RIP plugins

2007-04-19 Thread Mark Wieder

I went back to working on a plugin for my favorite email client, and
it is with some sadness that I must announce that plugin development
is no longer possible for TB.

The published API is now long out of date. API version 1.7 is what's
available for download, the the publish date on that is from 2005. The
sample code available for download on the ritlabs website is, to my
astonishment, a working code stub I wrote some four years ago. It, of
course, no longer compiles correctly with Visual Studio 2005. Nor with
Bloodshed Dev C++. I made the proper adjustments to allow it to
compile, but it no longer works with TB 3.98, quitting the client
after calling NeedConfig(). It does work properly with TB 2.12, but it
seems rather pointless to develop new plugins for a version no longer
in development.

Ritlabs: if you're listening here, I would appreciate your pulling my
sample code from your website - it reflects badly on me to have sample
code that doesn't compile, and when modified to compile doesn't run.

-Mark Wieder

Re: RIP plugins

2007-04-19 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, April 19, 2007, 9:03:19 PM, you wrote:

 What sample C++ code are you speaking about? Could you please specify?

This one:


(the MyMacros link doesn't work any more either)...

-Mark Wieder

Re: How to send copies

2006-06-21 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 4:00:51 AM, you wrote:

 The bad news is that I still can't get The Bat to send copies.  A sample
 output line is:

OK - now I had to go and try it for myself. Yep - I can confirm here
that %CC doesn't work in the command line. On rereading the help file,
my take is that the TO argument specifies one and only one main
recipient of the email. The %CC macro is specified to work in a
template, as are the other addressee macros.

So I would think there are three ways around this, depending on how
you're extracting email addresses from the database: the first (if
this is really CC you want and not BCC) is to put both emails into the
TO argument and separate them by commas. This way does work for me.
The second is to make the TO and CC addresses into two separate
emails, and the third is to use a template file (the T command) and
fiddle with it until you've got something that works with your command
line. I'm not really convinced you can pass command line arguments to
a template file, so that last one may not work after all.

 I only need to do this very occasionally - it's always the oddballs that
 cause the problems..

Ain't it always the case? Us oddballs get no respect these days...

 Any other suggestions?

 Julian Hall

 prompt popping up and interfering with the data reading, I was opening The
 Bat first and then creating 'thebat.ipc' from a copy in a Notepad file.
 However, after saving the Notepad Untitled file as 'thebat.ipc', one needs
 to leave it open until The Bat has read its contents.  Closing Notepad

This sounds a bit dangerous to me. I test it by creating and editing
the ipc file with a text editor, but not in the tb directory. Then
when I've got the text file the way I want it, I copy it into the tb
directory and wait for it to be gobbled up. Otherwise, yes, what
you're seeing is indeed the opposite of what I would have expected.
Windows is full of surprises.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

...and BTW, before someone jumps on you about this, standard etiquette
here on the tb lists is for the first line in your sig to be a cut
delimiter of dashdashspacecarriage return so that things get
truncated when you reply.

Re: Access violations

2006-06-21 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 10:53:31 AM, you wrote:

 It then reads in some, but not all, of the outgoing messages.  The number
 it reads varies widely, even with the same batch file.  I'm emptying the
 Out and Trash folders each time, but it doesn't help.  Results are also
 unpredictable using 'thebat.ipc' instead of the Run command line.

 The most puzzling aspect is why it should sometimes work and sometimes
 (nearly always) not with the same batch file.

Don't know about the Access Violations, but here are some WAGs:

you're getting a varied amount of messages because of the error - at
some point along the way when the error is hit the processing of
commands in the batch file stops and you don't get any more.

It looks like a timing thing to me: you're trying to stuff one more
batch command when tb isn't quite done processing the previous one,
and the message threading gets messed up. I don't know how much you're
trying to put into that batch file, but possibly cutting its size down
and running this in multiple passes would help.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Re: How to send copies

2006-06-20 Thread Mark Wieder

Hooray! This list is still active!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 6:19:51 AM, you wrote:

 although I must say I find the Help menu a bit confusing.


 They are all basically of this type, with several minor variations.  It
 works fine, except for one person to whom I need to send a copy on an
 alternative email address.  In this case, I tried:

 /MAILU=Julian - Appeals Worldwide;TO=Janis Knox[EMAIL PROTECTED];%CC=Janis

Try leaving off the semicolon before the %CC. You'll want it to be a
macro within the TO line, rather than a separate command.

