Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - highway=scramble

2022-09-16 Thread Georg

Dear martianfreeloader,

you wrote Thu Sep 15 2022 00:27:11 GMT+0200

I am a hiker and a climber, but I made experiences similar to Peter's on
more than one occasion. I have been led along ways by osmand which were
mapped as highway=path; obviously by other climbers. They were
definitely not suitable for folks without climbing experience that want
to go on a physically demanding hike

Yet, these kind of paths/scrambles are
often not considered "real climbing" in the narrower sense (mountaineers
would usually still go without rope).

from your description, I've the impression you're less seeking
information specifically about scrambling (using hands) but more how
demanding and dangerous a way is. Both is reflected by SAC hiking grade;
T5 and T6 seem matching very well the ways you describe – too easy to be
listed anywhere as a climbing route, so listed as hiking path while
bearing too high falling risk for quite a share of hikers.

In case my impression is correct, do you remember any of these ways and
could check a hand full whether they are carrying SAC T grade? Then,
this tag "just" needs to be considered by data consumers, i.e. humans
shall set desired maximum hike difficulty and routers shall not suggest
any paths that are more difficult. That works very reliable in BRouter,
but I did not try OsmAnd much for that purpose.

In case my impression is not correct, could you please tell with other
words how your experiences link to highway=scrambling?

Best regards,

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - highway=scramble

2022-09-16 Thread Georg

Dear Asa and others,

Asa wrote Thu Sep 15 2022 23:38:40 GMT+0200

Imo, scramble would not only include via ferrata.

Unlike what I wrote yesterday, there is indeed some overlap of
scramble and via ferrata. There are via ferratas, that can be
hiked/scrambled without gear:

from what I see, highway=scramble would just "take over" a part of the
existing overlap between highway=path and highway=via_ferrata but does
not introduce new overlaps. Do you see new ones?

In fact, there's a big number of ways where I find it difficult to tell
apart between "very easy via ferrata" and "alpine hike with many safety
measures" like and


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - highway=scramble

2022-09-16 Thread Georg

Dear Peter and all others,

I gained the impression you do not find consent just because you are
using different definitions for the same thing: SAC T4-T6. 🙈

Peter wrote Thu Sep 15 2022 17:30:25 GMT+0200


Which combination(s) of highway values, sac scale values and
hazard values would exclusively represent a scramble


Any of the three combinations:
highway=path + sac_scale=alpine_hiking
highway=path + sac_scale=demanding_alpine_hiking
highway=path + sac_scale=difficult_alpine_hiking


So, a selection of sac_scale values may or may not include scramble
sections, beside other posible obstacles/hazards/challenges. If you
specifically want to know where the scramble sections are, the sac_scale
doesn't tell you, correct?

Yes and no 🤪

Janko's and Yves' answer that T4-T6 _require_ hands is correct when
using the _German_ definition

In contrast, the _English_ definition did tell until now
that hands are optional for T4+T5 and only mandatory for T6 – so it
supported Peter's view – which was not consistent with the original
definition of SAC telling "you’ll need to
use your hands" already for T4, see
 I just updated the EN wiki page to match with SAC's definition.

To extend the answer on Peters original question:

Based on SAC's definition, each path of grade SAC T4 and above is a
scramble, because definition of T4-T6 is that at some point, one needs
the hands to go further.

Climbing, by all definitions I saw, needs hands. even
mentions the word "scramble". So if someone does not want to use hands,
exclude any object tagged as sport=climbing – and please note that UIAA
grade I and II is not only suitable for cliffs but also a hiking path of
SAC T5 or T6, so it is relevant on Peter's question.

For it's a little less
clear, as there are not yet many agreed values for the kind of physical
objects we are talking about. Probably relevant values found via taginfo
are hazard=falling and =steep and =slip_danger and =steep_slope.

Considering what surprisingly high steps specialized off-road vehicles
can manage, the two worst values of will likely require
pedestrians to use hands.

Yves did trow in at Thu Sep 15
2022 17:06:25 GMT+0200. I am not creative enough to deduct from
visibility whether hands need to be used, but I still list it as others
might have an idea 🙂

While above keys/values enforce use of hands and thus answer your
question, these are not best to satisfy your expressed interest: To
avoid scramble sections. Why not?
1) Some ways might simply not yet carry above mentioned tagging
   but wait for someone adding it.
2) There may exist some more keys/values not yet mentioned here.

To more reliably avoid scrambles, you need to approach from the other
side: Choose ways tagged as SAC T2 and T1 because they must not be a
scramble, by their definition, and the relevant information is certainly
existing in OSM DB. Only remaining bigger risk is that map and territory
are not matching.

Best regards,

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - highway=scramble

2022-09-16 Thread Georg
ed in my other email and in wiki page. Moreover, I doubt we will
come up with a definition that is resulting in mostly consistent tagging
path/scramble. Both together limits the potential added value
considerably, while nearly all data consumers (renderer, themes,
editors, routers) use highway=path so would need to be altered which is
a massive effort. IMHO it's not worth it.

Peter wrote Thu Sep 15 2022 00:03:48 GMT+0200

> If a sign says a path will make you scamble somewhere

Despite hiking in many different regions and terrains and grades, I
can't recall I ever saw such a sign besides fun/prank/ironic ones like
"student crossing"
Do you have some examples of serious ones?

Besr regards,

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - highway=scramble

2022-09-18 Thread Georg

Dear all,

Asa wrote Sat Sep 17 2022 14:11:45 GMT+0200

In one of the Snowdon photos, a woman is using hands for balance.

I just observed that for Snowdon, the link was replaced
containing photos actually showing some hand use. My last post was based
on the first link only, this post on both.

Without knowing that trail, so from the photos alone, hands seem really
_required_ only at 2-3 single points. Just because of these few points
tagging a whole long, well walkable way (look at pic #7 or #9) as
scramble feels plain wrong to me. Like tagging a whole long trail as
ladder just because there are 4-5 rungs installed. For me, it would feel
much more appropriate to have a highway=path containing single points
tagged as barrier=step/block/debris/... where a step is so high you need
a hand for balance or pull up. Or tagging the node as scramble=yes, see

Is there really no more clear example for a whole way requiring to
scramble? Some trail where everybody clearly sees at first glance it's
going to be really difficult to do without hands? I mean pictures like
just for something that does match the current definition of
highway=scramble – which Torrent de Pareis does just not (despite
perfectly matching because it
contains few climbs above UIAA II that are preferred by most
non-climbers to do with rope.

I guess, that makes it a grade1 scramble then, whereas use of hands
to advance might make a higher grade scramble? C.f. The site is
operated by a business, no idea if that is just something they made up
or if use is spread wider.

That web page is quite interesting, thanks for sharing. Who has
sufficient experience to judge whether it's not only the publisher's but
a more wide spread definition?

Before doing a grade 2 scramble, they suggest to learn at least climbing
V Diff which is an UIAA IV- according to converter in Because the current proposal
clearly limits highway=scramble to UIAA II, highway=scramble could only
be used for scrambling grade 1 – but what about grade 2 and 3? In shade
of this and other aspects, I encourage to *re-think Peter's suggestion
of scramble=yes respectively scramble=1|2|3 which would allow to
properly tag _all_ scrambles,* whatever grade, whether way or node (if
it's only single points requiring hands like high steps), whatever way
type (including via_ferrata that can be well scrambled without
equipment, track, river bed,...). Also, that would bring OSM's
definition much closer to the one posted above and to

I like on the proposed tag, that discriminating by use of hands makes
it much more easy on mappers, many of which just do not have the
desire to become proficient in sac_scale.

I agree and at the same time I do not see a much better information
precision until we have a much clearer definition of "when are hands
required" 🙄 That's no real issue for scrambles of grade 2+3, just grade 1.

I doubt, that many routers or renderers will have to change anything.
To the opposite, very few routers and renderes will have to.

Thanks for triggering re-thinking it. I guess you're right – as a hiker
and climber, I use virtually only data consumers that are able and
expected to show/consider scrambles, but many people do only car
navigation, kayaking, cycling,... and will even be happy to get rid of
"all the useless clutter" 😉

Best regards,

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - highway=scramble

2022-09-20 Thread Georg
deep cliff without railing
* can be walked upright without use of hands for balance or propelling
by the vast majority of humans that are able to walk and have sufficient
eyesight & cognitive abilities to recognize and cope with obstacles like
branches [these restrictions compared to "walkable by everyone" shall
avoid that even very easy paths would not qualify because e.g. some
people won't walk it because of vertigo, or all blind people would face
considerable risks not detectable by their stick]
* could be driven – if path has an incline, downhill – with a bike or an
empty stroller that are not of the most fragile type, if path's
smoothness was good and with sufficient for the vehicle ["downhill"
avoids discussion about single steps, "empty" avoids discussions due to
level of risk/courage perception associated with babies, hypothetical
values for smoothness & width avoid discussion that actual path can't be
done by stroller]

Everything else becomes a demanding path, so for example
* crawling sections, e.g. in tunnels
* a mostly flat path over demanding surface like big rock blocks

* a path over "questionable" bridges like

As a consequence, in some regions, most paths will become demanding paths.

Additional tags could carry more detailed information about what makes
that path demanding, e.g. height=0.5m or hazard=falling for a bridge

Tertiary tags would be:

The secondary tags would be orthogonal. In case of conflict, the  > most common 
use of the scramble should be tagged. The tertiary > tags

can be used side by side if applicable.

I'd strongly favor that already secondary tag may carry multiple values,
because it would first time make it a no-brainer to map ways with
multiple usage possibilities – which is quite often in the fuzzy
overlapping zone of difficult hike & MTB trail, a scramble, easy via
ferrata and easy climb.

I suggest we first decide whether we find the general concept of
highway=scramble to be useful and want to introduce it at all. In case
we answer this positively, then focus on working out the exact details
like what's the exact sac scale threshold, etc.


Best regards,


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - highway=scramble

2022-09-20 Thread Georg

Dear all,

Peter wrote Tue Sep 20 2022 14:02:24 GMT+0200

This would mean that there is a new primary tag `highway=scramble` which makes 
some currently existing primary tags obsolete:
1) `highway=via_ferrata` gets replaced by `highway=scramble + 
2) `climbing=route` gets replaced by `highway=scramble + scramble=climbing`

1. From previous discussion I got the impression that actual climbing and via 
ferrata are different from scrambling, i.e. not a type of scramble.

I fully agree that climbing and via ferrata are no subset of scrambling
because more difficult climbs/ferratas are going way beyond what a
scramble is. But to my understanding, there is definitely a fuzzy
overlapping zone in the sense simple climbs and via ferrata are at the
same time scrambles. To me, definitions of UIAA climbing grade I are
mostly equal to the posted definitions of scrambling grade 1, similar
overlaps in higher grades until around UIAA IV. Same for the easiest 1-2
grades of via ferrata (see e.g. This is not
only in definitions but also in real life, e.g. in the Alps, simple via
ferrata are done by many as scramble, i.e. they simply do not use the
metal but the rock unless conditions are harsh.

