Re: [pygame] physics engine?

2009-06-24 Thread Peter Gebauer

It was really too bad that the gsoc project wasn't really finished.
It didn't need to be a full 2D physics engine like Chipmunk or Box2D,
but in it's current state it is lacking some basic, mandatory features
to be useful.

I think the collision part should be rewritten to be a part of the
PyGame standard collision library. This way you can have traditional
rect collisions, pixel based collision detection and vector based
testing all in one neet package for PyGame.

That collision library would also provide PyGame community with much
needed types for vectors, quats and the math surounding it.

As for the physics, if you can write a simple platformer it's
good enough.

Just my two cents. Also, for a good physics library check out
PyODE, it now features a 2D joint lock so you can go from 3D
to 2D without much effort.


On 2009-06-19 (Fri) 11:57, René Dudfield wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:25 AM, wrote:
  what 2d physics engine would you recommend for using with pygame?
  what happened to the SOC physics project? is it finished? will it be
  included in pygame?
 Unfortunately not much work has been done on that since the gsoc last
 year finished... and no one else has really picked it up.  It lives in
 pgreloaded now.  However I don't know of any games using it.  Perhaps
 if it got some users and a maintainer it might improve.  I think
 Marcus might have plans for it, but not sure what they are.  Perhaps
 it might get into pygame 1.9.1... but definitely not 1.9.0.
 The main engines used by people are these two engines:
 There are a number of successful games using them - and both projects
 have people working on them, and they seem well maintained.
 There's also py-lepton, which is a particle library... which does some
 particle physics stuff, but not really a physics library:
   (no pygame project page)
 and finally pyode - which is more complex, and seems harder for people
 to finish games with, but does 3d stuff:
   (no pygame project page)
 Also have a look on the pygame website for physics stuff.  There's
 some simple stuff in there, which might be nice to learn from.

Re: [pygame] PyGame and SVG

2009-05-06 Thread Peter Gebauer

I'm not sure, but maybe something like OpenVG would be useful?

Once you have a OpenVG implementation for SDL/PyGame you have a complete
and free API to do vector graphics for games, UI's and what not with
(potentially) hardware acceleration specifically for vector graphics.

Just FYI. :)


On 2009-05-05 (Tue) 18:47, Daniel Jo wrote:
 I don't have very much time during the week, but I'll try to get it working
 in Windows (XP) this weekend.  As for OS X, I don't own a system running OS
 X, so unfortunately there's little that I can do there. . .
 On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 8:48 AM, Bo Jangeborg wrote:
  Do you know if this will be made available for Windows and OS X too ?
  Daniel Jo skrev:
  I was thinking about UIs today and recalled a post by Brad Wardel about
  the UI in Galactic Civilizations. He mentioned how it would look pretty 
  the same regardless of the resolution one runs the game at, due to the use
  of SVG. Presumably, the UI is designed as vector drawings and at runtime
  rendered to a texture whose size depends upon the current screen 
  I thought that this would be a great idea for PyGame, but then I found
  that the only implementation of SVG that exists for PyGame actually uses
  Cairo. Personally, I think that using Cairo within PyGame is, at best,
  suboptimum. What you end up with is a whole lot of redundant library that 
  doing exactly nothing. It would be much better to have a implementation 
  relatively atomic dependencies.
  Fortunately, after a bit of googling I discovered SDL_svg. It appears to
  require only libxml-2.0 and libSDL. Perfect. It also has a very small API.
  Perfect. After a bit more research I managed to create my own Python
  bindings using Pyrex. Take a look:
  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG - Version: 8.5.325 / Virus Database:
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Re: [pygame] pygame.midi

2009-05-01 Thread Peter Gebauer

Yes, I also discovered it's using portmidi. I'll check it and the python 
for more info, thanks!


On 2009-05-01 (Fri) 08:08, René Dudfield wrote:
 it uses portmidi, so best to look at that for capabilities.  Also to
 ask on that mailing list for advanced usage.
 1(not sure of capability detection), 3 ,4 I know of to be true.  Not
 sure of 2, or 5.
 You can download either the source, and build that.  Or you can
 download prebuilt win/mac versions.  You should be able to take just
 the pypm.pyd or, and the the might have
 some dependencies on other parts of pygame.  Consider the pypm
 private, and an implementation detail... it might dissapear to be
 replaced by a different one later.
 There's an examples/ with example listing, input and output.
 The documentation hasn't quite been finished yet, but is mostly done
 as docstrings in lib/
 It's still unfinished, so maybe it will have a few issues and the API
 may change slightly, but expected to stabalise after the pygame 1.9
 release due in approximately 6 weeks.
 Any bug reports, and patches welcome!
 On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 12:51 AM, Peter Gebauer wrote:
  I recently wrote an application for configuration of Akai's USB EWI
  and I used PyAlsa's (Python extension of Alsa) sequencer API.
  After tracking down and fixing at least three bugs (most of which
  concerning segfaults tediously tracked down in gdb) and mailing
  back and forth the maintainer I realized it would take a lot of
  time and energy since I have no easy access to apply patches.
  I also realized porting would be an issue. Enter pygame.
  So, enough background, here are some questions: I'm sending
  NRPN's and Sysex's, does the following functionality work
  in pygame.midi?
  1) List connected MIDI devices (if possible with capabilities)
  2) Connect duplex (read/write)
  3) Send events
  4) Read events
  5) List active port connections
  6) What other dependencies will be added to Linux, OSX and Windows
  Is it possible to download just the midi module somewhere and build
  it to work with my current version of pygame (1.8.1-3)?
  Anybody else interrested in EWI's who might want to add support for
  their device, maybe we can work it in with my Akai project.

Re: [pygame] PyGame Website Rewrite

2009-04-24 Thread Peter Gebauer

The two main priorities, imho, would be
1) documentation up to date with code
2) a wiki for additional documentation, examples, build instructions
   on various platforms, etc.

The project content could be easily transfered to wiki too. It might not
be better than a full database interface, but it's sufficient and easy
to maintain.
Also, there are already api doc generators for Python and good wiki's, so
no extra code would be written, only a build script for automating the process.

As a bonus, if we can generate API docs for specific versions that would be a
huge help.


On 2009-04-21 (Tue) 22:38, jug wrote:

 Even if it was not selected as a project for GSoC, I would like to do  
 the pygame website rewrite.
 Like the other applicants, I'd do that with Django. Now that there can  
 not only be one student/participant,
 it would be cool to work together and combine forces.

 Since I applied for GSoC, I've already made a small concept. Merging  
 multiple implementing-/design ideas
 may become difficult, but before I go into detail just say me if you are  


Re: [pygame] PyOpenGL Release 3.0.0 (final)

2009-04-02 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi Mike!

Will PyOpenGL 3.x be rewritten in the future to use SWIG, Pyrex or
Python extensions written in C to improve performance? Is there a possibility
of mixing ctypes with Python extensions in C for the more critical parts?


On 2009-04-01 (Wed) 17:48, Mike C. Fletcher wrote:
 PyOpenGL is the traditional OpenGL binding for the Python language  
 (Python 2.x series).  This release is the first major release of the  
 package in more than 4 years.  PyOpenGL 3.x is a complete rewrite of the  
 PyOpenGL project which attempts to retain compatibility with the  
 original PyOpenGL 2.x API while providing support for many more  
 data-formats and extensions than were wrapped by the previous code-base.  
 It attempts to retain the easy approachable API of the original 
 PyOpenGL bindings, focusing more on ease of development (both for client 
 code and the library itself) than speed.

 Build and installation has been dramatically simplified.  It is possible  
 to work directly from a PyOpenGL bzr branch or to merely unpack the  
 package into your PYTHONPATH.  To install from source and/or participate  
 in development:

bzr branch lp:pyopengl
bzr branch lp:pyopengl-demo

 then add the pyopengl/OpenGL directory to your PYTHONPATH.  You can also  
 download the source distributions from:

 and use standard distutils commands to install.  PyOpenGL 3.x is already  
 supported by the PyInstaller exe packaging utility, and can be made to  
 work with Py2exe with inclusion statements.

 PyOpenGL may be installed using the easy_install script if desired.   
 There are no setuptools/package-resources dependencies in PyOpenGL 3.0.0  
 final.  You can install PyOpenGL on supported platforms (currently  
 Linux, Win32 and OSX) with the following if you have setuptools, PIL and  
 Numpy installed:

easy_install PyOpenGL
easy_install PyOpenGL-Demo

 You can then run the scripts in the PyOpenGL-Demo package.

 PyOpenGL 3.x introduces package-level configuration flags which allow  
 you to modify the behavior of the entire PyOpenGL package, e.g. by  
 introducing extremely verbose logging, or turning off all error-checking  
 to improve performance.  Of particular note is a flag which allows you  
 to disable APIs which have been deprecated by the ARB in OpenGL 3.0.   
 Other flags allow you to control the trade-off between ease-of-use and  
 performance during the development and release process.

 PyOpenGL 3.x provides access to the entire OpenGL 3.0 API, as well as  
 most extensions which have been entered in the OpenGL extension  
 registry.  Commonly used extensions can have Pythonic wrappers written  
 easily, and many of the commonly used extensions already have simplified  
 APIs provided.  It also provides wrappers for the GLUT, GLE and GLX  
 libraries.  The AGL and WGL modules are not provided with PyOpenGL 3.x,  
 as most devs are using window-manager-based GL operations.

 PyOpenGL 3.x provides a simple plug-in API that allows you to write  
 data-format or platform plugins.  These can be used to easily add  
 native support for your array-friendly data-formats (vector classes  
 and the like).  There is a sample data-format plug-in which wraps the  
 Vertex Buffer Objects extensions (in the OpenGL/arrays/ module).

 PyOpenGL 3.x's documentation has been regenerated and the build process  
 for the documentation has been updated so that it can be easily  
 regenerated to include pointers to other Open Source PyOpenGL project's  
 online code viewers.  If you would like to add your project to the list  
 of referenced projects, please contact the author with details of your  
 code viewer's url, code license and project name.

