'die' in a CleanupHandler

2003-09-08 Thread Ray Zimmerman
Just curious ... what happens if I call 'die' in a mod_perl handler 
(especially a CleanupHandler)?  Does it actually kill the apache 
child or does something catch the exception before that happens?

 Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
  Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
   Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

Re: 'die' in a CleanupHandler

2003-09-08 Thread Ray Zimmerman
At 6:19 PM -0400 9/8/03, Perrin Harkins wrote:
On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 16:10, Ray Zimmerman wrote:
 Just curious ... what happens if I call 'die' in a mod_perl handler
 (especially a CleanupHandler)?  Does it actually kill the apache
 child or does something catch the exception before that happens?
The latter.  Your 'die' is caught by mod_perl.  Is there something
you're trying to do?
I was just considering how to handle it when a serious error occurs 
during a CleanupHandler and was wondering what the difference was 
between 'warn' and 'die' in that context.

 Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
  Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
   Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

crazy problem

2003-01-17 Thread Ray Zimmerman
I have a bizarre problem and I've run out of ideas ...

Here's the gist ... when I run some code which looks like ...

   my result = `/usr/local/bin/matlab  input_file.m`;

... from a perl CGI, then matlab (a commercial math package) 
segfaults. However, when I run it from mod_perl on the same server it 
runs fine (it runs fine from the command line, btw).

My web server is running as 'nobody'. I've also run the script as 
'nobody' from the command line and wiped out %ENV before executing 
the above code ... works fine. Call the exact same script as a CGI 
and ... BOOM.

It can't be a permissions problem, right?  If so, mod_perl would also 
have trouble?

Any clues?  I'm out of ideas ...

For anyone who may have Matlab available, btw, this is only with 
Matlab 6. Matlab 5 (which we no longer have a license for) works just 

 Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
  Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
   Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

URI escaping question

2002-11-14 Thread Ray Zimmerman
Suppose I have a hash of string values that I want to include in the 
query string of a redirect URL. What is the accepted way of escaping 
the values to be sure that they come through intact?

Specifically, it seems that Apache::Util-escape_uri()

 Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
  Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
   Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

URI escaping question

2002-11-14 Thread Ray Zimmerman
Oops ... finger slipped before I was done typing ...

Suppose I have a hash of string values that I want to include in the 
query string of a redirect URL. What is the accepted way of escaping 
the values to be sure that they come through intact?

Specifically, it seems that Apache::Util-escape_uri() is not 
escaping '=' and '' so if one of the values in the hash is a URI 
with a query string it messes things up.

 Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
  Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
   Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-01 Thread Ray Zimmerman
At 8:27 AM -0500 11/1/02, Jesse Erlbaum wrote:

Hi Dom --

 How do you cope with the problem that perl has of running different
 versions of modules?

 We have a similiar situation, in that we're running several projects
 with different sets of perl libraries.  We have common code between
 them.  The trouble starts when we're running several sites on the same
 virtual server.  At that point, there's only one copy of the canonical
 code running, rather than each vhost getting its own copy.

The short answer: PERL5LIB

Read my earlier messages in this thread.  In one I describe the layout of my
site architecture which fully accommodates this reality.

In a nutshell, each site has its own modules/ directory in which ALL the
modules for a project, including CPAN libraries, are stored.  The
environment variable PERL5LIB can be set separately for each virtual host
(Apache directive SetEnv and PerlSetEnv for mod_perl users), thereby
allowing each site to have its OWN versions of libraries.

Um ... somebody's missing something here ...

Jesse are you saying that you have a single apache server running 
multiple vhosts with different versions of the same module loaded for 
different vhosts? Is that actually possible?

I thought that whenever you first require ModuleX it will use the 
value of PERL5LIB in that context to load it, but the next time a 
require happens, even if PERL5LIB is different, it will see that the 
ModuleX is loaded and won't even try to load the one from a different 
directory. Right?

What I do (with a very limited number of vhosts) is have each vhost 
proxy to a different backend server which does have its own version 
of (nearly) everything.

 Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
  Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
   Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

O-R mapping vs. R-O mapping (was Re: separating C from V in MVC)

2002-06-14 Thread Ray Zimmerman

At 12:22 AM -0500 6/14/02, Dave Rolsky wrote:
An Object-Relational mapper takes objects and stores them in a relational
database, as transparently as possible.  I think the most pure example of
this I've seen in the Perl world is Tangram (www.tangram-persistence.org).
SPOPS is also an O-R mapper (actually, its a generic Object persistence
mechanism but it seems to most feature-rich when used with an RDBMS).

