onModuleLoad method is called.
I tryed to add these html tags to my jsp:

but I always saw the old page. I tryed to submit FormPanel on taget
"_blank" and it works (the browser shows me the new page).

Someone, can help me?

If you need, I will send you sample of code.

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Older version of GWT Eclipse plugin

2011-03-15 Thread Michiel Weggen
I'm currently working on a piece of software that's still using GWT
2.0.4, and is not (yet) compatible with 2.2. I use eclipse, and the
GWT plugin, and recently updated the plugin to GWT2.2, but since it's
not working yet I'd like to switch back to GWT plugin 2.0.4; is this

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Re: Is there a way to detect the debug mode inside the code ?

2011-03-15 Thread Hervé Brun
Tu peux utiliser
  -, ou

Si quelqu'un pouvait m'expliquer la différence entre les deux
d'ailleurs ... :)

On 15 mar, 10:32, "" 
> Hello.
> I'm new to GWT development and I want to detect if the GWT application
> is in debug mode/session (i'm using Eclipse plugin), i have to do this
> because in Debug mode many POST and GET have different locations
> (cross site using a proxy in apache) than Release mode.
> Actually I use a constant property in my project but it's easy to
> forget and if another developer compile my GWT application it WILL be
> forgotten...
> Here is an example of my code to explain why i need to detect this :
>         String GetUrlPost(String Url)
>         {
>                 String res = GWT.getModuleBaseURL()+Url;
>                 if (constants.modeDebug())
>                         res = constants.adresseServeurPost() + "/proxyredir/" 
> + Url;
>                 res = URL.encode(res);
>                 return(res);
>         }
> Where adresseServeurPost is the IP of apache.
> I want to do a thing like :
> if (isDebugMode())
> ...
> else
> ...

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How to compile selectively or avoid compilation of inheriting/implementing classes?

2011-03-15 Thread KD
Here is my situation.

On the top level of my API is...


I have made this a GWT module, has a blank entry point and has
MyModel.xml. Its structure is as below...


Now there are implementations of this model to make a default out of
the box framework and those reside in the following packages


i.e. Abstract and concrete classes in these 2 packages above implement
interfaces from the MODEL package
AbstractMessageListner (in core.API) implements MessageListener (in

Now there is another GWT module...


which inherits the MODEL

When I compile all in eclipse or do a 'mvn clean install', there are
no errors. There are Maven dependencies in Dashboard for MODEL source

When I launch dashboard module from eclipse using my custom .launch
file, I get a lot of "No source code..." found errors pointing to
classes in API and KERNAL and also things like

- No source code is available for type;
did you forget to inherit a required module?
- The method close() is undefined for the type OutputStream
- No...for type; did
- No...for type; did you...

So my question is:
How can I avoid API and KERNEL being pulled in while compiling. My
argument is MODEL does not depend on anything, rather everything
depends on MODEL. Is there a way I can tell GWT compiler (preferably
selectively) not to worry about classes that DEPEND ON core.MODEL with
the exception of DASHBOARD of course.

My end goal is that, I would like to use MODEL in DASHBOARD on client
side and avoid writing new DTO interfacing between widgets and

Any ideas or help here would be super in taking me over this roadblock.

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EditorDriver.setViolations in 2.3 release branch doesn't work as expected

2011-03-15 Thread Marcin Misiewicz

Lately I have a problem with calling isChanged on RequestContext here is the 
link to discussion on that topic

Thomas has suggested that my problems can be solved by using 
editorDriver.isDirty introduced in gwt 2.3. Today I compiled gwt from 2.3 
release branch and editorDriver.isDirty works as expected, but 
setting violations on the editorDriver does not result of showing of the 
error messages in the view.
The view is quite straightforward and it consists a bunch of 
ValueBoxEditorDecorator instances and one embedded address editor. 

After some debugging, I guess the problem lies in the line 112 of the

   * Maps an abstract representation of a violation into the appropriate
   * EditorDelegate.
  public static void pushViolations(Iterable violations,
  EditorDriver driver, KeyMethod keyMethod) {
DelegateMap delegateMap = DelegateMap.of(driver, keyMethod);

// For each violation
for (SimpleViolation error : violations) {
*  Object key = error.getKey();*
  List> delegateList = 
  if (delegateList != null) {

// For each delegate editing some record...
for (AbstractEditorDelegate baseDelegate : delegateList) {

Calling error.getKey() always returns null, for every violation object in 
the collection and then delegateMap returns null for the null key.

Am I right, or maybe in 2.3 passing the validation error should be done in 
different way ?

I run the DynaTableRF example and in that app validation messages around 
textboxes are not displayed as well.

Also, I'm confused, what kind of errors are recorded by the editorDriver 
during flushing. 
In DynaTableRF checking for errors after flush results in one error related 
to the zipCode field (so suprisingly it looks like client side validation ? 
But in my example it simply doesn't work, althought I also have the embeded 
Address ValueProxy with the zipCode member annotated by @Pattern.

