[OSList] Opening space with people with psychiatric disorders

2014-10-04 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi everyone,

I would like to know if you have experienced an open space (circa 150
people) in which people with psychiatric disorders are among the
How did it go ? How did you prepare it ?

I am asking because during pre-work of an open space, the topic came out,
as one of the organizer is working with them in order to help them be
included in the society as any other citizen.

Of course I understand the idea and I second it, but I wonder how to
prepare it (and if we have enough time for that...)

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Re: [OSList] Opening space with people with psychiatric disorders

2014-10-08 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Thank you all for your answers.
It all makes sense, I realized I was dealing with my own fears because of
the rush of the event and the
location that was a challenge for me last week (a circus  with terraces-
right now the team found wonderful solutions and I am sure everything will
be fine ).

Please forgive me for the strange words I used, I hope I did not hurt
anyone. My English is what it is , learned as an adult,  and I am not aware
of mistakes or clumsiness when I write. I meant no offense. In French I am
able to choose my words carefully, not in English. However I decided once
that I would take the risk of offending people rather than not daring to
write on this list. All your answers are  too precious to me. It's also a
very good way for me to  learn proper English.

Thank you very much Tree for your words. I am moved. I guess it must be
difficult to read my fears projected on people with mental health
disabilities. I guess you have to deal with this kind of behaviors quite
often. So thank you again for taking the time to write it once more. For
sure I will remember it.

Especially as I share exactly what you write, my gratitude to Harrison who
with Open Space helped me realize that my freedom was all in my own hands,
within myself. And that my responsibility was to confront that, and not get
trapped by my fears. But instead use my feet.

 I realize I am shyly beginning to use them (pretty difficult to learn,
progress not constant, falling back into traps still too often). This time
the traps for me was "doctors words". people who are supposed to know. But
like me, who are trapped into their own fears.  Maybe it will be my
lifetime issue.

I am reading Marianne Williamson words again
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that
we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most
frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you *not* to be? You are a child
of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing
enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure
around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make
manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us;
it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give
others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."
This helps. I took my decision : everyone will be welcome, whoever he or
she is. To teach us/me - or to touch us/me- with his/her light.


On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Anne Bennett via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> ...curious about the differing labels (and constructed meanings therein) -
> disability is an odd one for me when discussing psychiatric/mental health
> issues - checking with my UK cohorts - doesn't this sound a little fixed?
> We don't have cancer disabilities (etc). Some personality, learning and
> cognitive disorders are pretty much intrinsic to an individual (autism, for
> example). Some diseases excite the pharma world and the neuroscientists in
> seeking a lucrative cure. Most mental health is a weather system really??
> Psychoses are helped with drugs and lots of the smarter kinds of help
> including self-help. Neuroses are often the natural if challenging and
> often extreme responses to life. The fsahions in terms of language around
> this area change constantly - so how do others read 'disability' in this
> 'diversely and variably abled' world?
> yours curiously
> Anne
>   --
>  *From:* R Chaffe via OSList 
> *To:* Therese Fitzpatrick ; World wide
> Open Space Technology email list 
> *Sent:* Monday, 6 October 2014, 1:17
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Opening space with people with psychiatric
> disorders
> "who ever comes is the right people".
> Having spent the past 7 years working directly with persons with a
> diagnosed disability and 20 years working in the wider community (often
> with people under significant stress) the same challenge remains and that
> is to unconditionally accept people on their terms and as they are.
> The second challenge is give them the security of an Open Space where they
> can be heard, that is I need to listen.
> Rev Ray Richmond ( of the Wayside Chapel  Kings Cross Sydney) gave me one
> rule and  - harm to others is totally unacceptable and that is where a
> facilitator must intervene to secure the space.
> Maslow highlighted the conditions under which people can reach their full
> potential and safety and security are two conditions that are essential.
> Facilitating Open Space I can only make one promise and that is to the
> best of my ability I will create and maintain a secure space where the
> participants can do what ever they do.  I can only promise the environment
> not the outputs or the outcomes.  The challenge to t

Re: [OSList] The OST Invite: seeking creative solutions with less than 4 weeks

2014-10-11 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Dan

To share a story with you, I was contacted one month ago by a client for an
open space event. We only had a short meeting together to clarify that the
need was there, purpose was clear but  the team was not there. very few
people were able to commit some time and energy to it.  He sent out the
invitation without consulting me. Last week we had a team of 7 people who
met together for the 1rst time , we spend 4 half days together (some people
being there for 1/2 a day, some more..) . Event is next week, and within 2
weeks everything will be settled. 150 people are expected and the team
consider the event as the start of a process.


On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Daniel Mezick via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

>  Thank you Michael Herman, Lisa Heft, Chris Corrigan, Harrison Owen for
> your timely assistance. The advise and guidance you provide here is very
> helpful and useful. And valuable.
> And appreciated!
> Daniel
> On 10/9/14 6:41 PM, Michael Herman wrote:
> I think four or six or any weeks notice is totally arbitrary, Daniel. All
> depends on invitees and how they think about their calendars and their
> commitment to the group/issue that is gathering. We announce osonos a year
> in advance. Other meetings happen with almost no notice.
>  I have never suggested in any invitation that anyone visit
> openspaceworld.org. They need to focus on the pirpose of the meeting. I
> almost always include a few/some sentences about the process, to help
> people prepare themselves, but I try to never even say "open space tech".
>  If you want info out sooner, just leak little bits of what you know, via
> email posters or handbills. Then the full invite can tie that all together.
>  In the end, at least some of the right folks will show up and whatever
> it is will at least be started. Everyone who comes can help invite to a
> next round.
>  I say all this very generally, but I have many questions about size,
> sponsors, purpose, and more. Some details in these areas might spark
> additional thoughts.
>  Michael
> On Thursday, October 9, 2014, Daniel Mezick via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
>>  I am asking for help. Will you help me figure out if the following is
>> effective?
>> Background:
>> I have a OST client who wants to get the OST Invite out there with just
>> 27 calendar days to go...on a Friday! There are not many (if any) ways for
>> the Sponsor to send it sooner...
>> Ouch. I'm not fond of this idea.
>> I explained that 6 weeks was best and 4 was really pushing it, at the
>> start of the conversation about doing the OST event.
>> Today I offered these "creative" suggestions (ugly hacks?) to patch this
>> less-than-30-days situation:
>> I also suggest that we get the handbills out there, in the public areas,
>> and put this link on it:
>> http://www.openspaceworld.org/
>> I suggest we also send out a pre-Invitation 'save the date' email with
>> just a little info and a link, and get those handbills out there, these
>> actions will get it out there into the ecosystem and allow us to make use
>> of the full 4 weeks.
>> these ideas, and any other ideas you have for talking it up and
>> getting it out there are probably good ideas now. Before we act let's chat
>> tomorrow about this OK?
>> I am asking for help.
>> Do these 2 non-standard ideas work OK in your view?
>> Or am I making a mockery of the OST process by doing this? Are these
>> "ugly hacks?"
>> Is this OST heresy, or a good-enough idea?
>> I welcome your replies!
>> Sincerely,
>> Daniel
>> --
>> Daniel Mezick, President
>> New Technology Solutions Inc.
>> (203) 915 7248 (cell)
>> Bio . Blog
>> . Twitter
>> .
>> Examine my new book:  The Culture Game
>> : Tools for the
>> Agile Manager.
>> Explore Agile Team Training
>>  and Coaching.
>> Explore the Agile Boston 
>> Community.
> --
> --
> Michael Herman
> Michael Herman Associates
> 312-280-7838 (mobile)
> http://MichaelHerman.com
> http://OpenSpaceWorld.org
> --
> Daniel Mezick, President
> New Technology Solutions Inc.
> (203) 915 7248 (cell)
> Bio . Blog
> . Twitter
> .
> Examine my new book:  The Culture Game
> : Tools for the Agile
> Manager.
> Explore Agile Team Training
>  and Coaching.
> Explore the Agile Boston <

[OSList] Opening space with people with mental health disabilities (among many others)

2014-11-15 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Today I have a few moments to write some news about the event I asked you
advices for.

It went all wonderfully well. It was a 2 days OST event, plenary sessions
were held in a circus, breakout sessions in tents nearby and newsroom was
in a big truck . There were between 120 and 140 participants altogether.
Some came for the opening, attended a session, then came back the next day
for a few hours or sent someone from their team for next day.

The sponsor was very happy because after a very difficult start, it turned
out as a success : original event had been planned a few months before and
was supposed to be co-organized by local government and non-profits, then
they experienced disagreements and decided to organized one event each.
This one was the one organized by the non-profit organizations, and in a
very short time frame. It turned out that many more people from local
government attended the open space than expected. This made them very
One anecdote caused by the come and go of people : one elected
representative tried to offer 3 sessions at the same time. Obviously he had
missed the opening. When he realized tha he had to be there, he manage to
merge one session with another one and delegate the third to another
person. And he did take care that there were reports for all. He came back
for the closing circle and had everybody laugh by telling the story.

Today is the day of the local government event, where a statement from the
report of the OST was prepared for.  The statement says the the event was
much richer than the report can describe, but obviously, it was a very
useful time that will have a significative impact on their future

My previous fear (that was completely gone thanks to you)  regarding people
with mental health disabilities was totally useless. There was a team of 4
taking care of the newsrooms, among them 2 guys with disabilities, and
their helper. I knew it, because she was there.  They were very helpful and
we got everything right for final report.
I had absolutely no clue about who had mental health disabilities among the
participants, even if there were any. It all went perfectly well. After the
event, we had a debrief with the team and I learned 9 of them participated
to the event. Several of them, I heard, posted topics.

Although this was an event with very few butterflies and bumblebees, I
believe we all had a lot of fun.
I was funny for me although because of the unexpected people I met :
One of the facilitators the local government  had appointed for its event
came. He was used to OST and much more used to working with non-profit than
with local government. we laughed.
I met although one young guy that recently came back from Cairo. He was
amazed something like this could happen in France, as he told me, he didn't
expect it. He has met there Art of hosting and knew Claudia. This gave him
lots of hope for developing all the projects he had, that suddenly he saw
much wider.

We live in a small world with wide space open.

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Re: [OSList] Happy Birthday, ho

2014-12-02 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Happy Birthday dear Harrison

May you enjoy every bit of each conversation on this list and let us know
your stories everytime you feel like it !


On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Dear List,
> our great friend, brother and just sent a note in which he also
> mentioned his 80th birthday today.
> I send a note back and thought I let you know just in case you also missed
> the date.
> Greetings from Berlin where I just revelled in memories of his 75th
> birthday party on his visit here conducting his "Practice of Peace"
> program. Among many other things someone had set up a pretty impressive
> martini cocktail bar... just a reminder on what it took to have him
> discover OST.
> Cheers
> mmp
> --
> Michael M Pannwitz
> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
> ++49 - 30-772 8000
> Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 401 resident Open
> Space Workers in 69 countries working in a total of 143 countries
> worldwide: www.openspaceworldmap.org
> ___
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[image: Christine Koehler, créatrice d'espace de Dialogue et de Coopération]
 Executive Coach, Médiateur
 Tel :  06 13 28 71 38
  Fax :09  72  32 36  65

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Re: [OSList] Facilitating large-attendance OST- experience report

2015-02-08 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Dan

Wonderful ! I can see you walking away slowly from the center to open the
market place. Very powerful way to show how to "get out of the way to let
them go to work".

I am not sure to understand what you did for the closing circle. Was there
one mic passed around the circle  ? Or did you invite people who wanted to
talk to do it together with their 2 neighbors , thus having only a
(self)selection of participants talking ?


On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 7:19 PM, Daniel Mezick via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

>  Greetings All,
> I recently received an invitation to open space twice (2 locations
> scheduled one week apart) for a very large USA organization. Both events in
> both locations had many hundreds in attendance; we arranged seating for 400
> at the 2nd event. (see link and pic listed below.) All in all over 1100
> persons in total received an invite to one or the other of these events.
> I learned a few things that I am sharing here now. My intention in sharing
> is to help others who might find themselves arranging and executing
> larger-attendance Open Space events
> The general theme of the learning has everything to do with that idea of
> 'one less thing to do'
> ===
> Thing1: Opening circle
> ===
> At the 1st event, when the moment of invitation arrived, I simply placed
> the microphone very slowly in the center of the circle.. and very slowly
> walked away, and found myself a seat. They figured the rest out ...without
> any assistance whatsoever from me. Awkwardness was replaced by flow as they
> realized I wasn't doing anything and the group advised itself.
> At the 2nd event, the client knew me and the process by then. So, after
> putting that microphone down, I just went all the way ...and slowly vacated
> the circle completely. It worked great...and felt really good too. I stood
> motionless well away from the circle for several minutes before moving
> slowly along to a new place and repeating that until I circled-the-circle
> exactly one time.
> I plan to keep doing something like this going forward.
> Any stuff that needed "managing" was handled by the group without any help
> from me.
> One less thing...
> ===
> Thing2: Marketplace "help"
> ===
> For large gatherings, some OST sages suggest situating 'helpers' at the
> time-space grid, presumably to assist participants if they need it.
> Not having done any OST events larger than 230 members, I was kind of
> unsure about what to do about this. Felt to much like "managing stuff" to
> me. So for the 2nd event I decided to omit any Marketplace assistance
> whatsoever from the experience-design, even though the group was much
> larger than my experience.
> After I slowly and deliberately explained and demonstrated the process of
> posting to the Marketplace, I laid the microphone down at center very
> deliberately, and slowly vacated the circle. And observed what they were
> going to do. And almost immediately this one guy (who posted early)
> lingered at the Marketplace. And he took it upon himself to orient anyone
> who had a question. Some of those he oriented then began also orienting the
> others.
> One less thing
> ===
> Thing3: Space-Time Grid of Post-Its
> ===
> We expected 400++ so we had 18 session spaces and 5 1-hour time slots.  We
> we built a grid with 5 time-rows and 18 space-columns, with each time-row a
> single color. Total 5X18=90 session tags. The 5 times were coded in 5
> colors.
> When it became obvious the attendance was under 300, we simply draped a
> "curtain" of Post-It flip-chart pages over the rightmost end of these 5
> time-rows to truncate the number of available spaces from 18 to 13, for a
> total of :
> [5 timerows]  X [13 spacecolumns] = [65 total session tags]
> ...After the start of the first session-time we later exposed additional
> space-columns 14 and 15 (each with 5 time-rows) so folks could add up to 10
> more sessions throughout the day if they wanted to do that. We also placed
> the microphone over there.
> ===
> Thing 4: Whoops: Marketplace crowded by the circle; 1 MORE thing to do
> ===
> ...When we arrived the evening ahead of the event, this epic circle of 400
> chairs (see pics and links) was situated in the very center of room. The
> circle was clearly crowding the Marketplace.
> It became obvious that about 50 chairs needed to be moved before the
> Marketplace opened. We were told we could not move any chairs that evening.
> (Something about facilities.) With the client, we decided to do the
> following:
> ...At the moment just before the Marke

Re: [OSList] Chaos and Emergence

2015-02-15 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Thank you Suzanne for reminding us of this ressource. I enjoyed hearing
Peggy a lot.
It enabled me to see clearly the roots of my practice with organizations,
and how this list is my main source of new ideas and inspirations.

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 4:12 PM, Suzanne Daigle via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Harold and company,
> Some things are worth repeating and worth re-inviting.  Having each
> listened to Peggy's talk yesterday, Kevin O'Brien and I found ourselves
> vibrantly engaged in conversation this morning replaying bits and parts
> that had so ignited our passion and courage in the work that we are doing
> together to bring the spirit and processes of self management into
> organizations. I had the good fortune of meeting Kevin at International
> House in January 2014; he has since joined OSI US along with Dan Mezick.
> So in case you missed Peggy's conversation with Michael Dowd check *Day
> 13 at this link.*  Available free for the next 10 days only. Total cost
> to have access to all the talks is $25. You may know many of these speakers
> and may feel the investment is worthwhile.
> http://www.entheos.com/The-Future-is-Calling-Us-to-Greatness/Play
> Suzanne
> Suzanne Daigle
> Open Space Facilitator
> NuFocus Strategic Group
> FL 941-359-8877
> Cell: 203-722-2009
> www.nufocusgroup.com
> s.dai...@nufocusgroup.com
> Twitter @Daiglesuz
> On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 2:45 PM, Harold Shinsato via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
>>  Hi Suzanne,
>> Thanks so much for posting Peggy Holman's conversation on the
>> www.entheos.com site.
>> The video is there for free for a while longer, and at the end Peggy
>> shared how Open Space was at the heart of her work. It was a moving
>> interview/conversation.
>> I noticed quite a few other great conversations with luminaries - and am
>> quite enthralled with learning about Amanda Joy Ravenhill who Michael Dowd
>> has also interviewed on the entheos site. Have folks seen her TEDx talk in
>> Tokyo last year about The Evolution of Business?
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3wPbFGweH0
>> It does seem that we're at a point of a powerful pressure for evolving
>> our ways of thinking and practicing business that can promote the better
>> social narrative of mutualism rather than the dominant story of "dog eat
>> dog competition"? It seems like the open space community has an important
>> role in this new narrative.
>> Harold
>> On 2/7/15 7:37 AM, Suzanne Daigle via OSList wrote:
>>  Today at 11am Eastern Time, Peggy Holman is one of the featured
>> speakers (many familiar names) in the series hosted by Michael Dowd called
>> The Future Is Calling Us to Greatness.  Peggy's topic title is:  "How Chaos
>> Catalyzes Emergence.
>> You can watch it here:
>> https://www.entheos.com/The-Future-is-Calling-Us-to-Greatness/Play
>> It, along with the other talks (video and/or audio) are available free 2
>> weeks from its start time or the entire series can be purchased for $25.
>> Suzanne
>> ___
>> OSList mailing list
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>> --
>> Harold Shinsato
>> har...@shinsato.com
>> http://shinsato.com
>> twitter: @hajush 
>> ___
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>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> ___
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[image: Christine Koehler, créatrice d'espace de Dialogue et de Coopération]
 Executive Coach, Médiateur
 Tel :  06 13 28 71 38
  Fax :09  72  32 36  65

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Re: [OSList] Happy Birthday Harrison!

2018-12-02 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Happy Birthday Harrison 

Thank you for being here with us


> Le 2 déc. 2018 à 17:54, Christine Whitney Sanchez via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Love to you, dear Harrison.
> Namaste,
> Christine
> Christine Whitney Sanchez
> Phoenix, AZ, USA • +1.480.882.8281
> On Dec 2, 2018, at 9:50 AM, Jeff Aitken via OSList 
> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
> wrote:
> A toast to you, Harrison! 
> Jeff
> San Francisco
> On Sun, Dec 2, 2018, 7:05 AM Bhavesh Patel via OSList 
> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> Happy Days young man!
> On Sun, 2 Dec 2018 at 02:35, Suzanne Daigle via OSList 
> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
> wrote:
> Dear Harrison,
> Posted this pic on Open Space Facebook!  Sharing it here.  With love and life 
> gratitude, wishing you a magical "be prepared to be surprised" day!
> With love and many hugs,
> Suzanne
> Suzanne Daigle
> Open Space Facilitator
> NuFocus Strategic Group
> FL 941-359-8877
> Cell: 203-722-2009
> www.nufocusgroupusa.com 
> s.dai...@nufocusgroup.com 
> Twitter @Daiglesuz

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Re: [OSList] seeking a good workshop venue in Paris for June 2019

2019-05-03 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Dear Andrea

Catching up once in a while this email list, I am discovering your email today.
There are so many good venues in Paris, it’s difficult to orient you like this. 
If you still have a question about Paris - I bet you solved that one-, maybe I 
can help. Just drop an email and we’ll find time to chat

Best regards
Christine, from Paris

> Le 2 avr. 2019 à 05:51, Andrea Jane Shaw via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Dear OpenSpacers: I have long been a lurker on this list and I’ve generally 
> used the resources of the Open Space World website if I have needed to ask 
> specific questions. Unfortunately, the website does not appear to be working 
> so I must trouble everyone with this very specific question.
> I will be facilitating a workshop in Paris in June (not an Open Space, I 
> hasten to add) and would be very grateful for advice about good venues - 
> there will be about 35 participants and I would like enough room for one 
> circle (9m the narrowest side of the room). I’m looking for natural light, 
> decent food and in the same part of Paris as the OECD, if that is possible. 
> Any advice? Thanks heaps in advance.
> Kind regards, Andrea
> “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can 
> hear her breathing”  
> Arundhati Roy
> Andrea Shaw
> Mobile: +61 419 503 972
> Skype: andreajshaw
> and...@shawidea.com.au 
> ___
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> Past archives can be viewed here: 
> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org

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Re: [OSList] Who Opens the Space?

2019-05-17 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi everyone

Long time not jumped into such an interesting conversation - I miss them- but I 
try to catch up from times to times.

I believe that there are different levels of opening space.