 Notes in the reference documentation indicates the deprecated entry  
 points for OpenGL 3.0.  If you have a PyOpenGL code-base you should be  
 looking at reworking the code in order to eliminate the use of legacy  
 APIs before OpenGL 3.1 drivers become mainstream.  At minimum you should  
 be converting away from per-vertex operations and the use of display  
 lists toward using array-based geometry.

 You should expect a performance decline with the use of PyOpenGL 3.x  
 versus PyOpenGL 2.x!  PyOpenGL 3.x will have an accelerator module  
 released in time to provide better performance, but the development  
 method (ctypes) is inherently slower than the C (SWIG) method previously  
 used.  If your code is performance critical you should likely use the  
 accelerator module when it becomes available.  Also consider using the  
 package-level configuration flags to remove support functionality as  
 you near release, use of these flags can provide more than 2x speedup in  
 most cases.

 The 3.0.0 final release has a few bugs fixed from the previous 3.0.0c1  
 release.  Users of the release candidate should upgrade.  PyOpenGL 3.0.0  
 is intended for use with the Python 2.x series, porting to Python 3.x is  

Re: [pygame] PHP/MySQL high score server with Python library

2009-03-30 Thread Peter Gebauer

Check out things like XMLRPC. As for the backend server, it's up to
the game developer to implement, they can use anything which is way
better than locking Python game developers up with PHP and MySQL.
Not to mention the fact that online statistics may vary greatly from
game to game, I don't see general functionality of this being very

Writing this is sort of trivial and, imo, out of the PyGame scope.


On 2009-03-29 (Sun) 16:14, Ian Mallett wrote:
 This would be really great, I think.  A module made out of this that is
 generic (and maybe a bit documented) would be extremely useful.  I, for one,
 have been trying to find something like this myself.

Re: [pygame] Python - Pygame - PyOpenGL performance

2009-03-19 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi casey!

Yeh, unfortunately, I haven't found any smart ways to use retained mode
for 2D graphics engines. Even if you do use VBO's in stream mode you have
to update the data every frame, i.e a Python call that makes C calls, all
those array structs have to be converted from Python types to C types
eventually as well. Also, changing textures requires immediate mode calls.
From what little I know about it, my guess is that a C extension is
way faster than ctypes and SWIG generated code.

SWIG makes sense for an entire scenegraph written in C, the scenegraph
is retained in itself and will accept your data, including animations,
and continously executing it for you.

What most people want is a fast and simple scenegraph, that is avoiding
shaders and the intricate details of opengl.
If you have solution for multiple textures in one VBO that does not use shaders 
works in retained mode, please do share. I've been looking for ages.
With multiple textures I mean the ability to glBindTexture in retained
mode, not the use of multi textures.


On 2009-03-17 (Tue) 21:43, Casey Duncan wrote:
 With the emphasis these days on batch operations (VBOs, etc) and doing  
 more and more of the work on the video card itself via shaders, I  
 seriously doubt that the bottleneck of a well-written, modern PyOpenGL  
 application will be the ctypes overhead. The only time I could see that 
 could be would be for immediate mode usage, which is deprecated anyhow, 
 for the simple reason that per-vertex operations no longer mesh well with 
 a modern graphics architecture.

 If you are not writing a modern OpenGL app, then by all means, use the  
 old version. It's going to be a while I think before cards drop support 
 OpenGL 2 and earlier features. It will happen eventually though.

 There are significant maintenance advantages to ctypes over C-wrappers, 
 generated by SWIG or otherwise. It is difficult to make the latter work 
 well across platforms and python versions. If you've ever looked at the 
 build system for PyOpenGL 2.x, you'd understand what I mean. And this is 
 coming from somebody who enjoys writing C extensions, but for wrapping 
 existing APIs, ctypes is the state of the art. Like Python itself it 
 trades execution speed for development efficiency and better portability.

 PyOpenGL is more or less a one man project afaik, and let me tell you,  
 development efficiency rules when you're trying to move mountains  


 On Mar 17, 2009, at 7:37 PM, Richie Ward wrote:

 why did they not make 3.0 with swig?

 On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 12:26 PM, RB[0] wrote: 

 Hmm, this is a bit outdated, but I found a few other references that 
 SWIG will generally be faster to run, though would have more  
 overhead - so I


 On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 7:17 AM, RB[0] wrote:

 I saw saw tests for performance between the old C PyOpenGL and the  
 ctypes one...
 The older one was significantly faster from what I saw - but that  
 is how
 it will always be - direct usage of a C lib is just like calling C  
 and such - whereas ctypes you have to call a python function  
 (which may call
 others) which will execute the C lib code...

 I'll see if I can't find the page somewhere...

 On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Brian Fisher

 That's what PyOpenGL 2.0 was - a C extension instead of ctypes.  
 with SWIG)

 I actually still use PyOpenGL 2.0 for reasons other than  
 (py2exe packaging) - I had to build it myself on windows for  
 Python 2.5, you
 can get at an installer for it here:

 I've never performance tested the difference between it and 3.0  
 though -
 is somebody else could do that, I'd love to see the results

 On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Zack Schilling wrote:

 If someone did this and I could drop it in to my code, that  
 would be
 very nice. But for right now, PyOpenGL is serving my needs just 
 fine. I can
 use about 600 independently textured and animated sprites  
 onscreen, scaled
 and rotated, without stressing a low-end system more than 40%.

 On Mar 16, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Forrest Voight wrote:

 Would writing a replacement for PyOpenGL in C instead of in  
 with ctypes help? I think it really would ... PyOpenGL is  
 pretty complex, sometimes when I get tracebacks the error is 
 5 or 6
 levels into PyOpenGL. Even a C library that only implemented the
 common functions and relied on PyOpenGL for the constants and
 functions that do complex things like handling strings would  
 help a lot.

 Another way to increase speed is to write an opengl 
 rendering engine
 in C and call and make it available as a Python extension.  
 This is
 a major speed boost, in particular for a large number of  

Re: [pygame] Python - Pygame - PyOpenGL performance

2009-03-19 Thread Peter Gebauer
I'm not sure ctypes is sufficient for everything you can do
with OpenGL, but I don't know.


On 2009-03-16 (Mon) 13:00, Forrest Voight wrote:
 Would writing a replacement for PyOpenGL in C instead of in Python
 with ctypes help? I think it really would ... PyOpenGL is internally
 pretty complex, sometimes when I get tracebacks the error is 5 or 6
 levels into PyOpenGL. Even a C library that only implemented the
 common functions and relied on PyOpenGL for the constants and
 functions that do complex things like handling strings would probably
 help a lot.
 On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Peter Gebauer wrote:
  I've done a few sprite thingies in OpenGL here are some pointers:
  Afaik display lists and VBO's can't bind different textures (?)
  per list/array. You can't animate lists by changing texcoords
  independently per element, so no go. VBO's have texture coords,
  but only one texture. Again, I'm no expert, might be wrong.
  With the quad aproach you should try
  to make the number of calls as few as possible. If you get
  rid of the push and translate for each sprite you'll get some
  extra speed. Try positioning each quads directly. The downside
  with sharing matrix over all sprites is the obvious lack of
  using OpenGL transformations, but some vector math aplied to
  the quads has been faster for me than having one transformed
  matrix per quad.
  Since I haven't been able to animate a list/vbo with independent
  textures and texture coords for each element/buffer object I've only
  used it for backdrops. The speed increase is tremendous.
  I also partition the elements so only one list/vbo is displayed per
  visible section, if you're screen display is smaller than the
  entire scene, this helps even more.
  If you put all your sprites and their animation frames into one
  big texture you could use VBO's, but I've never had the tenacity
  to try that aproach.
  Another way to increase speed is to write an opengl rendering engine
  in C and call and make it available as a Python extension. This is
  a major speed boost, in particular for a large number of iterations.
  Iirc PyOpenGL bindings are generated, many times this is suboptimal
  code for what you're trying to do, writing the Python extension in C
  manually have been faster for me many times. This is indeed true
  if you put your iterations inside a C loop instead of calling the
  C function from Python many times.
  In any case, still waiting for that OO 2D game engine with tons of
  OpenGL features and effects, including simple things like frame animation,
  LERP-like features and a simple 2D scenegraph. No luck yet, all attempts
  I've tried so far lack at least one must have feature. :)
  On 2009-02-26 (Thu) 11:29, Casey Duncan wrote:
  Immediate mode calls (glVertex et al) are the very slowest way to use
  OpenGL. In fact they are deprecated in OpenGL 3.0 and will eventually be
  The display list is better as you discovered, but you still are making a
  few OpenGL state changes per sprite, which is likely slowing you down.
  Also there is some overhead for the display list call, which makes them
  sub-optimal for just drawing a single quad.
  You really need to batch the quads up into a few vertex arrays or vbos
  to stream them to the card in one go. pyglet has a high-level python
  sprite api that automates this for you fwiw.
  On Feb 26, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Zack Schilling wrote:
  I know the PyOpenGL mailing list might be a better place to ask this
  question, but I've had a lot of luck talking to the experienced people
  here so I figured I'd try it first.
  I'm trying to migrate a game I created from using the Pygame / SDL
  software rendering to OpenGL. Before attempting the massive and
  complex conversion involved with moving the whole game, I decided to
  make a little test program while I learned OpenGL.
  In this test, I set up OpenGL to work in 2D and began loading images
  into texture objects and drawing textured quads as sprites. I created a
  little glSprite class to handle the drawing and translation. At first
  its draw routine looked like this:
         glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.texture)
         glTexCoord2f(0, 1)
         glVertex2f(0, 0)
         glTexCoord2f(1, 1)
         glVertex2f(w, 0)
         glTexCoord2f(1, 0)
         glVertex2f(w, h)
         glTexCoord2f(0, 0)
         glVertex2f(0, h)
  Note: self.texture is a texture ID of a loaded OpenGL texture object.
  My sprite class keeps a dictionary cache and only loads the sprite's
  image into a texture if it needs to.
  I'd get maybe 200 identical

Re: [pygame] GSoC: Improved Sprite and scene system

2009-03-19 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hey Erisvaldo!

