If I distribute it free or commercial then ?
- Original Message -
From: "Dan Nelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Karam Chand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: Am I Violating Any Rules ?
> In the last episode (Dec 11), K
Vous avez récemment demandé à vous inscrire au groupe
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Pour toute question sur l'envoi de messages à ce groupe,
veuillez envoyer un e-mail à [EMAIL PROTECTED]
L'équipe s
I would like to run an insert query across two tables at the same time. The
first table has a primary key that is auto_increment, the second table needs
to insert the primary key from the first table as a reference?
How do I auto-populate the tableId field with the correct entry from the
A table will perform better (faster) if all of its text columns are of type
CHAR rather than type VARCHAR (and there are no TEXT or BLOB columns to turn
them all into VARCHARs behind your back). But do you still get a
performance advantage when you join that table with another one that may
have VA
"grant all on "somedatase.*" to "user@host" identified by "somepassword" "
needs to be run on your database, it appears, by a user with authority.
-Original Message-
From: Matthias Dorn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 7:18 PM
When you copy a table using CREATE TABLE ... SELECT ..., the indexes do not
get copied automatically. Is there a convenient way to transfer all
indexes, other than looking them up with DESCRIBE or SHOW INDEX and then
using either ALTER TABLE ADD INDEX, etc., or CREATE INDEX?
Amittai Avir
I have set up tutos to use mysql database (3.23.49)
for some time, it worked, now, if I want to access, it receive the error
(in tutos):
1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'tutos'
if I try to access via the commandline from the mysql servermachine:
ERROR 1045: Access denied f
>Originator:Gang Qu
>MySQL support: [none | licence | email support | extended email support ]
>Category: mysql
Exaclty, 0 rows affected, but no password changed... why's that? Thanks,
Cesar L. Aracena
(0299) 156-356688
Neuquén (8300) Capital
-Mensaje original-
De: Egor Egorov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: jueves, 05 de diciembre de 2002 11:0
select name, SUM(count) from stats group by name;
-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Max Clark
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 4:05 PM
Subject: Newbie - group and tally help
I am trying to write a sql query that will select,
Hello to everyone,
I'm currently programming a client interface for a MySQL DB using
MySQL++ api. When trying to save a Broker record to the database with
the following code :
std::string QuerySQL = d_Query.preview();
if (QuerySQL.empty())
return true;
if (returnResult)
d_Res = d_Query.
Thanks for your comments!
> I am not sure why you observe this load (AFAIK, blocked threads should
> not change the load), but it explains well, why 0 processes are
> running. They are all waiting.
The mysqld segfault with 0 processes does not happen consistently but
happens often enough to warra
I am trying to write a sql query that will select, group and tally records
select name, count from stats order by name;
I would like the output to be like this:
How do I accomplish this in mysql?
SELECT n.uid, n.name from names_tables n LEFT OUTER JOIN exclude
ON n.uid = exclude.n_uid WHERE exclude.n_uid IS NULL
> -Original Message-
> From: Michelle de Beer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 3:22 PM
> To: mysql list
> Subject: Select Where !=
> I
We're running a 4x1.6Ghz Xeon box. Linux reports 8 procs. We've been
running MySQL on it for a couple months now in production under a good load.
Database sits around 60GB with anywhere from 200-800 concurrent connections.
Both InnoDB and MyISAM types are used and we're not having a single proble
I tried on delete cascade, it didn't work either.
mysql> delete from samDB.license_info where licenseID=1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> select * from samDB.license_info;
Empty set (0.01 sec)
mysql> select * from samDB.license_data
-> ;
At 15:12 -0800 12/11/02, Jing Dai wrote:
After install mysql-max 3.23.52 and enable innodb setting in /etc/my.cnf
file, recreate table, this time
show create table indicated it's innodb type, but tried update on cascade
still not working.
Hey all--
I have a problem and a question. My problem is that during busy times on
the server, we get errors stating that MySQL couldn't create any threads
(error code 11). We are running kernel 2.4.20aa1, but were running 2.4.19
for a long time with the same problem. Has anyone heard of this
I am relatively new to mySQL. I have just installed mySQL from source on
a local FreeBSD server. bin/mysql_install_db installed the mysql and test
databases. I can verify this on the server and with phpMyAdmin from my
Mac. Now when I create a new database I can verify that it exists like so:
After install mysql-max 3.23.52 and enable innodb setting in /etc/my.cnf
file, recreate table, this time
show create table indicated it's innodb type, but tried update on cascade
still not working.