A Relational-Object takes a relational database, and provides access to it
(select, insert, update, delete) via objects.  Class::DBI, Alzabo, and
DBIx::RecordSet are examples of such a beast.

I think what it comes down to is how do you start thinking your project?

Well said, Dave. I don't think one approach is strictly better than 
the other. It depends what you need to accomplish. I wouldn't be 
surprised to find that the majority of the folks on the modperl list 
would favor an R-O approach to an O-R one, but that's because 
probably the vast majority of web apps are primarily about the data.

This happens to not be the case for me and I find my O-R mapper to be 
enormously helpful, exactly what I need most of the time. I'm using 
ESPOPS, a package built on top of SPOPS to handle objects with 
inherited attributes spread across multiple tables. Granted, when I 
do need to fetch my objects based on complicated criteria involving 
joining of lots of tables, it's not as clean as I'd like. It requires 
passing SQL fragments into the fetch methods.

To me this just means that my O-R mapper has abstracted things nicely 
to the point where I don't have to touch any SQL 90% of the time, but 
for those cases where I do need more complicated SQL, it lets me 
directly at the SQL and doesn't pretend that it's going to be able to 
do everything I might want. This seems like a good tradeoff to me.

One possible improvement (with emphasis on possible) might be to 
build the O-R mapper on top of something like Alzabo or some other 
R-O mapper which does a more complete job of abstracting me away from 
the actual SQL. Then when I want to pass some more explicit query 
specs through the O-R mapper it would be in Alzabo instead of SQL. 
My gut feeling is that the extra layer probably wouldn't be worth it.

Anyway, my main point is O-R and R-O are different tools for 
different jobs. A hammer is not better than a saw until you know 
you're trying to drive a nail as  opposed to cut wood.

BTW, this thread should probably be moved to the poop list ...

  Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
   Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

requesting feedback on MVC implementation

2002-06-11 Thread Ray Zimmerman

All this MVC discussion has been very helpful. There are obviously 
many ways to do MVC web apps and I'd love to get a bit of feedback on 
the approach we are currently planning for ours before we jump into 
coding. Our app is a platform for running econ experiments, each of 
which is structured a bit like a multi-player game.

We already have a pretty well developed Model containing the 
application logic, and for the web UI we're planning to use Mason for 
a number of reasons which I won't get into here. The only reason I 
mention it is that our approach does use Mason specific features like 

The directory structure looks something like ...


... where the stuff under /C makes up the Controller(s) and the stuff 
under /V the Views. The C components and corresponding autohandlers 
are pure Perl (no HTML output) and the V components and autohandlers 
are simple templates with minimal code (presentation-related only).

URLs would always point to some action component under /C which would 
then call the appropriate view component under /V using the new 
sub-request mechanism in Mason 1.1. This would allow us to use 
autohandlers as a directory based inheritance mechanism for sharing 
Controller code. And we can also use autohandlers as a directory 
based inheritance for templates for wrapping page content.

So a Controller would consist of an action component and all of its 
autohandlers, and a View would consist of the view component and its 

In order to avoid hard coding paths  URLs, we would use something 
like the action table Chris Winters mentioned. This would be a Perl 
object with action key to component path mappings, as well as view 
name to component path mappings. We'd probably put this action table 
as well as some of the font/color type of data together into some 
UIConfig class, similar to what Rob Nagler is doing with his Facade. 
The appropriate sub-class of UIConfig to use for a given request 
would be specified in the autohandlers under /C, with /C/autohandler 
providing a default, which could be overridden by 

One nice feature of this architecture is that it should allow us to 
easily create a new Game3 which inherits all actions and views from 
Game2. Overriding an action or view could be done by creating a new 
UIConfig sub-class which inherits from the one used by Game2 and 
overrides the corresponding entry in the action table.

I'm sure there are details that I haven't thought about yet, but any 
comments on this structure?

Tear it apart!   :-)

  Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
   Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-10 Thread Ray Zimmerman

At 12:02 AM -0600 6/6/02, Rob Nagler wrote:
To solve this problem, we added a letter.  bOP is MVCF, where F stands
for Facade.  A Facade allows you to control icons, files, colors,
fonts, text, and tasks.  You can add other components, but we usually
use text as a catch all, e.g. numeric formats.  Facades can inherit
from other facades and can be cloned from other facades.  We use this
to support different skins and co-brands.


