Re: [TeX-Music] Ubuntu, TeTeX, TeXlive

2008-03-03 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Mon, 3 Mar 2008, Simon Dreher wrote:

> >   
> Because Thomas Esser (the former tetex maintainer) stopped his support 
> in favour of texlive?
I had not heard that. As far I read his email, he stopped support of
TeX packages which are on ctan anyhow, but promised to continue to support
the tetex binaries. Has that changed in the meantime?
Prof. Dr. Christof K. Biebricher
Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
D-37070 Göttingen
Tel: +49 (551) 201 1442
FAX: +49 (551) 201 1578
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-Music] changes in number of voices

2008-01-29 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Mon, 28 Jan 2008, Don Simons wrote:

> I have published one vocal piece, and I used M-Tx for it. I spent a great
> deal of time resolving issues exactly like the ones you mention. And it got
> even worse when I went to make parts. I think changing the number of voices
> in the score is doable, but I ended up finding no good overall solution for
> partmaking, and among other tricks I wrote a FORTRAN program to do some
> intermediate parsing of the PMX file generated by M-Tx.
There are indeed problems with part extracting of M-Tx made scores. 
Since  many of my scores have voices and instruments and I need parts 
for the instruments, I use the following procedure:
1) Using an older M-Tx-version that avoids redefinitions of pmx-macros like
   \MtxEM and makes the mtx.tex macro collection unnecessary;
2) Editing the pmx file to throw out unnecessary additions, including the
3) then scor2prt operation.
This works. I have no idea what in mtx.tex interferes with scor2prt.


Prof. Dr. Christof K. Biebricher
Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
D-37070 Göttingen
Tel: +49 (551) 201 1442
FAX: +49 (551) 201 1578
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-Music] Info on MTX

2008-01-28 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Mon, 28 Jan 2008, Carlo Centemeri wrote:

> %%K+0-2
> m d4 Dp d cs d |
> To which I should add the LxMy command for the new "paragraph". But if
> I add it together withe the previous ones, the mtx file is compiled
> correctly, while the pmx one gives an error (I have and Rd appearing
> out ot the blue, which causes the statement "Rd symbol could appear
> only on voice 1).
The error is shown: K is a pmx command, and in pmx voice 1 is the
lowest voice, not the highest as in M-Tx!

Prof. Dr. Christof K. Biebricher
Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
D-37070 Göttingen
Tel: +49 (551) 201 1442
FAX: +49 (551) 201 1578
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-Music] Ties at repeats

2007-08-06 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Fri, 3 Aug 2007, Don Simons wrote:

> t
> .\
> Abepl
> g04 t | g t t+.5+.5 | g t+.5-.5 t | g t t /
> g04 t t | g t t+1+1 | g t+1-1 t | g t t /
> g04 t t | g t t | g t t+2+2 | g t+2-2 t /
> g04 t t | g t t | g t t | g t t /
> g04 t t | g t t | g t t | g t /
> ===
> Maybe I don't understand the problem. It appears to me that the limit on tie
> adjustments occurs only with bitmapped slurs/ties, but not postscript. Are
> you using bitmapped slurs/ties? If so, why not use postscript?
Dear Don:
thank you for the solution. I learned two things I did not know: first,
that you can use several t one after another and, secondly, that adjustement
is possible with the Kneifl slurs. I am not an editor of music. Nearly all of
my typesetting is done for quick arrangements not to be published,
with a minimum of cosmetic efforts. Under standard conditions, the postscript
slurs and ties are too much curved for my crowded scores. Of course, that 
can be adjusted, but usually I simply compare the slurs of the drafts and take
what suits me best.

Thanks again,
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-Music] Ties at repeats

2007-08-03 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, Christian Mondrup wrote:

> Well, pmxab doesn't accept that with ties:
>   ERROR in line 295, bar 16 "+|-" for slur height only allowed in "s"-slurs
> v
> But it works excellently with slurs
> d45 c8 b a2 g4 b a a s s+0+2.5 Rr /
Dear Don:
this question reminds me on a problem I often had:
Organ and choir music often have organ points where one needs ties that
span many bars. I realize that with alternating between st and t. However,
as Christian says, t does not allow for horizontal and vertical correction
which is often required in polyphonal music. The change between s and st
works but is ugly because ties and slurs alternate. I was doing it by
post-editing the tex file. Is there are more elegant way?

Regards, Christof

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-Music] MusiXTeX hates LaTeX: true or myth?

2007-07-09 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Mon, 9 Jul 2007, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:

> Daniel Taupin's last versions of the MusiXTeX documentation discouraged 
> making 
> large scores under LaTeX, because of the lack of 'registers' - Don's version 
> is in a milder tone.  Yet I managed to make a large score under LaTeX with 
> the 
> 1995 EMTeX distribution.
> Nothing wrong happened. I use quite a few \def commands. What is meant by
> a 'TeX register'? I've made a "three pass" batch file similar to the
> manual's MUSIXTEX.BAT to have musixflx make the right spacings.
> Are these warnings against using LaTeX true, or a myth? The LaTeX source of 
> the MusiXTeX manual contains "I hate LaTeX" somewhere.
Dear Jean-Pierre,

I think, you are completely  right, the newer TeX versions do not complain
about lack of registers, because TeX is in most installation eTeX with
more registers and memory.
Furthermore, LATeX takes all TeX primitives and many plain TeX commands.
In my opinion, warnings against the use of LATeX as a conflict with musixtex
are probably outdated.

However, like many other people working with TeX for a long time, it took
a while until I switched to LATeX. 
I had so many TeX macro collections that fulfilled my needs and
it is a lot easier to adapt a TeX macro collection to a new layout than to 
redef all those LATeX registers. It needed the demand of journals to switch 
to LATeX. So I understand the reluctance of Daniel to recommend LATeX.
But for a book or even a larger brochure, it would be crazy not to
use LATeX. No TeXpert has the time to reinvent
what hundreds of developpers hane done. 

pmx produces a TeX file, IMO for good reason, because for most cases plain 
TeX is fully adequate.
I modified the Gottesdienstordnung described in WIMA, but used TeX instead
of LATeX. Two or hree columns on a page is not a reason
to take LATeX, a plain TeX macro can produce it just as well.
Furtheremore, I find the rather rigid LATeX formatting a disadvantage
for music typesetting. One would have to write a special musix.cls to get 
a good environment for typesetting with LATeX. 