Your first task would be to summarize all the features that people think is a 
must have for a scene.

I think the sprites could be removed from PyGame, just keep the collision code.
Rects need to be float, not int, or have two types, int's won't cut it for more 
advanced collision math.
Then rewrite the collision library to use vectors, calculate penetration depths 
and support more shapes.
That would be well worth the effort and could be reused for the physics engine 
and any scene manager.

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but never able to muster up the 
strength to do it. :)


On 2009-03-18 (Wed) 21:21, Erisvaldo Junior wrote:
 My name is Erisvaldo, I'm 21, graduated in Internet Systems (2006-2008) and 
 last year student of Computer Science at UFPB (Brazil).
 I have some experiencie with game development, mainly with mobile games 
 (JavaME), but also have used many engines like HGE, Pygame and some 3D ones 
 (Crystal Space, Ogre and Irrlicht).
 I would like to help improving Sprite system of PyGame and also add a generic 
 scene system to the engine. Is there anyone working on it at the moment? How 
 can I apply for this?
 If someone could give me some tips of how should I make my proposal I would 
 appreciate. A list of desired features is also appreciated.
 Thank you all,
 Erisvaldo Junior.

Re: [pygame] Weird lag

2009-03-01 Thread Peter Gebauer
How is collision testing done? 200 sprites tested against 200 sprites
is a big difference from just testing 2-3 sprites against 200, in particular
if you do the iteration in Python.


On 2009-03-01 (Sun) 08:51, Daniel Mateos wrote:
 Hey again,
 In a 2d scroller game im making i seem to get FPS drops at random
 points, i am using the Clock class to keep it at a constant 60 fps and
 it never seems to go above 9%-15% cpu usage so im not sure what could be
 causing it.
 Seems to run well for 90% of the time with spikes that drop the fps to
 10-40 at some points in the level, other times it runs fine at exactly
 the same points and its not doing anything extra doing these spikes, im
 bliting about 100-200 sprites per frame.
 Some quick profiler output, doesnt really tell me much tho:
  ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
  1233   10.1770.008   10.1770.008 {built-in method tick}
  12334.9820.0044.9820.004 {pygame.display.flip}
1536993.2110.0003.2110.000 {method 'blit' of
 'pygame.Surface' objects}
  36150.1600.0000.1600.000 {method 'render' of
 'pygame.font.Font' objects}
 10.1500.1500.1500.150 {pygame.base.init}
 10.1260.126   20.979   20.979
4872870.1070.0000.1070.000 {method 'colliderect' of
 'pygame.Rect' objects}
 10.0930.0930.1210.121 {pygame.display.set_mode}
 493258/4930310.0480.0000.0480.000 {len}
  12330.0420.0000.0420.000 {pygame.event.poll}
 40.0340.0080.0340.008 {method 'convert' of
 'pygame.Surface' objects}
 Any help or suggestions for better profileing/tracking down the lag
 would be good :)
 Daniel Mateos

Re: [pygame] Python - Pygame - PyOpenGL performance

2009-02-27 Thread Peter Gebauer

I've done a few sprite thingies in OpenGL here are some pointers:

Afaik display lists and VBO's can't bind different textures (?)
per list/array. You can't animate lists by changing texcoords
independently per element, so no go. VBO's have texture coords,
but only one texture. Again, I'm no expert, might be wrong.

With the quad aproach you should try
to make the number of calls as few as possible. If you get
rid of the push and translate for each sprite you'll get some
extra speed. Try positioning each quads directly. The downside
with sharing matrix over all sprites is the obvious lack of
using OpenGL transformations, but some vector math aplied to
the quads has been faster for me than having one transformed
matrix per quad.

Since I haven't been able to animate a list/vbo with independent
textures and texture coords for each element/buffer object I've only
used it for backdrops. The speed increase is tremendous.
I also partition the elements so only one list/vbo is displayed per
visible section, if you're screen display is smaller than the
entire scene, this helps even more.

If you put all your sprites and their animation frames into one
big texture you could use VBO's, but I've never had the tenacity
to try that aproach.

Another way to increase speed is to write an opengl rendering engine
in C and call and make it available as a Python extension. This is
a major speed boost, in particular for a large number of iterations.
Iirc PyOpenGL bindings are generated, many times this is suboptimal
code for what you're trying to do, writing the Python extension in C
manually have been faster for me many times. This is indeed true
if you put your iterations inside a C loop instead of calling the
C function from Python many times.

In any case, still waiting for that OO 2D game engine with tons of
OpenGL features and effects, including simple things like frame animation,
LERP-like features and a simple 2D scenegraph. No luck yet, all attempts
I've tried so far lack at least one must have feature. :)


On 2009-02-26 (Thu) 11:29, Casey Duncan wrote:
 Immediate mode calls (glVertex et al) are the very slowest way to use  
 OpenGL. In fact they are deprecated in OpenGL 3.0 and will eventually be 

 The display list is better as you discovered, but you still are making a 
 few OpenGL state changes per sprite, which is likely slowing you down. 
 Also there is some overhead for the display list call, which makes them 
 sub-optimal for just drawing a single quad.


 You really need to batch the quads up into a few vertex arrays or vbos  
 to stream them to the card in one go. pyglet has a high-level python  
 sprite api that automates this for you fwiw.


 On Feb 26, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Zack Schilling wrote:

 I know the PyOpenGL mailing list might be a better place to ask this  
 question, but I've had a lot of luck talking to the experienced people 
 here so I figured I'd try it first.

 I'm trying to migrate a game I created from using the Pygame / SDL  
 software rendering to OpenGL. Before attempting the massive and  
 complex conversion involved with moving the whole game, I decided to  
 make a little test program while I learned OpenGL.

 In this test, I set up OpenGL to work in 2D and began loading images  
 into texture objects and drawing textured quads as sprites. I created a 
 little glSprite class to handle the drawing and translation. At first 
 its draw routine looked like this:

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.texture)
glTexCoord2f(0, 1)
glVertex2f(0, 0)
glTexCoord2f(1, 1)
glVertex2f(w, 0)
glTexCoord2f(1, 0)
glVertex2f(w, h)
glTexCoord2f(0, 0)
glVertex2f(0, h)

 Note: self.texture is a texture ID of a loaded OpenGL texture object. 
 My sprite class keeps a dictionary cache and only loads the sprite's 
 image into a texture if it needs to.

 I'd get maybe 200 identical sprites (same texture) onscreen and my CPU 
 would hit 100% load from Python execution. I looked into what could be 
 causing this and found out that it's probably function call overhead. 
 That's 14 external library function calls per sprite draw.

 The next thing I tried was to create a display list at each sprite's  
 initialization. Then my code looked like this:

 Well, that's nice, down to 4 calls per draw. I was able to push ~500  
 sprites per frame using this method before the CPU tapped out. I need 
 more speed than this. My game logic uses 30-40% of the CPU alone and 
 I'd like to push at least 1000 sprites. What can I do? I've 

Re: [pygame] Name self not defined

2009-02-04 Thread Peter Gebauer

__new__ returns a new instance of the class while __init__
is simply used to initialize instance variables.
Normally you don't bother with __new__ unless you have a particular
need (does not happen to often in my experience with Python), some
types written in C may require it for deviating signatures of the 

Also, I try to make it a rule of thumb to place any superclass calls
at the top of the __init__ method, this is useful to get a quick
overview of what superclass init's are called, in particular if you
have more than one. It's not possible or desirable in 100% of the cases,
but I try to do it that way for better readability. Just my personal


On 2009-01-29 (Thu) 09:00, John Eikenberry wrote:
 Jake b wrote:
  On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 9:18 PM, Yanom Mobis wrote:
   this is the code in question:
   class Car(Basicsprite): #car class
  def __init__(self, speedarg=(0,0)):
  self.speed = speedarg
  Is this valid to call parent constructor after other statements? ( Think
  this is invalid in other languages  -- just not sure about python )
 Yes. You can call the parents __init__() anywhere in the overridden method.
 But... __init__() is not the constructor in the traditional sense (as I
 understand it), it is already passed the constructed instance. In python
 the constructor is the __new__() method which is passed the class and you
 must call the superclass' __new__() to get the instance to work with.
 John Eikenberry
 [ -]
 [PGP public key @]
 Perfection is attained, not when no more can be added, but when no more can 
 removed. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

[pygame] Events and X

2009-01-22 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi guys!

I was writing a quick test that use pygame.key.get_pressed, but had
had no window and the keys won't get updated.
After browsing the source code for the various event implementations
under src/video and looking at the X11 code I realized that the code
checks for a focused window before even processing events.

Is it impossible to get the X11 input events without a window with
the current implementation? Is it possible to get X11 input events
without a window in the current X implementation at all?
The svga implementation is using ioctl, but I don't really want to
venture down that road and reimplement keyboard completely.


[pygame] Clock.tick() freeze.

2008-12-02 Thread Peter Gebauer

I've tried googling, but came up with nothing. I'm using the Debian testing 
(AMD64) version of pygame (1.7.1release-4.2), sometimes when Clock.tick() is 
called the entire Python process will hang, only SIGKILL will actually stop 
it. Anybody recognize this bug? Is it fixed in later versions?


Re: [pygame] which Box2D wrapper to use?

2008-11-29 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hey Joe.

