Re: replace panels with fade effect

2007-07-28 Thread Igor Vaynberg
here is what i do... i use the animator.js lib

ajaxlink.onclick(target) { SuccessFlash flash=new SuccessFlash();
c2.add(flash); target.addcomponent(c1); target.addcomponent(c2); }

see code below


public class AbstractAnimation extends AnimatorResources {
private ListComponent components;

public void bind(Component component) {
if (components == null) {
components = new ArrayListComponent(1);

protected ListComponent getComponents() {
if (components == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(components);

public boolean isTemporary() {
return true;


public class SuccessFlash extends AbstractAnimation {

public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
for (Component component : getComponents()) {

On 7/28/07, Leszek Gawron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to create an ajax heavy application (no pages, all panels).
 When replacing panels during ajax event I would like the old panel to
 fade out and new one to fade in (or any kind of morph effect).

 I've been trying to make use of wicket-scriptaculous module but without

 please advise.
 Leszek Gawron

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Re: Behaviour adding to Component body

2007-07-30 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 7/30/07, Jan Kriesten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Igor,

  i really dont think oncomponenttagbody() belongs in behaviors. this
  be done without a behavior by subclassing the component and overriding
  oncomponenttagbody() there. that said you can still hack it by using
  AbstractTransformerBehavior and some string manipulation code.

 I don't think this should belong in a subclass. IMHO manipulating
 attributes for
 a certain type of object should be handled by simply adding a Behaviour.

yes i agree 100%. but, you are not manipulating attributes, you are
generating additional markup int component's body.

 are only one example. Other Objects (QuickTime, Real, WMV) have other
 and parameter needs which is where Behaviours do what they do best:
 manipulating them. The Problem is, that Objects aren't handled Browser
 independend. So it's enough for FF  Co. to have a 'data'-Attribute for
 the SWF,
 whereas IE needs the  param name=movie... and no 'data' to have the

 ATM it looks like this:

 WebMarkupContainer swf = new WebMarkupContainer( swf );
 ResourceReference resRef = new ResourceReference( HeaderPanel.class,
 res/mymovie.swf );
 swf.add( new FlashAttributes( urlFor( resRef ).toString(), 700, 70 )
 add( swf );

 It really looks messy if you subclass it and take into account the 20
 parameters you could add the Object...

well the logic has to go somewhere so just do

SwfObject object=new SwfObject(swf, resRef, 700, 70); instead of putting
it into a behavior put it into a custom webmarkupcontainer subclass instead.


Best regards, --- Jan.

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Re: DownloadLink for an external URL

2007-08-02 Thread Igor Vaynberg
whatever streams that external file has to set a
content-disposition:attachment header so the browser pops up that box.



 I see that DownloadLink can be used to stream a File.

 What I want to do is use DownLoadLink to redirect to  an external URL
 that should be streamed (i.e. File Save box should pop up).

 I can't use ExternalLink as the external URL's location is not pre
 also the external URL's location lookup is a costly so I don't want to do
 it unless
 the User clicks on a link.

 So in my case I do some thing like

 class DownloadUrlLink {

 onClick() {

   URL externalUrl = getExternalURL(); //this is a costly operation, so I
 don't want to do it unless user clicks the Download link.
 getRequestCycle().setRequestTarget(new RedirectRequestTarget(url.toString



 The URL points to a rather large gzipped XML file about 11MB in size.
 But instead of popping up a File Save dialog, the browser starts to
 display the XML file.
 and CPU usage jumps up to 100%, on account of the file being this large.

 Is there a way to force the browser to pop up a FileSave dialog when using

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Re: Is this even possible...?

2007-08-03 Thread Igor Vaynberg
this is pretty simple, but there are a few things to consider

a) the obvious: create a form and put the pageable listview into it. instead
of adding labels add textfields for each row.

b) call setreuseitems(true) on the pageable listview

c) override links in the navigator with submit links

i think that should be it


On 8/3/07, James Crosthwaite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm relatively new to Wicket and i have a query about creating an editable
 list. My query is simply, is it even possible?

 Basically i have a list of objects, currently displayed in a
 PageableListView, that i want the user to be able to edit. They should be
 able to edit any of the rows and then click a button to save all changes
 that they may have made to each row.

 I've tried using DataBinder which didn't help as i could only edit one
 object at a time, however i cannot now work out how to achieve this or
 if it is possible!

 If anyone has any ideas that would get me started i would be most

 Many thanks in advance
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Re: Caching components

2007-08-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
usually component render is cheap - it is the retrieval of model data
that drives the render that is expensive. so you should cache this
data rather then the component output.


On 8/5/07, Dariusz Wojtas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Is it possible to cache some component output?
 Sometimes we know that some custom component output does not depend on the
 browser and changes very rarely. But generating it every time may be very

 What is the background?
 I have a topMenu component, which depends on database, but does not change
 once started.
 Or I have a productCategories component, it requires several DB calls to
 render, but I would love to cache it's output per parentID as it does not
 change once rendered.

 Is there any way to tell the component to cache somewhere it's output? Some
 method that may be overriden and give rendering hint?

 Other question.
 What I can see in examples is that usually all components are added to a
 page in it's constructor.
 Is it allowed to use cached instances of components?
 Are they thread safe by default (if I do not break it myself)?
 Is it allowed to add a component instance to multiple other objects at the
 same time?

 I cannot find such info anywhere in wiki.
 Any hint in this area would be helpful.

 Dariusz Wojtas
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Re: Callbacks triggered by keyboard...

2007-08-06 Thread Igor Vaynberg
why would you want a serverside callback for this? you just need a
javascript handler.


On 8/6/07, Patrick Angeles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is this possible in Wicket, say for example, as a way to scroll down a
 listing, or go left and right on a menu?

 Thanks in advance...
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Re: WicketTester vs Component.error()

2007-08-07 Thread Igor Vaynberg
in 1.2 you cannot call error/info/etc from component's constructor because
you havent added that component to the page yet. in 1.3 it just works.


On 8/7/07, Gabor Szokoli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm using wicket 1.2, and use the WicketTester startPage(...) method
 in a unit test.
 (In fact there's nothing else in it, I just want to test if the markup
 matches the component hierarchy.)
 Problem is, a component on the page uses its error(...) method to
 display its dissatisfaction with the mock data in a feedbackpanel,
 which is perfectly normal operation.
 But that causes an exception:

 java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Page found for component
 [MarkupContainer [Component id = signInForm, page = No Page, path =

 Is this expected? Did I do something wrong?

 Any advice is appreciated.
 Upgrading to wicket 1.3 is planned, but I'd rather have tests even before

 Thank you for your attention and the great framework!


 Ps: Here's the full output:

 SEVERE: tester: unexpected
 wicket.WicketRuntimeException: tester: unexpected
 at wicket.util.tester.WicketTester.convertoUnexpect(
 at wicket.util.tester.WicketTester.access$200(
 at wicket.util.tester.WicketTester$3.getTestPanel(
 at wicket.util.tester.DummyPanelPage.init(
 at wicket.util.tester.WicketTester$2.getTestPage(
 at wicket.util.tester.DummyHomePage$TestLink.onClick(
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 at wicket.RequestListenerInterface.invoke(
 at wicket.RequestCycle.doProcessEventsAndRespond(
 at wicket.RequestCycle.processEventsAndRespond(
 at wicket.RequestCycle.step(
 at wicket.RequestCycle.steps(
 at wicket.RequestCycle.request(
 at wicket.protocol.http.MockWebApplication.processRequestCycle(
 at wicket.protocol.http.MockWebApplication.processRequestCycle(
 at wicket.util.tester.WicketTester.newRequestToComponent(
 at wicket.util.tester.WicketTester.startPage(
 at wicket.util.tester.WicketTester.startPanel(
 at com.deverto.centrex.panels.LoginPanelTest.testForm(
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
 at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
 at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
 at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
 at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
 at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4TestSet.execute(
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

Re: [Newbie] Add a yui calendar without a datetextfield

2007-08-08 Thread Igor Vaynberg
i used to use the code below, but now i see eelco has removed
AbstractCalendar :( so maybe he can tell us how we can accomplish it now

package com.tbs.webapp.component;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.calendar.AbstractCalendar;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.IHeaderContributor;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.IHeaderResponse;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
import org.joda.time.DateMidnight;

public class Calendar extends AbstractCalendar implements ILinkListener,
IHeaderContributor {

public Calendar(String id) {

public Calendar(String id, IModel model) {

public final void onLinkClicked() {
String arg = getRequest().getParameter(getJavascriptWidgetId());
String[] parts = arg.split(,);
int year = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
int month = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
int day = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);
setModelObject(new DateMidnight(year, month, day).toDate());

protected void appendToInit(String markupId, String javascriptId, String
javascriptWidgetId, StringBuffer b) {
super.appendToInit(markupId, javascriptId, javascriptWidgetId, b);

Date date = (Date) getModelObject();
b.append(.setYear().append(1900 + date.getYear());


public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub


protected void configureWidgetProperties(Map widgetProperties) {
Date date = (Date) getModelObject();
if (date != null) {
widgetProperties.put(selected, (date.getMonth() + 1) + / +
date.getDate() + /
+ (1900 + date.getYear()));

protected void onClick() {




On 8/8/07, Per Newgro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi *,

 i'm new to the group and hope to find some answers here :-).

 I checked the examples and i got the idea to add a simple rendered
 yui calendar instance to a webpage.
 I don't want to add a datetextfield and then click the button beside it.
 Is this possible? And if so how?

 Thanks for your time

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Re: [Newbie] Add a yui calendar without a datetextfield

2007-08-08 Thread Igor Vaynberg
can you not factor out the common thing into an abstract behavior and have
abstractcalendar add that abstract behavior to itself and bridge config
methods through itself?


On 8/8/07, Eelco Hillenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 8/8/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i used to use the code below, but now i see eelco has removed
  AbstractCalendar :(

 Sorry. I put it back. The problem is that it isn't maintained well, as
 all the effort so far has been around the date picker. And since the
 datepicker is a behavior, and AbstractCalendar a component there's a
 lot of code duplication. AbstractCalendar should be fixed for that


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Re: wicketstuff-dojo questions and answers

2007-08-08 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/8/07, Kirk Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm getting the feeling this list doesn't have a ton of patience for
 questions it considers dumb. (or related to a library rather than core
 wicket) So with the idea that I might have asked a few dumb things,
 and to show that I'm trying to resolve things on my own, I'm going to
 give my answers to the questions I do have:

not the case. what you have to understand is that dojo stuff is a
wicket-stuff project. created and maintained by developers that are not core
developers. so it is really up to those developers to monitor this list and
answer questions.


Re: wicketstuff-dojo questions and answers

2007-08-08 Thread Igor Vaynberg
no they havent. i am not saying that this isnt the place to ask questions, i
am saying dont expect to receive the same quality of service as you receive
when asking questions about the core projects. also not that not everyone on
this list uses that wicket-stuff project, so probably most people know
nothing about it and cant help you.


On 8/8/07, Kirk Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 8/8/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 8/8/07, Kirk Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  not the case. what you have to understand is that dojo stuff is a
  wicket-stuff project. created and maintained by developers that are not
  developers. so it is really up to those developers to monitor this list
  answer questions.

 Ok. But most side projects (including Wicketstuff/Wicketstuff-Dojo)
 haven't forked their own mailing lists or discussion groups, true?
 Nothing leapt out after searching through the wiki pages.

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Re: mountBookmarkablePage and missing parameters - exception thrown

2007-08-08 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/8/07, Dariusz Wojtas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to use it in cases where the user may be given feeling that he is
 browsing some structure.

well, my point was that structure is probably better represented by indexed
coding strategy, which is forgiving. for example

/products/clothes/tshirts/red (indexed)

is better imho then

/products/category/clothes/subcategory/tshirts/color/red (default)


Re: Motivation for having setRequired()

2007-08-08 Thread Igor Vaynberg
the whole refactor started because validators were doing a lot of repeitive

for example lets say you have a textfield for a purchase quantity. you add
three validators to it, requred, min1) and checkinventory.

min(1) = { if (input==null) return; int i=typeconvertinput(); if (i1)
error(); }
checkinventory() = { if (input==null) return; int i=typeconvert(); if
(igetavailable()) error(); }

what do we notice...

both validators have input==null check because they will run whether or not
field is required or not. both validators have to perform typeconversion -
which is potentially an expensive operation.

so lets refactor type conversion into the formcomponent. great, but the
problem is we dont know if we have to convert a  or not. so we also factor
out the required check.

the nice thing about it is that now our validators look like this

min(1) = { if (i1) error(); }
checkinventory() = { if (igetavailable()) error(); }

so now not every validator has to check for null, and type conversion is
only performed/checked once and in a single place.


On 8/8/07, David Leangen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I guess this was already discussed at some point on the dev list, but I
 couldn't find the thread.

 I'm just very curious about the motivation of deprecating
 RequiredValidator in favour of the setRequired method.

 Knowing how clever you devs are, I'm sure there's a good reason, but at
 first glace, to me the RequiredValidator seems like a more elegant

 Would somebody mind explaining this decision, if you have the time?


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Re: How to put a form on each row within a DataView?

2007-08-08 Thread Igor Vaynberg
if you get duplicate id exception you are probably doing this

populate(Item item) {
  Form f=new Form(f);

instead of the correct way:

populate(Item item) {
  Form f=new Form(f);


On 8/8/07, Mark van Leeuwen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have a table which is populated using a DataView.

 Now I have a requirement to add button actions on every row. I tried
 defining a form within a column but get an error that I cannot have
 duplicate ids.

 Can I do this within a DataView component? If not, is there another
 type component that can do this?



Re: Custom RequiredValidation message

2007-08-08 Thread Igor Vaynberg
afaik they .properties can be attached to any container with associated
markup: so page/panel/border should work
furthermore you can move them up to the which is a
global file.