A Facade is the first thing set in a request.  You then know what
tasks are available and what URLs map to them.  Take a look at:
All the URLs for the site are contained in this file.  Anybody
rendering a URL, does it through Bivio::UI::Task.

Two specifically for Rob ...

(1) What are you using to display the nice syntax-colored Perl source 
at http://petshop.bivio.biz/ ?

(2) Are you using the term Facade in the same sense as in Design 
Patterns p. 185?  If not, could you define what a facade is in terms 
of its role?  I'm planning an MVC-type architecture for my web-app 
and am looking for a place to put the kinds of data you have in your 
Facade - URL mappings, colors, fonts, etc. It seems that some of it 
is data that is used strictly by the View (colors, fonts) and other 
parts (URL mapping) are used by the View (for generating links) and 
Controller (for calling the View or doing a redirect).

... and one for everybody ...

So how is everybody else handling URL mapping? Do others group this 
kind of data together with fonts, colors, etc?  And where do you 
define it?

Very much appreciating all the MVC discussion ...

  Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
   Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

separating C from V in MVC

2002-05-29 Thread Ray Zimmerman

We're developing a pretty complex web app using mod_perl and Mason 
and I'd like to use some form of MVC structure to keep things 

I'm looking for some pointers on MVC in this context. Specifically, M 
is easy ... use Perl objects, but how are others implementing the 
Controllers and Views in order to keep them separate?

If I understand correctly, the Mason component that generates the 
page the user sees would be considered the View. But where is the 
Controller? I assume that, conceptually, the Controller is the code 
that responds to a given web request and decides which view to 
display. This is code I would normally have put in the %init 
section of the display component (with a possible redirect to another 
component based on application logic). This sounds like C and V are 
not separated as they should be.

What's the right way to do it?  (None of this TMTOWTDO stuff now, I 
want the RIGHT way :-)   ... and do I have the concepts right?

  Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
   Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

Re: OT: secure mod_perl enabled apache on MacOSX 10.1

2001-10-03 Thread Ray Zimmerman

At 11:24 AM -0700 10/3/01, Wilfredo Sanchez wrote:
On Wednesday, October 3, 2001, at 11:10  AM, Ray Zimmerman wrote:

I've been able to build a mod_perl enabled apache (not DSO) for Mac 
OS X 10.1 and it seems to work fine. Now I'd like to include the 
apple_hfs_module or hfs_apple_module that Apple included as a DSO 
in the standard install to take care of some security issues 
related to the case-insensitivity of the HFS+ file system.

   /usr/libexec/httpd/libperl.so ships with 10.1; there's usually no 
need to build your own.  Just uncomment the LoadModule/AddModule 
lines referencing perl in /etc/httpd/httpd.conf.

Oh, I didn't realize that. But anyway, I've always stayed away from 
mod_perl as a DSO since I thought there were problems with it ... 
have they (don't even know what they were) all been fixed?

   For what it's worth, I've heard that mod_hfs_apple is broken in 
10.1, but I haven't verified that.

According to ...


... it's because of a name change. The article gives a fix.

  Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
   Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

Re: OT: secure mod_perl enabled apache on MacOSX 10.1

2001-10-03 Thread Ray Zimmerman

At 2:23 PM -0400 10/3/01, John Siracusa wrote:
On Wednesday, October 3, 2001, at 02:10  PM, Ray Zimmerman wrote:
I've been able to build a mod_perl enabled apache (not DSO) for Mac 
OS X 10.1 and it seems to work fine.

Would it be too much trouble for you to post a complete, 
step-by-step account of exactly what you did you accomplish this? :)

OK, this is with apache_1.3.20, perl-5.6.1 and mod_perl-1.26.

(1) Unpack apache and mod_perl into the same directory, e.g.

   cd ~
   tar zxvf apache_1.3.20.tar.gz
   tar zxvf mod_perl-1.26.tar.gz

(2) Run configure for apache.

   cd ~/apache_1.3.20

(3) Make and install mod_perl.

   cd ~/mod_perl-1.26
   perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.20/src \
   DO_HTTPD=1 \
   USE_APACI=1 \
   sudo make install

(4) Reconfigure and make apache.

   cd ~/apache_1.3.20
   ./configure \
   --enable-module=info \
   --enable-module=status \
   --enable-module=proxy \

(5) Test mod_perl.
   cd ~/mod_perl-1.26
   make test

(6) Install apache.

   cd ~/apache_1.3.20
   sudo make install

  Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
   Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

OT: secure mod_perl enabled apache on MacOSX 10.1

2001-10-03 Thread Ray Zimmerman

I suppose this is slightly off-topic for both lists I'm posting to, 
but I don't know of a better place to ask ...