Does your command line actually work in other cases?

A couple of things here: I think you'll need quotes around the
arguments that have embedded spaces. The safest thing is just to quote
all the arguments and then you don't have to think about it any more.
Unless you have quotes within the arguments, which probably isn't a
good idea, but then you have to use single quotes to enclose them.

The second thing is that I believe you'll need the %put macro to
attach the WWA.TXT file: TEXT=%PUTC:\CSERVE\WWA.TXT, otherwise you'll
just end up with the file path as your message text.

The ipc file is checked regularly, IIRC, so it's not a problem having
TB running already. If necessary you can attempt to launch a second
copy of TB and it *should* pass the ipc file to the running copy.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Re: Plugin stub (API draft compliant)

2003-09-11 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, September 11, 2003, 10:33:38 AM, you wrote:

ANV ,- [ TBPlugin.cpp (around Util1.h ]
ANV | #ifndef _MSC_VER
ANV | #include Unit1.h
ANV | #endif
ANV `-

Oops. I meant to remove the Unit1 reference before posting...

ANV So, it became compilable, but still doesn't work, because it still use name
ANV decorations which is totally unsupported by The Bat!, unfortunately... So, the
ANV TBP_ExecMacro became [EMAIL PROTECTED] and etc.

ANV The only way still to use .def file...

Then that's a failure of my TBP_EXPORT macro for Visual C++. The
object in defining that macro was so the .def file was not necessary -
it works that way in both Borland and Metrowerks compilers. There must
be some combination of compiler directives in VC++ that will produce
the proper name mangling, i.e., give TBP_ExecMacro instead of

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Re: The Bat! Common Plug-in API v1.0

2003-09-10 Thread Mark Wieder

I see a few template object indexes which have disappeared from the
code stub you posted a while ago. I'm assuming these are gone for a
reason, and not just an oversight. Their numeric values have not been
subsumed by other indexes. In particular,


-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Plugin stub (API draft compliant)

2003-09-10 Thread Mark Wieder
Here's the revised edition of my plugin stub, hopefully conforming to
the draft API document. Alexey - could you (or anyone else) please try
this under Visual C++? I've got it working under the other two
compilers and I *think* I've got the VC stuff formatted properly, but
I don't have that compiler at hand.

If that's working then this now compiles with Metrowerks Codewarrior,
Borland C++ Builder, and Visual C++.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2
Description: Zip compressed data

Re: The Bat! Anti-virus plug-in API

2003-09-09 Thread Mark Wieder

Maybe I'm being more dense than normal today, but I'm having trouble
understanding the AVC_NotSupported return value. Does this imply that
*all* the functions must at least have dummy code that returns a value
of AVC_NotSupported? What is the difference in, for example,
BAV_StreamChecking() returning AVC_Error vs AVC_NotSupported?

My understanding is that I should return AVC_OK if my plugin supports
stream checking. If my plugin does not support stream checking then I
should return AVC_Error. When would I *ever* want to return a value of

Secondly, the Msg argument to BAV_CheckMemory(), BAV_CureMemory(),
BAV_CheckFile(), BAV_CureFile, BAV_CheckStream(), and BAV_CureStream()
is specified as never being allowed to exceed 1024 bytes - why is
this? Not that I would expect to exceed this value, but I'm worried
that there's a buffer in TB itself that would overflow if I passed,
say, 4096 bytes as a result. What happens if the message is malformed,
ie, not null-terminated? Will this cause TB to crash?

The documentation states that for these functions Usually AV software
returns a distinguished name of the virus of the message. What does
usually mean in this case? What does TB do with the returned string?
If I return a string of Please reformat your C: drive immediately
will this be displayed verbatim to the user?

Lastly (at least for now) what is the difference in the BAV_Curexxx
functions between AVC_CantBeCured, AVC_VirusFound, and AVC_Error? If
an object is infected with a virus but could not be cured, which of
these codes should I return? What is the difference in the way TB
processes the result codes?

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

 BTW - many thanks for the API documentation. I'm looking forward to
 similar documentation for the macro and anti-spam APIs, but this has
 already cleared up some details for me such as the return values and
 the BAV_ComNeeded() function.

Re: TBP_GetSpamScore do not really work?

2003-08-27 Thread Mark Wieder

Thanks for pointing out the critical section stuff. I wasn't aware
that TB! would thread its calls asynchronously that way.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Re: Plugin Sample in C++ - IMPORTANT! SERIOUS ERROR!