There are also entirely separate engines to choose from. My experience with 
Box2D is that it's very Microsoftish, I had to edit the header files 
before being able to build it. The project is mainly maintained and written 
through some visual stuff, I don't know what. So, just a heads up if you 
plan on multi platform release.
It does run, I'm just saying multi platform targets isn't it strong suite at 
the moment. I also got an attribute error from Elements' Python code and 
gave up immediately. (latest tarballs)

There's also Chipmunk, another similar library, it too has some Python 
bindings. Then there's the soon-to-be-in-PyGame library from GSOC, but at 
this time it lacks much of the functionality you'd come to expect from 2d 
physics engines. You'll have to see what fits your project best.

Oh, you'll be pleasantly surprised to learn that both Box2D and Chipmunk 
have sort of incredible machine implementations, sandboxes and/or 2d physics 
toys. Go ahead, build yourself a crazy machine.


On 2008-11-28 (Fri) 20:23, Joe Strout wrote:
 There appear to be two of them:

 Any advice as to which one a newbie should choose?

 - Joe

Re: [pygame] which Box2D wrapper to use? additional info

2008-11-29 Thread Peter Gebauer
Just wanted to add, I tried Box2D and PyBox2D from SVN trunk, the ladder 
failed, as do the noobie-style zip-file (Warning! no root directory 
included) that is the downloadable tarball. Like I said, it's all Windows on 
this one or major headache. The various buildscripts interpret environment 
compiler flags differently and there's a far share of warnings before gcc 


Re: [pygame] Linux binaries

2008-11-06 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hey there!

There are some alternatives, some like automatic generation like Swig, 
Boost, etc, some like Pyrex, I prefer to write Python extensions in C using 
the standard Python C-implementation API. PyGame, being written in C, is 
also easy to access.
As for C++, I don't know of any specific C++ API's, but then again I don't 
use C++ at all so I haven't looked.
There's also the option of doing the reverse scenario, embedding instead of 
extending, you'll have to see what fits your project best.


On 2008-11-05 (Wed) 08:29, Matt Pearson wrote:
 i agree, does the wrapper have a name, or is it on the python/pygame sites
 On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 8:13 AM, René Dudfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  yeah, best to use both!  Use each tool where it is best at - and get
  best of both worlds!
  On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 12:53 AM, Peter Gebauer
Hi guys!
   I agree, just wanted to add that many iterations over trivial code
   (speed-wise) tremendously from being written in C and accessed in Python,
   at least that is my experience. :)
   Guess you have to weigh it against the added complexity of having to
   C code, maybe for mulitple platforms, etc.
   On 2008-11-05 (Wed) 13:57, Greg Ewing wrote:
   Patrick Mullen wrote:
   On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 12:55 AM, Greg Ewing 
   The only way to improve speed is to re-code the cpu-intensive
   parts using something more efficent, such as C or Pyrex.
   Or, of course, write better python code if possible in those parts.
   Yes, certainly -- finding a better algorithm is always
   the best form of optimization!

Re: [pygame] Linux binaries

2008-11-05 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi guys!

I agree, just wanted to add that many iterations over trivial code benefits 
(speed-wise) tremendously from being written in C and accessed in Python, or 
at least that is my experience. :)
Guess you have to weigh it against the added complexity of having to compile
C code, maybe for mulitple platforms, etc.

On 2008-11-05 (Wed) 13:57, Greg Ewing wrote:
 Patrick Mullen wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 12:55 AM, Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The only way to improve speed is to re-code the cpu-intensive
 parts using something more efficent, such as C or Pyrex.

 Or, of course, write better python code if possible in those parts.

 Yes, certainly -- finding a better algorithm is always
 the best form of optimization!


Re: [pygame] pixel-perfect physics?

2008-10-29 Thread Peter Gebauer
Once the PyGame physics module supports other shapes and collision callbacks 
it would be easy to first do the regular AABB test and then do a mask 
collision test. As for the physics, I'm not sure the GSOC project will ever 
include support for adding custom contact points, etc, but it seems like a 
collision joint on the colliding pixels would be in order.

However, all this would be akward and quite cpu expensive since in modern 
games, both in graphics and physics, shapes are in and pixels are out.


On 2008-10-26 (Sun) 10:04, Nirav Patel wrote:
 Certainly not an easy problem, especially if the shapes are convex.  A
 sort of hackish way to do this in PyBox2D, if the shapes aren't
 already known polygons, is to use Mask.outline() to get some points on
 the outline of your object and create a Box2D Poly out of a bunch of
 thin connected rects shaped like your object.  This is a really bad
 description, but check out this thread: .
 Elements, a wrapper for PyBox2D, has functions similar to this written
 that you may also want to look at.  Take a look at complexPoly and
 concavePoly in;a=blob;f=elements/;h=3842b750a8dfe46d9400bab1c6ff5d6206dc718f;hb=HEAD
 This still isn't pixel perfect, but accurate physics and pixel perfect
 collision do not go together.
 On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Michael George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Has anyone had experience using pixel-perfect collision detection with a 2d
  physics engine?  I've looked into pymunk, but that seems to have baked-in
  collision detection so I don't see how to do it.  ODE has rudimentary python
  bindings and has separate collision detection, but it's intended for 3d and
  the 2d support hasn't been added to the python port yet.  There's the GSOC
  pygame physics project, but I don't see docs for that and can't tell if it
  would be suitable.
  Also, as far as doing the collision detection, AFAICT there isn't a way to
  rotate a mask, or to do collision detection on rotated objects.  Are there
  plans for something like this, or am I stuck with using an image, rotating
  it with the transform package and then using Mask.from_surface?

Re: [pygame] Physics, collision detection etc?

2008-10-17 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi Niki!

Yes I have, a well a Box2D for Python. Neither or Python extensions and 
neither will be a permanent part of PyGame. There's already a cool physics 
module part of PyGame, I'll try to see if we can extend it's API further.


On 2008-10-14 (Tue) 10:59, niki wrote:
 Peter Gebauer wrote:
 Hello Ian!

 Nice code! I was thinking of exposing some of the code Zhang Fan wrote 
 for the physics engine, but as of yet it only handles rectangles.
 There's plenty of code available on the net, but I feel reluctant to 
 produce yet another Python extension for PyGame. I'll continue to check 
 for reusing already existing projects, most likely fast C code that can 
 be easily used to extend Python functionality.

 Have you tried pymunk?


Re: [pygame] Physics, collision detection etc?

2008-10-11 Thread Peter Gebauer
Yo René!

Indeed, it would be nice to see a Python extension for this. I still think 
it'd be nice to use Zhang Fan's wonderful code, it has the basic concepts 
there, just needs that extra to become a collision testing library as well.
From what I understand from Zhang Fan the plan was to provide full 
collision testing capabilities, but there wasn't any time left.

Before the wishlist grows too large, let's just see if we can summarize what 
functions are needed for polygon and plane tests.


On 2008-10-10 (Fri) 07:10, René Dudfield wrote:
 it'd be cool if we also had a good kdtree implementation for spatial
 stuff too :)  For cases when we had say 1000 objects or so.
 note, the wikipedia entry has a basic implementation in python
 There's also some quadtree python code lying around if you needed
 it(see cookbook).  However, maybe even a simple grid will be better
 for you.
 On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 2:46 AM, Peter Gebauer
  Hello René.
  The thing is, in a large world spanning 16000x1 pixels that will be a
  huge mask. Even if I reduce the resolution of the mask alone it will be
  either top inprecise or still too large.
  I don't want to write for OpenGL alone even though the plan is to use OpenGL
  as test output. My plan is to build a large world of 3 or 4-sided
  convex polygons that could be used to detect colliding with large shapes in
  that world.
  The best way to do this is probably to expose some of Zhang Fan's physics
  code, much of the math involved is already there, it just lacks
  non-rectangular shapes and a nice Python API to access it.
  On 2008-10-09 (Thu) 11:41, René Dudfield wrote:
  Note, that you can find contact normals with the mask module. See mask 
  For some types of games, per pixel collision detection is fast enough.
   It uses rect bounding boxes as a first pass, so mostly it's not much
  slower than rect collision detection.  Assuming you are working in 2d,
  and you cache the mask(not regenerating it every frame) that is.
  However the mask.from_surface routine is fairly fast, it could do with
  some more optimization.
  For opengl, it'd be interesting to do it in a shader too... since then
  you could just reuse your drawing routines to draw your
  objects(sprites) into a buffer (each with a different color), then use
  a shader to find all of the contact normals.  That way your collision
  could be pixel perfect, even with different methods of
  drawing(cartoon, glow, and other shaders) where the polygon
  representation is not correct.
  On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 9:46 PM, Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Nirav Patel wrote:
   If the polygons are Surfaces or can be turned into Surfaces, they can
   be turned into Masks to do pixel collision.
   On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Peter Gebauer
Yep, but as I said, I need to find colliding polygons, not pixels.
   Pixel collision isn't suitable for all purposes,
   e.g. if you need to find contact normals for
   physics calculations.

Re: [pygame] Physics, collision detection etc?

2008-10-09 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hello René.

The thing is, in a large world spanning 16000x1 pixels that will be a 
huge mask. Even if I reduce the resolution of the mask alone it will be 
either top inprecise or still too large.

I don't want to write for OpenGL alone even though the plan is to use OpenGL 
as test output. My plan is to build a large world of 3 or 4-sided 
convex polygons that could be used to detect colliding with large shapes in 
that world.

The best way to do this is probably to expose some of Zhang Fan's physics 
code, much of the math involved is already there, it just lacks 
non-rectangular shapes and a nice Python API to access it.


On 2008-10-09 (Thu) 11:41, René Dudfield wrote:
 Note, that you can find contact normals with the mask module. See mask 
 For some types of games, per pixel collision detection is fast enough.
  It uses rect bounding boxes as a first pass, so mostly it's not much
 slower than rect collision detection.  Assuming you are working in 2d,
 and you cache the mask(not regenerating it every frame) that is.
 However the mask.from_surface routine is fairly fast, it could do with
 some more optimization.
 For opengl, it'd be interesting to do it in a shader too... since then
 you could just reuse your drawing routines to draw your
 objects(sprites) into a buffer (each with a different color), then use
 a shader to find all of the contact normals.  That way your collision
 could be pixel perfect, even with different methods of
 drawing(cartoon, glow, and other shaders) where the polygon
 representation is not correct.
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 9:46 PM, Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nirav Patel wrote:
  If the polygons are Surfaces or can be turned into Surfaces, they can
  be turned into Masks to do pixel collision.
  On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Peter Gebauer
   Yep, but as I said, I need to find colliding polygons, not pixels.
  Pixel collision isn't suitable for all purposes,
  e.g. if you need to find contact normals for
  physics calculations.