On 8/8/07, David Leangen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  if you want total control you can put this
  in the .properties of the page with the form your email
  formid.subject.Requried=Subject is required

 Is it not possible to put this in the properties file for the component?

 // Constructor for Page
 public MyPage( String id )
   add( new MyForm( myForm );

 // Constructor for Form
 public MyForm( String id )
   add( new MyComponent( myComponent );

 So in the properties file

 email.Required=Enter your email
 subject.Requried=Enter the subject

 Or are the two ways you described in your last message the only ways to
 possibly resolve customised messages (unless, I suppose, if I create my
 own resolver)?

 Essentially, I would like to have finer-grained control over my
 validation messages, but not need to have to repeat them for every page.
 So: = blah

 requires me to rewrite them for every page, but

   Required = Enter your ${label}

 is not really as fine-grained as I'd like it to be.

 Thanks again,

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Re: Feedbacks contaminated

2007-08-09 Thread Igor Vaynberg
yes it is normal. feedback panels show any feedback available. if you want
to filter by a container see ContainerFeedbackMessageFilter


On 8/9/07, David Leangen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a few forms on one page, and more than one form has a feedback.

 When a user submits one form with errors, the feedbacks from the other
 forms are contaminated by the validation error messges from the other

 Is this normal?

 Do I need to use something other than feedback to accomplish what I'm
 trying to do?


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Re: Authentication in Webapp and Wicket documentation...

2007-08-09 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/8/07, Alexander Schatten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Greetings to all Wicket experts

 I try to get Wicket running for some rather simple web-application.
 First (no offense, but have to say that), Wicket has the worst
 documentation of an apparently good open source project I have seen in a
 long time; and this is really a pity, because it seems, that if one
 would know how to do it, many things can be performed quite easily.

have you seen the wiki?

Now to my current issue: I want to add a loginpage to my project and
 protect some of the pages.

 My first thought was to make a base class (worked) and somehow hook into
 the lifecycle, check if the user is checked in (MySessio works) but this
 is not running at all. lot of redirection errors, incoherent
 documentation and so on. e.g.:

have you started by checking out Signin, Signin2, Authentication,
Authorization examples in wicket-examples?

Javadoc 1.3 of Page talks about checkAccess() method... however, this
 methdod can be found nowhere.

yes the javadoc is outdated, fixed

Now I check the mailing list archive, only useful thing I find is a
 posting from 9.2.2006 suggesting:

 protected void init()
  public boolean authorizeAction(...) ...
  public boolean authorizeInstantiation(...) ...

 starting with 1.2. Well, this interface is still here, but these methods
 are not available any longer.

 There is no documentation about this strategy I could find and the
 Javadoc (which is btw. not linked from the wicket website, and just this
 made me search for an hour) is very unconclusive.

we are working on linking the do know wicket is a maven
project right? so there is of course javadoc in the maven repo:

further, since it is open source simply attach the sources to your ide and
you are set.
if you are using maven2 and eclipse add the wicket dep to your pom and do
mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true - and you are all set.

now that you have found IAuthorizationStrategy have you even looked at it?
for example have you pulled up its class hieararchy to see an example
implementation? for example when i do it it leads me directly to
SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy - which will probably get you started - even
if you havent looked at the 4 examples i have mentioned.

btw. another thing: when the documentation of a project is so bad, at
 least the javadoc should be accessible: I tried to build mvn site with
 wicket and got the error that you use a special template or somthing and
 it does not build, and this template is apparently not in the repository

yes working on that too. maven2 site generation is a pita and eats up a lot
of time to get working.

sorry, but Wicket experience was far away from beeing pleasent. I am
 quite willing to check several sources, but this here is really bad.

have you gotten the Pro Wicket book?

outdated information is not easy to distinguish from actual
 documentation, the reference to the component doc is nice, but component
 doc very incomplete and so on...

you are more then welcome to help out.

Wicket seems to be a quite productive and powerful framework (one of the
 best I have seen so far, at least so it seems), but getting into it is a
 damn frustrating experience, I can tell you...

you are meant to look at examples first. they cover all the basic usecases.
learn-by-example has been our philosophy so far.

(I did not even know where to start. happyily there is a maven archetype
 at the Jetty website which was helpful.)

So, sorry for that outburst, but I was so frustrated...

no problem


best greetings


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Re: Reacting to DateField change

2007-08-09 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/9/07, Dipu Seminlal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 yes i am almost certain, we need to have the event in the markup.
 if you add an onchange behaviour then you must add onchange in the markup.

no, you do not


On 8/9/07, Federico Fanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, 9 Aug 2007 14:10:58 +0100
  Dipu Seminlal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Did you add onchange in the markup as well, you need to add it in the
   as well
   input wicket:id=yourDate id=yourDate type=text name=yourDate
   onchange=blah  /
  I'm sorry, do you mean that Wicket replaces the blah on the fly? I
  thought that behaviors don't need modification to the markup.. Or maybe
  needed just for DateFields?
  I'll try with your suggestion though, many thanks :)
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Re: Authentication in Webapp and Wicket documentation...

2007-08-09 Thread Igor Vaynberg
so how do you propose we consolidate it?

instead of javadoc have links to the wiki?

 * see
public interface IAuthorizationStrategy {...}

that would really really suck.


On 8/9/07, Alexander Schatten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Martijn Dashorst wrote:

 sorry, I sent the last email to quick, was a Mistake; what I wanted to
 point out is this:

 this is your link, and it apparently has interesting information,
 whereas when you search (as probably every newbie would) starting from
 the wicket website, you go to the wiki and reference info, you come to:

 now: this is what I meant before with very confusing documentation:
 these two pages apparently cover similar topics, but are different in
 details. then there is the confusing component reference plus the
 javadoc which is also misleading sometimes (see the authentication stuff
 with reference to non-existing methods).

 don't you think this information base should be consolidated?

 thank you very much


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Re: I Need SubmitLink Help

2007-08-09 Thread Igor Vaynberg
this is for 1.3, but it might work for 1.2.x also

package com.tbs.webapp.util;

import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import org.apache.wicket.behavior.AbstractBehavior;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.ComponentTag;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IComponentAssignedModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.Model;

public class LinkConfirmation extends AbstractBehavior {

private final IModel msg;

public LinkConfirmation(String msg) {
this(new Model(msg));

public LinkConfirmation(IModel msg) {
this.msg = msg;

public void onComponentTag(Component component, ComponentTag tag) {
super.onComponentTag(component, tag);

String onclick = tag.getAttributes().getString(onclick);

IModel model = msg;
if (model instanceof IComponentAssignedModel) {
model = ((IComponentAssignedModel)

onclick = if (!confirm(' + model.getObject().toString() + '))
return false;  + onclick;
tag.getAttributes().put(onclick, onclick);



On 8/9/07, Darren Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all, first time post.

 I used Wicket 0.9 for a large project awhile back. We have continued to
 upgrade Wicket with every new release, and we currently sit at 1.2.6. I
 haven't done much maintenance on my project because every Wicket upgrade
 been smooth.

 One feature Wicket didn't have back then was a SubmitLink, so I built my
 Now with Wicket 1.2.6, my SubmitLink doesn't work but Wicket's SubmitLink
 works. Let me explain;

 I have a  dynamic page which contains a form which may contain listviews
 with listviews with listviews (up to 3 deep). Users can add and delete
 listviews at any depth and modify data in the listviews. The add and
 links in each listview are SubmitLinks so data isn't lost when the page
 reloads. Here is the problem;

 Say I have listviews 1, 2 and 3. When I delete listview 1 with my
 and the page returns, listview 1 and 2 are still present, listview 3 is
 The database says listview 1 is deleted. If I leave the page and come back
 (the model is reloaded), listview 1 is deleted and listview 2 and 3 are
 displayed. When I delete listview 1 with Wicket's SubmitLink and the page
 returns, listview 1 is gone and listview 2 and 3 are present.

 So, to test I coppied the source of Wicket's SubmitLink into my own
 class and tried it out. The same problem explained above occurs, even
 the onclick output of my SubmitLink is exactly the same as the onclick
 of Wicket's submit link (the rest of the html is exactly the same too).

 I would use Wicket's SubmitLink, except I need a confirmation dialog to
 to confirm a user's delete request.

 So, does anyone know how to easily modify Wicket's SubmitLink javascript
 so I
 can have my confirmation dialog? I could override getOnClickScript() and
 in a bunch of javascript, but I would rather somehow grab the onclick
 javascript from SubmitLink and append the confirm.

 Or..., any other ideas?

 Thanks for any help,

 Darren H.

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Re: How Can I Implement a Dynamic Table?

2007-08-10 Thread Igor Vaynberg
see DataTable


On 8/10/07, Pantaleoni, Andrea (KCTU) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have to implement a dynamic table: depending on user choices or values
 fields in database, the number of columns could change.
 e.g. In same case I can have 3 columns containing Labels or in other cases
 containing Labels and form components(and so on).
 To do that I'm using a ListView inside a WebMarkupContainer(I need to
 implements some ajax behavior too)
 The problems is that wicket require a exact match between components added
 the form object or page and markup items inside the relative html page
 Someone of you has already faced that problems?
 Any suggestion?

 Many Thanks

Re: Problem with uploading files

2007-08-10 Thread Igor Vaynberg
looks like fileInputStream  is a field on your page, but it isnt
serializable. so dont store it as a field


On 8/10/07, legol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Iam doing something like this:

 FileUpload upload = uploadField.getFileUpload();
 if(upload!=null) {
try {
 fileInputStream = upload.getInputStream();
 catch(IOException e) {

 I want inputStream because i want to write file to database, but i get
 following errors:

 ERROR there was an error detaching the request from the session
 wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Internal error cloning object. Make sure
 dependent objects implement Serializable. Class:
 at wicket.Session.setAttribute(
 Caused by:

 I tried also using upload.writeToTempFile() but i gets the same error with

 When i use upload.getBytes() everything is OK till file is too large;

 Pls help, what am doing wrong?

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Re: remove all behaviors of a certain type

2007-08-10 Thread Igor Vaynberg
you have getbehaviors() and removebehavior(), the rest belongs in some
WicketUtil class you write.


On 8/10/07, Sean Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Component class provides a method for removing a single IBehavior

 public Component remove(final IBehavior behavior)

 Is there a similar method that will allow me to remove all IBehaviors of a
 certain type?

 I'd like to be able to do this:

Panel p;
p.removeBehaviorsWithType(Clazz behaviorClass);



Re: Paging Navigator

2007-08-11 Thread Igor Vaynberg
i think this is the only place we put markup into code. and it is because
this is a global setting, so what markup template would it go to? and
because the html fragment itself is tiny - usually just a single tag.


On 8/11/07, Mathias P.W Nilsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you for that fast response. Work fine. I'm just wondering. Isn't it
 against good web programming rules to add HTML code in the java code?
 that what all new template based frameworks ( Struts 2, Tapestry, etc ) is
 trying to avoid?

 // Mathias
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Re: Paging Navigator

2007-08-11 Thread Igor Vaynberg
you can always extend it to do what you want.

those components are pretty old, been untouched since probably before
1.0because they seem to work for the vast majority of users. if you
want to
improve it you can always attach a patch to jira.


On 8/11/07, Mathias P.W Nilsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes! Your right.

 Had been great if it had wicket:id=emptyLink so that you could mark up
 code. Maybe like a

 ul, li list and display:block in css to make it both vertical and or
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Re: HTML template

2007-08-12 Thread Igor Vaynberg
seeing as that is the entire point of wicket - pragmatic markup manipulation
- the answer is no, not with wicket. you can however use text manipulation
libs like velocity, etc.


On 8/12/07, Mathias P.W Nilsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any way of changing the HTML template without extending the
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Re: HTML template

2007-08-12 Thread Igor Vaynberg
not sure what you mean


On 8/12/07, Mathias P.W Nilsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok thanks!

 Havn't read much of freemarkers and velocity. What do you think is the
 common use. Plain html seems as a good idé.
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Re: Phone book example

2007-08-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
that is not the svn url for wicket-stuff repo, see project site


On 8/13/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 I am new to Wicket and java and am trying to get the phone book example to
 and get BAD GATEWAY. Where can I get it?

 Many thanks

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Re: Ajax submit form with empty file input

2007-08-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
no, ajax submits do not support multipart forms.


On 8/13/07, Carlos Pita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 is it possible to ajax submit a form that has a file input between its
 fields, even if this input is always empty at the time of submission?

 For example, the following example throws a 'ServletRequest does not
 multipart content' exception when clicking the ajaxSubmit button, even if

 Form form = new Form(form);
 form.add (new TextField(text, new PropertyModel(this, text)));
 form.add(new FileUploadField(file));
 form.add(new AjaxButton(ajaxSubmit, form) {
 protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {

 The fact is that I will upload images using another, hidden and not
 form with an iframe as its target, so the above form will never be
 with a non-empty file input.

 How can I do this?

 Thank you in advance

Re: sharing a context menu across components

2007-08-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
what i am suggesting is this:

if you only want to have a single instance of behavior per table, yet have
onclick react per row you need to have some javascript on the clientside
that can tell what row is clicked by appending something meaningful to the
behavior's callback url.

you do not need this when you use an instance of behavior per row - because
wicket already builds the unique name that can identify that row/behavior
for you - which is the component path of the component that contains the


On 8/13/07, Kirk Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I guess I'm not understanding what you're suggesting.