2003-08-20 Thread Mark Wieder

Thanks. Good points.

(Mark sheepishly says)
No, I didn't test under VC++, I just trusted the code you posted
earlier and extrapolated from there. I'll look at changing the header
and repost it. This is the first time I've worked at including the
macro API and I have to say I find it pretty ugly.

One thing I'd like to see is a COM-type query function that would
enumerate the macro strings rather than making me catenate them at
design time. And Stefan's lack of comments makes TBP_ExecMacro a bit
of a joke as example code.

Also, tpxTotalPages and tpxTracking both evaluate to 248 and
tpxCurrentPage and tpxQuoteStyle both evaluate to 249. This can't
possibly be right, can it?

ANV This is main and critically serious error. Please, refer to
ANV other variants of API (which I
ANV referred on the top of the letter) and work more... I warn you about it because
ANV giving the wrong headers from the beginning can prefer many from writing such
ANV plugins.

Again, a very good point.

ANV 1. Strictly speaking, the interface is defined as struct. (there is line in the
ANV header: #define interface struct. So, I would change your code by using word
ANV struct if interface is undefined, and also public: is not necessary in
ANV this case. But, repeat, this is only cosmetic.

Well, I could have sworn that, strictly speaking, functions were
illegal as struct members. However, that syntax seems to pass my
compilers without problem, so I have now changed it. Yes, it *is* just
cosmetic, but I wouldn't have made it a class if I thought I could
have gotten away with a struct.

ANV 2. If you write on CPP, why are you using malloc and free? Let use new and
ANV delete instead! CPP is not C, and although malloc and free still works, they are
ANV deprecated in CPP. Of course, this is also just cosmetic, and somebody who will
ANV use it will change it, but anywhere...

The main reason that malloc and free are deprecated is that their
usage can result in sloppy code that causes memory leaks. I've tried
to be very careful to free anything that was allocated and the one
case in which a memory block is not explicitly freed is notated in the
source (as it is in your source as well). Note that new without a
corresponding delete will cause the same memory leak as malloc without
a corresponding free.

My intention here is 1) to cut down the size of the code and increase
execution speed by not instantiating new objects unless absolutely
necessary, and 2) to minimize the chances of creating a problem
interfacing with Delphi with name mangling and such, since this is a
shared library and not a standalone application. Obviously both
approaches will work.

My idea here was to write as much simple C, not C++, code as possible
to minimize the chances of having to modify the code for other
compilers (i.e. not using vcl or MFC objects). This is the same
reasoning as above in using a struct instead of a class.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Re: Plugin Sample in C++ - IMPORTANT! SERIOUS ERROR!

2003-08-20 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, August 20, 2003, 1:18:31 AM, you wrote:

ANV | virtual int TBP_EXPORT GetDataByID(int ID, void* B, int BSize) = 0;

Making the member functions abstract won't hurt, but I think they will
only help debug TB itself, since instantiation isn't done within the
DLL. Nonetheless, it seems like good practice here.

MW My intention here is 1) to cut down the size of the code and increase
MW execution speed by not instantiating new objects unless absolutely
MW necessary, and 2) to minimize the chances of creating a problem
MW interfacing with Delphi with name mangling and such, since this is a
MW shared library and not a standalone application. Obviously both
MW approaches will work.

ANV Well. I agree with you at this point. My intention is to make most faithful
ANV translation from Delphi to CPP, and also to keep the things which is may be not
ANV so necessary, but just make more comfort. By this reason, for example, I leave
ANV the absolute definitions of enum's members, like:

ANV ,-
ANV | enum midx {
ANV |   midxSubject = 1,
ANV |   midxDate= 2,
ANV |   midxComment = 3,
ANV |   midxInReplyTo   = 4,
ANV |   midxMessageID   = 5,
ANV |   midxNewsgroups  = 6,
ANV `-

The only problem here is what happens when ritlabs decides to redo
things and insert, for example, midxMessageNumber in between
midxMessageID and midxNewsgroups. If you have things hardcoded you
will need to renumber everything past entry six. If you just declare
the first then you simply insert a line in your source.

ANV This is well if there is no Interface definition, because it seems to be pure
ANV C++. I more intent in this case to use more code on ISO C++. It has nothing with
ANV vcl or mfc - just standard C++ library. For example, if I use CString - woe to
ANV me if compiler can't hold it! But if I use std::string - woe to compiler who
ANV can't compile it!