Re: [pygame] Physics, collision detection etc?

2008-10-08 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi again Nirav!

Yes, but the number of pixels involved makes it too time consuming.
Also, I'll be using OpenGL to render the polygons which means I have to copy 
the pixels to RAM or use occlusion tests, neither of which are optimal.


On 2008-10-07 (Tue) 15:03, Nirav Patel wrote:
 If the polygons are Surfaces or can be turned into Surfaces, they can
 be turned into Masks to do pixel collision.  Though, I may be
 misunderstanding what you are trying to do.
 On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Peter Gebauer
  Hey Nirav!
  Yep, but as I said, I need to find colliding polygons, not pixels.
  On 2008-10-06 (Mon) 12:05, Nirav Patel wrote:
  There are some new functions in SVN in the mask module.  New ones
  since 1.8.1 that could be useful for collision are:
  Mask.overlap_mask - Returns a mask of the overlapping pixels
  Mask.draw - Draws a mask onto another
  Mask.erase - Erases a mask from another
  Mask.count - Returns the number of set pixels
  Mask.centroid - Returns the centroid of the pixels in a Mask
  Mask.angle - Returns the orientation of the pixels
  Mask.connected_component - Returns a mask of a connected region of pixels.
  The mask module does pixel collisions pretty quickly.  I think on
  modern systems it shouldn't be a significant difference (compared to
  say, blitting) between using pixel perfect detection and something
  like the seperating axis theorem.
  On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Peter Gebauer
   Hey guys!
   I've been looking around for various libraries that handle
   intersection/colliding polygons/line segments, I'm just wondering if/when
   there will be polygon shapes and additional collision testing functions
   that can be used seemlessly with the old rect and mask libraries that
   already exist in PyGame?

Re: [pygame] Physics, collision detection etc?

2008-10-08 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hello Ian!

Nice code! I was thinking of exposing some of the code Zhang Fan wrote for 
the physics engine, but as of yet it only handles rectangles.
There's plenty of code available on the net, but I feel reluctant to produce 
yet another Python extension for PyGame. I'll continue to check for reusing 
already existing projects, most likely fast C code that can be easily used 
to extend Python functionality.


On 2008-10-07 (Tue) 12:17, Ian Mallett wrote:
 I once wrote a program which collides a point and a convex polygon,
 returning a boolean result. This project
 uses it, for instance.  It may be of help.Ian

Re: [pygame] Physics, collision detection etc?

2008-10-07 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hey Nirav!

Yep, but as I said, I need to find colliding polygons, not pixels.


On 2008-10-06 (Mon) 12:05, Nirav Patel wrote:
 There are some new functions in SVN in the mask module.  New ones
 since 1.8.1 that could be useful for collision are:
 Mask.overlap_mask - Returns a mask of the overlapping pixels
 Mask.draw - Draws a mask onto another
 Mask.erase - Erases a mask from another
 Mask.count - Returns the number of set pixels
 Mask.centroid - Returns the centroid of the pixels in a Mask
 Mask.angle - Returns the orientation of the pixels
 Mask.connected_component - Returns a mask of a connected region of pixels.
 The mask module does pixel collisions pretty quickly.  I think on
 modern systems it shouldn't be a significant difference (compared to
 say, blitting) between using pixel perfect detection and something
 like the seperating axis theorem.
 On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Peter Gebauer
  Hey guys!
  I've been looking around for various libraries that handle
  intersection/colliding polygons/line segments, I'm just wondering if/when
  there will be polygon shapes and additional collision testing functions
  that can be used seemlessly with the old rect and mask libraries that
  already exist in PyGame?

[pygame] Physics, collision detection etc?

2008-10-06 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hey guys!

I've been looking around for various libraries that handle 
intersection/colliding polygons/line segments, I'm just wondering if/when 
there will be polygon shapes and additional collision testing functions 
that can be used seemlessly with the old rect and mask libraries that 
already exist in PyGame?


Re: [pygame] The gsoc project physics engine, some issues?

2008-08-30 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hey all!

I wondered if the these two issues will be addressed?

1) The fact that heavy mass objects fall through static objects with low 
mass. Static objects should probably be treated like inf mass.
(it's as if they first hit water and then slowly sink through)

2) Locked joint rotation. There should be a way to make sure that joints
do not rotate.

3) Round shapes.

4) Callbacks. Is there any way to override the default behavior of a 
collision? It could be a simple Python method override where the method 
accepts the new body paramaters (velocities, etc).

5) Open polygon (i.e walls). A lot of 2D physics engines support walls, 
single, blocking lines in a sequence. It's not necessary, but sure would be 
nice to have an open polygon shape for collision testing.

An additional inquiry about collisions, is there a way to test for 
collisions without running the simulation? It would be very nice to have the 
collision code for shapes avaialable for use in games even without the 
physics simulation going on.

That's it for now. :)


Re: [pygame] Sprite Code

2008-08-20 Thread Peter Gebauer

I use a horizontal sheet and just blit a rect with a horizontal offset and 
then some code to advance through the frames. I was thinking of rewriting my 
code as a pygame C extension, but I can't find the time. People have all 
sorts of solutions, but they are all similar so maybe some animation could
find it's way into the pygame library. I'd use specific types to define the 
animation frames and frame list instead of dicts and lists.


On 2008-08-19 (Tue) 14:46, kschnee wrote:
 I've been looking at my sprite code again and finding a different way than
 I'd used for loading animation frames. That is, Pygame.sprite doesn't seem
 to have any way to set up the notion of having multiple frames, and my old
 method involved loading a single sprite sheet image and finding a set of
 rect objects refering to sections of the sprite sheet.
 What I'm doing lately involves looking in a graphics directory
 (\graphics\sprites) for text files, loading some info from those, and using
 them to define the rects to be used from a sprite sheet image. The input is
 some simple text files and the images. The output is a dictionary that
 looks like this (for a sheet called guy having 4 rows of a 3-frame
 walking animation):
   {frame_size:(96,128),image:surface 388x512,
animations:{ stand:[ (45,[(0,0,96,128),(96,0,96,128)]) [...] ]}
 ...Well, something like that! Anyway it's listed by sprite, then by
 animation name (like stand), then by some angle that's used to determine
 which frames to use based on the character's facing direction, and finally
 as a list of rects marking the individual animation frames. (An alternative
 method might be to use the text files just to say things like walk =
 frames 0,1,2,3 and then automatically load frames by number only and trust
 the program using this code to know how to use them.) With this code you
 should be able to auto-load all sprite data on startup and then, for any
 movement angle, look up which frames to cycle through.
 Any interest in this code? What methods do you use to get your sheet

Re: [pygame] Physics module status note, more things...

2008-08-18 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hey there, Greg!

Yep, I did a test implementation of both drag and bouyancy and it looked 
nice, but had a bad flaw: it didn't take not of contact points. Granted, 
contact points aren't important when the object is fully submerged, but
once on the surface it's needed to calculate displacement and rotational

In my experiment the boxes floating on top of water would be tilted the 
angle they had when rotation was stopped (due to drag). So, even though my 
test looked good under water it sucked when floating.
I wasn't sure how to overcome this problem so I scrapped it all until 
someone more capable than me takes a look at it.

Here's a few things that might be useful to anybody who has a go with this:

1) Drag is calculated using the fluid viscosity and the surface area 
  exposed in the linear velocity direction, i.e the surface that hits the 
  water head on. Drag is applied in direct opposite to the linear velocity 
  and may be equal to linear velocity (like with viscoisity 1.0, i.e 
  solid), but never more. (just keeping it simple)
  You might also want to take in account the body friction of the solid,
  maybe you're making a shaved vs hairy swimmers game? :)

2) Bouyancy is calculated using standard displacement, but for 2D instead of 
  3D, basically density * area. Density is mass / area. The way I solved 
  this was to be practical. To make things easy I decided that the area 
  would remain if density or mass was changed, just so I, as a game 
  programmer, didn't have to do any density or mass calculations in game

  body.mass = 100 # set density to mass / area, area remains the same
  body.density = 10 # set mass to density * area, area remains the same
  body.shape.size = 50,50 # sets mass to density * area, density remains

  This solved a lot of problems, but I had to add width and height to
  the shape or reverse the rotational transformation, this needs to
  be solved nicer. Maybe cache width and height in the shape?

  This worked great aside from the fact that the whole area was used
  instead of calculating the submerged area only. This will be vital
  for correct floating.

If someone who is more capable would have go at implementing viscosity 
support and rudimentary support for netwonian fluid bodies I think it
can be done with ease and without disrupting the current implementation
of solids too much. I definately think this is the more simple and usable 
way to do it than adding general dampers to the world or single bodies.

I think this would be very useful for making games, maybe the characters 
will finally float instead of dying when hitting water? :)


On 2008-08-18 (Mon) 13:17, Greg Ewing wrote:
 Peter Gebauer wrote:

 In our simple simulation a constant drag force applied in opposite to  
 gravity should be sufficient

 No, that won't work, because the object will still accelerate
 indefinitely, or decelerate until it stops completely, whereas
 it should reach some terminal velocity.

 we don't have to take in account all the other details of non-solid 

 It doesn't have to be complicated, just a force proportional
 to the velocity of the object, with a coefficient depending
 on the fluid and the object concerned.


Re: [pygame] Physics module status note, more things...

2008-08-17 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi again, Greg!