Best regards,

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - highway=scramble

2022-09-20 Thread Georg

Dear all,

martianfreeloader wrote Tue Sep 20 2022 20:59:07 GMT+0200

But yes, you're totally right, it will still be a considerable task to  > 
re-tag all the 2k via ferratas, 3k climbing routes and ~20k difficult

> hikes.

Please bear in mind that quite a lot of them can be re-tagged
automatically, to pick just one example, all SAC T4 can be turned from




without any doubt and without creating nonsense. In the following course
of time, people can add for example "scramble=1" – just like many
streets exist in the database, are a helpful & meaningful information,
but still wait for someone adding lit=yes/no.

This reduces the manual transition effort to those "few" paths that are
"nearby" the "border" between easy and demanding path. Yes, it will
still need years – but that's very likely the same with any approach to
make highway=path less ambiguous.

Best regards,

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - highway=scramble

2022-09-21 Thread Georg

Hi Yves,

> "Please bear in mind that quite a lot of them can be re-tagged
> automatically"

Can you give a single example of similar automatic re-tagging in the past ? lists
plenty, e.g. would be
similar to our purpose as it moved from one tag to another tag. and do list further
edits on large amount of data elements without individual consideration.

Please note the "can be" as well as the limitation to those paths that
can be transformed without any doubt and without creating nonsense 🙂
It's just a possibility we shall be aware of in case the change to
highway=demanding_path was only rejected by some because of too much
work but else wise welcomed.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Motorcycle taxis, pedicabs

2022-09-25 Thread Georg

Hi Dolly,

Has the OSM data model evolved since and are there proper ways to tag
these? Do these fall under amenity=taxi?

in India, all of the mentioned "taxi & bus" variants and some few more
exist (e.g. big auto rickshaws that are used collevtively) and I think
it really makes sense to be able to distinguish them because of very
different characteristics (price, speed, risk, space for luggage, etc).

Common waiting & boarding places that I still have in memory carry no
mapping at all, e.g. in Hyderabad
or Bengaluru so I
cannot see & tell you how to tag.

In case noone has a better answer: Maybe you find a way to contact
Indian mappers? 🙂

Best regards,

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Is tracktype=grade1 surface=compacted a valid combination?

2022-09-25 Thread Georg

Dear all,

stevea wrote Sun Sep 25 2022 00:43:53 GMT+0200

> Is tracktype=grade1 surface=compacted a valid combination?

while the EN wiki page
 does not explicitly exclude it but "only" strongly suggests it by
telling "Usually a paved surface (called also  Sealed road)" for grade1
and "Usually an unpaved track with surface of gravel", the DE wiki page tells (translated
by me) "waterproof surface" and thus explicitly excludes the combination.

Please allow me to add that what I'll call grade1 which ISN'T truly paved (or once was), but 
is essentially surface=compacted, is a distinctly different kind of road when it is wet, 
muddy or actively raining (at least for such tracks/roads around here).  These become pretty 
slick and even "iffy" to drive upon (especially with > about 3% or 4% slope)

Exactly this is one major reason why I consider most surface=compacted
to not not qualify for tracktype=grade1.

Best regards,

Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Are different definitions for same key/value OK? – was: Re: Is tracktype=grade1 surface=compacted a valid combination?

2022-09-26 Thread Georg

Dear all,

stevea wrote Mon Sep 26 2022 01:36:26 GMT+0200

Is tracktype=grade1 surface=compacted a valid combination?

while the EN wiki page
does not explicitly exclude it [...] the DE wiki page >> tells (translated
by me) "waterproof surface" and thus explicitly excludes the combination.

As I said earlier, and as I've found in OSM across different countries / continents, there do seem to be and will seem 
to be "regional variations" like this.  The wiki using words like "usually" might encourage this, 
but it also "encompasses" it, as we're not very likely to get "perfection" with tracktype=* grades 
across the whole world.  Best practice seems to be denoting this in our respective wikis, which we appear to be on 
track doing so now.

noting regional or language specific variances of a definition in the
wiki is OK for manual mapping, but
1) causes quite a lot of wiki maintenance effort: Every language needs
to contain all variances of all other languages because we can't expect
e.g. all US citizens to understand French, German and Italian
sufficiently well when they are touring Europe and driving the 3 hours
from Euro-Airport (in France) through German speaking part of
Switzerland to Italy.
2) makes it quite hard to create programs that work correctly and behave
user friendly. Example below.
3) discussions are much more prone to misunderstandings if the same
key/value is defined in different ways, like we recently saw for SAC
scale in scramble topic (may or must a T5 path contain scramble sections?).
4) because we simply don't have the resources to implement 1+2 really
100%, we end up with data that does not match one of the definitions.
And cleanup is really difficult, because you cannot tell which data was
entered due to which definition. Example below.

Example for 2): A seasoned US mapper travels central Europe and maps
there using Vespucci. The mapper's mobile is still in English, so
Vespucci cannot simply rely on "it's enough if German GUI covers German
variance". Instead, it  would now have to contain a piece of logic
telling that temporarily, the English preset texts need to be changed to
match German content (so all regional variations need to be existing in
all preset languages). Moreover, the mapper shall be made aware of this
switch, because a seasoned mapper won't read the texts all the time but
instead directly click on a value out of routine. Things get worse if
the mapper has still pending changes in US and jumps between changes in
DE and US, as Vespucci needs to switch presets depending on which edit
is shown to the user. Same applies to all other editors, all quality
assurance tools, all routers, many analysis tools,...

Example for 4): A highway=path is tagged as SAC T5. Does it contain a
scrambling section as required by SAC, or does it not, because the EN
variant of did mention
for years that scrambling is optional for T5, so someone may have tagged
the path as T5 despite it does not contain a scrambling section, i.e. it
shall be tagged as T4 only. As a consequence, we'd need to re-check the
tagging for thousands of paths but we have AFAIK no effective means to
document which paths have been checked (e.g. MapRoulette does not help
much here).

Hence, I speak up for and strongly prefer to limit variances of
definitions as much as possible, e.g. where simply not at all applicable
because of local law.

How do you see it?

Best regards,

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - highway=scramble

2022-09-26 Thread Georg

Dear all,

Hungerburg wrote Mon Sep 26 2022 22:19:03 GMT+0200

Nearly two weeks passed since the RfC started. Quite some changes have
happened. I’d like to invite a second reading, to help weed out
remaining problems.

"use of hands is required" is not defined at all, thus stays fully
subjective: My sister needs hands where I do not even start to think
about using hands, most people living in German cities will use hands
where people from rural areas of Peru's Andes won't because their daily
routine ways differ so much.
→ This massively reduces the added value of highway=scramble and invites
for edit wars. I posted some definition possibilities in my mail of
2022-09-20, 17:00

scramble=grade* is mentioned in the current proposal. The grades
definition posted earlier in this thread tells

On grade 2 and 3 scrambles it’s worthwhile taking a rope at least 30m
long, some eight-foot slings, HMS karabiners and maybe a very small
rack, half a dozen large nuts and hexes at most.

The proposal excludes any scrambles using equipment, so forbids all
scrambles of grades 2+3 to be tagged as highway=scramble. Thus, only
scramble=grade1 remains by definition, so it cannot add any information
and shall be removed from the proposal.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Is it man_made=water_tap?

2022-09-27 Thread Georg

Dear all,

Mateusz wrote Tue Sep 27 2022 12:46:54 GMT+0200

You need to push button to activate (rather than turn handle)

Is adding man_made=water_tap to it correct?

IMHO yes.

The OSM wiki explicitly lists several examples with push  button taps. tells

A tap (also spigot or faucet: see usage variations) is a
valve controlling the release of a liquid or gas.

This definition applies not only to screw-down but also to push button taps.

The further text describes different types of taps. Amongst them:

The term tap is widely used to describe the valve used to
dispense draft beer from a keg, whether gravity feed or pressurized.

If a pull-type tap is so widely called tap, a push-type does IMHO
qualify too, as it is only inverted direction of movement.


Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] OSM Wiki

2022-09-30 Thread Georg

Hi Mateusz,

in your edit
you added the sentence

> For working one additional tags fitting it would be ...

I don't really get the meaning 🤷‍♂️ Could you word it differently or
explain and let me look for a wording? Thank you 🙂

As you're very active in the wiki: Do we have a template (in the meaning
as in Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer) for _the full wiki page_
describing a key/tag/value? I did only find templates in the MediaWiki
sense, so {{something}}, but not the whole page including typical
sections etc.

Best regards,

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] wheelchair designated parking space tagging?

2019-01-05 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 04.01.2019 um 23:22 schrieb Warin:
Possibly there needs to be a main wiki page for 'disabled' features 
tagging, toilets, tactile paving, parking, access.

On 05/01/19 07:58, Paul Allen wrote:
On Fri, 4 Jan 2019 at 20:44, Richard <>> wrote:

looking through the wiki can't find how parking space designated
for wheelchair/disabled users should be tagged?

Having a main page - and actualize it - is a really kind service.
BTW: _is_ such a main 

But I do not understand, why people who look-and-not-found something in 
the wiki do not _search_ it.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Creating shop=caravan

2019-01-07 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 07.01.2019 um 08:20 schrieb Graeme Fitzpatrick:

& here we go: :-)

Seeing that apparently it's already been used 130 odd times, can I 
take that we don't actually have to RFC & vote on it?

May be not necessary to RFC & vote - but I think to discuss (may be I 
missed that part already?)

You intend to summarize up caravans, motorhomes and tents.
But I mostly know of 'specialised' shops:
- motorhomes only
- caravans only
- tents only

(OK, I also know some 'supermarkets' with combinations.)

At least I want to find the right dealer for me (e.g. motorhome), so it 
would be necessary to distuingish them.
Because there are mixed shops and all fall under caravaning, I suppose a 
subkey would be necessary - but yet I did not found a useful one or know 
a possible new one.

Any ideas?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Creating shop=caravan

2019-01-15 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 15.01.2019 um 00:29 schrieb Dave Swarthout:

Now, if we could only get rid of tourism_caravan_site and replace it 
with tourism=campground. Sigh. That'll never happen but it should.

whoow - please do not stumble over the next misleading OSM-keys. ;-)

I think you mean tourism=camp_site, which is used for placing tents, 
caravans and/or motorhomes - as campground?.

tourism=caravan_site is the one where you (at least in Europe) only can 
stay with motorhomes (selfpropelled) - but not with caravans (towed).
But I am quite sure, that is different for the USA, Australia ore other 
'english' countries - may be even for the Brexiters. ;-)

Language: You can use every word for every meaning - you just have to 
agree about what the meaning is. ;-)


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Link roads between different highways type

2019-01-15 Thread Georg Feddern

On Tue, Jan 15, 2019, 11:52 Saeed Hubaishan <> wrote:

About the subject I used to tag the link with the lowest way class
but in:

it guides to use the hightest way class. I think this is not right
behavior link from motorway to tertiary way is tertiary way not
motorway, and so.

What do you think about this?