Prof. Dr. Christof K. Biebricher
Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
D-37070 Göttingen
Tel: +49 (551) 201 1442
FAX: +49 (551) 201 1578
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Blank page in a score

2007-03-12 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Mon, 12 Mar 2007, Cornelius C. Noack wrote:

> >
> > Thing are OK I send the PostScript to a PostScript printer, but when I
> > view the score with Acrobat Reader, the printing stops at the first blank
> > page, and Acrobat Reader reports a printing error.
> >
I had also problems with the Acrobat Reader printing scores I downloaded, 
stopping often without visible reason. Better behaved is xpdf in linux 
which I would recommend. In most cases, I also succeeded to print the
pages after the printing error without problem.
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] MusixTeX is great. What to choose next?

2007-02-27 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

> Sorry to answer about LilyPond on this mailing list. As long as you use
> LaTeX to write your documents, you can certainly insert both large and small
> music examples using lilypond-book, which is included in the LilyPond
> distribution. Lilypond-book works as a preprocessor that generates the scores
> as EPS (or PDF files if you will use pdflatex), one file per score line, and
> replaces
> the LilyPond code in the input file with \includegraphics commands that
> (pdf)latex can handle.
This method can of course also be taken by typesetting with M-Tx or pmx.
It is sometimes the best way. Short music examples of less than
a line are preferentially embedded by writing musixtex code directly.
Larger pieces can be produced by typesetting with a
preprocessor, producing the TeX code, edit it to adapt to LaTeX and
\input it into the main file. Please take a look at the various documentations
of musixtex and the preprocessors: there these possibilities are nicely
demonstrated since the documentations are written in LaTeX.
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Colors in plain tex

2007-01-19 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Fri, 19 Jan 2007, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:

> \begin{document}
> \pagecolor{colorfond}
> \Huge Blablabla
> \end{document}
> but how can I "translate" this in plain TeX, for use with MusiXTeX?
This problem has been discussed already quite extensively,
as a google search "color plain tex" reveals. Apparently,
it is not only possible to introduce color with TeX macros,
but also with postscript commands.
Probably, it is a lot of work to find out a solution that
is as simple as use of the LATeX macro package.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Kuykens's warning, history of MusiXTeX

2006-07-10 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Mon, 10 Jul 2006, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:

> When a person familiar with Word, Powerpoint, or Finale, or other WYSIthingy
> stuff sees me making corrections in a MusiXTeX file after he pointed out
> errors in my score, his face becomes green :-)
> Has anybody a similar experience? I doubt things would be different with PMX.

Things _are_ different with PMX and M-Tx. The main point is that many musicians
can read a simple standard choral piece and hear the notes nearly as well as
if they would have a score. The nomenclature is self-evident. If it
comes to complicated scores; well, that needs of course learning and
experience. Still missing are help files that let one look up the syntax.
I have written one for my editor, but everyone uses a different editor...

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Kuykens's warning, history of MusiXTeX

2006-07-10 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Mon, 10 Jul 2006, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:

> Does anybody know when Hans Kuykens's warning at the beginning of the MusiXTeX
> manual was written? (... awesome job which gobbles ...)
> Of course the "disk space" part is now obsolete, but I'm just curious. Has
> anybody an old, old MusiXTeX manual? Could even be from the MusicTeX times.

It is at least 10 years old. As I began with the MusicTeX program, I certainly 
did not chose it for the challenge of mastering an awesome job, but for 
typesetting notes. If I would have read the manual, I would 
have quit right away after reading this sentence. Luckily,
I learned musicTeX from the Latex-book of Helmut Kopka (Addison Wesley) 
that contained a chapter about musicTeX and stated that it was no problem
for the author, an absolute layman in musics,
to typeset music with this program. Of course, Kopka is a TeXpert, but it was
certainly not an awesome job for me either because I was already familiar 
with TeX.

In my humble opinion, the whole sentence is obsolete. Can anyone tell me 
why it is untouchable?

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Musixtex package

2006-06-14 Thread Christof Biebricher
Dear all:

in my opinion, musixtex and the preprocessors are
mature and stable software. While there will be maintenance
releases in the future, it is unlikely that major changes
will take place. On the other hand, installation and documentation
are outdated and an obstacle to the propagation of the software.

It is unlikely and not advisable that newcomers will start with plain musixtex,
they should rather use the comfortable preprocessors. However, these must still
be installed separately and I heard of several unexperienced people 
that were unable to install them. Furthermore, the distributors
of TeX systems
(mikTeX, teTeX) had often outdated packages that made it necessary
to install musixTeX on a local directory. In my opinion, it would
improve installation of the package considerably if we offered to
CTAN a complete and updated package that contains all necessary 
components for typesetting music, including the preprocessors.
They can then integrate fully into the main TeX directory system.
The benefits are obvious: for most operating systems, installation 
would be done automatically as a
package of TeX and users would not have to bother.

First of all, this requires that all authors of the different new 
components agree with this policy. 
Secondly, we should decide which components should additionally go
into the package. All additional macro files
offered in WIMA are short and can be incorporated into the macro package
without problem. There are already some special macros
in the musixtex collection which are rarely used. On the other hand, there
are some separate macro packages which are called in most calls to
musixtex, e.g. musixmad, which could preferentially be incorporated 
into musixtex.tex.

More of a problem are the executables. I suggest that one offers 
binaries for windows and linux-i*86; for all other systems one
has to add the program sources for compiling, if possible, as C programs.
After we agree about the new package, it would be possible to replace
the complicated and then obsolete installation instructions and clean
up the now rather complex software catalogue.

Your opinion, please.