Any idea?
mysql> create table samDB.license_info (
-> licenseID integer(5) auto_increment primar
I have a new dedicated mysql 4.0.5 server running redhat 8.0 that we are
testing. The new server is a dual Intel Xeon 2.4GHZ with hyperthreading
enabled, so Linux thinks there are 4 cpu's rather than the 2 real CPU's.
Anybody have any experience with this and whether it can cause any problem
Inspection of the mysql.log shows that the failing sql query
alter table foo add index foodex( colone, coltwo, colthree);
where foo is a BerkeleyDB type table with 150,000 entries of 500 bytes
organized into 10 fields dies when it runs out of locks.
How does one change the size of the
Salvatore Enrico Indiogine wrote:
I installed MySQL 4.0.5a using the RPMs downloaded from
http://www.mysql.com on RedHat 8.0.
I also installed unixODBC that comes with the RHL 8.0 CD.
When I try to install the MySQL odbc driver I get the unresolved
At 16:21 -0500 12/11/02, David Nedved wrote:
Hi All,
I have two qestions about the binary log files that I couldn't find the
answer to.
1.) how do you force a log switch other than startup / shutdown?
2.) when the number gets to 999 does it keep going with more digits,
wrap aroun
Thanks for the reply. I agree on the scripting languages. However it was a one
time conversion problem. I managed with the substring_index sugestion.
On Wednesday 11 December 2002 02:05, Robert Citek wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> The short answer: use Perl, Python, Ruby, etc.
> You are
At 12:59 PM 12/11/2002 -0800, blind falcon wrote:
> ... I need to know what the equivalent mysql
>datatypes are for the following MS SQL datatypes:
I'm not familiar with the MS SQL datatypes, but here's a description of
MySQL data types:
- Rob
Dear Falcon,
> I am trying to migrate a few MS SQL databases
> to mySQL and I need to know what the equivalent mysql
> datatypes are for the following MS SQL datatypes:
I am not too familiar with MS SQL, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong
with this list:
> nvarchar -> [NATIONAL] VARCHAR
Dear Satish,
> I want to migrate from Oracle to MySQL.
> So I need to import the tables and data from Oracle.
> Can anyone suggest any tool which can do this.
> Any pointer regarding this will be appreciated.
(1) I am not familiar with Oracle, but I assume (oh, that word again) that
it has a dump
Hi All,
I have two qestions about the binary log files that I couldn't find the
answer to.
1.) how do you force a log switch other than startup / shutdown?
2.) when the number gets to 999 does it keep going with more digits, wrap around, or
some other behavior?
I'm running mysql-max-3.23.53a-pc
Andrew Kuebler wrote:
How would I write an UPDATE query to SET Column3 to "John Doe" without
selecting the information and reposting it to the data through an UPDATE
for each and every record?
You'll probably have to do a SELECT query into a temporary table, then a
REPLACE INTO to fill in th
Andrew Kuebler wrote:
If Column1 has a value of "John" And
Column2 has a value of "Doe"
How would I write an UPDATE query to SET Column3 to "John Doe" without
selecting the information and reposting it to the data through an UPDATE
for each and every record?
I've tried:
UPDATE $table SET Column
Okay, I must admit that I am a complete newbie to
mySQL but I was wondering if someone could please help
me out. I am trying to migrate a few MS SQL databases
to mySQL and I need to know what the equivalent mysql
datatypes are for the following MS SQL datatypes:
UPDATE $table SET Column3 = CONCAT(Column1," ",Column2);
-Original Message-
From: Andrew Kuebler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 12:45 PM
Subject: UPDATE 1 Column from merging 2
If Column1 has a value of "John" And
Column2 has a value of "Doe"
How would I write an UPDATE query to SET Column3 to "John Doe" without
selecting the information and reposting it to the data through an UPDATE
for each and every record?
I've tried:
UPDATE $table SET Column3 = Column1 + " " + Col
OK, I'm making progess on my MySQL problem. The log file says this:
"021211 15:32:05 mysqld started
021211 15:32:05 /usr/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm'
(errno: 13)
021211 15:32:05 mysqld ended"
I've run the mysql_install_db script when I first installed mysql. I ran it
I am having a problem wiht MySQL 3.23.53
The logs tell all:
021211 18:40:42 mysqld started
/usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
Number of processes running now: 1
mysqld process hanging, pid 6066 - killed
021211 19:14:43 mysqld restarted
/usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
One thing to look at is the number of connections to the MySQL server.