In myself first. it took me years to dare open myself to space, and as Michael 
says, sometimes it’s wide open, sometimes only half and at some points 
completely closed. It depends on many factors, including subject, confidence, 
passion, responsability etc..
Right now there is a battle inside me between opening and closing and it’s 
painful. My inner battle speaks about leadership : do I feel confident enough 
in my vision for people to follow me ?

Last year, I co-facilitated 3 open space events for 400 people. I was 
introduced to the client by a colleague whom I respect deeply, a very good 
professional, who participated in one of Harrison’s open space (she said 
training, but as Harrison don’t train people, who knows what she meant). We 
worked together, designed a first workshop for the managers to explain the new 
vision of the company  and prepare everyone for the OS events. I discovered in 
this workshop that I have a big blind spot, which is a tendency to flee when 
there is something difficult going on that I don’t understand . She did handle 
it : it was a logistic question : rooms were not indicated properly so some 
people could not join the team they wanted to join and were upset. it took a 
moment to understand the cause -room not labeled- Everything then went fine. 
But, she would not trust me fully after that and I could understand why. So we 
decided to be 2 facilitators for each OS events. And a team of experienced 
facilitators to handle newsroom, logistics etc. As she wasn’t available for the 
3 events, I co-facilitated with another guy twice.

I loved the co-faciltation process. I hated  the co-facilitation process. It 
was sometimes smooth, sometimes difficult. We had lots of logistic problems for 
the first event to solve : noisy and crowed space, as at the last moment the 
space was smaller than formerly agreed. So we used rooms of some participants 
to add some extra breakout rooms. 
When space opened, I saw that my view of an OS facilitator was different from 
my  co-facilitators : they would intervene much more than I would. They would 
for instance suggest to some groups to split into 2 if the group was big. They 
would suggest to move a bit to find a quieter space etc.. I would tend to be 
available to chat with people who needed a bit of permission to lead a session 
(it was a whole company OS, all from top to bottom, and although the company is 
pretty « flat » and owned by them, assistants were less comfortable leading 
sessions on sensitive topics like salary, bonus etc. than experts).  
Is this important ? Does it talk about opening space and self-organisation ? or 
has it something to do with helping the client achieve his goal ? What should I 
learn form this ? Where do I stand ? Am I open to learn ?
As always in an OS event, no matter what role I have, I had to make space 
inside me for 2 different spaces : my own individual inner space, chaotic as I 
was living all those questions, and my inner space as facilitator , whose role 
is to be present and « keep" space open for the group.

The second one is the space that it opens in each participant. My colleague had 
advised the leadership team not to jump into discussions and do much listening. 
That was very interesting to see the different reactions of each of them. 
No-one of those 17 people offered a session for any of the event. OK, we are in 
France folks, we are supposed to be very top-down (sometimes I agree) so the 
fear is that when the boss says something, they all shut up and agree. Maybe. I 
am not convinced. But what I could see is that this leadership team did not 
dare to open fully. 
For the first half day of the first open space, the leadership team shut up. 
and thought things like «  oh my god, they lack so many information, they tell 
bullshit, we won't get anywhere ». I encouraged them to speak but still some 
didn’t. When the Managing Director finally spread up the word « speak up, 
explain to them everything », they finally did. waooo. 
After the mission was over, when we debriefed everything, the Managing Director 
said : « it has been the most fabulous moment I ever lived in my professional 
life ». waoo again. My belief is that it it opened something inside himself. As 
OS always does.
I won’t tell you about opening from people who were not used to lead, for it be 
biased by what happened after the OS event - the tendency to close space and go 
back to prior state of equilibrium applies here.

And finally the group itself opens its own space. It always opens in a OS 
event, no matter how small the space is of cours you all know that.You see it 
while looking at the fluidity, the movements, the noise up and down, the law of 
2 feet used or not that much. A mediator recently sent me a paragraph he wrote 

Re: [OSList] Happy birthday Harrison

2019-12-04 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Joyeux anniversaire Harrison !

Wishing you all the best for this coming year.


> Le 4 déc. 2019 à 01:42, Donnan Stoicovy via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Happy Birthday, Harrison! All the best...
> ***
> Donnan Stoicovy
> Head of School
> State College Friends School
> 1900 University Drive 
> State College, PA 16801 
> 814-237-8386
> Board of Director - National Association for Professional Development Schools 
> Board of Director, ClearWater Conservancy
> Millbrook Marsh Advisory Council
> PA Green and Healthy Schools 
> dmstoic...@gmail.com 
> Twitter @dmstoicovy
> “The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But 
> it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, 
> and lovers of every kind. It needs people who live well in their places. It 
> needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world 
> more habitable and humane. And these qualities have little to do with success 
> as we have defined it.” - David Orr
> Please do not print this unless it is essential. If you do, please recycle it 
> when finished.
>> On Dec 3, 2019, at 10:42 AM, Brendan McKeague via OSList 
>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>> wrote:
>> Hope you’ve had a great day of celebration Harrison - remembering your 
>> arrival on the planet (in a ‘clay shape’) at just the right time - funny 
>> that
>> Best wishes from the tribe down-under
>> Brendan 
>> On 3 Dec 2019, at 10:27 pm, JL Walker via OSList 
>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>> wrote:
>>> A big, big hug for you HO. Happy birthday my friend.
>>> Juan Luis
>>> De: OSList >> > En nombre de Harrison Owen 
>>> via OSList
>>> Enviado el: martes, 3 de diciembre de 2019 14:23
>>> Para: 'World wide Open Space Technology email list' 
>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>>
>>> CC: Harrison Owen mailto:hhowe...@gmail.com>>
>>> Asunto: Re: [OSList] Happy birthday Harrison
>>> Made it through another year. Was thinking of moving to Mars… shorter 
>>> yeara! Thanks everybody!!
>>> ho
>>> From: OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>> ] On Behalf Of Peggy Holman 
>>> via OSList
>>> Sent: Monday, December 2, 2019 12:40 PM
>>> To: Open Space Listserv
>>> Cc: Peggy Holman
>>> Subject: [OSList] Happy birthday Harrison
>>> Morning all,
>>> It’s that time of year. For most of us, it’s holiday season.
>>> A special day for Open Space Technology is today: Harrison Owen’s birthday. 
>>> Harrison: wishing you a great day and a special year. As disruption of the 
>>> status quo becomes louder and more prevalent, your gift to the world 
>>> becomes ever more relevant.
>>> Thanks for being you.
>>> Love,
>>> Peggy
>>> Peggy Holman
>>> Co-founder
>>> Journalism That Matters
>>> 15347 SE 49th Place
>>> Bellevue, WA  98006
>>> 206-948-0432
>>> www.journalismthatmatters.org 
>>> www.peggyholman.com 
>>> Twitter: @peggyholman
>>> JTM Twitter: @JTMStream
>>> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into 
>>> Opportunity 
>>> ___
>>> OSList mailing list
>>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org 
>>> Past archives can be viewed here: 
>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>> ___
>> OSList mailing list
>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org 
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>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org 
>> Past archives can be viewed here: 
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org 
> ___
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
> To un

Re: [OSList] Movement/Dance/Somatics/Embodiment - opening space within & without!

2019-12-04 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Tricia

What I see around me is :
- a lot of interest from individuals for body work in therapy, but very few 
engagement for specific work with body only (so there are less and less 
practitioners also)
- the development  (more and more accepted)  of group constellation work, 
regarding private topics
- the slow introduction of constellation work or social presenting work in a 
few professional settings (that are still margins over here)
to sum up : in my org. work,  I don’t work with pioneers enough to see 
potential applications

all the best

> Le 3 déc. 2019 à 23:06, Tricia Chirumbole via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Hello all!!
> This may be a teeny tiny bit off topic, but I will try to make it relevant! 
> I am looking for your reflections, insights, advice, referrals, etc. in 
> respect to work that I am doing and looking to expand/deepen. 
> Some of you may know that I have a strong interest in 
> movement/dance/embodiment, particularly in application to personal growth, 
> healing/transformation, "mindfulness", and the connections & growth possible 
> within groups and systems through body wisdom, embodiment practice, and 
> collective movement. 
> The awareness and acceptance of the value of the body as both a source of 
> wisdom and an important modality for emotional processing, healing trauma, 
> creative expression, group connection, seems to be growing in a number of 
> arenas, applications, and communities. 
> I am currently exploring potential areas for expanding my learning and my 
> practice and gathering information and insights, as well as exploring within, 
> so that I can choose where to focus my energies. 
> My questions to this community are: Do you see potential application for 
> movement/somatics work within any of the communities or organizations where 
> you work? 
> If so, can you identify where/how you can imagine the integration of body and 
> movement into the work that you do or the life/workflow of the people with 
> whom you work? 
> I welcome any and all insights and reflections and referrals! I see this 
> work, the way that I approach it, as truly an invitation to open space within 
> oneself and within communities through exploration of body and movement in a 
> way that is liberated from form, function, expectation, or expertise. 
> I hope that makes sense! I welcome all questions as well! Thank you in 
> advance! <3
> ___
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
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> Past archives can be viewed here: 
> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org

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2020-03-23 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi everyone

I just participated in another virtual open space experiment, with Nancy White 
community of practice, hosted by Birgit and Ruben, using Zoom 
see here : 
 if you are interested, you will find a link there to be informed of further 
it was a lot of fun, with the limit of 100 participants being reached within 
The plan was to use Zoom breakout sessions for co-hosts but due to Zoom 
particularities, it didn’t work, so we end up creating other Zoom rooms.
Here are the links to the notes taken during the sessions I hosted about other 
open space experiments :
session 1 

 (in this one you’ll find links to documents presenting other online OST)

Looking forward to another experiment ;)


> Le 23 mars 2020 à 19:18, JL Walker via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> My dear Suzanne:
> Hope that you, your family and friends are safe, and that you are taking much 
> care of yourself.
> Fortunately that is in my case, here in Valencia and with all my family that 
> are in Santiago and Paris. 
> I was a little bit sad Suzanne because of not knowing at time of this 
> inspired invitation that you have make in the Oslist, what happens is that 
> actually I don’t go frequently to the list and only I have seen it last 
> Saturday 21.
> Tell me please how was the experience and if you are thinking to repeat it in 
> the future so I can participate actively in it.
> Love and peace,
> Juan Luis Walker
> De: OSList  En nombre de Suzanne 
> Daigle via OSList
> Enviado el: domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020 15:14
> Para: OSLIST 
> CC: Suzanne Daigle ; luis@beit.world; Suzanne Daigle 
> Hello All,
> A huge leap, a bold move. Later today and this week, we are launching the 
> Virtual Agora Gardens as part of the World Happiness Fest activities. It will 
> be a self-organizing conversational space using the combined technologies of 
> QiQo Chat (where you can choose your garden and topic) and Zoom (where you 
> then engage directly in face-to-face conversations on topics of your choice). 
>  A unique feature of this Virtual Agora (gathering) is that people will be 
> hosting each other. No leaders, facilitators or official hosts. 
> Self-organizing like in nature!
> You can check out the space and concept here; 
> https://worldhappinessfest.qiqochat.com/cafe 
> All are warmly invited to join this experiment, lending your passion and 
> skills as hosts and facilitators, helping us informally open and hold space 
> for others and with others.  It is free and lasts all week. You can drop in 
> anytime and stay as long as you want. 
> As the planning for the World Happiness Fest was underway, there was no way 
> to predict the alarming and unfolding circumstances of the coronavirus.  The 
> Global Happiness Event is in its third year and has been increasing 
> exponentially. Over the past weeks and month, the planning team, organizers 
> and world hosts have been adjusting, creating and responding with such 
> sensitivity, generosity and heart. 
> With this latest Virtual Garden initiative, it’s also been a race against the 
> clock. What was intended to be a small Open Space experiment, complementing 
> the many activities (presentations, live events, and more) of the World 
> Happiness Fest is now potentially a place and space that will fill an urgent 
> and important need for many. 
> A bit more background:
> The World Happiness Fest Week (March 16th - 22nd)  
> https://www.happinessfest.world/en/  is 
> launching today from Madrid.  All in-person events and presentations now 
> “without audience” will be recorded and live streamed free. Many of the 
> in-person Agoras (gatherings) – about 80 around the world have been cancelled 
> or scaled down which will certainly shift the attention to virtual. Many of 
> our colleagues in the Open Space community were/are hosting Agoras where they 
> live: in Canada, Nashville, Spain, India and other places. 
> Lucas Cioffi, founder of QiQo Chat and a great friend of Open Space, has 
> worked tirelessly to develop this virtual garden concept with input from our 
> friends and colleagues here and there, along the way. 
> Luis Gallardo, Founder and President of Happiness, also an ardent supporter 
> of Open Space, came up with the idea of having a virtual garden setting for 
> this con


2020-03-24 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Thomas
There were 2 slots of 20-30mn with 5 sessions in it 

there was no opening of the market  place like usual : 
4x2 sessions were offered beforehand , i discovered when I connected zoom 
So the only sessions that were added were the one I offered.

For an experiment, i have the feeling it was enough. (At least for me)

+ 33 6 13 28 71 38
Sent from my mobile phone. Please forgive brevity.

> Le 24 mars 2020 à 10:06, Thomas Perret  a écrit :
> Hi Christine,
> This is awesome, sorry I missed it. Was 5 breakout rooms enough for 100? How 
> did you experience this? Any other thought appreciated, for me online os is 
> maybe the most exciting potential just now.
> Kindly,
> Thomas
>> On 24 Mar 2020, at 0.46, christine koehler via OSList 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi everyone
>> I just participated in another virtual open space experiment, with Nancy 
>> White community of practice, hosted by Birgit and Ruben, using Zoom 
>> see here : 
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zvHZYvA-4q2bxrxsYqI2CUa4h_bYXWfgXvEU5aEWSQE/edit#.
>>  if you are interested, you will find a link there to be informed of further 
>> experiments.
>> it was a lot of fun, with the limit of 100 participants being reached within 
>> minutes.
>> The plan was to use Zoom breakout sessions for co-hosts but due to Zoom 
>> particularities, it didn’t work, so we end up creating other Zoom rooms.
>> Here are the links to the notes taken during the sessions I hosted about 
>> other open space experiments :
>> session 1 (in this one you’ll find links to documents presenting other 
>> online OST)
>> session 2
>> Looking forward to another experiment ;)
>> Christine 
>>> Le 23 mars 2020 à 19:18, JL Walker via OSList 
>>>  a écrit :
>>> My dear Suzanne:
>>> Hope that you, your family and friends are safe, and that you are taking 
>>> much care of yourself.
>>> Fortunately that is in my case, here in Valencia and with all my family 
>>> that are in Santiago and Paris. 
>>> I was a little bit sad Suzanne because of not knowing at time of this 
>>> inspired invitation that you have make in the Oslist, what happens is that 
>>> actually I don’t go frequently to the list and only I have seen it last 
>>> Saturday 21.
>>> Tell me please how was the experience and if you are thinking to repeat it 
>>> in the future so I can participate actively in it.
>>> Love and peace,
>>> Juan Luis Walker
>>> De: OSList  En nombre de Suzanne 
>>> Daigle via OSList
>>> Enviado el: domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020 15:14
>>> Para: OSLIST 
>>> CC: Suzanne Daigle ; luis@beit.world; Suzanne Daigle 
>>> Hello All,
>>> A huge leap, a bold move. Later today and this week, we are launching the 
>>> Virtual Agora Gardens as part of the World Happiness Fest activities. It 
>>> will be a self-organizing conversational space using the combined 
>>> technologies of QiQo Chat (where you can choose your garden and topic) and 
>>> Zoom (where you then engage directly in face-to-face conversations on 
>>> topics of your choice).  A unique feature of this Virtual Agora (gathering) 
>>> is that people will be hosting each other. No leaders, facilitators or 
>>> official hosts. Self-organizing like in nature!
>>> You can check out the space and concept here; 
>>> https://worldhappinessfest.qiqochat.com/cafe
>>> All are warmly invited to join this experiment, lending your passion and 
>>> skills as hosts and facilitators, helping us informally open and hold space 
>>> for others and with others.  It is free and lasts all week. You can drop in 
>>> anytime and stay as long as you want. 
>>> As the planning for the World Happiness Fest was underway, there was no way 
>>> to predict the alarming and unfolding circumstances of the coronavirus.  
>>> The Global Happiness Event is in its third year and has been increasing 
>>> exponentially. Over the past weeks and month, the planning team, organizers 
>>> and world hosts have been adjusting, creating and responding with such 
>>> sensitivity, generosity and heart. 
>>> With this latest Virtual Garden initiative, it’s also been a race against 
>>> the clock. What w

[OSList] help needed : a good talk/sparring partner

2020-03-26 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Guys

I have an idea that need some more thinking. it’s about lunching a dialogue 
mouvement over here (France) to help people dealing with anxiety and prepare 
for social peace after the crisis (there will be social unrest for sure over 
here, we can feel it already). it may involve online conversation café and open 
I am looking for someone to help me take my idea a bit further , who knows 
about Conversation Cafe/ NCCD  and can help me talk to the right people in this 
We could talk via Zoom/whatapp or whatever.

Anyone willing to help me think this through ?

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Re: [OSList] help needed : a good talk/sparring partner

2020-03-26 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Everyone
Lucas. tomorrow Friday 12:30 pm eastern in your garden works for me 
Thank you for offering the space.
Talk to those who are interested then ! 

Gerardo, that’s an interesting idea (we call it cafe suspendu here, it’s a one 
on one offer, interesting to hear it can be translated differently) . I’d be 
please to be in touch with this person 

You are wonderful :) 
+ 33 6 13 28 71 38

> Le 26 mars 2020 à 18:15, Peggy Holman via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> If Lucas’ suggested time on Friday works for you, I’ll come also. 
> Peggy Holman
> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 26, 2020, at 8:29 AM, Lucas Cioffi via OSList 
>>>  wrote:
>> Hello Christine!
>> Please name a time and I can meet you in the OS Zoom/Qiqo garden: 
>> https://openspace.qiqochat.com
>> Anyone else who is interested can join us too.  If this is a good 
>> conversation we can do it again next week and more people can join with more 
>> advance notice.
>> Is there a time that works for you...
>> today (Thursday) 12:30pm-5pm Eastern / 4:30pm-9pm UTC?
>> or tomorrow (Friday) 10:30am-12:30pm Eastern / 2:30pm-4pm UTC?
>> Lucas Cioffi
>> Founder, QiqoChat.com
>> Scarsdale, NY
>> 917-528-1831
>>> On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 10:57 AM christine koehler via OSList 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Guys
>>> I have an idea that need some more thinking. it’s about lunching a dialogue 
>>> mouvement over here (France) to help people dealing with anxiety and 
>>> prepare for social peace after the crisis (there will be social unrest for 
>>> sure over here, we can feel it already). it may involve online conversation 
>>> café and open space
>>> I am looking for someone to help me take my idea a bit further , who knows 
>>> about Conversation Cafe/ NCCD  and can help me talk to the right people in 
>>> this community.
>>> We could talk via Zoom/whatapp or whatever.
>>> Anyone willing to help me think this through ?
>>> Christine
>>> ___
>>> OSList mailing list
>>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
>>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
>>> Past archives can be viewed here: 
>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
>> ___
>> OSList mailing list
>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
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>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
>> Past archives can be viewed here: 
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
> ___
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Re: [OSList] help needed : a good talk/sparring partner

2020-03-26 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Peggy

Thanks for pointing this out. 
you are right, Lucas suggested 10:30pm Eastern /2 :30 UTC. that one works for 


> Le 26 mars 2020 à 19:05, Peggy Holman  a écrit :
> Hi Christine, 
> To clarify the time tomorrow, Lucas suggested 10:30am ET.
> Does that still work for you?
> (Fingers crossed because I can’t make 12:30pm ET.)
> Looking forward to it,
> Peggy
> Peggy Holman
> Co-founder
> Journalism That Matters
> 15347 SE 49th Place
> Bellevue, WA  98006
> 206-948-0432
> www.journalismthatmatters.org <http://www.journalismthatmatters.org/>
> www.peggyholman.com
> Twitter: @peggyholman
> JTM Twitter: @JTMStream
> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity 
> <http://www.engagingemergence.com/>
>> On Mar 26, 2020, at 11:02 AM, christine koehler 
>> mailto:chris.alice.koeh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone
>> Lucas. tomorrow Friday 12:30 pm eastern in your garden works for me 
>> Thank you for offering the space.
>> Talk to those who are interested then ! 
>> Gerardo, that’s an interesting idea (we call it cafe suspendu here, it’s a 
>> one on one offer, interesting to hear it can be translated differently) . 
>> I’d be please to be in touch with this person 
>> You are wonderful :) 
>> Christine 
>> + 33 6 13 28 71 38
>>> Le 26 mars 2020 à 18:15, Peggy Holman via OSList 
>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> a 
>>> écrit :
>>> If Lucas’ suggested time on Friday works for you, I’ll come also. 
>>> Peggy Holman
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Mar 26, 2020, at 8:29 AM, Lucas Cioffi via OSList 
>>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello Christine!
>>>> Please name a time and I can meet you in the OS Zoom/Qiqo garden: 
>>>> https://openspace.qiqochat.com <https://openspace.qiqochat.com/>
>>>> Anyone else who is interested can join us too.  If this is a good 
>>>> conversation we can do it again next week and more people can join with 
>>>> more advance notice.
>>>> Is there a time that works for you...
>>>> today (Thursday) 12:30pm-5pm Eastern / 4:30pm-9pm UTC?
>>>> or tomorrow (Friday) 10:30am-12:30pm Eastern / 2:30pm-4pm UTC?
>>>> Lucas Cioffi
>>>> Founder, QiqoChat.com <http://qiqochat.com/>
>>>> Scarsdale, NY
>>>> 917-528-1831
>>>> On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 10:57 AM christine koehler via OSList 
>>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Guys
>>>> I have an idea that need some more thinking. it’s about lunching a 
>>>> dialogue mouvement over here (France) to help people dealing with anxiety 
>>>> and prepare for social peace after the crisis (there will be social unrest 
>>>> for sure over here, we can feel it already). it may involve online 
>>>> conversation café and open space
>>>> I am looking for someone to help me take my idea a bit further , who knows 
>>>> about Conversation Cafe/ NCCD  and can help me talk to the right people in 
>>>> this community.
>>>> We could talk via Zoom/whatapp or whatever.
>>>> Anyone willing to help me think this through ?
>>>> Christine
>>>> ___
>>>> OSList mailing list
>>>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>>> <mailto:OSList@lists.openspacetech.org>
>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>>> <mailto:oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org>
>>>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>>>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org 
>>>> <http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org>
>>>> Past archives can be viewed here: 
>>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>>> <http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>___
>>>> OSList mailing list
>>>> To post send em


2020-03-26 Thread christine koehler via OSList
very interesting, thank you Csaba !