Prof. Dr. Christof K. Biebricher
Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
D-37070 Göttingen
Tel: +49 (551) 201 1442
FAX: +49 (551) 201 1578
TeX-music mailing list

RE: [TeX-music] triplets in pmx

2006-04-05 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Tue, 4 Apr 2006, Don Simons wrote:

> Sonja--
> If you are using PMX, then at all costs, you should avoid doing anything
> that requires you to edit the TeX file directly. The reason is that every
> time you want to change or edit ANYTHING in the PMX, you'll then have to
> re-edit the TeX file. That's why I went to the trouble of enabling four
> different ways of entering inline TeX into a PMX file. Please try to figure
> out a way to do what you want from within the PMX file.
Sometimes it is not possible. I admit that I have used post-editing TeX files
quite often. While I agree that it is important not to use it while creating
the raw music, I rename the pmx file after it has done its duty to avoid
an accidental overwriting of the TeX-file and edit then the tex file.
Goudimel's psalter in WIMA has been typeset in this way.

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Hide a staff

2006-02-24 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Fri, 24 Feb 2006, Andre Van Ryckeghem wrote:

> - use the pmx commands for the page hight en width:
> 'w280m h205m'
> \voffset=-08mm\hoffset=-5mm\
> - change interstaff
> \\\interstaff{14}\
> - change the margins
> \\\def\atnextline{\stafftopmarg4\Interligne}\
It may be further necessary to remove all page formatting 
commands intruduced by 
pmx. I have an editor macro that edits them routinely out of 
the tex files beforing TeXing. In my experience, pmx resists
rather subbornly to formatting wishes.

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] MusiXTeX HOWTO for unix

2006-01-24 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, Robin Fairbairns wrote:

> no: we don't make recommendations like that.  the change came from the
> tds group, who're as near to a standards body as tex systems get.
TeX is indeed quite standardized. At home, my computer has windows
and linux partitions. Nevertheless, I have the TeX- fonts, macros, maps
only once on the hard disk. My linux system takes them all from the 
mikTeX installation
of the Windows partition and needs only separate executables for linux. 
The different TeX databases for both systems reside in the same directories 
and do not harm one another.
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] MusiXTeX HOWTO for unix

2006-01-24 Thread Christof Biebricher
Dear Christian:
The HOWTO is correct, thank you. The installation of
type1 fonts has changed somewhat, but I do not know
whether we need a correction: in the README of the
type1 fonts is recommended to put the map files to the
directory $TEXMFMAIN/dvips/config/. In my present distribution,
SuSE 10.0, the map files are located in $TEXMFMAIN/fonts/map/.
I hesitate to recommend a correction unless I know that this
change occurred on recommendation of CTAN. I know that the
location of the configuration files are different in the
different distributions. SuSE has them in /etc/texmf/.
Furthermore, your installation expects that the user has
the priviledge to write to /usr/local/.

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Christof K. Biebricher
Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
D-37070 Göttingen
Tel: +49 (551) 201 1442
FAX: +49 (551) 201 1578
TeX-music mailing list

RE: [TeX-music] "beamed" half-note

2005-12-22 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Don Simons wrote:

> On a harpsichord, which is definitely a keyboard instrument, it would also
> be possible to play two different but equal-pitched notes, one with each
> hand on a different keyboard. However, in the rare cases where this is
> intended, it is practically always indicated in some way that is more
> explicit that a stemming convention.
Couperin and other French Composers indicate in their harpsichord music
notes where one voice
is mute by a vertical stroke if they occur in different systems. However,
in most cases the mute note is produced by independent
contrapunctal line rather than by an accompaniment. Bach and other composers
give also no indication whether a voice running through a long note should
be touched anew or not. It is not the only example where the notation is

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Page numbers

2005-11-23 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Anna Choma wrote:

> I've tried to switch off the numbers and remove pageno from theese
> definitions (I've put them to the score of course). Without success.
> Sorry for disturbing you with such problems, but I write usually the
> title, composer with the musixsty.tex. Should I remove \number or
For writing title, composer, tempo etc. you do not need latex.
If you do not write an article wich contains some notes in a
a lot of text, avoid using latex, as recommended in the manuals
and use plain tex instead. \nopagenumbers will then work.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Strange Pmx errors - Werner-Icking Kunst der Fuge

2005-10-09 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Sun, 9 Oct 2005, A.H.Gilbert wrote:

> I took the file into a hex editor and removed all "0d"s. It then processed
> OK.
> The reqired "kfsqpmx.tex" file is in the zip pack "" which is a
> compendium of Bach fugues, transcribed by Werner, in the archive. There
> are many "0d"s are in the zip file. Should "unzip" have removed them?
Yes. I packed the files, but I am a linux user. Use unzip -a to convert it
for the proper operating system.

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Beaming Across Bars...

2005-09-13 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Tue, 13 Sep 2005, Trent Johnston wrote:

> Oh by the way I'm using MTX which I assume the same thing would occur in
> PMX.
Not necessarily. M-Tx makes a separate PMX input block for each bar.
Therefore you cannot use commands that may not span different input blocks.
I wish there would be a M-Tx option making the input block size the same
as in the .mtx source file.

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Hanging slur

2005-05-25 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Wed, 25 May 2005, Dirk Laurie wrote:

> Neil Killeen skryf:
> >
> > On compiling this source (MTx 0.53F, PMX 2.4)  I get a warning
> > about a hanging slur.  It's to do with the tie across the second and third
> > bars in the upper voice.
> >
> > Despite this, the notes seem to  typeset ok. However, the lyric gets
> > confused.   There should be one 'Ah' per slur (bar).
> > But instead the second 'Ah' goes on forever...
> In the meantime M-Tx 0.60 has appeared.  I'm happy to report that there
> is no warning, and there does start another slur in bar 4.  Not in bar 3,
> though, and I respectfully submit that M-Tx does the logical thing here:
> there is a tie still going on.  Maybe you want the previous slur to end
> after the tie.
Furthermore, you should convert your ties to { }; then there is no mixing up.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: Letters for pitches (was RE: [TeX-music] Three voices in one note line with PMX - I can't get it ;-)

2005-05-19 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Thu, 19 May 2005, Don Simons wrote:

> thought you were taking into account the way TeX was going to change the
> octave. As you can see, PMX is still confused about the default directions
> of the stems; that's because it still thinks it's putting the notes much
> lower. The moral of this story is: "Don't use letters for pitches in in-line
> TeX." I know that you can't then easily transpose the resulting score. All I
> can say about that is that I'm sorry, if you want that much flexibility,
> then go spend $500 for Finale.
Dear Don:
many of us were attracted to PMX less by determent from Sibelius and
Finale by the stiff fees than by the quality of the PMX-musixtex sets.
But I would also make a comment:
in the past I had to use quite often editing of the resulting tex-file
because certain features were not yet available in pmx. Musixtex gives
you an enormous flexibility and allows almost anything; still, the time
saving by creating the crude tex file by using PMX is tremendous.
Of course once one has started to modify the tex file, it does not make sense
to improve the setting by processing via PMX, but one has to debug the tex file
directly. It is thus a good idea to debug throroughly before starting editing
the tex file. By the way, transposition is still possible on the musixtex level.
In the last year, I can not remember to have had to use post-editing; the
reason is that all my wishes in regard of features were incorporated into PMX,
and they were quite numerous. Thank you for improving PMX in the last years to
do almost anything.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] installation problem

2005-05-12 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Thu, 12 May 2005, Quinten wrote:

> When I use WinEdt to 'run'
> \input musixtex
> \parindent10mm
> \setname1{Piano} \setstaffs12 \generalmeter{\meterfrac44}
> \nobarnumbers \startextract \Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\hl
> j\en \Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\ql l\sk\ql n\en \bar
> \Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{dgf}|\qlp i\en
> \notes\tbu0\qb0g|\ibbl1j3\qb1j\tbl1\qb1k\en
> \Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\hl j\en
> \endextract
> \end
> I get the error:
> This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4) (preloaded
> format=latex 2005.3.28)  11 MAY 2005 11:21
> entering extended mode
> **test.tex
> (test.tex
> LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Here is the problem. Apparently WinEdt uses latex format for processing
the file. Musixtex, however, wants plain TeX. You have to change the macro
for Tex-processing in WinEdt. Since I am not using it myself I can not help.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Clef change

2005-01-18 Thread Christof Biebricher
> tenor clef. Likewise, one needs a change sign also within the peace
Sorry, I meant of course piece!

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Clef change

2005-01-18 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Tue, 18 Jan 2005, Cornelius C. Noack wrote:

> I am afraid I don't quite understand your question. Do you mean by
> "a clef change by Ct at the very beginning" the _very beginning of
> a movement_ of, say a piano piece? And in that case, you would want
> the piece to nevertheless start _with the usual piano notation of a
> bass clef for the left hand_ , but switching to treble immediately
> (as demonstrated in my silly example attached)? I must admit that
> I never saw anything like that in the literature [I am not a
> pianist :-( ], so I can't answer the esthetic part of your
> question (if that _was_ indeed your question).
Dear Cornelius:
Thank you for your answer. It certainly is not an esthetic question,
quite to the contrary. It has practical reasons: our brain
makes assumptions. If thousand pieces started with bass clefs for the
left hand, a player simply overlooks the clef while concentrating on the
signature, only when
playing on sight, of course. My cello player likewise assumes bass clef,
and we start to make cat music if the peace happens to begin with a
tenor clef. Likewise, one needs a change sign also within the peace
if the signature or the clef change at the beginning of a new line,
in this case at the end of the previous system. For this reason, I
have seen usually the described method: One clef for overlooking it,
the other one for noticing.

I came to a similar method as you to realize it, but it
is awkward, isn't it. Sorry for not including the practical example.


Prof. Dr. Christof Biebricher
Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
D-37070 Göttingen
Tel: +49 (551) 201 1442
FAX: +49 (551) 201 1435

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Clef change

2005-01-18 Thread Christof Biebricher
Dear all:

It is common practice to prescribe the usual clefs,
for piano treble clef for the right hand and
bass clef for the left hand. If a deviation is
intended, say for the left hand treble clef, one
rather prescribes a clef change before the first note
to emphasize the change than starting right away with
the intended, but unexpected clef.
However, in PMX, a clef change by Ct at the very beginning
is ignored and only possible after the first note.
The clef can be changed probably simply by in-line text, but
it would interest me why this is so.


Prof. Dr. Christof Biebricher
Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
D-37070 Göttingen
Tel: +49 (551) 201 1442
FAX: +49 (551) 201 1435

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] parisitic music archive

2004-11-17 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:

> > I agree that it is a nuisance to find our open source scores thus made
> > subject to bargaining. However, what can we do about it? I'm unsure
> > whether breaks any 'laws' at all.
> OK, if I am the only one here complaining, let's quit here.
Unless we have seen the copy offers , we can not
decide whether
we can protest. If the sender of the score still credits Jean-Pierre Coulon
as the editor, we can not do much. If, however, a more or less identical score
is offered with another name as editor, than it is
clearly theft of brain work, and a protest is appropriate.

It is probably not the fault of the maintainer. If someone would offer `stolen'
material to our archive, it would probably remain undetected unless
the original author complains.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Ties from one voice to another

2004-11-15 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Mon, 15 Nov 2004, Don Simons wrote:

> 1. Say the tie starts in voice 1. If a rest or a note at a different pitch
> starts in voice 1 at the time you want the tie terminated in voice 2, you
> can still do it in voice 1. The tie will remain horizontal, and appear to
> terminate on the voice 2 note at that pitch.
Dear Don:
Thank you very much for your proposal; I shall try it. It sounds logical,
but the idea did not come to my mind.
> Of course, for slurs going from one staff to another, it's a whole new ball
> game that I won't get into now. And I don't think it makes sense to talk
> about ties from one staff to another, since ties should run horizontally,
> and in PMX they always do with type K. Conversely, the above tricks will
> work with Type K slurs within the same staff.
While I have seen such things in printed music, I found this practise
confusing. I have used ties between enharmonic notes, but always kept them
horizontal to indicate that one is staying at the same note.
> The project that has spurred me to deal with rests recently is the 1664
> manuscript by Bernardo Storace, which I'm slowly working through. It's "per
> cimbalo ed organo," and there are many instances where ties run from one
> voice in a staff to another. I'm not sure if this is exactly what Christof
> had in mind, but in any event I've used trick #1 many times.
This is exactly what I need. I would have thought that you retouch ``per
cimbalo'' and tie over ``per organo''. At least that is what I am doing in
continuo playing.