Actually, given

struct xyz : public IUnknown

the line between struct and class is getting very blurred...

There's another anomaly in my source: I typedef'd PChar as char*
instead of unsigned char* because Codewarrior complained if I didn't
explicitly cast the result. It seemed easier just to say char and hope
there weren't any repercussions down the line.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Plugin Sample in C++

2003-08-19 Thread Mark Wieder

Here's some plugin sample code that should serve as a starting point
for coding in C++. It's working now in Visual C++, Borland C++ Builder
6.0, and Metrowerks Codewarrior 8.0. The compiler-specific parts are
at the beginnings of both files. There are two source files in the zip
file here, a .h header file and a .cpp stub file. I've also included a
project file for C++ Builder.

The sample compiles to a plugin DLL that just notifies the user when
functions are called. The messagebox calls should be replaced by
actual code where appropriate. Note that if you're just implementing
spam filters you don't need the macro functions. Likewise if you're
writing a plugin that just handles macros you don't need to implement
the spam functions.

The project options should be set to compile a DLL with an extension
of .tbp. You should also make sure that the runtime libraries are
bundled with the DLL for distribution.

I don't have the gcc compiler (or any other) installed at the moment,
so someone else will have to take on that conversion. There's actually
very little that's compiler-specific here - it's mostly a matter of
getting the TBP_EXPORT macro right.

-Mark Wieder


Some documentation, especially about ITBPDataProvider, would be
Description: Zip compressed data

Re: Plugin Specs?

2003-08-05 Thread Mark Wieder

Here's a reply I sent to Bill directly. I had posted this to the list
earlier on, but maybe it's time to send it up again.

Saturday, August 2, 2003, 8:04:55 PM, you wrote:

BM I would like to write DLLs in MinGW32 GCC C.  Does anyone have a
BM simple example?

Here's a stub I wrote using Borland C++ Builder, but it's pretty
straightforward C code. You might have to mess with the TBP_EXPORT
#define, but I think that should do it.

Note that the only API Stefan has published is for spam filtering. If
you want to do more, there's nothing available. At least yet. Stefan
has promised support for user-defined macros and such, but so far
there hasn't been any API or samples.

-Mark Wieder
 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2
Description: Zip compressed data

Re: Baesyan filter - WORKING test pre-release

2003-03-29 Thread Mark Wieder

I originally had struggled with the name decoration problem, too. I
finally solved it by creating a new project, importing my source
files, and changing the RTL setting. I think the original project file
had gotten corrupted or was somehow keeping some decoration settings
that I couldn't change. After moving to a new project file everything
has been working.

I don't quite know why your DLL has gotten so large, though. I'm well
under 200k with no optimization.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBDEV information:

Re[2]: TBP API - need help!

2003-02-13 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, February 13, 2003, 4:59:33 PM, you wrote:

PP As I stated, my comments are based on the AV API.

And excellent educated guesses, too.

 It's actually the other way around... return 0 if there's no
 configuration option, return non-zero if you *do* provide one.
PP If is it so, than the TBP API is different.

This is the one case where the boolean return value makes sense to me
- return a zero (false) if you don't support a configuration option,
return a nonzero (true) if you do.

PP Very old bug. Don't hold your breath. :)

sigh Actually, I'd be satisfied if TBP_NeedConfig() would just
enable the Configure button...

PP Anyway, a lack of proper documentation of API is a pet peeve of mine.

Or, in this case, a lack of *any* real documentation. Stefan - I take
it that the API we're working with here is also going to be valid when
the fabled 2.0 release finally rears its head?

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/4 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBDEV information:

Re: example caught spam...

2003-01-27 Thread Mark Wieder

Anything that shows up in my inbox with text like:

...We have contacted you with news about blah Corporation because
we thought that the contents of this message would be valuable to
If you do not wish to receive future newsletters from blah,
please click on the link below:...

I would be happy to treat as spam. It has many other features of
typical spam: superfluous exclamation points, ALL CAPS, PR hyperbole,
etc. I can see where you might want to read this one rather than
tossing it blindly, but this just makes the case for throwing
spam-filtered messages into a folder rather than deleting them sight

What I'd really like for this one is an autoreply that informs the
sender that some people really need to learn how to write better press
releases... g

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/4 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBDEV information:

Re[2]: NetPlug 0.2.0000

2003-01-27 Thread Mark Wieder

t Again: is this plugin working AFTER or before filtering

Now THAT's an interesting question. When *does* the anti-spam plugin
get called?


