CS> LYME disease

2010-03-07 Thread Martsmail53

CS> LYME disease

I am sorry, can I have lyme disease testimonies  again,Thanks  Marty

CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-13 Thread Jason
Hello all,a good friend of mind has contracted Lyme disease about a year ago 
working in the field up in Maryland last summer.I do believe I have read in 
this forum that Lyme disease has been treated successfully with CS.Is that also 
mean totally cured from it? Are there any posts from the past that give 
specifics on treatment with CS? Thank you for any help you can give!Jason


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Lyme disease

2009-08-04 Thread linda k

Current article on Dr. Mercola's website, 
"Dr. Klinghardt's Treatment of Lyme Disease".
Very interesting reading.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lyme Disease

2007-08-01 Thread Revonda Henderson
Does CS help or cure Lyme Disease?

CS>Lyme Disease

2004-08-10 Thread C Creel
Dear List Members,

  I'm looking for data that supports the use of CS for Lyme disease.  If I
recall correctly someone was collecting data on this.  Any assistance would
be appreciated.  Thanks!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lyme Disease

2007-04-12 Thread joe bloggs
Hi GMetropulo.  I'm so sorry to hear about your health problems.  It sounds 
so painful and to have to suffer this for years must be so debilitating.  I 
know very little about lyme disease, so whatever I suggest, you have 
probably already tried.  But what's to lose?  If I repeat stuff you already 
know about, just ignore me.

Have you been to the Curezone website on Lymes Disease Support Forum?  
Here's the link:


Here's also a link to a page that says 'Lyme Disease - Prevention and Curing 


Another great therapy that is supposed to work wonders is Emotional Freedom 
Technique (EFT).  It involves fingertip tapping on the acuppresure points - 
accupuncture without the needles - while saying something along the lines of 
'even though I have this awful muscle spasm, I still deeply accept myself'.  
Sounds crazy, but it works!  here's the link:


I also believe in the power of healing thoughts and prayers - so my healing 
thoughts and prayers are flowing to you.  I hope you find relief soon.

Frankie x

From: gmetrop...@aol.com

help for chronic lyme in scalp muscle

Any suggestions for chronic lyme in the scalp muscle which causes severe
pressure. crunching, burning   and severe contraction of the scalp muscle 
descends into contracted and burning neck and back muscles causing 
circulation to the heart and extremities?   The edema and fibrosis of the 
muscle is severe. I constantly have to stretch and massage my scalp and 

pull my hair to release some fluid out of the crunchy tissues. The throbbing
is intense surrounding my head.Tendon and muscle spasms are severe in hands,
toes and legs. The invasion and contraction to the scalp muscle has affected 

the descending muscles impairing circulation. If I could heal my fibrosed,
crunchy, burning contracted scalp muscle it would be a tremendous relief 
after 7

years of agony and nothing working.

Get Hotmail, News, Sport and Entertainment from MSN on your mobile.  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lyme Disease

2008-05-22 Thread


There have been many posts over the years (Marsha, Brooks, etc) regarding
Lyme disease treatments with CS & other products.  I have not saved them
because it was not a concern.  But it turns out my wife probably has had it
for years without realizing it, so now it is a concern.


I would appreciate anyone posting or reposting remedies for Lyme disease.
You can send them to the list of directly to me if you wish.


Thanks in advance,


Steve Y.

CS>Lyme Disease

2008-05-23 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from "S&JY" : -- 

There have been many posts over the years (Marsha, Brooks, etc) regarding Lyme disease treatments with CS & other products.  I have not saved them because it was not a concern.  But it turns out my wife probably has had it for years without realizing it, so now it is a concern.
I would appreciate anyone posting or reposting remedies for Lyme disease.  You can send them to the list of directly to me if you wish.
 Please post to the list -- for the benefit of new members, and also to refresh the memories of others.  I was bitten by a Lyme tick two weeks ago, and even though have had electro-stim treatment, am still nervous about it.  MA

CS>Lyme disease

2005-05-04 Thread Marshalee

Dear Joni,
It is actually "Lyme" Disease; it doesn`t own anything. Named after the 
town of Lyme, CT.
 I`m so glad you got a proper diagnosis. I hope CS helps you as well as 
it did me!!

Good luck,

I can relate to your situation, I was misdiagnosed with MS and now 
find out I have advanced Lyme's disease.  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>LYME disease

2002-01-14 Thread Philip Wylie

Since I have yet to unsubscribe from this list (the interest an my curiosity
keeps me going) I would like to ask if there might  be anyone who has
with Lyme disease? If so, how  efficacious was Colloidal Silver in
the spirochetes from the body.

One of my best friends, 'Ken', with whom I have hiked Canada's famed
West Coast Trail three times, suffers from this dreaded disease.
He acquired it during one of first two of seven hikes on that trail, having
bitten by a  nasty tick. Several years after the fact, while in Venezuela,
he had suddenly  taken ill. The doctors there and in Montreal (once he
misdiagnosed his condition. Having later obtained sound medical counsel he
undergoing treatment pursuant to the protocols of  the Lyme Disease experts.
He  has ameliorated some of his concerns but only moderately. This disease
is so
insidious and unpredictable, that he manifests different problems week
by week.  The disease can mask many symptoms and be interpreted as some
other disease such as epstine barr and a host of others.

Last year while hiking the trail for my fourth time, I met a 72 year old
gentleman who was hiking with two walking sticks and a back pack.
I was concerned for him because he seem crippled somewhat. There is
no way anyone should be on that trail that is not is sound physical
in order to endure the 78 kilometer rigors of that trail. Conversation with
that man revealed symptoms that were identical to those of Lyme disease.
It appears he too has been misdiagnosed all these years. Origin of the
disease? Hiking the trail. Now I meet a man here in central  Illinois
who has the disease. He acquired it while bow hunting in Kentucky
eight or nine years ago. I queried him and compared my physical concerns.

This all concerns me personally, as I suspect some physical symptoms which
me, as possibly being attributed to Lyme.  Sore feet each and every morning
when I wake up. Peripheral Neuropathy is what one friend suggested, a common
malady for men over 45, on what appears to be a large scale.
This appears to be the common lot for men. And all along people thought it
prostrate disease. 
I have been apprised that this condition (Peripheral Neuropathy) has been
with Lyme Disease.
However, unless I personally travel to the LYME specialists in Pennsylvania
I may not really know.
I am, moreover, not convinced that I have it.
Testing is sensitive but purported to be extremely accurate in diagnosis.
I do know this, that taking 7 wormwood capsules, seven clove capsules and
teaspoons of black walnut tincture has given me great relief for short
periods of time.
Following a one  week course of self treatment I found my energy level and
prowess to be that comparable to twenty years ago. I  suddenly became a
runner without foot  pain.  It  was fantastic. Gimmie a 65 pound back back
and let me go.
Results were not permanent however I have managed to repeat the experience.
Therefore, I am curious to know  if CS can offer permanent relief. If so,
in what quantity.  
CS has likewise been recommended to me within the context of Dr. Hulda
Clark's  protocols.
Again, any comments would be most welcomed.


Philip Wylie

"I have mountains yet to climb,  trails to hike and ocean waterways to
explore by sea kayak.
The moody rivers of Wisconsin wait for me, and the pristine waters of
Georgian Bay's Precambrian shield
beckon their call along with the land of 1001 lakes. I have an abundant life
to live with my wife, creative
projects to undertake and complete and conceive. God willing we will make
every effort to seize our moments
under the sun and do good to our fellow man. All the while taking
responsibility for our own health and vitality."

CS>Lyme Disease

2002-07-21 Thread krfarah
   I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about 
what ppm and what quantity of colloidal silver would be 
useful for treating Lyme Disease. I have been taking CS 
since I first got the disease. It seems to improve my 
energy level, but that seems to be all that it does, 
since I haven't gotten better yet. I think I might not 
be taking enough of it. I am using homebrewed silver 
that I make from a simple generator I got  on the net. 

Farah Khan

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>lyme Disease

2002-09-24 Thread LOANROB
This is to Kevin who asked about Lyme Disease.

I Haven't written to the list for a long time, but when I saw your question I 
had to reply. I also had chronic Lyme Disease for 10 years. After two years 
of antibiotics i was still sick and my body was not accepting the antibiotics 
anymore. That is when I found out about CS. I started to make it and use it 
everyday starting is May of 2000. I started improving in about 2 weeks. I 
continued to take the CS and continued to get better. I am now about 90% 
healed. I am doing things I thought I'd never do again. It has been a long 
process but it works. I am so thankful to have my life back.
Christiane S.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>lyme disease

2000-06-29 Thread Mary
What causes lyme disease? Is it caused by a vax? I know the story about the
ticks but I'm just wondering if there is another story we don't hear about.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lyme Disease

2000-07-07 Thread Chris Joyner
Hi friends,
I am new to your sight.  I am SEEKING INFO ON Lyme Disease.   I understand that 
you may be able to help me with some alternative routes of treatment.  
Blessings and many thanks, Chris

CS + Lyme Disease

2001-09-26 Thread Martina Reece
Does anybody on this list have expierence with treating Lyme Disease with
CS? I have been on antibiotics for 5 month and started taking CS two days
Any information would be greatly aprecciated!

Thanks and be well everybody!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lyme disease

1999-09-20 Thread Amy Casca
Hello everyone...
My name is Amy Casca and I live in Wa state.
I have a friend here that we are very sure has Lyme disease.
We have yet to be able to get a diagnosis.
But he has all the symptoms and was bitten by a tick.
Also he has been tested for 3 yrs and it seems to be nothing else.
He has been getting considerably worse lately and we are very desperate
for some kind of help.
Collidial Silver has been reccomended.
We are still seeking a Lyme Dr to work with us,but are having a very
hard time finding one.
We would like to start trying silver,if anyone out there has experience
with Lyme and Collidial Silver,your help would be GREATLY appreciated..
Amy Casca

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lyme disease

2001-05-20 Thread GAllen4296
About 3 weeks ago I was bitten by a tick and developed the classical bullnose 
rash. I will see a holistic practitioner on Wednesday. But meanwhile I have 
been trying CS. I recall that quite a while ago there was a discussion of the 
value of CS in the treatment of lyme. I have searched the archives, but have 
not been able to find much of value. 

I have developed all the symptoms of a cold, which I very rarely contract, 
and I can't seem to shake it. I wonder if this could be an opportunistic 

Could anyone who has had experience along this line give me some suggestions? 
 Any advice would be appreciated. 


CS>Lyme disease

2011-09-13 Thread Rodney Samuelson


I know you took CS for a year for Lyme.  At what month did you feel better?


How much CS did you drink per day?


Please call me at 860-881-3734



CS>Lyme disease

2011-11-14 Thread Rodney Samuelson
I have taken CS since June and make my own.  I consume 8 oz per day at 15
parts per million and continue to have problems with Lyme.  I will stay
taking it as antibiotics do not work and 18 years of it make me a
non-believer in antibiotics.  Any suggestions??


Rod  cell 860-881-3734

CS>Lyme disease

2012-01-19 Thread Rodney Samuelson
Just making sure email got out.  I can find none who use colloidal silver
for Lyme disease except Marshall.  Please reply as I feel like you can
comment on success.  I do take amoxicillin and no success.  How much CS do
you take daily?






CS>Lyme disease

2012-05-11 Thread Rodney Samuelson


I make and consume 1 qt per day at 14 ppm.  How many years will it take?
Rod at cell 860-881-3734


CS>Lyme disease

2012-06-11 Thread Rodney Samuelson


Just making sure email got out.  I can find no one who uses colloidal silver
for Lyme disease except Marshall.  Please reply as I feel like you can
comment on success.  I do not take antibiotics and feel lousy.  How much CS
do you take daily and when?  I make a pint in am and pm. 