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Re: Server Side ColumnSorting with AsyncDataProvider

2011-03-15 Thread John LaBanca
You can call CellTable#getColumn(int) to get the Column object from the
index.  Then you can use a Map of Column to ServerColumnId to resolve the
value to send to the server.

John LaBanca

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Stephan T wrote:

> I'm trying to implement server side sorting using CellTable and
> AsyncDataProvider in GWT 2.2. I've followed the example in the
> documentation and have everything working with the AsyncDataProvider
> only fetching ten objects at a time. But when it comes to sorting I
> can't make it work.
> I can't figure out how to tell the server on which of the objects
> attributes to sort the query result. In the onRangeChanged-method I
> can get the ColumnSortList and then get the columns. But the column
> object does not contain information like the columns headerString.
> If I could get the columns headerString I could figure out which
> attribute of the object to do the sorting on, but I can't and now I'm
> out of ideas.
> I could of course subclass the column-object and add some kind of
> identifier-method to it, but I have a feeling that it's something I've
> missed because it shouldn't be that tedious.
> --
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Spring Security 3.0 authentication problem

2011-03-15 Thread julio

I have a GWT client that communicates with a Spring/SpringSecurity 3.0
server via REST/JSON.
Both run on the same tomcat/jetty perfectly, but I have a problem
introducing the authentication:
If I "POST" the server with an external HTTP client the url:


the server response is OK (200)

but when GWT client tries the same, the status code returned is 0.
This is the code I'm using at the moment:

final StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
content.append("j_username=" + URL.encode("julio"));
content.append("&j_password=" + URL.encode("mypass"));

final RequestBuilder builder = new
RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, URL.encode(BASEURL + "/
builder.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-

try {
builder.sendRequest(content.toString(), new
RequestCallback() {

public void onResponseReceived(Request request, 
Response response)
Window.alert("STATUS : " + 
response.getStatusCode()); // returns
0 ??

public void onError(Request request, Throwable 
exception) {

} catch (final RequestException e) {

why does it return 0? any idea?


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Re: image gallery with celltable or celllist

2011-03-15 Thread Albert Lacambra
I find a cellList ok. The problem come with key navigation. With celllist I
think you can just us Up and Down arrows and when you use a float or
inline-block pressing up and down you move to right or left. The cell table
doesn't resolve the problem because it works with rows.

The other think I don't really understand is why to use a cell with image. I
would just build a cell per image.


On 15 March 2011 16:57, Ramon Salla  wrote:

> float:left did the job.
> Thankyou
>  --
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Server Side ColumnSorting with AsyncDataProvider

2011-03-15 Thread Stephan T
I'm trying to implement server side sorting using CellTable and
AsyncDataProvider in GWT 2.2. I've followed the example in the
documentation and have everything working with the AsyncDataProvider
only fetching ten objects at a time. But when it comes to sorting I
can't make it work.

I can't figure out how to tell the server on which of the objects
attributes to sort the query result. In the onRangeChanged-method I
can get the ColumnSortList and then get the columns. But the column
object does not contain information like the columns headerString.

If I could get the columns headerString I could figure out which
attribute of the object to do the sorting on, but I can't and now I'm
out of ideas.

I could of course subclass the column-object and add some kind of
identifier-method to it, but I have a feeling that it's something I've
missed because it shouldn't be that tedious.

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Re: Code splitting like Facebook

2011-03-15 Thread ss.require
MVP framework is a top-level gwt framework that uses all standard gwt
features. In particular, it uses standard "code splitting" feature. I
can split my code in  the same way as MVP does, but my initial problem
still remains. I don't see any advantages of using MVP. Maybe, you
mean something else or you have not understand my problem!

On Mar 15, 3:25 pm, suersh babu  wrote:
> try using MVP frame work, so that code spliting done in much better way.
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 5:50 PM, ss.require  wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I need to create a web-application with the design like Facebook. So I
> > want to have a single gwt-module for the entire app and use "code
> > splitting" feature for dynamic loading of all needed pages. But there
> > is some problem:
> > From main page(when the module is already loaded) a user can navigate
> > to any page of my app. The total amount of pages will be very
> > huge(Let's say 1000). If I use "code splitting" feature I must to
> > place the next code-fragment 1000 times in my module:
> > GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() {
> >                                                @Override
> >                                                public void onSuccess() {
> >                                                        new
> > SomePagelet().load();
> >                                                }
> >                                                @Override
> >                                                public void
> > onFailure(Throwable reason) {
> >                                                }
> >                                        });
> > Thus my single module will be a large size and the loading time will
> > be very long as well. I want to find a way to say gwt what a pagelet
> > to download in runtime! Now I see an only possible solution: 1)analyze
> > compiled js scripts 2) then, extract the piece of the script that
> > handles loading of the exclusive fragment 3)On the server I add
> > extracted piece with specified pagelet-name to be downloaded to the
> > output html.
> > But this approach is hard. Does anybody have similar problems? Any
> > useful advices would be very appreciated!
> > --
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> >
> --
> Regards
> Suresh Babu G

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Re: Need Help for gwt-rpc mysql database connectivity

2011-03-15 Thread Ben Imp
Yeah, I've been meaning to do something like that in my application.
The current lack of details on the client isn't very pleasant for
users or developers.  SSH-ing into the prod server is annoying as
well.  I'm always worried about breaking something with a twitchy rm -
rf finger.