> Le 26 mars 2020 à 14:00, Csaba Lengyel  a 
> écrit :
> I've just posted an article on LinkedIn about our experience with running a 
> fully online Open Space event. It went pretty well! 
> :-)https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/on-line-open-space-meeting-vialto-case-study-csaba-lengyel
> <https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/on-line-open-space-meeting-vialto-case-study-csaba-lengyel>
> christine koehler via OSList  <mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> ezt írta (időpont: 2020. márc. 24., 
> K, 8:05):
> Hi everyone
> I just participated in another virtual open space experiment, with Nancy 
> White community of practice, hosted by Birgit and Ruben, using Zoom 
> see here : 
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zvHZYvA-4q2bxrxsYqI2CUa4h_bYXWfgXvEU5aEWSQE/edit#
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zvHZYvA-4q2bxrxsYqI2CUa4h_bYXWfgXvEU5aEWSQE/edit#>.
>  if you are interested, you will find a link there to be informed of further 
> experiments.
> it was a lot of fun, with the limit of 100 participants being reached within 
> minutes.
> The plan was to use Zoom breakout sessions for co-hosts but due to Zoom 
> particularities, it didn’t work, so we end up creating other Zoom rooms.
> Here are the links to the notes taken during the sessions I hosted about 
> other open space experiments :
> session 1 
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CDBIcEKtX6NaKZa1b4kziMrpIOPdo0Q5A2ss45mDtl8/edit?userstoinvite=sa...@involve.org.uk&ts=5e7917b8&actionButton=1>
>  (in this one you’ll find links to documents presenting other online OST)
> session 
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jmIDe6YQTQTESNi-zNKS-WLwhRKDUu_Bv3KLkEshrbs/edit?userstoinvite=jcsilber...@gmail.com&ts=5e7918bf&actionButton=1>
>  2
> Looking forward to another experiment ;)
> Christine 
>> Le 23 mars 2020 à 19:18, JL Walker via OSList 
>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> a 
>> écrit :
>> My dear Suzanne:
>> Hope that you, your family and friends are safe, and that you are taking 
>> much care of yourself.
>> Fortunately that is in my case, here in Valencia and with all my family that 
>> are in Santiago and Paris. 
>> I was a little bit sad Suzanne because of not knowing at time of this 
>> inspired invitation that you have make in the Oslist, what happens is that 
>> actually I don’t go frequently to the list and only I have seen it last 
>> Saturday 21.
>> Tell me please how was the experience and if you are thinking to repeat it 
>> in the future so I can participate actively in it.
>> Love and peace,
>> Juan Luis Walker
>> De: OSList > <mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org>> En nombre de Suzanne Daigle 
>> via OSList
>> Enviado el: domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020 15:14
>> Para: OSLIST > <mailto:OSList@lists.openspacetech.org>>
>> CC: Suzanne Daigle mailto:sdaig...@gmail.com>>; 
>> luis@beit.world <mailto:luis@beit.world>; Suzanne Daigle 
>> mailto:s.dai...@nufocusgroup.com>>
>> Hello All,
>> A huge leap, a bold move. Later today and this week, we are launching the 
>> Virtual Agora Gardens as part of the World Happiness Fest activities. It 
>> will be a self-organizing conversational space using the combined 
>> technologies of QiQo Chat (where you can choose your garden and topic) and 
>> Zoom (where you then engage directly in face-to-face conversations on topics 
>> of your choice).  A unique feature of this Virtual Agora (gathering) is that 
>> people will be hosting each other. No leaders, facilitators or official 
>> hosts. Self-organizing like in nature!
>> You can check out the space and concept here; 
>> https://worldhappinessfest.qiqochat.com/cafe 
>> <https://worldhappinessfest.qiqochat.com/cafe>
>> All are warmly invited to join this experiment, lending your passion and 
>> skills as hosts and facilitators, helping us informally open and hold space 
>> for others and with others.  It is free and lasts all week. You can drop in 
>> anytime and stay as long as you want. 
>> As the planning for the World Happiness Fest was underway, there was no way 
>> to predict the alarming and unfolding circumstances of the coronavirus.  The 
>> Global Happiness Event is in its third year and has been increasing 
>> exponentially. Over the past weeks and month, the planning team, organizers 

Re: [OSList] help needed : a good talk/sparring partner

2020-03-27 Thread christine koehler via OSList
wonderfully. talk to you (whoever comes)

> Le 27 mars 2020 à 14:10, Barry Owen  a écrit :
> I'm planning to be there today :-)
> On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 7:50 AM christine koehler via OSList 
> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
> wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> Lucas. tomorrow Friday 12:30 pm eastern in your garden works for me 
> Thank you for offering the space.
> Talk to those who are interested then ! 
> Gerardo, that’s an interesting idea (we call it cafe suspendu here, it’s a 
> one on one offer, interesting to hear it can be translated differently) . I’d 
> be please to be in touch with this person 
> You are wonderful :) 
> Christine 
> + 33 6 13 28 71 38
>> Le 26 mars 2020 à 18:15, Peggy Holman via OSList 
>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> a 
>> écrit :
>> If Lucas’ suggested time on Friday works for you, I’ll come also. 
>> Peggy Holman
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 26, 2020, at 8:29 AM, Lucas Cioffi via OSList 
>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello Christine!
>>> Please name a time and I can meet you in the OS Zoom/Qiqo garden: 
>>> https://openspace.qiqochat.com <https://openspace.qiqochat.com/>
>>> Anyone else who is interested can join us too.  If this is a good 
>>> conversation we can do it again next week and more people can join with 
>>> more advance notice.
>>> Is there a time that works for you...
>>> today (Thursday) 12:30pm-5pm Eastern / 4:30pm-9pm UTC?
>>> or tomorrow (Friday) 10:30am-12:30pm Eastern / 2:30pm-4pm UTC?
>>> Lucas Cioffi
>>> Founder, QiqoChat.com <http://qiqochat.com/>
>>> Scarsdale, NY
>>> 917-528-1831
>>> On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 10:57 AM christine koehler via OSList 
>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Guys
>>> I have an idea that need some more thinking. it’s about lunching a dialogue 
>>> mouvement over here (France) to help people dealing with anxiety and 
>>> prepare for social peace after the crisis (there will be social unrest for 
>>> sure over here, we can feel it already). it may involve online conversation 
>>> café and open space
>>> I am looking for someone to help me take my idea a bit further , who knows 
>>> about Conversation Cafe/ NCCD  and can help me talk to the right people in 
>>> this community.
>>> We could talk via Zoom/whatapp or whatever.
>>> Anyone willing to help me think this through ?
>>> Christine
>>> ___
>>> OSList mailing list
>>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>> <mailto:OSList@lists.openspacetech.org>
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>> <mailto:oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org>
>>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org 
>>> <http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org>
>>> Past archives can be viewed here: 
>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>> <http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>___
>>> OSList mailing list
>>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>> <mailto:OSList@lists.openspacetech.org>
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>> <mailto:oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org>
>>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org 
>>> <http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org>
>>> Past archives can be viewed here: 
>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>> <http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>___
>> OSList mailing list
>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org 
>> <mailto:OSList@lists.openspacetech.org>
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>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>> http://lists.openspacet

Re: [OSList] help needed : a good talk/sparring partner

2020-03-27 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi everyone,

Thank you all so much for your help !
we had a great conversation and it was a big help in tips and contacts and 
clarity of thoughts.
here is the link to our meeting notes 

What would help me a lot is a structure of a nationwide proposal (never done 
this before) based on participatory emergent processes.
If someone has done one and could share it (the structure, and how the calendar 
is presented) that would be really helpful

I reshape here the link of the article Peggy shared with us :
For hope for the future


> Le 27 mars 2020 à 15:48, Ágota Éva Ruzsa via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> How can I connect? 
>  Ruzsa Agota Eva,
> systemic&mindful facilitation
> www.facilitatorok.com <http://www.facilitatorok.com/>, www.wisdomweavers.com  
> <http://www.wisdomweavers.com/>
> On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 3:24 PM Peggy Holman via OSList 
> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
> wrote:
> 6 minutes from now
>> On Mar 27, 2020, at 7:11 AM, paul levy via OSList 
>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>> wrote:
>> What time is it uk timec?
>> On Fri, 27 Mar 2020, 13:10 Barry Owen via OSList, 
>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>> wrote:
>> I'm planning to be there today :-)
>> On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 7:50 AM christine koehler via OSList 
>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone
>> Lucas. tomorrow Friday 12:30 pm eastern in your garden works for me 
>> Thank you for offering the space.
>> Talk to those who are interested then ! 
>> Gerardo, that’s an interesting idea (we call it cafe suspendu here, it’s a 
>> one on one offer, interesting to hear it can be translated differently) . 
>> I’d be please to be in touch with this person 
>> You are wonderful :) 
>> Christine 
>> + 33 6 13 28 71 38
>>> Le 26 mars 2020 à 18:15, Peggy Holman via OSList 
>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> a 
>>> écrit :
>>> If Lucas’ suggested time on Friday works for you, I’ll come also. 
>>> Peggy Holman
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Mar 26, 2020, at 8:29 AM, Lucas Cioffi via OSList 
>>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello Christine!
>>>> Please name a time and I can meet you in the OS Zoom/Qiqo garden: 
>>>> https://openspace.qiqochat.com <https://openspace.qiqochat.com/>
>>>> Anyone else who is interested can join us too.  If this is a good 
>>>> conversation we can do it again next week and more people can join with 
>>>> more advance notice.
>>>> Is there a time that works for you...
>>>> today (Thursday) 12:30pm-5pm Eastern / 4:30pm-9pm UTC?
>>>> or tomorrow (Friday) 10:30am-12:30pm Eastern / 2:30pm-4pm UTC?
>>>> Lucas Cioffi
>>>> Founder, QiqoChat.com <http://qiqochat.com/>
>>>> Scarsdale, NY
>>>> 917-528-1831
>>>> On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 10:57 AM christine koehler via OSList 
>>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Guys
>>>> I have an idea that need some more thinking. it’s about lunching a 
>>>> dialogue mouvement over here (France) to help people dealing with anxiety 
>>>> and prepare for social peace after the crisis (there will be social unrest 
>>>> for sure over here, we can feel it already). it may involve online 
>>>> conversation café and open space
>>>> I am looking for someone to help me take my idea a bit further , who knows 
>>>> about Conversation Cafe/ NCCD  and can help me talk to the right people in 
>>>> this community.
>>>> We could talk via Zoom/whatapp or whatever.
>>>> Anyone willing to help me think this through ?
>>>> Christine
>>>> ___
>>>> OSList mailing list
>>>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org 
>>>> <mailto:OSList@lists.openspacetech.org>
>>>> To unsubscribe send an

Re: [OSList] help needed : a good talk/sparring partner

2020-04-08 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Phelim and all

I will do something next week, Lucas offered Qiqochat as a meeting place. 
Right now I am wondering how to do that , with the langage, when most of French 
people don’t speak English. 

I will be more than happy to discuss with you

Wondering Christine 

> Le 7 avr. 2020 à 18:56, Phelim McDermott via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Hi Christine
> Thanks for these notes. I missed your last meeting but am keen to be part of 
> any of your future discussions. Do you have any plans for further online 
> gatherings around your question and initiative.
> Hope you are well 
> Phelim xx
>> On 27 Mar 2020, at 18:53, christine koehler via OSList 
>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Thank you all so much for your help !
>> we had a great conversation and it was a big help in tips and contacts and 
>> clarity of thoughts.
>> here is the link to our meeting notes 
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oZucommUpFszMBMyN5iH0Ty8MYPfQMwPZ8EHcxvtxIM/edit#>
>> What would help me a lot is a structure of a nationwide proposal (never done 
>> this before) based on participatory emergent processes.
>> If someone has done one and could share it (the structure, and how the 
>> calendar is presented) that would be really helpful
>> I reshape here the link of the article Peggy shared with us :
>> https://medium.com/@jordan.s.lyon/the-day-after-a95b710558bc 
>> <https://medium.com/@jordan.s.lyon/the-day-after-a95b710558bc>
>> For hope for the future
>> Christine 
>>> Le 27 mars 2020 à 15:48, Ágota Éva Ruzsa via OSList 
>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> a 
>>> écrit :
>>> How can I connect? 
>>>  Ruzsa Agota Eva,
>>> systemic&mindful facilitation
>>> www.facilitatorok.com <http://www.facilitatorok.com/>, 
>>> www.wisdomweavers.com  <http://www.wisdomweavers.com/>
>>> On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 3:24 PM Peggy Holman via OSList 
>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>>> wrote:
>>> 6 minutes from now
>>>> On Mar 27, 2020, at 7:11 AM, paul levy via OSList 
>>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> What time is it uk timec?
>>>> On Fri, 27 Mar 2020, 13:10 Barry Owen via OSList, 
>>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm planning to be there today :-)
>>>> On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 7:50 AM christine koehler via OSList 
>>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Everyone
>>>> Lucas. tomorrow Friday 12:30 pm eastern in your garden works for me 
>>>> Thank you for offering the space.
>>>> Talk to those who are interested then ! 
>>>> Gerardo, that’s an interesting idea (we call it cafe suspendu here, it’s a 
>>>> one on one offer, interesting to hear it can be translated differently) . 
>>>> I’d be please to be in touch with this person 
>>>> You are wonderful :) 
>>>> Christine 
>>>> + 33 6 13 28 71 38
>>>>> Le 26 mars 2020 à 18:15, Peggy Holman via OSList 
>>>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>>>>> a écrit :
>>>>> If Lucas’ suggested time on Friday works for you, I’ll come also. 
>>>>> Peggy Holman
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On Mar 26, 2020, at 8:29 AM, Lucas Cioffi via OSList 
>>>>>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Christine!
>>>>>> Please name a time and I can meet you in the OS Zoom/Qiqo garden: 
>>>>>> https://openspace.qiqochat.com <https://openspace.qiqochat.com/>
>>>>>> Anyone else who is interested can join us too.  If this is a good 
>>>>>> conversation we can do it again next week and more people can join with 
>>>>>> more advance notice.
>>>>>> Is there a time that works for you...

[OSList] Dialogue Virus

2020-04-09 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi everyone

I am pleased to invite you to explore together how we can infect France with a 
dialogue virus.

Today, as in most of the world,  we are experiencing a serious crisis as a 
result of the pandemic. A health crisis, which is leading to a major economic 
crisis (-6% of French GDP in the first quarter) but also a social crisis that 
will worsen terribly in the coming weeks. Anxiety, anger, bankruptcies, 
isolation, violence. We see a terrible period of our history taking shape 
before our eyes. This is taking place in the context of a climate and 
ecological crisis that continues to threaten our future. In a country like 
France, where the culture of argument and criticism is more prevalent than the 
culture of dialogue, how are we going to re-imagine the future?
For me personally, for us,  this means that it is time to spread the culture of 
real dialogue much more widely across the country, so that more and more people 
are equipped to listen and react in such a way that everyone can feel heard and 
find a place in themselves that is not based on fear and anger but on hope, 
trust and the will to build something completely new together.
 How do we do to  create and nurture a "dialogue virus" that can spread 
throughout the country during this time of confinement ?
What I have seen in the last few weeks is that we can build processes, online 
(as well as face-to-face in the future), that are based on peer-to-peer 
interactions and  which allows everyone to feel understood, listened to, and to 
reflect together in a constructive way.
Will you join to reflect and discuss this with us ?

Open Space  - French/ English - will take space on Qiqochat thanks to Lucas’ 

Thursday, Apr 16 at 8:00p Europe/Paris Time / 6:00p UTC  (120 minutes)

Friday, Apr 17 at 10:00a Europe/Paris Time / 8:00a UTC  (120 minutes)

Hope you can join

Christine and Anna
+ some already infected people ;)___
OSList mailing list
To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
Past archives can be viewed here: 

Re: [OSList] Dialogue Virus

2020-04-09 Thread christine koehler via OSList
same with correct timing 

Hi everyone

I am pleased to invite you to explore together how we can infect France with a 
dialogue virus.

Today, as in most of the world,  we are experiencing a serious crisis as a 
result of the pandemic. A health crisis, which is leading to a major economic 
crisis (-6% of French GDP in the first quarter) but also a social crisis that 
will worsen terribly in the coming weeks. Anxiety, anger, bankruptcies, 
isolation, violence. We see a terrible period of our history taking shape 
before our eyes. This is taking place in the context of a climate and 
ecological crisis that continues to threaten our future. In a country like 
France, where the culture of argument and criticism is more prevalent than the 
culture of dialogue, how are we going to re-imagine the future?
For me personally, for us,  this means that it is time to spread the culture of 
real dialogue much more widely across the country, so that more and more people 
are equipped to listen and react in such a way that everyone can feel heard and 
find a place in themselves that is not based on fear and anger but on hope, 
trust and the will to build something completely new together.
 How do we do to  create and nurture a "dialogue virus" that can spread 
throughout the country during this time of confinement ?
What I have seen in the last few weeks is that we can build processes, online 
(as well as face-to-face in the future), that are based on peer-to-peer 
interactions and  which allows everyone to feel understood, listened to, and to 
reflect together in a constructive way.
Will you join to reflect and discuss this with us ?