Am 15.01.2019 um 13:19 schrieb Johnparis:
> I agree with you.
> For roundabouts and circular junctions, I use the highest type. For 
link roads, the lowest.

> I could see an exception for motorway onramps, indicating "starting 
here you can't get off the motorway".


I could agree with you - with the exception of motorway on- and 
off-ramps, which are always motorway_link up to the end of the motorway 


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Creating shop=caravan

2019-01-15 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 15.01.2019 um 14:43 schrieb Marc Gemis:

On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 1:55 PM Georg Feddern  wrote:

tourism=caravan_site is the one where you (at least in Europe) only can
stay with motorhomes (selfpropelled) - but not with caravans (towed).

but the wiki states on
"A caravan site, caravan park or RV park is a place where people with
caravans / motorhomes / recreational vehicles can stay overnight"

only tents are not mentioned.

Yep - that is exactly, what I intended:

It is the agreed meaning in OSM, tagged with a word (language) that is 
the opposite of the real usage in some countries.
Now search as a user a place where you can rest overnight or stay some 
days with your caravan (camping trailer!) while driving through good Ol' 
Germany. ;-)


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Clarification unclassified vs residential

2019-02-20 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 20.02.2019 um 10:22 schrieb Florian Lohoff:

So for me retagging residential to unclassified is broken under the
assumption that unclassified is something "better" than residential.

It is even more broken when there is residential usage in which case
unclassified is inappropriate.

While discussing i found that there was some modification to the German
version of unclassified not saying that unclassified is something
"better" but suggesting that an unclassified should be dragged into
city limits until the next higher class street. This lets user
assume that unclassified is some higher priority than residential.

I was treating those streets identical for the last 10+ years and only
the city limits gave the indication whether to use unclassified or

Am i wrong with that usage?

Even the english wiki says:
"The tag highway 
<>=unclassified is used 
for minor public roads typically at the lowest level of the 
interconnecting grid network."

As part of the interconnecting grid network it should connect to at 
least unclassified or higher roads - unless it is a dead end settlement.
Tagging a through connecting road only because it is inside a city limit 
as residential makes no sense.
And usually a connecting road from outside a city limit has at least a 
bit more traffic as an inner-city-only residential.
So the conclusion an unclassified has a bit higher priority than a 
residential is not far from reality.

Otherwise there is often the problem to tag the main access roads inside 
a bigger residential area.
The practice to tag those as unclassified for a bit higher priority may 
not be optimal - but suitable.

This discussion - and usage - is some years old now - and I thought you 
had at least knowledge of it from the german forum.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] How to tag pedestrian lanes?

2019-10-20 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 20.10.2019 um 11:24 schrieb Markus:

On Sat, 19 Oct 2019 at 23:02, Martin Koppenhoefer

+1, or e.g. sidewalk:right=lane
there are a few instances tagged like this:

18 out of 30 are additionally tagged sidewalk=right. I think it's
better to keep "sidewalk" out, otherwise it gets too confusing.

Why not in analogy to cycleway=track|lane|...
sidewalk=yes (as synonym for kerb) was thought too short ... again.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] How to tag pedestrian lanes?

2019-10-20 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 20.10.2019 um 23:23 schrieb Clifford Snow:
I'm not familiar with the laws of the country the picture [1] listed 
in the first post on this thread, but the diagonal yellow lines look 
to me like a don't park here rather than a sidewalk. Even the one 
pedestrian in the picture isn't walking the diagonal yellow lines. Can 
someone confirm that those yellow lines indicate a pedestrian way?

at 6.19


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] key, name, long or a partial abbreviation?

2020-01-27 Thread Georg Feddern


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Are rowboats covered by "boat=*" or "canoe=*"?

2020-06-23 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 23.06.2020 um 06:29 schrieb Joseph Eisenberg:
The wiki page Key:boat <> 
says that tag is to specify

"Legal access restriction for boats. In the sense of OSM these are 
small boats and pleasure crafts, including yachts."

The picture shows a "no rowboats" sign: File:A.16_Fahrverbot.svg 

But there is also a key canoe=* - the page Key:canoe 
<> says:

"Legal access restriction for boats without a motor or a sail like 
canoes, kajaks or rowboats."

I can see how canoes and kayaks are basically the same, since both are 
narrow boats that usually carry 1 or 2 people and are propelled by 

But should rowboat access restrictions be under this key 
canoe=yes/no/designated, or are they under boat=yes/no/designated - or 
something else?

I would consider a rowboat a 'boat' - but the problem is that the "No 
rowboat" sign does not mean the vehicle class but the 'drive' of the 

"A boat that is _not_ driven by motor or sail."
So it also forbids canoe/kayak.

So the access can only be determined correctly if a rowboat is 
considered with the access canoe=*.

E.g. the german regulations differ

a) by drive
- motor
- sail
- oars/paddle

b) by class
- sport (motor or sail boat/yacht - but not: canoe, kayak, rowboat, 
surf..., jetski)

- waterski
- wind-/kitesurfing
- waterscooter/jetski

So the access restriction boat=* could only be used for 'sport' boats 
with motor or sail.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Road barrier

2017-11-28 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 28.11.2017 um 10:00 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
On 27. Nov 2017, at 13:51, Selfish Seahorse > wrote:

Sorry for asking again, but does anyone know if motorcar=no implies
that there is no access for all multi-track motor vehicles or only for

In case hgv are permitted I’d explicitly tag it with hgv=yes, but 
according to the wiki, motorcar only implies motorhome:

Yes, unfortunately the european common-in-use traffic sign "VEHICLES 
double-tracked motor vehicles" has no equivalent in the OSM access scheme.

I think it is time for a =double_tracked (motor vehicles)!
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Road barrier

2017-11-28 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 28.11.2017 um 11:54 schrieb Selfish Seahorse:
On 28 November 2017 at 11:26, Georg Feddern  

Yes, unfortunately the european common-in-use traffic sign "VEHICLES

motor vehicles" has no equivalent in the OSM access scheme.
I think it is time for a =double_tracked (motor vehicles)!

Are there places where only motorcars are prohibited, but other
double-tracked motor vehicles are allowed?

I do not know of any, but ...

  Otherwise, the
description/meaning of motorcar=* could be adjusted.

motorcar=* is needed, because there are places, that are allowed for 
them _only_ (see parking).
But Dave is right - the implication of motorhomes under motorcar is 
'very unfortunate' too - for the same reasons.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] route/forward/backward members in all types of routes

2018-01-10 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 10.01.2018 um 12:32 schrieb Ilya Zverev:

Selfish Seahorse wrote:

The course of the route is determined by the order of the stops in the
route relation. Therefore forward/backward roles would be redundant.

But stops are not mandatory in public transport routes, unlike 
I am quite sure that in _reality_ a stop _or_ a platform is mandatory in 
a public transport route - otherwise you would just have a route with 

PTv1 - zero or more for both - aha ...
PTv2 - mandatory for both, but if may be only one is present, the other 
is not really mandatory anymore - aha ...

There is a reason for that I only map highway=bus_stop ...

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] highway=service // public road?

2018-05-24 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 23.05.2018 um 22:33 schrieb Greg Troxel:

Florian Lohoff  writes:

I now see increasing usage of service roads as a category below
unclassified. People tagging "smaller roads" in the countryside
as a service roads.

I think this is basically wrong tagging.

I find this a little disturbing and now got into an argument whereas
my position is the above - broken down into my more strict language:

- If the public has a right of way
- The road is build/run by public authorities
- Its not something obvious like a parking space
- It cant be service

It might not fit 100% everywhere, but no rule without its exception.

Broadly agreed with your concerns.

A very important characteristic of a place you can drive is

   - it is legally a road, where more or less anyone has a right to
 drive (and this can be public ownership or private).  Typically this
 means that the ground on which it is built is carved out as a
 separate lot for ownership (or government owned).  This can be
 government, or it can be a road in a subdivision which is in the US
 marked "private way" meaning that it is legally a road but privately
 owned.  You can still get a speeding ticket on it, because the road
 use rules apply to private ways, but do not apply to what you do in
 your farm field.

 Whether they apply in a shopping center is an interesting question.
 I'd say: yes, you will be cited, and probably that does not hold
 up.  But in some places (north carolina), the property owner can put
 up signs that the traffic laws apply anyway - I saw these at the
 biltmore estate.   Basically "this is private but the unwashed
 public is here and we want the police to be able to bust them" :-)

   - not legally a road, in that there is no right of access, traffic
 laws do not necessarily apply, and there is no separate parcel for

This is basically
"highway=primary/secondary/tertiary/unclassified/residential" vs

It would be goo to have this be

That's a wonderful theory - and you get a 'stew' mess of unclassified if 
you do that in mapping the reality ...
The mapping differentiation in unclassified (mostly connecting roads), 
service without service=* (mostly destination roads) and track (for - 
due to history - public accessible rural driveways) is simply driven by 

The first we had at navigating in the late 199x'/early 200x - resulting 
in advising horrible routes through undesirable ways.
With the latter you have a reasonable routing (and rendering too, by the 

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] maxspeed:type vs source:maxspeed // StreetComplete

2018-09-17 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 17.09.2018 um 16:17 schrieb Florian Lohoff:

is it intentional that StreetComplete tags the maxspeed source/type in
maxspeed:type instead of the much more used source:maxspeed?

If you search the german forum you will find that it is indeed intentional:
StreetComplete wird maxspeed:type taggen by westnordost
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] issues with the list of deprecated features

2018-10-17 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 15.10.2018 um 16:38 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

Am Mo., 15. Okt. 2018 um 14:21 Uhr schrieb Tom Pfeifer>>:

On 15.10.2018 10:57, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 3. amenity=creche and amenity=nursery
> For both tags amenity=kindergarten is suggested as alternative
tagging, which seems clearly wrong
> (kindergarten is usually for ages 3-6 while these tags are for
ages 0-3).

I thought the consensus was here that it depends on the country.
In Germany, I see mostly the "Kita"
(Kindertagesstätte) structure which in the same institution enrols
age 0-6 in different departments
or groups, and a lot offer afterschool supervision (Hort).
This is easily expressed with the min_age + max_age tag, and some
folks use after_school=yes.

For the German situation, KiTa and Hort should/could well be tagged 
with childcare, but "Krippe"? And if we decide to tag a Krippe 
(creche/nursery) the same as a Hort or KiTa, but with age tags, isn't 
that inconsistent with Kindergarten? From my point of view, Hort and 
KiTa are both childcare places which extend beyond the times of 
kindergarten and school (and are after those, typically), while a 
Krippe is for babies up to 3 years and is more like a Kindergarten, 
apart from the age. It would really be much more logical and easier to 
introduce / accept nurseries (there's a reason there is a specific 
term for this in language, no?), then throw most but not all of 
"child-related-stuff" in the same cauldron where you will have to dig 
for age group and other specfic tags in order to make sense of it.