I'm still curious as to why OP can't see the logs in his server,
though.  If it happens in development mode, odds are the server
console is right there in eclipse, full stack trace and all.


On Mar 15, 7:20 am, Sean  wrote:
> This is more for Ben then the original poster, but you can make your own
> serializble exception, catch the exception on the server side and then throw
> your Serializable Exception with the original message in it. It makes RCP so
> much easier to debug.

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Re: image gallery with celltable or celllist

2011-03-15 Thread Ramon Salla
float:left did the job.


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Re: element type "web-app" must match

2011-03-15 Thread Juan Pablo Gardella
Change ""; for 2.5


2011/3/15 QCS Info 

> Noobie here.  I want to run the StockWatcher example.   I have ran in
> development mode.  After a successful GWT 2.2.0 build in Eclipse
> Helios 3.6.1, while attempting to deploy the Stockwatcher.war built
> from the unchanged Stockwatcher example(except for the deprecated //
> Display timestamp fix in line 175 of to glassfish3
> (GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 (build 43)), I got the
> following exception.  I'd like to pointed towards the tutorial section
> that explains how this works, and what I'm doing wrong.  Thanks for
> your insight.
> Q
> Error occurred during deployment: Exception while deploying the app
> [StockWatcher] : org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element
> type "web-app" must match "(icon?,display-
> name?,description?,distributable?,context-param*,filter*,filter-
> mapping*,listener*,servlet*,servlet-mapping*,session-config?,mime-
> mapping*,welcome-file-list?,error-page*,taglib*,resource-env-
> ref*,resource-ref*,security-constraint*,login-config?,security-
> role*,env-entry*,ejb-ref*,ejb-local-ref*)".. Please see server.log for
> more details.
> The web.xml is:
> PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
> class> servlet-class>
> Server log is:
> [#|2011-03-07T21:55:48.674-0700|SEVERE|glassfish3.1|
> _ThreadID=64;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Exception while deploying the app
> [StockWatcher] :
> org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element type "web-app"
> must match "(icon?,display-name?,description?,distributable?,context-
> param*,filter*,filter-mapping*,listener*,servlet*,servlet-
> mapping*,session-config?,mime-mapping*,welcome-file-list?,error-
> page*,taglib*,resource-env-ref*,resource-ref*,security-
> constraint*,login-config?,security-role*,env-entry*,ejb-ref*,ejb-local-
> ref*)".
> 315)
> $JAXPSAXParser.parse(
>at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
> 309)
>... 74 more
> |#]
> --
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Re: Manage dependent GWT projects with Eclipse

2011-03-15 Thread Juan Pablo Gardella
You can use maven and add sources dependencies:



2011/3/15 Samuru Jackson 

> Hi,
> I have a project that contains certain common stuff which is defined as a
> GWT module.
> I want to included that commons project into several other independent GWT
> projects.
> At design time there is no problem adding the commons project as a
> dependency. However, running jetty from Eclipse fails.
> The only simple solution that I'm aware of is to link the source folders
> from commons into the sub-projects.
> Is there any alternative to that?
> Thanks
> /SJ
>  --
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Manage dependent GWT projects with Eclipse

2011-03-15 Thread Samuru Jackson

I have a project that contains certain common stuff which is defined as a
GWT module.

I want to included that commons project into several other independent GWT

At design time there is no problem adding the commons project as a
dependency. However, running jetty from Eclipse fails.

The only simple solution that I'm aware of is to link the source folders
from commons into the sub-projects.

Is there any alternative to that?


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Re: Error in MapWidget

2011-03-15 Thread Eric Ayers
Did you try the options in this FAQ?

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 5:25 AM, Ahmed Shoeib
> hi all,
> i am trying to add MapWidget to VerticalPanel but the map added on the
> left corner
> the image
> and i added marker and the marker should be centered on the image
> i can't see the marker when i load the map . i should navigate to this
> location to show map
> the code for this
> -
> private FormPanel form = new FormPanel();
> private VerticalPanel main = new VerticalPanel();
> public Map(){
> ScrollPanel container = new ScrollPanel();
>                initWidget(container);
>                container.setStyleName("FuoEgForm");
>                form.setWidget(main);
>                main.setSpacing(6);
>                container.add(main);
> }
> public MapWidget addMapWidget(){
>                MapWidget map = new MapWidget();
>            //map.setSize("100%", "100%");
>            map.setStyleName("gwt-map");
>            map.removeMapType(MapType.getNormalMap());
>            map.removeMapType(MapType.getSatelliteMap());
>            map.addMapType(MapType.getPhysicalMap());
>            map.addMapType(MapType.getHybridMap());
>            map.setCurrentMapType(MapType.getHybridMap());
>            //map.setSize("100%", "100%");
>            map.setWidth("500px");
>            map.setHeight("500px");
>            main.add(map);
>        }
> how can i solve this issue . the map should fill the gray
> boundary  ???
> thanks for help .
> regards,
> ahmed shoeib
> GWT developer
> --
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Eric Z. Ayers
Google Web Toolkit, Atlanta, GA USA

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Re: How can I put Hyperlinks inside a CellTable, which behave the same as the Hyperlink widget?