Thank you again,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] PMX Beta 2.505: New option for default rest positions in 2-voice staves

2004-11-15 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Sat, 13 Nov 2004, Don Simons wrote:

> I've just uploaded a new beta to
Thank you, Don.
There is still a big wish on my list, which I mentioned already
some years ago. Polyphonic organ music very frequently demands that a
key is not re-touched if it is the same like the previous one in another
voice. In the old music, it is usually left to the judgement of the
player whether to re-touch or not, but since 1800 it is noted by ties.
With musixtex, this is not a problem: A tie begun in one voice may
end in another. In pmx, however, this is not possible, but results
in a unfinished tie. I have no idea how difficult it would be to
make it possible that sX say in soprano may end with sX in the alto voice,
but it certainly would save me a lot of post-editing the tex file.

One always has wishes... On the other hand, I am very satisfied
with pmx, it saves an incredible amount of time. 99% of what I type
will not land in the archive because it is for the daily needs of
a practitioner...


TeX-music mailing list

RE: [TeX-music] pmx chords in xtuplet with F, dotted xtuplex

2004-11-02 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004, Don Simons wrote:

> I put in the F option at Werner's request, because Bach used it somewhere
> and Werner wanted to reproduce Bach's rhythmic notation. I've never come
> across it in any other context. I respect Bach a great deal, but in fact the
> F notation is ambiguous and unnecessary. What rhythm is really intended, for
> example by  a44x3F a  ?  Is the shorter note to be 1/2 or 1/3 the length of
> the longer one?  PMX has unambiguous notations for both of those:  a44x3D a
> and  a84.a  . I suppose the shorter note might be intended to be 1/5 the
> duration of the longer one, and PMX doesn't have a special notation for
> that, but that's pretty far-fetched.

Werner and I wanted that feature for the Urtext edition of the Kunst der Fuge.
As Don states, the notation is obsolete and ambiguous and is not recommended
for use. The reason we wanted it is its very ambiguity.
Since Urtext means as close as possible to the original, we did not want
to `interprete' the text by converting it to modern notation.
Unfortunately, one cannot evade some interpretation.  In Bach's
original notation the punctuated note is clearly aligned with the third note
of the triolet, while pmx normally aligns it after the third note.
That was the reason why Werner wanted it. He did not live to have it introduced
into the Kunst der Fuge; I introduced it posthumously as Don made the
feature available. By no means, this feature is recommended for use in modern


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] M-Tx/PMX: Tweaking distance between grace note and main note

2004-10-26 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Tue, 26 Oct 2004, Christian Mondrup wrote:

> main note not only the main note is offset but also the preceding grace
> note. Can I do what I want with 'plain PMX' ?
Part of the problem comes from the opposite direction of the stems.
Gsxle looks acceptable to me.

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Ped. k

2004-07-27 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Tue, 27 Jul 2004, Stefan Svensson wrote:

> Not being an organ player, what does "+ Ped. k" and "- Ped. k" mean?
It is not standard, but often means in German `Pedalkoppel an/ ab'. If nothing
else is written, `Tirasse' is meant, i.e. coupling of great and pedal.

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] J. H. Roman: Sinfonia di chiesa

2004-07-22 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:

> > ... i have already ordered the printed score. If the adaption for organ
> > (made by Patrik Vretblad) is old enough (that is, 70 years) I might
> > create a PMX version myself.
> Hum! In Europe this may not be enough, unless Good Patrick Vretblad was kind
> enough to pass away right after he did this adaptation :-)
This is only true if the adaptation included creative work. If you have the
original and do not adopt all Vretblad adaptations , it cannot be proven that
you have plagiarised...


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] M-Tx 0.55

2004-05-05 Thread Christof Biebricher
Dear all:
First of all, I want to thank Dirk Laurie for
the new version of M-Tx, expecially the improvement
with the slurs and ties which solve many problems I
had previously. I have a new coding problem, though.
In the attached file (extension txt should be reconverted to
mtx), in the Tenor line bars 5 - 6 I have a slur whose first
note is tied over a bar line. Some codings work properly; in
others, however, neither \mtxEM nor the end of the slur
is transmitted to pmx and the rest of the voice remains thus
stuck at the same syllable. ( ) and (~ )~ behave the same.

Codings that work:
{ a4 | [ a8 }  gs ]
(~ a4 t | a8 t gs )~
(~ a4 t | [ a8 t gs ] )~
Codings that do not work:
(~ { a4  | a8 } gs )~
(~ { a4 | [ a8 } gs ] )~



Title: EG 183: Wir glauben all'
Style: SATB4
Sharps: 0
Meter: 4/4
Space: 0 0 0 0
Pages: 3
Systems: 9
Size: 20
PMX: \\input pseaumes\

Wir glau-ben all an ei-nen Gott.
Sch\"op-fer Him-mels und der Er-den,
er sich zum Va-ter ge-ben hat, dass wir sei-ne Kin-der wer-den.
Er will uns all-zeit er-n\"ah-ren, Seel' und Leib auch wohl be-wah-ren;
al-lem Un-fall will er weh-ren, kein Leid soll uns wi-der-fah-ren,
er sor-get f\"ur uns, h\"ut't und wacht, es steht al-les in sei-ner Macht.

%%Arbd Ap
(~ d2 a4+ g | a e )~ f2 | e of (~ g |
L: {p_S}
@-1 r4 a- (~ d8 f4 [ e1 d ] | e4d [-1 d1 cs ] (t d2 | d4r )t )~ cs r4 (~ [ d8 { e ] |
L: {p_A}
r4 [ f8 g ] (~ a4 [ d8 { g- ] | [ g } f1 e ] a4 )~ { a2 | a } r4 [ d8- a+ ] |
L: {p_T}
@-5 r4 (~ [ d8 e f d ] b4f+ )~ | (~ csd- [ b1 a ] [ d8 e f d ] )~ | a2 r4 (~ b8 cs |
L: {p_B}

f4 )~ e d cs | d2 of a4+ a |
e8 } d4 )~ c8s [ d1 cn b8f ] a4 | a2 f8+ e (~ { d4 |
a4 [ b8f a1 g f8 g1 f ] [-1 e f g8 ] | (~ [ g8 f1 e ] f4 )~ d+ { a |
[ d8 f- ] )~ [ g a ] [ bf g ] a4 | d2 [ d8 e ] [ f d ] |