We have seen this problem when the number of connections reaches the limit set by
the my.cnf file. One reason for the connections filling up is a long process that
locks a
much used table. This will cause all new requests fo
In the last episode (Dec 11), Karam Chand said:
> I want to statically link libmysql.dll with my closed source
> application, which I have not planned to distribute freely or
> commercial ?
If you are not distributing the application, you are safe.
Dan Nelson
Michelle de Beer wrote:
I have two tables. One with names and one for
excluding certain names. Exclude-table contains the
uid for the name excluded.
If I want to see which names has been excluded, this
query does the job:
Select n.uid, n.name from names_tables n, exclude
WHERE n.uid = exclude.
mysql> SELECT table1.* FROM table1
->LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.id=table2.id
->WHERE table2.id IS NULL;
Select n.uid, n.name from names_table n
LEFT JOIN exclude ON n.uid = exclude.n_uid
WHERE exclude.n_uid IS NULL;
I have two tables. One with names and one for
excluding certain names. Exclude-table contains the
uid for the name excluded.
If I want to see which names has been excluded, this
query does the job:
Select n.uid, n.name from names_tables n, exclude
WHERE n.uid = exclude.n_uid
But if I want to sel
I have been experiencing a problem where mysql appears to hang when
authenticating connections. I am running mysql 3.23.52-log on a dedicated
PIII server with 768MB of RAM and FreeBSD 4.1. Nothing else runs on this
server and 99.9% of the connections come in remotely. What appears to be
I have two tables. One with names and one for
excluding certain names. Exclude-table contains the
uid for the name excluded.
If I want to see which names has been excluded, this
query does the job:
Select n.uid, n.name from names_tables n, exclude
WHERE n.uid = exclude.n_uid
But if I want to sel
You need to do a join ...
FROM transport AS T, acl AS A
-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Max Clark
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 1
I want to statically link libmysql.dll with my closed
source application, which I have not planned to
distribute freely or commercial ?
Can I do that or I am violating any rules.
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordab
Hash: SHA1
Håkan Elmqvist wrote:
Yesterday I upgraded (?) to MySQL 3.23.52 on two different machines and
since then I get the message
MyODBC 3.51 DataSource Test
MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver : 03.51.02
[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Lost connection to MySQL server during
Ok, I found answer, I did need uncomment out my.cnf to support InnoDB type. Also I need
to install mysql-max binary as I am running on Unix Platform.
Jing Dai wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for the reply.
> I did what you suggested, but show create table is still MYISM, why?
> Do I need to configu
I am a new mysql user, I understand the basic syntax of the commands for
different sql queries.
I am trying to write a query and I can't seem to figure it out. I would
like to select all domain,transport fields from the transport table
where the transport id = a query agains the acl tabl
At 1:31 -0500 12/11/02, Michael She wrote:
At 11:00 PM 12/10/2002 -0600, Paul DuBois wrote:
Yes, a single bulk insert will be faster.
Also, the reason your "multiple statements separated by semicolons"
approach fails with a syntax error is that the client server
protocol does not allow you to se
Yesterday I upgraded (?) to MySQL 3.23.52 on two different machines and
since then I get the message
MyODBC 3.51 DataSource Test
MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver : 03.51.02
[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Lost connection to MySQL server during query
when I try to test the data source from windows with MyODBC 3.5
Thank you for the reply.
I did what you suggested, but show create table is still MYISM, why?
Do I need to configure something in the my.cfn file?
mysql> create table samDB.license_info (
-> licenseID integer(5) auto_increment primary key,
-> vendorName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
-> fe
Realize that somewhere between 60 and 80 percent of performance problems are
poorly writen queries. I agree that if you are looking at PHP or Perl and
wondering about speed you are worring about the wrong thing up front. If
it's any consolation prize cmdrtaco from slashdot prefers Perl to PHP thoug
No matter what I do on the command line for mysqld, or in my.cnf, ALL
logs get activated!
I'm using the Gentoo ebuilds, with mysqld started from an svscan run
script for supervision.
Any ideas? I'm lost here!
Carpe Diem
I am using MySQL replication and would be very happy if someone could
tell me how much time would I wait on SELECT
MASTER_POS_WAIT('log_name',log_pos) if there is some problem in the
slave, for example.
Is it configurable?
Actually, no that isn't how I was doing it - I was concatenating multiple
inserts together like you do on SQL server. (ie Insert... Insert... Insert...)