 Please call me on 860-881-3734






CS>LYME disease

2011-08-21 Thread Rod Samuelson
I have taken the colloidal silver for 3 months and do not have a herx now.
I make my own and the ppm is 22.  When can I hope to get better have success
on getting better?


Rod Samuelson
860-881-3734 cell
new email address  rsamuels...@cox.net


Re: CS> LYME disease

2010-03-07 Thread Marshalee Hallett
I was bitten 20 years ago this summer, while living in Arkansas. Tick was on
my lower leg, so the rash was visible. Went to the dumbest doc in the world.
(He refused to xray my high school freshman daughter`s broken foot, so she
walked for 2 years on a broken tarsus!) The idiot gave me 60 mg of doxy for
10 days. Of course I eventually went into 4th stage disseminated Lyme...
Moved to Wisconsin in 1996, the idiot doc there refused to believe I could
still have LD after 6 years of doxy. Refused to give me any more doxy. 3
months later I was dying. I was SO sick! I said a prayer for help, and was
heard, as my old friend from jr. college days sent me some papers she`d
found used as packing in a box she`d received in the mail. It was Mark
Metcalf`s info on CS!! It included what CS is, how to make it and a list of
650 diseases it can cure, one of which was Lyme. I`m so glad she thought of
me and sent the info along!
My son found some silver wire, made up the generator and I got well again,
except for the permanent brain damage the DD caused. I`m disabled now as I
can`t walk much.
I`m a LOT better now at almost 58 than I was at 38!!
PS, feel free to email with any questions.

On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 3:57 PM,  wrote:

>  CS> LYME disease
> I am sorry, can I have lyme disease testimonies again,Thanks Marty

RE: CS> LYME disease

2010-03-08 Thread Scott Adams
Hi Marty,
I have captured a lot of information about how people are treating their
Chronic Lyme and more. See the website below for a free copy of the cd.
Scott Adams
www.lyme-resource.com <http://www.lyme-resource.com/> 
You can lead a person to a fact, but you can't make them think! - Scott


From: martsmai...@aol.com [mailto:martsmai...@aol.com] 
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:57 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS> LYME disease

 CS> LYME disease


I am sorry, can I have lyme disease testimonies again,Thanks Marty

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-13 Thread sms
Hi Jason,
Sorry about your friend.  Unfortunately, if your friend has had Lyme Disease
for a year, the disease would now be considered Chronic-long-term.  While CS
would be of tremendous help, it more than likely would not be able to
eliminate Lyme completely.  It takes other avenues to attack and kill the
spirochetes now as they rapidly reproduce and take various forms to hide
from the immune system and anti-biotics.  But, there is hope.  

Along with taking CS on a regular basis, your friend can add a well know
Lyme elimination protocol known as Salt/C. Here is the link to
Lymestrategies.  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lymestrategies/  
There your friend will find details about the Protocol, remedies to aid lyme
symptoms, information on cleanses and detoxes required for added support;
files and links, but most of all members willing to share what works and
what doesn't in support of one another.  

Another excellent and highly recommended companion group for your friend to
join whose members also use CS is: http://health.groups.yahoo
com/group/Lyme_and_Rife/The members in this group are experienced and
well educated in terms of most all elements having to do with Lyme.  They
have years of experience and a ton of knowledge.  All the best to your
friend. You are a great friend for helping.
From: Jason
Date: 5/13/2010 11:08:08 AM
To: To post @ Silverlist
Subject: CS>Lyme disease
Hello all,a good friend of mind has contracted Lyme disease about a year ago
working in the field up in Maryland last summer.I do believe I have read in
this forum that Lyme disease has been treated successfully with CS.Is that
also mean totally cured from it? Are there any posts from the past that give
specifics on treatment with CS? Thank you for any help you can give!

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-13 Thread Marshalee Hallett
 Well, I dunno, I had Lyme for 6 years before I found out about CS. Guess
what? it cured it.


Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-13 Thread Paul Steel

Did u have any co-infections?

What kind of cs did u take

Thanks Paul 

Sent from my iPad

On May 13, 2010, at 4:16 PM, Marshalee Hallett  wrote:

 Well, I dunno, I had Lyme for 6 years before I found out about CS. Guess what? 
it cured it.

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-13 Thread Smitty
> Hello all,a good friend of mind has contracted Lyme disease
> Are there any posts from the past that give specifics on treatment . . .
>Thank you for any help you can give .

You might go to the Miracle Mineral Supplement yahoo group
and put Lymes in the search block.
I believe MMS is better than CS for your friend's condition.
Just a thought.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-13 Thread bodhisattva

I just wanted to say, it is "Lyme" not "Lymes" so people don't get confused.

Smitty wrote:

Hello all,a good friend of mind has contracted Lyme disease
Are there any posts from the past that give specifics on treatment . . .
Thank you for any help you can give .

You might go to the Miracle Mineral Supplement yahoo group
and put Lymes in the search block.
I believe MMS is better than CS for your friend's condition.
Just a thought.


RE: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-13 Thread Norton, Steve
-   Steve N

From: Jason <mailto:chemtrail_...@yahoo.com> 
Date: 5/13/2010 11:08:08 AM
To: To post @ Silverlist <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com> 
Subject: CS>Lyme disease
Hello all,a good friend of mind has contracted Lyme disease about a year
ago working in the field up in Maryland last summer.I do believe I have
read in this forum that Lyme disease has been treated successfully with
CS.Is that also mean totally cured from it? Are there any posts from the
past that give specifics on treatment with CS? Thank you for any help
you can give!

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-13 Thread Marshalee Hallett
No, just the Lyme. I took CS my son made for me with the 3-battery gadget,
made according to Mark Metcalf`s directions, which included salt. I still
make my own CS today, but no salt.
I lost my gallbladder and have permanent brain damage from the Lyme, but am
pretty darn good compared to how I was before the CS!

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Paul Steel  wrote:

> Marshalee
> Did u have any co-infections?
> What kind of cs did u take
> Thanks Paul
> Sent from my iPad
> On May 13, 2010, at 4:16 PM, Marshalee Hallett 
> wrote:
>  Well, I dunno, I had Lyme for 6 years before I found out about CS. Guess
> what? it cured it.
> Marshalee

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-14 Thread sol

Marshalee Hallett wrote:
No, just the Lyme. I took CS my son made for me with the 3-battery 
gadget, made according to Mark Metcalf`s directions, which included 
salt. I still make my own CS today, but no salt.
I lost my gallbladder and have permanent brain damage from the Lyme, 
but am pretty darn good compared to how I was before the CS!

 Nice to see you! Could you pls post again the approx ppm of the CS you 
took, how much per "dose" and how often you drank it? Also, how long it 
took to see results with the Lyme?

thanks very much,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-14 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi, Sol,
  Well, I took 3 big swallows a day, which was at least a cup, total. I
don`t know what the PPM was. (The stuff I make now, without salt, is about
18 PPM.) On the 3rd day I could shut my jaw all the way, and even put my
pants on without crying in pain from bending my knees.
Took about 6 months for everything to heal that could. I`m still disabled
due to the brain damage, but at least I`m in no pain and can get along
pretty well.
It is 20 years ago this summer since I was bitten, and 14 years ago this
month since I found out about CS!!! CS literally saved my life.

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 8:19 AM, sol  wrote:

> Marshalee Hallett wrote:
>> Hi! No, just the Lyme. I took CS my son made for me with the 3-battery
>> gadget, made according to Mark Metcalf`s directions, which included salt. I
>> still make my own CS today, but no salt.
>> I lost my gallbladder and have permanent brain damage from the Lyme, but
>> am pretty darn good compared to how I was before the CS!
> Marshalee,
>  Nice to see you! Could you pls post again the approx ppm of the CS you
> took, how much per "dose" and how often you drank it? Also, how long it took
> to see results with the Lyme?
> thanks very much,
> sol
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-14 Thread sol

Marshalee Hallett wrote:
Hi, Sol, 
  Well, I took 3 big swallows a day, which was at least a cup, total. 
I don`t know what the PPM was. (The stuff I make now, without salt, is 
about 18 PPM.) On the 3rd day I could shut my jaw all the way, and 
even put my pants on without crying in pain from bending my knees. 
Took about 6 months for everything to heal that could. I`m still 
disabled due to the brain damage, but at least I`m in no pain and can 
get along pretty well. 
It is 20 years ago this summer since I was bitten, and 14 years ago 
this month since I found out about CS!!! CS literally saved my life.

Thanks so much,
  Lyme keeps turning up as a possibility for me, but unless I am very 
different from you, and from others who have gotten rid of Lyme with 
CS- then perhaps my experience drinking over the course 
of each day between a pint and a quart of my CS (about 10-15 uS) for 
over two years, and never becoming pain free, not even close.. 
proves I do not have LymeI did get rid of candida, and also feel 
chronic EBV improved, but not joint pains.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-14 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi, Sol,
 Have you tried CMO for joint pains? It sure did mine in! I gave some to my
elderly Pug, too, and she is vastly improved! It`s great to see a 9 year old
play like a puppy again!
  Another thing, I learned that consuming dairy foods makes my knees ache.
Not butter, but milk, yogurt, and cheese all do, it must be the proteins in
the damaged milk it is all made of.
Just a for what it`s worth...
PS, just turned 58 yesterday, I really feel better now than I did at 48!!

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 9:39 PM, sol  wrote:

> Marshalee Hallett wrote:
>> Hi, Sol,   Well, I took 3 big swallows a day, which was at least a cup,
>> total. I don`t know what the PPM was. (The stuff I make now, without salt,
>> is about 18 PPM.) On the 3rd day I could shut my jaw all the way, and even
>> put my pants on without crying in pain from bending my knees. Took about 6
>> months for everything to heal that could. I`m still disabled due to the
>> brain damage, but at least I`m in no pain and can get along pretty well. It
>> is 20 years ago this summer since I was bitten, and 14 years ago this month
>> since I found out about CS!!! CS literally saved my life.
> Thanks so much,
>  Lyme keeps turning up as a possibility for me, but unless I am very
> different from you, and from others who have gotten rid of Lyme with
> CS- then perhaps my experience drinking over the course of
> each day between a pint and a quart of my CS (about 10-15 uS) for over two
> years, and never becoming pain free, not even close.. proves I do
> not have LymeI did get rid of candida, and also feel chronic EBV
> improved, but not joint pains.
> rats!
> sol
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-15 Thread needling around
To me CMO means Chief Marketing Officer... what does it mean here?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshalee Hallett 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 12:57 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Lyme disease

  Hi, Sol,
   Have you tried CMO for joint pains? It sure did mine in! I gave some to my 
elderly Pug, too, and she is vastly improved! It`s great to see a 9 year old 
play like a puppy again!
Another thing, I learned that consuming dairy foods makes my knees ache. 
Not butter, but milk, yogurt, and cheese all do, it must be the proteins in the 
damaged milk it is all made of.
  Just a for what it`s worth...
  PS, just turned 58 yesterday, I really feel better now than I did at 48!!

  On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 9:39 PM, sol  wrote:

Marshalee Hallett wrote:

  Hi, Sol,   Well, I took 3 big swallows a day, which was at least a cup, 
total. I don`t know what the PPM was. (The stuff I make now, without salt, is 
about 18 PPM.) On the 3rd day I could shut my jaw all the way, and even put my 
pants on without crying in pain from bending my knees. Took about 6 months for 
everything to heal that could. I`m still disabled due to the brain damage, but 
at least I`m in no pain and can get along pretty well. It is 20 years ago this 
summer since I was bitten, and 14 years ago this month since I found out about 
CS!!! CS literally saved my life.