I agree that it needs a new attribute, but it's gravity that
makes mass continue down, not the sudden loss of drag.
In our simple simulation a constant drag force applied in opposite to 
gravity should be sufficient, we don't have to take in account all the 
other details of non-solid friction. Naturally, just like in real life
the drag force cannot exceed the force pulling it down, i.e gravity.
A drag force equal to gravity would be considered solid, anything below
make it sink very slow or very fast depending on viscosity.

I'm experimenting with something now that simulates viscosity using the
extra attribute viscosity where 0.0 is vacuum and 1.0 is a solid.
What happens in zero gravity is that the drag actually will stop the
bodies at some point given enough time in the netwonian fluid unless other
forces are applied.

I haven't started experimenting with bouyancy yet, that will be done
in a separate step and involves only already existing attributes (mass 
and, normally volume, but for us area), but I'm thinking of adding density 
as an extra attribute, I'll get into detail on this once I have viscosity 

The one thing I have not been able to do yet is properly reduce rotation 
velocity, if an edge hits the water with enough speed it should roll
on the surface until the drag has reduced it to zero.

There's all sorts of odd circumstances that doesn't have to work. The normal
case is having a huge area with water with a large mass. A smaller
solid object falls into and penetrates the water, but consider the other way 
Small fluid objects hitting a large solid, in particular statics, will seem 
to sink into the solid, this behavior does not work or look like rain 
hitting pavement, for example. I think this is a fair trade-off for the 99% 
of the time scenario where solids and non-solids hit large areas of static 

I could even go as far as to decide that all non-solids are considered 
static in our little pretend universe, just because that is how they will
mostly be used. Other simulations will require enhancement outside the scope 
of simple game creation.


On 2008-08-17 (Sun) 11:40, Greg Ewing wrote:
 Peter Gebauer wrote:

 Great point, I was thinking about using the friction attribute to 
 achieve this, but maybe something like viscosity is better to calculate 

 A separate parameter would probably be better, since unlike
 friction between solid surfaces, the drag force has to be
 velocity-dependent -- otherwise the object would slow down
 and stop somewhere in the fluid instead of reaching a
 terminal velocity.


Re: [pygame] Physics module status note, more things...

2008-08-17 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi Zhang!

I'm experimenting with drag based on the non-solid object instead of setting 
a damper to each body or the world. I'll check bouyancy when drag is done,
it requires more calculations to compare mass and area (displacement), but
drag will be a factor here too.

I'm working on integrating this without changing the existing collision 
behavior for minimum changes.


On 2008-08-17 (Sun) 13:34, 帆 张 wrote:

   Nice idea and suggestion! Thank you.

   First, 3. Algorithm For particle simulation *DONE*** in TODOLIST 
 is a step in todolist of previous coding phase. particle simulation is very 
 simple and implemented at beginning(not need to consider shape and 

   Second, in fact, air friction has already been added by a simple damping 
 algorithm (body.linear_vel_damping and body.angle_vel_damping). I also add a 
 new test case (, it's a chain simulation with damping of velocity 
 enabled. you can compare it with :-)

   Best wishes
   Zhang Fan
 Peter Gebauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 写道:
 I have a new question as well. :)
 From the todo: 3. Algorithm For particle simulation *DONE***
 What is it? Bodies with a single point shape?
 I've already done a dozen experiments with the latest svn updates, 
 everything looks excellent so far. I'm really impressed with Zhang Fan's 
 effort. Your assistance is also appreciated. Good work guys!
 I see in the quote the issue of falling through other bodies, it is relevant 
 to the fluid discussion as well. It would probably prove valuable to have 
 friction in air as well simply to get a terminal velocity.
 I'm working on a fluid solution that would intergate nicely with solids, 
 this still involves changing the behavior of a collision between two bodies.
 From what I've gathered, implementing a rudementary dynamic viscosity for 
 netwonian fluids based on friction (or a separate attribute for viscosity 
 where 0.0 is vacuum and 1.0 is a solid) wouldn't be that hard.
 On 2008-08-15 (Fri) 15:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Peter Gebauer 
  Hi again!
  Should have waited with my previous post, but here's a few things I don't
  1) if the mass of a static body is under 1.0 it behaves as a semi-solid,
  is this intentional? (i.e other bodies fall into the static body and with
  mass reaching 0.0 they fall right through)
  In, set the static body mass to 0.1, as an example.
  This is due to the fact, that the current collision algorithm is not a CCD
  method. Thus the collision detection highly depends on the step time, size
  and speed of a body. Other systems, which do not implement a CCD, suffer 
  the same issue. Zhang Fan wrote a lot about that in pgShapeObject.c.
  In order to get rid of that, you have to choose matching step times, sizes
  and the speed for bodies according to your simulation needs - at least as
  long as there is no CCD algorithm implemented :-).
  2) is there a way to get simulated bouncing? If there was a way to describe
  how much energy the object retains (in new direction) after collision, a
  float between 0.0 and 1.0 (0-100% energy retained, 0.01 would be a rock and
  0.5 would be more of a tennis ball)?
  Simulated bouncing is implemented already. The collision energy, and how it
  is applied on the colliding bodies, depends on the restitution set for them.
  So, whether you will receive an elastic or inelastic collision, depends on
  that factor. A quick search for Coefficient of restitution and
  elastic collisions will provide you tons of explanations and even some
  values for different materials.
  Attached you'll find a small bouncing test script.
  3) can we add bouyancy? :) Body 1 is called floater and Body 2 is called
  water, if floater is inside water it should, depending on it'
  displacement, either pop back up or sink to the bottom. We would
  be able to calculate this with the already existing shape, mass and 
  attributes, but it would probably require a new boolean attribute, maybe
  Here's how I'd do it.
  * create a World with relatively high damping, the gravity vector points to
  the top (e.g. world.gravity = 0, -3).
  * place body into that world with a certain damping, mass, etc.
  * have fun watching the simulation.
  Limiting the world's area would be left to the user. As you can have 
  worlds, which behave completely different, you could e.g. split the screen
  into sky and sea, being two different worlds. If the body reaches a
  certain point, you could remove it from sea and add it to sky
  (which reminds of adding remove_* methods, so wait 'til the end of the
  weekend before doing that ;-).
  Simulating a varying density of the world would require a slightly
  different approach for worlds. Currently the world does not know anything
  about its size and such, that however would be necessary, I think.

Re: [pygame] Physics module status note

2008-08-16 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi there, Hugo!

Yes, using radians in math-related softare is common, but not in games.
It will simply add a call the math.degrees for every call and to increment
the angle you'd have to convert it back, or be forced to use radians
in the game. If you're drawing using OpenGL or any rotational
transformations it will be a lot of calls. I see it as more comfortable when 
the angles use degrees since graphic drawing is more common than in a game
than asin/atan calls.
It will also be a miniscule performance enhancenment to do this in C
rather than Python which will add up if you do this conversion many times
for each polygon you draw. :)

So, it's more comfortable to use degrees and it's better suited for use with 
graphic libraries, which mostly use degrees, including 


On 2008-08-15 (Fri) 15:39, Hugo Arts wrote:
 most of python's math functions like asin en atan (from math) return
 their values in radians, and sin and tan take their arguments as
 radians. So using radians is more common than degrees.
 Conversion is also pretty trivial, using math.radians and math.degrees.
 On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 6:53 AM, Peter Gebauer
  Hm, I've been experimenting a bit now and I wonder about the
  body.rotation, it's using radians. Wouldn't it make more sense to use
  degrees in the API for all angle values?
  On 2008-08-14 (Thu) 21:35, Marcus von Appen wrote:
  On, Thu Aug 14, 2008, Peter Gebauer wrote:
   Too early for a wishlist? :)
  No, but do not expect it to be implemented within the next days
  ;-). We'd be happy to discuss and put your wishes on the TODO list.

Re: [pygame] Physics module status note, more things...

2008-08-16 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hey Greg!

Man, everybody in this list are so responsive, I like it.

 You'll also want a drag force proportional to the velocity
 of the body and the immersed volume, to stop it from
 accelerating indefinitely while submerged, and to damp
 down oscillations when it's floating on the surface.

Great point, I was thinking about using the friction attribute to achieve 
this, but maybe something like viscosity is better to calculate drag?
Or is viscosity based on friction? Gotta Wikipedia this.

If we could add this attribute (calling it viscosity, just for the sake of 
argument) to both worlds and bodies you can get terminal velocity for air, 
water and whatever non-solids you might like to simulate. It would also
make sure that projectiles slow down faster in water.

If you want a fancy version you could include surface area in the drag 


Re: [pygame] Physics module status note, more things...

2008-08-16 Thread Peter Gebauer

I have a new question as well. :)

From the todo: 3. Algorithm For particle simulation   *DONE***
What is it? Bodies with a single point shape?

I've already done a dozen experiments with the latest svn updates, 
everything looks excellent so far. I'm really impressed with Zhang Fan's 
effort. Your assistance is also appreciated. Good work guys!

I see in the quote the issue of falling through other bodies, it is relevant 
to the fluid discussion as well. It would probably prove valuable to have 
friction in air as well simply to get a terminal velocity.
I'm working on a fluid solution that would intergate nicely with solids, 
this still involves changing the behavior of a collision between two bodies.
From what I've gathered, implementing a rudementary dynamic viscosity for 
netwonian fluids based on friction (or a separate attribute for viscosity 
where 0.0 is vacuum and 1.0 is a solid) wouldn't be that hard.


On 2008-08-15 (Fri) 15:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Peter Gebauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi again!

 Should have waited with my previous post, but here's a few things I don't

 1) if the mass of a static body is under 1.0 it behaves as a semi-solid,
 is this intentional? (i.e other bodies fall into the static body and with
 mass reaching 0.0 they fall right through)
 In, set the static body mass to 0.1, as an example.

 This is due to the fact, that the current collision algorithm is not a CCD
 method. Thus the collision detection highly depends on the step time, size
 and speed of a body. Other systems, which do not implement a CCD, suffer from
 the same issue. Zhang Fan wrote a lot about that in pgShapeObject.c.