Open Space  - French/ English - will take space on Qiqochat thanks to Lucas’ 

Thursday, Apr 16 at 6:00pm Europe/Paris Time / 4:00p UTC  (120 minutes)

Friday, Apr 17 at 10:00am Europe/Paris Time / 8:00a UTC  (120 minutes)

Hope you can join

Christine and Anna
+ some already infected people ;)

> Le 9 avr. 2020 à 22:00, christine koehler  a 
> écrit :
> Hi everyone
> I am pleased to invite you to explore together how we can infect France with 
> a dialogue virus.
> Today, as in most of the world,  we are experiencing a serious crisis as a 
> result of the pandemic. A health crisis, which is leading to a major economic 
> crisis (-6% of French GDP in the first quarter) but also a social crisis that 
> will worsen terribly in the coming weeks. Anxiety, anger, bankruptcies, 
> isolation, violence. We see a terrible period of our history taking shape 
> before our eyes. This is taking place in the context of a climate and 
> ecological crisis that continues to threaten our future. In a country like 
> France, where the culture of argument and criticism is more prevalent than 
> the culture of dialogue, how are we going to re-imagine the future?
> For me personally, for us,  this means that it is time to spread the culture 
> of real dialogue much more widely across the country, so that more and more 
> people are equipped to listen and react in such a way that everyone can feel 
> heard and find a place in themselves that is not based on fear and anger but 
> on hope, trust and the will to build something completely new together.
>  How do we do to  create and nurture a "dialogue virus" that can spread 
> throughout the country during this time of confinement ?
> What I have seen in the last few weeks is that we can build processes, online 
> (as well as face-to-face in the future), that are based on peer-to-peer 
> interactions and  which allows everyone to feel understood, listened to, and 
> to reflect together in a constructive way.
> Will you join to reflect and discuss this with us ?
> Open Space  - French/ English - will take space on Qiqochat thanks to Lucas’ 
> generosity
> Thursday, Apr 16 at 8:00p Europe/Paris Time / 6:00p UTC  (120 minutes)
> https://qiqochat.com/e/SJDSTeLEuRZykgcnNpSwClayH/mbPCpegmbrWBxCbkdFyWOIrsg 
> and
> Friday, Apr 17 at 10:00a Europe/Paris Time / 8:00a UTC  (120 minutes)
> https://qiqochat.com/e/BjCzEqYVxvXIhJuZRMpiyTlSb/NnbzdPyijqdEsEaIhyHaLCRiH 
> Hope you can join
> Christine and Anna
> + some already infected people ;)

OSList mailing list
To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
Past archives can be viewed h

Re: [OSList] OSList Digest, Vol 108, Issue 11

2020-04-14 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Ann, Yes, you are translating correctly the time. (I can’t find your email any 
more, sorry)

So glad you can join


> Le 10 avr. 2020 à 00:56, anne stadler via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Re 1. Good talk sparring partner:
> I’m interested in Christine’s idea, & Lucas’s offer of a place to assemble 
> (garden) on Qiqo. Can’t come this Friday. Have conflicting Zoom calls. But 
> would like to join in future. 
> Jordan Lyons’ article (that Peggy linked to) and another initiative here have 
> demonstrated existing interest.  If they  used an OST model for gathering & 
> dialogue plus Processwork for conversation that would make them more 
> valuable.  I’ve suggested that to them. Peggy used a modified OST marketplace 
> for an online collaborative resource/sourcing effort that is just starting 
> here (an outgrowth of Jordan’s leadership). Not sure whether that will 
> continue, but it was FAR better than earlier efforts to help people 
> self-organize.  
> Thanks your your resources & collaborative natures, Christine, Lucas, Peggy, 
> Phelim, Suzanne, etc  Here’s to your optimal health!  Love.,
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 1:40 PM  <mailto:oslist-requ...@lists.openspacetech.org>> wrote:
> Send OSList mailing list submissions to
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org <mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org 
> <http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org>
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> oslist-requ...@lists.openspacetech.org 
> <mailto:oslist-requ...@lists.openspacetech.org>
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> oslist-ow...@lists.openspacetech.org 
> <mailto:oslist-ow...@lists.openspacetech.org>
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of OSList digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: help needed : a good talk/sparring partner (Lucas Cioffi)
>2. Re: Our son on his way home from Nepal (R Chaffe)
>3. eOS marketplace canvas (Thomas Perret)
>4. Dialogue Virus (christine koehler)
>5. Re: Dialogue Virus (christine koehler)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2020 17:51:46 -0400
> From: Lucas Cioffi mailto:lu...@qiqochat.com>>
> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>  <mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] help needed : a good talk/sparring partner
> Message-ID:
>  <mailto:caej%2brxqtqjlnsr_scgarcakbdwear51w%2bnzj%2bozbgrkl5n_...@mail.gmail.com>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello Christine,
> Suzanne Daigle inspired the gardens in the OST circle on Qiqo
> <https://openspace.qiqochat.com/gardens 
> <https://openspace.qiqochat.com/gardens>> when doing her work for the World
> Happiness Fest.
> Those gardens are always open for anyone in this community to host
> conversations related to OS.  When you enter a guest username and click
> "Join Video" Zoom will open.
> Just an idea to help when participants do not all speak the same
> language... you could have everyone meet in the central garden (one host
> welcoming people in each language) and then there could be multiple
> breakout gardens in each language.  People who are bilingual can butterfly
> between the two gardens.  When you'd like to close the meeting, there could
> be a bilingual closing in the Central Garden.
> Lucas Cioffi
> Founder, QiqoChat.com
> Scarsdale, NY
> 917-528-1831
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 3:32 PM christine koehler via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org <mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> wrote:
> > Hi Phelim and all
> >
> > I will do something next week, Lucas offered Qiqochat as a meeting place.
> > Right now I am wondering how to do that , with the langage, when most of
> > French people don?t speak English.
> >
> >
> > I will be more than happy to discuss with you
> >
> > Wondering Christine
> >
> > Le 7 avr. 2020 ? 18:56, Phelim McDermott via OSList <
> > oslist@lists.openspacetech.org <mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> a 
> > ?crit :
> >
> > Hi Christine
> >
> > Thanks for these notes. I missed your last meeting but am keen to be part
> > of any of your future discussions. Do you

Re: [OSList] Where is Lisa? Here she is.

2020-06-13 Thread christine koehler via OSList
So great to hear form you Lisa. 
Always very inspiring to read you.
Sending you big hugs from across the ocean.

> Le 12 juin 2020 à 22:43, Lisa Heft via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Hello, OSLIST friends -
> I have not written anything here since 2016 - although I am still sitting in 
> the circle and listening in. 
> Some of you are dear friends from across the years (note my new email, by the 
> way). A few of you have mentioned that it might be nice if I wrote to the 
> list about how I am doing. 
> This message is long, because a) I have not visited in awhile, b) I am having 
> a conversation with you here in my head over time, and c) in Open Space, even 
> a group of 1 can have a rich conversation for an entire session or longer - 
> and can then share their documentation of that exploration back to the rest 
> of the group in their Book of Proceedings. Of course you have a choice to 
> read it or delete it. 
> Those of you who know me extra-well know that - since you have known me - I 
> have while working as a facilitator and educator also been very involved in 
> the care of elderly parents. What just a few of you know is that I have also 
> been living with a health condition called ME/CFS 
> . That condition has progressed. 
> I am fortunate that I am still able to care for myself, although here is one 
> way to describe this particular invisible-to-others disability: I have to 
> rest in-between putting on my right shoe and my left shoe. But I can still 
> put on my shoes ;o)(and hey, who needs shoes in COVID quarantine??)  To 
> understand the impact of this health issue (for people who have it much much 
> worse than I do), perhaps your country offers access to a sobering yet 
> beautiful documentary called Unrest .  A few years 
> ago I realized that true, radical wellness meant that I must release even 
> those things I love (love love love facilitation and teaching about 
> facilitation - love it). I did not feel sad releasing my client work - I felt 
> lighter. I still grieve not being able to teach and facilitate, and in so 
> many diverse settings, countries and cultures. But I knew immediately that it 
> was the right thing to do. Last year my amazing father died, this year my 
> amazing mother-in-law died, and after two decades of parental care, now my 
> wife and I have more time and energy to care for our selves.  
> Interestingly, I never thought of myself as disabled until recent years, 
> because I simply lived my life. However, since my parents raised me in a 
> richly-diverse world, I have always had a passion for seeing / imagining / 
> designing with a priority of and focus on access and inclusion. So here I am 
> in an embodied experience exploring things I always imagined might be someone 
> else's experience. Fascinating.
> I write this next part simply to share my background, with those of you who 
> have not yet met me: I have facilitated for 40-something years. My interest 
> area is dialogic methods that scale up (only one facilitator needed for a 
> group of 5 or 3000+), that work across country and culture (without requiring 
> participants to learn someone else’s vocabulary; without working through the 
> facilitators’s own cultural filter), and in which participants frame their 
> own experience (rather than the facilitator doing so). When I say 'dialogic', 
> I mean those processes which engage participants in internal and external 
> dialogue (conversation with self, conversation with others). And when I say 
> conversation, I do not mean everyone has to speak aloud. Witnessing - fully 
> listening - is participation just as much as speaking. I use existing and 
> custom-designed processes which engage participants in silent reflection, 
> kinesthetic and graphic thinking, improv, role play, poetry creation, 
> movement, and (no surprise!) such methods as Open Space, World Cafe and 
> Focused Conversation Method. Here is another  
> way of showing who I am (there are so very many different ways of seeing / 
> naming / showing one's self).  
> And now I write this part to share what I feel so proud of - and because 
> writing this shows me back to myself, with you as witness to my "prouds". I 
> have much more life to live, but this is also a point of my life where I am 
> reflecting a bit. I am so proud of having been able to learn so much from and 
> with so many of you. I am amazed (but not surprised) about how Open Space (I 
> will call it OS) works. I have used it in over 20 countries, and within those 
> countries with participants of many mixes of cultures and countries of 
> origin. I have used it when only one person showed up, and with groups of 
> 3500. I have seen groups use it to figure out how to spend a billion dollars 
> of funding over the next several years, in a way that was different than they 
> did before, to brin

Re: [OSList] 2022 WOSONOS on Sept. 28th Love the Plan from Gentza Eleder Aurtenetxe Pildain

2022-01-01 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Dear Gentza

As far as the virus let us move, i will be happy to come and to inform my 
network about this wonderful invitation. 

I will be happy to see you again 

Envoyé de mon iPad

> Le 30 déc. 2021 à 16:20, Mark Carmel via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Dear Gentza,
> Your response to my pandemic surge prediction brought huge smiles to my face 
> and warmth to my heart. I love your attitude and analysis of this! Thank you 
> so much for your positive take on the situation! Reading your reply was like 
> a breath of warm air. In fact I am still smiling.  All the best to you moving 
> forward with all your contagious positive energy! I am sure it will be 
> spectacular, my new prediction.  Thanks again!
> Mark Carmel
>> On Wed, Dec 29, 2021, 2:36 PM  wrote:
>> Send OSList mailing list submissions to
>> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> oslist-requ...@lists.openspacetech.org
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> oslist-ow...@lists.openspacetech.org
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of OSList digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>1. 2022 OSONOS Bilbao Basque Plan on the pandemic to surge
>>   at this time (Mark Carmel)
>>2. Re: Wosonos 2022_ Bilbao/Basque Country_starting the 28th of
>>   September Plan on the pandemic to surge at this time?
>>   (Gentza Eleder)
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2021 09:36:25 -0700
>> From: Mark Carmel 
>> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>> Subject: [OSList] 2022 OSONOS Bilbao Basque Plan on the pandemic
>> to surge at this time
>> Message-ID:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Thank you so kindly for your warm invitation.
>> I predict the pandemic will be exploding next fall because it is a critical
>> election year in America.  The pandemic again will be used To drive the
>> election outcome by locking down society and forcing everyone to vote by
>> mail. Respectfully submitted I do not recommend  that anyone lose money on
>> nonrefundable deposits..  One variant after another to another with massive
>> hysteria. What we have seen so far is simply a test.  The real plan will
>> play out in 2022 and even more so in 2024. Hold on for a long and bumpy
>> ride my friends. This thing is not over, for as we say at the end of an
>> Open Space, it has only just begun.  The virus can be killed with simple
>> table salt. If you feel a cold coming on, gargle with hot salt water and
>> flush your nose with a saline rinse and you will knock it out quick ... of
>> course our medical geniuses would never tell you this because there is a
>> lot of Power to politicians in keeping the pandemic going ... I pray I am
>> wrong. But my 42 years as front row witness to political hanky panky tells
>> me otherwise.  Peace to all you wonderful Peacemakers. Thanks again,
>> MC
>> On Tue, Dec 28, 2021, 2:48 PM 
>> wrote:
>> > Send OSList mailing list submissions to
>> > oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
>> >
>> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> >
>> > http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
>> > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> > oslist-requ...@lists.openspacetech.org
>> >
>> > You can reach the person managing the list at
>> > oslist-ow...@lists.openspacetech.org
>> >
>> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> > than "Re: Contents of OSList digest..."
>> >
>> >
>> > Today's Topics:
>> >
>> >1. Re: Wosonos 2022, inviting from Bilbao/Basque Cou
>> >   (juanluiswal...@gmail.com)
>> >2. Re: Wosonos 2022, inviting from Bilbao/Basque Cou
>> >   (Allie Middleton)
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> >
>> > Message: 1
>> > Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 14:09:02 +0100
>> > From: 
>> > To: "'World wide Open Space Technology email list'"
>> > 
>> > Subject: Re: [OSList] Wosonos 2022, inviting from Bilbao/Basque Cou
>> > Message-ID: <023001d7fbec$16ac1930$44044b90$@gmail.com>
>> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> >
>> > Dear Eleder:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Just how I had tell you the other day by phone my friend, please count
>> > with me for whatever were necessary to support you here from Valencia for
>> > having an incredible WOSonOS at Bilbao in September 2022.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Receive a big hug,
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Juan Luis
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > De: OSList  En nombre de Peggy
>> > Holman via OSList
>> > Enviado el: domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2021 18:16
>> > Para: Open Space L

Re: [OSList] OST: Public vs Private events: apples and oranges?

2015-04-28 Thread christine koehler via OSList
hi Dan

Maybe the difference does not lie in the difference between public and private 
events, but as Harrison says, whether there is a real « business » issue.

Let me give you an example : I facilitated a public OST event, sponsored by an 
ad-hoc collective of non-profit, to discuss the issue of the role and place, 
today and in the future,of non-for-profit organizations. The invitation was 
quite long, very strong , and reminded the context  to everyone : the lowering 
of public funding for more than one third within a few years, and also the 
number of jobs that the non-profit sector was providing and the danger they are 
now facing. Public authorities were duly invited (and came). Urgency was stated 
in the invitation.
Event was public : invitation had been widely sent, via flyers given hand to 
hand in the street or put into public places , but also via email of relevant 
And yes, the sponsor had taken a great risk in organizing the event, but it’s 
intention was clear and reaffirmed in the opening. And the follow-up (date and 
place) of the event was clear also even before the event started and announced 
at the event. 
The event was a success : very very deep conversations,very few butterflies, 
people being really caught in their subjects. 
One of the result was that they collective changed its name and form to 
represent more clearly the spirit of the discussions that took place during 
those 2 days : open, frank, direct and affirming. New energy was found to 
organize more discussions and meetings and they  did a few months later another 
OST, to keep that open spirit. 8 months after, they are still engaged in 

It was a much better OST than a private one I had facilitated before where the 
sponsor had not committed itself to anything and felt personally offended when 
his managers did not dare propose topics. No real change was expected from the 
group, only minor ones, although the group had some real issues.  That was 
obvious . 

Very good lesson for me, I learned a lot although it has been very painful. So 
now I do take the preconditions very seriously no matter who the sponsor is, 
whether the event is public or private etc... And , as Harrison suggests, I 
also avoid transforming a regular seminar (like a managers annual meeting) into 
an open space meeting, unless the intention is clearly to change the way they 
work every day.


> Le 28 avr. 2015 à 16:12, Daniel Mezick via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Hi Jeff, Chris, Michael and All,
> First of all thanks for your engagement in the thread's topic; and adding to 
> the discussion.
> And, I feel that I have to explain myself here. 
> After sleeping on this, I have come to realize that part of what is 
> motivating me to post about "public vs private" events is 
> .my limited experience in Open Space. 
> I've attended dozens of public Agile-conference or software-conference events 
> with segments that included OST. 
> I've arranged and helped to execute and participated in less than 20 OST 
> gathering held inside organizations. 
> I've also attended a few Open-Space-community events that were all OST over 
> several days.
> That's not a huge amount of experience data and almost all of is 
> Agile-related. Agile being one kind of process change...
> ...And so here is my "aha", and related confession: almost all of my OST 
> experience has been part of the Agile community (public conference events) or 
> using OST with Agile adoptions (private OST events.)
> And the differences are very striking. And that's where I am starting from 
> when I discuss the divergences between public vs private events. My entire 
> experience is around Agile stuff. In in this space, the differences are, 
> well, striking.
> The role of the Sponsor being an obvious example...
> ...Chris contributes:
> "My experience is that sponsors of any event who are unwilling to do the 
> pre-work to shape an intention and invitation and to design the architecture 
> for implementation of the results (whatever those results are expected to be) 
> will miss the mark on transformation."
> And with respect to private corporate events: you can say that again! 
> Now if we look at the role of the Sponsor in a public event, say, an annual 
> confab, like in a community of practice, like the Agile community for 
> example, we can see some striking differences there. 
> In a public event, almost anyone can stand up and welcome the group and 
> discuss the context, introduce the Facilitator, etc. So for example if the 
> conference Chair wanted to delegate this temporary Sponsor role to someone 
> else, they could, and the OST will not likely suffer from that. Because the 
> cohesion is low. The folks are only there for 1,2,3 days, that is the risk or 
> the investment or commitment to it. 
> But if this Sponsor-delegation stuff happened in org, and someone with little 

Re: [OSList] OST: T for Technology

2015-05-06 Thread christine koehler via OSList
I love your stories Harrison, please do tell them again and again.


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 7:49 AM, Toke Paludan Møller <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Thank you Harrison
> I never heard that story and tks Chris for calling it forth from the past….
> A bow to the simplicity, power of trust and natural structure
>  and the art of napping…..of course
> I am off to  practice just that in the bush in Queensland….
> and the learning village is rocking on all by its sweet self organizing
> self
> as we rise to be relaxed, beautiful and co creative selves….
> cheers
> toke
> Toke
> Toke Paludan Moeller, CEO & process host
> InterChange Aps
> Stengaardsvej 5 A,   8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
> VAT number: 1350 6035
> Toke - Mobile  +45 2616 6919
> Monica -  Mobile  +45 2072 1019
> Skype name: tokemoeller
> www.interchange.dk
> intercha...@interchange.dk
> http://interchange.dk/calender/
> On 06/05/2015, at 07.02, Harrison via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> Chris – You should know better than to suggest that I tell a story... But
> you did.
> It was 1989 in Bombay (now Mumbai). My friend and colleague, one V.S.
> Mahesh, a senior member of the Tata Administrative Service Corps, had
> invited me to do a series of lectures, in addition to an Open Space
> conference in Goa. How could I resist?
> At the conclusion of the several programs, Mahesh convened a press
> conference for the business reporters of India. This was rather a formal
> event, and in the way of such things in India, Mahesh’s introduction of
> myself seemed to go on forever. He covered my CV in detail, including
> articles and activities I had forgotten, one of which was a review of a
> colleague’s book entitled, “Global Management Principles.” This 725 page
> monster described the work of 4 management theorists under such headings
> as, “Primal Management,” “Developmental Management,” – and last,
>  “Metaphysical Management,”  ...and that was me.
> As Mahesh drew to a heart stopping close, he said... It is my pleasure to
> introduce Harrison Owen  ... and Harrison will you please explain to the
> gentlemen of the press what you mean by Metaphysical Management and Open
> Space...Technology. And he sat down.
> I think I could have shot him. “Metaphysical Management” was the invention
> of a colleague. I think I know what he was getting at, but it surely would
> not have been my choice of wording. As for Open Space Technology, that was,
> I do believe, Mahesh’s invention. “Open Space,” I admit to... as for
> “Technology” – I can only think that Mahesh got on a roll. “Metaphysical
> Management” was pretty cool. But “Open Space” was a little weak. Needed a
> tweak.  “Technology” might just make it into the titles of the next day’s
> articles.
> Mahesh was right. The Press took the bait. And we have been stuck with it
> ever since.
> So that’s the story... as best as I can tell it. But I think there is a
> moral. If we ever take what we are doing too seriously, we are definitely
> in trouble. What we “do” is really a joke. Truthfully, it all happens by
> itself. We just take naps... if we are smart.
> Harrison
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Drive
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucaire Ave.
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207-763-3261
> Websites
> www.openspaceworld.com
> www.ho-image.com
> OSLIST To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> of OSLIST Go to:
> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> *From:* OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org
> ] *On Behalf Of *Chris Corrigan
> via OSList
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 05, 2015 3:26 PM
> *To:* Daniel Mezick; World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] OST: T for Technology
> It’s a great story full of Indian strategy, face saving moments,
> hinterland New York Times bureaux, and the wisdom never to counter free
> publicity…
> Over to you Harrison!
> Chris
> On May 5, 2015, at 2:18 PM, Daniel Mezick via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> Some folks do not consider open space to be a 'technology', hence the
> reference to 'dumb'...
> I am clueless: What is the origin story of the term "Open Space
> Technology?"
> Does Japanese journalism play a role in this story? I heard maybe ...
> On 5/5/15 3:16 AM, John Baxter wrote:
> Daniel
> I must have missed the memo where it was decided that 'Technology' was
> dumb : )
> I personally use 'social technology', but the language we use to define
> objects in the social/cultural/information world is very nebulous... I
> guess because our conceptualisation is unclear.
> Interesting article
> Cheers
> *John Baxter*
> *Cocreation Consultant & ​Co​Create Adelaide Facilitator*
> jsbaxter.com.au  | CoCreateADL.com
> 0405 447 829
> ​ | ​
> @jsbaxter_ 

[OSList] Closing circle in French Speaking Africa

2015-06-12 Thread christine koehler via OSList

Coming back today from a 3 days OST in Africa, with 35 participants from
more than 18 French speaking countries, I would like to share with you a
few words from the closing circle.My hope is that this will help spread OST
in Africa.

"It was a very important meeting , thank you . What we heard was different
than usual. "  `

"It was a very rich meeting , even for the very old leader that I am . "

 "I am more than satisfied because for me usually three days in one place
is a waste of time . But there I learned a lot. We will bring the
recommendations of that meeting to the General Assembly ."