Thanks so much,
 Lyme keeps turning up as a possibility for me, but unless I am very 
different from you, and from others who have gotten rid of Lyme with 
CS- then perhaps my experience drinking over the course of each 
day between a pint and a quart of my CS (about 10-15 uS) for over two years, 
and never becoming pain free, not even close.. proves I do not have 
LymeI did get rid of candida, and also feel chronic EBV improved, but 
not joint pains.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org

Archives:  http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html

Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-15 Thread Jane MacRoss
Cetyl Myristoleate.


~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
  - Original Message - 
  From: needling around 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 6:42 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Lyme disease

  To me CMO means Chief Marketing Officer... what does it mean here?
- Original Message - 
From: Marshalee Hallett 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Lyme disease

Hi, Sol, 
 Have you tried CMO for joint pains? It sure did mine in! I gave some to my 
elderly Pug, too, and she is vastly improved! It`s great to see a 9 year old 
play like a puppy again!
  Another thing, I learned that consuming dairy foods makes my knees ache. 
Not butter, but milk, yogurt, and cheese all do, it must be the proteins in the 
damaged milk it is all made of.
Just a for what it`s worth...
PS, just turned 58 yesterday, I really feel better now than I did at 48!!

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 9:39 PM, sol  wrote:

  Marshalee Hallett wrote:

Hi, Sol,   Well, I took 3 big swallows a day, which was at least a cup, 
total. I don`t know what the PPM was. (The stuff I make now, without salt, is 
about 18 PPM.) On the 3rd day I could shut my jaw all the way, and even put my 
pants on without crying in pain from bending my knees. Took about 6 months for 
everything to heal that could. I`m still disabled due to the brain damage, but 
at least I`m in no pain and can get along pretty well. It is 20 years ago this 
summer since I was bitten, and 14 years ago this month since I found out about 
CS!!! CS literally saved my life.

  Thanks so much,
   Lyme keeps turning up as a possibility for me, but unless I am very 
different from you, and from others who have gotten rid of Lyme with 
CS- then perhaps my experience drinking over the course of each 
day between a pint and a quart of my CS (about 10-15 uS) for over two years, 
and never becoming pain free, not even close.. proves I do not have 
LymeI did get rid of candida, and also feel chronic EBV improved, but 
not joint pains.

  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


  Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
  List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>


  Internal Virus Database is out of date.
  Checked by AVG - www.avg.com 
  Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2396 - Release Date: 09/26/09 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-15 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Happy Birthday Marshalee!!  Woo-Hoo on the improved health!  :-D

From: Marshalee Hallett utahpug...@gmail.com

 Have you tried CMO for joint pains? It sure did mine in! I gave some to my 
elderly Pug, too, and she is vastly improved! It`s great to see a 9 year old 
play like a puppy again!
  Another thing, I learned that consuming dairy foods makes my knees ache. Not 
butter, but milk, yogurt, and cheese all do, it must be the proteins in the 
damaged milk it is all made of.
Just a for what it`s worth...
PS, just turned 58 yesterday, I really feel better now than I did at 48!!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org

Archives:  http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html

Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-15 Thread sms
Hi PT,
I'm not Marshalee, but I can tell you what CMO stands for.
It is Cetylmyristoleate.  I can vouch for what Marshalee says about it.  I
wouldn't be without it, and take it on a regular basis.

Here is a little bit more information about it.  I first learned about CMO
several years back from both Brooks Bradley and Donna Crow.  It is great
stuff!  There are many brands.  The brand I use is Jarrow True CMO.
From: needling around
Date: 05/15/10 01:43:20
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Lyme disease
To me CMO means Chief Marketing Officer... what does it mean here?

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-15 Thread needling around
Thanks for the explanation.  I will do some research.
  - Original Message - 
  From: sms 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:32 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Lyme disease

Hi PT,
I'm not Marshalee, but I can tell you what CMO stands for.
It is Cetylmyristoleate.  I can vouch for what Marshalee says about it. 
 I wouldn't be without it, and take it on a regular basis.

Here is a little bit more information about it.  I first learned about 
CMO several years back from both Brooks Bradley and Donna Crow.  It is great 
stuff!  There are many brands.  The brand I use is Jarrow True CMO.
From: needling around
Date: 05/15/10 01:43:20
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Lyme disease

To me CMO means Chief Marketing Officer... what does it mean here?

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-15 Thread sol

Marshalee Hallett wrote:

 Have you tried CMO for joint pains?
No, I have not. It did nothing at all, zero, for my husband (he did two 
courses of it), so I never tried it. Good that it worked for you and 
your dog!
  Another thing, I learned that consuming dairy foods makes my knees 
ache. Not butter, but milk, yogurt, and cheese all do, it must be the 
proteins in the damaged milk it is all made of.
  I am having a big attack/flare of myofascial pain, funny you should 
mention dairy--my husband says I've been eating a lot more dairy than 
usual lately.I had already decided to cut way back. Most of my 
joint pains are caused by tight muscles and tendons, and myofascial 
knots, or at least that is my theory, since I have very little 
degenerative arthritis except in my finger joints, and those seldom 
hurt. My hand pains have also been from tendon problems, trigger finger, 
  Belated Happy Birthdayand it is nice to hear you are 
doing so well.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi! Thanks for the birthday wishes! I have a lovely 14 year old girl who has
been walking my Pugs for me recently, and when she knew it was my birthday,
she gave me a Pug picture she had drawn in pastel, it is darling! (She is
very talented. That is something I wish I could do!!) She also gave me a
really cute toy Pug that moves and barks. She made my day very special! I`m
grateful for her friendship, especially since I`m living alone now  and it
gets really lonely around here sometimes. (Thank Goodness for my Puggies!
With them and the other pets, I`m hanging in there... :o)
  I still have achy days, especially when I walk on grass or any other
uneven surface. That`s the brain damage kicking in, I guess. I also have a
burning ache in a foot bone that is very annoying. (The Xray of it was
normal). My hotpad is my best friend now! The heat really helps.
 I think the thing that helps me the most is my thumpy massager. I use it
every evening when I lay down on my bed to read. While lying on my side I
run it down my back, holding it by the cord. It really loosens up the
muscles and I sleep well. I got mine at Walmart for 30 some bucks.
 The other great thing: I have my massage-therapist friend back in town.
She`d been gone for 2 years, but came back to Provo recently. I traded her a
laptop for some rubs, and boy, do they help!! I get an hour rub, clothed,
for 20 bucks, not bad.
I hope some of these suggestions will help you, too!
PS, for anyone interested, I used the Duoflex brand of CMO. It also helped
my former high-school Spanish teacher, who is still my friend forty years
later!! She`s 71 now.

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 10:34 PM, sol  wrote:

> Marshalee Hallett wrote:
>>  Have you tried CMO for joint pains?
> No, I have not. It did nothing at all, zero, for my husband (he did two
> courses of it), so I never tried it. Good that it worked for you and your
> dog!
>   Another thing, I learned that consuming dairy foods makes my knees ache.
>> Not butter, but milk, yogurt, and cheese all do, it must be the proteins in
>> the damaged milk it is all made of.
>  I am having a big attack/flare of myofascial pain, funny you should
> mention dairy--my husband says I've been eating a lot more dairy than usual
> lately.I had already decided to cut way back. Most of my joint pains
> are caused by tight muscles and tendons, and myofascial knots, or at least
> that is my theory, since I have very little degenerative arthritis except in
> my finger joints, and those seldom hurt. My hand pains have also been from
> tendon problems, trigger finger, etc.
>  Belated Happy Birthdayand it is nice to hear you are doing so
> well.
> sol

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-17 Thread Marshall Dudley

sol wrote:

Marshalee Hallett wrote:
Hi, Sol,   Well, I took 3 big swallows a day, which was at least a 
cup, total. I don`t know what the PPM was. (The stuff I make now, 
without salt, is about 18 PPM.) On the 3rd day I could shut my jaw 
all the way, and even put my pants on without crying in pain from 
bending my knees. Took about 6 months for everything to heal that 
could. I`m still disabled due to the brain damage, but at least I`m 
in no pain and can get along pretty well. It is 20 years ago this 
summer since I was bitten, and 14 years ago this month since I found 
out about CS!!! CS literally saved my life.

Thanks so much,
  Lyme keeps turning up as a possibility for me, but unless I am very 
different from you, and from others who have gotten rid of Lyme with 
CS- then perhaps my experience drinking over the 
course of each day between a pint and a quart of my CS (about 10-15 
uS) for over two years, and never becoming pain free, not even 
close.. proves I do not have LymeI did get rid of 
candida, and also feel chronic EBV improved, but not joint pains.


Acute Lyme is difficult if not almost impossible to get rid of with just 
CS for some people.  Lyme has a number of hiding places, and cannot be 
eliminated with a protocol that gets them as well, such as the Beck 
protocol.  Zapping, and ozonated water, and magnetic pulsing both the 
lymph nodes and joints is essential to get them all.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-17 Thread Dave Darrin
Mines been gone after 42 years of it with only CS and has been gone for
about 10 years.

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

> sol wrote:
>> Marshalee Hallett wrote:
>>> Hi, Sol,   Well, I took 3 big swallows a day, which was at least a cup,
>>> total. I don`t know what the PPM was. (The stuff I make now, without salt,
>>> is about 18 PPM.) On the 3rd day I could shut my jaw all the way, and even
>>> put my pants on without crying in pain from bending my knees. Took about 6
>>> months for everything to heal that could. I`m still disabled due to the
>>> brain damage, but at least I`m in no pain and can get along pretty well. It
>>> is 20 years ago this summer since I was bitten, and 14 years ago this month
>>> since I found out about CS!!! CS literally saved my life.
>> Thanks so much,
>>  Lyme keeps turning up as a possibility for me, but unless I am very
>> different from you, and from others who have gotten rid of Lyme with
>> CS- then perhaps my experience drinking over the course of
>> each day between a pint and a quart of my CS (about 10-15 uS) for over two
>> years, and never becoming pain free, not even close.. proves I do
>> not have LymeI did get rid of candida, and also feel chronic EBV
>> improved, but not joint pains.
>> rats!
>> sol
> Acute Lyme is difficult if not almost impossible to get rid of with just CS
> for some people.  Lyme has a number of hiding places, and cannot be
> eliminated with a protocol that gets them as well, such as the Beck
> protocol.  Zapping, and ozonated water, and magnetic pulsing both the lymph
> nodes and joints is essential to get them all.
> Marshall
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-17 Thread bodhisattva
Marshalls paragraph calibrates at about 1000 (or very close, I round 
up/down), your reply is dangerously close to zero.  So either CS wasn't 
the sole reason you are cured, or you still have lyme, or a combination 
of both.

To date, I have never heard of anyone curing themselves of Lyme with 
just CS, it seems to always been a concerted assault with a variety of 
protocols.  Although CS is probably a good factor in it, I suspect there 
are other factors.  Even simple dietary changes has proved to be 
immensely successful in clearing lyme.

People promote "Salt-C" as a good Lyme cure. But I will point out, there 
have been suppressed clinical studies that PROVE Negative Ions 
dramatically improve the absorption and usage of VitaminC by the body. 
So Negative Ion Therapy, combined with C+Salt, would probably prove 
pretty efficient in killing off Lyme. Or in fact, just C+Ions, skip the 

Dave Cline is running a very short duration sale of $20.00 off his 
Ionizers, this is one of the very few actual working units that really 
pushes ions into the room. Most of the big name ones, or ones sold at 
Walmart, don't do a darn thing. You can find out about the studies 
regarding vitamin/mineral mobility and ions in the book "Ion Effect" for 
15 cents off Ebay.


Dave Darrin wrote:

Mines been gone after 42 years of it with only CS and has been gone 
for about 10 years.