 In order to get rid of that, you have to choose matching step times, sizes
 and the speed for bodies according to your simulation needs - at least as
 long as there is no CCD algorithm implemented :-).

 2) is there a way to get simulated bouncing? If there was a way to describe
 how much energy the object retains (in new direction) after collision, a
 float between 0.0 and 1.0 (0-100% energy retained, 0.01 would be a rock and
 0.5 would be more of a tennis ball)?

 Simulated bouncing is implemented already. The collision energy, and how it
 is applied on the colliding bodies, depends on the restitution set for them.
 So, whether you will receive an elastic or inelastic collision, depends on
 that factor. A quick search for Coefficient of restitution and
 elastic collisions will provide you tons of explanations and even some
 values for different materials.
 Attached you'll find a small bouncing test script.

 3) can we add bouyancy? :) Body 1 is called floater and Body 2 is called
 water, if floater is inside water it should, depending on it'
 displacement, either pop back up or sink to the bottom. We would
 be able to calculate this with the already existing shape, mass and friction
 attributes, but it would probably require a new boolean attribute, maybe

 Here's how I'd do it.

 * create a World with relatively high damping, the gravity vector points to
   the top (e.g. world.gravity = 0, -3).
 * place body into that world with a certain damping, mass, etc.
 * have fun watching the simulation.

 Limiting the world's area would be left to the user. As you can have multiple
 worlds, which behave completely different, you could e.g. split the screen
 into sky and sea, being two different worlds. If the body reaches a
 certain point, you could remove it from sea and add it to sky
 (which reminds of adding remove_* methods, so wait 'til the end of the
  weekend before doing that ;-).

 Simulating a varying density of the world would require a slightly
 different approach for worlds. Currently the world does not know anything
 about its size and such, that however would be necessary, I think.


 # The python file is under test
 import pygame
 import physics
 from pygame.locals import *
 def render_body(body,surface,color):
 l = body.get_points()
 def render_world(world,surface,color):
 for body in world.bodies:
 def init_world():
 w = physics.World()
 w.gravity = 0, 2
 body1 = physics.Body()
 body1.shape = physics.RectShape(30, 28, 0)
 body1.position = 400, 40
 body1.rotation = i
 body1.restitution = 0.9
 body1.mass = 20
 body2 = physics.Body()
 body2.shape = physics.RectShape (760, 20, 0)
 body2.position = 400, 600
 body2.restitution = 1.0
 body2.mass = 1e100
 body2.static = True
 return w
 def main():
 this function is called when the program starts.
it initializes everything it needs, then runs in
a loop until the function returns.
 #Initialize Everything
 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 800))
 pygame.display.set_caption('physics test

Re: [pygame] Physics module status note

2008-08-15 Thread Peter Gebauer

Hm, I've been experimenting a bit now and I wonder about the 
body.rotation, it's using radians. Wouldn't it make more sense to use 
degrees in the API for all angle values?

On 2008-08-14 (Thu) 21:35, Marcus von Appen wrote:
 On, Thu Aug 14, 2008, Peter Gebauer wrote:
  Too early for a wishlist? :)
 No, but do not expect it to be implemented within the next days
 ;-). We'd be happy to discuss and put your wishes on the TODO list.

Re: [pygame] Physics module status note, more things...

2008-08-15 Thread Peter Gebauer
Nice reply Marcus!

 In order to get rid of that, you have to choose matching step times, sizes
 and the speed for bodies according to your simulation needs - at least as
 long as there is no CCD algorithm implemented :-).


 Simulated bouncing is implemented already. The collision energy, and how it
 is applied on the colliding bodies, depends on the restitution set for them.

All these fancy english words. :)

 Here's how I'd do it.

 * create a World with relatively high damping, the gravity vector points to
   the top (e.g. world.gravity = 0, -3).
 * place body into that world with a certain damping, mass, etc.
 * have fun watching the simulation.

The wold would need more than just a size, it would need a position as well, 
but it'd be very difficult to do body transitions between the worlds anyway.
I think it'd be easier to change the behavior of a body that is inside 
another body.
Of course, the fluid body wouldn't be fluid, it would simply apply an 
force (opposite to gravity) based on the displaced mass, but that would be 
enough to simulate an ocean surface or pockets of contained fluids.
As I see it there would be three things to consider: the inverse of gravity, 
displaced mass and friction. I'm not sure about friction, because it would 
involve surface area calculations, but some estimation ;) of it will do.

I don't have a clue about the math involved to calculate the force, but I 
could give it a stab.

 Simulating a varying density of the world would require a slightly
 different approach for worlds. Currently the world does not know anything
 about its size and such, that however would be necessary, I think.

I still think doing it per body is easy enough and would have more use 
cases. It would be a rough estimation of water, but it'd work for what this 
library is intended to do, 

One final question: is it possible to lock joint rotation (no rotation)?


Re: [pygame] Physics module status note

2008-08-14 Thread Peter Gebauer
 as I think, there are some more people interested in the status of the
 physics module (especially Peter :-), Zhang Fan works on, here's a short
 note about its current state.

 What has been accomplished so far?
 * World support is fully implemented
 * Body support is fully implemented
 * Joint support is fully implemented including recently added revolute
 * Shape support is implemented with AABB collision detection and
   rectangular shape support


Naturally, I've been following the SVN updates closely so I knew this 
already ;), but it's a great opportunity for the rest of the community to 
try it. I'm anxious to find out what others think about it.

Too early for a wishlist? :)


Re: [pygame] The gsoc physics module, bug fixing?

2008-08-06 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi Zhang Fan!

Updated from SVN and tested the new Python joint test, very cool indeed.
Nice to see the project grow into a working module. Just wanted to let you 
know I appreciate your work! Looking forward to making a test/example game
using it. :)


On 2008-07-09 (Wed) 20:48, 帆 张 wrote:
 Hi Peter,

   Thanks for your careful attention to my works :-)
   I use OpenGL just for testing physics algorithms in C because this's no 
 need for python wrapper, I can focus more on finishing algorithms first. Of 
 course, finally, this testing method will be abandoned, which means glut is 
 no need to link.
   Currently I start with some works about python wrapping, and I finished 
 some codes and extended some basic functions for python wrapping. The python 
 test file is being under test, and there are some bugs in python 
 wrapping.  I plan to publish my work to the community when these basic works 
 have been done.

   Best wishes
   Zhang Fan

 Peter Gebauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 写道:
   Hi guys!
 I noticed a lot has happened, but very little communication here, is
 everything going alright? :)
 There's a new suggesting there would be Python side testing
 available, but I keep getting
 ImportError: ./build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.5/ undefined symbol: 
 when trying to import the physics module.
 Is it necessary to link glut (or whatever is needed) to test? Or should I 
 just hold my horses and settle down for a while longer?
 On 2008-06-29 (Sun) 15:30, Marcus von Appen wrote:
  On, Sun Jun 29, 2008, Peter Gebauer wrote:
   Hi Zhang and others!
  [Python wrapper issues]
  The wrapper implementation is not really started yet, so it's a bit
  early. In order to keep argument parsing flexible, I'd recommend using
  METH_VARARGS and PyArg_ParseTuple() instead of the _0, ... macros. This
  let's one easily enhance anything without the need to change too much
  code. Additionally you can let the parser handle argument checking
  without the need to deal with ex- or implicit object conversions.


Re: [pygame] The gsoc physics module, bug fixing?

2008-07-21 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi Marcus!

Yep, it seems to work fine. Perhaps you could explain why vectors are 
represented as complex? When trying to get position, how does one get the 
horizontal and vertical coordinates from the complex?


On 2008-07-20 (Sun) 18:11, Marcus von Appen wrote:
 On, Thu Jul 10, 2008, Peter Gebauer wrote:
  Hi Zhang and Marcus!
 Thanks for your careful attention to my works :-)
  I follow your repos updates on a daily basis, it's fun to watch it grow and 
  become a Python module.
  Perhaps tests can have a separate build target and not link glut/gl to the file?
 Just a short notice, that anything should be fine again in
 rev. 1523. The OpenGL stuff was removed.

Re: [pygame] The gsoc physics module, bug fixing?

2008-07-10 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi Zhang and Marcus!

   Thanks for your careful attention to my works :-)

I follow your repos updates on a daily basis, it's fun to watch it grow and 
become a Python module.

Perhaps tests can have a separate build target and not link glut/gl to the file?


Re: [pygame] The gsoc physics module, bug fixing?

2008-07-09 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi guys!

I noticed a lot has happened, but very little communication here, is
everything going alright? :)
There's a new suggesting there would be Python side testing
available, but I keep getting

ImportError: ./build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.5/ undefined symbol: 

when trying to import the physics module.

Is it necessary to link glut (or whatever is needed) to test? Or should I 
just hold my horses and settle down for a while longer?


On 2008-06-29 (Sun) 15:30, Marcus von Appen wrote:
 On, Sun Jun 29, 2008, Peter Gebauer wrote:
  Hi Zhang and others!
 [Python wrapper issues]
 The wrapper implementation is not really started yet, so it's a bit
 early. In order to keep argument parsing flexible, I'd recommend using
 METH_VARARGS and PyArg_ParseTuple() instead of the _0, ... macros. This
 let's one easily enhance anything without the need to change too much
 code. Additionally you can let the parser handle argument checking
 without the need to deal with ex- or implicit object conversions.

Re: [pygame] The gsoc physics module, bug fixing?

2008-06-29 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi Zhang and others!

Is it too early to test for bugs? I don't know what method you are using for 
development, mine is to test every new thing I write and make sure it works 
before I proceed. Depending on your aproach you may not want bug reports 

Anyway, after calling world.update(1.0) any following function call will 
yield this error:

  TypeError: a float is required
  Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault

Unfortunately, Debian testing has some serious issues with it's python-dbg 
package on 64-bit, it thinks it's missing Py_InitModule4_64, so I cannot 
debug further using gdb, but I know this error from before.

The problem line is in pgWorldObject.c:

  static PyObject* _world_update(pgWorldObject* world,PyObject* pyfloat)
double dt = PyFloat_AsDouble(pyfloat);  -- problem line

pyfloat is tuple instance, you have METH_VARARGS there which indicates that 
the second argument will be a tuple containing the arguments from the Python 
call. What you want though is the METH_O, just pass ONE object to the C 


  { update, (PyCFunction) _world_update, METH_VARARGS,  },

changes to

  { update, (PyCFunction) _world_update, METH_O,  },

and the function _world_update should look something like:

  static PyObject* _world_update(pgWorldObject* world, PyObject* pyfloat)
  if (!PyFloat_Check(pyfloat)) {
  PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, World update requires a float);
  return NULL;
  double dt = PyFloat_AsDouble(pyfloat);

That will make a safe and correct call to update using one float. Your other 
alternative, if you want more than one argument, is to stick with 
METH_VARARGS and do do this:
  static PyObject* _world_update(pgWorldObject *world, PyObject *args)
  PyFloatObject *farg;
  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, f, farg))
  return NULL; // fail if the argument isn't a float

However, if you're only looking for a single float argument, it makes no 
sense for Python to first create a tuple argument list just so you can parse 
out one single argument.

I don't know if you want patches of the files, commits to svn or keep 
explaining the problems in emails like this, whatever works best and most 
efficiently for you.

I'm really looking forward to test some more!
Best regards, Peter

Re: [pygame] The gsoc physics module, bug fixing?

2008-06-29 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi Marcus!

OK, I'll hold with the Python API testing.
Tell me when. :)


On 2008-06-29 (Sun) 15:30, Marcus von Appen wrote:
 On, Sun Jun 29, 2008, Peter Gebauer wrote:
  Hi Zhang and others!
 [Python wrapper issues]
 The wrapper implementation is not really started yet, so it's a bit
 early. In order to keep argument parsing flexible, I'd recommend using
 METH_VARARGS and PyArg_ParseTuple() instead of the _0, ... macros. This
 let's one easily enhance anything without the need to change too much
 code. Additionally you can let the parser handle argument checking
 without the need to deal with ex- or implicit object conversions.

Re: [pygame] The gsoc project physics engine.(about warnings)

2008-06-24 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi there, Zhang!

I think what Brian meant is that we should get rid off all warnings now so 
we can find warnings that may be of concern easier.

Also, I keep nagging :) but I'd really like to see name changes of the types 
to follow the PEP. I also found a spelling error on line 152 in rev 1390 
which generates a compile error.

It's much easier if the code is warning free and PEP-correct even though the 
interface and implementations aren't complete, it will be better for testing 
as-is and you won't have the tedious task of correcting hundreds of 
occurences later.


On 2008-06-23 (Mon) 13:49, 帆 张 wrote:

   Thank you for your attention. In fact, these warnings are because of 
 forward types' declarations. When I compile these codes with my VC solution, 
 there are no such warnings, However, with GCC compiler, These warnings tell 
 us such types may be not defined yet. So, the warnings won't cause errors and 

   Best wishes
 Zhang Fan

 Brian Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] 写道:
   On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 4:21 AM, Peter Gebauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah, SVN tried merging with the sources I changed, that was the prob. But
 I'm definately getting warnings.
 Yeah, everybody gets the warnings - they were looked over to check for 
 obvious errors, and are now mostly casting and unused variables. It would be 
 nice for them to be gone so that if new warnings crop up the new ones get 
 more attention in case they represent a real error


Re: [pygame] The gsoc project physics engine.

2008-06-22 Thread Peter Gebauer
 Something must be wrong on your side with that. Anything fine here.

Yeah, SVN tried merging with the sources I changed, that was the prob. But 
I'm definately getting warnings. 

 For the unix way of building software.

The Python setup seems to work fine though.

As for testing, I have no problems making a world and adding a body to it.


Re: [pygame] The gsoc project physics engine.

2008-06-21 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi Richard!

We've gone through the details already, pymunk is not a Python extension, 
but both Zhang and I seem to have had the same idea and share design goals 
currently outside the scope of pymunk.


On 2008-06-21 (Sat) 11:43, Richard Jones wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jun 2008, Peter Gebauer wrote:
  I read Zhang Fan's post regarding his gsoc project, I've been looking to do
  something similar, a Python extension for an already existing library.
  So far I've extended Chipmunk partially over a few days of prototyping, but
  there's no point in having two projects doing the same thing
 You might well think that...

Re: [pygame] The gsoc project physics engine.

2008-06-21 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hey there!

Who currently has write access to the SVN repos? I checked out and tested 
1382 just now and aside from failing compile it also yielded plenty of 
warnings. Do you want me to help clean up? For instance, there was SVN 
versioning diffs saved to the repos, that's easy to avoid, just make a trial 
build before checking in. I could also get rid of the warnings.

Everything looks good so far, although I haven't tested anything thuroughly 
yet. Just one suggestion: use uppercase for the types.

A question regarding the build, so is used, what is the makefile 
and Makefile files for?


Re: [pygame] The gsoc project physics engine.

2008-06-20 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi again!

I've tried compiling what you've submitted so far, it fails with many 
errors. For instance, what's with the double typedef's? Are you still just 

Also, I'm writing cmake build scripts to test your code, is anybody else 
interrested in this or should I use whatever PyGame is using? What is the 
preferred way of building?



   In fact, just as I said before, all data structures of this engine are 
 based on python basic type data structures. 2d vector type is just same as 
 complex type in concept and C implementation, so I just use Python complex 
 type and add some functions for advanced vector usages. I think maybe it's 
 not a bad idea to treat physics 2d vector space as complex number space. But 
 I also separate the main code from vector code, replacing it with a distinct 
 vector type will be easy, maybe it will support it after the first stable 

   Best Wishes
   Zhang Fan

Re: [pygame] The gsoc project physics engine.

2008-06-19 Thread Peter Gebauer
Hi Nirav!

As you can see from Zhang's post there's a difference between making soft 
bindings using ctypes and hard bindings using the Python C API.
While ctypes is convenient to use and easy to modify since only Python code 
is involved, it lacks the ability to let the programmer to extend Python 
using the underlying C API directly. It also lacks the ability to 
intergrate easy with other Python extensions. It's also a matter of speed, 
in particular when it comes to iterations, like for collision testing and 
drawing many objects. If this can all be done in C we are better off.

My plan was to build a Python extension for 2D physics that could be 
intergrated easily with PyGame, which is also a Python extension. Since two 
people have the same plan I thought we'd join up. :)


On 2008-06-19 (Thu) 07:47, Nirav Patel wrote:
 I may be missing something, but aren't there already python bindings
 for Chipmunk?
 I've only experienced it as although
 they use Box2d now:
 On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 12:23 AM, Peter Gebauer
  I read Zhang Fan's post regarding his gsoc project, I've been looking to do
  something similar, a Python extension for an already existing library.
  So far I've extended Chipmunk partially over a few days of prototyping, but
  there's no point in having two projects doing the same thing, I'd like to
  know a bit bout the plans of the physics module for PyGame. (if you're
  reading this, Zhang)
  I could also help out with some testing/patching for the C Python stuff.

[pygame] Re: 回复 : [pygame] The gsoc project physics engine.

2008-06-19 Thread Peter Gebauer

Yes, I've been looking continously at your source codes, I saw you were 
getting your Python C structs together yesterday, nice. My first advice 
would be this: all types/classes must start with capital case letter. I saw 
in your documentation that your prototype API used lowercase, I think we 
should try sticking with the Python style guide which is sort of how PyGame looks 
too, i.e CamelCase for types and function_underscore_rule for functions and 
methods, hehe. Just a small thing, but it's easier to change now than later.

I'll continue to browse the source code as you commit it and as soon as I'm 
able to build a physics module I'll start testing stuff in Python to see 
that it behaves as expected.
If you can, try getting the Python module code ready and make dummy 
functions for the entire API, raise NotImplementedError if you want for 
unimplemented functions, that is PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, 
this isn't implemented yet) or similar, as long as I can build and import 
stuff in Python I can make a test suite.

Since I'm not a math and my C knowledge is limited I'll try to assist with 
what little insight I have into the Python C API and Python as a language.


On 2008-06-19 (Thu) 12:17, 帆 张 wrote:
 Hi ,

   Thank you very much, I'd like to see your advices and get help from you. I 
 also want to tell the difference between chipmunk(and Pymunk) and this 
 project,  this one is not separated with python, all of its basic data 
 structures are based on python data structures, which means it can be 
 integrated in python seamlessly . Also some classes are targeted to integrate 
 physics updating and pygame sprite rendering, which means user can write 
 their physics games more easily.
   API defines and my working progress are on my yahoo blog: , and current working code is on a 
 branch of pygame svn: svn:// 

   Best wishes
   Zhang Fan

 Peter Gebauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 写道:
 I read Zhang Fan's post regarding his gsoc project, I've been looking to do 
 something similar, a Python extension for an already existing library.
 So far I've extended Chipmunk partially over a few days of prototyping, but 
 there's no point in having two projects doing the same thing, I'd like to 
 know a bit bout the plans of the physics module for PyGame. (if you're 
 reading this, Zhang)
 I could also help out with some testing/patching for the C Python stuff.


[pygame] The gsoc project physics engine.

2008-06-18 Thread Peter Gebauer

I read Zhang Fan's post regarding his gsoc project, I've been looking to do 
something similar, a Python extension for an already existing library.
So far I've extended Chipmunk partially over a few days of prototyping, but 
there's no point in having two projects doing the same thing, I'd like to 
know a bit bout the plans of the physics module for PyGame. (if you're 
reading this, Zhang)
I could also help out with some testing/patching for the C Python stuff.