2011-03-15 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tuesday, March 15, 2011 1:42:17 PM UTC+1, John LaBanca wrote:
> In your Cell, catch the click event and do the following:
>- If shift or ctrl is pressed, ignore the event.  The user is opening a 
>new window.
>- If the right button was pressed, ignore the event.  The user will see 
>the context menu.
>- If the left button was pressed, call Event.preventDefault() to 
>prevent the page reload in IE, then call History.newItem("myToken").
> which can be as easy as:
if (GWT.create(HyperlinkImpl.class).handleAsClick(event)) {


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GWT Login Credentials Storage

2011-03-15 Thread joe kolba
I need a way to store a JSONObject that contains the users login credentials
and privileges.  I also need this object to be global to all of my
composites.  Should I use cookies, JSNI w/ Dictionary, ?.  If anyone has any
code to help me out I would greatly appreciate it.

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Re: Is there a way to detect the debug mode inside the code ?

2011-03-15 Thread Thomas Broyer

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Re: Get value of GWT property at runtime

2011-03-15 Thread Paul Robinson

Possibly not as simple as you wanted, but you can do something like this:
(1) Create base class and subclasses ThemeInfoOne and 
(2) Add this to your gwt.xml:

(3) In your client-side code:
  ThemeInfo info = GWT.create(ThemeInfo.class);

and you'll get an instance of ThemeInfoOne when using theme1 and ThemeInfoTwo 
when using theme2 and an instance of the ThemeInfo base class otherwise

This should let you do what you want, and also move the "if using theme#1" test 
to compile time.


On 15/03/11 12:46, Raphael André Bauer wrote:


is there a simple way to get a gwt-property when the GWT app is running?

e.g. I have:

Then at compile time I get nice permutations for theme1 and theme2. Cool so far.

For some agile flexible fine-tuning it would be nice to get the value
of "theme".
Something like GWT.getPermutationProperty("theme")

Is this possible - or plain stupid because that's what compile time
permutations are for... (I know that, but nevertheless...) ?



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Re: Entity version checks / optimistic locking

2011-03-15 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tuesday, March 15, 2011 12:37:14 PM UTC+1, Jens wrote:
> On Saturday, March 12, 2011 9:58:11 AM UTC+1, Thomas Broyer wrote:
>> It's even better than that ;-)
>> The user has to click a "lock" button to be able to edit the objects 
>> (creates a working copy). The form then switches to read/write mode and the 
>> "save" button appears. But the save button only saves changes to the working 
>> copy; there's a distinct "unlock" button that overwrites the "public copy" 
>> with the "working copy" (and another "free" button to "unlock" the "public 
>> copy" and simply discards the "working copy").
>> A user can keep his working copy for days, or even weeks or months.
> if I work on my private copy for 2 weeks and then unlock it to 
> update the public copy, a second user can destroy my work by unlocking his 
> copy a day later and thus overwriting my 2 weeks of work? :) Having working 
> copies is a nice idea but merging them back into one public copy seems 
> tricky. But of course it depends on the application.

There's no need to merge, because when you do a working copy, you're locking 
the public version. The idea of a working copy is that you work in private, 
and the public version stays the same until you "publish" your work.

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Re: Code splitting like Facebook

2011-03-15 Thread suersh babu
try using MVP frame work, so that code spliting done in much better way.

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 5:50 PM, ss.require  wrote:

> Hi!
> I need to create a web-application with the design like Facebook. So I
> want to have a single gwt-module for the entire app and use "code
> splitting" feature for dynamic loading of all needed pages. But there
> is some problem:
> From main page(when the module is already loaded) a user can navigate
> to any page of my app. The total amount of pages will be very
> huge(Let's say 1000). If I use "code splitting" feature I must to
> place the next code-fragment 1000 times in my module:
> GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() {
>public void onSuccess() {
> SomePagelet().load();
>public void
> onFailure(Throwable reason) {
> Thus my single module will be a large size and the loading time will
> be very long as well. I want to find a way to say gwt what a pagelet
> to download in runtime! Now I see an only possible solution: 1)analyze
> compiled js scripts 2) then, extract the piece of the script that
> handles loading of the exclusive fragment 3)On the server I add
> extracted piece with specified pagelet-name to be downloaded to the
> output html.
> But this approach is hard. Does anybody have similar problems? Any
> useful advices would be very appreciated!
> --
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Suresh Babu G 