Acute Lyme is difficult if not almost impossible to get rid of
with just CS for some people.  Lyme has a number of hiding places,
and cannot be eliminated with a protocol that gets them as well,
such as the Beck protocol.  Zapping, and ozonated water, and
magnetic pulsing both the lymph nodes and joints is essential to
get them all.


Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-17 Thread Marshall Dudley

bodhisattva wrote:
Marshalls paragraph calibrates at about 1000 (or very close, I round 
up/down), your reply is dangerously close to zero.  So either CS 
wasn't the sole reason you are cured, or you still have lyme, or a 
combination of both.
That is funny.  I calibrated it after writing it and got a 70 or 80%, 
don't remember exactly. Then I added the "for some people" and got 1000, 
then sent it.  What is really funny is that I have a really bad mistake 
in the sentence, it should have said "without", not "with", yet still 
calbrates high, must have to do with intention.

Dave Darrin wrote:

Mines been gone after 42 years of it with only CS and has been gone 
for about 10 years.


Acute Lyme is difficult if not almost impossible to get rid of
with just CS for some people.  Lyme has a number of hiding
places, and cannot be eliminated with a protocol that gets them
as well, such as the Beck protocol.  Zapping, and ozonated water,
and magnetic pulsing both the lymph nodes and joints is essential
to get them all.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-17 Thread Neville Munn

A quick question Dave,
Were you making a quantity each day, and consuming it *on the day it was made*? 
or just consumed whatever you had available at the time.



Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 14:54:48 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>Lyme disease
From: davedar...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

Mines been gone after 42 years of it with only CS and has been gone for about 
10 years.

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Marshall Dudley  wrote:

sol wrote:

Marshalee Hallett wrote:

Hi, Sol,   Well, I took 3 big swallows a day, which was at least a cup, total. 
I don`t know what the PPM was. (The stuff I make now, without salt, is about 18 
PPM.) On the 3rd day I could shut my jaw all the way, and even put my pants on 
without crying in pain from bending my knees. Took about 6 months for 
everything to heal that could. I`m still disabled due to the brain damage, but 
at least I`m in no pain and can get along pretty well. It is 20 years ago this 
summer since I was bitten, and 14 years ago this month since I found out about 
CS!!! CS literally saved my life.
Thanks so much,
 Lyme keeps turning up as a possibility for me, but unless I am very different 
from you, and from others who have gotten rid of Lyme with CS- 
then perhaps my experience drinking over the course of each day between a pint 
and a quart of my CS (about 10-15 uS) for over two years, and never becoming 
pain free, not even close.. proves I do not have LymeI did get 
rid of candida, and also feel chronic EBV improved, but not joint pains.

Acute Lyme is difficult if not almost impossible to get rid of with just CS for 
some people.  Lyme has a number of hiding places, and cannot be eliminated with 
a protocol that gets them as well, such as the Beck protocol.  Zapping, and 
ozonated water, and magnetic pulsing both the lymph nodes and joints is 
essential to get them all.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org

Archives:  http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html

Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

View photos of singles in your area! Looking for a hot date?

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-17 Thread bodhisattva
"With" is right, it's not a mistake.  "Acute Lyme is difficult if not 
almost impossible to get rid of /*with*/ just CS for some people"

That's actually correct. "Some people" is an important disclaimer, 
because in fact, some people with very new lyme and recent infection,  
might actually cure with nothing more than higher dosages of CS.

The interesting part of calibrating is, different people, at different 
parts of the world, come to the similar calibrated truth, provided they 
are of sufficient consciousness to determine truth from falsehood.  You, 
and I, have in fact, calibrated exactly on most things, and 
interestingly, I pre-calibrated before you did, and got a number, to 
which you sent back to me days later verifying my own findings days 
before.  There is absolutely no statistical odds of that happening 
unless we're tapping the same cosmic wisdom. It's a human birthright 
after all, one that's been obfuscated from us through busy distractions 
of the left brain and conscious chatter of the mind, poisons, chemicals, 
fluoride, and everything else designed to "Cut us off".

Marshall Dudley wrote:

bodhisattva wrote:
Marshalls paragraph calibrates at about 1000 (or very close, I round 
up/down), your reply is dangerously close to zero.  So either CS 
wasn't the sole reason you are cured, or you still have lyme, or a 
combination of both.
That is funny.  I calibrated it after writing it and got a 70 or 80%, 
don't remember exactly. Then I added the "for some people" and got 
1000, then sent it.  What is really funny is that I have a really bad 
mistake in the sentence, it should have said "without", not "with", 
yet still calbrates high, must have to do with intention.

Dave Darrin wrote:

Mines been gone after 42 years of it with only CS and has been gone 
for about 10 years.


Acute Lyme is difficult if not almost impossible to get rid of
with just CS for some people.  Lyme has a number of hiding
places, and cannot be eliminated with a protocol that gets them
as well, such as the Beck protocol.  Zapping, and ozonated water,
and magnetic pulsing both the lymph nodes and joints is essential
to get them all.


Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-17 Thread Marshall Dudley
Duh!  It is bad enough when someone misreads something someone else 
wrote, but to misread what I wrote must take the cake.  That is really 


bodhisattva wrote:
"With" is right, it's not a mistake.  "Acute Lyme is difficult if not 
almost impossible to get rid of /*with*/ just CS for some people"

That's actually correct. "Some people" is an important disclaimer, 
because in fact, some people with very new lyme and recent infection,  
might actually cure with nothing more than higher dosages of CS.

The interesting part of calibrating is, different people, at different 
parts of the world, come to the similar calibrated truth, provided 
they are of sufficient consciousness to determine truth from 
falsehood.  You, and I, have in fact, calibrated exactly on most 
things, and interestingly, I pre-calibrated before you did, and got a 
number, to which you sent back to me days later verifying my own 
findings days before.  There is absolutely no statistical odds of that 
happening unless we're tapping the same cosmic wisdom. It's a human 
birthright after all, one that's been obfuscated from us through busy 
distractions of the left brain and conscious chatter of the mind, 
poisons, chemicals, fluoride, and everything else designed to "Cut us 

Marshall Dudley wrote:

bodhisattva wrote:
Marshalls paragraph calibrates at about 1000 (or very close, I round 
up/down), your reply is dangerously close to zero.  So either CS 
wasn't the sole reason you are cured, or you still have lyme, or a 
combination of both.
That is funny.  I calibrated it after writing it and got a 70 or 80%, 
don't remember exactly. Then I added the "for some people" and got 
1000, then sent it.  What is really funny is that I have a really bad 
mistake in the sentence, it should have said "without", not "with", 
yet still calbrates high, must have to do with intention.

Dave Darrin wrote:

Mines been gone after 42 years of it with only CS and has been gone 
for about 10 years.


Acute Lyme is difficult if not almost impossible to get rid of
with just CS for some people.  Lyme has a number of hiding
places, and cannot be eliminated with a protocol that gets them
as well, such as the Beck protocol.  Zapping, and ozonated water,
and magnetic pulsing both the lymph nodes and joints is essential
to get them all.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-17 Thread Dave Darrin
  At the time I was just starting to make my own so I didn't get very well
aged cs as I used it about as fast as I could make it in Quart batches. When
I got serious about it I had about 4 Qts ahead ,Later I started making it in
gallon sun tea jars.
I find it quite difficult to remember exactly as I was going through major
brain fog at the time.

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Neville Munn wrote:

>  A quick question Dave,
> Were you making a quantity each day, and consuming it *on the day it was
> made*? or just consumed whatever you had available at the time.
> Thanks
> N.
> --
> Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 14:54:48 -0700
> Subject: Re: CS>Lyme disease
> From: davedar...@gmail.com
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Mines been gone after 42 years of it with only CS and has been gone for
> about 10 years.
> Dave
> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:
> sol wrote:
> Marshalee Hallett wrote:
> Hi, Sol,   Well, I took 3 big swallows a day, which was at least a cup,
> total. I don`t know what the PPM was. (The stuff I make now, without salt,
> is about 18 PPM.) On the 3rd day I could shut my jaw all the way, and even
> put my pants on without crying in pain from bending my knees. Took about 6
> months for everything to heal that could. I`m still disabled due to the
> brain damage, but at least I`m in no pain and can get along pretty well. It
> is 20 years ago this summer since I was bitten, and 14 years ago this month
> since I found out about CS!!! CS literally saved my life.
> Thanks so much,
>  Lyme keeps turning up as a possibility for me, but unless I am very
> different from you, and from others who have gotten rid of Lyme with
> CS- then perhaps my experience drinking over the course of
> each day between a pint and a quart of my CS (about 10-15 uS) for over two
> years, and never becoming pain free, not even close.. proves I do
> not have LymeI did get rid of candida, and also feel chronic EBV
> improved, but not joint pains.
> rats!
> sol
> Acute Lyme is difficult if not almost impossible to get rid of with just CS
> for some people.  Lyme has a number of hiding places, and cannot be
> eliminated with a protocol that gets them as well, such as the Beck
> protocol.  Zapping, and ozonated water, and magnetic pulsing both the lymph
> nodes and joints is essential to get them all.
> Marshall
> --
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RE: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Neville Munn

Very good Dave, Thanks for that.


>From my experience both forms serve a purpose, dependant on the circumstance 
>for which either is being used.


Although some have said Lyme is different to our Ross River Fever here {for 
whatever reason}, I find I'm still not entirely convinced, some of the symptoms 
seem very similar, praps our RRF is a mongrel relative maybe?




Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 20:54:36 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>Lyme disease
From: davedar...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

  At the time I was just starting to make my own so I didn't get very well aged 
cs as I used it about as fast as I could make it in Quart batches. When I got 
serious about it I had about 4 Qts ahead ,Later I started making it in gallon 
sun tea jars.
I find it quite difficult to remember exactly as I was going through major 
brain fog at the time.

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Neville Munn  wrote:

A quick question Dave,
Were you making a quantity each day, and consuming it *on the day it was made*? 
or just consumed whatever you had available at the time.


New, Used, Demo, Dealer or Private? Find it at CarPoint.com.au

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Shiona Phillips

bodhisattva wrote:

Marshalls paragraph calibrates at about 1000 (or very close, I round 
up/down), your reply is dangerously close to zero.

OR ...just MAYBE you're method of  "calibration"  is... 
"possibly"  totally meaningless amd misleading?

  So either CS wasn't the sole reason you are cured, or you still have 
lyme, or a combination of both.

and  MAYBE  some of your statements also!

To date, I have never heard of anyone curing themselves of Lyme with 
just CS,

MAYBE  you have not heard of everything ?

But I will point out, there have been suppressed clinical studies that 
PROVE Negative Ions dramatically improve the absorption and usage of 
VitaminC by the body.

Surprise, surprise!!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Shiona Phillips

Marshall Dudley wrote:

.  Lyme has a number of hiding places, and cannot be eliminated with a 
protocol that gets them as well, such as the Beck protocol.

Another mistake?  Sounds like you are a bit confused.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Shiona Phillips

bodhisattva wrote:

  There is absolutely no statistical odds of that happening unless 
we're tapping the same cosmic wisdom.

OR... unless you are both very confused :)


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread bodhisattva
See the interesting thing is..  Marshall, wherever he is in the world, 
runs much of the same figures as I do, and gets the same results.  Thats 
pretty empirical, but so is much of science.

So for example, I calibrate a song, but don't tell him, and in fact, I 
calibrated it 2 years ago!  Then I ask him what he calibrates it at, and 
he is usually absolutely accurate as to what I calibrated it at.  This 
is repeated over and over, and the chances of it - well - being chance, 
is well impossible. What this demonstrates is that cosmic wisdom is 
universal, and complete, and accessible by anyone. But then again, I've 
known that for many years, and have used to it to the betterment of 
humanity as much as possible. That is, the distinguishing from truth vs 
falsehood of anything that exists, or anyone, or whatever anyone says.