 " Usually when we come to a workshop, we put our computer on the table,
 open them and spend  50% of our time working on our daily problems . There
I regret having brought my computer because I did not use it. "

"It was time to find this way of working: it is important to get help from
ones peers when you have gone through many failure. Big or small we face
the same  challenges. "

"At first I did not know why my organization had been invited. Because I
did not know what my role was, so I listened. And it got me thinking. I'll
take up the results of this meeting at the highest level "

"At first I asked myself many questions. Now I am very happy. First for
discovering the method. We are leaders and we know that we are very
isolated. Here it was like a 3 days collective intervision . Then because
it strengthened my conviction: we have many responsibilities and we must
take what interests us and what concerns us. It is for us to take move
forward. Finally I would like to share the emotion I felt when I  felt the
real motivation of wanting to change the world through what we do. "

en français

« C’était une réunion très importante, merci. On a vu des discours
différents par rapports à d’habitude. «

« C’était une réunion très riche, même pour le très vieux responsable  que
je suis. »

"Je suis plus que satisfait car pour moi d'habitude 3 jours au même endroit
c’est une perte de temps. Mais là j’ai beaucoup appris. Nous allons porter
les recommandations de cette réunion à l’assemblée générale ».

"D’habitude quand on arrive à un atelier, on ouvre nos ordinateurs et on
travaille à 50% à nos problèmes  quotidiens. Là je regrette d’avoir apporté
mon ordinateur car je ne l’ai pas utilisé. «

"Il était temps qu’on trouve ce genre de fonctionnement : c’est important
de se faire aider de ses pairs quand on a vécu beaucoup d’échec.

Grands ou petits on a les mêmes défis. «

"Au début je ne savais pas pourquoi mon organisation avait été  invitée.
Comme je ne savais pas quel était mon rôle, alors j’ai écouté. Et ça m'a
fait réfléchir. Je vais remonter les résultats de cette réunion au plus
haut niveau »
« Au début  je me posais beaucoup de questions. Maintenant je suis très
content. D’abord pour avoir découvert la méthode. Nous sommes dirigeants et
 nous savons que nous sommes très  isolés. Ici c’était comme une grande
intervision collective de 3 jours. Ensuite car cela a renforcé ma
 conviction : nous avons beaucoup de responsabilités et nous devons prendre
ce qui nous intéresse et qui nous concerne. C’est à nous de nous bouger
avant tout.  Enfin je voudrais partager une émotion que j’ai ressenti à
sentir la vraie motivation de vouloir changer le monde à travers ce que
nous faisons. »
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[OSList] urgent need of your wisdom : how to reassure a political guy who fears that the OST format will not be inclusive enough ?

2015-06-29 Thread christine koehler via OSList

of course, the way I put it sounds rather comic..

I am supposed to facilitated a 3h 1/2 OST next wednesday with 90 participants 
from a very diverse background (impact of local actions on climate change and 
COP21  -in Paris next fall- and they are all local actors : politics, 
technicians, companies, non-profit etc.. Host is the territorial entity via a  
statesman with a territoral mandate. 
All has been organized in a few days, we have considered many different design 
to come back to OST because of simplicity and efficiency .
But now the sponsor fear that there it will not enough reflect the diversity of 
actions and timeframe  and the possibility to create a kind of frame to support 
long term action on the territory.
Diificulty lies in the goal : for the planning team, immediate need is the use 
of the space that the entity is willing to rent (and pay for) during COP21 BUT 
that has to be run collectively (and not as usual here « we do it for you ») , 
for the politics, the goal is « long" term with something that will be created 
and will last even after the COP21 event.

I believe that OST s the only way that may reach all those goals in such a 
short time frame (at least set the first step) but obviously there is no 
control enough for him and now he want a few discourses speeches from a variety 
of actors before opening the space so that everyone knows about all this and 

What would help me is what you did in similar situation.. because I don’t know 
what to tell him (« trust the process obviously does not work…) My appointment 
(by phone of course, such a busy man) with him is in a few hours


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Re: [OSList] urgent need of your wisdom : how to reassure a political guy who fears that the OST format will not be inclusive enough ?

2015-07-05 Thread christine koehler via OSList
n help as in: no introductions, no speeches, name tags only saying
> names (not organizations or titles), and maybe even more of an emphasis in
> the theme question on “I” to bring it into peoples’ bodies (mixed dynamics
> here can often bring in tension and words of ‘somebody should’) - things
> like that.
> Lastly, you asked what we did in a similar situation. I spoke to truth.
> Always. “This will not work if you do x.” “If you want to do x, I can
> support that by changing the process to do y but the Open Space process
> will not work if you do that.” “Are you worried about x.” “You know that
> will not fix x” “Then we need more time for inviting diverse people.” “Then
> we need more hours in the meeting to embrace that tension and possibility.”
> “That deliverable cannot be delivered in that short a time frame.” “Then we
> must change the objective / theme / goal.” “Then we must schedule
> additional meetings to accomplish each of these tasks over time.” “You know
> that that does not support sustainability - you have seen it before, I am
> sure.” And so on.
> He is such a busy man, you say. If so, it is essential to help him use his
> (and others’) time wisely and productively. Right? That is what you do,
> when you do your best, Christine…
> No doubt some of us may be sharing thoughts and experiences about these
> sorts of things when we gather for the Open Space Learning Workshop in
> Krakow September 8-10, and also during the WOSonOS on September 10-13.  I
> SO look forward to that...
> Lisa
> On Jun 29, 2015, at 11:32 AM, christine koehler via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> Hi
> of course, the way I put it sounds rather comic..
> I am supposed to facilitated a 3h 1/2 OST next wednesday with 90
> participants from a very diverse background (impact of local actions on
> climate change and COP21  -in Paris next fall- and they are all local
> actors : politics, technicians, companies, non-profit etc.. Host is the
> territorial entity via a  statesman with a territoral mandate.
> All has been organized in a few days, we have considered many different
> design to come back to OST because of simplicity and efficiency .
> But now the sponsor fear that there it will not enough reflect the
> diversity of actions and timeframe  and the possibility to create a kind of
> frame to support long term action on the territory.
> Diificulty lies in the goal : for the planning team, immediate need is the
> use of the space that the entity is willing to rent (and pay for) during
> COP21 BUT that has to be run collectively (and not as usual here « we do it
> for you ») , for the politics, the goal is « long" term with something that
> will be created and will last even after the COP21 event.
> I believe that OST s the only way that may reach all those goals in such a
> short time frame (at least set the first step) but obviously there is no
> control enough for him and now he want a few discourses speeches from a
> variety of actors before opening the space so that everyone knows about all
> this and that…
> What would help me is what you did in similar situation.. because I don’t
> know what to tell him (« trust the process obviously does not work…) My
> appointment (by phone of course, such a busy man) with him is in a few hours
> Christine
> --


[image: Christine Koehler, créatrice d'espace de Dialogue et de Coopération]
 Executive Coach, Médiateur
 Tel :  06 13 28 71 38
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Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-01 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi everyone

I find really interesting to observe what is happening
On one hand, there is the theory (Harrison, I don't mean that you "are" the
theory, but you remind us on what is important and yes, we do hear your
voice as a very important one)  : a self-organized community , living (or
trying to live with) its principles, no organizational structure, so no
trouble of decision making processes. As Harrison says, it's simple, be the
first to invite , if there is someone, you'll have it next year, or do it
at different places and that's all. Let's have fun and do one less thing.

On the other hand, there are things we can observe : people or teams
working very hard for wosonos (I did it for osonos, so I know what it mean
very well ;)) , decision processes that make some people very
uncomfortable, people who care very much and also people who don't care and
who don't understand the tension they can feel when the topic comes out.
Hey, we are humain, we tend to make things complicate because we are not
just mere brains but have opinion  and feelings about how things should go
or could go, about who is doing what and taking this particular position in
the community etc..

So this create what Pernilla calls tradition. rituals. Groups tend to need
rituals, don't they ?

What I saw in Krakow is people uncomfortable with the way things were being
made and other people trying to suggest new ways of doing them. But then,
how do we do ? Who can decide ? How can we stay "true to open space", not
make things too complicate and still be fair for all, especially when "all"
is the community, ie not only the people in the room but also people who
feel part of the community (most of them on this list).

I must confess that I am very curious to observe how this conversation
evolves, as I will learn from whatever happens. This topic for me could be
: how can we make decisions that engage the whole community in a
self-organized community without decision making process, only with
conversation, and moreover, online conversation ? (ouch this is a long

No doubt a very interesting topic for most of us these days.


On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Marie Nelson via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> A more integrative vision, in so many ways.
> From: OSList  on behalf of
> Michael Herman via OSList 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 4:42 PM
> To: Lisa Heft -; World wide Open Space Technology email list
> Subject: Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS
> thanks for raising these questions, pernilla.  what you're proposing in
> terms of people (rather than countries!) coming forward at the beginning of
> the gathering makes great sense to me.  these invitations can be offered at
> any time, of course, including a week or a month before the wosonos
> gathering time.  if our tradition were to evolve in that direction, there
> could be some commenting on that in advance of the gathering.
> at the same time, the thing that makes for the pressure and scarcity and
> overall un-OS feeling of this situation isn't really a question of when the
> invites are offered, but that we have developed this habit of having only
> one of these gatherings at once, or one per year, or more specifically that
> we designate just one as *the* world osonos, even though nordic and haitian
> and camden and oz folks and some other have had significant series of
> osonos gatherings.
> i really like the idea that these things could happen on several
> continents at once, so the wosonos had multiple sites.  progress of tools
> like qiqochat offer interesting possibilities of being able to easily
> bumblebee across oceans.  we've also been growing a tradition of spinning
> these things up into major productions, perhaps drifting some from the
> simple power of our core practice.  if we met in more places at once and
> traveled shorter distances, maybe the hosts would feel less pressure to
> "work too hard" an planning and organizing these things?
> what if the wosonos could evolve in the direction of a kind of
> world-around OS carnival/retreat/learning exchange week?  many invites,
> many parties, i mean working sessions?
> michael
> --
> Michael Herman
> Michael Herman Associates
> http://MichaelHerman.com
> http://OpenSpaceWorld.org
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Lisa Heft - via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> wrote:
> How wonderful, your invitation, in all its richness, Pernilla.
> Another two things I would like to add:
> 1) As always, for any team interested in hosting a WOSonOS for a future
> year, I have a growing living letter of lessons-learned - gathered wisdom
> from past host teams, that has been growing since 2001 and that I happily
> offer to whoever wishes to contact me. My request is that if you, dear
> reader, are thinking “oh that is something I / we will ask Lis

Re: [OSList] Moving through open space! - Inquiry/request

2015-10-18 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Tricia

I would love to be on that call too if I can (too busy next week).

That's really interesting to read some links between open space and diverse
approaches I know of but that I related more to my other hat (integrative
psychoanalyst) like ortho-bionomy (I read one book of Gerta Boyesen and
found it fascinating) , Clean langage (David Grove) , constellations,
bio-energy etc... Would love to integrate those 2 hats more..

I "coordinate" a group of practitioners around emergence here , all working
with organizations in different ways. We meet 5 times a year, and for 2
years now we have included a brief sequence of body movement, with a lady
who "dances" : her practice is eurythmy
. I have the feeling that this
helps us a lot in understanding emergence -and also in creating strong
bonds in our group.

Allison, I would love to hear more about your PHD research.


On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Allison & Jim Baensch via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Hi Tricia and All ,
> A group call sounds interesting.
> I'd like to join in if I can.
> For me it would be helpful if it can be at a time that suits Eastern
> Daylight Time in Australia, as well as time zones for others who might be
> wanting to join in.
> [AEDT (*Australian Eastern Daylight Time*) UTC/GMT +11 hours.]
> Though I realise one time can't accommodate all people around the globe in
> comfort.
> Thanks for the suggestion.
> Allison.
> On 16/10/2015, at 1:52 AM, Tricia Chirumbole wrote:
> Great to hear from you Allison!
> I was very pleased to wake up to learning a new concept! I have never
> heard of Ortho-Bionomy and from a quick glimpse, I love the principle of
> allowing the body to heal itself, as well as the focus on chronic pain,
> which is an area the medical community and individuals struggle to deal
> with in my experience.
> What a fascinating combination of work! I totally agree that OST involves
> mindful movement and I would love to hear more about your thinking and
> practice :)
> Magalie and I are speaking today and I will talk with her about setting up
> a group call - sound good? We are currently in a very open development
> stage and welcoming co-creation.
> Thanks for connecting sharing your work with the list!
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:55 AM, Allison & Jim Baensch via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
>> Ortho-Bionomy
> Tricia Chirumbole
> Facilitator. Coach. Champion.
> Co-Creative Culture Building
> Mojo Collaborative
> www.mojocollaborative.com
> 571-232-0942
> skype: tricia.chirumbole
> twitter: @themojozone
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[image: Christine Koehler, créatrice d'espace de Dialogue et de Coopération]
 Executive Coach, Facilitatrice en intelligence collective
 Tel :  06 13 28 71 38
  Fax :09  72  32 36  65

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Re: [OSList] Terrible attack in Paris

2015-11-15 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Thank you Scott , Jaime and all of you for keeping us in your thoughts. Thanks 
to all of you who sent me messages via Facebook or emails.

It's been a shock- many young people died, as the main attack took place in a 
lively area, where people from all colors and backgrounds live peacefully 
together. I can't help thinking " it could have been my kids" - and indeed my 
daughter has friends who lost friends during this terrible night. Far enough 
but close enough. 

Now life tries to  go back to normal, although almost all theaters and public 
places were kept closed today and yesterday. Paris without culture this week 
end, a strange feeling. No market either in my neighborhood this morning.

So we try to understand, try to listen from times to times to what politicians 
say on TV and radio. That's the unpleasant part because of course they argue. I 
'd like them to open space..


On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Scott Gassman via OSList 
mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> wrote:
Dea Jaime,

I join you in prayer for all the lost souls who suffered unnecessarily last 
night in Paris
and yesterday in other countries around the world. To their families, our 
hearts are with them.


Scott Gassman

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 9:42 PM, Jaime Pedreros Fitzgerald via OSList 
mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> wrote:
Dear colleagues,

My limited English does not allow me to write like I would want. I will only 
say that we are living times of terrible intolerance and fanatism. I felt 
impacted and defenseless despite the distance from the country I am living in. 
The world suffered a dramatic shock in 2001 and on several occasions after 
then. The fanatics tend to choose symbolic days (9/11 represents the emergency 
phone number in several countries and Friday 13 is associated with a 
superticiously fatal day, perhaps they knew this.

Please join me with a pray.

Jaime Pedreros F.



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Scott Gassman
(917) 951 - 0258

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 Executive Coach, Facilitatrice en intelligence collective
 Tel :  06 13 28 71 38
  Fax :09  72  32 36  65

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Re: [OSList] Opening space when borders are closing

2015-11-16 Thread christine koehler via OSList
For those who read French, here

a wonderful exemple of what happens when you open space.
It is the story of a university teacher in Lyon, saturday morning, supposed
to do a 3,5 hour course about body, sex and cultures, who started talking
about not being sure to be able to teach, about Paris, about having dinner
together, about listening to music and of the wonderful dialogue that took
place with all his students, christians, muslims, boys, girls, full with
emotion and respect.

On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 10:57 PM, Harrison Owen via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> The events in Paris have caught our attention. However, with deepest
> respect and sympathy for my Parisian friends (Christine in particular), the
> simple truth is that the human toll (127 and counting) is only the daily
> score in many troubled spots of the world. You can name them as well as I.
> And Mr Holland, President of France, declaring, “This is an act of War,”
> and “promising” retaliation of whatever sort  -- is quite understandable.
> Of course he also (according to the American Press) closed the borders.
> Again understandable, but curious especially when it appears that some
> substantial portion of the combatants (enemy) are French. Somehow the enemy
> is us This is not your grandfather’s war.
> Or Something.
> Any human being who claims to understand what is going on, and feels
> competent to prescribe the  specific solution (close the borders, open the
> borders, ban the immigrants, welcome the immigrants, shoot them all,
> whatever) is, in my humble judgment, quite mad.
> I, however, will venture one affirmative (positive) statement. We (That’s
> all 7 ½ Billion of us) are in a Transformative Moment. How long it will
> last, and what the end result will be, I don’t have a clue. But I do
> believe that it will take all 7 ½ billion of us, working together, to solve
> the issues at hand. Tall order, to be sure. Then again, we have had some
> several hundred thousand years’ practice. And to date – despite all odds –
> we’re still here.
> And the magic sauce?
> I do know some things it’s (special sauce) NOT: a special program,
> ideology, methodology, tool, technique, intervention, practice,
> discipline...
> It is something that has been around a lot longer, much more basic and
> fundamental.
> You guessed it. Self Organization.
> We did not invent it. Certainly didn’t create it. But we can help, I do
> believe.
> Open Space wherever, whenever, however, with whom-so-ever as often as you
> can. If nothing else, it will give you something to do during this
> Transformative Moment.
> Harrison
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Drive
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucaire Ave.
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207-763-3261
> Websites
> www.openspaceworld.com 
> www.ho-image.com
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> of OSLIST Go to:
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[image: Christine Koehler, créatrice d'espace de Dialogue et de Coopération]
 Executive Coach, Facilitatrice en intelligence collective
 Tel :  06 13 28 71 38
  Fax :09  72  32 36  65

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Re: [OSList] good questions

2015-11-19 Thread christine koehler via OSList

> In my experience, “powerful questions” are more about me as the questioner
> than my trust in the group’s ability to find surprising meaning in
> conversation.
Love it ! but after reading your comment twice, I am not sure to understand
what you mean

Do you mean that powerful questions have the ability to build meaning in
conversation, that the questioner may find surprising ? Does it mean that
you can only say afterwards that the question was powerful ?

This makes sense to me, as you never know what impact will have your words.
As many of you I guess, I recall occasions where I people told me "this
particular sentence - then something follows that you forget you said or
that you find completely common,or  truism, - you said had a strong
influence in my life". mm.  be prepared to be surprised .

I must admit that I speak from a position where I find extremely difficult
to frame (or to help frame) powerful  questions. There are so many
"resistance"  around questions, that sometimes a group will just reject a
formulation during prework and then accept it as something obvious when
preparing the set-up or that sometimes the group doesn't care, no matter
how cumbersome the question is framed, they will anyhow discuss the
important issues.
so I stick to easy criteria : open question (no assumptions) , very short,
can be interpreted in many many different ways, and that may lead to a
quantity of solutions, not a single one.

Would love to hear what other thinks about framing questions

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Re: [OSList] New Years Questions

2016-01-07 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Harold,

I love your question about questions.

Mine are:
what is possible now ? (maybe that was not possible before)
what story -ies do I want to be part in ?

Thank you very much because they probably were there but I didn't see them
before looking for them.
Very helpful


On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 6:37 AM, Marie Ann Östlund <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Of course, Carms! It belongs to us all.
> onsdag 6 januari 2016 skrev Carmela Ariza :
>> Marie Anne
>> I like your question very much. May I post on my FB wall?
>> Indeed whatever situation we are in - what good will come out of this?
>> Thanks.
>> Carms
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone 
>> On 5 Jan 2016, 6:03:21 PM, Marie Ann Östlund via OSList wrote:
>> Thank you for asking Harold! It makes me think too.
>> My question is more of a situational one: What good will come out of
>> this?
>> It's a question that is opening (thanks Paul!) the space within me to
>> expect good from whatever situation I'm in, whatever the "situation" is. It
>> may sound passive, but it feels like an active enquiry. It's like asking
>> "what are the possibilities here?"
>> I'll keep pondering on this, working too hard :)
>> Marie Ann
>> On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 7:48 PM, Tenneson Woolf via OSList <
>> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
>>> Love it that you, Harold asked the question.
>>> My question:
>>> - What is it in Harold that has him asking good questions? :)
>>> - What in any of us?
>>> My guess, a practice of curiosity, and a premise that it ain’t all known.
>>> Greetings all.
>>> Tenneson
>>> On Jan 4, 2016, at 4:14 AM, paul levy via OSList <
>>> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
>>> Greetings Harold. My questions are:
>>> How do we regain control of our own gaze in the world, in the face of so
>>> much digital pull and distraction?
>>> What's the next chapter in the story of Open Space and how can I be part
>>> of the story writing team?
>>> How can Open Space be more prevalent in the UK?
>>> warm wishes
>>> Paul
>>> On 2 January 2016 at 21:58, Harold Shinsato via OSList <
>>> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
 Beloved Open Space Community!

 Instead of sharing New Years Resolutions (which never seemed to have
 worked for me), would you share your New Years Questions? In other words,
 what are the most alive and juicy questions and inquiries you might ask the
 Universe in 2016?

 As a part of this invitation, I'm specifically *not* asking for
 answers, nor would it be appropriate for me or others to answer any of
 these questions in this thread. If you want to ask a question and get an
 answer - feel free to start another thread.

 "Judge a *man* by his *questions* rather than his answers." - Voltaire


 Harold Shinsato
 twitter: @hajush

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Re: [OSList] OSList Digest, Vol 59, Issue 11

2016-03-13 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Robert

As I am very curious, I had a look at the Google group called Openspace you
refer to in your article. I had not heard about it before .

mmm , indeed they are talking about open space :
Openspace List
Welcome to Openspace, a list to discuss all aspects of developing methods
for spatial data analysis and their implementation in the form of open
source software tools. It is a forum for support of spatial tools such as
GeoDa, R-Geo, and PySAL.