Thanks for the Insert Sytax! I'll give this a go!
At 08:14 AM 12/11/2002 -0500, Anderson, Alan R wrote:
> From: Michael She [mailto:[EMAIL PR
>From: Angel Flow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Would like to ask people's thoughts on whether Perl or
>PHP has higher performance with MySQL.
Since both of these use memory buffers for communication, I think performance for all
but the most trivial cases will be determined by the disk-speed-constrained
On Wednesday 11 December 2002 17:52, Jason Hall wrote:
> What are some of the reasons why table/index key crashes?
Here is listed some of them:
For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/?ref=ensita
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 11:12:33AM -0500, shawn xu wrote:
> > We have MySQL 3.23.53 running on Intel machine with OS
> > BSDI 4.3.
> >
> > The problem happened more often like this.
> >
> > MySQL eated up 99% cpu time which was told by running
> > "top". When this happened, I guess it still an
On Wednesday 11 December 2002 17:12, Jeff Snoxell wrote:
> I've worked with a database system in the past that allows you to setup
> permanent joins between two tables in a database such that if you select
> record 1 say on a parent table and then add records to a child table, the
> child table au
On Wednesday 11 December 2002 12:14, Bruno Batarelo wrote:
> I was wandering whether MySQL (4.0.4 or higher) in combination with InnoDB
> support UNICODE. If I store central European characters using MyODBC from
> VB, am I sure that they are stored in UNICODE in InnoDB table file and that
> they c
On Wednesday 11 December 2002 12:44, Tom Roos wrote:
> i want to build a query in which i have 2 datetime fields which i subtract
> from one another. what is the result set? is it in (milli)seconds, is it a
> unix timestamp?
> what type of convertion do i have to apply to report the difference in
On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 11:12:33AM -0500, shawn xu wrote:
> We have MySQL 3.23.53 running on Intel machine with OS
> BSDI 4.3.
> The problem happened more often like this.
> MySQL eated up 99% cpu time which was told by running
> "top". When this happened, I guess it still answer
> queries,
At 17:53 +1100 12/11/02, Stephen Brownlow wrote:
Hello Paul,
I am only lobbying, not demanding.
Sorry. I wasn't trying to imply that you were demanding.
It's just that experience shows that feature implementation
always seems easy to the people who aren't doing the work. :-)
Paul Dubois wro
The servers are hosted on a network that has 99.999% uptime, also i am the
one monitoring the server.
To explain further, everything on the server is working fine except on some
that the table or the index gets corrupted and i have to run myisamchk to
repair it. So, do you
know of any
On Wed 2002-12-11 at 05:14:09 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello:
> I am having a strange problem that it appears that no one else is
> having. I am running Slackware Linux with a 2.4.18 kernel, and MySQL
> 3.23.52-log. It is running on a dual CPU system with 860M ram.
> The pr
Hi Paul!
Thank you for the quick response. Indeed, we expect it to work
otherwise. In our application, users are authenticated by the operating
system, but we were hoping to use the built-in authorization of MySql
instead of developing our own. Our strategy is to automatically add
users to MySql as
I'm a newer in database programming with C APIs, so the problem arose with the gcc
compiler shouldn't surprise you.
Now, here the problem.
I've installed the Mysql server/client appliaction for win2000. After that, I enjoy
the header files (mysql.h) to write a little program
in C.
The compi
We have MySQL 3.23.53 running on Intel machine with OS
BSDI 4.3.
The problem happened more often like this.
MySQL eated up 99% cpu time which was told by running
"top". When this happened, I guess it still answer
queries, but it is too slow to answer, which results
in the customers complaining.
Power failure/unplug/turn-off server.
kill -9
OS crash.
Operating handheld radios next to the server.
I am sure others can come up with more.
Jason Hall wrote:
What are some of the reasons why table/index key crashes?
sql, query
Hi All,
I want to migrate from Oracle to MySQL.
So I need to import the tables and data from Oracle.
Can anyone suggest any tool which can do this.
Any pointer regarding this will be appreciated.
Before posting,
Hi all,
I have a problem with replication between two servers.
