[lazarus] Console app problems

2006-12-30 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

I'm try to write a console application that interfaces with Asterisk 
PBX.  The pbx communicates with the console application over stndin and 

The problem that I'm having is that when I send a command using WriteLn, 
the command doesn't return as it should so I'm wonder if FP/Laz handles 
stdin/stdout in some way that I am not familiar with.

Is the data written to WriteLn buffered or sent immediately?  Below is a 
sample of the code I am trying.

// Asterisk sends environmental vars at the start of the app
// over stdin.  When it's finished it sends a blank line.
   if (pos('uniqueid', sRead) 0) then
  sUniqueID := sRead;
until (sRead = '');

// -//
// Parameters Passed to app from Asterisk
// -//
// 1=DataToPlay, 2 = VoiceToUse
sData := paramstr(1);
sVoice := ParamStr(2);

// which voice to use?  If none specified use the default
if (FileExists(sData)) then
   // assume it's path to a text file.  Build Cmd line accordingly.
   sCmd := sExePath + '/swift -f ' + sData + ' -o /tmp/' + sUniqueID + 

   sCmd := sCmd + '-p ' + sParams;
   // assume that we are synthesizing the actual text provided in 
parameter to app

   sCmd := sExePath + '/swift -o /tmp/' + sUniqueID + '.wav';
   sCmd := sCmd + ' -p ' + sParams + ' '+ sData + '';

Proc := TProcess.create(nil);
// Send command and write to file
Proc.CommandLine := sCmd;
Proc.Options := Proc.Options + [poWaitOnExit];

// Write out command to play file to Asterisk over stdout
WriteLn('PLAYBACK /tmp/' + sUnique);
ReadLn(sCmd); // = Gets stuck here.  Does not return.

// finally, delete the file
Proc.Active := false;
Proc.CommandLine := 'rm -f /tmp/' + agi.UniqueID + '.wav';




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Re: [lazarus] Console app problems

2006-12-30 Thread Lee Jenkins

ik wrote:

On 12/30/06, Lee Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I'm try to write a console application that interfaces with Asterisk
PBX.  The pbx communicates with the console application over stndin and

Sorry for the question, but are you on the right library to use AGI ?

Sorry, I'm not sure I understand your question.  If you mean, am I 
writing to the correct list, then yes.  I just want to be sure that I 
understand the mechanics of stdin/stdout within a console app.  I've 
only written GUI apps mostly.

If you mean, am I using the right comiler/tool, then yes.  Asterisk 
communicates with any program over stdin/stdout from what I understand 
and reading the asterisk wiki.  I've actually written a couple of AGI 
programs in C#/Mono, but didn't like the extra setup required for the 
mono runtime.

The problem that I'm having is that when I send a command using WriteLn,
the command doesn't return as it should so I'm wonder if FP/Laz handles
stdin/stdout in some way that I am not familiar with.

As far as I know (I will know more in this week btw :)), you should
also check STDERR.

I will.

Is the data written to WriteLn buffered or sent immediately?  Below is a
sample of the code I am trying.

It always buffered. Please take a look at

It also appears that a standard Writeln automatically issues a flush() 
command anyway:



Thanks for responding.  It appears the problem may very well be between 
the back of my chair and the keyboard.  I will start again with a very 
basic program and work myself up from there to find out where I am going 


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Console app problems

2006-12-30 Thread Lee Jenkins

ik wrote:

Nop, I meant that does your program is located in the right location
to use AGI (I still learn Asterisk, so I'm not sure that my question
is correct) :)
I'm sure you use the best programming language in the list you gave :D

Good News!
First, I have fixed it (or worked around) and will share my finding on a 
separated post to this thread.

Do you mean where the file is located on the linux box?  It's in 

As I mentioned, I actually wrote a couple agi's using Mono and C#, but 
didn't like having to setup mono and then you had to associate exe files 
with binfmt and such, it was not something I wanted.

I use delphi a lot in windows and I love the pascal language so much, 
easy like vb, but strong like C!  So you can see my motive in getting 
things to work with fp/laz.

Good luck, and if you can please share your sources :)

Indeed.  I have actually ported the MONOTONE.cs class written by Gabriel 
Gunderson (link below) to a pascal object class.  I was just starting to 
test it for bugs when I got bogged down with my current problem.



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Re: [lazarus] Console app problems

2006-12-30 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Hi all,

I'm try to write a console application that interfaces with Asterisk 
PBX.  The pbx communicates with the console application over stndin and 

Hi all, after trying a number of different ways to get this to work, I 
have found a way.

For some reason, it does not appear to me that using standard Writeln() 
to send commands to Asterisk are ignored for some reason, even when 
appending #10 or #13#10 or #13 to the end.

At any rate, following the example here:


I create explicit file associate with stdout:

F: Text;
sRead, sRet: string;
   // other assign values as needed
until (sRead = '');

Write('NOOP Here is some sample output to CLI' + #10);


One thing that I ran across was that if I also tried to ReadLn using the 
explicit F file, I got an AV.

So it seems (at least for me and my particular setup) that ReadLn reads 
ok with Asterisk, but an explicit control over stdout must be used with 
explicit flush()'s to ensure that Asterisk gets the ouputted command.

Keep in mind that I am not debugging my app in real time.  I'm compiling 
it on a VMWare linux image on my windows box and then copying it over to 
my asterisk linux box.  Just been using a lot of file logging to see 
what's going on under the hood when the app runs.


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Re: [lazarus] Console app problems

2006-12-30 Thread Lee Jenkins

ik wrote:

Good luck, and if you can please share your sources :)

Please find attached a simple unit to use for now.  I will be finishing 
the  more robust version in a few days (weeks?) as time permits.


Warm Regards,


This is a simple class to communicate with Asterisk.

insert Legag crap about not being responsible for you using this code.  
Needless to say,
I am not responsible.

Distribute and use as you like.


unit simplepasagi;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  Classes, SysUtils; 

   { TSimpleAGI }

   TSimpleAGI = class(TObject)
 FAccountCode: string;
 FCallerID: string;
 FCallerIDName: string;
 FCallingANI2: string;
 FCallingPres: string;
 FCallingTNS: string;
 FCallingTON: string;
 FChannel: string;
 FChannelType: string;
 FCONTEXT: string;
 FDNID: string;
 FEnhanced: string;
 FEXTENSION: string;
 FLanguage: string;
 FPriority: integer;
 FRDNIS: string;
 FRequest: string;
 FUniqueID: string;
 procedure SetAccountCode(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetCallerID(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetCallerIDName(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetCallingANI2(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetCallingPres(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetCallingTNS(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetCallingTON(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetChannel(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetChannelType(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetCONTEXT(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetDNID(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetEnhanced(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetEXTENSION(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetLanguage(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetPriority(const AValue: integer);
 procedure SetRDNIS(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetRequest(const AValue: string);
 procedure SetUniqueID(const AValue: string);
   Methods - Private
   {** Retrieves initial vars sent from Asterisk **}
   procedure InitEnvVars;
   {** Process single initial variable and assign value appropriate class 
member **}
   Function ProcessSingleVar(aVar: string): boolean;
Properties - Public
   property Request: string read FRequest write SetRequest;
   property Channel: string read FChannel write SetChannel;
   property Language: string read FLanguage write SetLanguage;
   property ChannelType: string read FChannelType write SetChannelType;
   property UniqueID: string read FUniqueID write SetUniqueID;
   property CallerID: string read FCallerID write SetCallerID;
   property CallerIDName: string read FCallerIDName write SetCallerIDName;
   property CallingPres: string read FCallingPres write SetCallingPres;
   property CallingANI2: string read FCallingANI2 write SetCallingANI2;
   property CallingTON: string read FCallingTON write SetCallingTON;
   property CallingTNS: string read FCallingTNS write SetCallingTNS;
   property DNID: string read FDNID write SetDNID;
   property RDNIS: string read FRDNIS write SetRDNIS;
   property CONTEXT: string read FCONTEXT write SetCONTEXT;
   property EXTENSION: string read FEXTENSION write SetEXTENSION;
   property Priority: integer read FPriority write SetPriority;
   property Enhanced: string read FEnhanced write SetEnhanced;
   property AccountCode: string read FAccountCode write SetAccountCode;


   Constructor Create;

Methods - Public
   Function SendAstCommand(aCmd: string): string; virtual; overload;
   Function SendAstCommand(aCmd: string; var AResponse: string): boolean; 
virtual; overload;


{ TSimpleAGI }

procedure TSimpleAGI.SetAccountCode(const AValue: string);
  if FAccountCode=AValue then exit;

procedure TSimpleAGI.SetCallerID(const AValue: string);
  if FCallerID=AValue then exit;

procedure TSimpleAGI.SetCallerIDName(const AValue: string);
  if FCallerIDName=AValue then exit;

procedure TSimpleAGI.SetCallingANI2(const AValue: string);
  if FCallingANI2=AValue then exit;

procedure TSimpleAGI.SetCallingPres(const AValue: string);
  if FCallingPres=AValue then exit;

procedure TSimpleAGI.SetCallingTNS(const AValue: string);
  if FCallingTNS=AValue then exit;

procedure TSimpleAGI.SetCallingTON(const AValue: string);
  if FCallingTON=AValue then exit;


Re: [lazarus] Console app problems

2006-12-30 Thread Lee Jenkins

ik wrote:

 bDone := self.ProcessSingleVar(sRead);
until (bDone);

LOL.  Just makes it more readable for me.  When I have to come back to 
some code later on (6 month, 1 year from now) I want to be as easy to 
sift through as possible.  A little extra effort up front allows me to 
be a bit more lazy later on!