I've been able to build a mod_perl enabled apache (not DSO) for Mac 
OS X 10.1 and it seems to work fine. Now I'd like to include the 
apple_hfs_module or hfs_apple_module that Apple included as a DSO in 
the standard install to take care of some security issues related to 
the case-insensitivity of the HFS+ file system.

Can anybody tell me how to do this? I've never used DSO's before. Are 
there other things Apple has included beyond the standard apache 


  Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
   Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

Re: [OT] Inspired by closing comments from the UBB thread.

2001-08-01 Thread Ray Zimmerman

At 12:50 PM -0400 8/1/01, Perrin Harkins wrote:
It would really be nice if someone could write an overview of the O/R
mapping tools for Perl.  I know Dave Rolsky was working on one, but it's a
big job and he's busy with Mason.

I agree. There was a bit of discussion on this topic on this list 
around May 10th of this year. Dave mentioned that you could have a 
look at what he'd started writing a long time ago at ...


One of the tools that is not mentioned in Dave's write-up (probably 
because it didn't exist then) is SPOPS, mentioned earlier in this 

There is also a related mailing list at ...


  Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
   Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

Re: Object - RDBMS mapping tools and mod_perl

2001-05-11 Thread Ray Zimmerman

At 12:03 AM -0400 5/11/01, Chris Winters wrote:
SPOPS is built to map objects to relational databases, or other data
stores. If you're just getting/setting object properties and
persistence (create/update/fetch/remove) along with relationships
among the objects, you don't even need to write any Perl code. Just
some fairly simple configuration info. Plus you can (if you wish) get
per-object security for free.

Using Dave Rolsky's OO-RDBMS vs RDBMS-OO sort of description of 
Tangram and Alzabo, it sounds like SPOPS is more in the same category 
as Tangram, correct?

Anyone (including Chris) done a comparison of the two (SPOPS and 
Tangram) and willing to comment on strengths, weaknesses, 
differences, etc?



Object - RDBMS mapping tools and mod_perl

2001-05-10 Thread Ray Zimmerman

I'm looking for a good package to use for Object - RDBMS mapping in 
the context of mod_perl and Mason. Something that will handled object 
inheritance and nested objects, etc.

I'm aware of Tangram, Alzabo and SPOPS (not sure all these do what I 
need) ... are there any others? Any particular reasons why any of 
these may not play with with mod_perl/Mason?

  Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
   Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

[JOB] Web/Database Programmer/Analyst (US-NY-Ithaca)

2001-04-05 Thread Ray Zimmerman

The Applied Economics  Management department at Cornell University 
invites applications for a Web/Database Programmer/Analyst for the 
Laboratory for Experimental Economics and Decision Research.

To work in close partnership with team leadership to design  
implement a flexible web-based platform for simulating economic 
markets. Platform will be used for a national electric power market 
experiment,  will serve as a foundation for many other economics 
experiments for research  teaching.

Requirements: Bachelors in computer science or equivalent experience. 
Must have experience in design  implementation of large complex 
database-driven web applications. Must have 5 yrs experience in 
object-oriented Perl programming, SQL database programming  web 
programming. Apache/mod_perl  mysql experience desired. Experience 
w/embedded Perl technologies, Linux server administration, XML, Java, 
JavaScript  open source software a plus.

Full-time employee or on-site contractor options are possible.

For more information on life in the beautiful Ithaca area or 
employment at Cornell University, please see the Cornell University 
Profile at http://chronicle.com/jobs/profiles/002711.htm.

Contact Information:
 Ray Zimmerman
 Cornell University
 428 Phillips Hall
 Ithaca NY 14853
 Ph: (607) 255-9645

Re: HTML Mason 1.0 setup

2001-03-01 Thread Ray Zimmerman

At 11:03 AM -0800 3/1/01, Rob Bloodgood wrote:
I've been using HTML::Mason under mod_perl on my site for awhile, using
0.89, and I like it lots. :-)  So when the new 1.0 came out, I went to go
upgrade, and broke EVERYTHING.