 I've added a ContextMenuBehavior to the dataTableComponent row.
 Inside the ContextMenuComponent that is also on the page, there is an
 AjaxLink anonymous inner class. that overrides
 onClick(AjaxRequestTarget pRequestTarget)

 But the result of getPath() always has the same problem, even when I
 do ContextMenuComponent.this.getPath(). The Behavior isn't in the
 path, because it's not part of the nesting hierarchy. It stands
 outside and connects, and as you can see below the path says
 dataTableComponent:campaignContextMenuComponent - the fact that
 behaviors have been added to the dataTableComponent's rows doesn't
 matter to the path, at least in the straight forward way I've made the

 (Just to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious, I tried adding
 the contextMenuComponent to the Behavior rather than to the
 dataTableComponent, but of course there is no .add(Component) for
 behaviors, so the concept didn't make sense.. you can add a behavior
 to a component but not vice versa)

 What am I not getting here?
 Is there some other kind of special menu item class I need to use that
 would capture the path of the behavior that invoked it?( Because right
 now it's just a component that happens to be showing up and relocated
 because of the behavior i added to the rowitem.)
 Is there some sort of way of jamming the behavior into the path,
 besides the fact that the behavior is added to the appropriate

 On 8/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  see component.getpath()
  On 8/13/07, Kirk Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Where can I retrieve that path? Each row is generating a unique
   behavior object instance, but in the onClick for one of the menu
   items, code like
   (which, through some documentation surfing and trial and error seemed
   the only thing close to what you were talking about) comes back with
   with no mention of the behavior that is connecting dataTableComponent
   and campaignContextMenuComponent
   Is there another object that would be carrying more meaningful request
   path info, or is my only hope to start hacking in the javascript? I
   really hate breaking the abstraction layer Wicket provides by putting
   so much in javascript, and the path to even do so isn't clear to me.
   On 8/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
the first one is internal to wicket - because the behavior is unique
an internal unique path in wicket, so you dont need to worry about
basically your onclick handler for the menuitem has a 1-1 link to
onclick handler of the behavior.
if you want one behavior then you have many menuitems onclicks
   to a
single behavior onclick. so you need to map somehow - and that is
javascript on clientside.
On 8/13/07, Kirk Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I kind of see what you're getting at, but could you give an
 example of
 the syntax for the first one? I already have a unique behavior
 instance for each row... do I need to add another one?  Or is
 some way in the onClick code to read what the path of the behavior
 (Actually I might not be thinking of the right use of path)
 I guess I'm trying to avoid hacking javascript strings if I can,
 the link syntax is pretty arcane...

 On 8/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  the event is triggered on clientside, so you need to pass back
  clicked there.
  you can either do it by adding a unique behavior - which then
 has a
  path - which is that id you are passing back. or you need to
  unique id on client side using javascript so it can tell which
  On 8/13/07, Kirk Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a Context Menu Object and Behavior... right now I
   Context Menu for the whole Data Table (extends
   AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable) component that links to it...
   newRowItem() I add a unique ContextMenuBehavior (extends

Re: AjaxTabbedPanel Problem

2007-08-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
you probably have the span/div problem. make sure you do not nest any block
level elements like div inside spans


On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Will you test in IE?  The form content shows in IE6, but not in FF2 on


 On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  After reading your message, I just tested my problem out again.  I
  described my problem in a message last night with the subject How to
  replace panelA with panelB using AjaxLink in panelA.
  I'm now thinking that that I did have it working, but that the content
  is just not showing.  I have a form on panelB, and it looks like
  panelA has been replaced with panelB when I look at the AjaxDebug
  info.  But panelB isn't showing on the page.
  Note that I'm not using an AjaxTabbedPanel, just a TabbedPanel.  But
  I'm using ajax inside the panel to replace it.
  Bottom line is that I too am having that same problem.  Unfortunately,
  I don't have a solution.
  On 8/13/07, Eric Woerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a interesting problem with the AjaxTabbedPanel.  If one of that
   has a panel that has forms with in it they are not displayed when you
   on that tab.  None of the textareas or TextFields will
 display.  Nothing
   between the form tags will display.
   Has anyone ever seen this problem?
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Re: Dynamic AJAX Tabs

2007-08-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
hmm, its still pretty difficult to tell what is going on.

how about a quickstart that reproduces the problem.

you want to have an ajax tabbed panel where the number of tabs is variable,
so when you recalculate the number of tabs why not simply replace the
tabbedpanel with a new instance and add the new instance to the ajax target.


On 8/13/07, Ballist1c [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Opppsss!!! hahaha.. gotta get into that habit, at the moment, the tabs
 display a unique id just to see if i can get it working.  also... I am
 currently using a list, cause I cant add a AbstractTab to the 'item' in
 populate item :(

 final List tabs = new ArrayList();

 chatSessionTabs = new RefreshingView(chatSessionTabs, new
 chatSessions)) {

 protected Iterator getItemModels() {
 return new
 protected IModel model(Object object) {
 return new Model((Serializable) object);
 protected void populateItem(Item item) {
 Label chatSessionTabData = new Label(chatSessionTab,
 final long tempChatSessionId =

 tabs.add(new AbstractTab(item.getModel()) {
 public Panel getPanel(String panelId) {
 return new FlirtTabPanel(panelId,

 if (tabs.size()  0)
 add(new AjaxTabbedPanel(tabs, tabs));
 add(new Label(tabs, You have no chat sessions));

 igor.vaynberg wrote:
  why dont you paste your code, abstracttab should work just fine, its
  factory for panels.
  On 8/13/07, Ballist1c [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey guys,
  Right now i have been playing around with the current, ajax tabbs in
  extensions.  What I am trying on now is creating a dynamic number of
  with multiple components and models within each tab which can change
  runtime so it will have Ajax polling for information.
  I have been using a RefreshingView to manage X number of tabs and it
  have AJAX updates performed on the fly for information contain within
  I have been trying to use AbstractTab but it doesn't work with
  RefreshingView because refreshing view populates the tabs at run-time
  then creating the tabs at construction/render.
  This is my current predicament, and I am looking for a clean solution
  current framework classes if possible.
  THanks hEaps guys
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Re: Caching the context path

2007-08-15 Thread Igor Vaynberg
so what exactly are you doing? obviously you cant really share an app across
actual contexts because they are supposed to be isolated.

so what do you do? you have a single application object, but you map two
filters with two different paths and share the single instance of
application object via custom applicationfactory?


On 8/15/07, David Leangen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Very nasty things are happening in my forms. Because it's not resolving
 the URLs properly, wicket thinks that my pages are expired.

 Does this mean that I have no choice but to re-instantiate a new wicket
 for each context?

 In other words, is what I'm trying to do too much to ask of wicket
 without some major changes?

 Or is there a relatively simple way I could get this to work?

 On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 12:57 +0900, David Leangen wrote:
  I'm attempting to mount one instance of wicket on more than one context
  path. However, something is not working as I expect it to from within
  Wicket, due to some kind of caching going on.
  Essentially, I have my servlet container setup so that both of the
  following get routed to the same instance of wicket:
  On the first run, both work as expected.
  If I try to access directly either one of:
  also no problem.
  However, if I first access cxt1, then later try to access:{/}
  Wicket is forwarding me back to:
  And vice-versa when I first access cxt2 and later try to access cxt1
  without a path.
  Also, none of my links are working as expected. Once cxt1 is cached, all
  my links now point to that context, which messes up what I'm trying to
  Is this a bug? If so, where should I look to fix this?
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Re: Order-Items master detail page

2007-08-15 Thread Igor Vaynberg
you create a new instance of itemsDataProvider  but your listview never gets
that new instance, so its using the old one. instead you should change the
data that instance returns:

IDataProvider itemsDataProvider = new idataprovider() {

  count() { if (selected==null) return 0; else return selected.items.size();

 iterator() { if (selected==null) { return new EmptyIterator(); } else {
return selected.items.iterator(); }



On 8/15/07, Oleg Taranenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have the simplest use case, but i'm finally confused, please help.

 I have 2 DataViews with ListDataProvider.

 Left dataview shows Orders, right must show order items, when I click on
 the order number.

 I have simple list - Order List and Order Items List:

 Both created as DataView with ListDataProviders.

 List Provider for items depends on clicked ajax link.

 It seems that IDataProvider static bound to the markup? and cannot be

 How i can show order's item in the Items List by click on Ajax Link in
 Order Lis?

 I thought enough add

 - Markup --




table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=1

tr wicket:id=orders

tdspan wicket:id=id[id]/span/td

tda wicket:id=alinkspan



 div wicket:id=itemsWrap/div





table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=1

tr wicket:id=items

tdspan wicket:id=itemid[id]/span/td

tdspan wicket:id=itemname[name]/span/td




 -- Code --

 public class HomePage extends WebPage {

private Order selected;

IDataProvider itemsDataProvider = new ListDataProvider(

private ItemsPanel itemsWrap;

public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {

 IDataProvider orderDataProvider = new ListDataProvider(

 add (new DataView(orders, orderDataProvider) {


protected void populateItem(Item item) {

Order order = (Order) item.getModelObject

item.add(new Label(id, order.getId

final AjaxLink link;

item.add(link = new AjaxLink(alink,new
 Model(order)) {


public void
 onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {


selected = (Order)

  itemsDataProvider = new






link.add(new Label(name, order.getName



 add (itemsWrap = new ItemsPanel(itemsWrap));





  * Items Panel.


public class ItemsPanel extends Panel {

 public ItemsPanel(String id) {


add (new DataView(items, itemsDataProvider) {


protected void populateItem(Item item) {

OrderItem orderItem = (OrderItem)

item.add(new Label(itemid,

item.add(new Label(itemname,





public ListObject toList(Set? extends Object set) {

if (set == null) {

throw new NullPointerException(argument must not
 be null);


ListObject result = new ArrayListObject(set.size());


return result;



 It does not works, order items are not shown at all. :(

 It seems like itemsDataProvider is bound 

Re: How to get the html combo value in wicket?

2007-08-15 Thread Igor Vaynberg
the final value is put into the model


On 8/15/07, Edi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 any reply..

 Edi wrote:
  I have ordinary html combo,
  select name=comboTxt
  option value=oneOne/option
  option value=twoTwo/option
  How can I get the html combo value using wicket.
  if ordinary html text box input type=text name=txtbox means I can
  get getRequest().getParameter(txtbox);
  But In combo?
  Please let me know.
  Thanking You

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Re: Wicket vs. ZK

2007-08-15 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/15/07, juliez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First, thanks for the reply!

  2. AJAX components (Wicket vs. ZK)
 you do not implement features like drag and drop or datepicker in wicket,
 instead you wrap javascript libraries that implement those features with
 wicket components.

 I am actually confused at how many ways Wicket supports AJAX. The classes
 wicket.ajax packages are used for AJAX behaviors. I supposed these classes
 are for common AJAX behaviors.

wicket has an excellent native ajax support. it allows you to perform
partial page renders where only one or more components on the page are
updated. see for examples under ajax. it also has
common ajax handlers - so you dont have to reinvent the wheel - such as form
component update, ajax form submit, self updating timers, etc.

It seems they are different from wrapping
 JavaScript - correct me if I am wrong.

javascript is not the same as ajax. take drag and drop - that has very
little to do with ajax except maybe for notification that x has been dropped
into y. take datepicker, that has no ajax in it at all, its just javascript
that draws a calendar and puts a selected date into a textfield.

Then my questions are
 1) what is the standard way to add AJAX with Wicket: first looking for
 existing components (including the components in WicketStuff), then if not
 found, wrap JavaScript?

if you have some ajax need that wicket doesnt natively provide and that is
existent in some 3rd party js lib then you can easily write wicket wrappers
for it. the nice thing about it is that you only have to do it once, and
from that point on you dont need to worry about javascript, just use your
java classes. for example there is wicketstuff-animator project that wraps
animator.js in a set of wicket components. you can add animations without
known the details of the animator.js lib.

2) I read the attached file and googled more for the instruction on how to
 wrap JavaScript. Found one here
 I am wondering if there are instructions on how to do it in a general way.

there is no general way, you simply write components that hook into the

3. Target application (Wicket)
  like you say, wicket is component oriented. it doesnt really care how
  build your app: many pages or a single page. at my day time job we have
  app that is mostly a single page with a lot of component replacement.
  just fine.

 Still not sure, if a page includes many replacement, how to keep the
 method/class short yet support those changes?

you dont define the combination of all possible replacements at the same
time. wicket is dynamic, at any point in time a component can replace itself
or other components with something else that was just instantiated. also
because components are encapsulated they can perform replacements inside
themselves as well. wicket is not page-centric.


Re: Wicket-1.3-beta2 validation (conversion) bug?

2007-08-16 Thread Igor Vaynberg
it is obscure but it still should be possible. anyway, you can discuss it
here if you like. for example you can list some pros and cons that you think
the current approach has.


On 8/15/07, Alex Objelean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you believe that the usecase is obscure, shouldn't this approach to be
 reconsidered? Or at least discussed a little bit more, before the final
 release is done?

 Thank you!

 igor.vaynberg wrote:
  i believe it was jonathan who had an obscure usecase that null input was
  supposed to be converted to a nonnull object.
  On 8/14/07, Alex Objelean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I found a quick fix for my issue: instead of disabling the Textfield, I
  it readonly... still wondering why the change has been made in the
  Matej Knopp-2 wrote:
   At this point I don't know why the check was removed, but i suppose
   there was a reason for it. I'm not sure whether we should support the
   state when client and server are out of sync.
   On 8/14/07, Alex Objelean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   This means that the component enable state must be always in sync
   client side state? Shouldn't it be set automatically as not enabled
   the submit occurs? On the other hand, the same code worked great on
   wicket-1.2.x branch..
   Please help!
   Matej Knopp-2 wrote:
I'm not sure if it's bug in wicket. So your input is disabled,
the TextField component is not? That's not good, you need to
the TextField too in that case.
On 8/14/07, Alex Objelean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
After migrating from wicket-1.2.6 to wicket-1.3.0-beta2 I had the
application throws ConversionException when trying to convert a
of the Textfield wich is disabled on the clientside.
I've take a look on the convert() method of the FormComponent
noticed the difference from the 1.2.x branch which may cause the
This snippet of code is from 1.3.0-beta2
if (typeName == null) {
  //string conversion code
} else {
  //type conversion code
This snippet of code is from 1.2.6
if (type == null) {
  //string conversion code
} else if (!Strings.isEmpty(getInput())) {
  //type conversion code
As you can see, in the 1.3.0-beta2 version, the conversion does
the getInput() is an empty string before performing type
wonder if it is a bug, or it is something that I missed?
Thank you!
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Re: strang bug in wicket-1.3.0-beta2 when submitting a form

2007-08-16 Thread Igor Vaynberg
unfortunately formcomponent:565 doesnt point to anything useful. mind trying
again with the trunk build? it looks like formcomponent is trying to find
its form, do you have it inside a form?