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Re: [lazarus] Console app problems

2006-12-30 Thread Lee Jenkins

Micha Nelissen wrote:

Lee Jenkins wrote:

 bDone := self.ProcessSingleVar(sRead);
until (bDone);

LOL.  Just makes it more readable for me.  When I have to come back to

The above is more readable than the following to you ? (Just asking)

  bDone := self.ProcessSingleVar(sRead);
until bDone;

- no semicolon after repeat
- no begin/end pair within repeat/until
- no parenthesis needed for simple expression after until.


Either one, actually.  The first is just the way that I started using 
pascal (delphi) and it stuck.  You may remove the extraneous lines if 
they offend you ;)

Also, a lot of people will using this:

For i := 0 to 99 do begin
   // some stuff

While I prefer

For i := 0 to 99 do
  // do some stuff  

Of course, I am self taught.  You see, the only thing that kept me out 
of college was high school. :-p


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Re: [lazarus] Console app problems

2006-12-30 Thread Lee Jenkins

Darius Blaszijk wrote:

Hi Lee,

I was following this thread with great interest. Is there somewhere a 
description how communication is defined in pbx? What commands are used 
and how are they structured? I personally don't know anything about 
asterisk but I am interested in this way of communicating between two apps.


Everything and anything Asterisk related.


In answer to your question, maybe through pipes?

You could probably use TProcess too, no?



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Re: [lazarus] Console app problems

2006-12-30 Thread Lee Jenkins

Christian Iversen wrote:

I much prefer

for X := 0 to 99 do

Hmm.  That's nice too.

I used to Capitalize keywords too, but I've never only capitalized the first 
keyword in a block - that's pretty obscure to me :)

I'm a big camel case kind of guy.  I LikeToQuicklyUnderstand a line of 
text or variable name.  In Delphi, I use GExperts that will will 
captialize your keywords/vars for you.  Define it as MyVar and write 
myvar and as soon as you spacebar away from the word, tada!

With Laz, I have to type that camel case every instance, so I've been 
playing with a javaCase type syntax lately.


It's not done yet, but perhaps someone will be inspired by it, or offer 
critique :)

Very nice.  I am a one man band, however.  It's just me working out of 
my home office with resellers and distributors that do everything.  Pay 
no attention to the man behind the curtain, so to speak ;)

Unfortunately, I am the only programmer here and only interact with 
others of my ilk on the net.  I met a delphi programmer once in a coffee 
shop.  Poor guy, I talked his ear off for 45 minutes

I am only flesh and blood.  Sometimes I too need to talk about OOP or a 
recursive algorithm with someone!


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Re: [lazarus] Console app problems

2007-01-02 Thread Lee Jenkins

Christian Iversen wrote:

On Sunday 31 December 2006 01:51, Lee Jenkins wrote:

Christian Iversen wrote:

I much prefer

for X := 0 to 99 do

Hmm.  That's nice too.

Naturally it's a matter of taste, but I really cannot get used to the 
indenting of begin-end. It just looks wierd to me, even after all these 

It's something like

for (int x = 0; x  99; x++)

Doesn't that look odd, too?

This is exactly the way that I format those blocks in C#!


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Re: [lazarus] Console app problems

2007-01-02 Thread Lee Jenkins

Micha Nelissen wrote:

And without braces ? Like:

for (int x = 0; x  99; x++)

? Or FooStuff indented 2 more spaces ?


 The indentation.



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[lazarus] Rebuilding IDE with sqlite3 support

2007-01-02 Thread Lee Jenkins

I keep getting a error:

Error: Unable to open file 'clean'

When trying to rebuild the ide.

Do I have to reinstall from source to rebuild new lpk packages into the 

I tried installing from source originally, but had a mess of problems 
with the IDE not finding any packages, etc so I settled on installing 
from RPM.

Do I have to install from source to rebuild?  I assumed that some 
sources were distributed via RPM in order to be able to rebuild packages 
into the IDE.

Thanks for any help,

Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Rebuilding IDE with sqlite3 support

2007-01-03 Thread Lee Jenkins

Marco van de Voort wrote:

On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 12:59:40AM -0500, Lee Jenkins wrote:

I keep getting a error:

Error: Unable to open file 'clean'

Sounds like missing (or not properly entered) make. Check your settings in
under environment - environment options

Thanks for responding (all).

Note that I am fairly new to Linux.

I have uninstalled fpcsrc, fpc and lazarus using yum.  I then went 
through and searched for errant files and deleted those that were 
obviously fpc/laz related.  Couple I found, I wasn't sure about...

I then reinstalled RPM's.

Running fpc/laz on CentOS4.4, I have the following from:
Environment  Environment Options -- Files:

Lazarus directory:

Compiler path:

FPC source directory:

Make path:

Directory for building test project:

I can create a new project and compile it ok so the basic settings for 
locating the fpc compiler seem to be ok.

But, if I go to Tools  Build Lazarus and say yes, I immediately get:
Error: Unable to open file clean.

I did a search and the only relevant file I found was clean.bat which 
looks like a dos batch file.


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Re: [lazarus] Rebuilding IDE with sqlite3 support

2007-01-03 Thread Lee Jenkins

Vincent Snijders wrote:

Lee Jenkins schreef:

Make path:

This is wrong. It should be something like /usr/bin/make or (doubtful) 

Perfect!  Thanks for catching that.

The only problem now is that although it looks like it's re-compiling 
the IDE, the component (sqlite) doesn't show on the palette after 
building.  As a matter of the fact, the sqldblaz tab is gone too!

Maybe I'll just try to use the sqlite3 stuff through using the units 

I would like to figure out why this isn't installing the components 


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Re: [lazarus] Rebuilding IDE with sqlite3 support

2007-01-03 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins wrote:

After some initial setbacks, I was able to get the IDE build to happen, 
the results are still frustrating.

Aside from the components that are required by the IDE,

nothing will install onto the palette.

I would just use the units of in my projects, but I get all kinds of 
errors there too.

I've been going at this thing pretty steady since last night and I am 
worse off than I was before because now I have no SQLDB component either.

I'm stuck at this point unfortunately.


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[lazarus] SQLDB TIBConnection

2007-01-03 Thread Lee Jenkins

After not getting the sqlite components to install or be usable from a 
lazarus project through reference to the units, I on to try the SQLDB 
ibconnection component now.

Has anyone else had any luck with these components?  I'm trying to use 
them and I get an exception about not being able to access the libgds.so 
or libfbclient.so.

I've worked with FB quite a bit with windows/delphi and I was always 
able to put the client libraries in the same directory as the 
application without problems.  I have tried doing that with lazarus as 
well, but keep getting the error that I mentioned above.

I checked and there are what appear to be valid symlinks to those 
libraries in the usr/lib directory as well.

I have also placed a copy of the libraries named as each of those 
mentioned above in the app's directory as well without any success.

I am beginning to feel that there is an unseen force that does not want 
to have any database access from lazarus ;0)

Thanks for any help.  I'm going to go drink for a while I think.


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Re: [lazarus] Rebuilding IDE with sqlite3 support

2007-01-03 Thread Lee Jenkins

Algis Kabaila wrote:

On Thursday 04 January 2007 05:27, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Wed, 03 Jan 2007 13:14:34 -0500

I'm stuck at this point unfortunately.

The simplest way is to not install the lazarus rpm, but to download the
tgz and uncompress it to a directory (e.g. /home/username/lazarus) or
get the source via svn.



Unfortunately, I have given up on using the sqlite components.  I just 
can't afford to spend days trying to get it to work.

I thought I might use the SQLDB stuff for firebirdsql instead and that 
is not working for me either as of yet.  Hopefully I'll have better luck 
with those however.

But thanks again for your response.


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] SQLDB TIBConnection

2007-01-03 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins wrote:

After not getting the sqlite components to install or be usable from a 
lazarus project through reference to the units, I on to try the SQLDB 
ibconnection component now.

Has anyone else had any luck with these components?  I'm trying to use 
them and I get an exception about not being able to access the libgds.so 
or libfbclient.so.

I just tried installing UIB components and while there was no error, 
there is no components on the palette for them either.

I *really* don't want this to sound the right way, but is it even 
possible to install non-default components on in the IDE on linux?


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Re: [lazarus] SQLDB TIBConnection

2007-01-03 Thread Lee Jenkins

Kevin hayton wrote:

I have just installed UIB components and there are components on the palette.
Using MEPIS 6.0 and lazarus 0.9.20 beta. Just downloaded the latest UIB 
extracted to /usr/share/lazarus/components and installed the .lpk in /source.

Man, that is so odd.  I did essentially the same thing except all my 
stuff was installed in /usr/lib/lazarus/coponents.  Same thing with lpk.

And everything looked like it compiled fine too, at least no visible 
errors that I could see.


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Re: [lazarus] SQLDB TIBConnection

2007-01-04 Thread Lee Jenkins

Joost van der Sluis wrote:

On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 21:15 -0500, Lee Jenkins wrote:

Kevin hayton wrote:

I have just installed UIB components and there are components on the palette.
Using MEPIS 6.0 and lazarus 0.9.20 beta. Just downloaded the latest UIB 
extracted to /usr/share/lazarus/components and installed the .lpk in /source.
Man, that is so odd.  I did essentially the same thing except all my 
stuff was installed in /usr/lib/lazarus/coponents.  Same thing with lpk.

Ergo: you've installed lazarus TWICE. You were installing in one of
them, but you started the other one.

No, I installed twice, but the second time only after uninstalling the 
first.  I don't have two separate installations.

(one in /usr/lib/lazarus, and one in /usr/lib/shared)

The only installation that I have is in /usr/lib/lazarus.  There is no 
/usr/lib/shared directory, et al or even as I think you mean, 
/usr/share/lazarus either.

Next question is: which distro do you use? If it's FC, you probably
installed the rpm provided by fedora, which installs
in /usr/lib/lazarus. But the rpm you can download on the lazarus website
installs to /usr/shared/lazarus

I am using CentOS4.4 and I installed the following from sourceforge:

And everything looked like it compiled fine too, at least no visible 
errors that I could see.

I still find it stranghe, though, that he can't find the firebird-
client-library. But I think you've installed something else wrongly..

Yes, very strange.  As I mentioned in another thread, I am pretty new to 
linux so I wasn't sure what the behavior of shared objects (dll's) would 
be.  It just made sense that the components would look first in the 
application directory, but is not finding them.   I even tried putting 
copies where I thought it might look for them such as /bin, /usr/bin, 
/usr/lib, etc. and still no love.

Thanks for replying!


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] SQLDB TIBConnection

2007-01-04 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins wrote:

I have tried to almost two days straight, ignoring just about everything 
else in my business to get some kind of workable database access through 
Lazarus without any success.

This morning, I even tried installing from source and that seemed to go 
OK except for the fact that I still cannot install any non-default 
components into the IDE.

The IBConnection components don't recognize the .so libraries for 
firebird.  I cannot install UIB.

At this point I am all out of ideas and patience.

* Reinstall from rpm again?
* Rebuild source again?
* Install from source again?
* Try to reinstall components that will not install again?


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Re: [lazarus] SQLDB TIBConnection

2007-01-04 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Lee Jenkins wrote:

I have tried to almost two days straight, ignoring just about everything 
else in my business to get some kind of workable database access through 
Lazarus without any success.

This morning, I even tried installing from source and that seemed to go 
OK except for the fact that I still cannot install any non-default 
components into the IDE.

The IBConnection components don't recognize the .so libraries for 
firebird.  I cannot install UIB.

At this point I am all out of ideas and patience.

* Reinstall from rpm again?
* Rebuild source again?
* Install from source again?
* Try to reinstall components that will not install again?

Oh, and I forgot, thanks to everyone for their time and patience ;)

I'm just a bit frustrated right now, lol.


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Re: [lazarus] Re: SQLDB TIBConnection

2007-01-04 Thread Lee Jenkins

Funky Beast wrote:


You might want to try finding all instances of lazarus executable
in your entire system with a file manager started as root, by
searching from '/' directory with 'include subfolder' options.
Try them one by one and maybe you might find one that has the
components that you installed.

If you do find it, you'll at least know where your compiled
lazarus executable went. If not, then its a bizarre bug.
(I have all SQLDB components on my component palette.)

Another option is to specify where you want your compiled
lazarus executable to end up by specifying a target directory
in Tools-Configure Build Lazarus, and rebuild lazarus.

Nice.  At least I have something else to try.  I will try the first 
suggestion first and then if that doesn't turn up anything, I will try 
the second.

I will post back.

Thanks for the help.


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] SQLDB sql connection on wince

2007-01-04 Thread Lee Jenkins



Did someone know if it is possible to use SQLdb to connect to a mysql 
server through tcp/ip with wince?

Actually, vincent is trying to make lnet libs work on wince but even if 
he have success that's not enough for me, i need to get some data from a 

I had to do something similar a while back, but with .net.  No firebird 
drivers at the time for pocketpc framework so I ended up writing a 
middleware based on xml request/response to the database.  Just an idea 
if you don't find anything else...


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Re: SQLDB TIBConnection

2007-01-04 Thread Lee Jenkins

Funky Beast wrote:

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Lee Jenkins wrote:

I have tried to almost two days straight, ignoring just about 
everything else in my business to get some kind of workable database 
access through Lazarus without any success.

This morning, I even tried installing from source and that seemed to 
go OK except for the fact that I still cannot install any non-default 
components into the IDE.

The IBConnection components don't recognize the .so libraries for 
firebird.  I cannot install UIB.

At this point I am all out of ideas and patience.

* Reinstall from rpm again?
* Rebuild source again?
* Install from source again?
* Try to reinstall components that will not install again?

Oh, and I forgot, thanks to everyone for their time and patience ;)

I'm just a bit frustrated right now, lol.


You might want to try finding all instances of lazarus executable
in your entire system with a file manager started as root, by
searching from '/' directory with 'include subfolder' options.
Try them one by one and maybe you might find one that has the
components that you installed.

If you do find it, you'll at least know where your compiled
lazarus executable went. If not, then its a bizarre bug.
(I have all SQLDB components on my component palette.)

Another option is to specify where you want your compiled
lazarus executable to end up by specifying a target directory
in Tools-Configure Build Lazarus, and rebuild lazarus.

I did a search as root and I didn't see multiple instances of lazarus, 
except for what I think were symlinks and I had a bit of trouble getting 
rid of them.  Had to actually click on them and let the os decide they 
were no longer valid and I chose to remove them when asked.

I tried then rebuilding laz with uib, but then when trying to restart 
lazarus, I got the error about trying to start threads before they are 
initialized.  I've seen this before when I was writing my first app 
with laz, a tcp server.

My guess is that its a problem with one or more units in UIB without an 
{IFDEF} around a ctthreads inclusion.  I will try and download UIB 
latest version (6?) and try that.

Meanwhile, I'm reinstalling laz from source again, LOL.


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Re: [lazarus] Re: SQLDB TIBConnection

2007-01-04 Thread Lee Jenkins

Funky Beast wrote:

You might want to try finding all instances of lazarus executable
in your entire system with a file manager started as root, by
searching from '/' directory with 'include subfolder' options.
Try them one by one and maybe you might find one that has the
components that you installed.

If you do find it, you'll at least know where your compiled
lazarus executable went. If not, then its a bizarre bug.
(I have all SQLDB components on my component palette.)

Another option is to specify where you want your compiled
lazarus executable to end up by specifying a target directory
in Tools-Configure Build Lazarus, and rebuild lazarus.

Woohoo!  That worked.

I think changing the build path did it, although I'm not sure.  I set 
the build path and then went immediately about trying to install the UIB 
components when I received the cthreads error when trying to start 
lazarus after a rebuild.

Inside lazarus.pas is this definition in uses clause:


I haven't play much with include files, even with delphi other than to 
change some compile settings for rxlib or such.  I'm assuming there is 
an include file in there somewhere where I can define specifically to 
use cthreads unit.

To test, I just removed the inner UseCThreads $IFDEF and I compiled 
and with jvUIB components on the palette!

Anyone know which file that is defined in or what a better way of 
switching this would be?  I hate to change the lazarus.pp file permanently.


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Re: [lazarus] SQLDB TIBConnection

2007-01-04 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins wrote:

After not getting the sqlite components to install or be usable from a 
lazarus project through reference to the units, I on to try the SQLDB 
ibconnection component now.

Just so that it will be archived, I wanted to post the resolution to the 
original issue I had and the reason for this post.  I was unable to 
using firebirdsql related components because they complained they they 
could not load the appropriate library (libfbclient.so).

Hopefully someone who is wondering why firebird related components 
cannot load the libfbclient.so library will find this.

The text of the post is listed below.  Installing compat-libstdc++-33 
fixed the problem on my CentOS 4 box.


Warm Regards,


 Installing from the rpm, no programs can run because they say that
 client libraries cannot be loaded. I poked around after reading over
 the release notes and I see the libraries there in /opt/firebird/lib
 with links to them in /usr/lib.

 I'm trying to connect from lazarus (latest builds) using uib and
even if
 I point the component directly to the libfbclient.so link in
/usr/lib, I
 get the same thing.

 I also tried running isql which threw an exception saying that
 libstdc++.so.5 could be opened No such file or directory.

