Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat plugin - location of data to manually amend entry?

2020-07-15 Thread Roland0

SangSomBucket wrote: 
> I copied *persist.db* to my desktop because I was unable to open it on
> my NAS using DB Browser on my computer, wonder why that was? I even
> tried shutting my *LMS* down before attempting again but still didn't
> work.
Likely to be related to how you access your NAS (i.e. how you mount the
share on your computer). Many protocols (like SMB aka "Windows Shares")
handle file ownership and permissions badly, and suffer from other
issues as well (file locking etc.)
Also keep in mind that the owner of the file on your NAS is not the same
as on the shared drive and not the same as on your computer. Access
permissions will be influenced by any combination of those.

Roland0 wrote: 
> You should generally be careful to keep the original owner and
> permissions of the persist.db database file (which may be lost / changed
> when you transfer the file, you'd have to fix this as a last step on the
> NAS directly, unless your transfer SW can to this)
> A failure to do so will definitely lead to problems.

'Various SW' ( Web Interface | Playlist
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat plugin - location of data to manually amend entry?

2020-07-13 Thread SangSomBucket

Thanks - it was more unintended consequences from not really knowing
what I'm doing that I am afraid of... which reminds me, I copied
*persist.db* to my desktop because I was unable to open it on my NAS
using DB Browser on my computer, wonder why that was? I even tried
shutting my *LMS* down before attempting again but still didn't work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat plugin - location of data to manually amend entry?

2020-07-13 Thread Roland0

SangSomBucket wrote: 
> I'm not sure that I'll have the time to attempt the import of the
> track_history data with the risk that I may break my LMS installation
> and the additional time that would take to fix.
Restoring the databases from a backup wouldn't take much time.

> Is it possible to view the history of all the occasions when a
> particular track has been played? I have had a dig around with TrackStat
> and couldn't find anything which leads me to think that the
> track_history table is more for TrackStat to calculate what to populate
> the lists of Tracks recently played or Played long ago that you can
> select.
I don't really use TrackStat, so I can't comment on that

'Various SW' ( Web Interface | Playlist
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat plugin - location of data to manually amend entry?

2020-07-11 Thread SangSomBucket

Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure that I'll have the time to attempt
the import of the track_history data with the risk that I may break my
LMS installation and the additional time that would take to fix.

Is it possible to view the history of all the occasions when a
particular track has been played? I have had a dig around with TrackStat
and couldn't find anything which leads me to think that the
track_history table is more for TrackStat to calculate what to populate
the lists of Tracks recently played or Played long ago that you can

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat plugin - location of data to manually amend entry?

2020-07-11 Thread Roland0

SangSomBucket wrote: 
> I am now back to where I was but I am still keen to find out why my
> amendment to the playCount values for the tracks on a single release
> seemed to bork my entire LMS operation since that seemed to be the
> easiest and quickest way restoring playCount values for tracks where I
> have had to amend the filename and / or filepath.
I'm confident that modifying the database works, as I've done this
myself (for ratings)
The error message you posted indicates that the table tracks_persistent
was missing from the DB, which is fatal, as this is the one LMS uses
(track_history and track_statistics are for TrackStat)

> In addition, this version of LMS installs to a different location that
> the previous one and whilst I can see the files when I SSH into the NAS
> as root, I can't seem to do that using my file manager (Finder), which
> would be quicker and more useful ultimately for me.
You should generally be careful to keep the original owner and
permissions of the persist.db database file (which may be lost / changed
when you transfer the file, you'd have to fix this as a last step on the
NAS directly, unless your transfer SW can to this)
A failure to do so will definitely lead to problems.

> Lastly, whilst not -that- important, I lost all the track_history data
> that was in *persist.db*. That data is still preserved in the copy of
> *persist.db* that I have on my desktop, so if it was easy enough to do
> and wouldn't bork my currently working LMS, would it be possible to
> import that table into the live version of *persist.db* on my NAS?

You'd need to export the data from the copy and import it into the
current one (deleting the data in the table before doing so). Most DB
editors should be able to do this (including the CLI sqlite3 client).
Just be careful to limit any operation to this specific table
Obviously, make sure you have a backup of both library.db and persist.db
(or just backup LMS's cache directory)

'Various SW' ( Web Interface | Playlist
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat plugin - location of data to manually amend entry?

2020-07-10 Thread SangSomBucket

In the end, I decided to delete the LMS installation I had on my NAS,
which was the *NAStools* app for ReadyNAS version *7.9.0.b7dfc80-nt1* 
and re-install but upgrade to version *7.9.3 - 1591161343* instead.

Then restore all my TrackStat data from the backup file.