On 8/16/07, Alex Objelean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've got the following exception when submit a form... (the same code
 fine with wicket-1.2.6)

 Any thougths?

 [10:39:10.071] ERROR [http-8080-Processor8] RequestCycle - Could not find
 Form parent for [MarkupContainer [Component id = editOrCancel, page =, path =

 isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]]
 org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Could not find Form parent for
 [MarkupContainer [Component id = editOrCancel, page =, path =

 isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]]
 at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form$2.component(
 at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form.onFormSubmitted(
 at org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle.step(
 at org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle.steps(
 at org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle.request(
 at org.acegisecurity.ui.logout.LogoutFilter.doFilter(

Re: Request Cycle TimeOut

2007-08-16 Thread Igor Vaynberg
please file a bug. also understand that if you set timeout to one hour that
means the user will not be able to access any other page within that session
until the original request goes through.


On 8/16/07, Gustavo Yoshizaki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have some problems with the time out of the request cycle. I extended my
 application from WebApplication and in the init method added the following


 However, in one page with an ajax link, I got the following error:

 09:00:05,290 ERROR [RequestCycle] java.lang.InterruptedException
 wicket.WicketRuntimeException: java.lang.InterruptedException
 at wicket.Session.getPage(

 This is an error thrown in Session.class:

 catch (InterruptedException ex)
   throw new WicketRuntimeException(ex);

 The timeout that pageMapsUsedInRequest waits is 1 minute, which is default
 of Wicket. It seems that the settings is being ignored.

 I'm using Wicket 1.2.6


Re: Request Cycle TimeOut

2007-08-16 Thread Igor Vaynberg

On 8/16/07, Gustavo Yoshizaki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okey, Thanks for the answer. How do I report this bug?


 On 8/16/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  please file a bug. also understand that if you set timeout to one hour
  means the user will not be able to access any other page within that
  until the original request goes through.
  On 8/16/07, Gustavo Yoshizaki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have some problems with the time out of the request cycle. I
   application from WebApplication and in the init method added the
   However, in one page with an ajax link, I got the following error:
   09:00:05,290 ERROR [RequestCycle] java.lang.InterruptedException
   wicket.WicketRuntimeException: java.lang.InterruptedException
   at wicket.Session.getPage(
   This is an error thrown in Session.class:
   catch (InterruptedException ex)
 throw new WicketRuntimeException(ex);
   The timeout that pageMapsUsedInRequest waits is 1 minute, which is
   of Wicket. It seems that the settings is being ignored.
   I'm using Wicket 1.2.6

Re: Is there something like ValidationDelegates in Wicket?

2007-08-16 Thread Igor Vaynberg
yep, i have a border implementation that does just this.

it searches its hierarchy for a formcomponent(s) and adds labels, then if
there are any errors it renders them after the component. so it is
definetely possible, you still have to add a border/component but the
chances are you are adding a label/component anyways.


On 8/16/07, Scott Swank [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Look at Borders

 Particular the FormComponentFeedbackBorder.

 On 8/16/07, Onno Scheffers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm new to Wicket. I worked with Tapestry before and I was wondering if
  there's something like the Tapestry ValidationDelegate available in
  By adding a ValidationDelegate to a form I was able to override methods
  like writeLabelPrefix, writeLabelSuffix, writePrefix and writeSuffix.
  That made it very easy to add a '*' behind each component in the form if
  it was required and when it was in error I could automatically render
  the error-message behind the component and apply an error-style to the
  label of that component.
  It made life much easier and saved a lot of code.
  So far the only way I've been able to get error-messages to render
  behind component in Wicket is by using a custom component that I
  manually have to add after each component to both the template and to
  the Java code. I haven't yet found a way to add behaviors to components
  or forms that can render this kind of markup behind an existing
  component or its label.
  Rendering error-messages behind components is quite common and I'm a
  Wicket newbie, so I'm sure I must have overlooked something. Any help
  would be appreciated.
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 Scott Swank
 reformed mathematician

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Re: url mapping and wizards

2007-08-16 Thread Igor Vaynberg
this is not how wicket works. bookmarkable urls are entry points, but once
you change the state of the page you have to keep track of that instance
somehow - that is what :12: is in that url - a wicket page id. so once you
change the state of any page it is no longer bookmarkable and thus cannot
have a ncie url.


On 8/16/07, wicket user [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've just started using Wicket and I've managed to mount pages so that the
 urls are cleaned up but for the life of me I can't seem to get it to work
 with Wizard pages. Is there a trick to this?

 At the moment it looks like this:

 I've tried mounting the wizard page as well as mounting the package that
 wizard is in but with no luck.

 Many thanks

Re: Localizing title of ModalWindow

2007-08-16 Thread Igor Vaynberg

but that method really should take an imodel, please add an rfe


On 8/16/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using a panel based ModalWindow and want to localize the window
 title.  Without localization, I'd do this:

 modalWindow.setTitle(Edit User);

 The setTitle() method takes a string, not a resource. I'm not clear
 how to make this work.  I tried this:

 modalWindow.setTitle((String)new ResourceModel(editTitle).getObject());

 However, I then get this exception:

 java.util.MissingResourceException: Unable to find resource: editTitle
  at org.apache.wicket.Localizer.getString(
  at org.apache.wicket.Localizer.getString(
  at org.apache.wicket.model.ResourceModel.getObject(

 I've tried adding the property editTitle to all sorts of property
 files in my project, but it just isn't finding it.

 What should I be doing?


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Re: Is there something like ValidationDelegates in Wicket?

2007-08-17 Thread Igor Vaynberg
my border handles multiple formcomponetns if they are meant to be grouped.
for example you can add 3 textfields and it will create labels like:

city/state/zip [text1][text2][text3] errors for text1/text2/text3

i have a utility method in my Form subclass addWithBorder(String borderid,
FormComponent... fcs)

so my code usually looks like:

addWithBorder(nameborder, new
TextField(name).setRequired(true).setLabel(new ResourceModel(
and in markup: div wicket:id=nameborderinput type=text

the border will then generate
tdlabel for=namename/label/tdtdinput type=text id=name ...
/ [any errors]/td

unfortunately i can post the code for it, but it isnt very complicated


On 8/17/07, Onno Scheffers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Igor,

 does this mean that you wrote a Border component that handles multiple
 formcomponents at once? Or that you wrote a Border component that
 handles only one formcomponent at a time (like the
 The first is what I've been trying to figure out, because I find the
 second way of doing it very code-intensive in both Markup and Java code.
 I could use some example code if that's possible, since I haven't been
 able to figure out how to do it.
 I can visit all formComponents (getForm().visitFormComponents()) but
 adding new components to them during rendering is not possible if I'm
 not mistaken?



  yep, i have a border implementation that does just this.
  it searches its hierarchy for a formcomponent(s) and adds labels, then
  there are any errors it renders them after the component. so it is
  definetely possible, you still have to add a border/component but the
  chances are you are adding a label/component anyways.

  On 8/16/07, Scott Swank [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Look at Borders
  Particular the FormComponentFeedbackBorder.
  On 8/16/07, Onno Scheffers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm new to Wicket. I worked with Tapestry before and I was wondering
  there's something like the Tapestry ValidationDelegate available in
  By adding a ValidationDelegate to a form I was able to override
  like writeLabelPrefix, writeLabelSuffix, writePrefix and writeSuffix.
  That made it very easy to add a '*' behind each component in the form
  it was required and when it was in error I could automatically render
  the error-message behind the component and apply an error-style to the
  label of that component.
  It made life much easier and saved a lot of code.
  So far the only way I've been able to get error-messages to render
  behind component in Wicket is by using a custom component that I
  manually have to add after each component to both the template and to
  the Java code. I haven't yet found a way to add behaviors to
  or forms that can render this kind of markup behind an existing
  component or its label.
  Rendering error-messages behind components is quite common and I'm a
  Wicket newbie, so I'm sure I must have overlooked something. Any help
  would be appreciated.
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  Scott Swank
  reformed mathematician
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Re: Multiple JS-libraray inclusions

2007-08-17 Thread Igor Vaynberg
i just downloaded dojo 0.9beta

it runs in at 16mb

if all i want is to build a modal dialog using dojo i do not want to
distribute a 16mb jar. given that is uncompressed and can probably shrink
down to less then a third, still it is gigantic.

so if i can strip out all i do not use and shrink my jar to a few KB you bet
i will do that instead.


On 8/17/07, Jan Kriesten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi igor,

  if anyone has any better solutions im all ears. the problem is that the
  components are encapsulated, so you can never count on any of them to
  include the full version of any lib they depend on. and today
  these libs are so big that they come with multiple files - and on top of
  that have all these dynamic loaders.

 i know that maintaining such a lib isn't really doable.

 but why shouldn't libraries actually deliver the whole packages with them
 set a common id on it - and it's wicket to decide which location came
 it's no problem of data-redundancy in the jars, but contributing more than
 to the browser.

 --- jan.

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Re: Multiple JS-libraray inclusions

2007-08-17 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/17/07, Eelco Hillenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  there are just too many holes in this idea for us to implement it
  where it Hust Works. we can implement it half way and spend a lot of
  answering questions as to why something doesnt work sometimes based on
  components you have in your page or not.

 So let's just stop thinking about it then.

you know damn well thats not what i meant! jackass. the current  global id
idea is simply not enough to fix much of anything.



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Re: password encryption

2007-08-17 Thread Igor Vaynberg
i have recently disabled encryption because the idea was flawed. it would
need to be encrypted on clientside in order to work properly.


On 8/17/07, John Carlson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm looking for some clarification on the wiki about Validating

  getValue() will get you an encryption of the entered value 

 I assume this is saying wicket implements some sort of encryption
 between the client and server when a user inputs a password and then
 when it reaches the server it is decrypted and accessable as clear text
 via  getModelObjectAsString ().  Is this correct?  Or does the
 PasswordTextfield travel to the server from the client and then get
 encrypted.  Second option doesn't make sense in my head but I figured
 I'd toss it out there...

 Thanks in Advance


Re: Can we do straight print in a java web application?

2007-08-18 Thread Igor Vaynberg
i think its a little out of scope of wicket :)

prob what you would need is a browser plugin


On 8/18/07, Eko S.W. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear all,

 I would like to found out about something : can we do straight print in a
 java web application?
 That is, we do not rely on window.print(), because we rely on browser to
 print them.

 I have an idea, silly perhaps, that we build another daemon that listen
 That daemon wait, and when printing request from java web application does
 occur, it will do the printing.

 Is it applicable?
 Because as a matter of moving from desktop to web, maybe printing is one
 aspect that as an application developer, will be of some challenge.

 Thanks in advance

 Best wishes,
 Eko SW

Re: Two questions: Roadmap and Editable Grids

2007-08-18 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/18/07, dtoffe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I wonder if is it possible to create a custom component that behaves
 like an editable grid. For example, I want a flexible grid like those in
 Visual Basic or Delphi, in which I can set some cells as editable, some
 fixed, some in other colour, is this feasible ??

 yes it is possible/feasible

How hard it would be ??

that depends on you :)

   As I understood, I could control all of these behaviours in the Java
 code, is this right ??

correct, see wicket-examples. there is an editable treetable that can give
you some clues.


Thanks in advance !!


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Re: Can I HTTP Post from static html page to a Wicket page?

2007-08-18 Thread Igor Vaynberg
sure, set the form's action to point to the bookmarkable page.
mount the bookmarkable page with querystringurlcodingstrat
give it a (PageParameters params) constructor
and you are good to go, you can pull out the submitted values out of params.


On 8/18/07, Chris Lintz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I want to post to a Bookmarkable page from a static (non-Wicket page).  I
 having a tough time figuring out exactly how this can be done.  For
 I simply want a static home page  to contain a basic form with the form
 action=/auth/login .

 Is this possible with a Wicket page?  I can't find any examples for pure
 http posts to a wicket page/form.


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Re: Custom StringHeaderContributor

2007-08-18 Thread Igor Vaynberg
there should already be a png fix for ie in extensions.


On 8/18/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe its just late and I'm not thinking straight, but I can't figure
 out the best way to create a custom StringHeaderContributor.  All I
 want it to is encapsulate some javascript that has some property
 replacements in it.

 I have it working with a custom model as such:

   add(new StringHeaderContributor(new PngTransparency(this)));

 But I want it to look like this:

   add(new PngTransparencyHeaderContributor(this));

 It's not really a big deal, but it seems like it would be cleaner that
 way.  Here is the model class:

 public class PngTransparency extends Model {

 public static final ResourceReference PNGFIX = new
 ResourceReference(PngTransparency.class, PngTransparency.js);
 public static final ResourceReference TRANSPARENT_PIXEL = new
 ResourceReference(PngTransparency.class, transparentpixel.gif);

 public PngTransparency(Component component) {

 String output =
 !--[if lt IE 7]\n +
   script defer type=\text/javascript\
 src=\ +
 component.urlFor(PNGFIX) + \/script\n +
   script language=\javascript\
 type=\text/javascript\\n +
 var pngTransparencyGif = \ +
 component.urlFor(TRANSPARENT_PIXEL) + \\n +
   /script\n +

 Any ideas?