 The installation with the rpm seemd to go fine, no errors or mention of
 missing dependencies, etc.

 I've worked with fb on windows quite a bit, but I'm just cutting my
 teeth on linux so any pointers would be appreciated.

I don't know which packages are required by CentOS, but this is a
common issue: you need a C++ library compatibility package.

compat-libstdc++-8 (Fedora Core 3)
compat-libstdc++-33 (Fedora Core 5; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4)

This should fix it.


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Re: [lazarus] Re: SQLDB TIBConnection

2007-01-04 Thread Lee Jenkins

Funky Beast wrote:

Anyone know which file that is defined in or what a better way of 
switching this would be?  I hate to change the lazarus.pp file 

You might find useful information here:

Excellent.  That wiki is deceptively fruitful.  A quick search could 
have saved me about 30 minutes poking around in the source.

I originally throught that the UIB component source didn't have cthreads 
declared correctly and looked around there for a bit.  Luckily I was to 
run lazarus out of a term window and saw the dump when laz couldn't 
start indicating the cthreads error in lazarus.pp.

Thanks for the link and the help.


Warm Regards,


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[lazarus] TSdfDataset

2007-01-05 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

Anyone use the TSdfDataset?  I'm trying to figure out the schema syntax 
for the schema property, but can't find anything substantial.  The wiki 
had mention the component itself, but nothing else that I could see.



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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus compilation speed

2007-01-09 Thread Lee Jenkins

Howard Lee Harkness wrote:

I had already seen that, and no, it doesn't answer my real question.
It indicates that it is possible to do what I want, but I either the
component I was trying isn't the right one, or I don't know how to set
up the schema. Or both.

Were you trying one of the text based database components?  If so, I'm 
am curious about this as well.  I posted a query about it a few days 
ago.  No answers :(


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Re: [lazarus] illegal qualifier problem arose to a newbie

2007-01-13 Thread Lee Jenkins

Sönmez Kartal wrote:


I am new to Lazarus. I have a book named Mastering Delphi 7 by Marco 
Cantu. I got an error when I tried to compile an example.

procedure TDateForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  TheDay := TDate.Create();

What not something like this?

procedure TDateForm.FormCreate(sender: TObject);
TheDay := EncodeDate(2007,1,13);

This is assuming that the TheDay var is declared in the form where it 
is accessible.

This may help as well:



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Re: [lazarus] Making calls to External Programs

2007-01-16 Thread Lee Jenkins



I need to clean up the /tmp folder and erase various files and directories
that my App has created there.

Using Linux, can I call bash from within my App to 'rmdir'?


Check out this link:



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[lazarus] Compiled Linuxy Binary Compatibility/A bit (OT)

2007-01-16 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

I have a question about binary compatibility for linux programs that I 
write in Lazarus/Freepascal.

I've done some googling, but am still unsure as to the answer to my 
question.  Namely, if I do not provide source to a program, but still 
want to distribute it, can I compile the binary on a specific platform 
and run it on another without re-compiling?

For instance, can I compile on a i686 box and run the binary on a 586 
box as it is, compiled for 32bit?  Or can I 32 bit binary run on a 64 
bit linux?

Sorry, I know it's a bit OT.

Thank you.


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Compiled Linuxy Binary Compatibility/A bit (OT)

2007-01-16 Thread Lee Jenkins

Albert Zeyer wrote:


There are severeal parts you should seperate:

Firstly, all the hardware-stuff:

Thanks Albert.  So it seems that if I do not distribute the source of a 
program, than I will have to compile binaries for at least a couple of 
different distributions and/or cpu's.


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Re: [lazarus] Compiled Linuxy Binary Compatibility/A bit (OT)

2007-01-16 Thread Lee Jenkins

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

If you don't use hand-coded assembler, it should be enough to compile your program 
for i386 and AMD64. That should cover most distributions out there. The compiler 
by default outputs code which can be run on almost any machine.

Thanks very much for responding.  Remembering that I am still pretty new 
to linux when I ask; is there options to compile to different platforms 
from Lazarus? Or (more likely) I have to setup a box or VMWare images 
for each platform I want to target and compile the binary there?

Dumb question, I know.


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Re: [lazarus] Compiled Linuxy Binary Compatibility/A bit (OT)

2007-01-16 Thread Lee Jenkins

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

If you have only i386, then you can cross-compile for AMD64, but then you'll
need all libraries for an AMD64 system somewhere where the linker can find 
them, plus a cross-compiler. There is a FAQ on how to create a cross compiler

(don't have the link handy now...)

Excellent.  Looks like I have another project on for this weekend.

Thanks again for your help.


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Compiled Linuxy Binary Compatibility/A bit (OT)

2007-01-16 Thread Lee Jenkins

Albert Zeyer wrote:
As Michael said, you can cover a very huge range of systems if you 
distribute an i386 and AMD64 version. (But you should have in mind, that 
there are also some people with other architectures...) Most 
closed-source applications for Linux are only available for these (for 
example Google Earth and others), Opera for example still also provides 
a version for PPC. (I, as a Linux/PPC user, am a little bit frustaded 
about the situation, that I cannot use Flash, Google Earth, official ATI 
drivers, ...)

Ouch.  That hurts.

If you distribute a Windows application, you normaly also only 
distribute a i386 version of it.

Yes.  Very convenient.

But as an Open Source developer, I surely recommend you to distribute 
the source. :)
And you are right: Only if you distribute the source, you can ensure, 
that your application will run nearly everywhere.

This particular piece of software is a simple xml based TCP server 
written in Laz/FP for a Windows client software so I have no problem 
with providing the source.

Personally, I just don't think it would be very convenient to customers 
to have to download the FP compiler and compile the software.

Maybe binaries by default with access to the source if they want 
it...this way a large majority of linux users could use the binary as 
is, but users with less prevelant distros would still be ok, if a little 
more inconvienced.


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Re: [lazarus] Compiled Linuxy Binary Compatibility/A bit (OT)

2007-01-16 Thread Lee Jenkins

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

If you have only i386, then you can cross-compile for AMD64, but then you'll
need all libraries for an AMD64 system somewhere where the linker can find 
them, plus a cross-compiler. There is a FAQ on how to create a cross compiler

(don't have the link handy now...)


I think this is probably the article you were talking about.


A bread crumb for anyone needing the same information in the future.

Thanks again,


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus]

2007-01-31 Thread Lee Jenkins

Marco van de Voort wrote:

On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 09:18:17AM -0200, Ar? Ricardo Ody wrote:
As I have troubles to remember the TAR functios and options I'm 
trying to develop a graphical front end to run it. Then I need to 
select files and/or directories from a visual dialog.

2.1.1 has unit libtar, and internal TAR (and gzip already existed). There
are demoes in the fpc/fcl/tests/tarmaker*

Nice.  I'll have a look at those too!


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] how to add a package via commandline

2007-02-01 Thread Lee Jenkins

Burkhard Carstens wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2007 19:29 schrieb Mattias Gaertner:

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 16:39:42 +0100

Burkhard Carstens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Am Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2007 19:43 schrieb Mattias Gaertner:

On Thu, 18 Jan 2007 18:35:46 +0100

Burkhard Carstens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd like to build a lazarus rpm containing all the components,
I need (BigIDE + indy, glscene).

Before diving into the rpm building trouble, I first try to
figure out, how I could install a package into lazarus without
using the ide.

With lazbuild, I can compile the package, which is fine. But
how can I recompile lazarus to include the package?
Do I have to deal with idemake.cfg and staticpackages.inc

For my special needs, I could of course create the correct
files and do a make ide -w OPT=@/etc/lazarus/idemake.cfg but
a commandline tool (or switch for lazbuild), that enables
installation/uninstallation of packages would be really
helpfull. So the question: Is there allready some (hidden)
feature to do this?

No, there is none yet.
You have to fiddle with idemake.cfg and staticpackages.inc (easy
for one package, but not flexible) or extend lazbuild (difficult,
but flexible).

I'd like to test the easy way first, but there are problems with
staticpackages, even when not fiddling with it:

Fist goal is to re-compile lazarus having previously installed
packages included.

(i386-linux, suse 10.0 / own linuxfromscratch with rpms)
* fpc is installed globally (/usr/local/) incl. indy-fpc
* lazarus installed in home (~/FreePascal/lazarus)
* indy is in home (~/FreePascal/indy/lazarus)
* glscene in home (~/FreePascal/gscene)
* lazarus is running with bigide, indy and glscene installed. All
components on the palette.

Now when I remove the lazarus folder, get a fresh svn co, do a
make clean all bigide,

bigide ignores user settings and compiles a static set of packages.
'make idepkg' compiles with user settings.

start lazarus, it does not show my previously
installed packages. I have to open one of the packages (doesn't
matter if indy or glscene) and click install. Now it compiles all
the packages and on restart everything is fine.

This is 'make idepkg'.

Yea, that works, if all packages have been compiled before.