I love the idea of being somewhat connected to those folks, but
unfortunately I cannot join their conversation as I don't understand a word
of what they are talking about : spatial data and open source tools.

Nice cousins anyway !


On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 8:50 AM, Robert Parker via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Tony,
> Please see this link to how open space is being used within local
> communities in Wales.
> https://participationcymru.wordpress.com/2015/11/17/why-we-love-open-space-technology/
> I found my sponsor through existing networking contacts and worked with a
> community of professional people who were interested in tackling
> anti-social behaviour.
> Robert Parker
> Sent from my iPad
> On 12 Mar 2016, at 21:06, via OSList 
> wrote:
> Send OSList mailing list submissions to
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of OSList digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Community / Local Gathering (Tony Budak via OSList)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2016 13:30:55 -0500
> From: Tony Budak via OSList 
> To: Open Space Technology email list 
> Subject: [OSList] Community / Local Gathering
> Message-ID: <56e4605f.5020...@tbmw.org <56e4605f.5020...@tbmw.org>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> *As a community organizer with ***limited *institutional support and
> budget I wonder how to find an actively engaged local  community that
> will support an OST gathering.  The preparation work on theme and
> invitation is easily achievable, however the cost of necessary expenses
> is beyond our means.  Please share your experience and ideas regards
> *usingIn Our Backyards, IOBY, *(crowdfunding +
> resource organizing = crowd-resourcing) to drive an open space
> technology community / local gathering? ***
> --
> Untitled Document Regards,
> *Tony Budak
> **
> *
> *Time Bank Mahoning Watershed  *
> /mobile:/ 330-716-2722 | /Skype:/ tony.budak1**
> *Facebook TBMW
>   | Twitter
> ***
> **
> -- next part --
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> Subject: Digest Footer
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> End of OSList Digest, Vol 59, Issue 11
> **
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[image: Christine Koehler, créatrice d'espace de Dialogue et de Coopération]
 Executive Coach, Facilitatrice en intelligence collective
 Tel :  06 13 28 71 38
  Fax :09  72  32 36  65

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[OSList] New: Group Pattern langage in French

2016-03-22 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Dear Friends of Open Space

We are very pleased to announce the release in French of the deck of cards
you may know: Group Pattern langage.
The Group pattern langage was created by a group of US facilitators who
gave it to the world with a creative common licence ( website
With 2 colleagues, Jeremie from Switzerland and Juan-Carlos from Canada, we
translated it into French and found an editor who prints it and distribute
We've created a website dedicated to the cards : dynamiques-de-groupe.com

The cards are coming out in France and Switzerland next Friday , and will
be available in many bookstores for a few weeks.

Those beautiful cards show the many patterns we, as facilitators, can see
when a group works at its best.

There are many different ways to use those cards, and I'd love to hear how
you use it in your work. Would you share this with me ?

I'd wish all groups in the world would connect and use those patterns to
 have conversations and work together so that terrible events like the one
we experienced again today in Bruxelles does not happen again.
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Re: [OSList] New: Group Pattern langage in French

2016-03-23 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Harold

Thank you for your testimony. 
I love the fact that you are using them with a different purpose in mind. For 
the OShotline I understand that they guided you to pay attention to what seems 
the most important.
My guess is that you might use them similarly with when you teach. 

I would be very curious to know how you use them when you coach agile teams : 
do you use them collectively with the team , I mean as a coaching tool ? Or 
have the team itself use them for specific activities ?


> Le 22 mars 2016 à 23:08, Harold Shinsato  a écrit :
> Hi Christine,
> I very much enjoy the GroupWorks card deck and use it frequently to help me 
> understand, work with, and improve group dynamics when I teach at Montana 
> Code School, when I set up Open Space events, and when I coach agile teams.
> I've also used them to help me with group dynamics on the OSList. Tricia 
> Chirumbole and I were on the OSHotline at least a year ago and the two cards 
> that seemed to be the most helpful were the following:
> Embrace Dissonance and Difference:
> Encourage your group to honour contradictory viewpoints, sitting with the 
> uncertainty and ambiguity this brings. Acknowledge all perspectives as 
> equally valid and explore them fully as needed, especially when tensions are 
> high and agreement seems far away.
> Playfulness:
> Invite light-hearted and high-spirited interaction to exercise mind, senses, 
> imagination, and body, to engender creativity, and deepen relationships. 
> Playfullness may be evoked through structured but fun ways to engage relevant 
> topics, or restorative breaks that allow laughter free reign, or may simply 
> show up as humour.
> The GroupWorks card deck was an open source project based on the design 
> pattern language from legendary architect Christopher Alexander which also 
> inspired the popular Design Patterns for object oriented software development.
> You can download the cards for free:  
> <http://groupworksdeck.org/>http://groupworksdeck.org/ 
> <http://groupworksdeck.org/>
> Harold
> On 3/22/16 11:27 AM, christine koehler via OSList wrote:
>> Dear Friends of Open Space
>> We are very pleased to announce the release in French of the deck of cards 
>> you may know: Group Pattern langage. 
>> The Group pattern langage was created by a group of US facilitators who gave 
>> it to the world with a creative common licence ( website 
>> <http://groupworksdeck.org/> here) 
>> With 2 colleagues, Jeremie from Switzerland and Juan-Carlos from Canada, we 
>> translated it into French and found an editor who prints it and distribute 
>> it.
>> We've created a website dedicated to the cards : dynamiques-de-groupe.com 
>> <http://dynamiquesdegroupe.com/> 
>> The cards are coming out in France and Switzerland next Friday , and will be 
>> available in many bookstores for a few weeks.
>> Those beautiful cards show the many patterns we, as facilitators, can see 
>> when a group works at its best.
>> There are many different ways to use those cards, and I'd love to hear how 
>> you use it in your work. Would you share this with me ? 
>> I'd wish all groups in the world would connect and use those patterns to  
>> have conversations and work together so that terrible events like the one we 
>> experienced again today in Bruxelles does not happen again.
>> Christine 
>> ___
>> OSList mailing list
>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org 
>> <mailto:OSList@lists.openspacetech.org>
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>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org 
>> <http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org>
>> Past archives can be viewed here: 
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org 
>> <http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> -- 
> Harold Shinsato
> har...@shinsato.com <mailto:har...@shinsato.com>
> http://shinsato.com <http://shinsato.com/>
> twitter: @hajush <http://twitter.com/hajush>
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Re: [OSList] New: Group Pattern langage in French

2016-04-06 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Thank you very much Vini for your answer.

I love the way you use them !
Those are very good examples of using the deck in training in a fully
participative way : having the participants select their own criteria/paths
for improvements and then making them discuss together  the way or ways to
achieve that in their own context. Top !


On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 11:44 PM, Vinícius Miranda 

> Hi everyone,
> By mistake I answered only to Christine. I paste below my original
> response and a follow-up response when she asked more information about it.
> Hi Christine and others,
> Among other uses, one particularly interesting way of applying the cards
> was in Collective Story Harvesting processes. When in workshops about
> facilitation, leadership or similar topics, using the patterns as lens in a
> CSH makes the learning come both ways: through the story and through the
> lens. With some patterns some creativity needs to be applied so it can be
> universal enough to fit a story, but usually it works amazingly well.
> Warmly,
> Vini, from Brazil
> Hi Christine,
> oh, that was a mistake indeed. I am going to send the e-mail again with
> the list cc'ed in a moment.
> In the process I run, I spread the cards over the ground or on a table and
> ask participants to select cards over some criteria (e.g. patterns that are
> really important to you, patterns that you miss in the groups you
> participate, patterns that you need to practice, etc.). Usually I ask for 3
> cards, and then I ask them to narrow it down to 1 card. That is a way of
> doing something like a Participatory Needs Assessment, which means that it
> enables me as a facilitator to see what are the "hot topics" in the room.
> It usually helps me to understand better the group and how I can be of
> service.
> About CSH, I ask participants to hold the card they've chosen and their
> lens to listen to the story. If there are questions on how to adapt the
> card to a lens, we resolve this prior to listening to the story. For
> example, card "All grist for the mill" could mean the points on the story
> where people have been flexible, adaptable, or have used what could be
> considered bad/sad moment to their learning or to their advantage in the
> end. As all the patterns are fractals, usually you can use their meaning as
> a lens. Except from this, I run the CSH as usual (storytelling, reflecting
> back, how was it for the teller, how was it for the listeners, and in the
> case of more than one storytelling circle, a meta-harvest where similars
> lenses talk usually in a world-café format). This brings a wonderful
> learning experience both through the story and personal connection but also
> on applying the pattern as a lens in real-life situations.
> Does this bring more clarity to you?
> Any other way I can be of service?
> And yes, I am an AoH practioneer :-)
> All the best,
> Vini
> --
> To: chris.alice.koeh...@gmail.com; oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
> Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2016 16:08:40 -0600
> Subject: Re: [OSList] New: Group Pattern langage in French
> From: oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
> Hi Christine,
> I very much enjoy the GroupWorks card deck and use it frequently to help
> me understand, work with, and improve group dynamics when I teach at
> Montana Code School, when I set up Open Space events, and when I coach
> agile teams.
> I've also used them to help me with group dynamics on the OSList. Tricia
> Chirumbole and I were on the OSHotline at least a year ago and the two
> cards that seemed to be the most helpful were the following:
> *Embrace Dissonance and Difference:*
> Encourage your group to honour contradictory viewpoints, sitting with the
> uncertainty and ambiguity this brings. Acknowledge all perspectives as
> equally valid and explore them fully as needed, especially when tensions
> are high and agreement seems far away.
> *Playfulness:*
> Invite light-hearted and high-spirited interaction to exercise mind,
> senses, imagination, and body, to engender creativity, and deepen
> relationships. Playfullness may be evoked through structured but fun ways
> to engage relevant topics, or restorative breaks that allow laughter free
> reign, or may simply show up as humour.
> The GroupWorks card deck was an open source project based on the design
> pattern language from legendary architect Christopher Alexander which also
> inspired the popular Design Patterns for object oriented software
> development.
> You can download the cards for free: <http://groupworksdeck.org/>
> http://groupworksdeck.org/
> Harold

[OSList] Deep Visioning

2016-09-16 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi friends

I came across a potential client who wants to co-create a vision involving all 
collaborators  (2500 people in 11 countries) and even more (clients, 
suppliers..) and is looking for someone to help them for this one-year process.
They did it already about 10 years ago (they were of course less people at that 
time), with a process that, If I understand clearly, seems to me closed to what 
Doyle was doing.
They want to do it again as, as you can imagine, the world has changed 
completely in 10 years and they are facing  new kind of challenges and 
They also want it to be « modern », involving digital tools.. and lots of 

I am still not sure how I will answer to this request. 

One possibility would be to stick to what they know and look to partner with 
someone who know the process they have in mind. This person would need to speak 
My question then  to you is : is any of you/do you know anyone/  familiar with  
the deep visioning process of Michael Doyle ? I’d love to talk to you then. 

The other possibility would be to imagine a process that involves what I know, 
like OST, world cafe, AI , chaordic etc..

Do you have stories of this kind of processes involving all stakeholders, 
especially all collaborators, a dozen of countries and  getting to a Vision 
statement : purpose, mission, .. difference, values …
How did you do it ?

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Re: [OSList] Deep Visioning

2016-09-17 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Birgit

Those are good questions. Indeed the first question I had , after meeting with 
the client, was : am I going to take on this assignment ? Sounds too precise, 
really big, maybe too big and with many unknown areas.

Yet, even if I put the "contract option » aside (the « I need to pay my bills » 
mantra), there is, in what I heard, a intriguing demand : they want a guide for 
the coming years, and they want it from the whole system, because they know the 
result will be more powerful. They are familiar with this. How fare are they 
open to what may emerge is the right question. I think this is a question that 
is bothering them (or some of them,) : the CEO is obviously going back and 
forth between traditional management  and self management practices . 
This is precisely where I believe I can help them find their own answers.
I was told that the system is tired of permanent change : this indeed is a 

Yes, the right question is  there " Is there genuine space for engagement, 
emergence, and participation ? '.

Thanks for naming it Birgitt, it helps.

> Le 17 sept. 2016 à 23:03, Birgitt Williams  <mailto:birg...@dalarinternational.com>> a écrit :
> Hi Christine,
> I have questions. The first are to do with you. Why do you wish to take on 
> this assignment, what do you have to offer to it, and how does it align with 
> you fulfilling your purpose, mission and live your values? 
> From these answers, I believe you will know what you want to offer based on 
> whether you feel it will require some educating of the client from yourself 
> about what is possible to truly do deep visioning.instead of you fitting 
> yourself into what appears to be a shallow yet 'politically correct' 
> framework. Is there genuine space for engagement, emergence, and 
> participation beyond people being used to provide 'data'.
> It seems that this may be a situation of 'they don't know what they don't 
> know' in terms of how important true deep visioning, engagement, 
> participation might provide.
> Warmly,
> Birgitt
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 2:59 AM christine koehler via OSList 
> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
> wrote:
> Hi friends
> I came across a potential client who wants to co-create a vision involving 
> all collaborators  (2500 people in 11 countries) and even more (clients, 
> suppliers..) and is looking for someone to help them for this one-year 
> process.
> They did it already about 10 years ago (they were of course less people at 
> that time), with a process that, If I understand clearly, seems to me closed 
> to what Doyle was doing.
> They want to do it again as, as you can imagine, the world has changed 
> completely in 10 years and they are facing  new kind of challenges and 
> competitors.
> They also want it to be « modern », involving digital tools.. and lots of 
> communication.
> I am still not sure how I will answer to this request.
> One possibility would be to stick to what they know and look to partner with 
> someone who know the process they have in mind. This person would need to 
> speak French.
> My question then  to you is : is any of you/do you know anyone/  familiar 
> with  the deep visioning process of Michael Doyle ? I’d love to talk to you 
> then.
> The other possibility would be to imagine a process that involves what I 
> know, like OST, world cafe, AI , chaordic etc..
> Do you have stories of this kind of processes involving all stakeholders, 
> especially all collaborators, a dozen of countries and  getting to a Vision 
> statement : purpose, mission, .. difference, values …
> How did you do it ?
> Christine
> ___
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org 
> <mailto:OSList@lists.openspacetech.org>
> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org 
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> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org 
> <http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org>
> Past archives can be viewed here: 
> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org 
> <http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
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Re: [OSList] Deep Visioning

2016-09-17 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Agota

Yes, that would be great if I could talk to him !
 Especially because Nokia was the client. It might help me see clearly some 
limits of the process and give me more precise ideas of the way to engage for 
true emergence.

Thanks for your offer

> Le 18 sept. 2016 à 07:13, Ágota Éva Ruzsa  a écrit :
> Dear Christine, 
> I know that ca 10 years ago a friend and her colleagues did something similar 
> with NOKIA world wide. Are you interested in that contact? 
> And once on a smaller scale we did a similar thing with TEC-OST and they all 
> concluded in a focused and action oriented TS afterwards... It is exciting 
> and challenging what you may be up to. I'd be curious to hear about the 
> process. 
> Agota
> christine koehler via OSList  <mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> ezt írta (2016. szeptember 17., 
> szombat):
> Hi friends
> I came across a potential client who wants to co-create a vision involving 
> all collaborators  (2500 people in 11 countries) and even more (clients, 
> suppliers..) and is looking for someone to help them for this one-year 
> process.
> They did it already about 10 years ago (they were of course less people at 
> that time), with a process that, If I understand clearly, seems to me closed 
> to what Doyle was doing.
> They want to do it again as, as you can imagine, the world has changed 
> completely in 10 years and they are facing  new kind of challenges and 
> competitors.
> They also want it to be « modern », involving digital tools.. and lots of 
> communication.
> I am still not sure how I will answer to this request.
> One possibility would be to stick to what they know and look to partner with 
> someone who know the process they have in mind. This person would need to 
> speak French.
> My question then  to you is : is any of you/do you know anyone/  familiar 
> with  the deep visioning process of Michael Doyle ? I’d love to talk to you 
> then.
> The other possibility would be to imagine a process that involves what I 
> know, like OST, world cafe, AI , chaordic etc..
> Do you have stories of this kind of processes involving all stakeholders, 
> especially all collaborators, a dozen of countries and  getting to a Vision 
> statement : purpose, mission, .. difference, values …
> How did you do it ?
> Christine
> ___
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org 
> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org 
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
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> Past archives can be viewed here: 
> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org 
> <http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> -- 
> Agota E.Ruzsa, 
> ​

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Re: [OSList] Deep Visioning

2016-09-18 Thread christine koehler via OSList

You are right, I made a mistake when replying. Let’s put back the conversation 
in the Oslist.
> Le 18 sept. 2016 à 20:30, Anna Caroline Türk  
> a écrit :
> Dear Christiane,
> So happy I can be part of your informal board with this dialogue - makes me 
> very happy! It’s too long since I saw you last!
> The whole discourse is quite interesting: "What do you need for the next 10 
> years?" Given that we are in times of constant change?!
> In the Genuine Contact Co-Owners Group and Community we created, what I would 
> call a holistic strategic map. The process was informed partly by Kaplan's 
> and Norton's Strategy Map as well as the Medicine Wheel Tool (MWT) of the 
> Genuine Contact Program. The MWT helped us to define the purpose, leadership 
> principles, bigger vision for the map - it helped us name who is the 
> community we serve, and who is in charge of the management throughout the 
> different phases of the process. 
> I put strategic map in italic, because we were very aware that in times of 
> constant change we needed something else than a Step by Step Strategic Plan 
> or even a Strategic Plan with Milestones. What we needed was Orientation, 
> Focus, and clarity - what is within our Map and what is outside…
> Our map has strategic themes and areas of focus, but no action plan. We all 
> know by now that God laughs when we make plans… ;)
> The Implementation phase are the 10 years and in that time the map can help 
> to get back to focus, give direction and orientation for everybody involved. 
> And yes, I agree that it was very powerful to start with the Extraordinary 
> Leadership Workshop! First a shift in (leadership) consciousness - otherwise 
> we tent to fix the problems on the level where we created them...
> much Love from Berlin
> Anna Caroline
> p.s. You send your reply only to me. Shall we keep the others in the loop? If 
> you like, please send your reply to the OS List again. :)
>> On Sep 18, 2016, at 12:13 PM, Christine > <mailto:chris.alice.koeh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Thank you very much Anna Caroline,
>> That's a very interesting story
>> I wish I could no more about the process you used
>> Interesting also to start with an extraordinary leadership training. 
>> Although I don't know what's inside, i can see how engaging the leadership 
>> team far above what they usely do is a powerful way to start. I even believe 
>> that they need it.
>> Yes, the langage is a challenge : even if they are present in 11 countries, 
>> 95% of leadership team speaks French, all are supposed to understand it. 
>> Most important conversations end up in French.
>> Too bad, I would have love to have you on board !  
>> Christine 
>> + 33 6 13 28 71 38
>> Le 18 sept. 2016 à 10:53, Anna Caroline Türk > <mailto:annacarol...@truthcircles.com>> a écrit :
>>> Dear Christine,
>>> what a powerful assignment!
>>> I would also help the clients understand and name the purpose of and their 
>>> goal with the process.
>>> What do they want to take away? And do with the results?
>>> It reminds me of the wok we have done in the Genuine Contact Co-Owners 
>>> Group and Community.
>>> 5 years ago we had a 2 years process where we formed a Leadership Vision 
>>> Team and they co-lead & co-facilitated a process to create a (strategic) 
>>> Map for our shared future - formulating different areas of focus. 
>>> The process was based on a workshop from Birgitt Williams about 
>>> Extraordinary Leadership. 
>>> At some point in the Engagement Phase we had Open Spaces all around the 
>>> world with Genuine Contact Professionals. This data was then used to merge 
>>> the Map and give data on the areas of focus. 
>>> We are now still in the Implementation Phase and whenever we look at the 
>>> Map it is still relevant. 
>>> What I continue wanting to improve is making the results of the process - 
>>> our Map - a living and breathing document that supports everybody's 
>>> orientation, leadership & ownership.
>>> By writing this down, I just notice that apart from the assignment I would 
>>> also ask questions and support your client to already think about the 
>>> implementation phase and ask how they can make sure the results are 
>>> actively supporting, nurturing and empowering the next 10 years!

Re: [OSList] Deep Visioning

2016-09-20 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Karl,

Can you explain the link you see between lean canvas and story development ? 
I don’t see it, I must confess. I know lean canvas for business models, but not 
for stories..


