Shanghai Cooperation Organization [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Petokraka78


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China and Russia join Central Asia in new grouping
By Jeremy Page
SHANGHAI, June 15 (Reuters) - Leaders of China, Russia and four Central Asian 
states launched a new regional organisation on Friday to combat Islamic 
militancy and boost trade and investment among the resource-rich neighbours. 

Five years after its modest start as body to broker border disputes, the 
Shanghai Five -- China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan -- 
welcomed new member Uzbekistan and renamed itself the Shanghai Cooperation 
Organisation (SCO). 

Chinese President Jiang Zemin said the "six good neighbours" signed an 
agreement to fight ethnic and religious militancy while promoting trade and 
investment in an area whose vast oil reserves have revived international 
competition for influence. 

"The signing of the Shanghai Pact has laid the legal foundation for jointly 
cracking down on terrorism, separatism and extremism and reflects the firm 
determination of the six states on safeguarding regional security," Jiang 

"Our cooperation within this area will be further strengthened," he told a 
news conference. 


Security is of paramount importance at the meeting, which is seen as a test 
of China's ability to hold a large international event as it campaigns to 
host the 2008 Olympics Games in Beijing. 

The Shanghai government shut down major roads, closed schools and encouraged 
businesses to take a day off on Friday to guarantee its guests a swift and 
safe passage. 

China's financial capital is due to host the annual summit of the 21-member 
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in October, where new U.S. President 
George W. Bush is due to meet Jiang. 

An unspoken aim of the new body's two strongest members, China and Russia, is 
to stem growing U.S. influence in the region, where the Russian and British 
empires jostled for power in the "Great Game" of the 19th Century, analysts 

The United States is already the largest foreign investor in Kazakhstan's oil 
and gas industries and has provided millions of dollars in military aid to 
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. 

Jiang and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin met in Shanghai on Thursday to 
kick off the summit just days before Putin is due to meet Bush in Slovenia. 

They stressed shared opposition to U.S. plans to build a national missile 
defence (NMD) system, one pillar of a new alliance based largely on fears of 
Islamic separatist unrest and opposition to U.S. dominance. 


But Jiang's meeting with Putin, the first of three planned for this year, 
also struck a conciliatory note on China-U.S. ties, roiled by the April spy 
plane showdown and human rights disputes. 

Jiang called for a "constructive" relationship with Washington, according to 
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov. 

The chief concern of most member states is the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan 
(IMU), which has led armed incursions across the region over the last two 
years in an attempt to create an independent Islamic state. 

Underlining its determination to crack down on the group, Uzbekistan jailed 
73 people last week for up to 18 years for aiding IMU gunmen who killed 20 
Uzbek soldiers in a raid on the south of the country last year. 

China fears such unrest will fuel a separatist movement in its northwestern 
region of Xinjiang, where Muslim radicals from the Uighur ethnic minority 
have carried out bomb attacks and murdered government officials. 

00:51 06-15-01

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Fwd: To All African Student Conference [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 14/06/01 17:33:22 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< To All African (Black, African American, New Afrikan, Continental,
 Caribbean, Latino, etc.) Student Organizations and Leaders/Organizers
 29 June marks the 60th birthday of Kwame Ture, formerly known as Stokley
 Carmichael.  You perhaps have heard of him and his work with the Nonviolent
 Action Group (NAG) at Howard University, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating
 Committee (SNCC), the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP), the
 Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO), the Black Panther Party (BPP),
 the Democratic Party of Guinea (PDG), the All-African People's Revolutionary
 Party (A-APRP), and a host of other movements and organizations in Africa,
 the African Diaspora and the world.
 For four decades, Kwame inspired, mentored and organized progressive and
 revolutionary students in every corner of Africa, the African Diaspora and
 the world.  He challenged them to work, study and struggle on behalf of
 African and all Oppressed Peoples; and to organize, organize, organize!  He
 made his transition to the ranks of the Ancestors on 15 November 1998 in
 Conakry, Guinea, his beloved homeland.
 On the occasion of Kwame's 60th birthday, the Kwame Ture Work-Study
 Institute and Library, the Alliance for Global Justice, the Black United
 Fund of Illinois and the National Black United Front invites all African
 Student organizations and leaders/organizers to attend a meeting from 29-30
 June 2001 at Bowie State University in Bowie, MD.  The purpose of this
 historic meeting is to provide African student leaders/organizers from every
 corner of Africa and the African Diaspora an opportunity to meet each other,
 to discuss how to build a militant and massive All-African student movement
 for the 21st century, and to plan an All-African Student Conference to be
 held in 16-18 November 2001.
 The tentative/suggested agenda includes:
 (a) Brief Welcome and Acknowledgement of Messages and Solidarity Statements.
 (b) MicroSoft Powerpoint Presentation titled:  "Did You Hear the Thunder? A
 Brief History of the Worldwide African Student Movement - 1900 to the
 (c) Discussion about the issues and concerns that affect African people in
 every corner of Africa and the African Diaspora, and what African students
 must do to help address/resolve them.
 (d) Brief reports on the movement to free political prisoners and prisoners
 of war the struggles: to break the embargoes and travel bans against Cuba
 and Libya; to build the Student Sweat Shop Campaign and the Movement Against
 Environmental Racism; to demand Global Justice and to help build the
 demonstrations that are planned for 29-30 September 2001 against the
 military-police-prison-industrial complex, the World Bank, IMF and WTO; to
 free all political prisoners and prisoners of war in United States and South
 African jails; to help the Zimbabwean, Azanian (South African), Palestinian,
 Indigenous, Dalit, Irish, and all Oppressed Peoples return to and reclaim
 their land; to stop the "Drug War" and dismantle the prison industrial
 complex; to stop the US military exercises on Vieques Island in Puerto Rico;
 and other on-going actions and struggles.
 (e) Discussion about the role that African students can and must play in the
 struggle: (1) to demand that the transatlantic slave-trade, slavery,
 colonialism, settler-colonialism, segregation, apartheid and neo-colonialism
 be declared crimes against humanity without statue of limitations; (2) to
 demand that racism, racial discrimination, caste-based discrimination,
 gender-based discrimination, and related intolerance be declared gross
 violations of human rights; and (3) to demand that reparations and
 compensation be paid to the victims of these crimes against humanity and
 human rights violations, and to their descendants, collectively and
 (f) Report on the 3rd UN World Conference against Racism (WCAR) that will be
 held in Durban, South Africa from 31 August to 7 September 2001, and the
 efforts to build an International Day of Action Against Racism (IDAAR 2001)
 on 31 August 2001.  Discussion about how students can participate in the
 Youth Summit in Durban, and how they can help build IDAAR 2001 on their
 (g) Discussion about how best to organize an All-African student movement
 for the 21st century, and how to organize an All-African Student Conference
 on 16-18 November 2001.
 (h) Discussion of other agenda items and concerns.
 This historic Planning Meeting starts at 5:00 p.m. on 29 June 2001 and ends
 at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, 30 June 2001.  All African stud

Treaty Of Nice Is Dead: Irish Reject Military Super-State [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Rick Rozoff


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The Irish Times 
Friday, June 15, 2001  

"As far as PANA [Peace And Neutrality Alliance] is
concerned, the new EU should be one without any
military dimension."

Treaty of Nice is dead, long live Connolly's vision 

By Roger Cole 
The Irish people have spoken. The Treaty of Nice is
dead. If the Irish political elite attempt to subvert
the will of the Irish people expressed through a
secret ballot, there will a successful legal challenge
to prevent them from doing so.

The rest of the political elite in the European Union
also have no right to subvert the sovereign will of
the Irish people. Unless all the member-states, all of
which are legal equals, accept the treaty it
automatically falls.

Their contempt for the Irish people clearly showed in
their reaction to our vote against the treaty.

It showed on the face of the Swedish Minister for
Foreign Affairs, who seemed to express a virtually
racist sense of superiority in her rejection of our
decision. Every Irish person knows that she and the
rest of the elite did not place the treaty for
ratification before their own people.

The Peace And Neutrality Alliance (PANA) has friends
and contacts in Sweden who assure us that, had there
been a referendum on the Nice Treaty in that country,
it would have been defeated. PANA would not have been
surprised that, if there had been referendums in all
the other states, many would have voted No.

In fact the entire project of the EU elite is to
transform the EU from a Common Market which Ireland
joined in the 1970s, without virtually any reference
to the various peoples of the EU, into a super-state,
a "world power" as the President of the European
Commission, Romano Prodi, put it. They show, by
refusing to have referendums in their own states, that
their contempt is not restricted to the Irish people
but extends to their own.

It is certain that a cheer of support for the Irish
people was heard among the ordinary people in all the
member-states. Even the people of the applicant states
must welcome our decision.

If the European elite can treat the people of Ireland,
a small democratic state, with such arrogance,
applicant state populations can rest assured that they
will suffer the same imperial attitude when they join
the EU.

And join they should. The Peace And Neutrality
Alliance wrote to the ambassadors of all the applicant
states at the start of the Nice Treaty referendum
campaign informing them that, providing the process of
entry was done in a democratic manner, PANA had not
only no problem with those countries joining, but
would positively welcome them.

So, what kind of phoenix can rise from the ashes of
the Treaty of Nice? As far as PANA is concerned, the
new EU should be one without any military dimension.
The new treaty to replace the dead one would have to
contain - as an absolute minimum - a protocol, similar
to that which the Danes already have, which would
exclude Ireland from paying for, or involvement with,
the European Rapid Reaction Force.

If the new treaty included such a protocol then, as
chairman of PANA, I will recommend to the executive
that we would not campaign against the new treaty.
PANA campaigned against Nice purely on opposition to
Irish involvement with the militarisation of the EU
through the RRF, so there is a reasonable possibility
the recommendation would be accepted.

However, there is a large number of groups affiliated
to PANA which have a wider agenda, including the
National Platform, the Green Party and Sinn Féin.
These and other groups would clearly seek further

It is clear that many people who voted No did not
agree with Ireland losing its commissioner. They voted
No because they did not agree with "enhanced
co-operation". They did not agree with the gradual
abolition of our veto. Thus the Government has to take
into consideration objections to the treaty other than
those raised by PANA.

The vote was not a flash in the pan. The number of
people voting against the efforts to transform a
Common Market into a European super-state, a European
empire, has been increasing steadily in successive

We need to defend our independence. Our national
independence was fought for by generations of
political leaders who did not take brown paper
envelopes. We owe it to them to continue to defend our

Finally, on a personal note, as a member of the Labour
Party for many years, as we come up to the 90th
anniversary of th


2001-06-14 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 14/06/01 22:43:29 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Well, Marx *did not*, by any stretch of the imagination, urge a "racial 
 against the Slavs.  "Generosity" has nothing to do with it. >>

Okay, well the following quotes are to be found in the Neue Rheinische Zeitun 
No. 194, which was edited by Marx, and the article was written by Engels (it 
concerned the revolutions of 1848 in Austria-Hungary).  If this doesn't sound 
like an invitation to genocide than I don't know what is, and Engels calls it 
"a step forward" at that:

"The combatants divided into two large camps: the Germans, Poles and Magyars 
took the side of revolution; the remainder, all the Slavs, except for the 
Poles, the Rumanians and Transylvanian Saxons, took the side of 
counter-revolution. All the earlier history of Austria up to the present day 
is proof of this and 1848 confirmed it. AMONG ALL THE LARGE AND SMALL NATIONS 
HISTORY, AND STILL RETAIN THEIR VITALITY - the Germans, the Poles and the 
Magyars. Hence they are now revolutionary.  ALL THE OTHER large and small 
revolutionary world storm. For that reason they are now 
counter-revolutionary...the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and 
HIDEBOUND NATIONS, DOWN TO THEIR VERY NAMES.  The next world war will result 
in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary 
classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And THAT, TOO, 

Or how about this:

"A year before the publication of Capital, Marx enthusiastically recommended 
to Engels a new book by Pierre Tremaux, called "Origine et transformations de 
l'homme et des autres êtres". It was, Marx said, a "very significant advance 
over Darwin," for it gave a "basis in nature" (in geological and chemical 
changes in the soil) for differences of nationality and race, showing how, 
for example, the Slavs had been Tartarized and Mongolized, and why "the 
common Negro type is only a degeneration of a far higher one." 

Some terms for Slavs in Marxist writings: "Slavic riffraff", "retrograde 
races", "cabbage eaters", "ethnic trash".

While I know that these thoughts weren't integral to Marxs work they do 
illustrate how entrenched European racism was and continues to be in even 
"progressive" discourses coming out of the West.  There is almost always an 
assumption of superiority in the progressive nature of the institutions and 
beliefs identified (rightly or wrongly) with the Western tradition, whether 
they be of the "left" or the "right".  I think it is incumbent upon all real 
revolutionaries to recognize the deeply racist and imperialist character of 
even the most "progressive" governments in Western history and the 
catastrophic nature of imperialism upon the peoples from whose perspective 
history is rarely told (i.e. the overwhelming majority of the world's 
population, including the lower classes in the West).  

Did you know that Mao's greatest influence was Li Dai Chao, a Chinese 
communist who believed that even if the comunist revolution came to power in 
a European country, the rest of the world's people would still be forced to 
resist the West because it would inevitably adopt racist positions vis-a-vis 
the non-white world.  Of course I'm grossly oversimplyfying because its 
nearly 2 am, but you get the point I hope.  No one is beyond reproach, and I 
could even call you "racist" as well for claiming that "Dalits" are a single 
race/people, when infact this is a caste designation (which is actually 
closer to the concept of a class as understood by leftists here than the 
concept of race as is generally understood).

<< And, of course, capitalism WAS revolutionary in overthrowing the ancien 
regime. >> 

This is pretty dogmatic of you.  What, pray tell, were the benefits that 
capitalism bestowed upon the people of the Third World?  What did the last 
two hundred years of the globalisation of capitalist world history do to the 
global South (other than impoverish it, humiliate it, and destroy it)?  Maybe 
capitalism has been revolutionary in a Euro-American context, but what about 
in Asia, Africa, Latin America, or even Eastern Europe?  Can you honestly say 
that people are better off now than before the European and American onslaugh 
on these continents?

<< The 
 liberation of the Dalits will not come by their imitating the worst features
 of their op

Communique From The FARC Concerning Slander Campaign [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread cube321


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On 14 Jun 01, at 11:01, Arm The Spirit wrote:

Communique From The FARC Concerning Slander Campaign

 We of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC-
EP), denounce before public opinion a new campaign of slanders against our
organization for the purpose of delegitimizing our just and necessary
struggle to build a new Colombia, at peace and with social justice, dignity
and sovereignty.
 The pretext now are the supposed attacks against indigenous and Afro-
Colombian organizations, in particular against the Regional Indigenous
Council of the Cauca (CRIC).
 The political struggle we are carrying out to build the society we
merit and for which the national majorities are fighting in various
manners, contains and makes its own the demands of those who would identify
themselves as minorities, ethnicities and by gender. In fact our
organization reflects the national spectrum and receives important support
from all social sectors.
 It is not possible to separate the indigenous, black and women's
struggles from the national and class struggle, which continues to be the
prime mover of history. But belonging to a minority is not a license for a
person to act against popular interests.
 The war from which our people have been suffering for more than 50
years is the result of the violence imposed by the state and its various
governments in response to the dictate of U.S. imperialism. We are
exercising our legitimate right to rebellion and to self-determination as a
 The solidarity of the world's peoples includes their right to inform
themselves about our reality and thus have the necessary elements to make
their own judgments.
 We denounce these kinds of manoeuvres, which prepare the way for and
make possible the dirty war, as being disloyal and serving the interests of
the enemies of our people.

Bolivarianamente International Commission
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC-EP)
May 28, 2001

Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information
collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide 
variety of material, including political prisoners, national 
liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, 
the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our 
writings, research, and translation materials on our listserv
called ATS-L. For more information, contact:

Arm The Spirit
P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A
Toronto, Ontario
M5W 1P7 Canada

ATS-L Archives:

ATS-L mailing list

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Western Sahara: A Quarter Century Of Tragedy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Rick Rozoff


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Frankfurter Rundschau
June 15, 2001

But...the international curiously
silent when it comes to the UN Security Council
resolution which has determined that the small desert
people are entitled to the right of
self-determination. If that were not enough, France,
the United States, Spain and Britain have all supplied
the monarchy in Rabat with military hardware again and
again, thus preventing a political solution to this
regional conflict.
Indeed, Morocoo's foot-dragging seems to have brought
successes. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and his
special envoy for Western Sahara are increasingly
moving away from the idea of Saharawi
self-determination and instead favouring a path
agreeable to Morocco.


Conflict over Western Sahara 25 years old - Revolt
foments in camps 

By Ute Sprenger 

Tindouf, Algeria - "Caramelos! Caramelos!" scream the
shouting, jostling and underfed children in front of
the closed tents as they encircle a tourist from
Germany. They take the biscuits and sweets offered
them, returning shy looks of thanks for her troubles.

Obviously, even in a refugee camp it is possible to
confront the grotesqueness of rich, first-world
holidaymaking habits. At least in the camps run by the
Saharawi Popular Front, or Polisario, in the Algerian
desert. The camps are deep in the south-western
Maghreb, where there is little more than sand dunes
and boulders.

Algeria trains its recruits in the garrison town of
Tindouf. Not far from here, are about 150,000 people
who oppose Morocco's foreign rule over Western Sahara.
They have found a safe haven here for over a quarter
of a century.

This February, the refugees celebrated 25 years since
the founding of their state, the Saharawi Arab
Democratic Republic (SADR) - a state based on a
tolerant interpretation of Islam and the separation of
religion and politics. Throughout its existence,
however, the SADR has existed as a mere mirage because
of Morocco's illegal occupation of the former Spanish
Sahara since Spain withdrew from the colony in 1975.
Around half of the Saharawi population fled into
Algerian exile.

"We have survived all these years with Allah's help
and the support of the Algerian state," says Khalil
Sid M'Hamed, head of El Aaiun refugee camp. Also
ensuring their survival, it has to be said, is the
humanitarian aid supplied by international
organisations and the work of sympathetic groups from
Spain, France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The women make sure that day-to-day life in the
"dairas", or village communities, functions smoothly
and that the aid deliveries are taken where they are
needed. They work as nurses, doctors, nursery- and
primary-school teachers; some are active in politics.
By far the most men serve in the army, in the
political leadership and administration.

Many believe that these are the best-run refugee camps
anywhere in the world. They are free from the diseases
which are rampant in African camps elsewhere. School
attendance is compulsory and basic medical services
are provided. There are also workshops and an
administration oriented towards grass-roots democracy.
In addition, there are those adventurous tourists who
come here to savour a little bit of revolution; they
are whisked through the camp in large numbers by
Polisario officials, always in the hope that the
visitors from southern and western Europe will one day
understand what they see and spread the Saharawis'
message in their homelands.

"We have created an exile state as a liberation
organisation, a model which can be transferred to a
new society. But we do not have sovereignty,"
complains Hadidja Hamdi, in charge of culture and
further education for Polisario. "Several states
provide us with humanitarian aid while giving
political backing to Morocco. We are certainly not
opposed to the EU co-operating with Morocco. But what
we do object to is that it fails to apply pressure on
Morocco to find a solution." Instead, accords with the
occupying power are negotiated, for example concerning
the fisheries sector "on Saharawi territory and at our
cost." Providing relief for conditions in the camps is
one thing, but nations such as France, Germany, and
Italy could become more actively involved on the
political front, says Hamdi.

But while the international community continues to
feed and clothe the refugees in the camps, year in,
year out and far removed from the public spotlight, it
is curiously silent when it comes to the UN Security
Council resolution which has determined that the small
desert people are entitled to the right of
self-determination. If that were not enough, France,
the United States, Spain and Britain have all supplied
the monarchy in Rabat with militar


2001-06-14 Thread Louis R Godena


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> just out of curiosity: what's wrong with saying that only through the
> liberation of the most opporessed can a revolution truly alter the
> of a society?  When class, caste, and racial lines are so intertwined it
> necessary to undertake a broader analysis of liberationism.

Well, they're saying a lot more than that, aren't they?  And I would not
classify their narrow, chauvinist appeal as a "broader analysis" of
"liberationsim".   There is no God, not in India, not here, not anywhere.
Similarly, there is no God's "Chosen People," that is: a group or class or
caste walking above society and somehow impervious to the forces acting upon
it.  There is no Master Race possessing a Key to History, not the Jews, nor
the Aryans, nor the Dalits.  To suppose otherwise dilutes and weakens those
very forces of liberation one is ostensibly seeking to strengthen.

Of course, I don't know Mr Sandeep.  He seems progressive enough, and
forwards much that is valuabe to the StopNato list.  However, promoting the
narrow racism of "Dalitism" is unworthy of his efforts.

Louis Godena

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SAS is preparing Macedonia for NATO to intervene [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Miroslav Antic


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SAS is preparing Macedonia for Nato to 
  interveneBy Julius Strauss in Skopje and Michael 
  Smith Defence Correspondent 








is assembling a Nato force of 10,000 troops, including British 
units, to prevent the Macedonian conflict erupting into another 
full-blown Balkan war. 



  proximity: Albanian rebels cross the road just 500 metres from 
  a Macedonian army 
checkpointSAS troops 
are in southern Kosovo preparing the ground by cutting off supply 
lines and reinforcements to the Albanian separatist National 
Liberation Army, defence sources said yesterday. The Ministry of 
Defence said it had no knowledge of any Nato force being readied for 
Macedonia but The Telegraph understands that British troops have 
already been committed. 
Representatives of the so-called Quint, the top five military 
countries in Nato - America, Britain, France, Germany and Italy - 
met in Brussels to discuss plans to put troops into Macedonia. 
The big question mark remained over what contribution if any, the 
Americans would make. President Bush apparently ruled out military 
intervention on Wednesday at the Nato summit. But yesterday he was 
more vague. 
He said: "Our government is committed to working with Nato and 
the EU to bring peace and democracy and stability to that part of 
the world." Lord Robertson, Nato Secretary-General, said yesterday 
that Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski had made an official 
request for Nato help in disarming the ethnic Albanian rebels. 
Lord Robertson said in the Macedonian capital, Skopje, whose 
eastern suburbs are now front-line territory, that he would be 
taking the request back to Nato "to see what we can do". But with 
the NLA making Nato involvement a pre-requisite for their agreement 
to disarm, there seemed little doubt the force would go in. 
Mr Trajkovski's blueprint for a solution to the conflict calls 
for an immediate ceasefire, a partial amnesty for the guerrillas and 
the inclusion of more Albanians in state institutions. 
It also envisages the deployment of Nato soldiers in ethnic 
Albanian areas to oversee the demilitarisation of the NLA. Western 
diplomats say such an operation may be an acceptable compromise 
between full-scale Nato intervention and the policy of 
watch-and-wait adopted so far. 
Nato troops would enter the country from Kosovo, fan out across 
northern Macedonia to set up arms collection points, perhaps without 
seeking a new mandate. Around 3,000 of the Kfor troops already in 
Macedonia are based at Skopje airport, which is now thought to be 
within range of guerrilla mortars. 
Diplomatic efforts to end the fighting, which first broke out in 
February, have been given added impetus in recent weeks as the 
conflict has worsened. Albanian guerrillas have seized ever more 
territory and, as a reaction, there has been a rash of anti-Albanian 
riots in large cities in the south of the country. 
Western officials are anxious not to repeat the mistakes made in 
Bosnia and Kosovo when lengthy procrastination and a series of 
half-measures allowed early clashes to spiral out of control. The 
Ministry of Defence yesterday reiterated 
an offer to the Macedonian government to train a small, elite 
unit that could be used in combat against the 
A spokesman said the operation could be modelled on Britain's 
involvement in Sierra Leone where it is training a new government 
Javier Solana, the EU security chief who accompanied Lord 
Robertson to Skopje ye


2001-06-14 Thread Louis R Godena


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  Marx afterall, if read ungenorously, urged
> racial war and genocide against the Slavs and argued that imperialism was
> progressive force.  As you can see, no set of ideas is above reproach.  I
> personally can't judge a complex movement comprising millions of people
> to one article...btw whose to say that those who self-identify as Dalits
> don't already suffer so much that the only alternative is to struggle and
> reclaim their humanity and dignity?

Well, Marx *did not*, by any stretch of the imagination, urge a "racial war"
against the Slavs.  "Generosity" has nothing to do with it.  And, of course,
capitalism WAS revolutionary in overthrowing the ancien regime.  The
liberation of the Dalits will not come by their imitating the worst features
of their oppressor, while forsaking all others.  That to me sounds like the
basis of a pernicious clerical fascism, the likes of which are already to
common in South Asia and elsewhere.

May I be permitted a personal note?  I am of Passomqoddy American Indian
heritage.  Marx thought that the defeat of the Red Man was "progressive" in
the sense that societies based on obscurantism and superstition and
possessing only rudimentary industrial skills could not provide the material
wherewithal for human emancipation.   The suffocating idiocy of
ritual-steeped tribes or castes, once they have outgrown that phase of the
struggle over goods and services of which they were an inevitable product,
cannot survive artificially for long.  They must wither and die to make room
for new forms occasioned by changes in production and rates of accumulation.
The attempt to organize society based on ancient, malevolent superstitions
standing above the movement of historical forces is doomed to failure and
this is all I was saying in regards to the Dalits.

Louis G

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Zyuganov against land privatization [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Downwithcapitalism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 1:24 PM
Subject: [downwithcapitalism] Zyuganov against land privatization

Agence France Presse. 14 June 2001. Russian land reform "a war and peace
issue": Communists

MOSCOW -- Land reform is "a war and peace issue, a matter of integrity
and independence" for Russia, Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov said
Thursday, announcing that his party would oppose Kremlin proposals to
liberalise land sales.

The approval of a new "land code" backed by President Vladimir Putin and
due to be approved by the State Duma lower house shortly will "result in
the sale of 98 percent of Russian land ... which is unacceptable,"
Zyuganov said.

The code aimed at regulating the purchase and sale of private property
was presented to parliament in April, a month after deputies had
approved a law allowing the private ownership of non-agricultural land.

Rules for the ownership and sale of agricultural land -- an emotive
issue with deep cultural resonances in Russia -- are to be drawn up in a
separate bill.

Zyuganov, whose party along with the Agrarians, an allied parliamentary
faction, has long opposed land reform, warned that land was "a war and
peace issue, a matter of integrity and independence."

The land code is due to be discussed in parliament Friday, but the
Communists are hoping to have the vote put back till next week.

Since 1994 the private ownership of land had been authorized by local
legislation passed by regional parliaments or by local decrees but
remained in contradiction with federal law.

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President Jiang Meets Journalists of Four Nations [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.President Jiang Meets Journalists of Four Nations
President Jiang Zemin met journalists from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
and Tajikistan Thursday morning in Shanghai.
The journalists are here to cover the Sixth Summit of "Shanghai Five"
scheduled for June 14-15.

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U.S. branded as aggressor and plunderer [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
U.S. branded as aggressor and plunderer
Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun yesterday in a signed lengthy
article denounced the bellicose bush administration for persistently
resorting to adventurous war moves and the policy of military intervention
for world domination. Citing historical facts to prove that the U.S. was an
aggressor and plunderer from the time it came into being, the article noted:
It can be said that the history of U.S. imperialism is that of struggle for
existence under the jungle law.
The article continued:
The aggressive and predatory nature of U.S. imperialism remains
unchanged and it is becoming more arrogant. "Peace" and "democracy" touted
by it are nothing but a fig leaf to cover up its sinister policy of
"Progress" and "prosperity" advertised by the U.S. are a product of its
limitless plunder. 
The U.S. imperialists are neither "friend" of progressive humankind nor
"cooperator" in the efforts for prosperity and development.
they only smack of strong smell as aggressors and looters.
The U.S. imperialists are the most impudent aggressors and plunderers in
the world. 
Their nature will never change before their death. if there be any
change for them, it is not a change in their aggressive nature but in their
method of aggression. They are becoming more cunning and malicious.
There can be no U.S. imperialism apart from aggression and plunder. As
long as state monopolistic capitalism governs the U.S., the U.S.
imperialists' aggressive and predatory nature will never change.
The world people should clearly know this and should not have any
slightest illusion about the U.S. imperialists but hold aloft the banner of
anti-imperialist struggle.
The U.S. imperialists are not fabled nor fearful beings.
When all anti-imperialist independent forces of the world firmly unite
to wage a stubborn struggle against the U.S. imperialists, they can stop
them from running amuck and foil their strong-arm and hegemonistic policy.

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Offical: US out of Vieques... in 2003 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Downwithcapitalism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 3:44 AM
Subject: [downwithcapitalism] Offical: US out of Vieques... in 2003

New York Times. 14 June 2001. Bush to Announce Halt to Vieques

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration will announce on Thursday that it
will halt all military exercises and aerial bombing runs on the Puerto
Rican island of Vieques by May 2003, reversing the Navy's long-running
insistence that no other locale was suitable for battle simulations,
senior officials said tonight.

The decision was made at a White House meeting today that included
President Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove, who has frequently
voiced concerns that the mounting protests against the Navy operations
and the arrest of the protesters seeking to block the exercises was
costing Mr. Bush vital support among Hispanics. Also attending was
Gordon England, the Secretary of the Navy, who told lawmakers tonight
that he would recommend that the Navy stop using the range by 2003,
officials said.

Another exercise involving the dropping of inert bombs is scheduled to
begin on Monday, and a senior administration official said today that
"we wanted to get the word out quickly" that the administration would
end the exercises, though not as quickly as Puerto Rican officials have

The announcement on Thursday, which was first reported on the evening
network news reports, appears intended to short-circuit Puerto Rican
plans to hold a referendum next month on the Navy's operations on the
island, which contains 33,000 acres and has about 9,300 residents.

While the referendum would have no legal effect on the Navy, Gov. Sila
Caldern, until now a harsh critic of the military's refusal to end the
exercises, has used it to build political pressure on the Bush
administration---a tactic that seems to have worked.

Ms. Caldern signed a bill into law this week authorizing the July 29
referendum, though it is now unclear whether that will go ahead.

Some critics of the Navy's activities said tonight that they would
continue their crusade until the Navy agrees to halt all maneuvers at
Vieques immediately.

"If they're saying 'we will continue bombing till 2003,' that would be
unacceptable," said Representative Jose E. Serrano, a New York Democrat
who was born in Puerto Rico.

Said Representative Charles B. Rangel of New York, another opponent of
the bombing, "It's like me telling you that I'm going to stop beating
you in the head with a hammer in two years." He called the two-year
deadline a "very embarrassing thing" for Governor Caldern, who has
campaigned heavily on a Navy pullout.

Governor Caldern released the following statement in Spanish tonight:
"The information being disseminated this afternoon over the military
maneuvers in Vieques is not official."

Her office, she added, "should not make any statements about it for the

A defense official said the Pentagon began seriously studying ways to
leave Vieques after President Bush said in an interview broadcast in
early May by Univision, the Spanish- language network, that the United
States needed to find another base for its Atlantic live-fire training.

The official said that after May 2003, the Navy would return the Vieques
range to the Department of Interior, which would then determine how to
clean up or otherwise dispose of the land, which is uninhabitable
because it is littered with shrapnel and unexploded shells.

The Navy has conducted exercises on the eastern tip of the island for
more than 50 years.

The decision today could also affect operations in the Pacific. The
Marine Corps is under similarly intense pressure on the Japanese- owned
island of Okinawa, where training exercises have long raised major

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Brussels - update [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Downwithcapitalism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 2:17 AM
Subject: [downwithcapitalism] Brussels - update

Reuters. 13 June 2001. Solo Parachutist Arrested After Stunt at NATO HQ.

BRUSSELS -- A parachutist performed a solo aerial lap over NATO (news -
web sites) headquarters Wednesday to protest U.S. policy on missile
defense before landing in a nearby field, where he was arrested.

The German protester took to the air to beat tight security surrounding
the alliance headquarters in Brussels where U.S. President George Bush
was meeting NATO leaders.

Trailing a "Stop Star Wars" banner, the activist from the Greenpeace
environmental group flew over the NATO complex using a small
motor-propelled parachute.

Greenpeace spokesman John Walters told Reuters the man was arrested when
he landed.

Walters said 17 activists were earlier arrested after demonstrating
against Bush's policies on arms and the environment at Melsbroek
military airport near Brussels shortly before Bush flew in aboard his
presidential jet, Air Force One.

Another 12 protesters were expected to be detained after they chained
themselves to fencing near the airbase.

Some 300-400 demonstrators waved banners and blew whistles near NATO
headquarters in a largely peaceful protest against Bush.

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2001-06-14 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: benjamin ramos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 1:00 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] VIEQUES UPDATE!!

Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques
P.O. Box 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765
Telefax 787 741-0716 E mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

13 JUNE, 2001
Report from Peace and Justice Camp

Last night we heard military aircraft for the first time since the April 
maneuvers. Around 11PM jets were heard in the skies over Vieques. At 6PM, 
aprox. 200 Puerto Rico policemen and women arrived at the gate to the navy 
base here  Camp Garca  in front of the Peace and Justice Camp (PJC). They 
marched in formation, creating a line of police until the Luisa 
Guadalupeabout  mile South on the road that runs parallel to the Navys 
perimeter fence. Police officials indicated they are present to protect the 
Navy fence from protesters who in April cut down large sections. Those 
present at the PJC manifested their indignation at this exaggerated police 
presence and the use of PR police as security guards for the Navy.

Today, June 13th. The calm before the storm. Police agents watch over the 
Navy fence from the civilian sector highway while a growing number of 
military personnel, prepared with riot gear  helmets, gas masks, shields, 
etc.  "protect" the perimeter from the other side of the fence.

>From 9AM today and at any moment during the next 24 hours you can 
participate in the virtual sit-in pro Vieques:

Tonight we will hold an ecumenical service at the PJC. Religious leaders and 
members of the community will meet to reflect and prepare spiritually to 
confront the next 18 days of navy exercises, violenca and provocation

Todava la Marina no ha colocado el aviso a los pescadores sobre zonas de 
peligro y de restriciones en la zona este, indicio del bombardeo que se 
tiene que proveer a los pescadores con 48 horas de anticipacin del 

The Navy has not yet posted the warning to fishermen about danger and 
restricted zones on the east end of the island, warning that must be given 
48 hours before bombing begins.

The Governor, Sila Mara Caldern is arriving on Vieques as we finish this 
report. We have requested a meeting at the PJC to discuss the situation and 
denounce the use of PR police against our protest.

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Turkey: Life in the Stone Age? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: dhkcbureau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 12:14 AM
Subject: DHKC Press Statement Nr. 190

  Press Bureau
June 10, 2001 Statement Nr.: 190


Wolves prefer foggy weather. Imperialism prefers confused minds. It tries to do its
best to confuse minds.

We are living through an era in which those who carry out the greatest massacres stand
before the world as the defenders of democracy and human rights. We are living through
an era in which the defenders of capitalist exploitation are called "progressives"
while those who defend socialism are called "conservatives". We are living through an
era in which freedom is identified with possessing a telephone card and drinking coke.
Under the banner of democracy, peace and prevention of ethnic cleansing, imperialist
bombs rain down on the people. Imperialism prefers confused minds. It wants barbarism
and modernity, captivity and freedom. everything to be mixed up. In foggy weather,
imperialism appears to be "modern". Those who do not surrender their minds to
imperialism are presented as people from the "stone age".

Following the visit of a delegation from the European Parliament to the F-type
prisons, the newspaper headlines were about "the ideology of DHKP-C" and not about the
conditions in the prisons. Because one of the delegates, "former revolutionary Red
Danny" [Daniel Cohn-Bendit] was commenting on our party's ideology, saying "these are
stone age thoughts, they are still talking about imperialism". For the bourgeois media
this was more important than F-type prisons. Were not the F-type prisons for
destroying revolutionaries and the DHKP-C? They had the opportunity. They would prove
how "reactionary" we were through this "former revolutionary"!

Yes, comrade Sadi Ozbolat, as the representative of the resisting captives and the
ideology of our party, mentioned "imperialism" during the meeting with the European
delegation. Without mentioning Sadi's other comments, the former revolutionary Red
Danny said: "Stone Age". Without any other information the Turkish bourgeois media
said, "the DHKP-C is in the Stone Age".

Yes, Sadi said "imperialism". They talk about the Stone Age because we are opposing
the hegemony of the USA and the monopolies. If this means being in the Stone Age, we
are proud of it. This honour belongs to the people like Sadi. This honour belongs to
the Death Fast fighters.

They say "No! We will not think the way you do, we will not accept the hegemony of the

Remember the footage on TV channels after the massacre of December 19, 2000. In
Bayrampasa prison, Sadi Ozbolat, Ercan Kartal and other captive comrades had been
handcuffed, dozens of their comrades were massacred, they were surrounded by the death
squads and they were marching while chanting slogans. They have been put into
isolation cells. Their slogans continue to be chanted in the IMF's isolation cells.
The resistance against imperialism and oligarchy continues. Massacre, torture and
isolation. People like Sadi are still living and their consciousness is the same: "for
independence against imperialism, for democracy against fascism, for socialism against
capitalism". People like Cohn-Bendit are astonished by these thoughts.

Do not be amazed. Recognise us. Neither massacres nor torture nor isolation cells can
make us abandon our thoughts. The power of force can never be victorious against the
power of beliefs. History is the witness. Recognise us. We will continue to declare
our thoughts under al conditions.



They want the entire world to be under the hegemony of 3-5 monopolies. They say they
decide what we eat and wear, how we think and live, about our language and culture.
They call all the other issues like demanding justice, equality and freedom and all
the willpower and beliefs standing against the hegemony of monopolies "Stone Age".

Have a look at the following fact:

"The total wealth of the richest three people in the world is equal to the national
annual income of 48 countries" Have you seen the "modern age"!

"The total wealth of the richest 227 people in the world is equal to the wealth of 2.5
billion people - 45% of the world's population." What a modern age! On one si

Bush in Brussels [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Downwithcapitalism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 1:56 AM
Subject: [downwithcapitalism] Bush in Brussels

Washington Post (with additional material by the Guardian). 14 June
2001. Protests Greet Bush on NATO Visit. Excerpts.

BRUSSELS -- Several hundred protesters whistled and booed outside the
heavily guarded compound, and an intrepid Greenpeace paraglider
fluttered a green "Stop Star Wars" banner.

Police and soldiers in blue erected barbed-wire barricades around the
fortress-like NATO facility on the outskirts of the Belgian capital.
They stood watch, some in armored personnel carriers, to keep the
protesters at bay.

Among the signs greeting the American president outside the NATO
headquarters was one pronouncing "Bush + Sharon = Guerre/World War."

Elsewhere in Brussels were banners proclaiming "George W. Bush: Outlaws
not welcome," and "Save the Climate. Stop Star Wars."

The president appeared to be delayed a few minutes on his arrival in
Brussels this morning amid reports Greenpeace was blocking the airport
entrance; at one airport entrance, about a dozen Greenpeace
demonstrators, wearing white jump suits, chained themselves together in
front of a gate.

Throughout town, the authorities responded to threats of unrest by
blocking off streets with barricades, snarling traffic throughout
central Brussels.

But inside the Nato headquarters, everything was choreographed down to
the last handshake and photo opportunity.

Brussels is the friendliest place he will visit during his five-day
tour, which includes tough talks about global warming and encounters
with demonstrators who dislike everything he stands for.

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Protesters arrive in Sweden [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Downwithcapitalism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 1:41 AM
Subject: [downwithcapitalism] Protesters arrive in Sweden

Associated Press. 13 June 2001. Protesters Converge for Bush Visit.

GOTEBORG  -- Sweden's prime minister met Wednesday with some of the
thousands of protesters gathering to demonstrate at a European Union
summit, launching an appeal against violence during a visit by President

Police expect about 12,000 people to join rallies starting Thursday,
when Bush arrives from Brussels, Belgium, on the third stop of his
five-country European tour.

The protests are spearheaded by ATTAC, a French-based group that opposes
economic globalization. Other groups, including Iranian exiles and the
Chinese meditation sect Falun Gong, also have permission to demonstrate
during Bush's visit and the EU summit that follows Friday and Saturday.

Organizers say the main rally will begin Thursday evening at a downtown
square about 500 yards from the conference center where Bush will hold a
news conference.

Protesters have been preparing for days in this western port city of
about 500,000 people.

About 3,000 of them were sleeping in lodging provided by authorities in
public schools.

So far, police have reported no serious incidents, although they
arrested five Danes this week for suspicion of planning "sabotage"
during the summit.

"We expect the bulk to arrive Thursday and Friday," city official Rune
Karlsson said.

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Strikes, occupation in France [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Bill Howard


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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Downwithcapitalism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 11:38 PM
Subject: [downwithcapitalism] Strikes, occupation in France

Agence France Presse. 12 June 2001. Paris' Louvre museum, Chateau de
Versailles shut down by strike; Demonstrators occupy runways at Paris'
Orly airport. Combined reports.

PARIS -- Several hundred demonstrators taking part in a one day strike
at the troubled airline AOM-Air Liberte occupied runways at Orly airport
in Paris Wednesday.

Around 2,000 protesters -- airline staff and other airport workers --
marched mid-afternoon on to the runways at Orly's south terminal, where
AOM-Air Liberte is based, preventing take-offs and landings.

They then pushed through a police cordon to take over the runways at the
west terminal, used by Air France.

The occupation lasted over half an hour before the demonstrators left in
the face of a large contingent of riot police. The airport authorities
said flights had been delayed, but not for long.

All AOM-Air Liberte domestic and long-haul flights were earlier grounded
as part of the strike by company employees, who are concerned over the
uncertain future of the airline.

"This is not a last ditch mobilisation, but the start of a long
resistance to defend employment and the airline's activity," said Sylvie
Faure of the Communist CGT union.

She said AOM-Air Liberte's plight was a "symbol of the failure of the
liberalisation of air transport."

Earlier, technicians from the troubled French airline blocked a road
leading to Paris' Orly airport causing severe traffic disruption, a
union officials said.

"Some 50 technicians, backed by fellow workers from Air France, set up a
roadblock on one of the access roads reserved for Air France personnel,"
said union representative Fadila Brahimi.

Paris' Louvre and Guimet museums as well as the Chateau de Versailles
were closed to the public on Wednesday due to a strike by employees over
the new reduced working week.

Similar work stoppages have affected the Louvre and other national
monuments since March.

The unions are demanding a major recruitment drive to accompany the
introduction of the reduced 35-hour working week which is to take effect
in January.

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NASA's Answer To Global Warming: Move The Earth [AmericaFirst] [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread MsDarkstarOne


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Forwarded from America First:
Description  Category: Issues and Causes  
Fellow Patriots, Concerned Citizens, Government and/or Defense Whistleblowers 
and Militias This list is for people who want to have an HONEST GOVERNMENT 
that is representing We the People.  

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ambrovista<@> wrote:
NASA's Answer To Global Warming: Move The Earth
Robin McKie - Science Editor
The Observer 6-10-1

Scientists have found an unusual way to prevent our planet overheating: move 
it to a cooler spot. 
All you have to do is hurtle a few comets at Earth, and its orbit will be 
altered. Our world will then be sent spinning into a safer, colder part of 
the solar system. 
This startling idea of improving our interplanetary neighbourhood is the 
brainchild of a group of Nasa engineers and American astronomers who say 
their plan could add another six billion years to the useful lifetime of our 
planet - effectively doubling its working life. 
'The technology is not at all far-fetched,' said Dr Greg Laughlin, of the 
Nasa Ames Research Center in California. 'It involves the same techniques 
that people now suggest could be used to deflect asteroids or comets heading 
towards Earth. We don't need raw power to move Earth, we just require 
delicacy of planning and manoeuvring.' 
The plan put forward by Dr Laughlin, and his colleagues Don Korycansky and 
Fred Adams, involves carefully directing a comet or asteroid so that it 
sweeps close past our planet and transfers some of its gravitational energy 
to Earth. 
'Earth's orbital speed would increase as a result and we would move to a 
higher orbit away from the Sun,' Laughlin said. 
Engineers would then direct their comet so that it passed close to Jupiter or 
Saturn, where the reverse process would occur. It would pick up energy from 
one of these giant planets. Later its orbit would bring it back to Earth, and 
the process would be repeated. 
In the short term, the plan provides an ideal solution to global warming, 
although the team was actually concerned with a more drastic danger. The sun 
is destined to heat up in about a billion years and so 'seriously compromise' 
our biosphere - by frying us. 
Hence the group's decision to try to save Earth. 'All you have to do is strap 
a chemical rocket to an asteroid or comet and fire it at just the right 
time,' added Laughlin. 'It is basic rocket science.' 
The plan has one or two worrying aspects, however. For a start, space 
engineers would have to be very careful about how they directed their 
asteroid or comet towards Earth. The slightest miscalculation in orbit could 
fire it straight at Earth - with devastating consequences. 
It is a point acknowledged by the group. 'The collision of a 100-kilometre 
diameter object with the Earth at cosmic velocity would sterilise the 
biosphere most effectively, at least to the level of bacteria,' they state in 
a paper in Astrophysics and Space Science. 'The danger cannot be 
There is also the vexed question of the Moon. As the current issue of 
Scientific American points out, if Earth was pushed out of its current 
position it is 'most likely the Moon would be stripped away from Earth,' it 
states, radically upsetting out planet's climate. 
These criticisms are accepted by the scientists. 'Our investigation has shown 
just how delicately Earth is poised within the solar system,' Laughlin 
admitted. 'Nevertheless, our work has practical implications. Our 
calculations show that to get Earth to a safer, distant orbit, it would have 
to pass through unstable zones and would need careful nurturing and nudging. 
Any alien astronomers observing our solar system would know that something 
odd had occurred, and would realise an intelligent lifeform was responsible. 
'And the same goes for us. When we look at other solar systems, and detect 
planets around other suns - which we are now beginning to do - we may see 
that planet-moving has occurred. It will give us our first evidence of the 
handiwork of extraterrestrial beings.' 
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2001-06-14 Thread Miroslav Antic


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It has come to our attention the great number of letters addressed to our
Moscow offices about our articles covering the execution of Timothy McVeigh.
Due to the fact that it will be impossible to reply to all of them
separately, we take the opportunity to present our position through this
open letter.

Our two articles about the execution of Timothy McVeigh produced a torrent
of letters, some of them constructive, others no more than a hail of abuse.
In most of them, the old skeletons of Afghanistan, Chechnya, Berlin and
“Soviet” references came rattling out of the cupboard.

We feel that we touched a nerve, particularly in the USA and would like to
make our position clear. Firstly, Pravda.Ru is not anti-American or
anti-anything. Pravda.Ru prides itself in taking courageous, firm positions
in its permanent quest to present the truth (Pravda, in Russian) when
presenting our position in public, however sensitive these issues may be.

To link our article on McVeigh’s execution to Afghanistan, to connect the
public execution of this terrorist with those people who were shot in
Berlin, to put the televised execution of this young man in the same light
as the events in Chechnya suggests to us that the main point in our article
was missed and therefore we would like to present it again.

Our position on McVeigh’s execution was, and is, crystal clear. We abhor all
acts of terrorism, especially cowardly acts against civilians and in
particular where women and children are involved. Russians are family people
and love their children like anyone else. Our position is that the public
spectacle around the execution of a human being is quite wrong.

We understand very well the gut reaction from the families of those
involved, we understand the adage “an eye for an eye” and we feel most
sincerely for those whose lives have been destroyed, directly or indirectly,
by this young man with a warped mind who wasted his own life along with so
many others.

We feel that the death of any human being is a private event and not a
public show, however restricted this group may have been. The precedent is
what we are concerned about because if today there are ten people, allowed
to watch, and probably taking pleasure (fair pleasure) person being
executed, tomorrow there may be one hundred and next week, there will be
live shows on the NET and who knows, PPV channels where you can choose your
state and method of execution.

We would like to point out that most people would agree that the practice of
public flogging, stoning, mutilation or execution in certain countries is
abhorrent and uncivilized. We say that where is the line to be drawn between
this, and what happened in McVeigh’s execution?

To reply to the many accusations that Pravda.Ru is the first to criticize
others while never mentioning incidents which happened in Soviet times or
connected with the Russian Federation since then, these accusations are
simply not true. Our pages are full of such references and we assume Soviet
and Russian history with pride, with the courage to accept the good along
with the bad. Indeed there are many critical references to Russia in our
pages, about situations which we identify and try to correct.

The histories of all countries have many moments of crisis and let nobody
cast stones from glass greenhouses. It is not the intention in this letter
to match, incident for incident, the comparative histories of all countries
in the world in comparison with the Soviet Union and with Russia, a list
which would at least be balanced, if not coming out in the latter’s favour.

We did not mention Chechnya, Afghanistan, or Berlin, which we were accused
of not doing, because we were writing articles about a particular incident,
not a book about recent world history. An article has to observe the norms
of professional journalism, namely to follow the theme presented in the
headline and follow the lead, the short first paragraph. To respond to these
points raised by our readers, we would like to reply as follows:

The question of Chechnya has not been accurately reported in the
international press and readers outside Russia are being presented with only
one side of the story. Accusations about there not being freedom of the
press in Russia are ridiculous, especially from countries which do not
practise what they preach, however convinced to the contrary their citizens
may be. Pravda.Ru has many references to the Chechnya war, an event which


2001-06-14 Thread Miroslav Antic


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19:45 2001-06-14


George W. Bush failed to convince his European allies to give their backing
to his Nuclear Missile Defense (NMD) system and to give their support for an
alteration to the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

At an informal mini summit of NATO members, which united the USA and the 18
European members of the organization, the President of the USA, on his first
visit to Europe, failed to get the backing he was seeking on these two
important issues, although there was wide agreement on others, such as
expansion of NATO eastwards to ex-Warsaw Pact members.

The most vociferous of the Heads of State was Jacques Chirac, the President
of France, who stated that “The NMD shield is a fantastic stimulation
towards proliferation”, adding that by its very nature, the creation of a
defensive shield against incoming enemy missiles is a challenge. The
Portuguese Prime Minister, Antonio Guterres, declared that the NMD creates a
“risk of stimulating an arms race. He pointed out that the notion of any
possible threat to the western world was “irrational” and claimed that it
was important not to antagonize Russia and China. This statement comes in
the light of recent American declarations that states such as North Korea or
Libya pose a threat to the western world.

This position was reiterated by the German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder,
who expressed strong doubts over the shield, its financing and the role of
Russia and China. In his opinion, these two countries should be given an
important role in the project.

The Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Maria Aznar, had already committed himself
to supporting the US project during President Bush’s visit to Spain, whose
position at present is one of the most supportive for the NMD.

As for the ABM Treaty, signed between General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev and
President Richard Nixon in 1972, the US position that this treaty is a
“relic of the past” is not shared by the European allies in NATO, which on
the contrary, regard this treaty as a basis for world stability.

Jaime Gama, the Portuguese Foreign Minister, stated that “ If changes have
to be made to this treaty, they should be made through negotiation”. Indeed,
the USA’s position of consultation not only with the European allies in NATO
but also with Russia, China and India, among others, was praised by all
present at the meeting. President Bush reiterated the fact that the US
position is not to take any unilateral positions on the issue and that the
USA would continue to make intensive consultations with both Russia and
China on the NMD “to bury once and for all the cold war mentality”.

There was also general support for the planned expansion of NATO eastwards
to include ex-Warsaw pact countries. It is believed that at the next NATO
summit in November 2002 in Prague,

Lisbon Correspondent, PRAVDA.Ru,

Miroslav Antic,

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Rumsfeld Speeds Push Toward New Military Strategy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread MsDarkstarOne


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Rumsfeld Speeds Push Toward New Military Strategy
by Charles Aldinger
Thursday, June 14, 2001 4:09 p.m. EDT
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- - - - - 
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has launched a 
"forced march" at the Pentagon to speed preliminary development of a new U.S. 
military strategy by the end of July, a senior defense official said on 

The official also told reporters in a briefing that the ability to fight and 
win two major wars at once -- the centerpiece of American security strategy 
for the past decade deliberations. 

Rumsfeld has held talks with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other military 
leaders for nearly three weeks on how to conduct the Quadrennial Defense 
Review and hopes to have the QDR completed far ahead of the previous Sept. 30 
deadline, said the official, who asked not to be identified. 

"What it produced was an agreement with the chiefs that we would start 
working on a forced-march pace to produce a preliminary QDR by the middle to 
end of July," the official told reporters. 

The official stressed that the overriding U.S. military tasks defined in the 
talks between Rumsfeld and the brass were to assure friends and allies, 
dissuade future adversaries, deter threats and countercoercion, and "defeat 
adversaries if deterrence fails." 

President Bush has vowed to modernize the cumbersome Cold War U.S. military 
for the 21st century. Published reports this year have speculated that the 
so-called "two-war" strategy could be abandoned because U.S. forces are 
stretched too thin around the world on peacekeeping and other noncombat 


"It is definitely an issue that is on the table," the official said in 
response to questions. 

"I don't think we have decided even whether to discard it or what the 
replacement would be," he added. "It sort of underlies this whole issue of 
how do you define the force structure that you want to have." 

The official said that the ability to fight and win two virtually 
simultaneous major conflicts at once was a good idea when it was formulated 
during the 1991 Gulf War at a time when war on the Korean peninsula was also 
a prospect. 

But it "tends to focus you on that one dimension of ability to carry out the 
current war plans," the official said. 

"It doesn't really at all take account of either the present requirements of 
the force -- the Kosovos, the missions all over the world -- and only handles 
the future in, I would say, a fairly clumsy way." 

But the official also noted that "it is easy to point out the defects." He 
added: "It is a lot harder to come up with an alternative construct. And that 
is one of the things we are wrestling with." 

Rumsfeld has conducted more than a dozen studies of current defense strategy, 
troop quality of life and weaponry under orders from Bush. Defense officials 
have said privately that Washington is likely to place more security emphasis 
on Asia and China in the future. 

But the defense official declined to speculate on what the strategy might 
entail other than to stress that it would be designed to propose a 
"strategy-driven" defense budget for 2003 rather than a budget-driven 

He said that no decisions on new weaponry would be made until final decisions 
were made on strategy for war, terrorist attack, cyberwarfare, peacekeeping 
and other issues. 

The QDR process will "be trying to tackle the question of how our forces 
should be sized and shaped, what tasks we want them to be ready for, how we 
should handle risks -- which may be the most important question -- and what 
is the rate of change and rate of transformation we want to see on the 
force," the official said. 

Copyright © 2001 Reuters Limited.

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NATO "not talking" of military option in Macedonia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Miroslav Antic


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NATO "not talking" of military option in Macedonia

Brussels (dpa) - NATO leaders Wednesday ruled out military intervention in
Macedonia, saying only political solutions could end the country's worsening
ethnic conflict.

"We are not considering any other option," NATO Secretary General George
Robertson told reporters.

Asked if NATO was planning to send troops to help the embattled Macedonian
government, U.S. President George W. Bush said the 19- nation Alliance was
convinced a political solution was still available.

"The sentiment I heard was there is still a good possibility of a political
settlement," between the Skopje government and ethnic Albanian rebels, Bush

"The idea of troops in Macedonia is one most nations are troubled over," he

Robertson is rushing to Skopje on Thursday following talks with U.S.
Secretary of State Colin Powell and European Union security chief Javier

Weekend talks on political reform planned by the Macedonian authorities
could bring a long-awaited breakthrough in upgrading the status of ethnic
Albanians, NATO diplomats said.

Miroslav Antic,

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UN Peace Keeping - Theory and Practice [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Miroslav Antic


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UN Peace Keeping - Theory and 


by Mohammad Arif 
The United Nations, founded in 1945 during 
the final phases of World War II, is the second multi-purpose international 
organization established in the 20th century that is worldwide in scope and 
membership. The first such organization was the League of Nations, established 
by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. The ultimate goals of the United Nations , 
according to its charter, are to save succeeding generations from the scourge of 
war,... to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights,... to establish 
conditions under which justice and respite for the obligations arising from 
treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to 
promote social progress and better standards of life in large freedom.Õ1 Its 
primary purpose, therefore, is to maintain international peace and security. 
Cold War tension between the United States and the Soviet Union (until its 
dissolution in 1991-92) deeply affected the security functions of the United 
Nations during its first 45 years, while extensive post-World War II 
decolonization in Africa, Asia and Middle East increased the volume and nature 
of political, economic and social issues that confronted the Organization. 
Finally, the end of the Cold War in 1990 brought renewed attentions and appeals 
to the United Nations, posing challenges to established practices and functions, 
especially in the areas of conflict resolution and humanitarian assistance, in 
the midst of an increasingly volatile geopolitical climate.
Chapter 6 of the charter provides for the 
pacific settlement of disputes, through such means as negotiation, mediation, 
arbitration, and/or judicial decisions. When pacific settlement fails, the goal 
of collective security - whereby the security of each member is assumed by all, 
and aggression against one would be met by the resistance of all - underlies the 
provisions in Chapter 7 for coercive measures, including economic and military 
sanctions, against an aggressor.2 In practice, however, collective security was 
replaced by peace-keeping and preventive diplomacy. In the post-Cold War period, 
appeals to the United Nations for peacemaking purposes increased dramatically, 
renewing discussion about the feasibility of putting into practice the original 
UN provisions for collective security.
United Nations peace-keeping operations 
evolved essentially to stop hostilities and to control conflicts so that they 
would not develop into broader conflagrations. There was not, and still is not, 
any particular theory or doctrine behind them. They were born of necessity, 
largely improvised, a practical response to a problem requiring active action. 
The term "peace-keeping operation" gained currency much later.
As the United Nations practice has evolved 
over the years, a peace-keeping operation has come to be defined as an operation 
involving military personnel, but without enforcement powers, undertaken by the 
United Nations to help maintain or restore international peace and security in 
areas of conflict. These operations are voluntary and are based on consent and 
cooperation. While they involve the use of military personnel, they achieve 
their objectives not by force of arms, thus contrasting them with the 
"enforcement action" of the United Nations under Article 42. 3
Peace-keeping operations have been most 
commonly employed to supervise and help maintain ceasefires, to assist in troop 
withdrawals, and to provide a buffer between opposing forces. However, 
peace-keeping operations are flexible instruments of policy and have been 
adopted to a variety of uses, including helping to implement the final 
settlement of a conflict.
Peace-keeping operations are never purely 
military. The have always included civilian personnel to carry out essential 
political or administrative functions, sometimes on a very large scale, as, for 
instance, in the Congo operation or in the independence process in 
Initially, questions were raised about the 
legality of the United NationsÕ use of military personnel in a manner not 
specifically provided for in the charter. In recent years, however, something 
close to consensus has developed that these operations can be considered as 
having a basis, apart from the principle of consent, in the broad powers 
conferred by the charter upon the United Nations and especially the Security 
Basic Characteristics of 
Peace-keeping Operations
In practice, there has evolved a broad 
consensus on the essential characteristics of peace-keeping operations and on 
the conditions that must be met if they are to succeed.
The first of these essential 
characteristics is that peacekeeping operations are set up only with the consent 
of the parties to the conflict in question. Their consent is required not only 
for the operations establishme

Unions take aim at NMD [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Dick Withecombe


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Guardian letters page + article (below)
Unions take aim at NMD,3604,506512,00.htmlThursday 
June 14, 2001The Guardian 
We note with alarm George Bush's plans for an anti-ballistic missile system 
(Bush talks a different language, June 13). This initiative will not make the 
world a safer place and will do immense damage to international treaties 
covering weapons of mass destruction. It will also considerably undermine 
international confidence in treaties as a system of resolving problems, if the 
US is set to set them aside when it feels it is expedient to do so. We therefore 
consider it wholly inappropriate for our government to support this initiative 
and strongly urge it not to do so.Bill Morris General secretary, TGWU 
John Edmonds General secretary, GMB Gordon Taylor General 
secretary, Unison Chief executive, PFA and 13 other trade union general 
Unions press Blair on missiles,3858,4203886,00.htmlLabour 
conference may face demand to oppose US defence planSpecial report: 
George Bush's America Patrick Wintour, chief political correspondent, and 
Ian Black in BrusselsThursday June 14, 2001The Guardian Tony Blair 
is for the first time facing serious union and party pressure to oppose George 
Bush's proposals for a nuclear missile defence shield. Unions and Labour MPs 
are preparing to demand that the Labour party conference backs a resolution 
opposing any cooperation with the US plans. In the first sign of the 
mounting scale of the opposition, 18 union general secretaries have written to 
the Guardian today warning that Mr Bush's scheme for an anti-ballistic missile 
system will do "immense damage to international treaties covering weapons of 
mass destruction". They add that if the US is to set aside treaties when it 
feels it is expedient to do so, "international confidence in treaties as a 
system of resolving prob lems will be considerably undermined". They conclude 
that it would be "wholly inappropriate for our government to support this 
initiative and strongly urge it not to do so". The letter is timed to cause 
maximum impact as, at the Nato summit in Brussels yesterday, Mr Blair adopted 
the role of the EU leader most supportive in public of the US president's plans. 
The prime minister praised an "articulate" Mr Bush for consulting European 
allies over the so-called Son of Star Wars missile defence scheme and insisted 
Britain shared US concerns about "unstable states".' Mr Blair made clear 
yesterday he wanted to avoid any confrontation with Washington over the issue, 
as did other EU leaders. "We understand entirely, and indeed share, the 
American concerns," he said. "There are highly unstable states who are 
developing nuclear capability. We have got to look at all the different ways, 
including defence systems, that we can deal with that threat." Any party 
conference defeat for Mr Blair on the issue would be a severe embarrassment for 
the party leadership, and revive memories of some of the battles in the 80s over 
the stationing of US cruise missiles. In private, British government 
officials believe Mr Bush is going to press ahead with deployment of the missile 
shield anyway, so there is little point mounting a futile campaign of public 
opposition. The leaders of most of the big Labour party affiliated unions 
have signed the letter to the Guardian, including the general secretaries of the 
Transport and General Workers Union, Unison, and the GMB. The leaders of two 
other unions - Usdaw and MSF - who have not signed are likely to fall into line 
since their annual conferences have both passed resolutions opposing national 
missile defence. The powerful Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union, 
the linchpin of Blairism in the Labour movement, is not likely to oppose Mr 
Blair on the issue. A union source said it was unlikely that the opposition 
to the missile shield would be voiced at the TUC, but plans were under way for a 
critical motion at the Labour conference. Before the election 181 MPs, the 
vast bulk of them Labour backbenchers, signed an early day motion opposing the 
Bush plan. Malcolm Savidge, its sponsor, said he was planning to retable the 
motion and was hoping to get wider support in the new parliament. The 
Foreign Office said yesterday that Ben Bradshaw, the newly appointed junior 
foreign office minister, would take responsibility for disarmament and security 
issues. In Brussels, Mr Blair sidestepped questions about his views on the 
1972 anti-ballistic missile treaty, the cold war era arms control pact which Mr 
Bush is determined to scrap. "I think the most important thing that came 
across very strongly, even from those who have reservations about missile 
defence, is that Europe and America should always stick together," Mr Blair 
said. "Of course there 

Russia Is Not Our Enemy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Rick Rozoff


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Reichsfuehrer A. Hitler, June 19, 1941
"Tomorrow in Warsaw..." Heute Warsaw, und Morgen die
ganze Welt.
"The Cold War is over" and following it is...?

Friday June 15, 12:45 AM
Russia is not enemy of US, the Cold War is over - Bush
GOTHENBURG, Sweden, June 14 (AFP) - 
US President George Bush, seeking to allay Russian
fears of his proposed anti-missile shield, said here
Thursday he will assure Russian President Vladimir
Putin when he meets him in Slovenia on Saturday that
"Russia is not the enemy of the United States."
"The Cold War is over," Bush told a news conference
ending his first EU-US summit in this Swedish
southwestern coastal city, part of a five-nation
European tour that takes him to Poland on Friday and
ends in Slovenia on Saturday with the Putin meeting.
"The mentality that gripped our two nations during the
Cold War must end," he said.
New NATO member Poland will openly plead for further
enlargement of the alliance to include the Baltic
states, Slovakia and Slovenia during Bush's Warsaw
visit Friday, a White House advisor said earlier.
Bush, who has previously backed NATO enlargement
without stating whether he supports inviting new
members at an alliance summit next year, is expected
to elaborate his views on NATO enlargement in Warsaw.
"Tomorrow in Warsaw...I'll be glad to give you a
little preview," Bush told the press conference. "I
strongly believe in NATO expansion."
NATO enlargement has been steadfastly opposed by
Russia, which has expressed anxiety, notably on plans
to take in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, former
Soviet republics.
Bush said he strongly favors expansion of the alliance
from its current 19 members and said, "I believe that
the EU ought to expand as well.
EU enlargement, from the current 15 members to as many
as 28 over the ensuing decade, is a top agenda item at
an EU summit here Friday and Saturday.
"Russia ought not to fear Europe, but ought to welcome
an expanded Europe beyond its borders," Bush said. "My
vision of Europe is a large vision, of more countries,
more free trade, and one which welcomes Russia and the
"I believe a Europe, whole and free, is going to be a
Europe that trades actively with the United States and
with the rest of the world.
"And so my vision of Europe is a larger vision, more
countries, more free trade, and one which encourages
Russia to make the right choices when it comes to the
institutions necessary to be able to become a partner
with Europe and the United States," said Bush.
His comments on Russia appeared aimed at allaying
Moscow's misgivings over the anti-missile defense
shield Washington wants to develop to protect against
limited nuclear attack by so-called "rogue states"
like Iran, Iraq, North Korea and Libya.
Russia, China and many NATO and European countries
oppose the idea in varying degrees, saying it risks
another Cold War arms race because it would mean
scrapping the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM)
Bush has repeatedly dismissed those fears, calling the
ABM treaty "a relic of the past" and saying "we no
longer live in 1972."
These contrasting, even irreconcilable views of the
ABM treaty, bedrock of arms limitations accords for
three decades, was expected to be the key sticking
point when Bush meets Putin at their first-ever summit
in Ljubljana.
Washington is sticking to its plans to build the
anti-missile shield, claiming the "rogue state" threat
is a different animal from the superpower standoff of
the Cold War years.
In Brussels on Wednesday, he claimed to have made
headway in swaying skeptical NATO allies of the need
for the shield.

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Gross, Flagrant Human Rights Abuses In NATO-Iberia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Rick Rozoff


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[Doesn't the despotic strongman Asnar realize that
he's only driving ethnic Basques into the arms of the
ETA, when less than 10% of Basques in Spain hold
government jobs?
Will he wait until the civil rights activists start
shelling Madrid and cutting off the water supply to
Barcelona before he recognizes the need to call in
Javier Solana and George Robertson, who will broker a
deal with the ETA to grant them amnesty and bring them
into the government, the government of a nation that -
Brussels insists - reconfigure its constitution and
introduce the Basque language as co-equal to the
dominant Spanish one?
What do Human Rights Watch, the International Crisis
Group and International War and Peace Reporting have
to say about this unspeakable act of ethnocide, the
worst since Hitler?]  

June 14, 2001
Suspected Members of ETA Arrested
MADRID, Spain (AP) -- Police arrested seven suspected
members of the armed separatist group ETA on Thursday
and confiscated dynamite and bomb-making equipment in
raids in the Basque region.
More than 100 police and members of an elite commando
force began the raids at 2:30 a.m. on apartments in
the towns of Mondragon and Aramayona, officials said.
Police confiscated 80 pounds of dynamite along with
bomb-making equipment such as detonators, timers and
The dynamite confiscated was ''enough to blow up a
building with no problem whatsoever,'' Interior
Minister Mariano Rajoy said.
Documents seized included a map of the northern city
of Logrono and markings on the spot where a car bomb
blamed on ETA exploded Sunday. No one was hurt, but
the explosion caused extensive damage to buildings and
Three of those detained are brothers, Rajoy said.
State radio said another is a woman lawyer.
ETA has claimed or been blamed for 31 killings since
it ended a cease-fire in December 1999 after 14
months. The group has killed about 800 people since
its campaign for an independent Basque homeland began
in 1968.

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How A NATO Client Regime Deals With *Their* KLA [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Rick Rozoff


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And there's no Javier Solana or George Robertson,
George Bush or Colin Powell, to urge their handpicked
puppets to "exercise restraint,"  grant amnesty or
address the "legitimate grievances" of rebels in the
Philippines who, notwithstanding their similarities
with the CIA's favorite contra group in the Balkans,
at least have the excuse of being indigenous.

June 14, 2001
Philippines Declare War on Kidnappers
Associated Press Writer
ZAMBOANGA, Philippines (AP) -- The government said
Thursday it has stopped trying to negotiate with
Muslim extremists holding more than two dozen
hostages, sending reinforcements to search a southern
island and hunt the insurgents down.
Meanwhile, after three days of searching, there was
still no sign of the body of an American hostage the
rebels claimed to have beheaded. The government said
the rebels may have been lying.
Interior Secretary Joey Lina, in charge of police,
said there is ''a strong possibility'' that Guillermo
Sobero of Corona, Calif., was still alive.
The Abu Sayyaf guerrillas holding the hostages on
southern Basilan island had already said they would no
longer negotiate. On Thursday, National Security
Adviser Roilo Golez said the government, too, would no
longer make any attempts at talks.
''There's no point in talking anymore,'' he said.
''It's all-out war.''
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo warned on national
television Wednesday that eliminating the Abu Sayyaf
could mean a ''long and bloody war.''
Gen. Romeo Dominguez, commander of the forces on
Basilan, said Thursday he has 5,000 men scouring the
island, after the addition of 1,000 Philippine Marines
the day before. At least 16 soldiers have been killed
and more than 50 wounded in fighting with the rebels
over the past two weeks.
Felix Dalugdugan, vice mayor of Lantawan town on
Basilan, said 80 Abu Sayyaf rebels attacked the
village of Atong Atong late Wednesday but were
repelled by 38 militiamen and eight soldiers.
Joel Maturan, mayor of Tipo Tipo town on the
southeastern corner of the island, said residents saw
the other two Americans held by the Abu Sayyaf --
Kansas missionaries Gracia and Martin Burnham -- last
weekend. He said Martin Burnham was in camouflage
fatigues and his wife wore a Muslim headdress, and
both appeared in good health.
Military officials said they received unconfirmed
reports that the couple was spotted again Tuesday on
the eastern side of Basilan but gave no further
Rebel leader Abu Sabaya claimed he beheaded Sobero on
Tuesday as a ''present'' to the country on
Independence Day. The group also holds about 25
Filipinos captured in three raids over the last 2½
A headless torso was found Tuesday near a suspected
temporary rebel camp close to Basilan's southern
coast. Authorities identified the victim as Mohaimin
Sahi, a Muslim cleric who went on a private mission to
an Abu Sayyaf camp to win the release of the hostages.
But, in a satellite telephone call to a local radio
station Thursday, Sabaya said the cleric is still
alive. He put a man on the phone who said he was Sahi.
''I'm a prisoner. I'd like to leave but they won't let
me,'' the man said.
Military spokesman Gen. Edilberto Adan insisted the
cleric is dead and said the voice was likely that of a
guerrilla. ''It would be bad for Abu Sabaya to incur
the wrath of his fellow Muslims having killed their
religious leader,'' he said.
The Abu Sayyaf says it wants a southern Islamic state,
but the government calls the rebels mere bandits.
Muslims are a minority in the mostly Roman Catholic
Philippines, but they form a majority in the southern
islands where the Abu Sayyaf operates.

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GAZETTE [Montreal]: Colombia stories [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread MsDarkstarOne


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Subj:GAZETTE [Montreal]: Colombia stories
Date:   6/13/01 8:58:57 PM Mountain Daylight Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colombian Labor Monitor)


Wednesday, 13 June 2001

[NOTE: The reporting has been rather narrow and has kept close to
official versions and interpretations. Almost made to order for
Ambassador Kertzman.  -DG]

1. THE GAZETTE [Montreal] -- Wednesday, 13 June 2001
   'We only act out of fear'
   Residents of rebel-run zone can't wait for war to end 
   By Andres Cala

2. THE GAZETTE [Montreal] -- Wednesday, 13 June 2001
   Rebel radio is not Mix 96 
   By Andres Cala

3. THE GAZETTE [Montreal] -- Tuesday, 12 June 2001
   War or peace: All the same to leftist guerrillas 
   By Andres Cala

4. THE GAZETTE [Montreal] -- Tuesday, 12 June 2001
   Montreal group pays for search 

* 1 *

THE GAZETTE [Montreal]

Wednesday, 13 June 2001

 'We only act out of fear' 
Residents of rebel-run zone 
 can't wait for war to end 

By Andres Cala

SAN VICENTE DEL CAGUAN, Colombia -- The demilitarized zone Colombia's FARC
guerrillas control is a model of stability and many rules, residents say. 

Dona sits in her second-floor diner, dripping and fanning herself in
30-degree heat and 90-per-cent humidity and waits for customers -
neighbours, journalists or guerrillas, as long as they pay for their
meals. All Dona knows is she sells food, her business is going well and
she is leaving here the second that the FARC loses control of its
demilitarized zone. 

She is 52 years old and has lived and worked here, for more than two
years, knowing that "speaking the truth is dangerous." In one of the
corner houses adjacent to San Vicente's park, humbly decorated with five
plastic tables, wooden chairs and a FARC calendar, she decides she only
wants to be referred to as Dona. 

Five houses away, also bordering the park, is the information office of
the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (known as FARC). San Vicente is
the unofficial "capital" of the Switzerland-size distention zone,
demilitarized by the government in November 1998 as a precondition of the
guerrillas before they sat down for peace talks to end the 37-year-old
conflict. More than 40,000 people have been killed in the war this past
decade alone. 

"We only act out of fear," Dona said as she pointed to the calendar of the
18,000-combatant rebel army, the only authority in the 42,000-kilometre

In "Farclandia," the guerrillas have written the rulebook. There are no
judges, armed forces or state offices. Only the municipal government
functions, and with some limitations, as part of the official decree
signed almost 2 1/2 years ago. 

Dona said she fears, as do the rest of her neighbours, that if the zone
ends, their lives will be in danger, once the right-wing paramilitary
United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia (AUC) tries to retake the area. 

The AUC, backed by the Colombian military, are fighting the guerrillas by
eroding their grass-root support, through intimidation, displacement and

"I want them to take the distention zone away, and when it happens, I am
leaving," Dona insisted, "because everyone in the outside world thinks we
are guerrillas or their supporters, and that is not true. We did not
choose to live in 'Farclandia.' The government imposed it on us." 

A cashier at the local hospital also refused to give his name for the same
reasons as Dona. He is about 38 years old - he prefers not to give that
information out either - and has lived in San Vicente for 13 years. He
also wants an end to the separate guerrilla-run zone. "I would prefer to
be killed when the 'paras' (paramilitary forces) come in than to live
without liberty with the FARC. 

"The guerrillas have intelligence and spies. I have known my neighbours
for years, but I do not talk to them about this because one cannot know
who they really are any more. Even children are dangerous to talk to. But
if they catch me talking bad about them, they will force me to leave," the
cashier said. 

Residents' main objections to FARC rule are: 

-   Restrictions to free movement, regulated through a "no-excuses" curfew
between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. 

-   Arbitrary judicial methods, in which commandants play the role of
judge to resolve any problems in their territory, extending from theft to

-   The impunity by which the rebels get rid of the opposi

Wolves Stress Support For Sheep [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Rick Rozoff


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And the jackals grin: "If all our demands are met and
they are guaranteed by the international community,
the United States, the European Union and NATO, then
we will accept such a plan," rebel leader Ali Ahmeti
told the ethnic Albanian Fakti newspaper."

June 14, 2001
Leaders Stress Support for Macedonia
Associated Press Writer
SKOPJE, Macedonia (AP) -- Ethnic Albanian rebels on
Thursday demanded a deployment of NATO peacekeepers in
Macedonia before accepting any peace proposal offered
by the government to end the crisis threatening to
tear apart this Balkan country.
The demand came as Macedonian Slav and key ethnic
Albanian political leaders prepared to consider a
peace plan drafted by President Boris Trajkovski. The
agreement calls for a cease-fire, partial amnesty for
rebels who disarm voluntarily, and better inclusion of
the sizable ethnic Albanian minority into state bodies
and institutions.
The rebels, who call themselves the National
Liberation Army, insist that NATO guarantee the
proposed cease-fire and that a political agreement be
policed by NATO troops. They also want to take part in
negotiations on the deal.
''If all our demands are met and they are guaranteed
by the international community, the United States, the
European Union and NATO, then we will accept such a
plan,'' rebel leader Ali Ahmeti told the ethnic
Albanian Fakti newspaper.
Macedonia's leadership has not sought direct NATO
intervention in Macedonia, asking instead that the
alliance pressure the rebels to disarm and disband.
Trajkovski wants NATO, however, to consider taking on
the task of supervising a weapons handover if the
peace deal can be put into place.
''We are not entirely convinced that all the
terrorists will lay down their arms,'' Trajkovski
NATO Secretary-General Lord Robertson admitted that
the alliance would have to take a greater role in
ending the crisis, but stopped short of offering
additional troops to police any peace deal. Still, he
promised to take Trajkovski's request for help in
decommissioning under consideration.
''I will take that back to NATO headquarters and see
what we can do,'' he said.
Robertson pledged Thursday to fully support a
Macedonian government plan, deploying teams of experts
to advise the leadership on the making the deal work.
Violence erupted in Macedonia in February when ethnic
Albanian militants took up arms in a fight they say is
for broader rights. Macedonian authorities have led
several offensives to dislodge the rebels from their
strongholds, contending they are separatists bent on
carving up the country.
While refusing to negotiate with the rebels,
Trajkovski and other top officials representing the
majority Slavic population are to start negotiations
on the peace plan this week with political leaders of
the restive ethnic Albanian community, which accounts
for nearly a third of Macedonia's 2 million people.
Meanwhile, sporadic clashes continued.
Mortars hit a Macedonian army barracks and a police
checkpoint on the outskirts of the country's
second-largest city, Tetovo. Gunfire exchanges also
were reported Thursday near Aracinovo, an ethnic
Albanian stronghold on the outskirts of Skopje.
No injuries were reported on the government side in
the overnight exchange in Tetovo as the army
''responded fiercely, destroying a terrorist group,''
army spokesman Blagoja Markovski said.
The U.N. refugee agency in Kosovo, a province
bordering Macedonia, said Thursday that it had
registered about 42,000 refugees from Macedonia. That
figure includes 22,000 people in the last six days,
said Astrid van Genderen Stort, a spokeswoman for the
U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.

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Re: IWPR: Blame It All On Macedonian Milosevic [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Darko Nadic


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It's amazing how EU doing this job perfectly. A few months ago EU offered to
Macedonia  full membership of EU. Price for that was "peace solution". Now,
Macedonia is under siege of Macedonian version of KLA/UCK. There are no
peace solution, NLA wants to take Skopje.

Albainan PM said that there is no idea of "Greater Albania". But he forget
that maybe in UCK/NLA heads exists idea of Greater Kosovo as a fisrt step to
Greater Albania.

Also, Rick, Georgievski is a victim of NATO and NLA, but if I remember well,
several months, maybe a year or two ago, Georgievski said that next Congress
meeting of his party VMRO-DPMNE will be held in "free Macedonian town
Thessaloniki"Georgievsky thought that Thessaloniki (Greece) will be part of
FYROM. Now he have to defend Skopje.

We in Serbia can not forget how Macedonians from FYROM supported us during
NATO aggression in 1999. I am on Macedonian side.

Does anybody knows where is NATO's Indiana Jones (William Walker)? Does he
searching for Macedonian version of Racak?

Who can stop these scumbags?

-Original Message-
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, June 14, 2001 12:52 PM
Subject: IWPR: Blame It All On Macedonian Milosevic [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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>[In the unvarying tradition of IWPR - one of
>misrepresenting events, preferably reversing causality
>and turning matters on their head - we learn that the
>government of Macedonia, under unprovoked attack from
>criminal syndicate-funded guerrillas, many on the UN
>payroll in Kosovo and recently trained in KLA camps in
>Albania, is guilty of "declaring war on Albanian
>In fact, that's exactly what the nation's prime
>minister hasn't done, although most any other nation
>in the world would already have declared war on armed
>insurgents entering the country from abroad. A
>guerrilla by definition has already effectively
>declared war on his target; the target ordinarily
>responds in kind.
>The IWPR's "analyst and journalist" (people identified
>as such frequently are expelled from embassies around
>the world) feigns puzzlement over the fact that
>"recently, the premier's approach has changed
>The analyst/journalist plays the faux naif and
>pretends not to understand the cause of this change of
>heart, implying it's attributable to ingrained
>perversity or shrewd political maneuvering.
>But as his own words later in the article demonstrate,
>a few not insignificant events have intervened between
>Georgievki's "being too close to the DPA, the largest
>Albanian party" and his transmogrifying into "an out
>and out hawk."
>For example:
>"NLA fighters are now on the outskirts of Skopje and
>threatening to shell the city. Tens of thousands of
>Macedonians and Albanians [note the distinction]are
>fleeing in panic."
>"After two years of unprecedented partnership with the
>DPA, the last thing Georgievski expected was an
>Albanian rebellion."
>"[R]ecent NLA attacks on the security forces. The
>first occurred in Vejce in early May, claiming the
>lives of eight policemen. Five more were killed in a
>second raid near Tetovo a few days ago."
>And so forth, any one of which would be considered a
>casus belli in good earnest by NATO nations - or any
>head of state that takes his pledge to preserve his
>nation and protect his people seriously.
>But as with Slobodan Milosevic earlier, who had the
>temerity to defend the inviolabilty of his country's
>borders and to respond to unprovoked attacks within
>them, the IWPR and all they represent portray the
>victims as villains, the aggressors as being aggressed
>against, black as white, war as peace.]
>International War & Peace Reporting
>The Macedonian Hawk
>Macedonia's peacemaking premier has turned into a
>dangerous hawk.
>By Vladimir Jovanovski in Skopje (BCR No. 255,
>Perhaps the greatest political casualty of the
>Albanian insurrection is prime minister Ljubco
>Only a month or two ago, it seemed Georgievski, the
>leader of one of Macedonia's largest political
>parties, VMRO-DPMNE, would emerge as the saviour of
>his country.
>He was insisting that the current crisis could be
>solved by improving the civil and political rights 

Kurtz In The Balkans: Exterminate The Brutes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Rick Rozoff


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[When the medicine - supporting neo-fascist
secessionist uprisings and then moving it militarily
to occupy the disaster zone you've helped create - has
an adverse, potentially lethal, effect, then the
solution is to - apply more of the same.
So says the pro-Western former FYROM ambassador to
Washington, one who - to prove her open/civil society
credentials - affirms of her fellow citizens and
neighbors that "the people of the Balkans must catch
up with the calendar."
The medication adjustment she prescribes? Shoulder the
White Man's Burden and civilize - or at least contain
- the natives at bayonet point.
How manifestly humanitarian. How Western.] 

Baltimore Sun
NATO must send troops to Macedonia to end war
By Ljubica Z. Acevska
Originally published June 14, 2001
WASHINGTON - Then-President George H.W. Bush warned
Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic in December 1992
that the United States will take steps to prevent
violence spreading into Macedonia and Kosovo. 
This statement was repeated in February 1993 by
then-Secretary of State Warren Christopher at the
outset of the Clinton administration. 
Such a ringing and unequivocal statement is needed
again. While U.S. support and involvement have played
an important role in Macedonia's remaining peaceful
and stable for nearly 10 years, a strong U.S.
commitment is necessary today to ensure the peace. 
>From independence in September 1991 until February of
this year, Macedonia was peaceful and stable despite
the carnage elsewhere in the Balkans. Macedonia has
withstood many challenges and provocations, two
economic embargoes, the U.N. sanctions against
neighboring Serbia, a large influx of refugees and
nearly continuous unrest in the neighborhood. 
Macedonia has preserved the peace when many expected
it to fail. It has continued on the path to developing
a democratic system, strengthening interethnic
relations and developing a market economy. In fact, it
has been widely lauded as an "island of peace and
stability." President Bush praised Macedonia March 23
as a "successful example of a democratic, multi-ethnic
state in the Balkans." 
The violence in Macedonia today between ethnic
Albanian rebels and the government, instigated by
Albanian rebels from Kosovo, is indeed tragic. And it
seems to be escalating. 
Certainly, Macedonia needs to improve conditions for
its minorities, but this can only be achieved through
political dialogue, not violence. If conditions for
minorities have been so bad, as the ethnic Albanians
charge, why has it taken nearly 10 years for violence
to erupt, and instigated from the outside? With
violence continuing, it is very difficult for the
political leadership to undertake the necessary
corrective steps. 
That is why it is time once again for the United
States to take the lead in making a strong commitment
to bring peace to Macedonia, making clear that
violence will not be tolerated. While some efforts
have been made after five months of instability, much
more needs to be done. 
Strong political assistance must be given to
Macedonia, and not on a piecemeal basis. The United
States has been very supportive of Macedonia since
independence, and this has been the crucial
The United States must also help Macedonia to
strengthen and, now, repair interethnic relations,
which can only be achieved through dialogue. That
Macedonian citizens have not taken up arms proves
that, despite the differences between the many ethnic
groups, they want to live in peace. But the longer the
violence continues, the more of a setback there will
be in interethnic relations. 
Ten years of bloodshed, loss of innocent lives and
chaos in the Balkans is enough. The people of the
Balkans must catch up with the calendar, to leave the
hatred of the past and focus on cooperation in this
new millennium. And the international community should
have learned that early intervention is necessary. 
The United States does have a strategic interest in
the Balkans and must make a definitive commitment to
end the crisis in Macedonia and secure a lasting peace
in the Balkans. To turn away from a friend at this
time of crisis would be abandonment at midstream. 
NATO must not only remain in Kosovo and
Bosnia-Herzegovina, but it is time for NATO to send
troops to Macedonia as well. 
Ljubica Z. Acevska, until September Macedonia's first
ambassador to the United States, is a public policy
scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington. 

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Re: Twist Our Arms, *Force* Us To Occupy Another Balkan Country [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Cossack


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In a similar vein, below is a short discourse I 
posted on a board regarding the perfidious Shrub.
"President Bush yesterday expressed a 
"renewed commitment to the NATO alliance" and said American troops will stay in 
the Balkans until the international organization decides to remove them. 
Continuing his move away from a campaign vow to tell the North Atlantic Treaty 
Organization that keeping the peace in the troubled region is a European, not 
American, responsibility, Mr. Bush yesterday said the United States is 
"committed to NATO-led operations in Bosnia and Kosovo." 
"You will hear me say loud 
and clear in the Balkans: We came in together; we will leave together," Mr. Bush 
told European reporters." 
How remarkably disingenuous! Well, for 
all those who said this was solely a Clintoonian debacle, sit back and watch as 
Bush II picks up so ably (ineptly) where Bush I left off. 
As I personally have pointed out on 
numerous occasions, US INVOLVEMENT IN THE 
Clintoon and, presumably, Bush II are mere pawns of the 
CFR/Bilderberger/Trilateralist cabal, there was no material difference (in 
policy) between that of Bush I, Clintoon and Bush the Jr. 
Bush II may well be, as a human being, a 
better person than Clintoon and his harridan, however, in terms of foreign 
policy there is no difference to be discerned. 
Perhaps (though I doubt it seriously) 
those who care about our foreign policy will NOW pay a bit more attention when 
people say things like "Ever thought of NOT voting Republicrat?"
- Original Message - 
From: "Rick Rozoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 05:46
Subject: Twist Our Arms, *Force* Us To Occupy 
Another Balkan Country [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
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> [With the Unholy Trinity of Joe Biden, Richard Lugar> and Wesley 
Clark clamoring for NATO occupation,> there's little doubt how this one 
will play out: Just> as intended, with the ever helpful KLA 
contingent> performing on cue.]> > Bush Under Pressure on 
NATO Troops for Macedonia> > BRUSSELS, Jun 14, 2001 -- (Reuters) 
U.S. President> George W. Bush came under pressure on Wednesday 
to> back a greater NATO military role in the Macedonia> crisis or 
stand back and watch his European allies> take the initiative.> 
> The leaders of France and Britain, speaking at Bush's> first, 
informal summit of the Atlantic alliance in> Brussels, urged bolder 
action to halt a slide toward> civil war in the former Yugoslav republic 
and avoid> yet more bloodshed in the Balkans.> > They 
scrambled to smother resulting speculation that> they were considering 
military intervention but> diplomatic sources said a groundswell was 
building for> more decisive action.> > Bush indicated this 
was not the signal the allies> wanted to send the government of Macedonia 
-- a> political remedy to the conflict between Slavs and> minority 
ethnic Albanians, not a military bail-out,> remained the alliance's goal, 
he said.> > To bolster a twin-track political and security plan 
by> Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski, NATO Secretary> General 
George Robertson and European Union foreign> affairs chief Javier Solana 
were due in Skopje on> Thursday to offer support.> > But 
some prominent U.S. figures urged military> involvement led by the United 
States, implying it> should not be undertaken by any European "coalition 
of> the willing" ready to put troops on the ground to back> 
Macedonia's limited security forces> > French President Jacques 
Chirac had told the summit> NATO "must not preclude any form of action 
needed" to> stop the conflict. He later said he was not "thinking> 
of an eventual military action because for me that> would be a last 
resort".> > Britain's Tony Blair told leaders it was "better 
to> make preparations and to stabilize the situation> rather than 
to wait and let the situation> deteriorate". British sources also denied 
afterwards> that Blair was suggesting intervention.> > 
France and Britain are the prime movers behind the> European Union's plan 
to create its own rapid reaction> military force.> > Bush 

Macedonia: KLA Demands NATO Rescues Them [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Rick Rozoff


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A copy of the rebel plan, sent to Reuters, called for
"intervention of NATO forces in the whole territory of
The NLA announced its *demands* [emphasis added] as
NATO General Secretary George Robertson and European
Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana pushed
leaders of Macedonia's fractious unity government to
flesh out their own plans to end the crisis. [I
believe this is called acting in tandem.]
Currently, fewer than ten percent of Albanians are
employed in state institutions. [Once again and
predictably, the Western press plays into the hands of
the KLA agenda of portraying their alleged
constituency as being the victim of institutional
discrimination. Obviously, the question shouldn't be
one of what percentage of ethnic Albanians are
employed as government workers, but of what percentage
of government workers are ethnic Albanians. A crucial
distinction. Given demographic differentials - the
average age of different ethnic groups, the
urban/educated vs rural/agrarian ratios, the
predominance of patriarchal relations that discourage
women from seeking work outside the household, etc. - 
might well account for "fewer than ten percent of
Albanians" being employed in public sector jobs
without the cause of this fact being deliberate
But in general, what's detailed below is Kosovo II:
Every demand not acceded to adds to secessionist
rancor; every one granted yet further advances
separatist sentiments. A definite no-win proposition -
as it's meant to be.]

Thursday June 14 6:36 AM ET 
Macedonia Rebels Want NATO Intervention for Peace
By Alister Doyle
SKOPJE (Reuters) - Ethnic Albanian rebels urged
deployment of NATO troops in Macedonia on Thursday to
underpin any peace deal as Western powers stepped up
pressure on Skopje to halt a slide toward civil war.
The self-styled National Liberation Army (NLA) rebels,
outlining formal demands for ending the
four-month-long insurgency for the first time, also
called for a cease-fire, amnesty and wide-ranging
reforms to raise the status of minority Albanians.
A copy of the rebel plan, sent to Reuters, called for
''intervention of NATO forces in the whole territory
of Macedonia, as a guarantee for...reaching a lasting
The plan included demands rejected by the government,
which refuses to negotiate with rebels it calls
terrorists. The rebels say ethnic Albanians, who make
up about 30 percent of the population, suffer
discrimination by the majority Slavs.
A fragile cease-fire was in effect in the former
Yugoslav republic on Thursday for a fourth day in a
row. But the army accused the rebels of a mortar
attack near the northwestern city of Tetovo. No one
was hurt.
The NLA announced its demands as NATO Secretary
General George Robertson and European Union foreign
policy chief Javier Solana pushed leaders of
Macedonia's fractious unity government to flesh out
their own plans for ending the crisis.
``The key thing is to translate a plan on paper into a
peace in place,´´ said Robertson, arriving in Skopje
for talks with President Boris Trajkovski and other
NATO leaders at a summit in Brussels on Wednesday
played down speculation they were considering military
intervention despite calls for bolder action from
alliance leaders.
But diplomats say support is growing for some sort of
role for NATO troops -- possibly to help disarm the
guerrillas after a peace plan is in place.
Solana, who has taken a leading role in trying to
untangle a conflict in which dozens of people have
died, said Skopje needed to deliver quick reforms to
answer Albanian minority grievances.
``We´d like to see it move as fast as possible,´´
Solana said.
He has told Macedonia he wants tangible action before
a meeting of EU foreign ministers on June 25, a
deadline which a diplomatic source said was ``very
Publication of rebel demands was widely seen as a big
step forward because it gives the two sides in the
conflict a starting point after the main ethnic Slav
and Albanian political parties agreed this week to
Trajkovski's plan.
Trajkovski foresees incentives for the rebels to
disarm -- stopping short of amnesty -- reforms to the
police and army and an acceleration of political
reforms. But agreement, especially on incentives for
rebel disarmament, will be tough.
The rebel plan was signed by Ali Ahmeti, the political
representative of the self-styled NLA. It said
negotiations should be mediated by the United States
and European Union.
The proposal also called for controv

New Round of Vieques Bombings Started Wednesday [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread MsDarkstarOne


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The new round of exercises, which include the aircraft carrier USS Theodore 
Roosevelt, began more than 50 miles off the coast of Vieques on Wednesday 
with 11 ships and 10,000 sailors practicing attack formations, evading 
submarines and tracking torpedoes and planes.

AOL News: Bush Decides to End Vieques Bombings   

Bush Decides to End Vieques Bombings  

.c The Associated Press

GOTEBORG, Sweden (June 13) - President Bush has decided to end controversial 
Navy bombing exercises on Vieques Island off the coast of Puerto Rico as 
early as 2003, a White House spokesman said.

The decision was to be announced by the Pentagon on Thursday, White House 
press secretary Ari Fleischer said.

The Pentagon was also expected to announce the establishment of a panel to 
look for an alternative to what the Navy has called the ''crown jewel'' of 
its Atlantic training sites.

Pulling out of Vieques is a reversal for the Navy, which has used its range 
on the island for six decades and has said repeatedly that the site is vital 
to national security. Critics say the bombing poses a health threat to the 
island's 9,100 residents, which the Navy denies.

Earlier, a Defense Department official said on condition of anonymity that 
Navy Secretary Gordon England recommended to Bush that planning begin for an 
end to the bombing within two years.

He said Navy officials wanted to make the decision public because they felt 
the situation was growing more volatile.

Officials said England can't promise a place will be found within two years, 
but hopes it can.

The Navy owns two-thirds of Vieques and its bombing range covers 900 acres - 
less than 3 percent of the island. It used live bombs until two went astray 
in a 1999 practice and killed a civilian guard on the bombing range, igniting 
protests and calls for the military to leave. It since has used dummy bombs.

About 75 protesters demonstrated peacefully outside Camp Garcia's gates on 
Vieques on Wednesday as a fresh round of Navy exercises began offshore. In 
earlier demonstrations in April and May, 180 people were arrested on 
trespassing charges during previous bombing exercises.

A discussion of the problem, which is a thorny issue with Hispanic and other 
minority activists, was held in a meeting that senior White House political 
strategist Karl Rove convened on Wednesday with England, deputy national 
security adviser Stephen Hadley and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, 
a senior White House official said.

In seeking to retain the Vieques training range, the Navy has argued that it 
is the only means of providing the training to ensure that battle groups 
begin their overseas deployments fully ready for combat. The Navy has said 
exercises there are vital to national defense because they uniquely combine 
air, sea and land maneuvers that cannot be done elsewhere.

A Navy retreat from Vieques could run into opposition from conservatives in 

Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., said on CNN's ''Wolf Blitzer Reports'' Wednesday that 
he would be ''surprised, dismayed'' by such a move ''and would fight it.'' 
But Rep. John Conyers, a Michigan Democrat, said he thought the Navy should 
end the Vieques training and said:
''I don't think we should wait two years either.''

Puerto Rico's governor, Sila Calderon, a strong opponent of the exercises, 
arrived on the small island Wednesday afternoon to attend a prayer ceremony 
with residents who want the bombing to stop. It was her first time on Vieques 
for the maneuvers since she took office in January.

''I wanted to be here to express to the people of Vieques that the Puerto 
Rican people are with you and that you are not alone,'' she said.

The new round of exercises, which include the aircraft carrier USS Theodore 
Roosevelt, began more than 50 miles off the coast of Vieques on Wednesday 
with 11 ships and 10,000 sailors practicing attack formations, evading 
submarines and tracking torpedoes and planes.

 AP-NY-06-14-01 0843EDT

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report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed 
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NATO Commits To Drang Nach Osten [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Rick Rozoff


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BUSH: Moscow is not a question of if, but of when.
(Paraphrased for the sake of clarity)

Thursday June 14, 8:31 PM
NATO commits to eastward enlargement in 2002
BRUSSELS, June 14 (AFP) - 
This week's NATO summit in Brussels sent a strong
signal to nine ex-communist states lined up to join
the alliance that they can expect their invitations
for membership on schedule next year.
Speaking here after the summit of NATO's 19 heads of
state and government, the alliance secretary general,
George Robertson, said more countries would be
admitted at the next summit in Prague in November
"Heads of state and government decided today that the
'zero option' (of inviting no candidate country to
join the alliance) is off the table," he told
reporters, suggesting that at least one country would
become a member.
But he stressed that the onus remains on the candidate
states to bring their young democracies, their
free-market economies and their erstwhile Soviet-era
armed forces up to NATO standards.
"No decisions were taken, and we did not discuss any
question of who might be invited to join NATO in the
future," he said.
"Those countries which join NATO must be contributors
of security, as well as consumers of security," he
Waiting in line are Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia and
Albania. The first former Soviet bloc states to join
NATO, in March 1999, were Hungary, Poland and the
Czech Republic.
Czech President Vaclav Havel has been one of the few
to specify who might be chosen.
Havel affirmed there is a "general consensus" to
invite Slovakia and Slovenia to join, and that
"opinion to propose the adhesion of the three Baltic
states," was popular among members.
The declarations were welcomed with a certain sense of
relief by the candidates.
That puts an "end to diverse speculation about opening
the Alliance to a new enlargement," said Slovakia's
foreign minister in reaction to Robertson's
Slovakia welcomed the comments as "particularly
encouraging". For Bratislava, the Prague summit now
becomes a "historic occasion" for which "the
accomplishment is fully within its hands," the
minister said.
Estonian Defence Minister Juri Luik was more
circumspect. He said NATO and the EU should have
included new members long before planned expansion
dates to better shape common values between the East
and West.
"We have reached a stage in which we ask -- have we
done everything to uphold joint values," Luik said at
the close of a NATO Partnership for Peace conference
in Tartu on Wednesday.
"The clear answer is no. It means both NATO and the EU
should have accepted new members earlier," he said,
according to a defence ministry statement.
NATO's eastward enlargement will be the central theme
of a visit to Warsaw by US President George W. Bush on
Friday. Before his first official European tour began,
Bush said the US firmly supported NATO expansion.
He said enlargement was not a question of if, just a
question of when, but he has not yet endorsed inviting
new members next year.
According to analysts, Bush could ease his problems
with European allies over his controversial missile
shield and environment policies by committing to NATO
The Baltic states especially will be looking for a
strong statement from him that the US rejects Russian
objections to their joining the alliance.
Several NATO members are believed to be reluctant to
antagonize Moscow by taking in the three countries
that the Soviet Union occupied after World War 
However Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov admitted
in May that Moscow does not have "a right of veto"
over the alliance's plans.

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Save nuclear survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Korea, Brazil and USA! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread yuu

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Dear All,

Please send e-mail or fax messages to the Japanese government ministers in
support of the ruling by the Osaka District Court on the responsibility of
the government for the health-care of Hibakusha living outside Japan.

As you may already know, Judge Jun Miura of the Osaka District Court ruled
that the Osaka prefectural government's failure to pay medical allowances to
atomic bomb victims currently residing abroad was against the fundamental
goals of the Atomic Victims Relief Law.  We need your support to stop the
government from appealing this case to a higher court.  Please send your
oppinions to the following people before the 15th of June, the deadline for

The official Webster of the Kantei (Official Residence) of the Prime
Minister of Japan. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi
(the home page have a English site)
(subscribe into the home page)
Fax (International) -81-3-3581-3883

Ministry of Health and Welfare(Chikara SAKAGUCHI)
Fax (International)-81-3-3595-2020

Ministry of Justice(Moriyama Mayumi)

This message is informing you of the current court
case regarding the Korean survivor.

On the 1st of June, there was a decision made by the
District Court in Osaka with regard to a Korean survivor.

The survivor was claiming to the Court that his right to
receive the financial support from the Japanese Government
was invalidity canceled by the Osaka Prefecture when he
left Japan to Korea in July, 1998 (He obtained a Medicare
card when he came to Japan in May, 1998).

The Court ruled that considering the humanitarian purpose
of the Hibakusha Aid Act, it is impossible to interpret that
nuclear survivors living overseas should be excluded from
the health care plan.  Also, the court pointed out that this
exclusion might contradict with the Article 14 of the Japanese
Constitution which assures the equality principle under law.

Now there has been a social movement among the supporters
for the nuclear survivors to lobby the Government not to appeal
against this decision made by the District Court.

They are still discriminated by Japanese government.
Please save them!


Let all the victims of the atomic bomb living in the
 foreign countries be under the $B!H(BRelief Law$B!I(B!

Please transport to other ML and your friends!

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2001-06-14 Thread Louis R Godena


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> -By V.T.Rajshekar
> Any one who wants regeneration and rebirth of Idna, he must seek the
> spirit of life and culture of Dalits. Dalits alone can lead the
> Indian Revolution.

This diatribe sounds to me like a prescription for disaster.  Chauvinism and
backward-thinking can never liberate; it can only lead to greater suffering.

Louis Godena

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2001-06-14 Thread Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)


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(My Note: The auther is a member of the oppressed Dalit or the untouchable community 
of India. He is well-known internationally and in India as a radical activist for 
Dalit rights. He is also the editor of the newspaper, 'Dalit Voice.' For reasons best 
know only to itself, the Indian govt. confiscated his passport several years ago and 
refuses him permission to travel outside India. -- Sandeep)


-By V.T.Rajshekar

We have received many letters asking us the meaning of the word 
Dalit. The same question is also being put to us at meetings. What 
gives us great pleasure and pride is this word has become popular all 
over India and abroad in such a short timegiving expression to the 
anger of the Untouchables. And gathering so much of charisma.

We are also happy to note that not only the militant Dalits but even 
some Hindu press have stopped using the hated word, Harijan, a 
Gandhian humbug, and switched on to Dalit. This awareness of their 
identity is itself a big step forward in the Dalit liberation 
struggle. The word Dalit symbolises the mood of this explosive 
commodity and connotes and denotes their protest. Hence the switch-
over to this new word is itself a great improvement indicating a big 
leap in the search for their roots. Only three years back people 
barring those in the Hindi belt  did not even know this word. It was 
not in their vocabulary. But as soon as they came to know this word 
and discovered its intrinsic value, its magic, its melody, they 
readily adopted it. Literally embaraced it. "National" newspapers 
like the Times of India are useing this word even in headlines. Even 
the Malayala Manorama, the largest circulated language daily of 
Kerala, has started using this word heeding our appeal. We call upon 
all our Dalit and other persecuted minority comrades to use only this 
word and persuade others to popularise it. If the English and 
language dailies start using the word, Dalit, in headlines it will 
soon catch up. Therefore, Dalits and their co-sufferers must go to 
newspaper offices and meet journalists and prevail upon them to use  
Dalit instead of Harijan or SC/STs. We will suggest the Oxford, 
Webster, Cambridge and other dictionaries to include it. 

Now its meaning: The root word of this word Dalit is Dal. The 
adjective of dal is Dalit. We find this word dal on page 471 of the 
prestigious Oxford Sanskrit English Dictionary, new edition, 1964, 
edited by the world - famous Sanskrit scholar, Sir Monier Williams.

"Dalit" is found in many Indian languages and even a Dravidian 
language. The meaning given to `Dalit' in the dictionary is: burst, 
split, scattered, dispersed, broken, torn as under, destroyed, 
crushed. All these English words sum up the exact position of the 
Indian Untouchables and also tribes. We are crushed and cramped and 
made mincemeat by the Hindu religion. That is why we are Dalits. Be 
proud to be a Dalit, the original inhabitants of this ancient land. 
Let us walk with our head high. Let us be proud of our Dalit culture. 
Black is beautiful.

The famous word, `Daridra',which is popular in many Indian languages, 
is derived from `Dalit'.

Since `Dalit' sums up our mood, we call lupon all SC/ST government 
employees, public sector SC/ST unions to change their names into 
Dalit Employees Association. The first to popularise this word were 
our militant Dalit Panthers of Bombay. Their manifesto has defined 
this word. Though this word has now come to mean Untouchables, the 
Panthers have included Tribes, Muslims, Women and all those 
persecuted minorities. 

Along with ` Dalit `, another word is also getting popular: Dalitism 
which is both the ideology and nationalism of India's 
persecuted,suppressed masses. It is rooted in Ambedkarism. Dalitism 
or Dalit philosphy is developed to pave the way for a liberal 
tradition against casteism and untouchability. The new revolutionary 
philosphy of Dalitism also stipulates that Dalits alone can liberate 
Dalits from the Ruling Class. Even in such a short time Dalitism has 
attracted millions. It is the living spiritual principle of India's 
Untouchables. The object of Dalitism is to attract the youth all over 
India and make them understand the cultlure and history of India's 
submerged masses. The ruling class historians and writers have given 
little or no attention to the history of our life and culture. 
Historical evidences are either destroyed or simply neglected for 
lack of interest. Dalits were simply mar

IWPR: Blame It All On Macedonian Milosevic [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Rick Rozoff


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[In the unvarying tradition of IWPR - one of
misrepresenting events, preferably reversing causality
and turning matters on their head - we learn that the
government of Macedonia, under unprovoked attack from
criminal syndicate-funded guerrillas, many on the UN
payroll in Kosovo and recently trained in KLA camps in
Albania, is guilty of "declaring war on Albanian
In fact, that's exactly what the nation's prime
minister hasn't done, although most any other nation
in the world would already have declared war on armed
insurgents entering the country from abroad. A
guerrilla by definition has already effectively
declared war on his target; the target ordinarily
responds in kind.
The IWPR's "analyst and journalist" (people identified
as such frequently are expelled from embassies around
the world) feigns puzzlement over the fact that
"recently, the premier's approach has changed
The analyst/journalist plays the faux naif and
pretends not to understand the cause of this change of
heart, implying it's attributable to ingrained
perversity or shrewd political maneuvering. 
But as his own words later in the article demonstrate,
a few not insignificant events have intervened between
Georgievki's "being too close to the DPA, the largest
Albanian party" and his transmogrifying into "an out
and out hawk."
For example:
"NLA fighters are now on the outskirts of Skopje and
threatening to shell the city. Tens of thousands of
Macedonians and Albanians [note the distinction]are
fleeing in panic."
"After two years of unprecedented partnership with the
DPA, the last thing Georgievski expected was an
Albanian rebellion."
"[R]ecent NLA attacks on the security forces. The
first occurred in Vejce in early May, claiming the
lives of eight policemen. Five more were killed in a
second raid near Tetovo a few days ago."
And so forth, any one of which would be considered a
casus belli in good earnest by NATO nations - or any
head of state that takes his pledge to preserve his
nation and protect his people seriously.
But as with Slobodan Milosevic earlier, who had the
temerity to defend the inviolabilty of his country's
borders and to respond to unprovoked attacks within
them, the IWPR and all they represent portray the
victims as villains, the aggressors as being aggressed
against, black as white, war as peace.]  


International War & Peace Reporting

The Macedonian Hawk 
Macedonia's peacemaking premier has turned into a
dangerous hawk. 

By Vladimir Jovanovski in Skopje (BCR No. 255,

Perhaps the greatest political casualty of the
Albanian insurrection is prime minister Ljubco

Only a month or two ago, it seemed Georgievski, the
leader of one of Macedonia's largest political
parties, VMRO-DPMNE, would emerge as the saviour of
his country. 

He was insisting that the current crisis could be
solved by improving the civil and political rights of
the Albanian community. But recently, the premier's
approach has changed radically.

The peacemaker and unifier of Macedonia's disparate
ethnic groups is now an out and out hawk. 

Now he believes that the only way of resolving the
crisis is by declaring war on Albanian militants. His
public statements are inflaming tensions, just as the
conflict seems set to escalate into a full-scale war.
NLA fighters are now on the outskirts of Skopje and
threatening to shell the city. Tens of thousands of
Macedonians and Albanians are fleeing in panic.

But in pressing for a military solution, Georgievski
has provoked a hostile response from all sides of the
political spectrum and the international community.

>From being part of the solution, he is now widely
considered part of the problem. As a result, his
popularity and that of his party has droppped

Georgievski's transformation is remarkable. Not so
long ago, Macedonians accused him of being too close
to the DPA, the largest Albanian party. Now he demands
that its members either clearly condemn the NLA or
join them. An avowed Macedonian nationalist at the
beginning of the Nineties, this former poet pursued a
policy of cooperating with the DPA after he came to
power in 1998, bringing the party into government.
Foreign analysts were pleasantly surprised by the
tolerant political culture spawned by "the new

After two years of unprecedented partnership with the
DPA, the last thing Georgievski expected was an
Albanian rebellion.

The premier's newly acquired hardline stance was
cemented by recent NLA attacks on the security forces

Macedonian KLA Chief Praises Robertson, Solana, NATO [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Rick Rozoff


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[Alternate title: Murderous Thug Hails Murderous
Thugs: Takes One To Know One.
Dad, Mum, don't you recognize your baby?]

Macedonia Rebel Hails NATO Despite "Thug" Comment

SKOPJE, Jun 14, 2001 -- (Reuters) A leader of an
ethnic Albanian insurgency in Macedonia has praised
NATO Secretary General George Robertson, who once
slammed the rebels as a "bunch of murderous thugs".

Ali Ahmeti, political leader of the rebellion, hailed
peace efforts by both Robertson and European Union
foreign policy chief Javier Solana in a fence-mending
interview to be published on Thursday in the
Albanian-language daily Fakti.

"I would like to thank the Western diplomats,
especially Mr Solana and Mr Robertson, because their
contribution truly benefits humanity and us Albanians
as well because we are part of the great European
family," he said.

Solana and Robertson will visit Skopje on Thursday in
a new round of diplomacy aimed at prompting Macedonian
politicians to agree ways to end a four-month-old
crisis which could yet trigger a civil war in the
former Yugoslav republic.

Ahmeti, apparently seeking wider legitimacy to ease
the rebels' isolation by Western powers, said he
wanted any long-term peace deal to be underwritten by
guarantees from the United States, the EU and NATO.

"We do not see our future outside Europe and NATO
integration and are convinced that together, by taking
wise steps, we shall manage to solve the crisis," he
said. A shaky three-day ceasefire was holding on

On May 7 in Skopje, Robertson called the ethnic
Albanian guerrillas "a bunch of murderous thugs whose
objective is to destroy a democratic Macedonia" and
turn it into "another Balkan bloodbath". The alliance
chief has since softened his tone.

Ahmeti said Albanians, who make up about a third of
Macedonia's population and say they are discriminated
against by the majority Slavs in everything from jobs
to education, should follow the lead of other
democratic nations divided by language.

"The Macedonians should copy the example of
Switzerland, Belgium and Canada," he said.

He added that representatives of his self-styled
National Liberation Army (NLA) had sounded out
diplomats in Western capitals to discuss possible
disarmament of NLA fighters and reintegration into
civilian life.

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Twist Our Arms, *Force* Us To Occupy Another Balkan Country [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Rick Rozoff


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[With the Unholy Trinity of Joe Biden, Richard Lugar
and Wesley Clark clamoring for NATO occupation,
there's little doubt how this one will play out: Just
as intended, with the ever helpful KLA contingent
performing on cue.]

Bush Under Pressure on NATO Troops for Macedonia

BRUSSELS, Jun 14, 2001 -- (Reuters) U.S. President
George W. Bush came under pressure on Wednesday to
back a greater NATO military role in the Macedonia
crisis or stand back and watch his European allies
take the initiative.

The leaders of France and Britain, speaking at Bush's
first, informal summit of the Atlantic alliance in
Brussels, urged bolder action to halt a slide toward
civil war in the former Yugoslav republic and avoid
yet more bloodshed in the Balkans.

They scrambled to smother resulting speculation that
they were considering military intervention but
diplomatic sources said a groundswell was building for
more decisive action.

Bush indicated this was not the signal the allies
wanted to send the government of Macedonia -- a
political remedy to the conflict between Slavs and
minority ethnic Albanians, not a military bail-out,
remained the alliance's goal, he said.

To bolster a twin-track political and security plan by
Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski, NATO Secretary
General George Robertson and European Union foreign
affairs chief Javier Solana were due in Skopje on
Thursday to offer support.

But some prominent U.S. figures urged military
involvement led by the United States, implying it
should not be undertaken by any European "coalition of
the willing" ready to put troops on the ground to back
Macedonia's limited security forces

French President Jacques Chirac had told the summit
NATO "must not preclude any form of action needed" to
stop the conflict. He later said he was not "thinking
of an eventual military action because for me that
would be a last resort".

Britain's Tony Blair told leaders it was "better to
make preparations and to stabilize the situation
rather than to wait and let the situation
deteriorate". British sources also denied afterwards
that Blair was suggesting intervention.

France and Britain are the prime movers behind the
European Union's plan to create its own rapid reaction
military force.

Bush seemed under pressure not only from the U.S.
Senate, where there were calls for Washington to get
involved, but also from London, Paris and Macedonia's
NATO neighbor Greece.

NATO sources said there was a "groundswell" for bolder
action. But what form it might take had not been


"NATO must play a more visible and active role in
helping the Macedonian government counter the
insurgency there," Bush told fellow leaders of the

At a news conference, however, he insisted this did
not signify sending troops, especially before peace
was established between ethnic Albanian guerrillas and
government forces.

"Most people believe there is still a political
solution available before the troops are committed,"
Bush said. "The sentiment I heard here was that
there's still a possibility for a political
settlement, a good possibility.

"The idea of committing troops within Macedonia was
one that most nations were troubled over. They want to
see if we cannot achieve a political settlement
first," the president said.

In Washington, however, senators urged more U.S.

"This country must increase its involvement. The
stakes in Macedonia are simply too high for us to
choose to play a secondary role," Senator Joe Biden, a
Democrat, told a hearing.

He said only the United States had "the military and
political credibility with all ethnic groups to
successfully manage and resolve the crisis in the

Senator Richard Lugar took a similar line. General
Wesley Clark, NATO commander in the war over Kosovo in
1999, said NATO troops in Kosovo should move into
Macedonia's conflict zone.

"Even if there's a political's going to
take NATO backing and that's going to take U.S.
leadership and U.S. commitment and no doubt U.S.
troops on the ground to enable the Macedonian army to
get into the areas where there has been fighting,"
Clark told the hearing in written testimony.


In Brussels, NATO's Robertson emphasized the political
track, saying there was "a good wind" behind
Trajkovski's peace plan, which the coalition
government agreed to on Tuesday.

"We are not talking about other options," Robertson

"What we need now is continuation of the existing
ceasefire, rec

Last Update June 14, 2001 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread More News

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Last Update June 14, 2001NEWS ARCHIVES 

Palestinian Citizen martyred, and Other Three Injured Few Hours After Israel Declares Cease-Fire Few hours after Israeli minister of defense, Benjamin Ali-Aizer, declared the beginning of carrying out Cease-Fire ...more details 

Three- Month Administrative Detention - Dr. Sami Al-Awartani The Israeli Supreme Court has decided to arrest Dr. Samir AlAwartani, executive director of Rafidia Hospital at Nablus, for three months as an administrative ...more details 

"Most Palestinians Were Exposed to Israeli Aggressions" 
Tulkarem: Palestinian Citizen Was Martyred At An Israeli Barrier After The Israeli Soldiers Prevented him From Reaching the Hospital. 
A Martyr in Rafah, Shelling in Deir Al-Balah and Halhol, Uprooting 2500 Olive Trees in Ramallah and Nablus 
Tulkarem: Palestinian Citizen Was Martyred At An Israeli Barrier After The Israeli Soldiers Prevented him From Reaching the Hospital. 
Three Palestinian Women Killed by Israeli Shell in the Gaza Strip 
Palestinian Medical Resources at Nablus Declares the Martyrdom of the Palestinian Patient Citizen: Sabri Amin Mahmoud from El-Ras Village at Tulkarem
Israeli Occupation Forces Prevent the EMS of Tulkarem Health Directorate from Reaching Neighboring villages 
Dr. Samer's Recent News 
Dr. Zanoun: European Gaza Hospital Embodies the Cooperation Between European Union and UNRWA 
Al-Awda Hospital at Gaza Has Received 1000 Injured Since the Beginning of Al-Aqsa Intifada 
Palestinian Ministry of Health Continues Its Readiness and Saves All the Facilities for Facing Any Emergency. 
Tow Palestinian Brothers Killed And Third in Serious Condition In Ramallah
Gaza: Hospitals On Alert to Face any Emergency 
Israeli Soldiers and Settlers Attack Palestinian Citizens Causing 20 Injured and a Five-Month Pregnant Lady Abortion ARCHIVES 

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