There is always a reason having a specific term for different parts of 
childcare - it is simply easier to talk about a Krippe(nursery), 
Kindergarten, Hort(after school club) instead of a childcare with 
age_group 0-3, 4-6, 7-14.
And it is quite logical to take these terms as tags - in the first 
But is it really easier to end up with three different amenities - and 
so with different POIs - for a childcare which enrols all age groups?
Nevertheless the min or max age sometimes differs at the same sort of 
institution - so you may look e. g. after a hort but still have to check 
for the valid age anyway.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Mapping larger Mini-roundabouts

2012-06-06 Thread Georg Feddern

For highway=pedestrian, at platforms and many other things we allow to 
add area=yes to a feature to turn a circular way (ring) to a circular 
area (filled area, polygon).
If - and that's in fact more or less the result of the discussions we 
had in the last days - the difference between mini roundabouts and 
roundabouts is the traversability of the center part, I would say, 
mapping a mini roundabout as a way would in theory be sufficient 
without area=yes, because area=yes would be implied.
On the other hand I would propose to add area=yes to avoid confusion 
both at data consumer side as well as on mapper side (yes, they MEANT 
it to be a mini roundabout, I guess, because they knew it's an area 
without obstacle in the middle).


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Mapping larger Mini-roundabouts

2012-06-06 Thread Georg Feddern

How about diameter=15 on the mini-roundabout node? This is factually 
correct, verifiable on the ground and (IMHO) non-controversial; 
routing would not be affected (no need to route over areas) and 
renderers can draw a bigger blob. Problem solved, simples.

+1 (as to Peter)
I would prefer this method - but would allow the mini-roundabout-tag on 
areas for compatibility reasons - may the latter rest upon 'already 
mapped' or 'stubborn resistance'. ;-)


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Mapping larger Mini-roundabouts

2012-06-06 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 06.06.2012 14:09, schrieb Pieren:

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 1:10 PM, Simone Saviolo  wrote:

On the other hand I would propose to add area=yes to avoid confusion both
at data consumer side as well as on mapper side (yes, they MEANT it to be a
mini roundabout, I guess, because they knew it's an area without obstacle in
the middle).


+1 for me too.

I'm confused now. You mean an "area=yes" on a node tagged as mini_roundabout ?

It is obvious, that you did not cite Peters first sentence - but it is 
mandatory to read it in context, to avoid your confusion. ;-)

-1 for "area=yes" for something that is traversable only for wide vehicles

Uhmm, it is still traversable physically - it is just only allowed for 
wide vehicles.

Like painted lines/areas on dual carriageways ...

-1 for "area=yes" on nodes.


-1 for circles with "area=yes" and implied oneway restriction.

I think I understand your point here - but the simple node still has a 
oneway restriction too.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Data redundancy with "ref" tag on ways vs relations

2012-07-31 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 31.07.2012 10:33, schrieb "Petr Morávek [Xificurk]":

Kytömaa Lauri wrote:

  Petr Morávek [Xificurk] wrote:

2) A relation exists with member ways without ref tag. This means that
the route is essentially mapped and any further editor is correcting
errors, that he found. Then someone comes and adds a ref tag to one of
the ways - why?

He drove by, and saw a different ref sign next
to that road from one intersection and the next
one. He has no knowledge of where the ref on
the relation comes from, and if it is still valid on
all the ways currently part of the relation. He
only knows that this way has a ref=new value,
and it's all he can enter. Locals will eventually
notice, and resurvey the whole area - they'd
have to resurvey anyway.

If he knows for sure, that on that road from point A to point B is
ref=42 and not ref=56 as the OSM data says, then the user should fix it
as I wrote in previous email. Remove the ways from the current relation
and add the correct ref tag to the ways themselves, or create a new
relation for them. Problem fixed! Note, that if the edit was mistake
after all, then QA tool analyzing road network should catch that.

If he's not really sure about his data, but wants to alert locals "hey,
here may be something wrong", then he should use FIXME tag as for any
other dispute.

Well, I am quite happy with relations and I would like to use them 
"only" as you want, too.

On the other hand I have the practical expirience, that OSM lives from 
"new" contributors

- and "new" contributors have a quite simple approach:
   - E. g. they add nodes, where already buildings exist, because there 
is no icon in their editor, they expect there.

   - They simply do not see relations in their first periods of mapping.

I am quite sure, they would add those ref tags as described above, 
simply because it is their first view.
(I have no practical expirience of that right now - but simply because 
the refs are still on the ways yet here in Germany.)

As a QA contributor you just have two opportunities:
- Remove all ref tags from the ways and organize in relations - again 
and again.
- Tag all ways with the ref tags appropriate. (Double the data with 

You will not get a consistant and straight solution anyway, I am quite sure.

If I understood your scenario correctly, it can be summarized as: "Let's
use conflicting ref tags for road disputes instead of fixme tag."
Personally, I don't support this view.

I would understand as:
Live with the (mapping) reality and use the (QA) possibilities it opens up.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Ferry routes, what's the correct approach?

2012-07-31 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 31.07.2012 22:50, schrieb LM_1:

Not knowing how different routers use access I believe that ways
marked as access=customers should be routed with some sort of warning.
The same goes for access=private. Quite commonly the real final
destination would be in some limited access area and so routers do not
have to absolutely avoid more restrictive access values than public.

Quite commonly the ferry would not be the real final destination - but 
in the middle of the route.
Routers commonly do not use more restrictive access values in the middle 
of a route ...

access=customer may be also parking places with bothside access.
access=private may be also big company areas with bothside access.
Commonly routers shall not use those - so why should they use them at 
ferry terminals?

You may have to pay a "fee" to access, but I would call this a public 
traffic route.

In particular if there is no other possible route.
As long as there is no other easy way I would "tag for routers" in this 


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Map for surface/smoothness?

2012-09-11 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 11.09.2012 14:46, schrieb Martin Vonwald:


I'm looking for a map where I can see what ways are (not) tagged with

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Map for surface/smoothness?

2012-09-11 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 11.09.2012 18:14, schrieb Martin Vonwald (Imagic):

Am 11.09.2012 um 16:10 schrieb Georg Feddern :

Thanks! This covers surface, but smoothness isn't supported as far as I can see.

not yet - but you may ask at
perhaps he will implement it.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Exclusive access rights

2012-11-01 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 31.10.2012 23:49, schrieb Johan C:
Ok, so what you guys are saying is that is wrong 
on the description of motor_vehicles. Fine to me, but I would 
appreciate an improvement of that page then. How can that be achieved?

I do not see that the description of motor_vehicle nor the description 
of motorcar is wrong there.

But be careful with the conclusion from the symbol:

In international signage the "motorcar" means all motor driven vehicles 
with 4 or more wheels in two rows - not only passenger cars like the 
symbol shows.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Clean-up the seamark landmark tags on the wiki (and perhaps later in the db)

2012-11-24 Thread Georg Feddern


Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with the SeaMap, I'm just a coast dweller.

Am 23.11.2012 11:48, schrieb Frederik Ramm:
True - a cemetery is a cemetery and whether or not cemeteries are used 
as landmarks by seamen doesn't change that.

I do not see, that the seamark:xxx=cemetery will replace the 
landuse=cemetery, so I do not see a fearable change there.
I see that there is a notable difference for navigating purposes 
possible - not every cemetery on the sea is automagically a seamark:xxx 
- but I may be corrected here.

It is inconceivable to have something tagged "landuse=cemetery" and 

Please keep on the spur - no one talks about such main differences - but 
you cannot tag two different impacts with just one simple tag.

Furthermore, is "landmark" really something that can be sensibly 
limited to the scope of naval tagging? Can there be something that is 
a landmark for navigation on water but not a landmark for other 
purposes, and vice versa?

Living in Karlsruhe this is said easily - no pun intended - but living 
at the coast I know of the differences even I am no 'seaman'.
Yes, I consider some landmarks only visible on land and some 
seamark:landmark only visible by sea.

The problem is, to distinguish those at the 'border strip'.

Will OpenSeaMap soon start adding "seamark:type=shop", 
"seamark:shop=convenience" to existing "shop=convenience" objects if 
these shops can be used by sailors?

Now I think you draw a 'Black man' (bogeyman) on a black wall ...

We have bothered much about that as long as OpenSeaMap tagged offshore 
stuff but I think we cannot tolerate this on the 30% of the world 
surface that have 99.9% of the data ;)

Well, 'routable maps' and 'navigation charts' are for quite the same 
purpose - but each need there own special tags sometimes, may be even on 
the same object.

I do not see that some(!) additional data on a border strip is really a 
problem here.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] SF Muni tram lines are layer=1? and general tagging levels considerations

2012-12-17 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 18.12.2012 07:31, schrieb A.Pirard.Papou:

On 2012-12-17 22:16, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote :
2012/12/17 A.Pirard.Papou <>>

We badly need precision.

. In fact, the only effect of assigning a layer is that upper
layer objects hide lower layer ones (it's not a "mind your step"
warning ;-))

it is a way to describe in the database which object is above which 
or whether they are at the same level.

Agreed. And this is why I said that the tag should be called level.
Transforming that into layers is a renderer's matter that is strictly 
forbidden to speak about. Yet...

possible - but its a historical evolution you have to 'correct' then.
And I (and possibly others too) see the key 'layer' differently, see below.

I have traced lengths of streams

  * stream as a constant layer=-2 way, uninterrupted end to end
(even if they "don't look so deep"),
  * roads are at level 0
  * and bridges and culverts at level -1, in the manner mentioned

very strange way of mapping IMHO, how did you come to this idea?
Exactly as you say above.  They are the actual relative levels of 
these objects.
I have never seen a bridge sitting on a road (and hiding it, even just 
as a hint).

Well, so you just understood the layer key as 'a level of the physical 
whereas in my opinion the layer key is defined as 'a level of a map 
feature (OSM object)'.

Physical 'level' is described best by ele (elevation, absolute) or may 
be by the key 'level' (as in buildings, relative).
The key 'layer' is just a relative hint for renderer - at least in my 

Bridge and the 'road element' may be seen as different physical objects.
But in OSM bridge and 'road element' are seen as one object (one OSM 
way) as long as no bridge relation is used.
So you are just not able to divide them in different OSM layers therefor 
- at least not until you map different 'layer' for bridge and road 
element then.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Source tag - deprecated for use on objects?

2013-01-03 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 02.01.2013 18:16, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

+1, the smaller (and more sorted by kind of change action) changesets
get, the better the chance that the following mapping will understand
easily what it is about. There is really no point in grouping
different kinds of edits in the same set of changes, just because you
happen to do them at the same time.

Sometimes I see e.g. a restaurant just by driving by.

Mapping at home
- I draw a building outline from Bing
- add amenity and name from survey
- add address info from internet research (depending on my own memory)

And you really think I will add that in 3 (three!) different changesets?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Names on relations and not component ways

2013-01-06 Thread Georg Feddern


Am 04.01.2013 14:43, schrieb

I recently created a waterway where I put the name of the waterway on the 
relation but not on the component ways which are grouped by the relation.

To me, not duplicating data would seem to be the better overall practice, and 
duplication of

well, it's one acceptable perception to enter the data into a 
'relational' database - opposite to the 'keep it simple on every way' 

But why do you duplicate the tag waterway=river on every way then ...?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] business closed for renovation - tagging best practice

2013-01-18 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 17.01.2013 16:42, schrieb Janko Mihelić:

Well then you decide what its status is. Is it an abandoned building 
(building=yes), or is it a temporarily closed McDonalds (building=yes, 
amenity=restaurant, temporary:opening_hours=off).

If someone says "Meet me at the abandoned McDonalds", you could find 
that with the temporary tag :) That's more information than just 

so you will find a restaurant with closed doors ... while searching for 
an opened one.

If it is an _abandoned_ restaurant it is no restaurant anymore.
In this case I would remove the amenity tag and leave the name only - in 
fact it _is_ just a building with a big name sign then (case here with a 
Burger King since around 2 years).


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] fire_hydrant extensions proposal

2013-03-11 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 11.03.2013 13:29, schrieb Richard Welty:

On 3/11/13 7:25 AM, Andreas Labres wrote:

Please keep in mind, there already a rather big list of possible tags:
(only in German) and what the OpenFireMap displays (the diameter):

3) water main diameter (not hydrant diameter)

internal hydrant diameter isn't going to play in the US, nor is pressure
in bar, hence the proposal for extending the tagging system.

fire_hydrant:main_diameter is the same as fire_hydrant:diameter - at 
least in the current tagging usage and 'mappers meaning'.

fire_hydrant:diameter is used for the _main_ _pipeline_ diameter, where 
the hydrant is fed from - as this is indicating the possible value of 
the water supply. (In theory the pressure is normalized ... in practice, 
well ...)

Sure, this is a bit misleading ... it was developed from a german point 
of view regarding the signs and a short-as-possible key ...

The hydrant pipe inner diameter is not tagged yet - afaik.
In Germany the interfaces are standardized anyway - and the 
(underground) standpipe diameter may possibly vary (50, 80, 100), as it 
is a movable part from the fire brigade.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] New Proposal

2013-05-01 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 01.05.2013 12:53, schrieb Philip Barnes:

The slip roads are straight ahead, whilst the through route curves to 
the right. The tag is need to tell the router that straight ahead is 
not stay on the same road.

Hope that explains it.

uhm, had you ever considered to tag both following ways as *_link?

In my opinion
- the A56 is a trunk_link, because you have to leave the previous lanes.
- the A682 is a primary_link, because you leave the A56.

In _both_ cases you need a hint from the router to be warned (like "keep 
left" or "keep right").

And AFAIK this would be already supported by routers.

Just my 2 cents.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Tagging of "local" produce

2013-07-03 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 03.07.2013 05:43, schrieb Bryce Nesbitt:
Some farm stands actually sell in-season produce direct off the 
adjacent farm.  Others, which look the same from the road, sell 
imported goods only.

A third type offers the goods from various local farms.
How could I tag the difference?

May be something like offer=* with
- on-site
- local
- retail


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Seeking 3 volunteers (to send their votes down on toilets).

2013-08-13 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 14.08.2013 06:06, schrieb Bryce Nesbitt:

Would three kind souls take the time to vote at:
To bring the total to 15 voters?

It seems there are not so many interested souls ...
I won't depend it on the _absolute_ number of votes - just on the 
relation approve/oppose and a sinful proposal process (what I have seen 
If there are nearly no ones who oppose the voting - there should be 
nearly no ones who cry afterwards.

If those who cry have missed the proposal - they would cry anyway.
And if there are many more who cry afterwards - even 15 votes won't have 
been enough.

You have done what should be done in my opinion.
Therefor it should be no problem to use it anyway.

Just my 2 cents.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Usefulness of bicycle=dismount on ways

2013-10-09 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 07.10.2013 19:13, schrieb Richard Welty:

On 10/7/13 1:08 PM, John F. Eldredge wrote:

I remember seeing such a "cyclists must dismount" on the narrow
footway of a bridge over the James River, in Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Not only was the footway narrow, [...]

there's a cyclists must dismount sign for the footway along the Dunn
Bridge between Albany and Rensselaer NY.

well, if it is tagged as highway=footway you already have to dismount - 
otherwise it would be tagged as highway=cycleway.

So where is the need for a bicycle=dismount here?

I only see the practical need for a bicycle:dismount=no where bicycles 
are even not allowed dismounted.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Usefulness of bicycle=dismount on ways

2013-10-09 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 08.10.2013 20:16, schrieb Volker Schmidt:

Just for your reference - while for many cases, I agree that
is appropriate, there are quite interesting cycleways in the Czech
Republic, where using bicycle=dismount for nodes on a path would
make things easier for people editing OSM. Consider this:
(and don't ask me what idiot proposed a cycleway like this).

This is the standard way of doing things here in Italy as well. At 
every "end of cycleway" sign you are legally supposed to dismount and 
cross the lateral road as pedestrian

well, as it is also signed as the end of the legal footway/sidewalk - in 
my opinion it is no need for a _dismount_ there.
In my opinion it is just a legal backdoor, that on these driveways (or 
serviceways?) you leave the legal cycleway/footway (with the regarding 
legal rights above the otherwise crossing traffic) and have to obey the 
crossing traffic for your own risk - even as walker, but also as cyclist.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Usefulness of bicycle=dismount on ways

2013-10-16 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 16.10.2013 09:23, schrieb Volker Schmidt:
(this thread is so long now, that I  don't remember if I have inserted 
"my" problem  with bicycle=no/dismount)

Here in Italy we have heaps of pedestrian-only crossings, which are  
part of dedicated combined foot-cycle paths or even pure cycle paths. 
The legal requirements is that cyclists dismount to use them (which no 
cyclist does, but that's a different story).

Where did you get this "legal requirement" from?
As a tourist I wouldn't interprete the sign as "forced to dismount", 
just as "there is no combined footway/cycleway" anymore.
In this case I would  just be carefully pay attention to the traffic 
situation - and go on as on every other combined road with motorvehicles.

This feature of JOSM indicates to me that there is most likely 
widespread use of bicycle=no on crossings with the meaning of 
(according to taginfo the combination crossing and bicycle is used on 
42000 nodes, bicycle=dismount is used on 1900 nodes, bicycle=no is 
used on 56000 nodes

A similar problem exists with cycle barriers (chicanes), where often 
bicycle=no is used to indicate that you have to dismount to pass the 

I don't know how routers handle these cases.

I fear that in the end we will be landed with the impossibility for 
routers to distinguish between bicycle=no and bicycle=dismount at 
least on nodes of type crossing and barrier.

You already got the point:
bicycle= no at OSM is always interpreted (and defined) as "no cycling".
bicyle=* is an access role, a part of vehicle(!) traffic, not an object.
It does not say anything about dismounted yet - this is an 
interpretation of "foot=*" which is the implicit role in most cases then.

And in the majority of situations in the world this is the normal 
There are only some singular situations where "pushing bicycles as an 
object" is not allowed.
In this situations I am always puzzled, what I have to fear, if I would 
carry the bicycle like a suitcase or parcel/packet ... none I suppose, 
but I never was in such situation yet.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] "Feature Proposal - RFC - bicycle=use_cycleway

2013-11-12 Thread Georg Feddern

Even I am not Pee Wee nor any author of the proposal, but

Am 12.11.2013 19:29, schrieb Dave F.:

How does this improve mapping/routing over using bicycle=no?

How does your proposal distinguish the exceptions to the rule that you 
gave as an example below?

consider a muscular trike, which is clearly classified as a bike and not 
allowed to ride where there is a sign "No bicycle".

The user/router knows, that this trike is not allowed or has to avoid 
simple cycleways - so the router has to use "roads" instead.

But the 'normal' road has a strict bicycle=no now without the sign.

Where shall he ride then?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] "Feature Proposal - RFC - bicycle=use_cycleway

2013-11-14 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 14.11.2013 10:13, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

Am 14/nov/2013 um 00:53 schrieb "Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)" 

I don't see why you can't tag the roads you're talking about
with bicycle=no (or maybe something like bicycle=restricted for the
cases where more significant use is allowed) and then add a second tag
along the lines of bicycle:restriction=DE:use_cycleway to capture the
fact that the legal exclusion of bikes is because of X country's
parallel cycleway rules.

You shouldn't do it, because it would be wrong. There is no legal exclusion of 
bikes on the road, there is an obligation - under certain circumstances - to 
use the cycleway, this is a difference and should not be tagged like an 
exclusion of bikes on the road (e.g. like on a motorway)

Your reply is only valid for the first line of the citation.

The rest of the citation sounds better than the proposed "use_cycleway" 
- at least for me. But its just the "name", not the intention, which is 
the same for both.
If there is a need for the additional tag of "country-specific" or if it 
may be as country-specific-implicit as other implications for highways 
already - I don't know.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] "Feature Proposal - RFC - bicycle=use_cycleway

2013-11-14 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 14.11.2013 10:47, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

Am 14/nov/2013 um 10:40 schrieb Georg Feddern :

Your reply is only valid for the first line of the citation.

An approach which combines 2 tags in a way that the meaning is only true for 
the combination of both, but not for the single tag, does not work well IMHO. 
We shouldn't have tags like bicycle=no and with a second tag we say, hey, 
actually that is not a real no in this other tag over there.

yes, you are right!
The "bicycle=no" is missed in the "first line of the citation" (my 
fault)  - but was meant by me.

But my OK has gone for the bicycle=restricted instead of 


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] "Feature Proposal - RFC - bicycle=use_cycleway

2013-11-14 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 14.11.2013 11:04, schrieb Andre Engels:
And why not? What's the difference between "road: you may not cycle, 
cyclepath: you may cycle" and "road: you may only cycle on the 
cyclepath, cyclepath: you may cycle"? And if it's such an important 
difference, why only use this for cyclists? Why not put a 
"motor_vehicle:use_carriageway" on the cyclepath?

The difference is the "road:you may cycle"!

A bicycle=no shall be definite, unambiguous.
A router which routes a bicycle-trike (that is allowed to ride on the 
road but not on the compulsory cycleway) shall still obey a bicycle=no 
as a definite bicycle=no!

A router shall route a 'normal' bike (that shall normally use the 
compulsory cycleway) on the cycleway.
But yet there is no relation between a road and the cycleway so a router 
can not decide to avoid this road (e.g. with compulsory cycleway), but 
not that road (e.g. without _compulsory_ cycleway).

So a router needs a hint for such restricted roads.
That's the core problem.

The naming of the hint is free - as long as it will not be a bicycle=no!
There is no clear 'yes' or 'no', there is something else.
I won't call it "use_cycleway", but name it what it is: A 'restriction'.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] preproposal : internet webcam

2013-11-29 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 29.11.2013 13:03, schrieb Egil Hjelmeland:

On 29. nov. 2013 10:32, Jonathan wrote:

I would agree, I think that covers it.

A webcam is surveillance, it's a camera that is watching you making 
it available to anyone.  Some would say that is a greater 
infringement than an official camera that is regulated.

Maybe the wiki page needs re-wording to reflect that it doesn't 
matter who is watching just that if they're watching with a camera 
then it's surveillance.