> Le 19 sept. 2016 à 09:25, Royle, Karl  a écrit :
> Hi you could have a look at lean canvas for deeper story development and also 
> lean change maybe
> Might be helpful
> Sent by iPhone
> Karl Royle
> Head of Enterprise and Commercial Development
> Faculty of Education Health and Wellbeing
> University of Wolverhampton 
> 01902323006
> 07815416698
> @karlroyle. On Twitter
> Karlr61 Skype 
> Www.academia.edu/karlroyle <http://www.academia.edu/karlroyle> 
> On 19 Sep 2016, at 08:57, Rotem Ofer via OSList 
> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Christine, 
>> Thank you for sharing this challenge with us. So exciting that corporates 
>> are reaching the point of realizing that the wisdom of the many, can help 
>> them to create a better future. 
>> I was involved in a process of values definition, in a company of 4300 
>> employees, in 30 countries, using a participatory approach with an 
>> Appreciative inquiry process. 
>> I can share with you happily, and I think you can take some inspiration, and 
>> practical ideas and incorporate them into your project. 
>> To summarize it shortly, the process was based on : 
>> Collecting stories from all employees (AI stories), by inviting them to 
>> share the story through a website that was built for the process. Each story 
>> got a title, which presented the main message.  
>> Each employee had the opportunity to enter the website and vote for the 
>> story and the message that he feels express the best of the company, and 
>> will promise the best value for the future.  
>> In a parallel process, Internal HR specialists facilitated workshops with 
>> groups of employees in some sites to dive deeper into  AI questionnaire. 
>> All outcomes : the crowd wisdom from the websites and the outputs from the 
>> workshops, were collected by the organization development department and 
>> were and were cultivated into a definition of the core values of the company.
>>  If you find it helpful, I can share with you the process in more details, 
>> or contact you to this company for a deeper benchmark.  
>> Hugs from Israel, 
>> Rotem Ofer 
>> Rotem Ofer   
>> רתם עפר 
>> Organizational Development Consultantפיתוח 
>> ארגוני ואימון תעסוקתי 
>> Dialogic Leadership In organizations   - מעיין 
>> Israel 
>> www.maayan-od.co.il <http://www.maayan-od.co.il/>
>>מנהיגות דיאלוגית בארגונים
>> rotem...@gmail.com <mailto:rotem...@gmail.com>, +972-54-4612617
>> 2016-09-17 9:59 GMT+03:00 christine koehler via OSList 
>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>>:
>> Hi friends
>> I came across a potential client who wants to co-create a vision involving 
>> all collaborators  (2500 people in 11 countries) and even more (clients, 
>> suppliers..) and is looking for someone to help them for this one-year 
>> process.
>> They did it already about 10 years ago (they were of course less people at 
>> that time), with a process that, If I understand clearly, seems to me closed 
>> to what Doyle was doing.
>> They want to do it again as, as you can imagine, the world has changed 
>> completely in 10 years and they are facing  new kind of challenges and 
>> competitors.
>> They also want it to be « modern », involving digital tools.. and lots of 
>> communication.
>> I am still not sure how I will answer to this request.
>> One possibility would be to stick to what they know and look to partner with 
>> someone who know the process they have in mind. This person would need to 
>> speak French.
>> My question then  to you is : is any of you/do you know anyone/  familiar 
>> with  the deep visioning process of Michael Doyle ? I’d love to talk to you 
>> then.
>> The other possibility would be to imagine a process that involves what I 
>> know, like OST, world cafe, AI , chaordic etc..
>> Do you have stories of this kind of processes involving all stakeholders, 
>> especially all collaborators, a dozen of countries and  getting to a Vision 

Re: [OSList] Deep Visioning

2016-09-20 Thread christine koehler via OSList
> 01902323006
> 07815416698
> @karlroyle. On Twitter
> Karlr61 Skype 
> Www.academia.edu/karlroyle <http://www.academia.edu/karlroyle> 
> On 19 Sep 2016, at 08:57, Rotem Ofer via OSList 
> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Christine, 
>> Thank you for sharing this challenge with us. So exciting that corporates 
>> are reaching the point of realizing that the wisdom of the many, can help 
>> them to create a better future. 
>> I was involved in a process of values definition, in a company of 4300 
>> employees, in 30 countries, using a participatory approach with an 
>> Appreciative inquiry process. 
>> I can share with you happily, and I think you can take some inspiration, and 
>> practical ideas and incorporate them into your project. 
>> To summarize it shortly, the process was based on : 
>> Collecting stories from all employees (AI stories), by inviting them to 
>> share the story through a website that was built for the process. Each story 
>> got a title, which presented the main message.  
>> Each employee had the opportunity to enter the website and vote for the 
>> story and the message that he feels express the best of the company, and 
>> will promise the best value for the future.  
>> In a parallel process, Internal HR specialists facilitated workshops with 
>> groups of employees in some sites to dive deeper into  AI questionnaire. 
>> All outcomes : the crowd wisdom from the websites and the outputs from the 
>> workshops, were collected by the organization development department and 
>> were and were cultivated into a definition of the core values of the company.
>>  If you find it helpful, I can share with you the process in more details, 
>> or contact you to this company for a deeper benchmark.  
>> Hugs from Israel, 
>> Rotem Ofer 
>> Rotem Ofer   
>> רתם עפר 
>> Organizational Development Consultantפיתוח 
>> ארגוני ואימון תעסוקתי 
>> Dialogic Leadership In organizations   - מעיין 
>> Israel 
>> www.maayan-od.co.il <http://www.maayan-od.co.il/>
>>מנהיגות דיאלוגית בארגונים
>> rotem...@gmail.com <mailto:rotem...@gmail.com>, +972-54-4612617 
>> 2016-09-17 9:59 GMT+03:00 christine koehler via OSList 
>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>>:
>> Hi friends
>> I came across a potential client who wants to co-create a vision involving 
>> all collaborators  (2500 people in 11 countries) and even more (clients, 
>> suppliers..) and is looking for someone to help them for this one-year 
>> process.
>> They did it already about 10 years ago (they were of course less people at 
>> that time), with a process that, If I understand clearly, seems to me closed 
>> to what Doyle was doing.
>> They want to do it again as, as you can imagine, the world has changed 
>> completely in 10 years and they are facing  new kind of challenges and 
>> competitors.
>> They also want it to be « modern », involving digital tools.. and lots of 
>> communication.
>> I am still not sure how I will answer to this request.
>> One possibility would be to stick to what they know and look to partner with 
>> someone who know the process they have in mind. This person would need to 
>> speak French.
>> My question then  to you is : is any of you/do you know anyone/  familiar 
>> with  the deep visioning process of Michael Doyle ? I’d love to talk to you 
>> then.
>> The other possibility would be to imagine a process that involves what I 
>> know, like OST, world cafe, AI , chaordic etc..
>> Do you have stories of this kind of processes involving all stakeholders, 
>> especially all collaborators, a dozen of countries and  getting to a Vision 
>> statement : purpose, mission, .. difference, values …
>> How did you do it ?
>> Christine
>> ___
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Re: [OSList] Deep Visioning

2016-09-20 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Rotem

I love it too.
I would be interested in knowing how long it took to do the entire process in 
the 30 countries, how you managed the language issue and how the crowd wisdom 
was handled to create the final vision of values.

Thanks for sharing !

> Le 19 sept. 2016 à 08:56, Rotem Ofer  a écrit :
> Hi Christine, 
> Thank you for sharing this challenge with us. So exciting that corporates are 
> reaching the point of realizing that the wisdom of the many, can help them to 
> create a better future. 
> I was involved in a process of values definition, in a company of 4300 
> employees, in 30 countries, using a participatory approach with an 
> Appreciative inquiry process. 
> I can share with you happily, and I think you can take some inspiration, and 
> practical ideas and incorporate them into your project. 
> To summarize it shortly, the process was based on : 
> Collecting stories from all employees (AI stories), by inviting them to share 
> the story through a website that was built for the process. Each story got a 
> title, which presented the main message.  
> Each employee had the opportunity to enter the website and vote for the story 
> and the message that he feels express the best of the company, and will 
> promise the best value for the future.  
> In a parallel process, Internal HR specialists facilitated workshops with 
> groups of employees in some sites to dive deeper into  AI questionnaire. 
> All outcomes : the crowd wisdom from the websites and the outputs from the 
> workshops, were collected by the organization development department and were 
> and were cultivated into a definition of the core values of the company.
>  If you find it helpful, I can share with you the process in more details, or 
> contact you to this company for a deeper benchmark.  
> Hugs from Israel, 
> Rotem Ofer 
> Rotem Ofer
>רתם עפר 
> Organizational Development Consultantפיתוח ארגוני 
> ואימון תעסוקתי 
> Dialogic Leadership In organizations   - מעיין 
> Israel 
> www.maayan-od.co.il <http://www.maayan-od.co.il/> 
>   מנהיגות דיאלוגית בארגונים
> rotem...@gmail.com <mailto:rotem...@gmail.com>, +972-54-4612617
> 2016-09-17 9:59 GMT+03:00 christine koehler via OSList 
> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>>:
> Hi friends
> I came across a potential client who wants to co-create a vision involving 
> all collaborators  (2500 people in 11 countries) and even more (clients, 
> suppliers..) and is looking for someone to help them for this one-year 
> process.
> They did it already about 10 years ago (they were of course less people at 
> that time), with a process that, If I understand clearly, seems to me closed 
> to what Doyle was doing.
> They want to do it again as, as you can imagine, the world has changed 
> completely in 10 years and they are facing  new kind of challenges and 
> competitors.
> They also want it to be « modern », involving digital tools.. and lots of 
> communication.
> I am still not sure how I will answer to this request.
> One possibility would be to stick to what they know and look to partner with 
> someone who know the process they have in mind. This person would need to 
> speak French.
> My question then  to you is : is any of you/do you know anyone/  familiar 
> with  the deep visioning process of Michael Doyle ? I’d love to talk to you 
> then.
> The other possibility would be to imagine a process that involves what I 
> know, like OST, world cafe, AI , chaordic etc..
> Do you have stories of this kind of processes involving all stakeholders, 
> especially all collaborators, a dozen of countries and  getting to a Vision 
> statement : purpose, mission, .. difference, values …
> How did you do it ?
> Christine
> ___
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Re: [OSList] Safety

2016-09-27 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Great questions and conversation !

For me, what the principles and law do, is to give participants a sense of how 
people in this group will act.This gives a « safe enough » space. As in groups, 
what is frightening is not knowing what can happen here. This prevent most 
people of being themselves, accepting to take the risk of vulnerability.

The ritual of opening, rather formal and featuring the expected behaviors of 
people, emphases it.
I believe it is especially useful (I am thinking of you Paul, who minimalizes 
the opening) for groups in which some people may not feel « safe enough ». 

Of course this feeling of safety depends a lot of the inner sense of safety of 
the participants. But in my own experience, participate in open space events 
will make the participant aware of his own « inner safety » and may (at least 
it did that to me) help him get out of his confort zone to reach more the « 
true self », where lies his own creativity. This helps feel welcome and in the 
same time cultivate the sense of welcoming toward others, as Peggy says.


> Le 21 sept. 2016 à 20:31, Peggy Holman via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Great question Harold! I always wince when people say the space needs to be 
> safe. If you make space so safe that it leaves the opportunity for messiness 
> out, nothing happens. Sometimes I’ve said "safe enough”. Ultimately, as you 
> said, a sense of safety comes from within.
> Rather than safety, I have come to focus on welcoming space. (With a nod to 
> Juanita Brown, who helped me to understand the value of welcoming.) A spirit 
> of welcome creates conditions for who and what shows up. And if you start 
> cultivating a culture of welcome, then there’s room for all voices — and 
> those who come discover they belong. 
> Peggy
> _
> Peggy Holman
> Executive Director
> Journalism that Matters
> 15347 SE 49th Place
> Bellevue, WA  98006
> 206-948-0432
> www.journalismthatmatters.net 
> www.peggyholman.com
> Twitter: @peggyholman
> JTM Twitter: @JTMStream
> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity 
>> On Sep 21, 2016, at 11:16 AM, Harold Shinsato via OSList 
>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>> wrote:
>> Dear People(s) of Open Space,
>> What is the importance of safety? What, if any, work is needed in the 
>> "pre-work" to help ensure safety?
>> It seems that safety is doomed if the "givens" are that the people in the 
>> organization must either be silent or agree with the "powers that be" on 
>> everything.
>> I'm seeing two aspects to this. At one level, systemic oppression (such as 
>> explicitly killing, imprisoning, or otherwise effectively punishing dissent) 
>> clearly would shut down any opening in an open space.
>> And at another level, safety is something we can be responsible in 
>> ourselves. With enough passion and courage, we can take responsibility for 
>> own safety. And also, it can be easy just to stay silent, or not to look 
>> beyond the smallness of our comfort zone because of the lenses we look 
>> through. And then we won't even try something out of fear, when something 
>> powerful could have been a result of us taking a small step (or a small 
>> series of steps to the center of the circle).
>> What do you all think about safety, and helping to encourage people to 
>> source their own safety, as well as working with the "powers that be" to 
>> help ensure some level of safety?
>> Thanks!
>> Harold
>> P.S. I did find one interesting post about this in the archives from the 
>> late Father Brian Bainbridge. 
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org/msg01333.html 
>> -- 
>> Harold Shinsato
>> har...@shinsato.com 
>> http://shinsato.com 
>> twitter: @hajush 
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Re: [OSList] Harrison's Birthday - 2 December

2016-12-02 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Happy Birthday Harrison !

Here in France on the organisational level, opening space is still  very
frightening and disruptive in many places, especially when it has been
tried already by management team ;)

So I guess it stays ageless , as much as you do !

Have a great day

On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Harrison Owen via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Thanks folks! Mr. Curtis the cat has ascended to my desk so all is
> definitely right with the world – albeit a bit bumpy-trumpy.
> ho
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucauire Ave
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207 763-3261
> Websites
> www.openspaceworld.com
> www.ho-image.com
> *From:* OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] *On Behalf
> Of *Brendan McKeague via OSList
> *Sent:* Friday, December 2, 2016 8:38 AM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Harrison's Birthday - 2 December
> Many blessings and appreciation on your birthday Harrison, from your
> friends, colleagues and co-learners, past and present, in the land of so
> much space down under...
> Brendan
> Brendan McKeague
> +61 429 448 090 <+61%20429%20448%20090>
> On 2 Dec. 2016, at 6:25 pm, Franklin Quijano via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> Happy birthday HO.
> with love from the Philippines and my family.
> Franklin Quijano
> --
> *From:* Suzanne Daigle via OSList 
> *To:* Elwin and Joan ; World wide Open Space
> Technology email list 
> *Sent:* Friday, December 2, 2016 9:40 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Harrison's Birthday - 2 December
> Elwin and Joan, You beat me to it. I thought I'd get a head start on
> December 2nd by pretending I was still in Manilla at World Open Space. It's
> December 2nd there now, this place who adores Harrison Owen as much as we
> all do around the world.  Time to tip our glass to him with such
> appreciation for this coffee break gift of Open Space and the guy with the
> hat who brought it to us.  Each year since 2009 when I first discovered
> Open Space, it's been a tradition to remember and celebrate this very
> special day of December 2nd - the birthday of my late father who read
> Harrison's guide in Italian and then quizzed the heck out of me afterwards.
> Dad knew at the source that this was something very special and I felt his
> approval in pursuing this work.
> So dear Harrison, may life treat you in a very special way as you have
> treated us all these years - with generosity, guts, candor and such wisdom
> of life.
> Hugs, Suzanne
> Suzanne Daigle
> Open Space Facilitator
> NuFocus Strategic Group
> FL 941-359-8877
> Cell: 203-722-2009
> www.nufocusgroup.com
> s.dai...@nufocusgroup.com
> Twitter @Daiglesuz
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 9:30 PM, Elwin and Joan via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> And so every once in a lifetime you bump into someone who ends up changing
> your life for the better!
> In a 1995 search for a “User’s Guide”, I encountered this Harrison Owen
> fellow, seated in his “office”, that consisted of a window table at the Old
> Angler’s Inn, Potomac, Maryland. Yes, he had a Martini in hand.
> The rest is history as the saying goes.  But that history has taken me
> through 28 countries since then and all in the name of Open Space.
> Thus my birthday card to Harrison is simply this recognition of his gift
> to me, and you!
> Much Love Brother!!
> Elwin
> __ _
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Re: [OSList] How to organise self organisation - a learning journey? - A story about 20 years of Learnings about public engagement in Vorarlberg, Austria

2017-03-28 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Brilliant !
thanks for sharing.
I love the story of the open space with 60 experts giving same result
(although not as powerful) as the group of engaged citizen.

On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 4:19 AM, Doug Marteinson via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Thank you for the gift of that video, Toke! Great story (i.e., totally
> aligned with what I would like to see more of in the world)!
> I was particularly taken with the last few minutes where Manfred described
> the growing gap in Austria between citizens and government. The folks from
> Sweden seemed to agree. I perceive Canadians would agree as well (I’m from
> Canada). He spoke of representative democracy (which in Canada consists of
> elected officials in the House of Commons) and participatory democracy
> (which in Canada currently has no formal sponsor).
> With apologies to all Canadians tuning into this conversation, we
> Canadians have struggled with the current purpose of our Senate (which
> consists of appointed officials) beyond its original role as “body of
> second sober thought”. Building on Manfred’s experience, what if the
> Senate, as the body of second sober thought, gathered  information by
> sponsoring “voice of the people” Citizen’s Assemblies across the country
> inviting citizens of all stripes to dialogue and offer recommendations on
> strategic issues facing the country?
> (I’m making up a story that the voice of the people needs amplification
> around the planet. Am I losing it?)
> Cheers ;-)
> Doug Marteinson
> +1-403-284-5144
> > On Mar 26, 2017, at 6:11 AM, Toke Møller via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> >
> > How to organise self organisation - a learning journey? - A story about
> 20 years of Learnings about public engagement in Vorarlberg, Austria by
> Manfred Hellrigl Director of the Office for Future related issues part of
> the regional public administration for Vorarlberg, Austria at the SKL
> democracy conference in Stockholm 14 April 2015.
> >
> > Thank you Manfred and the Office for future related questions
> >
> > https://vimeo.com/125986884
> >
> > Toke
> >
> > Toke Paludan Moeller
> > t...@interchange.dk
> > +45 26166919
> > www.interchange.dk
> > www.dojowithinthedojo.net/
> > www.interchange.dk/calendar/
> >
> > ___
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[image: Christine Koehler, créatrice d'espace de Dialogue et de Coopération]
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[OSList] what convergence after 3 OS events ?

2017-10-19 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Dear friends and colleagues,

May I ask for advice, ideas and/or  stories ?

I am preparing for a company (owned by its employees)  3 one and a half
days of OS that will host around 300 participants each.
The 3 events will take place one after the other, but each with different
participants. The whole company has been invited and almost everyone is
coming. Only the CEO and the GM will attend the 3 of them.
The theme is the same for the 3 events: re-invent the company.  They are on
a market that is completely changing those days and they have a very
ambitious goal with acquisitions (at the time the OS will take place, there
will be 200 people more in the company, and they are invited) and
diversification. They have begun looking for new markets and hope to
continue that with the OS. So their expectations are huge : new
organizational models for a new company, new projects, new synergies,
hopefully a new management model.

The leadership team is following very carefully the event but they are
already facing overload. They expect to have to prioritize the projects
that come out of the OS as they expect many projects and probably won't be
able to fund all of them.
They are aware they should invent a new model but right at the moment they
want to follow up everything, which, of course, shows that it's not easy to
change the model. But I am confident that with a few conversations they can
consider other options.

I suggested to organize one day convergence after those 3 events.
How would you design it ? and who would you invite ?
I would love  to get ideas from you or what you did in a similar occasion

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Re: [OSList] what convergence after 3 OS events ?

2017-10-19 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Dan

No, location is same

They do 3 OST and not one only so that they don’t have to stop operations.

> Le 19 oct. 2017 à 21:13, Daniel Mezick via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> I plan to offer a suggestion; but first a question. I am guessing that the 3 
> separate groups are in 3 separate locations. Is this correct?
> On 10/19/17 2:21 PM, christine koehler via OSList wrote:
>> Dear friends and colleagues,
>> May I ask for advice, ideas and/or  stories ?
>> I am preparing for a company (owned by its employees)  3 one and a half days 
>> of OS that will host around 300 participants each.
>> The 3 events will take place one after the other, but each with different 
>> participants. The whole company has been invited and almost everyone is 
>> coming. Only the CEO and the GM will attend the 3 of them.
>> The theme is the same for the 3 events: re-invent the company.  They are on 
>> a market that is completely changing those days and they have a very 
>> ambitious goal with acquisitions (at the time the OS will take place, there 
>> will be 200 people more in the company, and they are invited) and 
>> diversification. They have begun looking for new markets and hope to 
>> continue that with the OS. So their expectations are huge : new 
>> organizational models for a new company, new projects, new synergies, 
>> hopefully a new management model. 
>> The leadership team is following very carefully the event but they are 
>> already facing overload. They expect to have to prioritize the projects that 
>> come out of the OS as they expect many projects and probably won't be able 
>> to fund all of them.
>> They are aware they should invent a new model but right at the moment they 
>> want to follow up everything, which, of course, shows that it's not easy to 
>> change the model. But I am confident that with a few conversations they can 
>> consider other options.
>> I suggested to organize one day convergence after those 3 events.
>> How would you design it ? and who would you invite ? 
>> I would love  to get ideas from you or what you did in a similar occasion
>> Christine 
>> ___
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> -- 
> Daniel Mezick
> Culture Strategist. Author. Keynoter.
> (203) 915 7248. Bio. <http://www.danielmezick.com/> Blog. 
> <http://www.newtechusa.net/blog/> Twitter. <https://twitter.com/DanielMezick> 
> Book: The Culture Game. <http://theculturegame.com/> 
> Book: The OpenSpace Agility Handbook. 
> <http://www.amazon.com/OpenSpace-Agility-Handbook-Daniel-Mezick/dp/0984875336>
> ___
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Re: [OSList] what convergence after 3 OS events ?