-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/4 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBDEV information:

TBP_NeedConfig() and TBP_Setup()

2003-01-21 Thread Mark Wieder

I fear there's something I'm not missing here - can someone help me
out with this?

My understanding is the following:

 TBP_NeedConfig() determines whether or not there is a configuration
 process to the plugin:
 returning zero indicates there is not,
 returning one indicates there is.

 If TBP_NeedConfig returned a one, then the configuration procedure is
 contained in TBP_Setup() and will be called when something needs to
 be configured.

 TBP_Setup() should return a zero if nothing was changed,
 or one if something in the configuration did change.

What I am finding instead is that if I return a one from
TBP_NeedConfig() then TBP_Setup() is called immediately as part of the
process of loading the plugin. If TBP_Setup() returns a zero then all
is well and the rest of the loading process continues... except that
Configure button is never enabled.

If, however, I return a one from TBP_Setup() during the plugin load
process then the load is aborted (a DLL_PROCESS_DETACH message is
issued to the plugin), and the plugin never gets to the TBP_GetName()

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/4 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBDEV information:


2003-01-20 Thread Mark Wieder

Actually, TBP_Initialize() is called right after the
DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH message gets processed, which could allow the user
to set things up if necessary.

And TBP_Finalize() gets called right after the DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
messages gets processed on deleting the plugin.

I have both of them defined as do-nothing stubs right now, just
because you never know when you might need something like that. It's
true that these things could be handled in a DLLMain() function, but
it's nice to have another option as well.

Saturday, January 18, 2003, 6:03:26 PM, you wrote:

ST Well, they are called when the plugin is loaded/unloaded. If you do
ST everything at the DLL entry, you simple should not implement them -
ST their absence is not critical.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/4 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBDEV information:

TBP_GetName() etc.

2003-01-20 Thread Mark Wieder

And now that I have things working, I have to question the logic of
calling things like TBP_GetName() or TBP_GetVersion() twice. Why not
just call it once, see if the return value is zero, and process it if
not? i.e., instead of

if (TBP_GetName(NULL, 0)  0)
   iRet = TBP_GetName(strDest, iSize);

why not just

if(0 == TBP_GetName(strDest, iSize));

-Mark Wieder

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBDEV information:

Re[4]: TBPtest.dpr

2003-01-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, January 17, 2003, 9:27:30 PM, you wrote:

RR Where is TBP_Initialize defined in the plugin API?  I am not using
RR such a function.  In mingw there is an option
RR (--no-export-all-symbols) to prevent exporting all functions.  It
RR appears that you are exporting more than you should be.  Are you
RR defining these functions as normal methods or are they members of a
RR class?  Where is the short coming from?

Plugin API? It occurs to me that I'm coming in late to this
discussion. Is there an actual published API? The only thing I've seen
is Stefan's sample.

I found TBP_Initialize() and TBP_Finalize() in Stefan's original dpr
code and figured maybe they were significant. I'm explicitly exporting
them to see if I can break out of this.

The short is an artifact of BCCP's linker. I found a compiler option
to get rid of it - the default calling convention was set to C and
when I changed it to Pascal things got somewhat better. Even so, I'm
still stuck with

Addr:004012A0 Ord:   1 (0001h) Name: TBP_Initialize(void)
Addr:004012B4 Ord:   2 (0002h) Name: TBP_Finalize(void)
Addr:004012C8 Ord:   3 (0003h) Name: TBP_GetName(char*,int)
Addr:00401354 Ord:   4 (0004h) Name: TBP_GetVersion(char*,int)
Addr:004013CC Ord:   5 (0005h) Name: TBP_GetStatus(void)
Addr:004013F0 Ord:   6 (0006h) Name: TBP_NeedConfig(void)
Addr:00401414 Ord:   7 (0007h) Name: TBP_NeedCOM(void)
Addr:00401438 Ord:   8 (0008h) Name: TBP_Setup(void)
Addr:0040145C Ord:   9 (0009h) Name: TBP_GetSpamScore(int,(int,int,char*,int)*,int)

I believe now that TB is looking for TBP_GetStatus and it's finding
TBP_GetStatus(void) and exiting. I think this is Borland's linker
getting in my way... I'll have to play around with the build options
some more.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBDEV information: