Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

2007-03-12 Thread DAANOO
Happy birthday Linda.  I'm sorry I missed it.  I'm glad you had a  nice 
get-together.  Would love to see pictures.  I love  pictures.
I tried roserum, and it did nothing for me.  Not much seems to work  
unfortunately, you're lucky you don't have to take every night.  My TV and  
are my best friend, usually when I read my quad list posts.
What kind of neck warmer do you have?  How strong is vicoden?  I  always get 
cold so I bet I would like a neck warmer.  How does it stay  warm? I am always 
so cold..

Happy birthday!  May you have many more healthy years.
I don't sleep very well either, 4 or 5 hrs is good for me. I take a vicoden  
if I am real painful  put my neck warmer on my neck which is the best pain  
releaver  sleeping aid. I take Roserem 8mg for sleep once in awhile,  but not 
often. I turn my tv on  watch it during the night too, it's my best  friend.  

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[QUAD-L] Re: sleep problems

2007-03-12 Thread DAANOO
You're so fortunate that it only takes 5 mg of Ambien and you go  to bed 
before your head hits the pillow.  I have the about to lines to take  10 mg and 
trazodone and I still can't get to sleep and rarely get more than four  hours 
with waking up often.  I was hoping someone would have some super  duper drug 
for all of us who suffer with  insomnia.
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[QUAD-L] belly

2007-03-12 Thread Hecedman

Hi all,
Does anyone know how to get rid of the quad belly... it's ruining  
my mojo!


Re: [QUAD-L] belly

2007-03-12 Thread wheelchair
In a message dated 3/12/2007 7:21:01 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Hi  all,
Does anyone know how to get rid of the quad belly... it's  ruining  
my mojo!


That Quad Belly, could be your money bag... or the result of sugars, flours  
and lack of movement at 
the waist.  Portion control, a sugar free diet and mild physical  therapy 
might help towards the belly
issue.  Its a discipline.  A very tough discipline.
Best Wishes
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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] belly

2007-03-12 Thread KK
I am going to the library today to get You On A Diet.  Watched the tv show  the
results were good.  It is written by Dr Oz ( the diet doc on Oprah).  It is 
for belly fat.

Re: [QUAD-L] belly

2007-03-12 Thread Danny Hearn
 That is True W..Plus my doctor said this ( once you have a quad-gut no 
matter how much weight you lose, you will still have the quad gut. ) He 
said you can lose 100 pounds and be very skinny but the quad gut will still be 
there. S  good luck to all in their daring effort   ;-) 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:In a message dated 3/12/2007 7:21:01 A.M. 
Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hi all,
Does anyone know how to get rid of the quad belly... it's ruining  
my mojo!


  That Quad Belly, could be your money bag... or the result of sugars, flours 
and lack of movement at 
  the waist.  Portion control, a sugar free diet and mild physical therapy 
might help towards the belly
  issue.  Its a discipline.  A very tough discipline.
  Best Wishes

  AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at 

[QUAD-L] belly subject

2007-03-12 Thread wheelchair
Dan, actually that is 99-44/100% correct.  Back in 1996 while at the  
Paralympics in Atlanta, I met several quads at the games in the best shape of  
lives.  C5/6 and C7, these quads were flat and hard.  They also  worked the 
Permobil Booth at several exhibitions and signed pictures of  themselves to 
those who attended.  Yes, the flat and hard belly is a rare  event.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/12/2007 10:04:36 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

That is True W..Plus my doctor said this ( once you have  a quad-gut 
no matter how much weight you lose, you will still have the quad  gut. ) 
He said you can lose 100 pounds and be very  skinny but the quad gut will still 
be there.  S  good luck to all in their daring effort;-)  

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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] belly

2007-03-12 Thread DAANOO
You just have to eat a very low-fat diet a good portion of fruits and  
vegetables and minimal portions on rare occasions of something like ice cream 
cake.  I stick with Buffalo, Turkey, fish and not much bread or noodles and  if 
you do eat whole grains.  I like tomatoes soup and my mom makes me  chicken 
noodle or rice mostly with whole grains and 99% fat-free broth.  I  don't need 
much cheese and I always get 2% at the fat free just does not taste  the same.  
I owe patiently by low-fat lean cuisine dinners that are very  easy and low 
in fat and really tasty.  I always eat a salad every night  with low-fat 
dressing with vegetables.  A good snack is microwave weight  control cinnamon 
oatmeal or whole grain cereal with skim milk.  I love  frozen baby spinach.  I 
that really helps as my belly is very minimal  and it has gone down in the 
last couple months when I have been stricter about  what I eat.  My main 
is my aid for supper coming way too late  at night.  I also drink strawberry 
Slim fast for morning and afternoon  meal.  I really need to get a new person 
with a earlier schedule.  It  seemed like it is possible to mostly lose your 
belly as I have several  lines.  I did not have one when I was injured but that 
was 32 years  ago.
I don't know if there's a difference between men and women and this  problem. 
 Men are larger and they want more food possibly.
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[QUAD-L] Important! Belly

2007-03-12 Thread Angie Novak
How did Important! go from the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007 to 
legal immigrants?  What the hell?  Completely different issue, people!  Which I 
don't think many of you have been trying to persuade the Senators to vote yes, 
and be part of the solution.  For shame, for shame.  How can you not want the 
research?  If not in our lifetimes, what about those we love that could be 
helped and repaired and restored after a spinal cord injury, or from one of the 
many, many, many, many other things embryonic stem cell research has the 
extremely real possibility of fixing?  

Thank you to all of you who have e-mailed the Senators to vote yes, and have 
written or called or e-mailed everyone you know to persuade them to vote yes, 
and actually want to try to be part of the solution.  Those of you who have, I 
applaud you!  At the moment, only mentally, someday the very real possibility 
of being able to with my hands, under my own control again.

About the quad belly; I used to be a lot larger than I am now.  I don't know 
what the difference is, but I usually don't appear to always have a quad belly. 
 All I can tell you is that it's a lot of discipline, and I admit I give in to 
eating things I probably shouldn't at times, but you have to live!  Good luck 
with battling that.  It's not completely hopeless, I don't think.

I don't know if you were joking about the drunken Irish, but I'm Irish, and 
that's offensive!  You completely forgot about how much we drunken Irish 
fight!!  Laughing my shamrock off!  We're a people of a hell of a lot of fun, 
and cunning.  I would watch what you say about the Irish, you never know, the 
wee folk might just find you!  LOL!


-Angie Novak
The fish are biting.
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[QUAD-L] Important! Belly

2007-03-12 Thread wheelchair
I'm southside Irish and I must have missed that posting.
In Chicago last weekend was the annual southside St. Patricks Day  Parade.  
Someone with candor picked an empty parking lot and installed a  dozen Port O 
Pots (portable toilets) and charged $3 a head to use them.   All money went to 
the American Cancer Society.  People were standing in  line all day to use 
those  port a pots.  Not that they were drinking  or anything I think they 
just wanted to make donations to a worthy  cause.  But that's the Irish too.  
Next weekend is the St. Patty's  Parade in downtown Chicago.
Erin Go Bra-less!
In a message dated 3/12/2007 2:03:49 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

About  the quad belly; I used to be a lot larger than I am now.  I don't know 
 what the difference is, but I usually don't appear to always have a quad  
belly.  All I can tell you is that it's a lot of discipline, and I admit  I 
in to eating things I probably shouldn't at times, but you have to  live!  
Good luck with battling that.  It's not completely hopeless,  I don't think.

I don't know if you were joking about the drunken Irish,  but I'm Irish, and 
that's offensive!  You completely forgot about how  much we drunken Irish 
fight!!  Laughing my shamrock off!  We're a  people of a hell of a lot of fun, 
cunning.  I would watch what you  say about the Irish, you never know, the 
wee folk might just find you!   LOL!


-Angie Novak

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Re: [QUAD-L] my 40th birthday party

2007-03-12 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi Professirx,
  Looks like a great party.  Forty is a great year to party!  May you be 
looking at many more birthdays...and parties!
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
  Texas, USA


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from AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] ROM Poll

2007-03-12 Thread LINDA FERRELL
I still do ROM on my arms, my wrists are bent  fingers are curled  I wear a 
leather universal cuff to keep my wrists straight. It makes me mad, it's bad 
enough that we are paralyzed  then our body's have to contract.

Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

2007-03-12 Thread LINDA FERRELL
Hi Dana,
Thank you for the good wish. 
You said that Roserem did nothing for you, it is a mild sleeping pill. I think 
the vicoden is 750mg, it is not that strong. I can't believe so many people 
claim it's addicting. Everyone matabolizes medications differently. I ordered 
my neck warmer from a Company in Missouri, I can't get the name of the company 
until I have a CNA here. I was disappointed with the neck warmer because it has 
gel inside. You can buy the same thing at Wal-Mart. It just cools down after 
about 20-30 mins.

- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 4:09:01 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

Happy birthday Linda.  I'm sorry I missed it.  I'm glad you had a nice 
get-together.  Would love to see pictures.  I love pictures.
I tried roserum, and it did nothing for me.  Not much seems to work 
unfortunately, you're lucky you don't have to take every night.  My TV and 
computer are my best friend, usually when I read my quad list posts.
What kind of neck warmer do you have?  How strong is vicoden?  I always get 
cold so I bet I would like a neck warmer.  How does it stay warm? I am always 
so cold..

Happy birthday!  May you have many more healthy years.

Re: [QUAD-L] belly

2007-03-12 Thread delimited4
If you lean forward over your knees each morning for about 5 minutes, the quad 
gut starts to shrink. 
Where did you get a mojo and how did your gutt have any effect on it. Good 
-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 8:20 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] belly

Hi all, 
Does anyone know how to get rid of the quad belly... it's ruining my mojo! 

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Re: [QUAD-L] Re: sleep problems

2007-03-12 Thread wheelchair
Regarding Texas and pot, you are so right John.  I know people from  the 60's 
still in jail for having a joint.
That's why Bush went to school in another state and so did his  daughters.
Being a successful quad (if there is such a term) means that you are always  
planning ahead to survive.
That planning ahead begins 5 minutes before you wake each morning and  
planning and planning.
By the time sleep time comes along, most are so wound up, that sleep is the  
very last thing on your mind. Then you are planning on tomorrow and all you 
have  to do.  It's no wonder that you get any sleep at all.
Sleep is important part of any 24 hour cycle.  If you aren't getting  enough 
at night, a daytime rest should supplement your night rest.  In a  perfect 
world you should get enough sleep in 24 hours.  But who's seen a  perfect world 
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/12/2007 6:20:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I use a few puffs of pot most nights and I fall right to sleep. I don't  use 
it for fun. I don't recommend it if you can do without it. It has one bad  
side effect. It is illegal. If you live in texas, don't even think about it.  
Getting busted there is a big deal. In Ohio, most cops don't bust anything  
than 100 grams. 


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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

[QUAD-L] Getting Out

2007-03-12 Thread Greg
Out town just had the town's big festival. They have a number of little
things that are often not worth going to, but this is one is fun. It's
called The Ostrich Festival. They do all the fair/festival stuff, rides,
arts/crafts, games, food, etc. But the big thing is the ostrich races. They
race then with jockeys, then with chariots. Plus camel races, etc. They also
sell lots of ostrich stuff, burgers, jerky, etc. I love trying new foods.
The concerts at night were Rick Springfield and an old American Idol guy.
It's cool that it is only 2.5 miles from my house, so I could just hang out
back/forth. They also had the Purina Dog Challenge there. Where the dogs do
Frisbee tricks and an obstacle course. That was fun. Then in the mornings
they had hot air balloon races and nights they did balloon glows. The only
bad thing was the weather, almost record highs, 87 degrees and very little
shade. I love going to things like that.



[QUAD-L] Burns

2007-03-12 Thread Greg
Burns, Burns, and yet another Burn.

I got a muffin out of the mic and it was hotter than I thought. I had it on
a napkin on the back of my hand. A few hours later I went to rub my face and
water was all over. The big blisters popped. They looked to be heeling ok,
scabbed up. I had to get a prescription for something else, so I had the doc
look at it. He put an antibiotic cream on it, then wrapped it up. But now
the cream has soften it up and it's all wet looking. At least he gave me
oral antibiotics to take too, just in case it got infected. I should just
remember all my other burns I have had over the years, once it's scabbed up,
leave it alone.



Re: [QUAD-L] I'm new to the list!

2007-03-12 Thread B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\)
Sorry I'm a little late, but welcome to the list.

Bruce and Debbie Hamilton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi my name is Debbie. I 
am almost 2 years postaccident. I was diagnosed as 
a C4, my function level now is C6 on the right C5 on the left. The first 
year postaccident was absolutely horrendous! During the second year, I've 
worked on accepting the new me. I am 47 years old, married, and have three 
boys one still at home. I am now living in Colorado after going to Craig 
hospital and have found there aren't very many resources after being 
discharged. Such as rehab for SCI. I look forward to asking questions in 
this group. I need the support! Will post questions soon.

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Re: [QUAD-L] Burns

2007-03-12 Thread kaye allard

Okay I have to take this opportunity to share something with you guys that
many others would not understand.  I have gotten burned in the same place
between my wrist and hand about 3 times with my heating pad.  Finally I got
one that turns off automatically after 1 hour.  Last week I woke up and
lifted my head from my heating pad that always sits on my pillow.  My ear
was numb and stuck to my head.  In a moment of half woken paranoia, I
thought my ear had melted to the side of my head.  I couldn't feel it so I
imagined how it must have looked- all skinless and malformed.  Then I woke
up, sensation came back and I was ok.

On 3/12/07, Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Burns, Burns, and yet another Burn.

I got a muffin out of the mic and it was hotter than I thought. I had it
on a napkin on the back of my hand. A few hours later I went to rub my face
and water was all over. The big blisters popped. They looked to be heeling
ok, scabbed up… I had to get a prescription for something else, so I had the
doc look at it. He put an antibiotic cream on it, then wrapped it up. But
now the cream has soften it up and it's all wet looking. At least he gave me
oral antibiotics to take too, just in case it got infected. I should just
remember all my other burns I have had over the years, once it's scabbed up,
leave it alone…


Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine.
-Henry Miller

Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

2007-03-12 Thread delimited4
Dear Linda,
Vicodin is hydrocodone. It is synthetic heroin and it really is addicting. I've 
been taking 5mg's for a few years and I sure can't just stop. Doctor says if I 
have to change I'll need methadone before taking anything else. It is effective 
and stays working for most people for many years. I think you mean 7.5 mgs as 
750 would be a little strong for your average heroin addict.  :D
It's handy stuff for pain.
-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

Hi Dana,
Thank you for the good wish. 
You said that Roserem did nothing for you, it is a mild sleeping pill. I think 
the vicoden is 750mg, it is not that strong. I can't believe so many people 
claim it's addicting. Everyone matabolizes medications differently. I ordered 
my neck warmer from a Company in Missouri, I can't get the name of the company 
until I have a CNA here. I was disappointed with the neck warmer because it has 
gel inside. You can buy the same thing at Wal-Mart. It just cools down after 
about 20-30 mins.

- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 4:09:01 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

Happy birthday Linda.  I'm sorry I missed it.  I'm glad you had a nice 
get-together.  Would love to see pictures.  I love pictures.
I tried roserum, and it did nothing for me.  Not much seems to work 
unfortunately, you're lucky you don't have to take every night.  My TV and 
computer are my best friend, usually when I read my quad list posts.
What kind of neck warmer do you have?  How strong is vicoden?  I always get 
cold so I bet I would like a neck warmer.  How does it stay warm? I am always 
so cold..

Happy birthday!  May you have many more healthy years.

AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] Burns

2007-03-12 Thread Oconnelldb
I'm healing up a few burns on my ankle from sitting too close to my space  
heater a few weeks ago.   it's amazing how we can cook ourselves  without even 
knowing it.
In a message dated 3/12/2007 5:41:13 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

Burns, Burns, and yet another  Burn. 
I got a muffin out of the mic and  it was hotter than I thought. I had it on 
a napkin on the back of my hand. A  few hours later I went to rub my face and 
water was all over. The big blisters  popped. They looked to be heeling ok, 
scabbed up… I had to get a prescription  for something else, so I had the doc 
look at it. He put an antibiotic cream on  it, then wrapped it up. But now the 
cream has soften it up and it’s all wet  looking. At least he gave me oral 
antibiotics to take too, just in case it got  infected. I should just remember 
my other burns I have had over the years,  once it’s scabbed up, leave it 

Dave  _Visit My Home  Page_ ( 
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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] Burns

2007-03-12 Thread DiannaL767
In a message dated 3/12/2007 9:20:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

I'm healing up a few burns on my ankle from sitting too close to my  space 
heater a few weeks ago.   it's amazing how we can cook  ourselves without even 
knowing it.

I went to a Halloween party my 2nd yr of sci, it was in a barn  and they used 
a torpedo heater for heat. I was sitting close to it  and couldn't  feel the 
heat. To make a long story short, I had to get  a skin graft because it was so 
huge and wouldn't heal. When I had surgery they  didn't put me completely  to 
sleep. Just enough  to relax me and keep my legs from spasms. Talked to them 
the whole time even  while they scraped skin off my other leg. It surely is 
amazing what we go  through without feeling it. 
Before that, I spilled a very hot cup of coffee on my belly. I  spent 2 weeks 
in the burn unit over that one. They sent me home still scraping  and 
wrapping the burns.
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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

2007-03-12 Thread Danny Hearn
  John...I think you wrote that wrong..Vicodin is not synthetic 
heroin  ( Methadone is ) Dan

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Dear Linda,
  Vicodin is hydrocodone. It is synthetic heroin and it really is addicting. 
I've been taking 5mg's for a few years and I sure can't just stop. Doctor says 
if I have to change I'll need methadone before taking anything else. It is 
effective and stays working for most people for many years. I think you mean 
7.5 mgs as 750 would be a little strong for your average heroin addict.  :D
  It's handy stuff for pain.
-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

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}  #AOLMsgPart_2_2369a880-ab33-45d3-beed-1bae524668af   Hi Dana,
  Thank you for the good wish. 
  You said that Roserem did nothing for you, it is a mild sleeping pill. I 
think the vicoden is 750mg, it is not that strong. I can't believe so many 
people claim it's addicting. Everyone matabolizes medications differently. I 
ordered my neck warmer from a Company in Missouri, I can't get the name of the 
company until I have a CNA here. I was disappointed with the neck warmer 
because it has gel inside. You can buy the same thing at Wal-Mart. It just 
cools down after about 20-30 mins.

  - Original Message 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 4:09:01 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

  Happy birthday Linda.  I'm sorry I missed it.  I'm glad you had a nice 
get-together.  Would love to see pictures.  I love pictures.
  I tried roserum, and it did nothing for me.  Not much seems to work 
unfortunately, you're lucky you don't have to take every night.  My TV and 
computer are my best friend, usually when I read my quad list posts.
  What kind of neck warmer do you have?  How strong is vicoden?  I always get 
cold so I bet I would like a neck warmer.  How does it stay warm? I am always 
so cold..

  Happy birthday!  May you have many more healthy years.
  #AOLMsgPart_2_2369a880-ab33-45d3-beed-1bae524668af DIV {MARGIN:0px;}  


  AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] Burns

2007-03-12 Thread kaye allard

Yeah I also got burned sitting by a camp fire.  I reached down to touch my
knee and it was mushy from a blister.  Ewww!  It's so gross to feel
something like that...that you can't...feel.  It is startling, to say the
least.  And then the time it takes to heal!


 In a message dated 3/12/2007 9:20:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

I'm healing up a few burns on my ankle from sitting too close to my space
heater a few weeks ago.   it's amazing how we can cook ourselves without
even knowing it.

 *I went to a Halloween party my 2nd yr of sci, it was in a barn and they
used a torpedo heater for heat. I was sitting close to it and couldn't  feel
the heat. To make a long story short, I had to get a skin graft because it
was so huge and wouldn't heal. When I had surgery they didn't put me
completely  t**o sleep. Just enough to relax me and keep my legs from
spasms. Talked to them the whole time even while they scraped skin off my
other leg. It surely is amazing what we go through without feeling it. *
*Before that, I spilled a very hot cup of coffee on my belly. I spent 2
weeks in the burn unit over that one. They sent me home still scraping and
wrapping the burns.*

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free
from AOL at **

Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine.
-Henry Miller

Re: [QUAD-L] Burns

2007-03-12 Thread DiannaL767
In a message dated 3/12/2007 9:19:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Okay I  have to take this opportunity to share something with you guys that 
many  others would not understand.  I have gotten burned in the same place  
between my wrist and hand about 3 times with my heating pad.
I sleep with a heating pad and luckily I haven't burned myself.  if the heat 
is trapped, (like on my neck in bed) I keep it low but for the most  part it's 
on my chest just because I'm helps me to fall  asleep.
I did burn my finger the same way you did, I was resting my  head on the top 
of the couch and fell asleep...that was another bad  one.

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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at