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Re: DropDown Button

2011-03-15 Thread Jim Douglas

On Mar 15, 2:09 am, Marco Gadaleta  wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> I've yet done as you have say to me.
> But can you tell me the instruction to insert an arrow on th "face"?
> Thx you,
> Marco
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 9:34 PM, Jim Douglas  wrote:
> > Make a button with text and a dropdown arrow on the face, react to the
> > button click by showing an autohide popup panel containing a menubar
> > at the appropriate location.
> > Implementation details left an an exercise for the student.
> > On Mar 14, 1:12 pm, Juan Pablo Gardella 
> > wrote:
> > > +1
> > > 2011/3/14 Marco Gadaleta 
> > > > Nothing???
> > > > On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 1:53 PM, gadaleta.marco <
> >>wrote:
> > > >> hello everyone,
> > > >> there a way to create a button in gwt like "gmail more actions" button
> > > >> without using external library?
> > > >> Thx, hope you can help me.
> > > > --
> > > > Marco
> > > > --
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> > > >
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> >
> --
> Marco

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Re: GWT 2.2 and gwt-maps.jar not compatible

2011-03-15 Thread Juan Pablo Gardella
Compile the sources with gwt 2.2

2011/3/15 culov 

> This problem here.  Is there a solution to this?
> On Feb 13, 3:34 pm, pac  wrote:
> > Just upgraded to GWT 2.2 and getting in error in project compilation,
> > looks gwt-maps library no longer compatible.
> > Do I need something to make it work?
> >
> >[ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/myproject/war/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-
> > maps.jar!/com/google/gwt/maps/client/impl/'
> >   [ERROR]  Internal compiler error
> > java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found interface
> >, but class was expected
> > at
> >
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> > at
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler.compile(
> > 444)
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> > at$Sandbox
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> > at
> --
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Re: Custom Serialization

2011-03-15 Thread Thomas Lefort

On Mar 15, 1:44 pm, Paul Robinson  wrote:
> The magic term you're looking for is CustomFieldSerializer (google it, and 
> you'll get lots of results)
> On 15/03/11 12:04, Thomas Lefort wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I was wondering if it was possible to implement custom serialization
> > (for RPC calls) in GWT, ie the same way it is possible in Java by
> > rewriting the writeObject method?
> > Thanks for any help,
> > Thomas

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Re: How can I put Hyperlinks inside a CellTable, which behave the same as the Hyperlink widget?

2011-03-15 Thread John LaBanca
If you want to allow both clicks and new tab clicks, try this:

Render an anchor tag with the history token as the href:
Click Me

In your Cell, catch the click event and do the following:

   - If shift or ctrl is pressed, ignore the event.  The user is opening a
   new window.
   - If the right button was pressed, ignore the event.  The user will see
   the context menu.
   - If the left button was pressed, call Event.preventDefault() to prevent
   the page reload in IE, then call History.newItem("myToken").

John LaBanca

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 6:45 PM, Greg Dougherty

> Does that allow for right-clicking?  Because high on my list of "HTML
> Tricks the piss me off" is when websites have javascript "links"
> rather than real links that I can select, and do an "Open New Tab" /
> "Open New Window".
> Greg
> On Mar 14, 9:58 am, John LaBanca  wrote:
> > You can render an anchor tag with a no-op href:
> > Click Me
> >
> > In your Cell, catch the click event and call History.newItem("myToken").
> >  This is basically what the Hyperlink Widget does.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > John LaBanca
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Jake  wrote:
> > > I want to create a CellTable with a column of Hyperlinks.
> > > I'm trying to get the same behavior as the Hyperlink widget - e.g.: If
> > > you click it, it'll call History.newItem(), but a user is also able to
> > > do 'right-click, open link in new window'.
> >
> > > The two possibilities seem to be
> > > 1) put plain text into a column, and implement the selection model to
> > > trigger History.newItem.  Unfortunately, if you do this, 'right click,
> > > open link in new window' does not work, as it is not a 'true'
> > > hyperlink
> > > 2) Put HTML into a column, using a  tag with a # URL.
> > > Unfortunately, this causes a page reload in IE, as per Issue #2152 in
> > > GWT's issue tracker.
> >
> > > Has anyone found a solution to this?
> >
> > > --
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> > >
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> > >
> --
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Get value of GWT property at runtime

2011-03-15 Thread Raphael André Bauer

is there a simple way to get a gwt-property when the GWT app is running?

e.g. I have:

Then at compile time I get nice permutations for theme1 and theme2. Cool so far.

For some agile flexible fine-tuning it would be nice to get the value
of "theme".
Something like GWT.getPermutationProperty("theme")

Is this possible - or plain stupid because that's what compile time
permutations are for... (I know that, but nevertheless...) ?



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Jetty in development/production

2011-03-15 Thread Jens
I know it is a GWT group but as GWT uses embedded Jetty I hope someone with 
a deeper Jetty knowledge is reading my questions and willing to answer :)

We currently use Glassfish 3.1 with the following features:
- EJB 3.1 Lite (only local no-interface beans, mainly for using @EJB)
- @ManagedBean on some classes to be able to use @EJB inside
- JPA 2.x (Eclipselink)
- JAX-RS 1.1
- Servlet 3.0
- Session Failover / Clustering
- Connection pooling and validation
- maybe in the future: web sockets / push

Our server code is pretty stateless and with some rewrite I guess we could 
get rid of @ManagedBean classes and maybe also of EJBs as we only use them 
for easy @EJB injection (could be done with google guice also).

Is it possible to integrate these features into Jetty? Do you think this 
will result in some performance increase (and memory reduce)? Does anyone 
use GWT + Jetty in production or even has compared Jetty + J2EE features 
with Glassfish? If its possible to integrate all of these features, how 
robust is session failover / clustering?
Could we also configure the embedded jetty used by GWT Eclipse Plugin to 
match our production settings (J2EE features + same application context root 
+ hot redeploy)?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Custom Serialization

2011-03-15 Thread Paul Robinson

The magic term you're looking for is CustomFieldSerializer (google it, and 
you'll get lots of results)

On 15/03/11 12:04, Thomas Lefort wrote:


I was wondering if it was possible to implement custom serialization
(for RPC calls) in GWT, ie the same way it is possible in Java by
rewriting the writeObject method?

Thanks for any help,


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Re: Need Help for gwt-rpc mysql database connectivity

2011-03-15 Thread Sean
This is more for Ben then the original poster, but you can make your own 
serializble exception, catch the exception on the server side and then throw 
your Serializable Exception with the original message in it. It makes RCP so 
much easier to debug. 

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Code splitting like Facebook

2011-03-15 Thread ss.require
I need to create a web-application with the design like Facebook. So I
want to have a single gwt-module for the entire app and use "code
splitting" feature for dynamic loading of all needed pages. But there
is some problem:

>From main page(when the module is already loaded) a user can navigate
to any page of my app. The total amount of pages will be very
huge(Let's say 1000). If I use "code splitting" feature I must to
place the next code-fragment 1000 times in my module:
GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() {
public void onSuccess() {

public void onFailure(Throwable 
reason) {
Thus my single module will be a large size and the loading time will
be very long as well. I want to find a way to say gwt what a pagelet
to download in runtime! Now I see an only possible solution: 1)analyze
compiled js scripts 2) then, extract the piece of the script that
handles loading of the exclusive fragment 3)On the server I add
extracted piece with specified pagelet-name to be downloaded to the
output html.

But this approach is hard. Does anybody have similar problems? Any
useful advices would be very appreciated!

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A detailed Resource for learning UiBinder

2011-03-15 Thread Nitish Upreti
Hello folks

I have gone through the official tutorials of UiBinder but I found them
quite precise and feel I am still lacking on my basics and a complete
knowledge of declarative UI. I am really new to this. Are there any more
detailed web resources available online?


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Custom Serialization

2011-03-15 Thread Thomas Lefort

I was wondering if it was possible to implement custom serialization
(for RPC calls) in GWT, ie the same way it is possible in Java by
rewriting the writeObject method?

Thanks for any help,


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element type "web-app" must match

2011-03-15 Thread QCS Info
Noobie here.  I want to run the StockWatcher example.   I have ran in
development mode.  After a successful GWT 2.2.0 build in Eclipse
Helios 3.6.1, while attempting to deploy the Stockwatcher.war built
from the unchanged Stockwatcher example(except for the deprecated //
Display timestamp fix in line 175 of to glassfish3
(GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 (build 43)), I got the
following exception.  I'd like to pointed towards the tutorial section
that explains how this works, and what I'm doing wrong.  Thanks for
your insight.

Error occurred during deployment: Exception while deploying the app
[StockWatcher] : org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element
type "web-app" must match "(icon?,display-
role*,env-entry*,ejb-ref*,ejb-local-ref*)".. Please see server.log for
more details.

The web.xml is:";>




Server log is:
_ThreadID=64;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Exception while deploying the app
[StockWatcher] :
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element type "web-app"
must match "(icon?,display-name?,description?,distributable?,context-
at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
... 74 more

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Re: GWT 2.2 and gwt-maps.jar not compatible

2011-03-15 Thread culov
This problem here.  Is there a solution to this?

On Feb 13, 3:34 pm, pac  wrote:
> Just upgraded to GWT 2.2 and getting in error in project compilation,
> looks gwt-maps library no longer compatible.
> Do I need something to make it work?
>    [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/myproject/war/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-
> maps.jar!/com/google/gwt/maps/client/impl/'
>       [ERROR]  Internal compiler error
> java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found interface
>, but class was expected
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Is there a way to detect the debug mode inside the code ?

2011-03-15 Thread

I'm new to GWT development and I want to detect if the GWT application
is in debug mode/session (i'm using Eclipse plugin), i have to do this
because in Debug mode many POST and GET have different locations
(cross site using a proxy in apache) than Release mode.

Actually I use a constant property in my project but it's easy to
forget and if another developer compile my GWT application it WILL be

Here is an example of my code to explain why i need to detect this :

String GetUrlPost(String Url)
String res = GWT.getModuleBaseURL()+Url;
if (constants.modeDebug())
res = constants.adresseServeurPost() + "/proxyredir/" + 
res = URL.encode(res);

Where adresseServeurPost is the IP of apache.