d4 c b [ a8 b ] | (~ c4 b )~ a2 of |
[ d8 } e1 f ] ) e4 e.d | (~ e8 f4 [-1 e1 d ] )~ c2 |
[ a8 }  gs ] a4,g c [-1 b1 a ] | (~ g8s a4,g )~ a2 |
b4 [ c8 d ] [ e c ] f4 | (~ e8 d e4 )~ a2- |

r4 b c a | 
r4 [ e8 f ] [ g e ] [ c d ] |  
r4 [ g8 f ] [ e g ] a4 |   
r4 [ e8+ d ] [ c e ] f4 |  

a4 e f f | e2 of d4 e |
[ e8 d ] [ e cs ] (~ [ a b1 c ] { d4 | d8 } )~ [-1 c1s b ] c4 d.c |
a4.g [ f8.g ] a4 | a2 [ f8 g1 a ] [ b8f a1 g ] | 
[ c8s b ] [ c a ] [ d a ] [ f d+ ] | a2 [ b8f a ] [ g a ] |

f4 g a g | (~ f e )~ d2 of |
[ a8 b1 c ] [ d8 c ] [ c cs ] [ d e ] | (~ e d4,cs )~ a2 |
f4.e [ f8 e ] [ d bf+ ] | [ cs- a+ bf a1 g ] f2 |
[ d8 c ] [ bf c ] [ f- g1 a ] [ b8 a1 g ] | [ a8 f g a ] d2 |

d4+ d e d | e cs d2 |
[ b8 c ] [ d b ] c4 [ d8 g ] | [ g a ] [ bf g ] (~ [ a fs ] { g4 |
g2 g8a aa [ b gr ] | [ c a ] e4+ (~ d8 c4 b8f )~ |
[ g8- a ] [ b g ] c4 [ g8+ b ] | [ e- f ] [ g e ] (~ fs d g4 )~ |

d2 of e4 b | c a a e |
[ g8 } f1s e ] )~ f4 [+1 e8 f ] [ gs e ] | a4 cs- d.c |
a2 a4 [ e8+ d ] | [ c d ] e4 a- a |
d2  c8a da { e4 | [ e8 } f ] [ g e ] [ f g ] [ a g ] |

f2 e of | a4 gs a b | c b (~ a gs )~ |
(~ d4d [-1 c1s b ] )~ c2 | e e4 { f | [ f8 } fs ] [ g gs ] [ a a- ] [ b d ] |
(~ a4d g8s )~ a2 | [ a8 b ] [ c d ] [ c b ] [ a gs ] | a4 (~ e+.d )~ e |
(~ f8 e d4 )~ a2 | [ c8 d ] [ e b ] c4 { d | [ d8 } ds ] ea ca (~ f4 e )~ |

a2 of (~ b4 cs )~ | d2 a4 g |
[ d8 c1 b ] c4 [ g8+ f e { g ] | g } (~ [-1 f1 e ] f4 )~ fd { e8 |
e2 (~ g4- a )~ | a2 d4d [+1 c1 bf ] |
a2- (~ e4+ a- )~ | d2 [ d8 c ] [ bf c ] |

a4 e f2 | e2 of g |
e8 } d4 c8s d2 | e (~ e4 a- )~ |
{ a2 a8a } ga [ a b ] | c2 (~ [ c8s d ] e4 )~ |
[ f8- g ] a4 [ d8 e f d ] | a2 [ e8+ d cs e ] |

(~ f4 e d cs | [ d8 e ] )~ f4 e2 |
(~ [ d8 c bf c a b e- e+ ] | [ d8 cs ] )~ d2,c |
(~ a4- [ g8 a fs g ] { a4 | [ a8 } g ] )~ a4 bf (~ [ a8 { g ] |
(~ d4d c b8f a g | [ f e+ d f ] )~ [ g e ] a4 |

d2 of (~ f4 g | a b c b | a2 of )~ r4 g |
a2 (~ d4 { c | c } [ f8 d e f g e ] | f2 )~ r4 [ f8r { e ] |
[ g8 } f1 e ] f4 )~ (~ [ b8f a g c ] | a4 [ d8 b ] g4.c | c2 )~ r4 [ d8 { a ] |
d2- (~ d4 e | [ f8 e d g e d e c ] | f2 )~ r4 [ b8- cs ] |

(~ f4 e d2 of )~ | e f4 g |
e8 } (~ d4,cs d2 )~ | [ c8s d ] (~ e4.d )~ [ c8 e ] |
a8 } (~ b4f [-1 a1 g ] f2 )~ | a (~ a8 b4f )~ [-1 a1 g ] |
(~ [ d8 bf g a ] b2 )~ | [ a8 b cs a ] d4 { e |

f4 e d cs | d0 of |]
a8- b4f (~ a,bn )~ a | a0 |]
[ a8 g1 f ] [ g8 f1 e ] f4 (~ [ e1 f { g8 ] | g } )~ (~ [ f1s e ] f2d )~ |]
e8 } d4,cs [ d8 gs- ] a4 | d0 |]

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] zigzag lyrics lines with M-Tx

2004-04-30 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Bodo Meissner wrote:

> in the attached example the lyrics lines are not vertically aligned.
> It's the first time this problem occurs to me. It seems to be specific
> to this score, because I cannot reproduce it with other scores I made
> before.
I had plenty of errors in processing your file. Some are obvious:
\Satz: instead of /Satz. Furthermore, I converted the German umlaut
into the usual Tex-encoding and everything processed normally, and
the lyric alignment was fine.

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] [ADMIN] Attachments in the list

2004-04-14 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Wed, 14 Apr 2004, Maurizio Codogno wrote:

> discarded from the list, as a measure against worms. Yes, we need it.
May I politely correct: The M$ users among us need it...
It is dangerous to have dialects of musixtex around.
Nevertheless, the patch as such (the one that came through) might be something
useful for the
software site. Even better would be to define default parameters affecting
the layout by macros which can be easily redefined by a `style file'. That
should also apply to the font selection which is still a little awkward.
This would be something on my wish list for musixtex.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] RE: PMX 2.5.0: segfault

2004-02-27 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, Roland Stigge wrote:

> f77 -O2 -g -Wall -o pmxab pmxab.for

I also used g77 earlier and sometimes got similar results. As
recommended by Christian, I changed to the two-step compilation
via f2c and the problems stopped.