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Re: generic validator questions

2007-08-18 Thread Igor Vaynberg
right now you have a few choices:
you can load that .properties file yourself from inside your validator
you can put these properties into application-scoped .properties file.

you can also add an rfe into our jira to allow validators to have their own
.properties bundles.


On 8/18/07, Stojce Dimski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi I am new to wicket and during my studying phase (1.3b2) I wrote a
 small validator for my pilot project.
 Validator checks that class indicated by some control implements
 specified interface or is subclass of specified class. It works like
 But I have a big problems locating the messages for display purposes.
 What is the correct way to make a _generic_ validator (like
 'PatternValidator') not tied to any form and specify his messages in
 some .properties file ???
 Can some kind soul enlight me ?

 import org.apache.wicket.validation.*;
 import org.apache.wicket.validation.validator.*;

 public class ClassValidator extends AbstractValidator {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 private final Class ? validClass;

 public ClassValidator (final Class ? validClass) {
 this.validClass = validClass;

 protected void onValidate (final IValidatable validatable) {
 final String validatableClassName = (String)
 try {
 final Class ? validatableClass =
 final Object validatableInstance =
 if (!validClass.isInstance(validatableInstance))
 error(validatable, notValid);
 } catch (ClassNotFoundException problem) {
 error(validatable, notFound);
 } catch (InstantiationException problem) {
 error(validatable, instantiation);
 } catch (IllegalAccessException problem) {
 error(validatable, illegalAccess);

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Re: generic validator questions

2007-08-18 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/18/07, Stojce Dimski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Igor

 The error message says:

 Could not locate error message for error:
 [org.apache.wicket.validation.ValidationError message=[null],
 keys=[notFound, ClassValidator], variables=[]]

the problem looks like is that its looking for a notFound key or a
ClassValidator key, not for a ClassValidator.notFound key. so just
adjust your code.


notFound - is my key
 ClassValidator - is the name of the class

 the .propeties file is together with .class file and and have identical

 inside .properties i have a row like this:

 ClassValidator.notFound=${input} cannot be found on a classpath.

 What is wrong with this ?


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Re: Custom StringHeaderContributor

2007-08-18 Thread Igor Vaynberg
hrm, i remember i added one there based on [1], but maybe it was removed due
to license incompatibilities before we moved to apache...



On 8/18/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Really?  I didn't see one.  Then again, ModalWindow uses transparent
 pngs and doesn't seem to have an issue.  But I didn't see any code to
 handle it in modal.js. Could you point me to where its at?

 If one doesn't exist, I'd be happy to contribute this.


 On 8/18/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  there should already be a png fix for ie in extensions.
  On 8/18/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Maybe its just late and I'm not thinking straight, but I can't figure
   out the best way to create a custom StringHeaderContributor.  All I
   want it to is encapsulate some javascript that has some property
   replacements in it.
   I have it working with a custom model as such:
 add(new StringHeaderContributor(new PngTransparency(this)));
   But I want it to look like this:
 add(new PngTransparencyHeaderContributor(this));
   It's not really a big deal, but it seems like it would be cleaner that
   way.  Here is the model class:
   public class PngTransparency extends Model {
   public static final ResourceReference PNGFIX = new
   ResourceReference(PngTransparency.class, PngTransparency.js);
   public static final ResourceReference TRANSPARENT_PIXEL = new
   ResourceReference(PngTransparency.class, transparentpixel.gif);
   public PngTransparency(Component component) {
   String output =
   !--[if lt IE 7]\n +
 script defer
   src=\ +
   component.urlFor(PNGFIX) + \/script\n +
 script language=\javascript\
   type=\text/javascript\\n +
   var pngTransparencyGif = \ +
   component.urlFor(TRANSPARENT_PIXEL) + \\n +
 /script\n +
   Any ideas?
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Re: Slider Component

2007-08-18 Thread Igor Vaynberg
any javascript slider can be easily integrated into wicket, in fact most
javascript libs can be. see wicket-stuff for inspiration, there are
integrations for animator.js, mootools, yui, scriptaculous, etc.


On 8/18/07, Samanth Bapu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am relatively new to Wicket and just hooked to it. Thanks for creating
 such a good framework without any messy xml or configuration files.

 I just wanted to know if there are any good open source Slider component
 available and can be integrated with Wicket? I have found ZK, Prototype
  GI slider components but not sure if they can be integrated with

 Any other suggestions would be of great help.

 Samanth Bapu

Re: generic validator questions

2007-08-18 Thread Igor Vaynberg
im not sure exactly what your usecase is.

we have something that is kind of similar, namely new TextField(number,
Integer.class); which would type convert the entered string into an Integer
and error out if the conversion could not be performed.

but i dont think this is the exact match to whatever it is you are trying to


On 8/18/07, Stojce Dimski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Igor,

 First thing, thanks, your hints gave me the direction and I solved the
 issue... I like the approach 'Classname.Key' and I think it's right for
 this category of generic validators as are those in 'validator'
 It was just a question of overriding one method:

 public void error (final IValidatable validatable, final String
 resourceKey) {
 super.error(validatable, resourceKey() + . + resourceKey);

 and everything worked like a charm ;-)

 What do you think of adding this validator in trunk ?


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Re: Loading global resources in test?

2007-08-20 Thread Igor Vaynberg
it should probably be unless you have


On 8/20/07, Erik Underbjerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have just moved some localized string resources to a file, because they need to accessed by
 different panels and pages, and it works fine.

 However, when running my unit tests with WicketTester, it can't find
 the resources in I have been unsuccessful
 in finding a way to add the file to the
 resource path of my WicketTester subclass. This is what I've tried,
 in my subclass of WicketTester:

 public void initialize() {
 ClassStringResourceLoader(this, PolFotoApplication.class));

 So: How do I add to the resource path of my

 Kind regards,


Re: back button processing doesn't work in Opera

2007-08-20 Thread Igor Vaynberg
please file a jira issue. this was supposed to work.


On 8/20/07, Andrew Klochkov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Use case:
 1) user loads page A
 2) he goes to page B
 3) he hits back button
 4) he clicks an ajax link on the page A, but wicket thinks that page B
 is current
 page because Opera doesn't make any request when back button is

 Is it supposed to work somehow? or back button processing is not
 supported in Opera?

 Opera 9.01
 wicket 1.3 beta 2

 BTW the same thing happens under safari for windows

 Andrew Klochkov

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Re: Bookmarkable link to a page in another WebApplication

2007-08-20 Thread Igor Vaynberg
not across contexts, contexts in webapps are isolated. so you have to
construct the url manually, which is easy since you know the mount point. so
construct a url and give it to externallink component.


On 8/20/07, Dariusz Wojtas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 What is the best way to create bookmarkable link to a page in another
 application in the same WAR file?
 I mount some pages to some urls, this way:
mountBookmarkablePage(/navi, ProductCategoryPage.class);

 And it perfectly works.
 But later I want to create link to this page from a page in separate
 application (the same WAR file).
   add(new BookmarkablePageLink(menuItem, ProductCategoryPage.class));

 The 2nd page does not know about the mount point defined above.
 It creates normal wicket link, with prefix of the 2nd app - not the 1st
 This has implications, because clicked link is processed by app2, not

 Is there any nice way to use such bookmarkable link without any hardcoded

 Dariusz Wojtas
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Re: Loading global resources in test?

2007-08-21 Thread Igor Vaynberg
wicket tester uses a mock web application - not yours - so it cannot load
those properties. i think in 1.3 we refactored it to support custom
application subclasses. i think as far as you can make it work in 1.2.6 is
to change resource settings not to throw exceptions on not-found-resources
while testing. or you can add your own stringresourceloader to the mock
application and make it load properties from your application's property
file. im not sure we can properly fix this in 1.2.6 because we cannot break


On 8/20/07, Erik Underbjerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Right, sorry for the typo. I do have both:


 The application works as intended: When I start MyApplication, I can
 access all constants in from various pages
 and components throughout the application. So far so good.

 However, when I try to access the same pages from my tests, I get
 errors similar to:

 wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Error attaching this container for
 rendering: [MarkupContainer [Component id = basket_item, page =
 base.BasketPage, path = 0:basket:basket_form:basket_item.BasketPanel
 $BasketEditForm$1, isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]]
 at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach(


 Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException: Unable to find
 resource: MODEL_RELEASED for component:

 MODEL_RESOURCE is a string constant defined in, and it works fine when I run the app in the
 normal way.

 The tests are run a subclass of WicketTester, in src/test/java/base
 with the initialization method:

 public void initialize() {
 ClassStringResourceLoader(this, MyApplication.class));

 That is what I've tried, in order to load the for my subclass of WicketTester. It just
 doesn't work.

 So my question is: How can I load the file,
 so the constants in it are accessible in my tests? I'm using wicket

 Thanks in advance.


 On 20/08/2007, at 22.55, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

  it should probably be unless you have
  On 8/20/07, Erik Underbjerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have just moved some localized string resources to a file, because they need to accessed by
  different panels and pages, and it works fine.
  However, when running my unit tests with WicketTester, it can't find
  the resources in I have been unsuccessful
  in finding a way to add the file to the
  resource path of my WicketTester subclass. This is what I've tried,
  in my subclass of WicketTester:
  public void initialize() {
  ClassStringResourceLoader(this, PolFotoApplication.class));
  So: How do I add to the resource path of my
  Kind regards,

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Re: DownloadLink hanging

2007-08-21 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/21/07, Thomas Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Igor,

  yep, DownloadLinks will block because requests to the same page are

 Sorry, I don't understand, why links to downloadable resources should be
 blocking or serialized. Usually downloads are the larger parts of an
 application and hence should never lock the application.

because this is how this component is designed to work. if you dont like it
you can build your own that doesnt block.

 to work around it register a shared resource or create a servlet that can
  stream the file (resoureces in wicket are not serialized), then create a
  link component that can build a download url.

 Well, I guess, we can't use a servlet, because wicket is registered to
 /*, so it will get everything.

wicket is a filter, so even though it is mapped to /* it will let urls that
are not wicket urls pass through. how do you think it lets you download
static images...
so if you map your wicket filter on /* and the servlet on /download and yo
have no download mount in wicket the filter will let /download/* requests
go to the servlet.


Could you please give some more hints
 about shared resources? I've tried to search without luck.

 Alternatively, is it possible to complete shut off the serialization
 (which seems to cause this and maybe even other blocking problems)?

 Best regards
 Thomas Singer
 SyntEvo GmbH
 Brunnfeld 11
 83404 Ainring

 Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  yep, DownloadLinks will block because requests to the same page are
  to work around it register a shared resource or create a servlet that
  stream the file (resoureces in wicket are not serialized), then create a
  link component that can build a download url.
  On 8/20/07, Thomas Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We are using Wicket 1.3 beta 2 running in Tomcat and have a couple of
  DownloadLinks on a page (created with 'new DownloadPage(parameters)')
  larger files (a couple of MB). I open different tabs of the same page
  Opera and click these download links, so the downloads should happen in
  parallel. Unfortunately, the web-application seems to hang until the
  previous files were completely downloaded. Even normal pages do not
  This does not happen for other websites (so our internet connection
  be the reason) and not for the same project with
  at a different server running in the same version of Tomcat.
  Is this a known problem? How to work around?
  Best regards,
  Thomas Singer
  SyyntEvo GmbH
  Brunnfeld 11
  83404 Ainring
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Re: Loading global resources in test?

2007-08-21 Thread Igor Vaynberg
it looks like you are doing it properly. not sure why it doesnt work. you
will have to debug it and see. maybe you have to do it every time because it
might be creating new application instances?


On 8/21/07, Erik Underbjerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the reply.

 I did figure out that the WicketTester is not a subclass of
 MyApplication, and therefore doesn't have access to the file.

 That's also why I was trying to do as you suggest, and add my own
 StringResourceLoader to the WicketTester subclass, and load the file manually. So as far as I can see, I'm
 doing what you said, but I just can't make it work.

 For some reason, even though I add a new StringResourceLoader in the
 WicketTester, I can't access the resources in

 Am I adding it in the wrong way?


 On 21/08/2007, at 15.51, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

  wicket tester uses a mock web application - not yours - so it
  cannot load
  those properties. i think in 1.3 we refactored it to support custom
  application subclasses. i think as far as you can make it work in
  1.2.6 is
  to change resource settings not to throw exceptions on not-found-
  while testing. or you can add your own stringresourceloader to the
  application and make it load properties from your application's
  file. im not sure we can properly fix this in 1.2.6 because we
  cannot break
  On 8/20/07, Erik Underbjerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Right, sorry for the typo. I do have both:
  The application works as intended: When I start MyApplication, I can
  access all constants in from various pages
  and components throughout the application. So far so good.
  However, when I try to access the same pages from my tests, I get
  errors similar to:
  wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Error attaching this
  container for
  rendering: [MarkupContainer [Component id = basket_item, page =
  base.BasketPage, path = 0:basket:basket_form:basket_item.BasketPanel
  $BasketEditForm$1, isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]]
  at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach
  Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException: Unable to find
  resource: MODEL_RELEASED for component:
  MODEL_RESOURCE is a string constant defined in, and it works fine when I run the app in the
  normal way.
  The tests are run a subclass of WicketTester, in src/test/java/base
  with the initialization method:
  public void initialize() {
  ClassStringResourceLoader(this, MyApplication.class));
  That is what I've tried, in order to load the for my subclass of WicketTester. It just
  doesn't work.
  So my question is: How can I load the file,
  so the constants in it are accessible in my tests? I'm using wicket
  Thanks in advance.
  On 20/08/2007, at 22.55, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  it should probably be unless you have
  On 8/20/07, Erik Underbjerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have just moved some localized string resources to a file, because they need to accessed by
  different panels and pages, and it works fine.
  However, when running my unit tests with WicketTester, it can't
  the resources in I have been unsuccessful
  in finding a way to add the file to the
  resource path of my WicketTester subclass. This is what I've tried,
  in my subclass of WicketTester:
  public void initialize() {
  ClassStringResourceLoader(this, PolFotoApplication.class));
  So: How do I add to the resource path
  of my
  Kind regards,
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Re: Wicketstuff-minis Veil

2007-08-21 Thread Igor Vaynberg
why dont you just drop it into your project and see


On 8/21/07, Federico Fanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everyone!
 I'm sorry, is there a screenshot of what the veil behavior looks like,
 Many thanks!