I want to do a thing like :

if (isDebugMode())

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Re: Entity version checks / optimistic locking

2011-03-15 Thread Jens
On Saturday, March 12, 2011 9:58:11 AM UTC+1, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> The question is "what would you do of other changes made by the user in the 
> mean time?"
> Because the proxies are locked, you cannot flush() the driver. And because 
> you cannot edit() a given proxy twice at the same time, you cannot do a 
> "flush().fire() + edit()".
> But thinking a bit more about it, there might be a solution: instead of 
> edit()ing the proxy, you'd create a copy of it that you give to the editor 
> driver. Then you periodically flush() the driver, but never fire() its 
> context. After the flush(), you copy  the proxy values into the proxy you'll 
> send to the server.
> The problem is: how to clone the proxy? See 
> Ah ok, so each proxy instance holds its serialized version in a field 
>> somewhere in the generated autobean and just don't expose it so the 
>> developer do not have to bother with it? If so then its basically the same 
>> what we do and I guess thats the reason why RF locks the proxy until the 
>> response is received. That way RF avoids the issue we currently have by 
>> design.
> The reason RF locks the proxy until the response is received is that it 
> will unlock them in case of constraint violations (so you could correct your 
> proxies and fire the same RequestContext again).

Ok a cloned proxy would be a solution. But I still need a queue or something 
in case the real non-cloned proxy isn't saved yet but the next auto save 
occures. So in general RF forces me to wait for the response. But its ok.. 
as I have to wait anyways because of the entity version (either by waiting 
for the response or by increasing auto save intervals).
And you are right, in case of constraint violations one should lock the form 
and the entity during save. But in our aggressive auto save strategy we 
would like to not lock the form and display any constraint violations in a 
non intrusive way. In most cases the user will correct these violations 
anyways because most violations will occur because of "unlucky" auto saves 
(e.g. data not completely and thus maybe incorrect edited be the user).


> It's even better than that ;-)
> The user has to click a "lock" button to be able to edit the objects 
> (creates a working copy). The form then switches to read/write mode and the 
> "save" button appears. But the save button only saves changes to the working 
> copy; there's a distinct "unlock" button that overwrites the "public copy" 
> with the "working copy" (and another "free" button to "unlock" the "public 
> copy" and simply discards the "working copy").
> A user can keep his working copy for days, or even weeks or months.
> if I work on my private copy for 2 weeks and then unlock it to 
update the public copy, a second user can destroy my work by unlocking his 
copy a day later and thus overwriting my 2 weeks of work? :) Having working 
copies is a nice idea but merging them back into one public copy seems 
tricky. But of course it depends on the application.

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Re: Can not run GWT application?

2011-03-15 Thread Juan Pablo Gardella
Follow this instructions

2011/3/14 Quoc Hoan 

> I created a GWT hello project following these instruction in this
> document:
> but there were some errors when I deployed:
> Missing required argument 'module[s]'
> Google Web Toolkit 2.2.0
> DevMode [-noserver] [-port port-number | "auto"] [-whitelist whitelist-
> string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-logLevel
> level] [-gen dir] [-bindAddress host-name-or-address] [-codeServerPort
> port-number | "auto"] [-server servletContainerLauncher[:args]] [-
> startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-deploy dir] [-extra dir] [-workDir dir]
> module[s]
> where
>  -noserverPrevents the embedded web server from running
>  -portSpecifies the TCP port for the embedded web server
> (defaults to )
>  -whitelist   Allows the user to browse URLs that match the
> specified regexes (comma or space separated)
>  -blacklist   Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the
> specified regexes (comma or space separated)
>  -logdir  Logs to a file in the given directory, as well as
> graphically
>  -logLevelThe level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO,
>  -gen Debugging: causes normally-transient generated
> types to be saved in the specified directory
>  -bindAddress Specifies the bind address for the code server and
> web server (defaults to
>  -codeServerPort  Specifies the TCP port for the code server
> (defaults to 9997)
>  -server  Specify a different embedded web server to run
> (must implement ServletContainerLauncher)
>  -startupUrl  Automatically launches the specified URL
>  -war The directory into which deployable output files
> will be written (defaults to 'war')
>  -deploy  The directory into which deployable but not
> servable output files will be written (defaults to 'WEB-INF/deploy'
> under the -war directory/jar, and may be the same as the -extra
> directory/jar)
>  -extra   The directory into which extra files, not intended
> for deployment, will be written
>  -workDir The compiler's working directory for internal use
> (must be writeable; defaults to a system temp dir)
> and
>  module[s]Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to host
> How can i fix it?
> --
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Re: MySQL server in development mode

2011-03-15 Thread Juan Pablo Gardella
It seems that your classpath is good. When you said:

"But then I restarted the server (from the eclipse "development pane"),
and I started getting errors saying that the server cannot find a
driver for jdbc:mysql connection!"