I am now back to where I was but I am still keen to find out why my
amendment to the playCount values for the tracks on a single release
seemed to bork my entire LMS operation since that seemed to be the
easiest and quickest way restoring playCount values for tracks where I
have had to amend the filename and / or filepath.

In addition, this version of LMS installs to a different location that
the previous one and whilst I can see the files when I SSH into the NAS
as root, I can't seem to do that using my file manager (Finder), which
would be quicker and more useful ultimately for me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat plugin - location of data to manually amend entry?

2020-07-10 Thread SangSomBucket

Thanks for your reply.

Have managed to screw up my LMS, no audio even though the web GUI +
iPeng app both show that tracks are playing; unable to pause tracks,
clicking pause just makes the track go back to the beginning and start
playing again.

So... deleted persist.db and am now in the rather long process of
restoring it from a TrackStat backup file which I hope will fix the
above issues.

The sequence of actions that got me to this unfortunate state were:

- after your helpful link to 'this thread'
  which confirmed that the data I was looking to amend was contained
  with the SQLite database called *persist.db*, I thought, great, I just
  need to get an application that can browse and amend databases on
- which was possible by grabbing a copy of 'DB Browser for SQLite'
  (, which has versions for most
- Unfortunately, navigating to the requsitite location on my NAS
  (/data/.apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/cache/), I was unable to
  open *persist.db* using DB Browser. I also noticed that there were two
  other files with similar names *persist.db-shm* and *persist.db-wal*,
  from researching, these were temp files and when I stopped the LMS
  app, they disappeared and only reappeared when the LMS server was
- As I was unable to access the db in its location, I copied it to my
  desktop where I was able to open it up with DB Browser, open up the
  table *track_statistics*, search and locate the specific rows for all
  the tracks on this one specific release, amend the playCOUNT value to
  what it was previously before I changed the filenames, saved and
  closed the database.
- I then copied this file back to the location in NAS overwriting the
  *persist.db* there.
- started the LMS and... no audio...
- so I deleted *persist.db* and restored from the TrackStat backup
  file... that has now completed but LMS is still broken. What have I
  done? :(
- server.log shows   

   frame 45: main::main 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/ line 1213)

[20-07-10 11:41:07.5025] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122) 
Error: Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db prepare_cached 
failed: no such table: tracks_persistent [for Statement "SELECT, 
me.urlmd5, me.url, me.musicbrainz_id, me.added, me.playcount, me.lastplayed, 
me.rating FROM tracks_persistent me WHERE ( urlmd5 = ? )"] at 
/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Schema/ line 126
[20-07-10 11:41:07.5052] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122) 

frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Schema/ line 122)
frame 1: Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception 
line 598)
frame 2: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::dbh_do 
line 1297)
frame 3: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_execute 
line 1532)
frame 4: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_select 
line 2031)
frame 5: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::select_single 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/lib/DBIx/Class/ line 
frame 6: DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Schema/ line 562)
frame 7: Slim::Schema::Track::retrievePersistent 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Player/ line 634)
frame 8: Slim::Player::Song::open 
 line 1221)
frame 9: Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream 
 line 288)
frame 10: Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction 
 line 739)
frame 11: Slim::Player::StreamingController::_nextTrackReady 
 line 693)
frame 12: Slim::Player::StreamingController::__ANON__ 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Player/ line 337)
frame 13: Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong 
 line 698)
frame 14: Slim::Player::StreamingController::_getNextTrack 
 line 953)
frame 15: Slim::Player::StreamingController::_StopGetNext 

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat plugin - location of data to manually amend entry?

2020-07-09 Thread Roland0

SangSomBucket wrote: 
> I sometimes have to amend the folder / file names of certain releases in
> my music collection which will break the connection for the TrackStat
> plugin to retrieve the track ratings and play counts. 
> The track ratings I can easily re-enter via the web GUI but the play
> count I can't.
> I have been digging around in my NAS where my LMS server is located, to
> try and find the database where it is all stored with a view to opening
> up, find the requisite entry for this release -after- I have amended it
> to restore the play counts but I can't find the file.
See 'this post'
- what I wrote about ratings applies to play counts as well.
If you're not comfortable modifying a database, you could try editing a
TrackStat backup file and restoring it (haven't tried this, thought);



'Various SW' ( Web Interface | Playlist
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat plugin - location of data to manually amend entry?

2020-07-09 Thread SangSomBucket

I sometimes have to amend the folder / file names of certain releases in
my music collection which will break the connection for the TrackStat
plugin to retrieve the track ratings and play counts. 

The track ratings I can easily re-enter via the web GUI but the play
count I can't.

I have been digging around in my NAS where my LMS server is located, to
try and find the database where it is all stored with a view to opening
up, find the requisite entry for this release -after- I have amended it
to restore the play counts but I can't find the file.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks.

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