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Re: IndicatingAjaxSubmitButton and download after form submission problem

2007-08-21 Thread Igor Vaynberg
you cannot stream back from ajax request directly, instead try doing
something like

window.location=somedownloadurl for ajax requests;


On 8/21/07, Martin Bednář [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have problem when I use IndicatingAjaxSubmitButton for dowload after
 form submission.

 I use this code, normal Button working correctly. it's bug in
 IndicatingAjaxSubmitButton or I'm doing something wrong ?


   //This dosn't work
 form.add(new IndicatingAjaxSubmitButton(submit, form) {
  protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form)
  processSubmit(); }
   //This working
form.add(new Button(submit) {
protected void onSubmit() {

 private void processSubmit() {
final String zipArchiveFilename = /tmp/;
RequestCycle requestCycle = this.getRequestCycle();

final ResourceStreamRequestTarget exportTarget = new
new FileResourceStream(new wicket.util.file.File(
zipArchiveFilename)), application/zip) {
protected void configure(Response arg0, IResourceStream arg1) {
super.configure(arg0, arg1);
WebResponse response = (WebResponse) arg0;


Re: DownloadLink hanging

2007-08-22 Thread Igor Vaynberg
you can register a shared resource and build a url for it. inside shared
resource you can simply call Session.get() to get to wicket session.

see application.getsharedresources();

alternatively you can extend WicketSessionFilter which will also allow you
to perform Session.get()


On 8/21/07, Thomas Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Disclaimer: I'm not experienced with filters or wicket resources.

 Is it possible to create a (shared) wicket resource which can be
 so it only is accessible when the right flag is set in OurWebSession?

 Or would you suggest to write an own javax.servlet.Filter which does this
 flag-check and redirects internally to a hidden location which then is
 to the client by Tomcat when the right flag is set?

 Thanks in advance.

 Best regards,
 Thomas Singer
 SyntEvo GmbH
 Brunnfeld 11
 83404 Ainring

 Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  On 8/21/07, Thomas Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Igor,
  yep, DownloadLinks will block because requests to the same page are
  Sorry, I don't understand, why links to downloadable resources should
  blocking or serialized. Usually downloads are the larger parts of an
  application and hence should never lock the application.
  because this is how this component is designed to work. if you dont like
  you can build your own that doesnt block.
  to work around it register a shared resource or create a servlet that
  stream the file (resoureces in wicket are not serialized), then create
  link component that can build a download url.
  Well, I guess, we can't use a servlet, because wicket is registered to
  /*, so it will get everything.
  wicket is a filter, so even though it is mapped to /* it will let urls
  are not wicket urls pass through. how do you think it lets you download
  static images...
  so if you map your wicket filter on /* and the servlet on /download and
  have no download mount in wicket the filter will let /download/*
  go to the servlet.
  Could you please give some more hints
  about shared resources? I've tried to search without luck.
  Alternatively, is it possible to complete shut off the serialization
  (which seems to cause this and maybe even other blocking problems)?
  Best regards
  Thomas Singer
  SyntEvo GmbH
  Brunnfeld 11
  83404 Ainring
  Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  yep, DownloadLinks will block because requests to the same page are
  to work around it register a shared resource or create a servlet that
  stream the file (resoureces in wicket are not serialized), then create
  link component that can build a download url.
  On 8/20/07, Thomas Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We are using Wicket 1.3 beta 2 running in Tomcat and have a couple of
  DownloadLinks on a page (created with 'new DownloadPage(parameters)')
  larger files (a couple of MB). I open different tabs of the same page
  Opera and click these download links, so the downloads should happen
  parallel. Unfortunately, the web-application seems to hang until the
  previous files were completely downloaded. Even normal pages do not
  This does not happen for other websites (so our internet connection
  be the reason) and not for the same project with
  at a different server running in the same version of Tomcat.
  Is this a known problem? How to work around?
  Best regards,
  Thomas Singer
  SyyntEvo GmbH
  Brunnfeld 11
  83404 Ainring
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Re: Wicket generates invalid HTML/CSS with ListView

2007-08-22 Thread Igor Vaynberg
already fixed in beta3


On 8/22/07, Edvin Syse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I use Wicket 1.3-beta2. When I construct a ListView and
 setOutputMarkupId(true) on the listItem itself, the constructed id in
 the HTML-code is only a number. This breaks the CSS 2 standard, that
 says that the id cannot contain only numbers.

 Is there a way to prepend the id with a string, for example the
 wicket:id of the component? (That seems to be standard for most other
 elements when I setOutputMarkupId(true) on them).

 Example to reproduce:

 ListView lw = new ListView(lw, someList) {
 protected void populateItem(final ListItem item) {

 // Add other elements

 The HTML:

 li wicket:id=lw .. Other elements here ../li

 The rendered output:

 li wicket:id=lw id=30 .. Other elements here ../li

 -- Edvin Syse

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Re: Component Factory and code against interface

2007-08-22 Thread Igor Vaynberg
i dont see why it wouldnt work for you. i know some people who use osgi with
wicket did this a while ago and no problems.


On 8/22/07, Sam Hough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Would it make sense in Wicket to have a factory, for at least common
 components like Button etc, that use interfaces rather than concrete
 in their signature?

 We have a requirement to have two target browsers. Full bells and whistles
 Ajax version and some JavaScript (IE5 and IE5.5) so I thought the factory
 pattern might allow me to return different components based on the client

 Also, my tech lead can control what parts of a component a developer
 play with.

 Maybe it is just coming from GWT or that pattern text books use Widgets as
 their example for Factory pattern but it seems like a reasonable thing to
 do? Anbody else tried this? Worked out well? Top tips?

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Re: Page and compoenent level feedback are mixing together

2007-08-22 Thread Igor Vaynberg
you have to create your own custom feedback filter. this is simply how
wicket feedback works. it is stored per page, and if you want to filter it
you have to do it inside the panel.


On 8/22/07, Watter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've searched for and read a number of threads on using multiple feedback
 panels on one page. I'm struggling with the same thing, but I haven't seen
 response that is directly on point to my problem. We want to have a
 component on our main page that most of the other pages in the application
 extend. This would be present to display any truly unexpected errors and
 occasional feedback message related to things that happen in our menus or
 our global search box (an invalid search query message for example). We
 also need to have a specific feedback panel for the forms that we use in
 app. It's very easy to restrict what gets shown in that second feedback
 panel. We either add a ComponentFeedbackMessageFilter or use the
 class, ComponentFeedbackPanel. The problem is that the page level feedback
 panel is catching the messages for the form level component as well.

 I'm not sure how to go about solving this. I'm reluctant to put some
 arbitrary filters on the page level feedback as it's intended to be a
 catch-all for things we don't expect (there's some AOP advice around our
 service tier calls that wrap exceptions and deliver them to this

 Any ideas?

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Re: Question regarding old post (ResultSet and DataTable)

2007-08-22 Thread Igor Vaynberg
actually idataprovider is more generic then resultset :)


On 8/22/07, dtoffe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi !!

 I've found this old thread:

 I hope this link works OK, just in case I quote here the relevant

  I have come up with my own subclass of DataTable and implementation of
  IDataProvider to display any arbitrary database java.sql.ResultSet.
  The code is actually quite compact; when I'm finished I'll post it to
  list if there is any interest.

 I'm trying to fill a DataTable with the ResultSet obtained from
 executing a query:

 cs = con.prepareCall({ call Region_SelectAll });
 rs = cs.executeQuery();

 After I while I discovered that there is no easy or evident way of
 filling the DataTable from a ResultSet, I have to provide custom
 DataProviders which implement IDataProvider. In case there is some work
 on a generic approach, even if incomplete or undocumented, I'm interested
 taking a look at it.
 If there are new or better ways to do this that came up after this
 thread, I'm also interested in knowing. Having a way of easily handling
 database resultset and a list of the resultset headers (column titles)
 be great, the more generic, the better.

 Thanks !!


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Re: Page and compoenent level feedback are mixing together

2007-08-22 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/22/07, Eelco Hillenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Improving upon the current situation could work roughly like this:
 updateFeedback is done post order, and the implementations should mark
 feedbackmessages as accepted or something (IFeedbackMessageFilter
 would best be converted to an abstract class then so that we can
 guarantee marking the messages). When messages are marked, other
 components may choose to ignore them. If FeedbackPanel would work that
 way, we'd have Matt's behavior out-of-the-box, which imho is a lot
 better than the current way that feedbackmessages just print out any
 messages regarless whether they already were consumed by another
 feedback panel.


what we need to do is collect usecases from our users. what you propose
sounds great if you are doing component-hierarchy based filtering - but is
this common. for example what about a usecase where there are two panels -
one on top and one on bottom of a form showing the same messages - will we
still support that? with your proposal sounds not, because panels would grab
messages out of the set so a message can be shown at most one time by one

i would say ask our users for all these usecases, pick the most common ones
but leave enough wiggle room to implement the uncommon ones. maybe really
what we should do is not provide a feedbackpanel at all, but rather some
callback that users can implement and build their own panels.



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Re: Question regarding old post (ResultSet and DataTable)

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
perhaps you can email frank and ask him, it is unfortunate he did not post
his code on a wiki page somewhere.


On 8/22/07, dtoffe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Uhh, well... yes, you are right.

 Excuse me but I fail to see how that could help to solve the problem I
 presented, please keep in mind that I'm not native english speaker and
 perhaps I'm not using the proper words, I'll try to explain that more

 As I said in my previous post, I do my database queries in this way:

 ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery();

 In fact, later I'll use a code generator to ease the task, but let's
 assume for simplicity that I get the result in a java.sql.ResultSet. But,
 stated in the Wicket Extension Javadoc, I must create the DataTable
 instances in this way:

 DataTable table = new DataTable(datatable, columns, new
 UserProvider(), 10);

 Specifically, the third parameter must implement; which ResultSet doesn't
 implement, so I must provide for a means to overcome this.

 I didn't intended to mean that ResultSets are more generic that
 DataProviders. When I talked about a general way of handling ResultSet I
 tried to mean independently of whether I'm querying a Database Table,
 Porcedure, with read-only or read-write cursors, uni or bi-directional,
 so. I'm concerned about how well this will go in regard of sortable and
 pageable tables.

 Perhaps there is a mean to do all that already in the Wicket library,
 but I havent found it yet. In the examples I've seen so far the database
 is represented by some kind of static list, like in the ContactsDatabase
 ContactGenerator classes in the DataTable example, but I'm looking for a
 of using data from queries to a database engine.

 The way I see it, I'll have to develop a class which could perhaps
 extends ResultSet, or one of the RowSet implementations, and implements
 IDataProvider interface, am I right on this one ??

 Thanks for your help !!


 igor.vaynberg wrote:
  actually idataprovider is more generic then resultset :)
  On 8/22/07, dtoffe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi !!
  I've found this old thread:
  If there are new or better ways to do this that came up after this
  thread, I'm also interested in knowing. Having a way of easily handling
  the database resultset and a list of the resultset headers (column
  titles) would be great, the more generic, the better.
  Thanks !!

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Re: POJO Adapter in Wicket

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
i would use the pojos directly and put the presentation stuff into the model


On 8/23/07, Vincenzo Vitale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm using Wicket (1.3.0 beta2), Hibernate and Spring.

 In my Wicket project for each POJO of my business model I created an
 Adapter maintaining the original object and having methods for the
 presentation layer (like getCompleteName()); I have not created a
 delegate getter or setter for all the properties of the target so in
 my wicket java code I simply bind the target properties with a name I
 For example:

 final ApiAccountAdapter account = (ApiAccountAdapter) model.getObject();
 BoundCompoundPropertyModel accountModel = new
 TextField contactNameField = new TextField(contactName);
 accountModel.bind(contactNameField, target.contactName);

 I use cascades with Hibernate to create/update my objects so the
 unique problems with the adapters approach is that I always want to
 use Adapters in the presentation projects and I always want to
 navigate my objects starting from the main object I'm using.

 So for example if I'm editing a parent object with a child list, in
 Wicket I need to create a ParentAdapter with a method like
 ListChildAdapter getChildsList(); returning the List of adapters and
 I need to manually construct this method. If a child has also
 relations with other objects (directly or worst into Collections) the
 problem became rapidly really complex.

 Have you some suggestion on how to face in a better way the problem?

 My main requirements are:

 - I don't want to modify the POJOs adding presentation getters.
 - I want to use the dot notation in Wicket to easily access what I
 need: directly the pojo properties or some adapter (or whatever) with
 more complex getters.
 - When I have an input field in a page, representing a simple property
 in the main object or in some child object (like a property of a
 specific element of the child list) I don't want to manually map this
 field with the property of the object I want to be persisted. This
 work fine using adapters and mapping always an input field with or a list with target.getListAdapter and then mapping
 the input fields in the list also with

 Sorry if I'm confusing you... :-)


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Re: Component Factory and code against interface

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
not really sure what you mean when you say marking components as dirty...

have you seen ajaxfallback* components? those will use ajax when its there,
and fallback on regular requests when its not. so you dont even need a
factory necessarily.


On 8/23/07, Sam Hough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks Igor,

 Because we have to support Ajax and non-Ajax version I was wondering about
 hiding details of making components Ajax friendly in the factory. so
 setOutputMarkupId(true) etc and hiding Ajax specific handlers where
 possible. Have you seen anybody automatically marking components as dirty
 they can be sent back via Ajax (Echo like)? I think that would handle 90%
 our Ajax like stuff.