You want to "deploy" the app in a servlet container?. Try make a war and put
in it and test. Tell me if the error persist


2011/3/15 Erel Segal 

> Here it is:
> path=""/>
> path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>
> On 9 מרץ, 18:49, Juan Pablo Gardella 
> wrote:
> > Is classpath error problem. Show the .classpath file
> >
> > Juan
> >
> > 2011/3/9 Erel Segal 
> >
> > > I added a mysql server to the default GWT application. I put the mysql
> > > connector jar in the lib folder under WEBINF, and also added it to the
> > > build path. I ran the web application in development mode and it
> > > worked fine.
> >
> > > But then I restarted the server (from the eclipse "development pane"),
> > > and I started getting errors saying that the server cannot find a
> > > driver for jdbc:mysql connection!
> >
> > > Can you please help me?
> >
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups
> > > "Google Web Toolkit" group.
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> > >
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> > >
> --
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FlexTable inquiry

2011-03-15 Thread Ahmed Shoeib
i want to sort FlexTable if the user click on any cell in the header

the table may contain anchor.
cause i found some class but not support anchor. and i failed to
support it in this code .

please help me 

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Re: GWT service that transforms a HTTP request including running javascript

2011-03-15 Thread Ramon Buckland

To clarify your problem:
-== Problem A ==-
You have a URL which is a mix of HTML and JavaScript
You need to load the page, and someone get values or data out of the
executed javascript.

-== Problem B ==-
You have a URL which is JUST javascript
(i) that has to be executed (creates some data in javascript memory)
and you want the results
(ii) is just a data structure (like a javascript associative array)

If it is (A) You are needing some software that will emulate a
browser, running on the server. Effectively, you need a "headless"
browser that can run in Java
- that can be given a URL, that you can programmatically interrogate
it's DOM (Document Object model) once it has loaded the URL.

If it is (B)(i) you can just use apache commons httpclient to
"download" the executable javascript and you can use Rhino to execute

If it is (B)(ii) you can use apache commons httpclient to "download"
the javascript data and use the JSON library to interpret the data
into a Java Structure (or just send it straight to GWT if it is happy
as is).

(A) options:1.  HTMLUnit
 2. (Interesting!! -
certainly doable but complex)

(B)(i)  httpclient - Rhino - JSON
(B)(ii) httpclient - JSON.


On Mar 15, 1:55 am, fred at large  wrote:
> thanks,which way to jump was hindering me, so Rhino, as a java code, should
> be able to package it into gwt server environment (I think - still
> learning!!)
> I kinda suspected google may already have something implemented, as in there
> are app scripts in spreadsheets, and sites. But those are not appearing
> to be the full thing like ability to pull in javascript and executing it
> like a browser canonly have a defined api available.

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Re: DropDown Button

2011-03-15 Thread Marco Gadaleta
Hi Jim,
I've yet done as you have say to me.
But can you tell me the instruction to insert an arrow on th "face"?

Thx you,

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 9:34 PM, Jim Douglas  wrote:

> Make a button with text and a dropdown arrow on the face, react to the
> button click by showing an autohide popup panel containing a menubar
> at the appropriate location.
> Implementation details left an an exercise for the student.
> On Mar 14, 1:12 pm, Juan Pablo Gardella 
> wrote:
> > +1
> >
> > 2011/3/14 Marco Gadaleta 
> >
> >
> >
> > > Nothing???
> >
> > > On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 1:53 PM, gadaleta.marco <
> >
> > >> hello everyone,
> > >> there a way to create a button in gwt like "gmail more actions" button
> > >> without using external library?
> > >> Thx, hope you can help me.
> >
> > > --
> > > Marco
> >
> > > --
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> > >
> --
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Re: Grouping Table Implementation

2011-03-15 Thread jerome Thoma
Cheers Raphaël,
could it be that you are using a FlexTable and not a CellTable? I could not
find the method you mentioned in the CellTable class. For now I implemented
my table as a CellList with custom cells that contain HTML tables. Works
fine, but relies of course on a mix of GWT and HTML code where a pure GWT
solution would be more desirable.

Thanks for your help

2011/3/14 Raphaël Brugier 

> Yes, we did a similar thing just last week.
> Just use cellTable.setRowSpan(row, colum, depth) on the cell you want to
> group and then delete the cell on the next row using
> cellTable.deleteCell(row, cell).
> This is just the normal way to group cells in a html table but using the
> cellTable api.
>  --
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Re: MySQL server in development mode

2011-03-15 Thread Erel Segal
Here it is:

On 9 מרץ, 18:49, Juan Pablo Gardella 
> Is classpath error problem. Show the .classpath file
> Juan
> 2011/3/9 Erel Segal 
> > I added a mysql server to the default GWT application. I put the mysql
> > connector jar in the lib folder under WEBINF, and also added it to the
> > build path. I ran the web application in development mode and it
> > worked fine.
> > But then I restarted the server (from the eclipse "development pane"),
> > and I started getting errors saying that the server cannot find a
> > driver for jdbc:mysql connection!
> > Can you please help me?
> > --
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> >

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Re: GWT1.7 --> GWT 2.X; Browser dependent error with hashmap

2011-03-15 Thread Panke
It looks like this

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