This is pretty scary to people that make a living out of lying to 
people, which probably explains why much of this was suppressed by dogma 
and fear tactics. A lot of them head for the hills when they are 
ferreted out using these methods.  But this isn't really anything 
mystical, it's more like re-learning to tap into your intuitive(spirit) 
side of you, rather than your physical(ego) side.  Something I believe 
all humans used to do as a day to day part of life before a concerted 
effort of suppression of spirit began.  If you are stressed, fearful, 
overly busy, confused, have too much mental chatter, or are soundly 
entrenched in the left brain(Ego) then you probably can't even 
understand it, much less believe it.  Therefore you shut off your 
intuitive, and rely solely on your logical for existence, that's hugely 
limiting, especially since the leading brain researchers found that the 
left brain is the seat of pessimism.

Shiona Phillips wrote:

bodhisattva wrote:

  There is absolutely no statistical odds of that happening unless 
we're tapping the same cosmic wisdom.

OR... unless you are both very confused :)


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Alan Jones
Bodhi, what are the limitations of this dowsing/calibration?  For example,
could it be used to determine if a faced down playing card is red or black?


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 7:35 AM, bodhisattva wrote:

> See the interesting thing is..  Marshall, wherever he is in the world, runs
> much of the same figures as I do, and gets the same results.  Thats pretty
> empirical, but so is much of science.
> So for example, I calibrate a song, but don't tell him, and in fact, I
> calibrated it 2 years ago!  Then I ask him what he calibrates it at, and he
> is usually absolutely accurate as to what I calibrated it at.  This is
> repeated over and over, and the chances of it - well - being chance, is well
> impossible. What this demonstrates is that cosmic wisdom is universal, and
> complete, and accessible by anyone. But then again, I've known that for many
> years, and have used to it to the betterment of humanity as much as
> possible. That is, the distinguishing from truth vs falsehood of anything
> that exists, or anyone, or whatever anyone says.
> This is pretty scary to people that make a living out of lying to people,
> which probably explains why much of this was suppressed by dogma and fear
> tactics. A lot of them head for the hills when they are ferreted out using
> these methods.  But this isn't really anything mystical, it's more like
> re-learning to tap into your intuitive(spirit) side of you, rather than your
> physical(ego) side.  Something I believe all humans used to do as a day to
> day part of life before a concerted effort of suppression of spirit began.
>  If you are stressed, fearful, overly busy, confused, have too much mental
> chatter, or are soundly entrenched in the left brain(Ego) then you probably
> can't even understand it, much less believe it.  Therefore you shut off your
> intuitive, and rely solely on your logical for existence, that's hugely
> limiting, especially since the leading brain researchers found that the left
> brain is the seat of pessimism.

Alan Jones

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
to the people."  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread bodhisattva

I agree, lets go off topic after this.

It can surely determine the card face when turned over, it can determine 
everything but the hypothetical, a "Pink Elephant with Wings" can't be 
calibrated, because it doesn't exist.  I've helped people check out 
homes they are wanting to purchase, even in other states. Then later I 
usually always hear back that it was correct.  My father in-law is a 
left brain entrained mathematics professor, and just can't wrap his 
brain around why it would work.  He was purchasing a new home I have 
never seen before, and pulled out the blueprint, and asked me to 
calibrate each room to see which was in a better or worse state of 
condition.  I did, and he looked at my numbers, folded it up and put it 
away. His wife came over and said "That was exactly correct, what do you 
have to say now?".. He didn't say anything, that's usually what happens 
when the left brain is faced with something completely unexplainable.  
The left brain is the side that always wants formulas, careful logical 
conclusions, and a tightly constrained reality that is entirely linear 
and egotistical.

Interestingly, when I am exposed to strong cell phone or wifi signals, 
my left hemisphere starts to vibrate out of tune with my left 
hemisphere, and I start to feel the parallel processing of my brain 
break down. It's excruciatingly painful at times, and highly annoying at 
other times.  Then someone educated me of something called "Left Brain 
Entrainment", which is a technical capability of those that wish to keep 
us from higher awareness. Now researchers have proved, they can "Shut 
off" specific things in people through electronics. 

Dr. Manfred Doepp studied this for decades, and said those signals are 
causing a "De-Switching" of the human mind.  He discovered a simple 
method of exercise that manually switches your brain back. But also, he 
discovered Tada.. Orgonite keeps your brain from being switched!  
Imagine that, a prominent researcher, studied, and confirmed, orgonite 
stops de-switching.


Alan Jones wrote:
Bodhi, what are the limitations of this dowsing/calibration?  For 
example, could it be used to determine if a faced down playing card is 
red or black?


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 7:35 AM, bodhisattva > wrote:

See the interesting thing is..  Marshall, wherever he is in the
world, runs much of the same figures as I do, and gets the same
results.  Thats pretty empirical, but so is much of science.

So for example, I calibrate a song, but don't tell him, and in
fact, I calibrated it 2 years ago!  Then I ask him what he
calibrates it at, and he is usually absolutely accurate as to what
I calibrated it at.  This is repeated over and over, and the
chances of it - well - being chance, is well impossible. What this
demonstrates is that cosmic wisdom is universal, and complete, and
accessible by anyone. But then again, I've known that for many
years, and have used to it to the betterment of humanity as much
as possible. That is, the distinguishing from truth vs falsehood
of anything that exists, or anyone, or whatever anyone says.

This is pretty scary to people that make a living out of lying to
people, which probably explains why much of this was suppressed by
dogma and fear tactics. A lot of them head for the hills when they
are ferreted out using these methods.  But this isn't really
anything mystical, it's more like re-learning to tap into your
intuitive(spirit) side of you, rather than your physical(ego)
side.  Something I believe all humans used to do as a day to day
part of life before a concerted effort of suppression of spirit
began.  If you are stressed, fearful, overly busy, confused, have
too much mental chatter, or are soundly entrenched in the left
brain(Ego) then you probably can't even understand it, much less
believe it.  Therefore you shut off your intuitive, and rely
solely on your logical for existence, that's hugely limiting,
especially since the leading brain researchers found that the left
brain is the seat of pessimism.

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Renee
If you are good at it. :-) 

 I use to do it to train myself, though instead of giving myself just a
50/50 chance (red or black) I used the symbols they use for testing
psychics--square, triangle, circle, wavy lines.  I made up a set of cards
for myself, multiples of each, and would dowse each card.  Kept track of
whether I was right or wrong.  Got to the point where I was more right than

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---Original Message---
Bodhi, what are the limitations of this dowsing/calibration?  For example, 
could it be used to determine if a faced down playing card is red or black?

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Marshall Dudley

bodhisattva wrote:
See the interesting thing is..  Marshall, wherever he is in the world, 
runs much of the same figures as I do, and gets the same results.  
Thats pretty empirical, but so is much of science.

So for example, I calibrate a song, but don't tell him, and in fact, I 
calibrated it 2 years ago!  Then I ask him what he calibrates it at, 
and he is usually absolutely accurate as to what I calibrated it at.  
This is repeated over and over, and the chances of it - well - being 
chance, is well impossible. 

When we first started doing this I was computing the odds of it being 
chance.  But once I got to 100 trillion to one against it being chance, 
I gave up, to a large extent because I didn't know what follow trillion. LOL
What this demonstrates is that cosmic wisdom is universal, and 
complete, and accessible by anyone. But then again, I've known that 
for many years, and have used to it to the betterment of humanity as 
much as possible. That is, the distinguishing from truth vs falsehood 
of anything that exists, or anyone, or whatever anyone says.
Yes, it works superbly.  I have found it exceeding useful for checking 
the accuracy of all my emails and responses to things like this.  I have 
found so many errors in what I write, using the wrong word, not 
clarifying with something like "most" and downright wrong assumptions 
that I am amazed.  I now dowse for 100% accuracy before sending almost 
anything out, and interestingly enough I have gotten feedback from Bohdi 
that some (I had dowsed this message, had "they" instead of "some" and 
was getting inaccuracy in this sentence) are indeed 100% without me even 
telling him.  Never had that happen before dowsing and correcting any 
errors.  That everyone gets the same results certainly does not prove 
that the results are correct, but it does proves that everyone is 
somehow connected either with each other or a higher intelligence.

This is pretty scary to people that make a living out of lying to 
people, which probably explains why much of this was suppressed by 
dogma and fear tactics. A lot of them head for the hills when they are 
ferreted out using these methods.  But this isn't really anything 
mystical, it's more like re-learning to tap into your 
intuitive(spirit) side of you, rather than your physical(ego) side.

This was all uncovered and written about by Carl Jung.  But mainstream 
suppressed much of his work.
Something I believe all humans used to do as a day to day part of life 
before a concerted effort of suppression of spirit began.  If you are 
stressed, fearful, overly busy, confused, have too much mental 
chatter, or are soundly entrenched in the left brain(Ego) then you 
probably can't even understand it, much less believe it.  Therefore 
you shut off your intuitive, and rely solely on your logical for 
existence, that's hugely limiting, especially since the leading brain 
researchers found that the left brain is the seat of pessimism.
I agree, it can be very difficult. I was trained as an engineer and 
scientist.  I guess my first inkling that there was much more than I was 
taught was whenever I would have a problem with I was unable to solve 
consciously I would always dream the answer. I knew it was coming from 
somewhere else, but didn't know where. Well heck, I really still don't 
know where it was coming from.

We should probably take this to the off topic list.


Shiona Phillips wrote:

bodhisattva wrote:

  There is absolutely no statistical odds of that happening unless 
we're tapping the same cosmic wisdom.

OR... unless you are both very confused :)


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Marshall Dudley
Then you are obviously not part of the set defined by the "some 
people".  Interestingly I had to add that "some people" after 
calibrating and finding that what I had written was not 100% accurate. 
Glad I did now.


Dave Darrin wrote:

Mines been gone after 42 years of it with only CS and has been gone 
for about 10 years.


On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Marshall Dudley 
mailto:mdud...@king-cart.com>> wrote:

sol wrote:

Marshalee Hallett wrote:

Hi, Sol,   Well, I took 3 big swallows a day, which was at
least a cup, total. I don`t know what the PPM was. (The
stuff I make now, without salt, is about 18 PPM.) On the
3rd day I could shut my jaw all the way, and even put my
pants on without crying in pain from bending my knees.
Took about 6 months for everything to heal that could. I`m
still disabled due to the brain damage, but at least I`m
in no pain and can get along pretty well. It is 20 years
ago this summer since I was bitten, and 14 years ago this
month since I found out about CS!!! CS literally saved my

Thanks so much,
 Lyme keeps turning up as a possibility for me, but unless I
am very different from you, and from others who have gotten
rid of Lyme with CS- then perhaps my
experience drinking over the course of each day between a pint
and a quart of my CS (about 10-15 uS) for over two years, and
never becoming pain free, not even close.. proves I do
not have LymeI did get rid of candida, and also feel
chronic EBV improved, but not joint pains.

Acute Lyme is difficult if not almost impossible to get rid of
with just CS for some people.  Lyme has a number of hiding places,
and cannot be eliminated with a protocol that gets them as well,
such as the Beck protocol.  Zapping, and ozonated water, and
magnetic pulsing both the lymph nodes and joints is essential to
get them all.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: >
List Owner: Mike Devour >

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Marshall Dudley

Alan Jones wrote:
Bodhi, what are the limitations of this dowsing/calibration?  For 
example, could it be used to determine if a faced down playing card is 
red or black?


This should be discussed on the off topic list where it is actually 
being discussed. It can be done for demonstration purposes.  And it can 
be done for cheating on cards, for a little while. However doing so will 
decrease your consciousness (integrity is tied up with that), and will 
lower your consciousness, and at some point you can reach where you 
cannot do it at all.

At least for me, my superconsciousness will return wrong answers on 
purpose if I try to use it in a manner that is not of the light.  I 
learned this a few days ago, and now I know.  My brother in-law wanted 
me to "prove" the point on browsing, and had a multiple choice test he 
was taking.  I successfully browsed the answer to what he had already 
answered (but had the answer covered), but he wanted me to answer one he 
had not already answered. It gave a wrong answer then. When I checked 
why I got that I was not to use the gift for "cheating" purposes.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Garrick
*Dave Cline is running a very short duration sale of $20.00 off his
Ionizers, this is one of the very few actual working units that really
pushes ions into the room. Most of the big name ones, or ones sold at
Walmart, don't do a darn thing. You can find out about the studies regarding
vitamin/mineral mobility and ions in the book "Ion Effect" for 15 cents off

Holy cowI bought one of his on eBay years ago. Never replaced the
needle. I better do that. I feel nothing coming off it. I put an ionizer
near my lips and can feel it working. But I feel nothing


On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 6:14 PM, bodhisattva wrote:

>  Marshalls paragraph calibrates at about 1000 (or very close, I round
> up/down), your reply is dangerously close to zero.  So either CS wasn't the
> sole reason you are cured, or you still have lyme, or a combination of both.
> To date, I have never heard of anyone curing themselves of Lyme with just
> CS, it seems to always been a concerted assault with a variety of
> protocols.  Although CS is probably a good factor in it, I suspect there are
> other factors.  Even simple dietary changes has proved to be immensely
> successful in clearing lyme.
> People promote "Salt-C" as a good Lyme cure. But I will point out, there
> have been suppressed clinical studies that PROVE Negative Ions dramatically
> improve the absorption and usage of VitaminC by the body. So Negative Ion
> Therapy, combined with C+Salt, would probably prove pretty efficient in
> killing off Lyme. Or in fact, just C+Ions, skip the salt.
> Dave Cline is running a very short duration sale of $20.00 off his
> Ionizers, this is one of the very few actual working units that really
> pushes ions into the room. Most of the big name ones, or ones sold at
> Walmart, don't do a darn thing. You can find out about the studies regarding
> vitamin/mineral mobility and ions in the book "Ion Effect" for 15 cents off
> Ebay.
> http://www.mysticmarvels.com/ionprojector1.html

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Malcolm

Naah, but he is trying to get stuff written when his mind is tired;
hence "bauxite" for "basalt" and other examples of what Kurt Vonnegut
referred to as  mental gears skipping a tooth.  Ice Nine? Granfalloon?


On Tue, 2010-05-18 at 10:31 +0100, Shiona Phillips wrote:
> Marshall Dudley wrote:
> >
> > .  Lyme has a number of hiding places, and cannot be eliminated with a 
> > protocol that gets them as well, such as the Beck protocol.
> Another mistake?  Sounds like you are a bit confused.
> Shiona
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives: 
>   http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Marshall Dudley
That was the line in the message that I was referring to as saying 
"with" instead of "without".  So I wasn't crazy after all. LOL


Malcolm wrote:


Naah, but he is trying to get stuff written when his mind is tired;
hence "bauxite" for "basalt" and other examples of what Kurt Vonnegut
referred to as  mental gears skipping a tooth.  Ice Nine? Granfalloon?


On Tue, 2010-05-18 at 10:31 +0100, Shiona Phillips wrote:

Marshall Dudley wrote:

.  Lyme has a number of hiding places, and cannot be eliminated with a 
protocol that gets them as well, such as the Beck protocol.

Another mistake?  Sounds like you are a bit confused.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread bodhisattva
It has been my experience, if you use these gifts for greed, or 
manipulation, you are "Cut off". The purpose is to spiritually grow, 
enlightenment, to draw closer to God, and to help people whenever 
possible. I don't bother to do it to prove a point to anyone, anymore, I 
have nothing at all to prove.  If someone can't handle it, or doesn't 
believe it, that's their business, not mine. I got too much work to do, 
you know?  Gifts from God aren't to be trivialized, and what you will 
find is that as you use them in the right way,  your consciousness, and 
power will grow in accordance with this.

Sometimes you can't use them to help someone because of their destiny, 
or perhaps soul choices.  My mother was recently in the hospital again. 
I got a "Do not intervene", that her soul simply wanted her to learn 
some lessons. However, I got that I could in fact, influence the 
environment she was in, but not her directly.  Therefore, I increased 
the energy in her environment so as to be more helpful in a beneficial 
outcome, and not impede on her choice of growth methods.  Free will is 
of paramount consideration, as hard as it is to realize, some people 
simply choose to suffer and there isn't anything you can do about it, 
and neither will God - unless they ask.

The "Church" has done tremendous damage to humanity by lumping virtually 
everything into some category that makes it sound like you can't do it, 
or ascribes some horrible hellfire/damnation for it.  "Divination" in 
the most pure definition throughout history is really contacting 
spirits, and I agree, not a good idea.  However the definition of 
divination was extended outward to include virtually *EVERYTHING* to do 
with using your "Intuition", which is so silly it defies all explanation 
- if you weren't supposed to use your intuition, and just your logical 
mind, then why would you have it in the first place?!?  In reality, if 
you wanted to constrain cosmic wisdom to yourself, and keep it from 
others, this is the perfect guise in which to do it. Then you go around 
burning or executing those that discover it, and their own intuitive 
connection with God, and the secret is kept. (the fear here, would be 
those common folk, would discover those in power are a bunch of liars, 
and this is why they want to prevent this wisdom) Fundamentalists today 
run and scream away if someone mentions psychic reading. But then they 
go back inside, and "Prophesy" for each other, which is a thinly veiled 
term to make psychic readings sound "Friendly" to Christians.

The first, and wisest choice for spiritual advancement, in my opinion, 
is to run - really fast - away from established dogmatic doctrines and 
institutions. (in whatever form they come) I know a whole lot of people 
that have attended "Church" for decades, and aren't anymore spiritually 
advanced, or compassionate than they were on /*day one*/. Anyone see the 
problem with that picture? If you want to "save" someone, get them OUT 
of the church, and back to knowing God and his Creations.

/*"Everything is permissible"--but not everything is beneficial. 
"Everything is permissible"--but not everything is constructive. 
-Corinthians 10:23*/

Marshall Dudley wrote:

Alan Jones wrote:
Bodhi, what are the limitations of this dowsing/calibration?  For 
example, could it be used to determine if a faced down playing card 
is red or black?


This should be discussed on the off topic list where it is actually 
being discussed. It can be done for demonstration purposes.  And it 
can be done for cheating on cards, for a little while. However doing 
so will decrease your consciousness (integrity is tied up with that), 
and will lower your consciousness, and at some point you can reach 
where you cannot do it at all.

At least for me, my superconsciousness will return wrong answers on 
purpose if I try to use it in a manner that is not of the light.  I 
learned this a few days ago, and now I know.  My brother in-law wanted 
me to "prove" the point on browsing, and had a multiple choice test he 
was taking.  I successfully browsed the answer to what he had already 
answered (but had the answer covered), but he wanted me to answer one 
he had not already answered. It gave a wrong answer then. When I 
checked why I got that I was not to use the gift for "cheating" purposes.


Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Shiona Phillips

Malcolm wrote:


Naah, but he is trying to get stuff written when his mind is tired;
hence "bauxite" for "basalt" and other examples of what Kurt Vonnegut
referred to as  mental gears skipping a tooth.  Ice Nine? Granfalloon?



I've replied on the Off Topic List.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread bodhisattva
Without changing the output still is hundreds of times greater than most 
other units. But a new needle will surely improve things. I change my 
needs about every 2-4 months I would guess, not a big deal really. 

Which unit of his do you have?  I own 8 of his units, two of the NIP3's 
with the wire filiment that never needs changing, and 6 of the NIP5e's 
he sells now.  All of them are quite nice.  They sure help with sleep, 
and keeping any illness from spreading between people. I've been 
thinking of trying a unit from Alpha Labs, and seeing how they are.

Garrick wrote:
/Dave Cline is running a very short duration sale of $20.00 off his 
Ionizers, this is one of the very few actual working units that really 
pushes ions into the room. Most of the big name ones, or ones sold at 
Walmart, don't do a darn thing. You can find out about the studies 
regarding vitamin/mineral mobility and ions in the book "Ion Effect" 
for 15 cents off Ebay./

Holy cowI bought one of his on eBay years ago. Never replaced the 
needle. I better do that. I feel nothing coming off it. I put an 
ionizer near my lips and can feel it working. But I feel nothing


On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 6:14 PM, bodhisattva > wrote:

Marshalls paragraph calibrates at about 1000 (or very close, I
round up/down), your reply is dangerously close to zero.  So
either CS wasn't the sole reason you are cured, or you still have
lyme, or a combination of both.

To date, I have never heard of anyone curing themselves of Lyme
with just CS, it seems to always been a concerted assault with a
variety of protocols.  Although CS is probably a good factor in
it, I suspect there are other factors.  Even simple dietary
changes has proved to be immensely successful in clearing lyme.

People promote "Salt-C" as a good Lyme cure. But I will point out,
there have been suppressed clinical studies that PROVE Negative
Ions dramatically improve the absorption and usage of VitaminC by
the body. So Negative Ion Therapy, combined with C+Salt, would
probably prove pretty efficient in killing off Lyme. Or in fact,
just C+Ions, skip the salt.

Dave Cline is running a very short duration sale of $20.00 off his
Ionizers, this is one of the very few actual working units that
really pushes ions into the room. Most of the big name ones, or
ones sold at Walmart, don't do a darn thing. You can find out
about the studies regarding vitamin/mineral mobility and ions in
the book "Ion Effect" for 15 cents off Ebay.


RE: CS>Lyme Disease

2007-08-02 Thread Jason
It sure does help some people.

I have spoken to a few people on this subject and many people say that it
has helped them enormously.  Others say that it hadn't worked.  This could
be because they didn't try it for sufficient time, or at a high enough dose
or that they just didn't make it properly.

One lymie I spoke to said that they had some CS that did work and then had
some more from a friend that didn't work so well.  I asked what water they
used to make it and it was mineral water not distilled.

Others I have spoken to and they say that they wouldn't be able to go to
work if it wasn't for CS, because the antibiotics hadn't worked on them.

  -Original Message-
  From: Revonda Henderson [mailto:mrjam...@charter.net]
  Sent: 02 August 2007 05:24
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: CS>Lyme Disease

  Does CS help or cure Lyme Disease?

Re: CS>Lyme Disease

2007-08-02 Thread Day Sutton
On 8/2/07, Jason  wrote:
>  It sure does help some people.
> .
> One lymie I spoke to said that they had some CS that did work and then had
> some more from a friend that didn't work so well.  I asked what water 
> theyused to make it and it was mineral water not distilled.
> .Who is "they"?  the person he got it from or that he made?
> -Original Message-
> *From:* Revonda Henderson [mailto:mrjam...@charter.net]
> *Sent:* 02 August 2007 05:24
> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
> *Subject:* CS>Lyme Disease
> Does CS help or cure Lyme Disease?