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Re: PageStore listener...

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/23/07, Jan Kriesten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi matej, hi johan,

  Why can't you just implement read/writeObject on your page/component?

 that would be an effort... here a listview, there a link and over there

 that way i loose all the benefits of using injection - i build new logic
 in the
 components which i just wanted to get rid of.

  Or make the fields itself not transient, but a proxy that has a
  field and the proxy can deserialize and inject itself again (see

 possible, but that reminds me on the 'XYService.getInstance()' usage in
 times before IoC. it adds another indirection which makes should-be-easy
 more complex. instead of being able to just inject the right class
 instances, i
 have to use proxies (so being on the save side when changing
 classes/implementations break serialization).

really, so this is too complicated?

public mypanel extends panel {
@SpringBean private Service service;



regards, --- jan.

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Re: No get method defined for expression recorder when using Palette and CompoundPropertyModel

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
i dont know if it is by design or not. it makes sense to me that you pass in
a model with at least an empty collection, otherwise palette has to create
an instance of some collection which isnt as clean.


On 8/23/07, Federico Fanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 6 Jul 2007 08:48:56 -0700
 Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thanks for the tip but I absolutly need a compoundPropertyModel.

 I had the same issue, thanks! Now I'm using beta3..
 Another question though: I see that Recorder.initIds() assumes that
 getPalette().getModelCollection() is never null.. Is this by design? Should
 I check my backing bean for null collections before passing it to the
 (Or maybe I could override
 CompoundPropertyModel.AttachedCompoundPropertyModel.getObject() so that it
 creates the empty collection when needed.. X-) )

 Many thanks in advance!

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Re: Layout Panel

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
only pages/panels/borders have associated markup files by default.


On 8/23/07, andrea pantaleoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 the reason is that I need to consider the panel as a single component
 is used inside a listview
 Anyway you could be right I saw that in wicket you can create a html
 for each single component naming the file in this way:

 So maybe I can add the  drodownchoice and textfield to the panel component
 and fix the layout in the  html file pagename$panelname.html

 What do you think about? could that work?

 Thanks Paolo

 paolo di tommaso wrote:
  Umh .. I think the best things are simple ..
  Why don't just handle the components position using html or css in your
  Bye, Paolo
  On 8/23/07, andrea pantaleoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a little problem with Panel
  In a table I added a Panel
  Now in this Panel I want to add two different components, let's say, a
  dropdownchoice up and a textfield down.
  If I remember well, in swing it could be possible to add a layout to a
  and then for example add a component in north or in the south.
  Is there in wicket something similar?
  If I want to add the dropdownchoice component in the north of the panel
  the textfield in the south is that possible
  Thanks for any help
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Re: Component Factory and code against interface

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/23/07, Sam Hough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Say my onSubmit handler changes three components, as I understand it, I
 to hand code feeding those three components to the AjaxRequestTarget. This
 seems cumbersome and slightly error prone. I think for our application, if
 the components kept track of changes, I could automate which components
 sent back. Guess what I'm asking is if anything that already exists in
 Wicket keeps track of component changes? Can't imagine it would be easy
 otherwise without really heavy duty AOP etc...

heh, there is nothing that automatically marks components as dirty() because
wicket doesnt know what you do inside your components. wicket is unmanaged.

but i dont really understand the issue. you have onclick(ajaxrequesttarget
t) { dosomething(); t.addcomponent() }

so in your case you mean inside dosomething() you do something to x
components, but you dont know which x components they are?


Thanks again Igor.

 igor.vaynberg wrote:
  not really sure what you mean when you say marking components as
  have you seen ajaxfallback* components? those will use ajax when its
  and fallback on regular requests when its not. so you dont even need a
  factory necessarily.
  On 8/23/07, Sam Hough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks Igor,
  Because we have to support Ajax and non-Ajax version I was wondering
  hiding details of making components Ajax friendly in the factory. so
  setOutputMarkupId(true) etc and hiding Ajax specific handlers where
  possible. Have you seen anybody automatically marking components as
  they can be sent back via Ajax (Echo like)? I think that would handle
  our Ajax like stuff.
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Re: DownloadLink hanging

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg


On 8/23/07, Thomas Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Should I report a bug in JIRA?

 Best regards,
 Thomas Singer
 SyntEvo GmbH
 Brunnfeld 11
 83404 Ainring

 Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  hm, this looks like an old bug. johan didnt we fix this a while ago?
  On 8/23/07, Thomas Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  inside shared
  resource you can simply call Session.get() to get to wicket session.
  Unfortunately, it looks like this is not possible, because I'm getting
  following exception:
  java.lang.IllegalStateException: you can only locate or create
  in the context of a request cycle
  Our resource code looks like this:
  final class DownloadResource extends Resource {
public IResourceStream getResourceStream() {
  final OurSession session = (OurSession)Session.get();
  if (session == null) {
return null;
  final File file = session.getFileToDownload();
  if (file == null) {
return null;
  return new MyFileResourceStream(file);
  Best regards,
  Thomas Singer
  SyntEvo GmbH
  Brunnfeld 11
  83404 Ainring
  Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  you can register a shared resource and build a url for it. inside
  resource you can simply call Session.get() to get to wicket session.
  see application.getsharedresources();
  alternatively you can extend WicketSessionFilter which will also allow
  to perform Session.get()
  On 8/21/07, Thomas Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Disclaimer: I'm not experienced with filters or wicket resources.
  Is it possible to create a (shared) wicket resource which can be
  so it only is accessible when the right flag is set in OurWebSession?
  Or would you suggest to write an own javax.servlet.Filter which does
  flag-check and redirects internally to a hidden location which then
  to the client by Tomcat when the right flag is set?
  Thanks in advance.
  Best regards,
  Thomas Singer
  SyntEvo GmbH
  Brunnfeld 11
  83404 Ainring
  Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  On 8/21/07, Thomas Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Igor,
  yep, DownloadLinks will block because requests to the same page
  Sorry, I don't understand, why links to downloadable resources
  blocking or serialized. Usually downloads are the larger parts of
  application and hence should never lock the application.
  because this is how this component is designed to work. if you dont
  you can build your own that doesnt block.
  to work around it register a shared resource or create a servlet
  stream the file (resoureces in wicket are not serialized), then
  link component that can build a download url.
  Well, I guess, we can't use a servlet, because wicket is registered
  /*, so it will get everything.
  wicket is a filter, so even though it is mapped to /* it will let
  are not wicket urls pass through. how do you think it lets you
  static images...
  so if you map your wicket filter on /* and the servlet on /download
  have no download mount in wicket the filter will let /download/*
  go to the servlet.
  Could you please give some more hints
  about shared resources? I've tried to search without luck.
  Alternatively, is it possible to complete shut off the
  (which seems to cause this and maybe even other blocking problems)?
  Best regards
  Thomas Singer
  SyntEvo GmbH
  Brunnfeld 11
  83404 Ainring
  Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  yep, DownloadLinks will block because requests to the same page
  to work around it register a shared resource or create a servlet
  stream the file (resoureces in wicket are not serialized), then
  link component that can build a download url.
  On 8/20/07, Thomas Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We are using Wicket 1.3 beta 2 running in Tomcat and have a
  DownloadLinks on a page (created with 'new
  larger files (a couple of MB). I open different tabs of the same
  Opera and click these download links, so the downloads should
  parallel. Unfortunately, the web-application seems to hang until
  previous files were

Re: Can Panel replace itself ?

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
c.replacewith(a) is the same as c.getparent().replace(a)


On 8/23/07, Artur W. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Eelco Hillenius wrote:
 TestPanel newOne = new TestPanel(TestPanel.this.getId(), another

 I didn't know about replaceWith method. It works great! Thanks a lot!!!

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Re: PageStore listener...

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
are you using wicket-guice? or just the guice' raw injection?


On 8/23/07, Jan Kriesten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi igor,

  public mypanel extends panel {
  @SpringBean private Service service;

 actually, if i use guice-injection

 @Inject private ContentManager cm;

 where ContentManager isn't serializable, i get tons of exceptions
 regarding 'not

 so, to me it seems that the proxy-stuff not always applies.

 i wouldn't have asked if i hadn't had any trouble with this.

 regards, --- jan.

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Re: [newb] sorting, paging table

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/23/07, somethingRandom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying out wicket, coming from the action-based world, so please bear
 with me.

 I made a simple report (we have a backend using spring and hibernate in
 place). It was very easy to take the ArrayList that hibernate returns to
 and display that in a DataView using the ListDataProvider.

 So I look into trying to add some sorting and paging and decide that the
 AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable looks like the ticket. But now it looks like
 also need to write 3 or 4 new classesl,

which are what?

and write sort methods for each
 property of my pojos. It's not really this difficult, is it?

 What's the easiest way to take an arraylist of objects and display them in
 sortable, pageable table?

class mydataprovider extends sortabledataprovider {
abstract List getList(String sortcol, boolean asc) { // implement this
yourself and return the properly sorted list }
imodel model(object o) { // implement yourself }

int size() { return getList(getSort().getProperty(),
getSort().isAsc()).size(); }
iterator iterator(int first, int count){ return
getList(getSort().getProperty(), getSort().isAsc()).sublist(first,
first+count); }

just one small class looks like to me



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Re: Can Panel replace itself ?

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
does it do that in all browsers?

also call view.setreuseitems(true);


On 8/23/07, Artur W. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 igor.vaynberg wrote:
  c.replacewith(a) is the same as c.getparent().replace(a)

 I want to extend this example and replace the panel but inside the
 But I've found another problem.

 I did like you wrote but the panel isn't replaced. The new panel is being
 added at the top of the table.

 The Page:
 public class TestPage extends MyPage {

 private static final Listlt;Stringgt; params = Arrays.asList(
 String[] { one, two, three, four} );

 public TestPage(PageParameters parameters) {

 ListView view = new ListView(list, params) {
 protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
 String s = (String) item.getModelObject();
 item.add(new TestPanel(panel, s));

 lt;tr wicket:id=listgt;
 lt;span wicket:id=panelgt;[panel]lt;/spangt;

 The Panel:
 public TestPanel(String id, String param) {
 AjaxLink link = new AjaxLink(link) {
 public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
 TestPanel newOne = new TestPanel(
 TestPanel.this.getId(), another
 link.add(new Label(label0, click));
 add(new Label(label1, param.toUpperCase()));
 add(new Label(label2, param.toLowerCase()));

 lt;tdgt;lt;a href=# wicket:id=linkgt;lt;span

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Re: RadioGroup and posted Values

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
hmm, dont know why you would do this inside a converter of another
but you can get to it like this:

rg.convert(); rg.getconvertervalue();


On 8/23/07, Jan Kriesten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm trying to get the posted value of a RadioGroup (within a converter of
 textfield), but i only get the posted string values, not the model values
 of the
 radio elements:

 RadioGroup rg = new RadioGroup( takedown );
 add( rg );
 rg.add( new Radio( takedownFalse, new Model( false ) ) );
 rg.add( new Radio( takedownTrue, new Model( true ) ) );

 after post, rg.getValue() should return something like true or false,
 but i
 only get 'radio6' or 'radio8' depending on which of both Radio is

 rg.getInput() delivers the same, as does rg.getInputAsArray().
 rg.getConvertedInput() gives a null.

 how can i access the current value??

 regards, --- jan.

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Re: Constructor of Component not DRY?

2007-08-23 Thread Igor Vaynberg
just add a

private component init(String, IModel) which can assume null arguments

do the null checks in the constructor and forward to that method


On 8/23/07, Eelco Hillenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  hmmm... that would go against my taste of chaining from the constructor
  with the least parameters to the constructor with the most parameters.
  I'd just tend to chose the constructor with the most complex signature
  as the default constructor, doing the 'real' construction part of the
  object construction and the others chained towards it, using default or
  null values.

 I think I would typically do that too, though there are no hard rules
 for this, so it doesn't matter much in the end. Chaining like that
 doesn't work for constructors who assume that if their form is used,
 the passed in arguments are not null.


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Re: conditional markup change

2007-08-24 Thread Igor Vaynberg
there are a few ways to do this

one is to add both and override isvisible() on them to conditionally hide
one or the other

another way would be for that link to replace one with the other


On 8/23/07, Konstantin Ignatyev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to change presentation dynamically depending on
 object status and I can do it with conditionally using
 different panels like this:
 if( getWSSession().getVisit().isSaved( v.getId() ) ){
 add( new VehicleUncompareControl(
 compareControl, new Model( v ), new Component[]{
 ajaxTarget, VehicleItem.this}));
 } else{
 add( new VehicleCompareControl(
 compareControl, new Model( v ), new Component[]{
 ajaxTarget, VehicleItem.this}));

 so far so good, BUT, when I click on the AjaxLink
 inside of those panels they change status of the
 component (vehicle), so I would like the item to
 reflect the change - and THAT does not happens. It is
 sort of understandable because component already has
 been created...

 But the question is: How can I do that in Wicket:
 conditionally change markup and see effect of those
 changes for Ajax updates too?

 Konstantin Ignatyev

 PS: If this is a typical day on planet earth, humans will add fifteen
 million tons of carbon to the atmosphere, destroy 115 square miles of
 tropical rainforest, create seventy-two miles of desert, eliminate between
 forty to one hundred species, erode seventy-one million tons of topsoil, add
 2,700 tons of CFCs to the stratosphere, and increase their population by

 Bowers, C.A.  The Culture of Denial:  Why the Environmental Movement Needs
 a Strategy for Reforming Universities and Public Schools.  New York:  State
 University of New York Press, 1997: (4) (5) (p.206)

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Re: Add a choice to a DropDownChoice

2007-08-24 Thread Igor Vaynberg
class mypanel extends panel {
private List options;

mypanel () { add(new dropdownchoice(id,model, new PropertyModel(this,

now that it is using a property model to retrieve its choices just
add/remove items from the options list


On 8/24/07, andrea pantaleoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm creating a DropDownChoice in this way:
 DropDownChoice dropDownChoice = new

 Now I want to add a choice with key 0 and Value  (empty string)
 I was looking for the API and I expected to find something like
 dropDownChoice.addChoice(choice) but there is not.