So for the records:
in a clean lazarus checkout, doing
* make all bigide
* ./lazbuild -B ../indy/lazarus/indylaz.lpk
* ./lazbuild -B ../glscene/LazarusLin/glscenelazarus.lpk
* make idepkg

gives me a fresh ide containig all my previously installed packages.

Very nice, thanks.

Now heading for the next step: getting this done on a fresh system, i.e. 
without the allready existing ~/.lazarus/* 

Then finally try to create a lazarus rpm containing these additional 


That is very interesting, Burkhard.  Please keep us updated on your 


Warm Regards,


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[lazarus] FP/Delphi compatible Encryption and Zip Libraries?

2007-02-01 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

Can anyone recommend an encryption and zip library/unit that works with 
both FP and delphi?

The zlib stuff should work well between them I would imagine.

I need to encrypt and compress plain xml packets between two endpoints.



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Re: [lazarus] FP/Delphi compatible Encryption and Zip Libraries?

2007-02-02 Thread Lee Jenkins

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 2/1/07, Vincent Snijders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The zlib stuff should work well between them I would imagine.

We use zlib for compression under both Delphi and Lazarus.  No problems 
at all.

One option is DCPCrupt: http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/DCPcrypt

And we use DCPCrypt for compression under both (same product as the
zlib one) Delphi and Lazarus.  Again, no problems.

Thanks to you both.  I will give them a try.


Warm Regards,


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[lazarus] XML and XPath?

2007-02-10 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

Does the current xml implementation in laz/fpc support xpath for 
retrieving nodes?

If so, does anyone have any examples?  Wiki seems to have mostly code 
for working with the DOM, but no XPath examples.

Thank you.


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] XML and XPath?

2007-02-11 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lepidosteus wrote:

In fpc/fcl/xml there is a xpath unit.
Never used it, don't know if it works, guess it should.

Ahh, you're correct.  I'll poke around the sources a bit and see if I 
can figure it out.



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[lazarus] X10/Firecracker Integration

2007-02-11 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

I was curious if anyone had done any X10/Firecracker integration using 

I'm looking at the possibility in the not so distant future of doing a 
project that would involve home automation equipment for FP/Laz/Linux.

Thanks.  Hope everyone had a great weekend.


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] XML and XPath?

2007-02-12 Thread Lee Jenkins

Kris Leech wrote:

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Lepidosteus wrote:

In fpc/fcl/xml there is a xpath unit.
Never used it, don't know if it works, guess it should.

Ahh, you're correct.  I'll poke around the sources a bit and see if I 
can figure it out.
It broken at the moment, but I just got a fixed unit today from 
Sebastian Günther.


Can you forward a copy of the fixed unit to my email?

Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Midware port to Lazarus

2007-02-12 Thread Lee Jenkins

Balanyi Zsolt wrote:

Hi friends!

Anybody interested in porting Midware to Lazarus?
Midware is a very good middleware for Delphi and Kylix.
If you know any alternative solution, let me know!

Synapse works.  I've written a TCP server using it.  On the other hand, 
it's blocking sockets.  Midware is non-blocking, right?


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Re: [lazarus] Midware port to Lazarus

2007-02-12 Thread Lee Jenkins

Cesar Romero wrote:

Synapse works.  I've written a TCP server using it.  On the other 
hand, it's blocking sockets.  Midware is non-blocking, right?

I was looking for this kind of server with Synapse, do you know where 
can I find a example like that?


I can't remember if examples are distrbuted with the main package or 
not.  Check out their website:


One of the downloads has a sample project for TCP server.


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Re: [lazarus] Midware port to Lazarus

2007-02-12 Thread Lee Jenkins

Balanyi Zsolt wrote:


Well, AFAIK Midware is non-blocking...
Could you send me a link to Synapse?

   Best regards, Zsolt

Sure.  My apologies for not including it originally.



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Re: [lazarus] XML and XPath?

2007-02-15 Thread Lee Jenkins

Kris Leech wrote:

Can you forward a copy of the fixed unit to my email?

And to me as well, so I can commit the fix in SVN :-)
It may still need a few bug fixes yet, Ive sent some feedback to 
Sebastian but I know he is really busy at the moment.

However the basics work, its just a few xpath syntaxes that don't.
Does anyone know there way around the unit, would be great to get some 
tips or code examples of xpath in use...?

I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but my needs are simple.  Just 
need to be able to select single node like '/root/cards/audi'.


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Re: [lazarus] Stoping debugger.

2007-02-21 Thread Lee Jenkins

Marc Weustink wrote:

The problem you have is something deeper and needs to be solved. Setting 
EndDebugging is just a workaround for this problem but doesn't solve it.
Thanks to a mail conversation I had last night with Jay Binks we found 
out that the debugger process reports an error when the application is 
stopped and this application has a .manifest.

Without the manifest debugging works fine.
Since I now have at least a direction to look at, chances that it get 
fixed are getting higher.

I've seen this problem as well.  Taking the manifest file out does make 
it work.


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Re: [lazarus] Suse linux with mono tools vmware image

2007-02-22 Thread Lee Jenkins

George Birbilis wrote:

At mono website they have for download a Suse linux with mono tools vmware
image and a link to the free VMWare player. Is there a similar thing for

I haven't seen one.  I'm new to linux/lazarus so I used a CentOS 4.4 VM 
Ware image and then just installed fpc and lazarus on it.  Works pretty 
well, actually.


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[lazarus] Kudos to Lazarus and FPC

2007-03-15 Thread Lee Jenkins

I just wanted to share with everyone how impressed that I am with 
Lazarus (and FPC).  I have just finished the bulk of a TCP scripting 
host using Rem Objects scripting utility and Lazarus and I have to say 
that I am very impressed.

Yes, the IDE does have it quirks (like when I have to manually reset the 
debugger sometimes), but all in all, its a very functional IDE and I 
appreciate the work that has gone into making it.



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[lazarus] Managing Cross Platform Projects

2007-03-21 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

I was wondering what other did to manage cross platform projects?  The 
problem that I have is writing the project in on OS (Windows for the 
current project) and then compiling over on linux.  Everything compiles 
fine, but it's a pain to port a project over because of unit reference 
paths, etc that are different on each platform.

I was curious as to what other do in this situation.  My first thought 
is to save a version of the project to Linux, make sure everything 
compiles and then diff the units when I need to compile and update on 
the other platform.

Any Suggestions?



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Re: [lazarus] Managing Cross Platform Projects

2007-03-21 Thread Lee Jenkins

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

On 3/21/07, Lee Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was wondering what other did to manage cross platform projects?

I mostly use subversion to manage the source code. You will need a
server for that, of course. It´s not hard to set up, I´ve already done
it for internal non-open source projects. For gpl projects I use
source forge´s svn =)

I think that even with only 2 persons on a project, or even only 1
person working on different
operating systems, subversion is a good solution. Further you can see
all alterations later, it´s very convenient.

Thank you.  I'll take a look.

but it's a pain to port a project over because of unit reference
paths, etc that are different on each platform.

Why are paths different on each platform? A project should normally
work with paths relative to it´s project file directory, this way
paths work everywhere.

I use quite a few class objects from one project to another.  I don't 
like to make copies of them just to place under a project so that it can 
find the unit.  I guess I could place them all under lazarus components 
directory and use a macro...to specify the paths and let lazarus do the 


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[lazarus] touch command [OT]

2007-03-22 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

I'm trying to use the touch command from TProcess and it only changes 
the date.  I've tried many different formats that I have found suggested 
on various linux sites, including [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm [.SS] and none of 
them seem to work.

touch seems to work if I run it directly from the command line.  Anyone 
tried doing this?



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Re: [lazarus] Managing Cross Platform Projects

2007-03-22 Thread Lee Jenkins

Patrick Chevalley wrote:

In the past I do myself some fright by manually copy the files to a 
Samba share ...

shifts his feet uncomfortably


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Re: [lazarus] touch command [OT]

2007-03-22 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to use the touch command from TProcess and it only changes 
the date.  I've tried many different formats that I have found suggested 
on various linux sites, including [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm [.SS] and none of 
them seem to work.

Never mind.  I used a different command to what I wanted.


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Re: [lazarus] Anybody on this list use Firebird database with Lazarus?

2007-03-29 Thread Lee Jenkins

try with http://www.progdigy.com/modules.php?name=UIB, support Lazarus 
and works fine for Firebird, Interbase and Yaffil. Include several 

I've used UIB components in Laz myself and they are good.

Recently, I tried the PDO stuff and while it's not TDataset decendant, I 
really like it.  It supports FB as well as MySQL as well.  I hope they 
end up putting SQLITE support as well.  That would round off my 
databases nicely.



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Re: [lazarus] Anybody on this list use Firebird database with Lazarus?

2007-03-30 Thread Lee Jenkins

Howard Lee Harkness wrote:

One of the utilities that was foresighted enough to write was one that
dumps all of the tables into CSV format. Any recommendations for the
best way to get a CSV file imported into a Firebird database?

Not for lazarus.  I have have some nice components for that sort of 
thing for delphi that I purchased a while back.

For yourself, you could just parse the file and build your SQL on the 
fly.  Just remember for Firebird to commit your transaction every x 
number of records during the import process.  Maybe every 1K - 5K 
records, piped in, commit and restart your transaction.  Otherwise, FB 
may bog down from the non-committed transaction.


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[lazarus] SynEdit Docs

2007-03-30 Thread Lee Jenkins

Do these exist in any form?  I have the source and it does not tell me 
what some things mean like this below.

Assumes a bit more that I know personally synedit, etc.

Thanks for any pointers.


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[lazarus] Plug-in functionality

2007-04-17 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

Since Lazarus does not support dynamically loaded DLL's, can anyone 
offer suggestions for creating a plug in functionality for a 
Windows/Linux application?

Thanks a bunch,


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Re: [lazarus] Delphi incompatibilities in TForm

2007-04-17 Thread Lee Jenkins

Flávio Etrusco wrote:

2) Delphi Form has a Bitmap property which allows to set a background
image on the form, while Lazarus does not.

What version is it?
I vaguely remember seeing this on a very recent version of Delphi
(probably Turbo Delphi Explorer), but in Delphi7 there isn't any such

Nor is there a property like that in D6.  I've always had to use TImage 
and stretch it across the form the few times I needed this functionality.


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Re: [lazarus] Plug-in functionality

2007-04-17 Thread Lee Jenkins

Christian Ulrich wrote:

Lee Jenkins schrieb:

Hi all,

Since Lazarus does not support dynamically loaded DLL's, can anyone 
offer suggestions for creating a plug in functionality for a 
Windows/Linux application?

Why you think it dont support dynamically loaded dlls ? I work for years 
with them and fpc/lazarus...

That may be my mistake then Christian.  I thought I read that somewhere, 
I've never tried it.  Nonetheless, that is good news.


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Re: [lazarus] Plug-in functionality

2007-04-18 Thread Lee Jenkins

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

On 4/18/07, Lee Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That may be my mistake then Christian.  I thought I read that somewhere,
I've never tried it.  Nonetheless, that is good news.

What doesn´t work on Free Pascal is creating a dll that exports
classes, like for example building the full fpc runtime library into a
DLL. Exporting normal functions works ok.

For a common software it´s almost always enouth to write a procedural
interface, so that is what I recomend.

I read something about this being solved or partially solved on 2.2

Thanks Felipe.


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Re: [lazarus] detecting the Linux window manager used

2007-04-21 Thread Lee Jenkins

micahel schneider wrote:

Am Samstag, 21. April 2007 11:38 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:



That unless operator is very cool.  Never seen that, but then again, I 
am no C coder.  Neat though.


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Re: [lazarus] detecting the Linux window manager used

2007-04-22 Thread Lee Jenkins

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 4/21/07, Lee Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That unless operator is very cool.  Never seen that, but then again, I
am no C coder.  Neat though.

That is pretty cool, though it is Perl not C. :-)

Oops ;)  I guess we've established that I am not familiar with Perl 


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[lazarus] Error while linking - Sqlite problem?

2007-04-29 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

I had a project successfully building on both Windows and Linux.  I 
added SQLite support and while everything compiles fine on Windows, now 
on the linux box, Lazarus simply says:

Error: Error while linking

No descriptions, just that.

Must the SQLite.so be installed on the linux box?  I have it installed 
in /lib and I've tried placing it in /usr/lib to no avail.

Of course, that could just not be the problem at all.  It's a bit 
difficult to figure out with the above error message that doesn't give 
me much to go on.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Re: [lazarus] Error while linking - Sqlite problem?

2007-04-29 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Hi all,

I had a project successfully building on both Windows and Linux.  I 
added SQLite support and while everything compiles fine on Windows, now 
on the linux box, Lazarus simply says:

Error: Error while linking

No descriptions, just that.

Must the SQLite.so be installed on the linux box?  I have it installed 
in /lib and I've tried placing it in /usr/lib to no avail.

Of course, that could just not be the problem at all.  It's a bit 
difficult to figure out with the above error message that doesn't give 
me much to go on.

Just to verify, I commented out all references to sqlite3ds and 
everything builds fine on linux.  So, my assumption is that it is a 
problem with sqlite3ds or way that I am trying to build it.

Thanks again for any help,


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Re: [lazarus] Error while linking - Sqlite problem?

2007-04-29 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Hi all,

I had a project successfully building on both Windows and Linux.  I 
added SQLite support and while everything compiles fine on Windows, 
now on the linux box, Lazarus simply says:

Error: Error while linking

No descriptions, just that.

Must the SQLite.so be installed on the linux box?  I have it installed 
in /lib and I've tried placing it in /usr/lib to no avail.

Of course, that could just not be the problem at all.  It's a bit 
difficult to figure out with the above error message that doesn't give 
me much to go on.

Just to verify, I commented out all references to sqlite3ds and 
everything builds fine on linux.  So, my assumption is that it is a 
problem with sqlite3ds or way that I am trying to build it.

Thanks again for any help,


I needed to install the sqlite devel packages on the linux box.

Which brings me to another question:

What is the difference between the build process on linux vs. windows 
that requires that the sqlite development packages be installed?  The 
only thing I needed on Windows was the single sqlite3.dll file.

My assumption was that all was needed was the .so file on the linux 
machine, which was obviously wrong.

Thanks for any clarity.


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Re: [lazarus] Error while linking - Sqlite problem?

2007-04-29 Thread Lee Jenkins

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Sun, 29 Apr 2007 12:27:44 -0400
Lee Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Hi all,

I had a project successfully building on both Windows and Linux.
I added SQLite support and while everything compiles fine on
Windows, now on the linux box, Lazarus simply says:

Error: Error while linking

No descriptions, just that.

There are probably more error messages, but maybe they were skipped
and not shown in the message window. Can you reproduce the issue and
send all messages please? You can get all messages with right click on
messages and use Save all messages to file. Then I can extend the
filter to show these messages.

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsqlite3
Error: Error while linking

Which brings me to another question:

What is the difference between the build process on linux vs. windows 
that requires that the sqlite development packages be installed?  The 
only thing I needed on Windows was the single sqlite3.dll file.

My assumption was that all was needed was the .so file on the linux 
machine, which was obviously wrong.

The devel package installs the .h files (which FPC does not need) and
sets a link from unspecific .so file to the current .so version. In
short words: It sets a default.


I'm not sure I follow you here, no doubt because I'm still learning 
linux.  I tried creating a hard link named sqlite3 and pointed it to 
the version of the .so I had download from sqlite's website.  Tried 
placing it various directories such as /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, etc, but 
still need the dev package which I yummed.

Ah the joys of learning :-)


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Re: [lazarus] New IDE images - sneak preview (3 of 3)

2007-04-30 Thread Lee Jenkins

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 4/29/07, Vincent Snijders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why did you use the {} symbols in comment selection. The current
implementation adds // and comments the complete line. You may consider
this a limitation, that you cannot just comment a word, but if you use
// in the icon, it wouldn't raise false expectations.

The {} are well know comment symbols, even though the Lazarus
implementation uses the // symbols.  The actual reason for using the
{} is so I can use the same image style for Uncomment.  Braces with a
line though it.  I thought it would look really strange having ///
(the // comment with a red /). The other option was the // symbols
with a \ line through them, but the braces with a / line just looked

Not that it matters much, but GExperts installed in my D6 use the same 
{..} to represent block commenting/un-commenting.  One is blue, one is red.


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Re: [lazarus] Converting Strings to Currency

2007-05-10 Thread Lee Jenkins

John Meyer wrote:

I tried a search at lazarus.freepascal.org, and it didn't get anywhere,
so if somebody could help me out by telling me how I convert a string
(specifically, from a TEdit control) to a currency and versey vicey, I'd
appreciate it.

Maybe StrToFloat(AString);  ??


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Re: [lazarus] Printer.Canvas.TextStyle.Alignment=taRightJustify = Argument can't be assigned to

2007-05-17 Thread Lee Jenkins

Burkhard Carstens wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007 16:35 schrieb fedorax:


I just make a new svn update and i've a little problem:

return this error:
cheques.pas(210,35) Error: Argument can't be assigned to

Did something change or is it a bug ?

This is not a bug. It is caused by a change in fpc. Assignments to 
fields of structured properties are not allowed anymore (since r7250). 
property prop : trec read frec; 

Seems like you have to introduce more properties in the class or work 
with tmpvars in the code:



I'm just curious why this was changed.  Was it to promote better coding 
practices or a more practical reason?

Again, just curious.


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[lazarus] Zeos Lib Question

2007-05-17 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi everyone,

I know that zeos has its own message board, but I posted this question 
there about a week ago with no responses.

Basically, I'm wondering if anyone is using zeos for Sqlite access and 
have had problems with driver not found error on Windows with SQLite 3?

The following code produces the error:

Conn := TZConnection.Create(Self);
Conn.Protocol := 'sqlite-3';
Conn.Catalog := 'M:\MySQLiteDir
Conn.Database := 'M:\MySQLiteDir\test.s3db';
Conn.Connected := True;

A copy of the sqlite3.dll file is located in the same directory (On 
Windows) as  the application.  Looks like I'm not getting the config 
correct, but I've tried several variations of the above code and still 
get the error.

Thanks a bunch,


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Printer.Canvas.TextStyle.Alignment=taRightJustify = Argument can't be assigned to

2007-05-17 Thread Lee Jenkins

Vincent Snijders wrote:

Lee Jenkins schreef:

Burkhard Carstens wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007 16:35 schrieb fedorax:


I just make a new svn update and i've a little problem:

return this error:
cheques.pas(210,35) Error: Argument can't be assigned to

Did something change or is it a bug ?

This is not a bug. It is caused by a change in fpc. Assignments to 
fields of structured properties are not allowed anymore (since 
r7250). e.g.: property prop : trec read frec; instance.prop.a:=5;

Seems like you have to introduce more properties in the class or work 
with tmpvars in the code:



I'm just curious why this was changed.  Was it to promote better 
coding practices or a more practical reason?

If your property is declared as:

property MyProp: TMyRec read GetMyRec write FMyRec;

  instance.MyProp.B := 5;
writeln(instance.MyProp.B); would not write 5.

Thanks Vincent.


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[lazarus] Linux WriteLn - Staionary Output - how is done?

2007-05-20 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

I'm wondering how to emulate the static console output seen with some 
linux applications such as yum.  More specifically, static output 
without  going to another line or appending to existing text already 
written such as this:

Getting File: somefile.txt
[=] 50%

I hope that I explained my question well enough.



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Re: [lazarus] Linux WriteLn - Staionary Output - how is done?

2007-05-21 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Hi all,

I'm wondering how to emulate the static console output seen with some 
linux applications such as yum.  More specifically, static output 
without  going to another line or appending to existing text already 
written such as this:

Getting File: somefile.txt
[=] 50%

I hope that I explained my question well enough.


Thanks all,

I'll take a look at the crt unit.


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Re: [lazarus] New features since Delphi 7...

2007-05-21 Thread Lee Jenkins

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:


Here is some interesting Delphi features I found title: New since Delphi 

New Delphi language features since Delphi 7...

Would anyone mind explaining this to me?  I don't get it.

 Routines can now be marked with the inline directive.  This tells the 
compiler that, instead of actually calling the routine, it should emit 
code that includes the routine at the call site.

Sorry, but the only thing that kept me out of college...was highschool. ;)


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Re: [lazarus] New features since Delphi 7...

2007-05-21 Thread Lee Jenkins

Micha Nelissen wrote:

Lee Jenkins wrote:

 Routines can now be marked with the inline directive.  This tells the
compiler that, instead of actually calling the routine, it should emit
code that includes the routine at the call site.


Neat.  Thanks all.


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[lazarus] Remobjects Supports Freepascal?

2007-05-21 Thread Lee Jenkins

This is very welcome news for me.



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Re: [lazarus] Remobjects Supports Freepascal?

2007-05-22 Thread Lee Jenkins

Bisma Jayadi wrote:

This is very welcome news for me.

I just knew that someday there will be more and more Delphi component 
providers support FPC/Lazarus due to active development of FPC/Lazarus 
and lack of Borland/CG interest to non-Windows platform. And someday, 
Borland/CG will have no options except support FPC/Lazarus because 
they'll be far behind FPC/Lazarus for non-Windows platform.

FPC as a compiler is a mature and stable product. Morfik and Pixel 
obviously shows its power. What I've been waiting to jump to FPC vehicle 
is AtoZed's Intraweb. :-D From Borland/CG, I'm thinking that someday 
they will offer Delphi for Pascal IDE with FPC as an alternative 
compiler to compete with (or terminate) unofficial CrossFPC. ;)


Is CrossFPC still being developed?  I had read somewhere that it was 
stalled again.

Personally, I've come to like Lazarus quite a bit and am very 
appreciative of the Laz's developers efforts.  Of course, I'm still 
using D6 on windows and Laz is pretty comparable.

If only there was a way to better promote Lazarus/FPC.  Recently, I've 
been doing quite a bit of development on Linux and I swear, I get a lot 
of Pascal?  That's still in use? or I remember that from high 
school! or Yes, that was used back when the world was flat.

OP needs a major marketing overhaul IMO.

Here is my pitch: Object Pascal.  Strong Like C.  Easy like VB. ;)


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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus keyword completion addon

2007-05-22 Thread Lee Jenkins

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 5/22/07, Mattias Gaertner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Not yet. But this is easy to implement.
The above examples (being/end) are triggered by pressing 'return'.
Of course not all templates should be triggered by pressing 'return',
so every template need an own set of triggers.
What about other triggers? For example space, tab, semicolon, ...

'Space' must definitely be a trigger as well (in the future).
Especially if we want to implement 'auto spellcheck' and 'auto fixing
of case for variables and identifiers' in the IDE.

That would be very, very nice to have: Case Correction.  I know that its 
not integral, but I am a stickler for case consistency and a feature 
like that would help me save time by not having to hit shift so much. 
Case correction is also help to avoid spelling mistake for identifiers 
since when you hit space, it corrects and you know its correct.

Just my opinion.


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Re: [lazarus] Once Code Compile Anywhere .... ????

2007-05-25 Thread Lee Jenkins

Allies Xposs wrote:

Thanks all...
Im confuse .. How to di This ? (Once Code Compile Anywhere)..
Im Use LAzarus under WIndows, but... i want compile my code can RUN IN 


In addition to what the others said, consider using cvs to manage your 
cross platform project/source files.  It will make things a lot easier.


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[lazarus] Threads and Forms

2007-06-05 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

I need to build a GUI application where a spawned thread will open a 
socket, receive messages and the controls on the form (TStringGride, 
etc) will need to be updated with values received from the socket.

Should I use a critical section for this?  I remember that Delphi has a 
method for interacting with the main thread from other threads, is this 
supported in Laz/FPC?


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Threads and Forms

2007-06-05 Thread Lee Jenkins

Luca Olivetti wrote:

En/na Lee Jenkins ha escrit:

Hi all,

I need to build a GUI application where a spawned thread will open a 
socket, receive messages and the controls on the form (TStringGride, 
etc) will need to be updated with values received from the socket.

Should I use a critical section for this?  I remember that Delphi has 
a method for interacting with the main thread from other threads, is 
this supported in Laz/FPC?

Synchronize(method) will execute method in the context of the main thread.


Thanks to all.


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[lazarus] Thunderbird Integration?

2007-06-07 Thread Lee Jenkins

Has anyone experience with Thunderbird Integration using Laz/Fpc?

All I need to do at the moment is validate a contact against thunderbird 
from a Laz/FPC program.



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Re: [lazarus] Report Tools for Lazarus

2007-06-09 Thread Lee Jenkins

Jesus Reyes wrote:

--- Joao Morais [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 09/06/07, Joao Morais [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am using FreeReport with Delphi and building reports in


against a business class model. I am using a wrapper to the
TUserDefinedDataSet (don't remember the exact name) class. This

has been

This sounds like what ReportBuilder does in Delphi. A very


feature for reporting and allows you to report from just about
anything. At runtime you inject the data you need and to the


engine it looks like a normal Dataset.  Does LazReport have that
TUserDefinedDataset class?
I hope so! =) Since LazReport is based on FreeReport, the answer 
probably is yes.

I can confirm that, yes LazReport has TfrUserDataset components so
one can have a custom data cursor, in fact, in 0.9.4 version there is
a sample showing exactly this functionality. Sample is in
Samples/UserDs directory.

Jesus Reyes A.

From the documentation on sf.net:

Frequently you may find the need to extract data from other sources, 
not having a relation to databases (for example, file, array or string 
grid). This is the purpose of the TfrUserDataset component, it generates 
the events OnFirst, OnNext, OnCheckEOF to handle navigation in this type 
of data. You should also create event handlers for the OnGetValue and 
OnEnterRectangle events of the TfrReport component.


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] form embedded in another form

2007-06-13 Thread Lee Jenkins

Christian Ulrich wrote:

Graeme Geldenhuys schrieb:


As the subject says... Is this supported under Lazarus?  And under
Linux and Windows platforms.
Official not but i use it for 2 years. with an little trick in win32 and 
in linux it works.

I currently have a TabControl on a form. As I change the tabs I want
to embed different forms. Here is the code I have so far.  Under Linux
(GTK1) it works find. Under Windows the TabControl doesn't paint
correctly and I can only change one tab before the GUI freezes up.
I have to kill the application from the Task Manager.

Anybody got this work under Lazarus?  Am I missing some property 

procedure TModuleHeaderForm.TabControl1Change(Sender: TObject);
 case TabControl1.TabIndex of
   0: CreateEmbededForm(TPanelHeader);
   1: CreateEmbededForm(TPanelDetail);
   2: CreateEmbededForm(TPanelOutcome);
   3: CreateEmbededForm(TPanelSlide);

procedure TModuleHeaderForm.CreateEmbededForm(AForm: TFormClassType);
 FEmbededForm := AForm.Create(self);
 FEmbededForm.BorderStyle := bsNone;
 FEmbededForm.Parent := TabControl1;
 FEmbededForm.Align := alClient;


Can you elaborate on the trick you used for Win32?  I may need to do 
this same thing soon.


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] form embedded in another form

2007-06-13 Thread Lee Jenkins

Christian Ulrich wrote:

Can you elaborate on the trick you used for Win32?  I may need to do 
this same thing soon.

i have documentated in the bugreport

thers also an patch for the lcl that inserts an internal workaround but 
nobody wants to apply it



Warm Regards,


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[lazarus] TListView - Items not showing up

2007-06-14 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

Lazarus 0.9.20

Does the TListView work differently than in Delphi?  I'm adding items to 
a TListView and while I can see that there are items, the text appears 
to be invisible or not being painted.  I've tried setting the 
font.color, etc to different colors as well.

for iCount := 0 To sl.Count -1 do
   item := LV.Items.Add;
   // check to see if it is marked offline with a * character.
   sTemp := sl[iCount];
   if (POS('*', sTemp)  0) then
  sTemp := AnsiReplaceText(sTemp, '*', '');
  bOffLine := true;
  bOffLine := false;

   // write out device name to Phone Device column
   item.Caption := sTemp;

   if (not bOffLine) then
  item.SubItems.Add('XX Unavailable XX');


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] TListView - Items not showing up

2007-06-14 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins wrote:

Hi all,

Lazarus 0.9.20

Does the TListView work differently than in Delphi?  I'm adding items to 
a TListView and while I can see that there are items, the text appears 
to be invisible or not being painted.  I've tried setting the 
font.color, etc to different colors as well.

for iCount := 0 To sl.Count -1 do
   item := LV.Items.Add;
   // check to see if it is marked offline with a * character.
   sTemp := sl[iCount];
   if (POS('*', sTemp)  0) then
  sTemp := AnsiReplaceText(sTemp, '*', '');
  bOffLine := true;
  bOffLine := false;

   // write out device name to Phone Device column
   item.Caption := sTemp;

   if (not bOffLine) then
  item.SubItems.Add('XX Unavailable XX');


Never mind.  My fault it was not working.

Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] CodeTools and a GUI Class Builder

2007-06-15 Thread Lee Jenkins

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 15/06/07, Al Boldi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A good starting point would probably be a DBTable-To-Class importer.

tiOPF already has something link this - well kinda. The tool is called
tiSQLEditor. You write and execute you SQL statement and see the
result screen. In that screen you can then generate different sets of
code for BOM, Visitors, MapRowToObject, etc and the code gets placed
in the Clipboard, ready to paste into you IDE's editor.

Does CodeTools offer the necessary functions to implement this easily?

Well looking at the examples, I would say yes.  The Class Builder will
use feature that are already used by the Lazarus IDE, just in a
slighly different way. Things like Code Completion and Refactoring,

I've already created all the skeleton dialogs I would need. Now it's
time to plug in the CodeTools functions. :-)


What's the learning curve like with tiPPF?  I checked it out a while 
back but was short on time for studying it.


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Borland Kylix Trolltech

2007-06-16 Thread Lee Jenkins

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:


I take it this is an old announcement?  Thought the date of the
announcement (as per the webpage) is June 2007.


 - Graeme -

We are fully committed to Linux.

And I am fully committed to doing the lawn this weekend... ;)


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] CodeTools and a GUI Class Builder

2007-06-16 Thread Lee Jenkins

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 16/06/07, Lee Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What's the learning curve like with tiPPF?  I checked it out a while
back but was short on time for studying it.

No doubt there is a learning curve. The tiOPF framework is big, but
it's no different compared to someone that's new to the LCL or VCL. It
take a while to get to know the things you are going to need first and
then keep learning new features as you get more familiar with the

I'm currently bringing the documentation up to date. All the docs
where written for tiOPF ver.1.  A few things have changed in tiOPF
ver.2, but for the better. Easier unit and class names, lots of code
cleanup, etc. but the basic functionality is still the same.

To work with the framework, I would say you have to work through the
Concept Documentation - Chapters 1, 2 and 3 and actually write the
code examples. This will lay the groundwork of how the framework was
built and how the Visitor pattern is used.  The Visitor pattern is the
hart of the framework.

Then for any other support questions you can always post them to the
support newsgroup (see the website for details). The support newsgroup
also has a 5+ year history which is a goldmine of information.

 - Graeme -


Nice.  Thanks for the info, Graeme.  I'll take a look again.


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Working with XML: crosscompatibility

2007-06-28 Thread Lee Jenkins

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:

Alvise Nicoletti wrote:


I have to parse xml both with Lazarus on linux (server) and Delphi on 
Windows (client).

Actually, with Lazarus, I'm using the DOM, ReadXML, WriteXML units.

Is there something that I can use in Delphi with the same code? Or, 
otherwise, is there some XML component compatible for both Delphi and 

Some time ago i ported the fpc dom unit to delphi. It was just a matter 
of changing the places of const sections, no change was made at all, if 
i remenber well. I can send to you but is a bit outdated. A better 
option is to try to compile the most recent fpc dom version, probably 
will be easy.


And if that doesn't work for you (which would be nice to be able to use 
the same code base in delphi and FPC/Laz) I would recommend looking at 
OmniXML for delphi.  I've used it for a couple of years now and it works 


Warm Regards,


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[lazarus] Linux/Printing Question

2007-07-23 Thread Lee Jenkins

Hi all,

This is quite a bit OT since the only thing related to Lazarus is that I 
will use to write the software.

One of my company's main products does a lot of prep notifications to 
various printers on the network.  For a single order (sale), prep 
instructions can be sent to up to 6 different printers.

One of the things that has always been a problem with doing this kind of 
critical printing in windows has been the lack of status or way of 
querying printers (many are on print servers).  I remember there was a 
way to send a fake print job and monitor using the Win32 API, but I had 
difficulty getting reliable printer status and it doesn't seem to work 
very well.

Is this kind of printer monitoring possible in Linux?  We are thinking 
about putting together a kind of Linux Appliance to do this and move the 
printing portion away from Windows, assuming printer status is 
obtainable on Linux like outlined above.

Thanks for input.


Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] report writer 4 Lazarus?

2007-08-18 Thread Lee Jenkins

Heine Ferreira wrote:


Does Lazarus have a report writer?
If not, is there any free or low cost report writer out there that would 
work with Lazarus?

I have tried to post this in the forum, but there was no response.
I only know of three report writers that are free.
LogiXML - for web based reports.
Jasper Reports - for Java.
Report Manager - I used it with VB6 and it works with Delphi 5 and upwards.
It also works with dot net.
I tried it on a couple of reports and found it rather clumsy and buggy.
Does anyone know of anything else out there?
I am looking for a report writer that would work well on Windows.
May be I'm too fussy, but I am used to good report writing tools like 
Crystal and SQL Server reporting services.
Crystal is rather expensive or you must buy Visual Studio and the free 
version of SQL Server is too limited

and too hungry for memory.


Heine Ferreira

LazReport is based on freereport, I think.


I believe Freereport was the ancestor of FastReport.  Someone can 
correct me if I'm wrong.

Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Set output file on Windows?

2007-11-05 Thread Lee Jenkins

wile64 wrote:

2007/11/5, Lee Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi all,

Where in lazarus can I set the path to output the generated
executable file to?
  I thought it might be Project  Project Objects  Target File
Name, but that

It's good, example   ..\..\myprojectexe 

and for files compiled : Project  Compiler Options  Unit Output directory

Hmm.  I tried this and it didn't work, unfortunately.  The odd thing is now my 
local Firebird server won't run.  I get a freepascal runtime error message when 
I try to run FirebirdSQL !!!

Anyone have any idea what would cause that?  Not sure if its related or not, but 
didn't manifest itself until after I was playing with lazarus and file output path.

I uninstalled FPC/Lazarus to see that would fix it, but no luck.

Warm Regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Set output file on Windows?

2007-11-05 Thread Lee Jenkins

Lee Jenkins wrote:

wile64 wrote:

2007/11/5, Lee Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi all,

Where in lazarus can I set the path to output the generated
executable file to?
  I thought it might be Project  Project Objects  Target File
Name, but that

It's good, example   ..\..\myprojectexe 

and for files compiled : Project  Compiler Options  Unit Output 

Hmm.  I tried this and it didn't work, unfortunately.  The odd thing is 
now my local Firebird server won't run.  I get a freepascal runtime 
error message when I try to run FirebirdSQL !!!

Anyone have any idea what would cause that?  Not sure if its related or 
not, but didn't manifest itself until after I was playing with lazarus 
and file output path.

I uninstalled FPC/Lazarus to see that would fix it, but no luck.


Here's a screenshot of the error in case any can offer a suggestion, otherwise, 
I might have to reinstall Windows xp (2cd time in 5 months)...



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