Tex-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] Slur and tie syntax

2004-02-18 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Wed, 18 Feb 2004, Dirk Laurie wrote:

> This change invalidates a sentence in the present M-Tx manual suggesting
> that it is a good idea to code { ( ... ) ... } rather than
> ( { ... } ... )
> If I receive no violent objections to this suggestion, I shall make it
> "official" (since no one else has yet volunteered to take over the
> maintenance of M-Tx).
Dear Dirk,
It is certainly a step into the right direction and, of course, I have no
objection. However, I still have another problem with ties in M-Tx.
In the meantime, ( ) is a valid command
in PMX, too. Quite often, arguments are required to label or to
adjust ties and slurs. These arguments are not permitted in M-Tx requiring
the use of s and t or editing on the PMX level.

This was discussed already last December. I wrote:
> conflict with the feature of invisible
> slurs {~ }~, which I appreciate and use very often.
> Christian's example illustrates the problem that are caused by the fact
> that the slur signs have multiple interpretations.
> In vocal music, a slur indicates which notes belong to a syllable.
> One can nest ties within, but they cannot cross the vocal slur.
> In instrumental music, the same applies to phrasing slurs, but
> in accords the nesting of inner ( ) exceeds 1.

> There are two possible remedies:
> 1) Only { } is parsed, ( ) is passed along to PMX.
> 2) Only the outmost ( ) or { } is parsed, the ones within are passed to PMX.

The most frequent conflict are chords with several
ties. I have not seen a way around with a C: line; as far as I know it
does not provide for tied together chords. However, this is a quite
frequent case: often only one or tow notes change in a chord, the other
must be tied. PMX allows for it by labelling the ( with a symbol. This
gives an error in M-Tx.
Since this applies to ties, you could combine it with your above solution.

If you see a solution that does not require a complete recoding of a large
part of the program, I would be quite happy.

Regards, Christof

Tex-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] strange result with MTX, now with attachments

2004-02-17 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Francois Planiol-Auger wrote:

> Here it is now
The only mistake I found was the invocation of a macro that did
not exist. If you write
Title: {\names FPA}
all works fine.

Tex-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] Strange PMX behaviour

2004-01-13 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Mon, 12 Jan 2004, Christian Mondrup wrote:

> >
> >
> > I notice exactly the same strange behavior under mandrake linux 9.1 for PPC.
> I don't recognize that behaviour with my current typesetting project
> whether I use an f2c- or a g77 compiled pmx (2.415) binary. My OS
> environment is good old linux i686 Redhat 7.3.
Neither with SuSE linux. However, I get the error message
`last symbol is not valid' if I copy a source file from MSWindows,
probably due to an EOF sign. Adding a blank line removes the error.


Tex-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] Thanks and 2 questions

2003-12-18 Thread Christof Biebricher
Lieber François,
Glückwunsch zu Suse-Linux. Damit brauchst Du keine extra Shell
mehr, weil Linux sie schon mitbringt. Wenn Du TeX schon auf einer
Windowspartition installiert hast, brauchst Du nur die executables
zu installieren. Sonst kannst Du die Windows-partition(en) einhängen,
z.B. als /dosc und /dosd und entsprechend in /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf
(als root) die Verzeichnisse eintragen. Dann sind die fonts und macros
sowohl für Windows wie für Linux verfügbar. Das dvi-tool-paket sollte
auch geladen werden.
Ich kann Dir auch mein
Menue für musixtex zuschicken, wenn Du magst, evtl. auch die Macros
für THE. Ich würde allgemein raten, nicht die deutsche, sondern die
Standard-US-Tastatur zu verwenden; es spart eine Menge ärger und man
hat die entsprechenden Zeichen wie \ | { } [ ] ` gleich parat. Bei
TeX kannst Du jede Sprache/Sprachenkombination über babel einstellen.


Tex-music mailing list

RE: [Tex-music] pmx - \rwp and \lwp

2003-12-15 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Sat, 13 Dec 2003, Don Simons wrote:

> If a whole note is shifted to the left, then I agree. But if to the right,
> the proper distance depends on the width of whatever is in the way, and
> that's not necessarily another whole note. I can do it the way Olivier
> suggests, and it will cover chords of whole notes, but it will not cover all
> possible situations. Any comments?
I agree with Don that it is not sufficient to rely on the standard shifting
with r and e. In polyphonic music it is nearly always necessary to work with
X..S to obtain an optimal alignment. While this is indicated in the examples
of stampa musicale and its translations, it is not emphasized sufficiently.
However, there is a frequent standard
situation with whole notes that would justify the introduction of Olivier's
proposal: when two voices meet in unison, than one must write two whole notes
to indicate that because there are no stems.


Tex-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] Thanks and 2 questions

2003-12-11 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Cornelius C. Noack wrote:

> This is strange: I use Acrobat reader 5.0, and I CAN'T reproduce the
> problem. But this is under Win 98 ... And Francois is using Acrobat
> Reader 6.0 ---
Fortunately, I could reproduce the error under Acroread 6.0 on a Windows
computer and track the error. The two erroneous files were replaced.
The repaired file has been submitted and will be exchanged.


Tex-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] Thanks and 2 questions

2003-12-11 Thread Christof Biebricher
Dear Fraçois,
On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Francois Planiol-Auger wrote:

> Question 1: when scrolling in the german pmx manual, I got the warning
> (translated from german with my own words):
>  parts will eventually not be correct displayed or printed.>
A repaired font of slz20 has been provided some time ago. I shall try
to re-compile the figures and exchange the manuscript, but I probably
won't be able to do that before Christmas.