2017-10-19 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Chris

Would you invite the conveners together with the leadership team ?
Would it work to be at the same time the one that has passion for a  project 
and the one that select the priorities in ligne with the reinvention strategy ? 

Indeed I agree that  the ones who call the conversations are the ones that see 
something that can contribute to the whole. 
Thanks for the way you frame it.

> Le 19 oct. 2017 à 21:11, Chris Corrigan  a écrit :
> I’d do the three Open Spaces and then have the conveners of each session 
> invited to a single follow up session to look over the report and help feed 
> into the overall reinvention strategy.  This would be based on the idea that 
> the ones who call conversations are seeing something that can contribute to 
> the whole
> Perhaps a follow up World Cafe or other process, but make sure that the 
> leadership harnesses the emergent leadership that is activated in the OS.  
> The people who propose topics may not be the “usual suspects” and their 
> perspectives will be valuable to support.
> Chris
>> On Oct 19, 2017, at 11:21 AM, christine koehler via OSList 
>>  wrote:
>> Dear friends and colleagues,
>> May I ask for advice, ideas and/or  stories ?
>> I am preparing for a company (owned by its employees)  3 one and a half days 
>> of OS that will host around 300 participants each.
>> The 3 events will take place one after the other, but each with different 
>> participants. The whole company has been invited and almost everyone is 
>> coming. Only the CEO and the GM will attend the 3 of them.
>> The theme is the same for the 3 events: re-invent the company.  They are on 
>> a market that is completely changing those days and they have a very 
>> ambitious goal with acquisitions (at the time the OS will take place, there 
>> will be 200 people more in the company, and they are invited) and 
>> diversification. They have begun looking for new markets and hope to 
>> continue that with the OS. So their expectations are huge : new 
>> organizational models for a new company, new projects, new synergies, 
>> hopefully a new management model. 
>> The leadership team is following very carefully the event but they are 
>> already facing overload. They expect to have to prioritize the projects that 
>> come out of the OS as they expect many projects and probably won't be able 
>> to fund all of them.
>> They are aware they should invent a new model but right at the moment they 
>> want to follow up everything, which, of course, shows that it's not easy to 
>> change the model. But I am confident that with a few conversations they can 
>> consider other options.
>> I suggested to organize one day convergence after those 3 events.
>> How would you design it ? and who would you invite ? 
>> I would love  to get ideas from you or what you did in a similar occasion
>> Christine 
>> ___
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Re: [OSList] what convergence after 3 OS events ?

2017-10-19 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Christine 

> I like Chris’ suggestion with one addition. I would invite the conveners and 
> anyone else who cares to attend.

«anyone else who cares» is an interesting concept in this company : they all 
care ! And they also all care a lot about cost ;)  They may come from all over 
the country and for many of them their participation may have a direct impact 
on the turnover
This may give interesting conversations but is not easy to plan with this 

> I’ve frequently found that an unlikely suspect who did not convene a session 
> has caught the passion and  is just the person to take the ideas to the next 
> level. 
> I’m remembering a IT guy in a multinational corporation - he had never been 
> in a leadership role but got so jazzed that he became a “Unified Culture 
> Ambassador”.
> Big hug from a warm Arizona afternoon,
> Christine
> Christine Whitney Sanchez
> Phoenix, AZ, USA • +1.480.882.8281
> On Oct 19, 2017, at 12:11 PM, Chris Corrigan via OSList 
> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
> wrote:
> I’d do the three Open Spaces and then have the conveners of each session 
> invited to a single follow up session to look over the report and help feed 
> into the overall reinvention strategy.  This would be based on the idea that 
> the ones who call conversations are seeing something that can contribute to 
> the whole
> Perhaps a follow up World Cafe or other process, but make sure that the 
> leadership harnesses the emergent leadership that is activated in the OS.  
> The people who propose topics may not be the “usual suspects” and their 
> perspectives will be valuable to support.
> Chris
>> On Oct 19, 2017, at 11:21 AM, christine koehler via OSList 
>> mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> 
>> wrote:
>> Dear friends and colleagues,
>> May I ask for advice, ideas and/or  stories ?
>> I am preparing for a company (owned by its employees)  3 one and a half days 
>> of OS that will host around 300 participants each.
>> The 3 events will take place one after the other, but each with different 
>> participants. The whole company has been invited and almost everyone is 
>> coming. Only the CEO and the GM will attend the 3 of them.
>> The theme is the same for the 3 events: re-invent the company.  They are on 
>> a market that is completely changing those days and they have a very 
>> ambitious goal with acquisitions (at the time the OS will take place, there 
>> will be 200 people more in the company, and they are invited) and 
>> diversification. They have begun looking for new markets and hope to 
>> continue that with the OS. So their expectations are huge : new 
>> organizational models for a new company, new projects, new synergies, 
>> hopefully a new management model. 
>> The leadership team is following very carefully the event but they are 
>> already facing overload. They expect to have to prioritize the projects that 
>> come out of the OS as they expect many projects and probably won't be able 
>> to fund all of them.
>> They are aware they should invent a new model but right at the moment they 
>> want to follow up everything, which, of course, shows that it's not easy to 
>> change the model. But I am confident that with a few conversations they can 
>> consider other options.
>> I suggested to organize one day convergence after those 3 events.
>> How would you design it ? and who would you invite ? 
>> I would love  to get ideas from you or what you did in a similar occasion
>> Christine 
>> ___
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Re: [OSList] what convergence after 3 OS events ?

2017-10-19 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Michael

Yes, the sponsor wants projects/initiatives.

From what you say, I understand that I could have done 3 OS without action 
planning and then 1 day with Action space only.
That’s an interesting idea, thanks for sharing !

Cheers from Paris, where we have lovely weather right now, probably not for long
Have a nice trio to Iceland 
> Le 19 oct. 2017 à 22:54, Michael M Pannwitz via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Dear Christine,
> is it Action/Projects/Initiatives/etc. that the sponsor wants?
> If so, they should simply invite any and all for Action Planning or as some 
> of us call it "Action Space".
> Convergence in the traditional way is more a detour into statistics, dots and 
> all than going the actionorienting route with passion and responsibility.
> In my experience and book it takes exactly 3.5 hours regardless of how many 
> show up and how many projects are created.
> And it fits more neatly into "never work harder than you have to".
> Cheers from Berlin where I am zeroing in on the 5th (Paris was the first in 
> 2009) European Open Space Learning Exchange  that Kari and friends are 
> convening in Iceland in November...
> Hugs
> mmp
> Michael M Pannwitz
> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
> ++49 - 30-772 8000
> mmpannw...@gmail.com
> Information on the European Open Space Learning Exchange in Iceland in 
> November here:
> http://www.meine-openspace-praxis.de/OSLEX.pdf
> Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 455 resident Open Space 
> Workers in 76 countries working in a total of 144 countries worldwide
> www.openspaceworldmap.org
> Here you find books and task cards on open space, most in German, some in 
> English, some as ebooks, some multilingual
> https://www.westkreuz-verlag.de/de/Kommunikation
> ___
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Re: [OSList] what convergence after 3 OS events ?

2017-10-21 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Indeed, thank you all for your inputs!

I have now 3 main different possible designs, and lots of details to add
here and there that can fit in any of them. that's great! I 'll leave it
like this for a while and see what's going to sediment.

I'll keep you informed in a few months of the follow-up of the story.

Thank you again for responding so quickly and being so generous with your
pieces of advice.


2017-10-20 8:15 GMT+02:00 Carmela Ariza via OSList <

> Hi Michael
> Thanks for sharing your experience.  This could also help Christine decide
> on the process design.
> Warm regards
> Carms
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
> <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?.src=iOS>
> On Friday, October 20, 2017, 12:46, Michael M Pannwitz <
> mmpannw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Ariza,
> on several occasions that I was involved in as facilitator, there were
> Action Planning/Action Space events a week or two weeks after the OST
> gathering (the 3.5 hour version without any prioritisation or harvesting
> of what had happend in the OST meeting but with everyone reading and
> augmenting the report sheets before they were distributed to all).
> Several things I noticed:
> --- fewer folks (about one third of those who had come to the OST event)
> came
> --- new folks who had not been at the OST event came (my assumptions:
> they were invited by people who had been at the OST event because they
> were needed for whatever reason, they could not attend the original OST
> event for whatever reason)
> --- the time after the exciting and creative OST event back in the
> everyday life of the organization appears to have had the character of a
> "reality check"  producing sustainable agreements on Next Steps to be taken
> --- new projects for which I could not see any evidence in the Book of
> Proceedings that was produced at the end of the OST event.
> In my approach there is a 3.5 hour Planning Meeting session before the
> OST event. One of the key tasks there is to identify who needs to be
> invited to the event to productively work on what people attending the
> Planning Meeting envisioned to be the outcome of the OST event under the
> Topic for the event that they had agreed on.
> Of course, the folks planning the OST event are at the Planning Meeting
> and they also come to the event in the role of sponsor.
> This is the prerequisite for having everyone needed to be invited.
> No need to focus on the "leaders", especially if you work under the
> assumption that all who come "lead". If formald "leaders" dont show up,
> the "leaders" present in the OST event and in the Action Planning will
> come up with ingenious ways to get the formal "leaders" involved.
> Liebe Christine,
> jetzt muss Dir ja der Kopf rauchen mit so vielen Hinweisen, Ratschlägen,
> etc. Du bist auf jeden Fall die Richtige für dieses Projekt!
> Greetings from Berlin where I am enjoying the quickly changing pastel
> hues of an early fall sunrise
> mmmp
> Am 20.10.2017 um 01:25 schrieb Carmela Ariza:
> > Hi Christine, Hi Michael
> >
> > I like the action space idea, the invite all who cares in addition to
> > the hosts or who proposed an agenda.
> >
> > I am not sure if postponing the action planning to a later date will be
> > the best option as it may dampen the enthusiasm generated by the OS
> > sessions. But if someone else has tried this and would say it could work
> > better than having it all in one go per OS event, then why not try this
> > too.
> >
> > The convergence of ideas in the "action space" must involve the key
> > decision makers. The "must" might be a wrong word to use in OS as we
> > always say "invite" but since this will entail possible massive
> > organizational change then it would be good to have all or most of the
> > key decision makers in the action space.
> >
> > The documentation of each OS Sessions will be critical as this will help
> > everyone follow the thread of the conversations in the action space.
> >
> > To give the documentation team adequate time put all outputs together
> > and also for the hosts to comment on the encoded outputs - it may be
> > best to have a gap between the last OS day of the 3rd batch to the
> > convergence session.
> >
> > Or how do you plan to do the documentation?
> >
> > I think this is an amazing opportunity both for the company and you
> > Christine. WOW!!
> >
> > Warm regards from Can Tho (Vietnam)
> &g

Re: [OSList] what convergence after 3 OS events ?

2017-10-22 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Chris,

Yes for sure I do !
However it is my role to come up with a few different suggestions that
could fit to their context and goal.  They have  a interesting  culture
that is mix of hierarchy and autonomy, but lack experience with large group
Now what I have is a broader range of possibilities. I'll think over that a
bit. And from here start a discussion with them.

Thanks for your input !


2017-10-22 8:48 GMT+02:00 Chris Altmikus @ iDeA-Link <

> Dear Christine,
> The thread you have invited is rich… Much has been said. Let me add one
> single thought.
> I hope you work with a small groups of passionate people from within the
> company. Once you hold designs that you feel could work, why not invite
> them to finalize the design together with you…
> Kindly+   Chris
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[OSList] the story I told when opening space in NYC in 2015

2018-01-05 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Dear OS community,

As I am preparing myself to open space (and also longing for not being able
to join you at the International House next week), I came across the story
I wrote just after the Paris attack in 2015 and that I told when opening
space for the Practice of Peace.
Reading it again after those years, I believe it is too long a story to be
used to open space.
However, I remember how meaningful it was for me at that time to be able to
connect the terrible events I had gone through and the hope I had (and
still have) that opening space might be one very meaningful way to act when
dealing with events that bring sorrow to life. How meaningful it was also
to be able to share my story with you.
This summer, while attending an Art of Hosting gathering, I met a man from
Austria whose son was deeply injured in the next attack, in November of the
same year, in Bataclan, the club where 130 persons were killed.  His family
is still today heavily impacted by those terrible days. This made me think
that those stories may still be worth sharing.

Here it goes.

"To begin this seminar and welcome you I could offer you the story of this
year theme *“Opening Space for Peace and High Performance in Work and in
Life: Navigating Chaos, Confusion and Conflict »*. The first part « Peace
and High performance » comes from Harrison. As he loves to tell stories, I
am sure he will be delighted to tell it to you when he will be there this
afternoon or in the coming days. And if you forget to ask him, just read
his book « Wave Rider: leadership for high performance » where the story is
being told.

Instead I will tell you how strong those words echoed for me in the past
days, as we in France went through as you all know those terrible moments.

I was in my office on Wednesday, January 7, a  grey winter day in Paris,
preparing to receive guests I had invited via Twitter to listen together to
the launch of an online course some of you may know : Otto Scharmer’s U
lab, dealing with Transforming Business, Society, and Self. A theme dear to
my heart.  That’s at that precise moment that I learned that our satirical
newspaper Charlie Hebdo, has been attacked and that many of “them” were
dead. You may know what happened in those dreadful days: the initial 13
deaths,  the tracking, the shooting of several police officers, the Jewish
supermarket assaulted, more deaths and the killing of the 3 gunmen.

I have seen this going on in front of my eyes. The supermarket is 15mn’s
walk away from my apartment. Charlie Hebdo’s newspaper is closed to the
university where my daughter is studying. One of the supermarket clients
studied in the same business school than my husband.  All those horrors
sounding suddenly so close. So during those days, I experienced a large,
very large palette of emotions: shock, anger, sadness,  fear, doubt,
confusion, more fear for the future: would our society split into opposite
camps ? would this lead to more chaos?

After Charlie Hebdo’s shooting, a minute of silence was decided in all
public spaces. Private places did the same. Schools did the same. As they
did so, we suddenly discovered that there were some classes were children
would not silent, would not be shocked by what had happened but found it
absolutely normal. Suddenly the kids showed what we all knew was there and
had tried to forget.  Kids repeat what they hear at home. And so we all
heard via radio or TV that there are some places in our society where the
killing of others brings joy and comfort. Even if a minority, it shows us
that something has gone wrong.

How was it possible? how did we go together to such a situation where there
is such madness? Will we ever be able to change this? Can we define the
problem, imagine a solution and just press a button to fix it? Obviously,
we won’t. This is not the kind of problem that can be fixed. We already
tried, and obviously, those killings showed us that we failed.

Then on Sunday, in some places on Saturday, marches were organized all
around France. Everybody was invited to join.

I don't participate often in protest marches because I don’t like big
crowds. I am afraid I could be trapped in a sudden moment of violence.

But this Sunday, it did not matter. Maybe there was a risk, I feared it and
I was scared. But one thing I knew for sure was that I cared. I care for
being able to live a peaceful life with everyone around me, no matter if
they are white, yellow, black or red, if they believe in Jesus, Mahomet or
don’t believe in any kinds of gods, if they speak, act ,fight or keep
silent. So because I care, I went to the march. And so did 1 and half
million people, including governments leaders from all over the world
(including some whom we may question the way they understand the word
“freedom” or “peace”), representatives of a diversity of religions,. I saw
babies, toddlers, teenagers, as well as old people needing a stick to walk.
I saw people from all corners of the society, rich and poor alike. 

Re: [OSList] the story I told when opening space in NYC in 2015

2018-01-07 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Thank you so much Suzanne, SO incredibly nice of you to dedicate so much of 
your time and energy to sharing the words of others

> Le 7 janv. 2018 à 02:01, Suzanne Daigle via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Christine, merci pour le souvenir de ce Forum Ouvert où tu as ouvert une 
> espace extraordinaire.  Thank you Christine for the indelible memory of this 
> moment in 2015 when you opened the Space in New York. Your words are as 
> powerfully resonant as when you told us the story then. Not too long, rest 
> assured.  And Skye thank you for extending such a compelling call to action 
> for our upcoming gathering. 
> In honor of what you've both written, I created a collage of photos from 
> years past and posted on Facebook. It's a time when each of you were in New 
> York. 
> https://www.facebook.com/groups/7189220743/?multi_permalinks=10156959599630744¬if_id=1515286052533116¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic
> Suzanne xoxo
> Suzanne Daigle
> Open Space Facilitator
> NuFocus Strategic Group
> FL 941-359-8877
> Cell: 203-722-2009
> www.nufocusgroupusa.com
> s.dai...@nufocusgroup.com
> Twitter @Daiglesuz
>> On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 5:22 AM, christine koehler via OSList 
>>  wrote:
>> Dear OS community,
>> As I am preparing myself to open space (and also longing for not being able 
>> to join you at the International House next week), I came across the story I 
>> wrote just after the Paris attack in 2015 and that I told when opening space 
>> for the Practice of Peace.  
>> Reading it again after those years, I believe it is too long a story to be 
>> used to open space. 
>> However, I remember how meaningful it was for me at that time to be able to 
>> connect the terrible events I had gone through and the hope I had (and still 
>> have) that opening space might be one very meaningful way to act when 
>> dealing with events that bring sorrow to life. How meaningful it was also to 
>> be able to share my story with you.
>> This summer, while attending an Art of Hosting gathering, I met a man from 
>> Austria whose son was deeply injured in the next attack, in November of the 
>> same year, in Bataclan, the club where 130 persons were killed.  His family 
>> is still today heavily impacted by those terrible days. This made me think 
>> that those stories may still be worth sharing.
>> Here it goes.
>> "To begin this seminar and welcome you I could offer you the story of this 
>> year theme “Opening Space for Peace and High Performance in Work and in 
>> Life: Navigating Chaos, Confusion and Conflict ». The first part « Peace and 
>> High performance » comes from Harrison. As he loves to tell stories, I am 
>> sure he will be delighted to tell it to you when he will be there this 
>> afternoon or in the coming days. And if you forget to ask him, just read his 
>> book « Wave Rider: leadership for high performance » where the story is 
>> being told. 
>> Instead I will tell you how strong those words echoed for me in the past 
>> days, as we in France went through as you all know those terrible moments.
>> I was in my office on Wednesday, January 7, a  grey winter day in Paris, 
>> preparing to receive guests I had invited via Twitter to listen together to 
>> the launch of an online course some of you may know : Otto Scharmer’s U lab, 
>> dealing with Transforming Business, Society, and Self. A theme dear to my 
>> heart.  That’s at that precise moment that I learned that our satirical 
>> newspaper Charlie Hebdo, has been attacked and that many of “them” were 
>> dead. You may know what happened in those dreadful days: the initial 13 
>> deaths,  the tracking, the shooting of several police officers, the Jewish 
>> supermarket assaulted, more deaths and the killing of the 3 gunmen. 
>> I have seen this going on in front of my eyes. The supermarket is 15mn’s 
>> walk away from my apartment. Charlie Hebdo’s newspaper is closed to the 
>> university where my daughter is studying. One of the supermarket clients 
>> studied in the same business school than my husband.  All those horrors 
>> sounding suddenly so close. So during those days, I experienced a large, 
>> very large palette of emotions: shock, anger, sadness,  fear, doubt, 
>> confusion, more fear for the future: would our society split into opposite 
>> camps ? would this lead to more chaos? 
>> After Charlie Hebdo’s shooting, a minute of silence was decided in all 
>> public spaces. Private places did the same. Schools did the same. As they 
>> did so, we suddenly dis

Re: [OSList] OST french, Arabic and Farsi material request

2018-02-27 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi Maya

I can provide material in French, just tell me what you need


> Le 11 févr. 2018 à 12:25, Maya Rimer via OSList 
>  a écrit :
> Hello OST mailing list!
> My name is Maya, and I'm a facilitator working primarily with grass-root 
> organisations within the Greek Refugee Crisis. 
> I'm opening Space for a large group of international volunteers and refugees 
> on the Island of Lesvos in a few days, and was hoping to get some of the 
> wonderful Open Space Resources in a few languages other than English. 
> The community center that is sponsoring this event works in English, French, 
> Arabic and Farsi- any OST materials in these languages will be very much 
> appreciated! 
> Many thanks, 
> Maya Rimer
> mayari...@gmail.com  
> ___
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