 Is there a way to add a extra choice after the dropdown component is

 Many thanks
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Re: Can Panel replace itself ?

2007-08-24 Thread Igor Vaynberg
its happening because you are creating invalid html

you cannot have a span between a tr and td, so you just need to adjust how
you are outputting the markup. change testpage.html to use the following and
it will work:

table style=border-collapse: collapse; empty-cells: show;
wicket:container wicket:id=list
tr style=border: 1px solid #000; wicket:id=panel


On 8/24/07, Artur W. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 igor.vaynberg wrote:
  i dont get it, where do you expect it to go? it looks like you are
  an item inside panel7, not inside the panel that is inside the table?
  maybe you should build a quickstart so we have something to play with.

 Thanks for you replay Igor.

 The panel is put inside the table. But when I replace it with ajax it
 outside the table.
 Here is the working example with full source code:


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Re: Wicket and Spring MVC compared.

2007-08-24 Thread Igor Vaynberg
who cares, he says he has a database in there so the tests should be pretty

for all we know wicket might be five times slower then spring mvc! and it
may very well be because spring mvc is so simple in comparison. but who
cares? a five fold improvement of something that is only five percent of the
request time to start with is insignificant.

anyway, the only thing to really look for is to make sure the wicket app is
running in deployment mode when you run the tests. there is also a jmeter
page on wiki somewhere if you want more clues.


On 8/24/07, Matej Knopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is not much point in comparing Wicket to Spring MVC. Spring MVC
 is a very simple action based framework with very little functionality
 (and probably minimal overhead). So what you would really be comparing
 is Wicket to JSP (assuming you use JSP as your view layer). Now again,
 Wicket is a full blown component based framework with advanced state
 management, while JSP is a simple templating engine. You're trying to
 compare apples with  cars :)


 On 8/24/07, Vincenzo Vitale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  any performance comparison out there between Spring MVC and Wicket?
  I do want to convince people I'm working with to use Wicket for the
  next presentation projects but someone has concerns about the session
  usage and performances with Ajax.
  There are a lot of post in which is explained this is not a problem
  and for example I know using Detachable models is the first best
  practice for the first problem but I want to show numbers to my
  colleagues... :-)
  To compare the memory usage performance I wrote the same simple
  application in Wicket (Detachable Models used) and Spring MVC. Both
  are using the same service layer (Spring + Hibernate) to retrieve
  objects from the db; in the applications there are two stateless
  pages: the first one is just a list page without pagination and the
  second one is a detail page.
  In the database there are 50 elements and I wrote a JMeter script in
  which a request for each page is done (a CookieManager is used to
  create always a new session) , 10 threads are used with 1 sec of ramp
  up and 20 loops per threads. Each application is deployed alone in a
  JBoss instance.
  Then I launch the Jmeter script and use JConsole for the memory
  Something wrong with this? Any Suggestions (more elements in the db,
  more threads, more something...)?
  Thanks a lot,
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Re: Component Factory and code against interface

2007-08-24 Thread Igor Vaynberg
the ui layer is generally not portable. if you start building your own
abstraction to make it portable you will end up with a pretty big mess
because you will be working against whatever framework you are using and
eventually that abstraction will turn into a framework itself.


On 8/24/07, Sam Hough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Many thanks Igor, that sounds like a very pragmatic approach. I was
 about all sorts of horrible kludges like re-rendering the whole page and
 seeing how elements changed or hooking into the serialisation.

 Taken away another reason to do my over complicated solution ;) Am I
 worrying over nothing that developers might get carried away using vast
 number of components and fiddling with attributes that will make the
 application difficult to test and maybe one day port? Restricting the set
 components can presumably end up with a more consistent UI...

 Anyway, thanks for all your time and sage advice.

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Re: Newbie questions

2007-08-24 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/24/07, Alex Shneyderman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wonder if there is any documentation as to how the rendering process

 How do I go from Component graph - html associated with the page?

the basic answer is that wicket traverses the component graph and calls
various render methods on the components, which then output the markup.

 what is the model's role there.

i assume you are referring to component.get/setmodel(). this is a default
model slot that all components have. its use varies per component. for
example label uses the default model slot to get the string it will replace
its body with. listview uses it to retrieve a list of items it will use to
populate itself. link doesnt use it at all - allowing the user to put their
own model into it which is then easy to retrieve inside the onclick event.

as your questions get more specific so will the answers :)

I have been reading and re-reading the
 getting started manual, unfortunately it is an extremely incomplete
 document, so it is of a very limited use, although I appreciate the

we depend on our users to make it better.

Thanks in advance for any pointers and explanations.



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Re: DataView and onComponentTag

2007-08-24 Thread Igor Vaynberg
or we can forward the call to the repeatermore intuitive for newbies
less intuitive for the rest :)


On 8/24/07, Eelco Hillenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 8/24/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  dataview doesnt have its own markup, it delegates it to its direct
  so you want to put that oncomponenttag into the item the dataview
  override dataview.newitem() and override oncomponenttag on the returned

 It would probably be a good idea to make that method final in repeaters,


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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable... changing sort does not setCurrentPage to 0

2007-08-24 Thread Igor Vaynberg
oh, and btw is where the live examples are.
wicket-library isnt maintained and hasnt been for a while, not sure why its
still up and running.


On 8/24/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 thanks, fixed in trunk


 On 8/24/07, Patrick Angeles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I noticed this in the examples:
  Changing the sort order does not seem to take you to the first page... I
  stepped through the code, and it looks like it should work. Any ideas on
  to get this to work? Here's the relevant snippet from HeadersToolbar:
  protected WebMarkupContainer newSortableHeader(String headerId,
  ISortStateLocator locator)
  return new OrderByBorder(headerId, property, locator)
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  protected void onSortChanged()
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Re: Ajax version of DropDownChice/Select

2007-08-24 Thread Igor Vaynberg
you didnt look very hard than


On 8/24/07, Oleg Taranenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi * *,

 I can not find subj neither in wicket nor in extensions codabases.

 Must I write it or there is a workaround (AjaxLink?)



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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable... changing sort does not setCurrentPage to 0

2007-08-24 Thread Igor Vaynberg
i think it has been fixed since then. at least snapshots at appear to be working fine.


On 8/24/07, Patrick Angeles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 igor.vaynberg wrote:
  i believe this was fixed a long time ago, what version are you seeing
  On 8/24/07, Patrick Angeles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That was fast :)
  Also, while we're on it, I just noticed that the NavigationToolbar text
  off. For a list of 50 items with a pagesize of 5, it says: Showing 1
  of 50 (should say Showing 1 to 5 of 50).
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Re: Palette component, how to populate right box?

2007-08-25 Thread Igor Vaynberg
that box is populated from the selection model, so make sure the collection
in that model has the selected items


On 8/25/07, Vatroslav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is it possible to populate both list boxes on Palette component?
 Or even only right one (Selected)?
 Usually I only want to change order, and in rare cases to remove some
 So populating only selected box would be preferable.


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Re: Alternative to Wicket data binding

2007-08-25 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/25/07, Eelco Hillenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So you write a class with a certain member, but as you don't want
 people to directly access that member, you don't provide an mutator
 method. Someone else takes a look at your class and decides to
 directly access the member using property model regardles. I know
 people can do it with introspection anyway, but it arguably breaches

my point is only that if people wanted to do this they could with or without
the propertymodel. and if you really dont like it just go ahead and
install a security manater.

If you have a component/ page with members and in that
 component/ page you link a property model to it, I think it is fair to
 say you'd like to access the property as an implementation detail. But
 for regular domain objects, I don't see why normal rules of
 encapsulation wouldn't apply.

what if i have a non-public top level class in my ui package sitting next to
the component that uses it as a propertymodel object? all im saying is that
narrowing it down to a direct property of a component is too narrow. in fact
it just makes it more confusing when it does and does not work.

Anyway, we built the damn thing so we know about it, though I - as a
 member of the dev team - didn't even know about this 'feature' until
 recently, neither did Martijn give this any special mention in his
 chapter on models so far. Also, this is the second time the topic
 comes up, so I don't think it is as obvious or intuitive as you are

yes it is the second time this topic comes up out of how many of thousands
of users there are

i dont know. i think this feature is very convenient. it is not something
you can toggle on and off because 3rd party components might be written with
this in mind. so i would say keep it, end of story. but that is just me.



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Re: Alternative to Wicket data binding

2007-08-25 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 8/25/07, Eelco Hillenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Finally, I'd like to hear a good argument why we shouldn't just say:
 if you want to access members directly, just make them public. If you
 want to avoid clutter (i.e. writing getters and setters) and you don't
 care about breaking encapsulation, why not do it the Java-way? Saying
 that you don't want to expose your members for normal Java
 programming, but do want to expose those members when using a property
 model strikes me as having a double standard.

first of all the bean spec is _not_ the java way. it is just a spec, widely
adopted though it is - just like jsf. second of all we _are_ doing it the
java way. reflection has access to private fields and property model uses
reflection, that is the java way. and third of all i think this _helps_
preserve encapsulation not break it. this whole argument started because
someone _looked_ at the javadoc and said oh crap this can access private
fields, oh no this is so anti java!, a purely theoretical concern, that
will probably never have a sideeffect in real life while providing
significant real life benefits.


My 2c,


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Re: Markup of type 'html' for component 'wicket.contrib.gmap.GMap2' not found

2007-08-25 Thread Igor Vaynberg
either the example is broken or your ide does not copy .html files from the
src dir to the classes dir.


On 8/25/07, hhuynh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've tried out the examples of wicket-contrib-gmap2-examples and got this
 below error. I'm pretty new to Wicket so I'm not sure where to start
 debugging this error.

 Anybody has idea?

 Thank you,


 WicketMessage: Markup of type 'html' for component
 'wicket.contrib.gmap.GMap2' not found. Enable debug messages for
 org.apache.wicket.util.resource to get a list of all filenames tried:
 [MarkupContainer [Component id = topPanel, page =
 wicket.contrib.examples.gmap.HomePage, path = 0:topPanel.GMap2, isVisible
 true, isVersioned = true]]

 Root cause:

 org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupNotFoundException: Markup not found.
 Component class: wicket.contrib.gmap.GMap2 Enable debug messages for
 org.apache.wicket.util.resource to get a list of all filenames tried
 at org.apache.wicket.Component.renderComponent(
 at org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer.onRender(
 at org.apache.wicket.Component.render(
 at org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer.renderNext(
 at org.apache.wicket.Component.renderComponent(
 at org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer.onRender(
 at org.apache.wicket.Component.render(
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Re: Markup of type 'html' for component 'wicket.contrib.gmap.GMap2' not found

2007-08-25 Thread Igor Vaynberg
there is a setting to make it do so, cant quiet remember where it is right


On 8/25/07, hhuynh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for tip. I added this to my pom and it works fine now. Eclipse
 copy non-java files over automatically.



 igor.vaynberg wrote:
  either the example is broken or your ide does not copy .html files from
  src dir to the classes dir.
  On 8/25/07, hhuynh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  I've tried out the examples of wicket-contrib-gmap2-examples and got
  below error. I'm pretty new to Wicket so I'm not sure where to start
  debugging this error.
  Anybody has idea?
  Thank you,
  WicketMessage: Markup of type 'html' for component
  'wicket.contrib.gmap.GMap2' not found. Enable debug messages for
  org.apache.wicket.util.resource to get a list of all filenames tried:
  [MarkupContainer [Component id = topPanel, page =
  wicket.contrib.examples.gmap.HomePage, path = 0:topPanel.GMap2,
  true, isVersioned = true]]
  Root cause:
  org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupNotFoundException: Markup not found.
  Component class: wicket.contrib.gmap.GMap2 Enable debug messages for
  org.apache.wicket.util.resource to get a list of all filenames tried
  at org.apache.wicket.Component.renderComponent(
  at org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer.onRender(
  at org.apache.wicket.Component.render(
  at org.apache.wicket.Component.renderComponent(
  at org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer.onRender(
  at org.apache.wicket.Component.render(
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at
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  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at

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Re: Re[2]: Alternative to Wicket data binding

2007-08-26 Thread Igor Vaynberg
the processing impart would be nil because we cache a lot of the
information. however forcing wicket annotations on middle tier objects is
not a very good approach.

if people really wanted to do this they can create this kind of annotation
themselves and then install a security manager that would check it.

i really dont think this is breaking encapsulation. i will concede that
there is one case where it can break encapsulation and that is when you
start out with what is publically accessible and then later you change your
mind and make it completely private, but forget to remap the property model.
it is a case where it is easy to make the mistake of not updating property
models. all other cases i believe are unimportant because you would have to
go poke around the class to even know that private field is there to start


On 8/25/07, Oleg Taranenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Igor and Eelco,

 Sorry, for interventing in your discussion :)

 May java annotations can help us?


 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or ever to protect all bean.

 It would protect the field from accidently access in Wicket models

 without any assumption on set/get functions.

 How it lead to additional lag on processing the model, i can't estimate.



  all i asked johan to do was to tweak property resolver to allow access to

  private stuff. i was under the impression that the property resolver always

  tries to access the getter/setter first, then the field.

  half of this thread you are arguing that we shouldnt allow access to 

  fields/methods and half of it you are arguing that we should but try the

  getter first, so im pretty confused.

  No, again, I'm arguing to *either* allowing access to all private, or

  don't allow it at all. I am not against private member access per se,

  just want it to be consistent.



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