Tex-music mailing list

Re: 1. Re: [Tex-music] PMX nested slur limitation 2. fine tuning PMX ornaments

2003-12-05 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Fri, 5 Dec 2003, Christian Mondrup wrote:

> 2.
> One of my purposes with typesetting the Laub Ritornelles is to test
> M-Tx/PMX features not relevant to early music which is my main typesetting
> interest. Among the problems I've encountered is that vertical and
> horizontal fine tuning of PMX ornaments such as staccato dots isn't fine
> grained enough for my needs. The ritornel 'Søde Narcisse' published today
> illustrates that, for example in bar 4 where I have vertically offset the
> RH staccato dots to positions above and below the beams. The PMX syntax
> allows fractionwise vertical offset, but typesetting result demonstrates
> that fraction values are rounded to integers before being applied. That
> prevents me from achieving equal distances between dots and beam.
> Furthermore pmxab accepts additional staccato dot horizontal offset
> arguments (eg. 'o.+2+.5'). But since I may enter arbitrary horizontal
> offset values without seing any visual effect I suppose they're simply
> ignored. That prevents me from aligning staccato dots with stems as I would
> like to do:-(
I do not fully understand why staccato dots should be aligned with the stems
rather than the notes. That way the upper-row dots in bar 4 would not align
with the lower row dots which would look odd to me. If you want equal vertical
distances you could enforce horizontal beams.
It might not look so good, but I would
use for voices that jump staves only upper dots for the upper voice and lower
dots for the lower voice to make clear the logics. I admit that the number
of voices changes; nevertheless one can distinguish an upper and a lower line.
As you have done with the voices that should only apply for the section where
it occurs, not for the whole piece.

We talk really about fine cosmetics: with newer music I buy in the store
for outraging prices, I would be happy to get scores of the quality of your


Tex-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] PMX nested slur limitation

2003-12-05 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Fri, 5 Dec 2003, Bernhard Lang wrote:

> Nevertheless this gives often rise to confusion, since less informed
> people often tend to interpret text slurs in vocal music as something
> halfway between phrasing (or even worse "legato") and pure text (melisma)
> syntax. At least in ancient music there is nothing comparable to the later
> legato. The only term bein quite close "ligature" means retard. Thus, I
> have decided not to use any slurs for melismas in vocal music, even if
> that is against common typesetting rules. To my opinion "- - -" and ""
> is syntactually clear enough and also easy enough to read. Of course, this
> is a personal choice.
Old music scores where each voice has its own stave should contain neither
slurs nor ties. There are unnecessary. Slurs originated in string music
where the notation really made sense. It later was introduced to other instrumental
music as `imitatio violistica'.

In later music, I usually omit melismatic slurs, but since
the bar is fixed, one has to use ties.
> > Furthermore prepmx must be able to
> > distinct between vocal and instrumental contexts within one score.
> I think, using the same syntax for things, behaving differently on
> different context, is not a good idea. Why not having one thing for text
> and one for slurs? A no-text-brace may then or may not generate
> automatically a corresponding slur.
I am also not convinced that we need it. Unfortunately we cannot change
the fact that phrasing slurs, legato slurs and melisma slurs are now
indistinguishable. As Bernhard mentioned, even some practical
musicians are not aware of it, although I admit that a phrasing slur
means in most cases also a legato slur.


Tex-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] PMX nested slur limitation

2003-12-05 Thread Christof Biebricher
parsingOn Fri, 5 Dec 2003, Dirk Laurie wrote:

> >
> M-Tx passes along everything that starts with a letter that it does not
> understand.  Unfortunately, some PMX enhancements occur in things that
> M-Tx understands the way it was.  M-Tx tries to extract the things it
> needs and keep the rest intact, but this becomes harder and harder to do.
> In the case of slurs, M-Tx had the ( ) syntax before PMX, which at
> that stage did everything with s and t.  So it thinks it understands
> those.  It needs to parse them for vocal music, to decide what to do
> with melismas.  But it would be easy to let M-Tx pass those through in
> instrumental music -- would that help?
Thank you, Dirk, for your comments.

In my opinion, the big improvement of M-Tx comes essentially for vocal
music. Therefore,
parsing of ( ) and { } will remain important for M-Tx. One could think
of retaining the
parsing and pass everything which comes after ( ) to PMX, because Don has
retained the s and t code (PS-slurs K treat t differently). But that would
conflict with the feature of invisible
slurs {~ }~, which I appreciate and use very often, although other
type-setters seem to use this nice feature rarely.

Christian's example illustrates the problem that are caused by the fact
that the slur signs have multiple interpretations.
In vocal music, a slur indicates which notes belong to a syllable.
One can nest ties within, but they cannot cross the vocal slur.
In instrumental music, the same applies to phrasing slurs, but
in accords the nesting of inner ( ) exceeds 1.

There are two possible remedies:
1) Only { } is parsed, ( ) is passed along to PMX.
2) Only the outmost ( ) or { } is parsed, the ones within are passed to PMX.

I would prefer 1, because in drafts slur errors belong to the most
frequent ones.
Both solutions leave out the
possibility of using phrasing slurs in vocal music, but it is rarely
used and in my opinion contradictory, because phrasing should be
dictated by the text. Legato is -- and should be -- indicated in
vocal music explicitly and not by slurs to avoid misinterpretations.


Tex-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] PMX nested slur limitation

2003-12-05 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Olivier Vogel wrote:

> Here the long slur is coded directly in PMX. But I can't
> code it with M-Tx! I don't understand why.
It is relatively easy to understand. The development of M-Tx
stopped at a time where PMX was in strong development. The trouble
is that M-Tx is even in its sloppy mode too restrictive. If it
would pass everything it does not understand simply to PMX, it
would be an enormous improvement.

I still use M-Tx very much. But everywhere where the new features come
in I use M-Tx to make the raw skeleton. Fine-tuning has to be done on
the PMX level. One has to provide for safety that an inadvertant call
of prepmx does not erase the pmx-file.


Tex-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] ties with m-tx / pmx

2003-11-04 Thread Christof Biebricher
On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Simon Dreher wrote:

> how can I get multiple ties in a chord with m-tx? Coding a chord with
> three ties [with (t and )t] I get an error message that only two pairs
> of nested slurs are allowed.
In PMX you should use slurs with an ID, e.g. (1  )1  (2  )2. I have not
tested whether M-Tx permits them also.


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