I think we live in different universes. This is the kind of stuff I am 
interested in:

not living, just thinking:
You can surveil the wheather condition, snow condition, forest fire 
there. ;-)

Well, I think I understand what you mean - I would have prefered a 
generic man_made=camera instead of =surveillance.

I normally can not decide which view angle, zoom or purpose it has.
Only: There is someone watching - but what and why?

Best regards

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] preproposal : internet webcam

2013-12-02 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 02.12.2013 11:31, schrieb Pieren:

Adding a sub-tag will simply move the current 21700
man_made=surveillance elements without subtags in uncertainty.

OK, that is a point, I agree here.

I still think that a (public) webcam could be tagged differently from
a CCTV because it's not the same purpose and not the same legislation
even if it is a camera and may transit throught the net. One is
public, the other not.
May I suggest:
website=*('url' is deprecated in the wiki)

May I suggest another direction to move in the situation?

I see a camera - but absolutely do not know which purpose it has.
Both opportunities (surveillance/webcam) are possible with this 

Which tag should I use then?
Shall I have to dig it out before tagging?
Or shall I simply ignore the camera and do not tag it?

If we want to extend the tagging, we should use a new but generic tag 
(camera?) in my opinion.
Yes, this may result in parallel tagging - but we should not run in the 
next cul-de-sac with one's eyes open.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] How to tag max width at chicane-type bicycle barriers

2013-12-03 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 03.12.2013 10:44, schrieb Volker Schmidt:

Here in Italy we have plenty of bicycle barriers or chicanes 
(, often with 
more than 2 inverted-U-shaped bars to make life even more difficult.

Should I use "width" or "est_width" which normally indicates the width 
of a way?

If I would see a tag "width" (or est-width) at an object called 
"barrier", I would assume

- in the first line: It is the width of the barrier object itself.
- on a second thought: It may be the total width of the opening left in 
the barrier.

But definitely not

the maximum width of the normal-length bicycle that I presume would 
pass the chicane.

At least there should be a hint, that the tag belongs to bycicles.
The use of this tag won't be restricted on bicycle-only ways - and 
'foot' users will have another "normal-length" - and therefor another 
"maximum width that's presumed to pass" ...


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] noexit

2013-12-03 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 03.12.2013 14:48, schrieb André Pirard:

I agree to:
This tag is
- not necessary for routing
- senseless on ways
- only useful on nodes (the last one, where no other way is connected)

The wiki should be changed, especially the use on ways should be removed.

But I do not agree to

I doubt very much that this tags helps anybody or any quality-check 
program to understand anything. A note should suffice, and I think the 
best option would be to remove that confusing tag.

It is useful for quality-check programs to determine "This is not a 
missing connection to nearby ways". (false positives)

A note would have to be clear and machine-readable for this case.

It might be useful for renderers as on a map it might look as a 
connection (because of oversize of rendered ways).

But this could be determined by preprocessing also.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] one-directinal bicycle dismount on oneway road ?

2014-01-19 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 19.01.2014 09:19, schrieb Volker Schmidt:
I frequently need to map short pieces of a bicycle routes where 
cyclists have to dismount and walk their bicyle on a one-road in the 
"wrong" direction.

I need something like a one-directinal bicycle dismount.
Any suggestions?

Yes: Nothing.

A cyclist who dismount is legally a pedestrian.
A pedestrian is legally allowed to use a one-way-road in the opposite 

Any bicycle router can use a foot=yes (even implied) just as well as a 
cyclist=dismount - for routing and/or for advising.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] one-directinal bicycle dismount on oneway road ?

2014-01-19 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 19.01.2014 12:06, schrieb Colin Smale:
In the UK there is a difference between "no cycles" and "no cycling". 
Although in general you may be correct that a dismounted cyclist is 
effectively a pedestrian, there are also footways (or whatever you 
want to call them) signed as "no cycles", which means that in these 
cases a dismounted cyclist is not equivalent to a pedestrian. 

Yes, I had that in mind, but that was not the question here. ;-)
(You get what you ask. ;-) )

If foot=yes (explicit or implied) implies bicycle=dismount which 
corresponds to "no cycling", I would suggest that bicycle=no would 
then mean "no cycles" i.e. not even if dismounted.

Ouch - I won't mix this here.
bicycle=no is long time used and defined as "traffic", as "use", not as 

So "bicycle=no" means "no cycling" a long time already.

For "no cycles" there should be a new tag.
There was a discussion some time ago.

But watch out for talking about "what is legally allowed" as it varies 
widely by country!


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Tagging lifeguard watch towers

2014-02-18 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 18.02.2014 14:40, schrieb Fernando Trebien:

There's a discussion going on in the Brazilian community on which is
the best tag for this. Among the suggestions are:
- emergency_service=lifeguard
- health_facility:type=first_aid

Thinking from the point of view of applications (rendering and
geocoding), I kind of feel that this may be a health "amenity" similar
to amenity=doctors/clinic/hospital.

I won't see them as a health_facility and would put them under 


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - opening hours open until

2014-02-25 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 25.02.2014 16:35, schrieb Robin `ypid` Schneider:

On 25.02.2014 16:27, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

I don't know in this specific (british) context, but my guess is that
12:00+ indicates (typically) until curfew, while "late" maybe has the
meaning "beyond curfew".

All right. Interesting. If that is the case it might be better to write this
explicitly (using fixed times and comments) because it is probably not desirable
to add this to the syntax.

well, for those who want to know "it's open late" it _is_ quite desirable.
And if there are no fixed times, it is still "open end" but with 
different meaning.

The current syntax "+" does not diffentiate between "until curfew" and 
"beyond curfew".

But this seems to be a desirable differentiation.
Why not extend the syntax with such quite clear definition?

+ means open end until curfew
-late means open end beyond curfew


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] origin of some fire_hydrant tagging

2014-02-26 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 25.02.2014 17:08, schrieb Richard Welty:

i'm wondering if anyone can speak to where the tagging
for fire_hydrant:type came from?

AFAIK the Germans are guilty again - and I plea myself for not-guilty. ;-)
and their history)

And yes - pond does not really match a hydrant 'type' - the hydrant type 
there may be still a 'pillar' or an 'underground', less a 'wall'.

Is it possible, that in UK/US the 'pillar' type is the norm and the 
'underground' type is not wide spreaded?
At least the uses the term 
'post- or pillar-type fire hydrant'

- but I do not know who wrote that.

At least there is a desire to distinguish between 'pillar' (or synonym) 
vice 'underground' vice 'wall'.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] wiki definition for man_made=works

2014-02-26 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 25.02.2014 22:06, schrieb John Packer:

Then I think I am confused too.
As the description is right now, what is the difference between 
building=factory and man_made=works ?

yes, that is the point of the thread opener:
man_made=works does not make sense for one building only.
I always tag man_made=works for the whole area of a work/factory complex 
of one operator (as one object).

landuse=industrial otherwise may be the whole industrial area with 
several works (it is a use, not an object).

It does not collide with man_made=works and can exist parallel.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - opening hours open until

2014-02-26 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 26.02.2014 09:19, schrieb Philip Barnes:

Surely you then need to define when curfew is, does it require a tag 
law=marshal? :)

I don't think so - that's an info you should know or get as soon as you 
need it - wherever you are.

Like the maximum speed without explicit signage - wherever you are.
Or the tax free amount of travel goods. :)

A more real world example, where hours vary, would be open sunrise to 
sunset, which is often used for rural car parks.

Yes - that's why opening_hours already support this. ;-)

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - opening hours open until

2014-02-26 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 26.02.2014 10:21, schrieb Philip Barnes:

This is going off the tagging issue, but it is a bit scarry that you 
are casually talking about curfews, where outside places like North 
Korea do they exist?

A curfew to me, as a brit equals being arrested/shot for being on the 
street after a certain time.

oh, sorry, this may be a translation problem - my fault.
I used curfew (resp. take it from Martins post and looked it up in an 
online dictionary) in the meaning of legal "closing time" - the time, 
where all pubs (in an area) have to be closing by law - if they do not 
pay for a late concession/licence.
In German(y) this is called "Sperrstunde" - this term can be used in the 
same civil/opening meaning for pubs - or in military as you stated above .
Actually I do not know, if or where this is still in usage for pubs here 
- no need for that actually :) -, but I can remember, it was still in 
usage for pubs in my lifetime.

I thought England (or maybe Great Britain) is still using this for pubs.
At least, as this seems to be a problem, that causes the Prime Minister 
to intervene! ;-)

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] origin of some fire_hydrant tagging

2014-02-27 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 26.02.2014 13:23, schrieb Richard Welty:

i'm currently tinkering with what will be come a proposal to modify
current hydrant tagging.

my thinking is to add
and deprecate fire_hydrant:type=pond

no objections except 'standpipe' - see below.

then the issue is whether we want to modify fire_hydrant:type or
replace it with a different tag altogether, say fire_hydrant:delivery
if we keep type, should we replace pillar with plug or fire_plug or just
let that go.

I would keep hydrant:type - because it is a physical type/design in my 

With hydrant:delivery I would not assume the physical type, sorry.

And I would keep type=pillar.
With fire_plug I - and I suppose many others - would assume "something 
you can connect with or to".

And that are all hydrants in any design, it is too generic in my opinion.

Regarding standpipe:
I would understand 'standpipe' as the device you need to connect to 
underground hydrants.
So I would not use standpipe for hydrant:source but 'riser' instead, may 
be distuingish between dry_riser or wet_riser.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] surface=ground/dirt/earth

2014-03-13 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 13.03.2014 15:56, schrieb fly:

On 13.03.2014 15:37, Fernando Trebien wrote:

But do you think that earth and ground are different kinds of surface?

Well, I would consider earth as earth where ground could be earth but
does not have to be.

All together, I think we could get rid of at least one out of the three
tags after updating the descriptions but this will not that easy with
existing tags in common use.

aehm, well - and which one would you get rid of?

Some times ago I remember a likewise identical discussion at the german 


Used for ways where the underground consists of different and often 
changing parts like rock, earth, vegetation (generic value) - as you say 

Used for ways where the underground consists of - well, earth (natural 
sand) constantly.

See above - the term seems to be outside of OSM used for a "man made" / 
constructed work - which inside OSM seems to be the (defined) value 

So I would get rid of dirt, but keep 'earth' beside 'ground' as a useful 
value (smooth walking on hiking trails) .


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] simple_brunnel : one node bridge like xing highway over waterway

2014-04-03 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 03.04.2014 21:43, schrieb Richard Z:

On Thu, Apr 03, 2014 at 06:08:46PM +0100, Dave F. wrote:

On 02/04/2014 17:14, Richard Z. wrote:

as explained in the rationale the dimensions of the bridge/culvert
are frequently only a fraction of the achievable precision. Think
of a track crossing a small creek in a forest valley int the
mountains. The GPS precision will be 10 meters if you are lucky,
the brunnel 2-3m. Mapping this the old fashioned way will produce
junk data, not precision.

Rubbish. Please don't rely on a GPSr. It is only one, of many, ways
to survey. If I see a small bridge over a stream, say 3m I'll map is
as that, because that's how it accurately is in the real world. Some
users have access to detailed aerial imagery to help map accurately.

so again: *** <> ***

Where is your aerial imagery? I want that!!

In the mountains you are very lucky if your imagery has less than 10 meter
offset and forests render most aerial imagery useless.

The offset (either GPS or imagery) has influence on _where_ you can map 
the bridge - but not much on _how_ you are able to map it.
I'm neither a friend of a "crossing" node when there is no connection in 

Missing or loosing the "bridge" tag I would always assume a ford there ...


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] capital and state_capital: how are they being used in your country?

2014-05-16 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 15.05.2014 19:15, schrieb Andreas Goss:

I'd see it like this:
capital=2 this place is the capital of a country
capital=4 this place is the capital of a region (etc.)

i.e. you can see the administrative importance, but there is no notion
of which entity the place is the capital.

capital=2;4 doesn't make much sense then.

You are ignoring that most (BUT NOT ALL!!!) country capitals are also 
state (region) capitals.

nope - the logical _relation_ of the city and the country/state has to 
be established in the osm-relation of the regarding country/state with 
an appropriate role.

The information at the node itself will be only an information about 
importance in the end - not to say as renderer hint.

And for this case a "value is less or equal" will be sufficient.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] editing polygons in JOSM

2014-05-27 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 27.05.2014 21:12, schrieb Peter Wendorff:

Am 27.05.2014 20:23, schrieb Tom Gertin:

1. Clip a polygon using another polygon
2. Cut a polygon using a line

Cutting by a line is easy:
Clipping by a new polygon is basically the same - but draw that new
polygon first instead of the line, then proceed as described above.

As far as I know there is no automatic way to do one of these.

I would recommend the plug-in "utilsplugin2".
This will give you new tools, e.g.:
- Add nodes at intersections
- Split object

This will automate some, but not all of the neccesary steps.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Rendering change: buildings within highway areas

2014-07-02 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 01.07.2014 12:34, schrieb Matthijs Melissen:
On 1 July 2014 11:25, Janko Mihelic' <>> wrote:

If I'm right, this will mostly affect pedestrian areas
(highway=pedestrian + area=yes) that have buildings mapped over them.

Yes, that's correct.

Did you consider buildings that are - at least partly - raised on 
pillars/columns with a pedestrian area underneath?

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Proposed change to Tag:access=designated page

2014-08-24 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 24.08.2014 12:43, schrieb Friedrich Volkmann:

For me, "designated" means that there's a respective sign, e.g. a cycleway
sign => bicycle=designated.

yes that is the typically (non native-language?) (mis)understanding of 
designated - and guided by the phrase "A way _marked_ for a particular use".

Nevertheless e. g. all highway=residential are _designated_ by law - 
without any signs at all... - which leads to _my_ understanding of 
designated ...


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] New key proposal - paved=yes/no

2014-09-25 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 25.09.2014 11:48, schrieb Pieren:

I think the main issue raised in this thread is to decide if each data
consumer can decide alone what surface is paved or not (using this
"surface" key and its hundreds values) or if we are able to find a
common definition stored in the osm db (using this "paved" key).
With the first option, the "paved" attribut can be inconsistent
between applications. With the second option, the "paved" attribut is
subject of personal interpretations from the contributors but this
could be moderated when the surface key is also present.

Definitely now we all know that there are different opinions for e.g. 
gravel as paved or unpaved at mappers and consumers.

And where is the benefit to manifest the paved/unpaved meaning in the 

Beside edit wars I see absolutely nothing ...
I vote for inconsistencies between applications - and not between mappers!

A second tag would not change the mind of a consumer about the meaning ...


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Date of survey

2014-12-23 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 23.12.2014 um 05:16 schrieb Marc Gemis:
Which would not help in my case, as I work for several days on the 
same survey.

as long as changes are not detected for month/years sometimes - some 
days difference between real survey and tagged date would not be any 
And as long as any change may occure the next day - such tag will be not 
be any "cure-all" - and at least for me no solution at all.

Live with open eyes and change what you recognize - at least as "normal" 

If you still want to take it serious:
What purpose does such tag have for anyone?
If there would be a "last_checked tag" - what would you do then?
You can only use it if you want to surveil this object / region regularly.
If so - you have to update _all_ objects of your survey regularly - 
happy history dump!

If you surveil this object / region - do it anyway, even without tag - 


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] RFC - obligatory usage - bicycle=obligatory

2015-04-14 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 14.04.2015 um 07:28 schrieb Mateusz Konieczny:

On Tue, 14 Apr 2015 00:08:31 +0200
Volker Schmidt  wrote:

I would add also surface (and maybe smoothness) as this one seems
to be quite bad.

3) How would you tag the segregated cycle-and-foot-way shown in

Also, I would add also surface (and maybe smoothness) as this one
for footway/cycleway seems to be quite bad.

No wonder that smoothness ist supposed to be totally subjective - I 
would tend to the opposite "quite good" ...

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] To tag "opening_hours=by appointment"

2015-06-30 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 30.06.2015 um 19:15 schrieb Robin Schneider:

On 30.06.2015 14:04, Marc Gemis wrote:>

in the local language (e.g  123 "nach␣Vereinbarung"

German for by appointment)
IMHO this means that there is nothing to formalize. This also means that
..."Sa 09:00-18:00 + appointment" is a comment and nothing has to be parsed.
This should be  ...; Sa 09:00-18:00; "Sa also by appointment"

Better express it as: Sa 09:00-18:00 || Sa "only by appointment"

I understand Warin as:

Sa 09:00-18:00 && Sa "only by appointment"

  On 30/06/2015 8:09 PM, Warin wrote:

The above example could become Mo-Tu,Th-Fr 09:00-13:00,14:00-18:00;We

To mean that an appointment is required for Saturday between 9 am and 6 pm.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] waterway=derelict_canal

2015-08-27 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 27.08.2015 um 18:49 schrieb Philip Barnes:

A disused pub, providing it still looks like a pub, is still a useful
navigational feature. Pubs have always been the normal way of giving

Turn right by The White Horse, carry on passed The Old Post Office and
Castle, turn left by the White Lion then left again by The Hawkstone.

What could be simpler?

Well - it is simple.
But what you refer to is the simple _name_  - and that name may be still 
there in OSM if it's still sitting on the wall or sign.

In opposite to the amenity ...

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Pubs with accommodation

2015-09-28 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 28.09.2015 um 14:46 schrieb Andy Townsend:

Depends on the pub, I'd say.  Some places are both a hotel and a pub, 
some have essentially separate "hotel" and "pub" bits (for which 2 
nodes within a building might work)  and some (e.g. ) are pubs that do 
accommodation, but not really hotels, so I'd use accommodation=yes for 

Why not the already established tourism=guest_house for this B&B offer?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] new access value

2015-10-05 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 05.10.2015 um 12:01 schrieb Friedrich Volkmann:

Many people have been using (motor_)vehicle=destination for this, but that's
just wrong, because "destination" would mean that you are allowed to drive
in to take a walk or shoot photos.

Sorry, but your interpretation is wrong in my opinion - and "too 
literally translated".
"destination" can not be used as "you want to drive there" but as "you 
are allowed to drive there"

As in
- german Anliegerverkehr
- swiss Zubringerverkehr
- austrian Anrainerverkehr

  In exchange, "destination" would prohibt
residents from driving through - but they are actually allowed to do so.

Yes - but that's the very rare edge case Simon wrote about.
Try to think about a router that would be able to handle this case - and 
its preconditions.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] manège - area for horse training

2015-10-15 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 15.10.2015 um 22:57 schrieb Warin:

On 16/10/2015 7:08 AM, Volker Schmidt wrote:

What the picture shows is a Carrière, which is to be tagged as


And someone will now say that it is not a sport... just like for 
cricket_nets ...

Anyone for another key sport_practice?

Would have similar values to the key sport but used for 'pitches' that 
are only used for practice/training as they cannot be used for the 
full 'sport'.


Ever worked/trained with horses?

What is the key definition for sport?
Concentration? Reactions? Best moves? Power?

Is a carrière
- sport_practice when there is just training
- sport when there is a competion?

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] tunnel=culvert

2015-10-25 Thread Georg Feddern


Am 25.10.2015 um 11:44 schrieb Gerd Petermann:

I do not fully agree here. In Germany, I often see a traffic sign 
"Vorsicht Düker"

(~ "Attention! Culvert") next to these culverts.

I am not sure why I should pay attention, but it seems that some

people think that the traffic on the road should notify it.

Maybe because it also often means that there is a

barrier=fence along the road.

In fact I thought that these signs are the explanation for the

use of tunnel=culvert on a node.

please be careful:
A "Düker" is not a normal "culvert"!
At a culvert the water is flowing on the same level in the culvert, 
normally with airy room above water level in the culvert.
At a "Düker" the water is "pressured" on a level below the normal water 
level through the "Düker", so there is no room above water level.
The normal road traffic has not to obey these sign - but any street work 
or use (crawling ;) ) at the waterside.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] traffic_sign:forward=*

2015-11-03 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 03.11.2015 um 17:43 schrieb GerdP:
I read the wiki a few times and still did not fully understand how 
this traffic_sign:forward idea should work.

If you read (and use) _only_ traffic_sign:forward - I suppose you read 
only the german wiki page and then I understand your problem, because 
that can not work in all cases.
If you read the english wiki page, you may understand the intention 
better - as there is also a traffic_sign:backward variant mentioned.

It shall work as in reality and as "computered" in the human mind:
Transform the information from the sign (node) to the way in the 
relevant direction - with all possibilities, but even all obstacles also ...

I do not support this "node on way" strategy - I use only the node 
beside way as tagging for the sign itself - and "always on the right 
side" ;-) - at least here in Germany.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] How to tag a fence made with metal bars?

2015-11-05 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 05.11.2015 um 15:59 schrieb Gonzalo Gabriel Pérez:

Hi everyone,
I'm reading in the wiki ( ) about the 
fence_type key and I think that it ambiguous the way that is described 
how could be tagged a fence made with metal bars like these, see pictures:

Which values between 'bars', 'wire' and 'metal' should be used?

All your examples are just ' metal' - because - in my opinion - the 
pictures for 'bars' and 'wire' are just wrong.
Under 'wire' I would understand some simple wire (one or more 
horizontal) between the poles - wire like in 'electric'.
Under 'bars' I would understand some simple 'bars from metal between the 
poles - like the horizontal poles in the wooden 'pole' example.

Regards, Georg

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] improve tagging of traffic_calming

2015-11-20 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 20.11.2015 um 17:29 schrieb Marc Gemis:

On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 5:23 PM, Florian Lohoff  wrote:

I would tag the crossing as a node and the "table" as part of the way,
not as a node.

If it is really enforced to identify a traffic calming only by presence 
of highway=traffic_calming - this is the only way because

but a combination of highway=crossing; traffic_calming=table on a node
could work as well.

won't be identified as a traffic calming then.

If a node with highway=crossing and with traffic_calming=* should be 
identified as a traffic_calming

we won't need highway=traffic_calming anymore ...


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] improve tagging of traffic_calming

2015-11-20 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 20.11.2015 um 18:24 schrieb Gerd Petermann:

I found 940 nodes which were tagged with highway=traffic_calming.
Most of them were also tagged with e.g. traffic_calming=bump
or traffic_calming=table or one of the other well documented values.
A few were not tagged traffic_calming=*.

I changed those few to traffic_calming=yes and removed the obsolete
highway=traffic_calming tag from the other.
I also verified that the changed nodes are on a highway=* way.

If the highway=traffic_calming is obsolete in those cases -
why isn't

A few nodes were tagged with crossing=*, in those cases I added the tag
highway=crossing (and kept the traffic_calming=* tag)

highway=crossing obsolete in this cases?

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] boundary relations and the subarea property

2015-11-27 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 27.11.2015 um 15:46 schrieb André Pirard:
Have you noticed that some borderlines are *hexaplicated* (that they 
appear in 6 different relations) and that *that* is unhealthy 
redundancy that is made unnecessary by subareas?

And that, unlike wanting to destroy an enemy, the programs I spoke of 
would be a great help building and checking the boundary ways mess 
using the non duplicated, simple, clean UK=England+Wales+Scotland 
subarea definitions?

Well, next usecase then:
I want the border/outline of any of those entities ... and not the area.
Mostly there are two sides of a view - or two views on one problem ...
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] service = parking_access for main ways on a parking lot

2016-03-27 Thread Georg Feddern
At all - what's the matter with the already said "highway=service" only 
if you can not distinguish the service or if it is a "bigger" service road?

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Tagging natural or historic regions

2016-03-28 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 28.03.2016 um 08:28 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

Am 27.03.2016 um 21:59 schrieb Colin Smale :

If we can't mark polygons as fuzzy, then we can only allow 'accurate' polygons

well, as was proposed above, we could introduce a way to store fuzzy areas 
without using polygons, or by using more than one polygon as one object

May be: Using a minimum (core area) and maximum (extension area) 
estimation as one relation.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Masts vs Towers yet again

2016-04-17 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 18.04.2016 um 04:39 schrieb John Eldredge:

The 808-foot antenna for radio station WSM fits both the tower and 
mast descriptions we are using.

You are right about the descriptions in the wiki.

The pictures I have about mast and tower 'in my head' are clearly 
different from each other - from them, I would call that a mast.

A usual difference I take into consideration is the accessibility:
A tower can usually be walked on - a mast can usually only be climbed on.

Said this, the fire observation 'towers' came into my mind:
Walking around a single pole mast structure:
And climbing inside an open tower structure:

Why is the real life always so difficult? ;-)
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] nursing homes and group homes

2016-06-27 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 27.06.2016 um 12:17 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

+1 to

Just some days ago I had to change with my father from a retirement home 
(with ambulant care) to a nursing home with 24/7 care.

I looked at the social_facility scheme - stumbled about the disclaimer - 
was really confused at first - and changed the tagging then.

First off all I understood the meaning of 
social_facility=group_home;social_facilty:for=senior for a retirement 
home / group home - as written in the description.
But looking at social_facility=assisted_living _that_ describes a 
retirement home / group_home - at least in my opinion and understanding 
of the description.

So I understand:
retirement home /group home as social_facility=assisted_living
nursing home as social_facility=group_home

Does not really make sense of the tag names itself - but of there 

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Tagging of larger surfaces for rendering and routing

2016-08-15 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 14.08.2016 um 23:24 schrieb Stefan de Konink:

On zondag 14 augustus 2016 22:43:04 CEST, Marc Gemis wrote:

IMHO, the value of the highway tag should define its use, not the
surface from which it is made.
So highway=pedestrian (or service or ...), surface=grass; area=yes
makes more sense to me

(or would you start defining highway=paving_stones, cobblestones, etc.
as well ?).

It seems that many people in this discussion take the value "grass" so 
something extreme. The fact grass is used, is because it is currently 
hides the surface in the rendering, and no other common value of 
unpaved areas exists that fits the bill. Personally I find 
highway=service, surface=grass, area=yes appropriate for the camping site

For the whole camping site? Won't there be always some - at least 
virtually - defined parts for the tents/caravans (pitch) and some 
defined parts for the driving (ways)?

but not when it rendered as paved road.

It is not rendered as _paved_ road, it is rendered as _road_ ("part of 
the world where mainly rolling traffic will occure").

It is part of the renderer to decide, which part of the mapping he will 
show - based on the intention of the renderer.
A highway renderer will show the highways - always in contrast to the 
surrounding, even if they have the same surface.
A surface renderer will show the surface - and will ignore the 
difference of the use/service.
Even a mixture is possible with casing and filling - may be that's what 
your intention is.

Just by the seperation of the meaning 'using' and 'surface' - and just 
and only by the seperation in different tags.

It is simply not neccessary to mix them up in one (main) tag.

If you have
- and all with surface grass
you have all opportunities for all different rendering - it just depends 
on the chosen renderer.

A renderer could look at the surface tag to colour the area. No reason
to start inventing new values for the highway tag.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Freeway exit tagging

2016-08-25 Thread Georg Feddern
I consider the visual lane assistance as it is named - as an assistance 
useful where there are several options.
If there is no assistance anybody who get the advice "take the exit" 
(*)  should obviously use the rightmost lane.
So even _no_ turn lane tagging would be an option for me in this (quite 
normal) case.

(*) Please do not cry "What about left-hand driving" - it is a 
right-hand example!

And any unusual left exit _should_ be tagged with lane assistance.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [Talk-us] Freeway exit tagging

2016-08-26 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 26.08.2016 um 14:18 schrieb Kieron Thwaites:

I can, however, see the rationale behind tagging "none;slight_right",
as well as tagging nothing at all, and as such, I think that this is
an issue that we need to find consensus on.  That said, I believe Paul
is quite correct with his statement that machines "need to be told
about these restrictions in order for them to be able to provide
useful feedback from it" -- something that isn't explicitly present
(or maybe not even implicitly so) but appears obvious to a human on
the ground isn't necessary obvious to a machine.

Please do not take it personally - I just toke your answer to hook on, 
because you agreed on "machines need to be told about these restrictions".

May be I am a bit on the devils advocates side here ... ;)

1. Where are there any restrictions? There is no solid line between the 
3 lanes. ;)
2. If you want to give the machine any advice, you should take 

3. "none|none|none;slight_right" does not give any advice for the both 
left lines - they still could be considered to take the exit.
Well in reality that is the legal situation here - you just have to take 
care for the traffic on the lines. ;)

But in this common case (standard single lane exit) I still do not see 
any necessarity for any advice to the maschine (or the driver), that if 
the route takes the right road one should use the rightmost lane ...
Same situation with solid lines definitely need case 2 - because even 
you should 'implicitly know' to take the rightmost lane there is another 
point where you already _have_ _to_ be on the rightmost lane - the 
maschine needs this advice to announce it appropriate.

But may be I am a bit too old and have driven too long with my own eyes 
and head - and without a navigation assistant. ;)

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Busways

2016-11-06 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 02.11.2016 um 22:57 schrieb Tijmen Stam:

On 02-11-16 20:27, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

careful with access=no, I suggest to use vehicle=no in this case, 
because you risk of excluding pedestrians (and other means of 
transport you didn't think about) as well (happened around here in 
the real life).

That's a good one, although the way most busways are signed (with a 
round "no access" sign red border on white circle) in the Netherlands 
that means no access at all, not even to pedestrians, not even in the 
hard or soft shoulder. 

You mean C1?
If I read it right, it is just closed to "persons in charge of animals 
or livestock" - but not for pedestrians at all.

Or did I misunderstood you?

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Traffic sign relevant direction: relation type:enforcement vs. direction=* vs. traffic_signals:direction=*

2017-03-27 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 27.03.2017 um 17:29 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

2017-03-27 16:34 GMT+02:00 Marc Gemis >:

In the case you have added e.g. a stop sign on the way. A second
mapper comes in, splits the way on the stop sign, reverts the
direction of one of the spit parts. Now the node is at the end of 2
ways with different direction and one cannot know what is
forward/backward in that node. But any good editor can give a
warning/error for such a case.

yes, the editor can issue a warning, but what should be the reaction 
then? Shall we discourage changing way directions because of a stop 
sign node on this way? Usually there's a good reason for people 
changing way directions, adding more complexity to these changes with 
highway signs depending on them is not necessary.

It is just a warning, that this is one of the seldom situations where 
you need a relation - just check, obey and ignore afterwards.

Furthermore the editor can check for the relation too.

Yes there is a possibillity for such a situation, but I doubt they would 
be essentially - and it can be solved by a relation.
But a pure possibility should not effect the majority of simple 
situations - it is OSM-like to consider simple solutions and spare 
relations for the difficult ones only.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Anti-slip surfaces

2017-04-17 Thread Georg Feddern


Am 17.04.2017 um 22:58 schrieb Dave F:

What's the best tag to describe an anti-slip surface made from small 
grit pieces coating a layer of bitumen?. Often used on footbridges, 
sometimes pre-made & supplied in rolls to the site. Grit/gravel on 
their own appears inappropriate as they suggest a certain amount of 

it may be not 'the best' tag - but is it not very similar to 'asphalt'?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Bus relation - circular route - report says not closed

2017-05-18 Thread Georg Feddern

Am 19.05.2017 um 04:21 schrieb Warin:

P1) JOSM validator reports that the relation is not closed. Yet all 
elements appear and they are connected.

I cannot verify/reproduce the first part/sentence with JOSM (11639 / 12039).
As the relation editor indeed does verify and show the 'circular' aspect 
of the relation it could anyway be only a validator bug.

P2) Roles forward/backward are apparently no longer used, and a role 
to indicate that both directions does not exist. Yet these may assist 
to have these kinds of roles?

Not necessary - see above. 'Used' direction is always defined by order.

P3) stop_position ... left side or right side of the way? On a train 
line this probably works well .. on a road that has traffic in both 
directions with parking on both sides .. stop_position does not have 
all that much information.

Yep, thats the way of OSM - the information is in the order of the 
relation and the platforms.


Done. ;-)


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Groups of islands, how to tag?

2010-11-19 Thread Georg Feddern

Erik Johansson schrieb:

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Willi  wrote:

2) If the answer is 'use a relation', have I done it properly, and if so,
why isn't Mapnik rendering the name properly?


2) If and how a feature is rendered is up to the renderer. The mapper can't
and imho shouldn't try to control this.

Since it's obviously not rendered in any renderer., the question is
how to make this renderable, not how to write the relation in a nice

This problem exist all over and a fix is badly needed, e.g.
1. buildings/entrances
2. islands
3. metro stations/entrances
4. water areas

Well at least 1 and 3 (site relation with apropriate roles) as well as 2 
(multipolygon archipelago) _are_ yet renderable - it just has to be done 
- by the renderer. As said above.

So the answer could only be: ticket / patch for mapnik, osmarender, 


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