Not only that, but, I haven't been able to make sense out of what Mason
wants for its dir heirarchy, anyway:
First, comp_root (apparently) needs to be the same as DocumentRoot, which
seems horribly insecure...  if I could find another way to do it, I would,
but for now, knowing the path my components run under makes them viewable
_AS SOURCE_ by anyone who knows the url.

Well, the only reason a component should be visible as source is if 
Mason isn't working, right?  So saying that it's horribly insecure is 
the same as saying that it's not working right?

Here's what I use in my httpd.conf to get get Mason to handle all 
files with .md extensions (Mason documents). These are the top level 
components that return an entire page. The .mc files are other 
components which in the comp_root and thus available be called by 
other Mason components, but cannot be requested directly via a URL. 
This seems secure to me and it's been working just fine from 0.7 or 
so up through 1.0.

AddType text/html .md
FilesMatch ".*\.md$"
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
FilesMatch ".*\.mc$"
 Order allow,deny
 Deny from all

and in the same vein, the *ONLY* way I could get it to run was to put it's
data_dir under DocumentRoot as well. 

Is it a file permissions problem? If you're running your webserver as 
user 'nobody', nobody has to have write access to the data_dir. You 
definitely don't want to have your data_dir under your DocumentRoot.


[JOB] Perl web/database programmer needed

2001-02-21 Thread Ray Zimmerman

Within the next few weeks we expect to formally announce a position 
open immediately for an on-site web/database programmer (using 
mod_perl, mysql and probably Mason). We're located in the beautiful 
Fingerlakes region of upstate New York.

Here's the description ...

Web/Database Programmer:  To work in close partnership with the team 
lead to design and implement a flexible web-based platform for 
simulating economic markets. The platform will be used for a national 
electric power market experiment, and will serve as a foundation for 
many other economics experiments for research and teaching.

Applicant must have experience in design and implementation of large 
complex database-driven web applications. Must have 5 years 
experience in object-oriented Perl programming, SQL database 
programming and web programming. Apache/mod_perl and mysql experience 

Experience with embedded Perl technologies, Linux server 
administration, XML, Java, JavaScript and open source software are a 

... e-mail me off-list if you are interested.
  Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
   Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

RE: baffled by Directory vs. Location problem [SOLVED]

2001-02-14 Thread Ray Zimmerman

Thanks ... I finally figured out what it was ... the path I was using 
in Directory was not consistent with the one used in DocumentRoot 
because of the use of symlinks.

I fixed that and things are working fine now.


baffled by Directory vs. Location problem

2001-02-13 Thread Ray Zimmerman

I ran into a problem trying to get MysqlTool running under mod_perl 
using the instructions in the included README, so I've broken down my 
problem into a simple Hello World script (modified from the one in 
the Eagle book) that demonstrates the same problem.

The problem I'm having is that I can get Location directives to 
pass control to a mod_perl handler OK, but if I try to switch it to a 
Directory, it stops working.

I have an Apache::Hello.pm that just displays the values of the 

I have a CGI script /hello/index.cgi that just calls 
Apache::Hello::handler. This CGI works fine ( $ENV{MOD_PERL} and 
$ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} as expected for outside of mod_perl ).

When I put the following in my httpd.conf ...

Location /hello
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::Hello

... and access the same URL, mod_perl handles it. But if I change the 
entry in httpd.conf to ...

Directory /home/ray/www/hello
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::Hello

... it goes back to executing the CGI.

I must be missing something obvious, right?


P.S. In case it matters, this is Perl 5.00503, Apache 1.3.17, 
mod_perl 1.25 running on Red Hat 6.2.

Re: problems with HTML::Embperl on macos x (darwin)

2000-11-13 Thread Ray Zimmerman

At 1:17 PM -0500 11/13/00, Ruben I Safir wrote:
Is that the new Machintosh BSD OS?

Yes. Darwin refers to the open source BSD layers, and Mac OS X refers 
to the whole thing including the new Aqua UI on top and the Classic 
compatibility environment for running previous Mac OS apps.

Mac OS X is currently available from Apple (for $30) as a Public 
Beta. There is also a Mac OS X Server product which has been a 
shipping product for some time now, which is based on an earlier 
version of much of the same technology.

A lot of this stuff is built on the old NextStep stuff.

Personally, I'm hoping this will live up to the goal of a nice Mac UI 
on top of a real, honest-to-goodness Unix.