I created user repl on the master, I restored the
master's dump on the slave, I changed both my.cnf
settings but I got this error from slave .err file:
MySql: ready for connections
021211 16:56:12 InnoDB: Started
021211 16:56:12 Sla
On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 04:44, Tom Roos wrote:
> hi
> i want to build a query in which i have 2 datetime fields which i subtract
> from one another. what is the result set? is it in (milli)seconds, is it a
> unix timestamp? what type of convertion do i have to apply to report the
> difference i
What are some of the reasons why table/index key crashes?
sql, query
Before posting, please check:
http://www.mysql.com/manual.php (the manual)
http://lists.mysql.com/ (the list archive)
To request this thre
On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 12:15:37AM -0700, David Garamond wrote:
> i read in several places (like in recent osnews.com newspiece and some
> other prior postings to this list) that mysql 4.0.x is supposed to be
> "stable" now. but the front page of mysql.com still lists 4.0.5 under
> "development"
On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 10:41:39AM +0200, Calin Pop wrote:
> I thing PROGRAM1 must be distributet under GPL but PROGRAM2 can be
> distributed with any license.
I've given my interpretation before, and you should probably read it;
if you link against the mysql client library to connect to the s
I've worked with a database system in the past that allows you to setup
permanent joins between two tables in a database such that if you select
record 1 say on a parent table and then add records to a child table, the
child table automatically knows that this record is a sub-record of reco
The proper way to do a bulk insert is:
INSERT INTO tablename
ld3),(field1,field2,field3) etc..
On 11 Dec 2002 at 1:31, Michael She wrote:
> At 11:00 PM 12/10/2002 -0600, Paul DuBois wrote:
> >Yes, a single bulk insert will
I am having a strange problem that it appears that no one else is
having. I am running Slackware Linux with a 2.4.18 kernel, and MySQL
3.23.52-log. It is running on a dual CPU system with 860M ram.
The problem is that mysql seems to reserve a lot of ram reguardless
of what mysql is act
On Wednesday 11 December 2002 01:46, Christopher M. Keslin wrote:
> The following sql query works very well in version 4.0.1-alpha-nt. However
> it returns a null set with the data provided in aBetterLimo.sql in all
> later versions (the last one tried was 4.0.5-beta. I hope that this is
> enoug
On Tuesday 10 December 2002 15:59, tmb wrote:
> My tutorial db has a number of tables in it... some
> with data... some with no records.
> 1 - How can I ask MySQL to tell me the number of
> records in my tables?
> ..a) all at once? Meaning one command to list...
> tbl_1 6 records
> t
> From: Michael She [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> ...So are you saying that the Windows ODBC MySQL driver
> doesn't support multiple statements?
So far as I know, *no* drivers support multiple statements.
However, that's not what you want for "bulk inserts". What you want is multiple value
If the database is twice the size, how will that affect performance? I
don't use full-text searches, so that shouldn't be a problem.
-Original Message-
From: Michael T. Babcock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 10:28 AM
In the site:
In the manual , to compile a "source" tree only type:
shell> cd mysql-4.0
shell> bk -r get -Sq
shell> aclocal; autoheader; autoconf; automake;
shell> ./configure # Add your favorite options here
shell> make
but , if you us
SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE your_number_field REGEXP "\."
> -Original Message-
> From: Beauford.2003 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 3:26 AM
> Subject: Displaying output from MySQL
> Hi,
> Not sure if this is a PHP of a My
i want to build a query in which i have 2 datetime fields which i subtract
from one another. what is the result set? is it in (milli)seconds, is it a
unix timestamp? what type of convertion do i have to apply to report the
difference in minutes?
I am behind a SOCKS proxy. How do I connect to MySQL
Server using MySQL C API?
Thanks in advance,
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
Greetings all
I was wandering whether MySQL (4.0.4 or higher) in combination with InnoDB
support UNICODE. If I store central European characters using MyODBC from
VB, am I sure that they are stored in UNICODE in InnoDB table file and that
they can be returned in the same form on every machine?
On Thu 2002-12-12 at 02:25:51 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> Not sure if this is a PHP of a MySQL question, so I am sending it to both
> groups.
Usually it is preferred that you send it only to the list which is
more appropriate first (toss a coin, if you must ;-) and only if you
Well I think the licence rules of MySQL are not that comlicated than you
wrote below.
I studied this a few month ago, and I interpret it much simplier.
1. You develop a software under GPL which uses MySQL (connects to,
includes, uses, etc. whatever).
In this case you don't need any licenc
Hi all,
First I want to say I am a MySQL fan.
I think MySQL AB interpretation of GPL creates confusion too. Do they intend
to crete and keep alive this confusion ? What for?...
Let me show you something taken from "MySQL Reference Manual for version
"You can use the MySQL software
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