Day Sutton

Re: CS>Lyme Disease

2007-08-02 Thread Marshall Dudley

Revonda Henderson wrote:

Does CS help or cure Lyme Disease?
Quite effectively early on. Much more difficult when it becomes chronic. 
Once the spirochetes find hiding places in the nerve ganglia, and the 
joints, CS has difficulty reaching it, and a cure often requires all 
components of the Beck protocol.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Lyme Disease

2007-08-02 Thread ransley
CS will help Lyme, and so will the rest of the Beck protocol. But it won't
cure it because it will not get the parasites. For that you need salt. Look
into the salt/C protocol, but be aware that one must be careful about
potassium imbalance when using that.
We did use CS along with the salt/c protocol in treating our daughter's
Lyme. We also used an energy device. We beat it in about 9 months. Actually
it was mostly over in 6 months, but she had not had it very long.
If I had to do it over again*, I would add these things: Magnascent iodine,
potassium chloride, magnesium chloride and boron.
*Dear God I hope not, but I've been tick-bit 5 times this calendar year
Only natural unheated salts should be used. As for vitamin c, particularly
ascorbic acid, I would use only that from the Vitamin C Foundation, plus now
I would add some sort of natural c powder like that available from Dr. Ben
Lots of fresh water- not municipal- is needed for this protocol.
Lyme can be beaten!
Caveat: I offer no proof. We did not get a doctor's dx before or after. 

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Re: CS>Lyme Disease

2007-08-02 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  It cured mine, after 6 years of Doxycycline couldn`t!!

  Does CS help or cure Lyme Disease?

Re: CS>Lyme Disease

2007-08-02 Thread Day Sutton
What protocol did you use?   ie. how much how often ppm etc..

On 8/2/07, Marshalee Hallett  wrote:
> It cured mine, after 6 years of Doxycycline couldn`t!!
> Marshalee
> Does CS help or cure Lyme Disease?

Day Sutton

RE: CS>Lyme Disease

2007-08-03 Thread Jason

One lymie I spoke to said that they had some CS that did work and then
had some more from a friend that didn't work so well.  I asked what water
they used to make it and it was mineral water not distilled.

.Who is "they"?  the person he got it from or that he made?

The "they" was refering to the CS that the person used that did not work
very well and that this CS was home made from mineral water.  The CS they
used that worked better was bought from a shop at 10ppm and was made from
purified water.  I guess "purified" means reverse osmosis followed by
de-ionosation resin to bring the ppm down to near zero.

RE: CS>Lyme Disease

2007-08-03 Thread Carlos P�rez

Hello, Revonda,

I hope my experience may be of help.

I had chronic Ehrlichiosis, with recurrent outbreaks practically every six 
months to a year during more than 10 years. Even though the bacteriae that 
causes it are not the same (different types of Ehrlichiae, Rickettsia 
family, instead of Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochette, in the case of 
Lymes), they both have many of the sympthoms in common and both are mainly 
transmitted by ticks.

The normal treatment for Ehrlichiosis and Rickettsiosis is oral Doxicycline 
and it usually cures the diseases if diagnosed promptly. In my case, it was 
misdiagnosed (it very frequently is), it almost killed me, and it became 
chronic invading all my organs and and body systems. I had to use in the 
recurrent crisis, besides Doxicycline, also fluoroqinolones, rifamycines and 
others which are effective against the disease. The crisis of the disease 
always came back, and the sympthoms became attenuated, but never 

That, until I learned, with the help of many members of this list, how to 
make CS/EIS. As soon as I started using it, the sympthoms started changing 
and by this moment they have totally disappeared.

I have been very consistant in my consumption of EIS and have not used 
massive doses of it, but I drik about 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day as a 
maintenance dosis, and every two or three weeks I use 3 to 4 times that 
dosage, incrasing the frequency of my little sips practically to one every 
hour, and then go back to the maintenance dosage.

I am planning to start on the Salt-C protocol soon, and after finishing it I 
will do an intensive treatment with EIS for about a month, to make sure my 
Ehrlichiosis has been totally wiped off.

With tthe constant help of my many friends of this list, It seems the 
product I am making is of a very good quality by now, so I am not afraid at 
all to use massive doses of it with the certainty that I am not running into 
any risks. The average concentration according to the Faraday equation is 
around 16-18 ppm in my production, and if I deduct some due to loss in the 
form of residues when cleaning electrodes or in some other form (I use long 
time process at a very low miliamperage) which is very scarce, it still 
should be more than enough, with an abundance of very small particles, which 
makes it more effective.

Strangely enough, even though Ehrlichiosis is as common as Lymes disease, so 
far I have not found any person in this list or other ones that has had some 
experience treating it with EIS. I seem to be the first one!!



From: "Revonda Henderson" 
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Lyme Disease
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 23:23:42 -0500

Does CS help or cure Lyme Disease?

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Lyme Disease

2007-08-04 Thread jessie70
To anyone on the list who knows: what is the salt - C protocol? Thanks, Jess

-Original Message-
From: Carlos Pérez [mailto:explorer...@hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 5:34 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Lyme Disease

Hello, Revonda,

I hope my experience may be of help.

I had chronic Ehrlichiosis, with recurrent outbreaks practically every six
months to a year during more than 10 years. Even though the bacteriae that
causes it are not the same (different types of Ehrlichiae, Rickettsia
family, instead of Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochette, in the case of
Lymes), they both have many of the sympthoms in common and both are mainly
transmitted by ticks.

The normal treatment for Ehrlichiosis and Rickettsiosis is oral Doxicycline
and it usually cures the diseases if diagnosed promptly. In my case, it was
misdiagnosed (it very frequently is), it almost killed me, and it became
chronic invading all my organs and and body systems. I had to use in the
recurrent crisis, besides Doxicycline, also fluoroqinolones, rifamycines and
others which are effective against the disease. The crisis of the disease
always came back, and the sympthoms became attenuated, but never

That, until I learned, with the help of many members of this list, how to
make CS/EIS. As soon as I started using it, the sympthoms started changing
and by this moment they have totally disappeared.

I have been very consistant in my consumption of EIS and have not used
massive doses of it, but I drik about 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day as a
maintenance dosis, and every two or three weeks I use 3 to 4 times that
dosage, incrasing the frequency of my little sips practically to one every
hour, and then go back to the maintenance dosage.

I am planning to start on the Salt-C protocol soon, and after finishing it I
will do an intensive treatment with EIS for about a month, to make sure my
Ehrlichiosis has been totally wiped off.

With tthe constant help of my many friends of this list, It seems the
product I am making is of a very good quality by now, so I am not afraid at
all to use massive doses of it with the certainty that I am not running into
any risks. The average concentration according to the Faraday equation is
around 16-18 ppm in my production, and if I deduct some due to loss in the
form of residues when cleaning electrodes or in some other form (I use long
time process at a very low miliamperage) which is very scarce, it still
should be more than enough, with an abundance of very small particles, which
makes it more effective.

Strangely enough, even though Ehrlichiosis is as common as Lymes disease, so
far I have not found any person in this list or other ones that has had some
experience treating it with EIS. I seem to be the first one!!



>From: "Revonda Henderson" 
>Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>Subject: CS>Lyme Disease
>Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 23:23:42 -0500
>Does CS help or cure Lyme Disease?

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Lyme Disease

2007-08-04 Thread SMax
Go to lymestrateg...@yahoogroups.com.  That is the lyme group whose protocol
is Salt/C.  You will be able to find all of the answers and all of the help
you need there.  The members are 1500 now.
---Original Message--- 
From: jessie70 
Date: 08/04/07 06:55:42 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: RE: CS>Lyme Disease 
To anyone on the list who knows: what is the salt - C protocol? Thanks, Jess


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lyme Disease cure?

2004-06-27 Thread T J Garland
Note the author says that 18,000,000 Americans may have the disease. Are there 
any proven cures on this list using CS?  TJ


Re: CS>Lyme Disease

2004-08-10 Thread Dudley Delany

Dear Catherine,

You can find a glowing CS Lyme disease testimonial by a man who wrote a
book about his experience at


All the best,



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme Disease

2004-08-10 Thread C Creel
Many thanks to Dudley, Bill, and Tel for links to CS, and Vit C and salt
tabs for treating Lyme disease.  My client is going to be thrilled to see


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Lyme Disease

2004-08-11 Thread J&S Campbell
Tel and Catherine and anyone else, do you know if these levels of salt
recommended in this regime-see link below- (12grams a day) are safe to

 Would they not be a problem for BP and kidneys?

 Plus Books has posted recently about the benefits of potassium chloride
as opposed to sodium chloride and that we are not getting enough
potassium therefore surely this regime would make that situation worse?

Best wishes,


> -Original Message-
> From: C Creel [mailto:ccr...@rochester.rr.com] 
> Sent: 11 August 2004 07:05
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Lyme Disease
> Many thanks to Dudley, Bill, and Tel for links to CS, and 
> Vit C and salt tabs for treating Lyme disease.  My client is 
> going to be thrilled to see these.
> Regards,
> Catherine
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver List archive: 
> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.> html
> Address 
> Off-Topic messages to: 
> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com OT Archive: 
> http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/i> ndex.html
> List 
> maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.735 / Virus Database: 489 - Release Date: 06/08/04

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Re: CS>Lyme Disease

2004-08-11 Thread Robb Allen
HiI did this protocol for several monthsAt the time I
felt that it was useful but of all the people that I know that tried this
protocol for lyme (several dozen)no one has been cured
The only things that are bringing me closer to being cured are the magnetic
pulser (not the sota) and ozone saunas..Robb

- Original Message -
From: "J&S Campbell" 
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 10:59 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Lyme Disease

> Tel and Catherine and anyone else, do you know if these levels of salt
> recommended in this regime-see link below- (12grams a day) are safe to
> take?
>  Would they not be a problem for BP and kidneys?
>  Plus Books has posted recently about the benefits of potassium chloride
> as opposed to sodium chloride and that we are not getting enough
> potassium therefore surely this regime would make that situation worse?
> Best wishes,
> Sheila
> www.lymephotos.com
> > -Original Message-
> > From: C Creel [mailto:ccr...@rochester.rr.com]
> > Sent: 11 August 2004 07:05
> > To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > Subject: Re: CS>Lyme Disease
> >
> >
> > Many thanks to Dudley, Bill, and Tel for links to CS, and
> > Vit C and salt tabs for treating Lyme disease.  My client is
> > going to be thrilled to see these.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Catherine
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > Silver List archive:
> > http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.> html
> >
> > Address
> > Off-Topic messages to:
> > silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com OT Archive:
> > http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/i> ndex.html
> >
> > List
> > maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
> > Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> > Version: 6.0.735 / Virus Database: 489 - Release Date: 06/08/04
> >
> >
> ---
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RE: CS>Lyme Disease

2004-08-11 Thread Garnet
It is my understanding that those with high BP may lower it by lowering
salt intake. But the converse is not true that salt will give people
high blood pressure.


On Wed, 2004-08-11 at 09:59, J&S Campbell wrote:
> Tel and Catherine and anyone else, do you know if these levels of salt
> recommended in this regime-see link below- (12grams a day) are safe to
> take?
>  Would they not be a problem for BP and kidneys?
>  Plus Books has posted recently about the benefits of potassium chloride
> as opposed to sodium chloride and that we are not getting enough
> potassium therefore surely this regime would make that situation worse?
> Best wishes,
> Sheila

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme Disease

2004-08-11 Thread Tel Tofflemire
Sorry, I am not going to answer any more questions.  I tell the truth 
and they argue about the answer.   I would cut back on salt with high 
Blood Pressure, and bad kidneys, if it was me.

J&S Campbell wrote:

Tel and Catherine and anyone else, do you know if these levels of salt
recommended in this regime-see link below- (12grams a day) are safe to

Would they not be a problem for BP and kidneys?

Plus Books has posted recently about the benefits of potassium chloride
as opposed to sodium chloride and that we are not getting enough
potassium therefore surely this regime would make that situation worse?

Best wishes,




-Original Message-
From: C Creel [mailto:ccr...@rochester.rr.com] 
Sent: 11 August 2004 07:05

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Lyme Disease

   Many thanks to Dudley, Bill, and Tel for links to CS, and 
Vit C and salt tabs for treating Lyme disease.  My client is 
going to be thrilled to see these.


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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: 
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Off-Topic messages to: 
silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com OT Archive: 
http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/i> ndex.html

maintainer: Mike Devour 

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.735 / Virus Database: 489 - Release Date: 06/08/04


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.735 / Virus Database: 489 - Release Date: 06/08/04


RE: CS>Lyme Disease

2004-08-11 Thread j rigby

At 12:59 AM 12/08/04, you wrote:

Tel and Catherine and anyone else, do you know if these levels of salt
recommended in this regime-see link below- (12grams a day) are safe to

 Would they not be a problem for BP and kidneys?

Hi folks,
Unless people carefully distinguish products from products it all gets even 
more dangerous.

Salt is a good example:
What is sold as "Salt" bears very little resemblance to the real thing. It 
has been stripped of its natural mineral symbiosis ( they are sold 
separately) and 99% of the time more of the waste product of the Aluminium 
industry is put into it: Aluminium Hydroxide(?)  et al to "make it flow 
easier" as it poisons the user.

Natural salt is not white. It is full of "things". It is not pretty.

It is often the simple things they kill us with:   Honey.
BIG fuss about the miraculous healing properties of a honey from N.Z.
They sell it is a "medicinal product" at $180 per kilo.   The real strength 
of it compared ( as they did with much fanfare) to "ordinary" honey at $5 
per kilo is amazing.  The difference between the two products tested is the 
"commercial" one has been blended/sugar added/aspartame/ etc and heated.
The key is that the NZ honey is raw and natural - never been 
heated.  Heating is done to make it easier to handle the honey and to add 
things to it to blend easily.   Heating destroys its properties.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme Disease

2004-08-12 Thread C Creel
>  Would they not be a problem for BP and kidneys?>>

   **  If a person doesn't have kidney problems or elevated BP there should
be no problem.

  J Rigby also made an excellent point about the quality of salt.  The salt
recommended for this was not table salt but salt tablets.  There is a world
of difference in these.

  I can't speak to the efficacy of this (Vit C and salt tabs) but I think it
is worth a try for a reasonably healthy person rather than a course of
antibiotics for a year which is bound to leave permanent damage to the body.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lyme Disease

2004-08-15 Thread Paul Holloway
You are quite correct Garnet, that's all the research shows, no effect on
normal blood pressure, and some have found that reducing salt increases
mortality from heart attacks http://www.saltinstitute.org/28.html .
Others claim that if you drink enough water you can take as much salt as you
like, and that raised BP is a symptom of dehydration
http://www.watercure.com/cure8.htm . Others claim that we are all deficient
in real, unprocessed salt http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/salt.htm .
Remember that for every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert ;-)

Paul H

- Original Message - 
From: "Garnet" 
To: "Silver List" 
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 5:56 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Lyme Disease

> It is my understanding that those with high BP may lower it by lowering
> salt intake. But the converse is not true that salt will give people
> high blood pressure.
> Garnet
> On Wed, 2004-08-11 at 09:59, J&S Campbell wrote:
> > Tel and Catherine and anyone else, do you know if these levels of salt
> > recommended in this regime-see link below- (12grams a day) are safe to
> > take?
> >
> >  Would they not be a problem for BP and kidneys?
> >
> >  Plus Books has posted recently about the benefits of potassium chloride
> > as opposed to sodium chloride and that we are not getting enough
> > potassium therefore surely this regime would make that situation worse?
> >
> > Best wishes,
> >
> > Sheila
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-14 Thread name withheld

lyme is indeed slow reproducing and it hides and goes dormant.
treatment for "chronic lyme" takes years. you cannot kill
all the forms the lyme bacteria takes, you must be treating when they
treating lyme requires a whole lifestyle assault.
as far as therapeutic doses of CS:
1)you are going to need so much (over time) if you have lyme that you 
need to

make it yourself. this is cheaper AND better.
2)the amount you take of CS is totally related to your lifestyle and
ability to do it on an empty stomach. i highly recommend an empty
3)i do not recommend "chugging" doses of CS, like some of our posters
here. that is certainly a recipe for "turning blue". i believe CS is 
in just ounce-type doses if one does it on an empty stomach and swishes 

in ones mouth to start the process of assimilation. CS is an antibiotic,
not a drink. more   CS means more dosing times, not chugging it.
i believe the body intelligently uses some of the CS ions to kill 

i believe this is an intelligent active process and smaller amounts more
frequently help this process.
4)my experience and other posters experience is that CS IS a very 

antibiotic for lyme. HOW you use it for lyme has not been quantified or
qualified, but we have all had different experiences here.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>lyme disease Recipe

2004-12-14 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Good Morning Name Withheld,

3)i do not recommend "chugging" doses of CS, like some of our posters

here. that is certainly a recipe for "turning blue".

 Interesting indeed.   What about this recipe?  Have you seen it?  It 
must be worth a lot of money.

Can you post more details?

I have communicated with Rosemary Jacobs in times past and have the 
full PDF that is the best analysis I have seen relative to  "The One Blue 

In reality, I think she is the only one that has the recipe.

i believe CS is effective in just ounce-type doses if one does it on an 
empty stomach and swishes it

in ones mouth to start the process of assimilation.

This "Empty Stomach" idea is also suggested for drinking H2O2, which 
was a problem for me as I never like for my stomach to be empty for 
long.  This was such a problem that I finally ignored it and often ate food 
as I was drinking the H2O2.   Salty peanuts goes great with it, killing the 
taste, which I never found objectionable in the first place.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-14 Thread sol
What is your definition of "chugging". Though I have used the term 
myself, it is pretty vague, and perhaps needs to be narrowed.

I have drunk all at once  a pint of CS at a time for combating GI upset, 
cramps and diarrhea.
I have sipped over a day, or chugges part and sipped the rest, a quart 
of CS a day for 2 to 4 weeks. I went months drinking a pint a day. Not 
always all at once, usually over the course of a day.  However, as 
someone here once described it I'm still "pink as a pig". Unless I'm to 
dumb to recognize it I don't even have blue in the moons of my 
fingernails. I've been using CS now for over 2 years, btw.


name withheld wrote:

3)i do not recommend "chugging" doses of CS, like some of our posters
here. that is certainly a recipe for "turning blue". i believe CS is 
in just ounce-type doses if one does it on an empty stomach and 
swishes it

in ones mouth to start the process of assimilation. CS is an antibiotic,
not a drink. more CS means more dosing times, not chugging it.
i believe the body intelligently uses some of the CS ions to kill 

i believe this is an intelligent active process and smaller amounts more
frequently help this process.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-15 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
CS/EIS is not an antibiotic.  It is a broad-spectrum 
anti-bacterial/anti-viral agent.The distinction is important.

On Tuesday, Dec 14, 2004, at 23:18 Asia/Tokyo, name withheld wrote:

CS is an antibiotic,
not a drink. more   CS means more dosing times, not chugging it.
i believe the body intelligently uses some of the CS ions to kill 
i believe this is an intelligent active process and smaller amounts 

frequently help this process.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread cking001
Go here,

It's something I wouldn't want to be without!

I intend to live forever - so far, so good!

On 12/16/2004 9:19:03 PM, silver-list@eskimo.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Would someone be so kind as to explain to me what DMSO is and what is
> it's function.?
> Kindest regard,
> Ernie
> -Original Message-
> From: marmar...@aol.com [mailto:marmar...@aol.com]
> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:10 PM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>lyme disease
> In a message dated 12/16/04 1:52:09 PM EST, mdud...@king-cart.com
> writes:
> << Thus it can have limited success with toe nail
> fungus for instance without taking special measures, such as mixing
> with

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
"Jonathan B. Britten" wrote:

> CS/EIS is not an antibiotic.  It is a broad-spectrum
> anti-bacterial/anti-viral agent.The distinction is important.

Indeed. I never realized that by definition an antibiotic must be made by a
fungus, bacteria or other organisms.  That does certainly exclude silver.

Note that CS/EIS is also a broad spectrum anti-fungal/anti-mold agent as


> On Tuesday, Dec 14, 2004, at 23:18 Asia/Tokyo, name withheld wrote:
> > CS is an antibiotic,
> > not a drink. more CS means more dosing times, not chugging it.
> > i believe the body intelligently uses some of the CS ions to kill
> > pathogens.
> > i believe this is an intelligent active process and smaller amounts
> > more
> > frequently help this process.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread Marmar845
In a message dated 12/16/04 10:14:00 AM EST, mdud...@king-cart.com writes:

<< Note that CS/EIS is also a broad spectrum anti-fungal/anti-mold agent as
 well. >>

It was my understanding that CS/EIS is not particularly effective against 
fungal infections.   ???   MA

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
It is quite effective in killing fungi upon contact. The issue is often getting
it in contact with the fungus.  Thus it can have limited success with toe nail
fungus for instance without taking special measures, such as mixing with DMSO.

I have found it to work quite well for athletes foot and jock itch.


marmar...@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 12/16/04 10:14:00 AM EST, mdud...@king-cart.com writes:
> << Note that CS/EIS is also a broad spectrum anti-fungal/anti-mold agent as
>  well. >>
> It was my understanding that CS/EIS is not particularly effective against
> fungal infections.   ???   MA
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread sol
The info I read (most likely here or at silvermedicine.org) said CS 
effectively kills many if not most fungi, but not all. I don't know 
which ones it will not kill, but there is a time/kill study at 
silvermedicine.org that shows CS killed candida about as fast as it 
killed the tested bacteria.

As always, the hard part can be getting CS into good contact with the 
organisms one is trying to kill. Easy to do in a test tube, not always 
so easy in a living animal.


marmar...@aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 12/16/04 10:14:00 AM EST, mdud...@king-cart.com writes:

<< Note that CS/EIS is also a broad spectrum anti-fungal/anti-mold agent as
well. >>

It was my understanding that CS/EIS is not particularly effective against 
fungal infections.   ???   MA


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread Marmar845
In a message dated 12/16/04 1:52:09 PM EST, mdud...@king-cart.com writes:

<< Thus it can have limited success with toe nail
 fungus for instance without taking special measures, such as mixing with 
DMSO. >>

So -- are you saying that CS mixed with DMSO *will* resolve toenail fungus?   

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread Yogiboy
Would someone be so kind as to explain to me what DMSO is and what is
it's function.?

Kindest regard,


-Original Message-
From: marmar...@aol.com [mailto:marmar...@aol.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:10 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>lyme disease

In a message dated 12/16/04 1:52:09 PM EST, mdud...@king-cart.com

<< Thus it can have limited success with toe nail
 fungus for instance without taking special measures, such as mixing
DMSO. >>

So -- are you saying that CS mixed with DMSO *will* resolve toenail

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-20 Thread Jim Holmes
1.  Brooks Bradley says there are some fungus for which it does not work
2.  I had a case of some pernicious crotch-rot that did not respond well to
CS alone, but was defeated with alternating apple-cider vinegar and CS on a
daily basis.

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@king-cart.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:48 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>lyme disease

It is quite effective in killing fungi upon contact. The issue is often
it in contact with the fungus.  Thus it can have limited success with toe
fungus for instance without taking special measures, such as mixing with

I have found it to work quite well for athletes foot and jock itch.


marmar...@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 12/16/04 10:14:00 AM EST, mdud...@king-cart.com writes:
> << Note that CS/EIS is also a broad spectrum anti-fungal/anti-mold agent
>  well. >>
> It was my understanding that CS/EIS is not particularly effective against
> fungal infections.   ???   MA
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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