I think Ode's Brain is getting heavily oxygenated by absorption through the
ethers regarding the topic of MMS. He is racking up the points today.
GOo Oooode! Whew! Is there some place I can buy a bottle of
whatever you got going?
Or - Might you have any interest in a mus
Thanks Ode - "Coyote Code"
How would I know if you did or didn't?
It ain't mine anymore anyhow.
I put it in keyboard code and tossed into the net for others to "take" [or
toss] as they wish.
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Did you know there is a yahoo group
- an offshoot - from silverlist, actually
dedicated to taking, experimenting, and
reporting results back to the group?
A decision was made to start this group
because it is a topic of great interest and
would create a lot of posting.
Nothing would please me more than knowing that I helped save even one life
from this dreaded disease.
Here is another link to an article that will explain about Lyme Disease
Couple of things regarding Lyme Disease. This disease
May I forward your message to two members in my Lyme Group?
---Original Message---
From: Ode Coyote
Date: 8/30/2007 6:48:09 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: MLM, MMS, and the Chase
On March 11, 1999, the Federal Trade Commission filed sui
Yep, Ode.
It's amazing. We have to pay tribute to the TAO of it all.
Like the Chinese didn't know that was going to play out?
They have been way ahead of the game for centuries.
They always will be. They understand the laws and the principles
by which the Universe works, right down to politi
Straight off of
An excellent and highly regarded website to obtain information pertaining to
Lyme Disease which has reached epidemic proportions in the US. Please go to
this site if you are at all interested in educating yourself and your loved
ones about Lyme Disease, how to pre
Contact Duncan Crow at;
or Donna Crow (no relation to Duncan) at
Also, I have a number of posts regarding COPD, but nothing about Cream of
tartar use for that. Contact me at if you want me to forward
the COPD posts to you. Where are yo
Again, point of view, opinion, preference, judgment. Ego. Sometimes, the
best thing is to "get out of our own way." e-mail me privately and I can
---Original Message---
From: faith gagne
Date: 8/26/2007 2:43:22 PM
Subject: Re: CS>
You know, in my view (which is different from everyone else's view), some
things are just not worth complaining about or trying to change. Each of us
has a separate point of view and look at the world differently and make
different distinctions.
My point of view is so different than yours
Try globallight. Also, your health food store should have 'Concentrace'
which is magnesium chloride. It is a great product.
---Original Message---
Date: 8/17/2007 10:07:11 AM
To: silver-list@
researchers, LLMD's, Lyme Associations, newspapers, and all other credible
sources of information so that others may benefit from your personal
experience, so as to find out how that could possibly be true. If you need
source referrals, e-mail me personally, and I will do my best to assist you.
Go to That is the lyme group whose protocol
is Salt/C. You will be able to find all of the answers and all of the help
you need there. The members are 1500 now.
---Original Message---
From: jessie70
Date: 08/04/07 06:55:42
To: silver-list@es
This would be profound if it were true. May I ask where or who you are
getting your information from? Has it been documented as true? This is the
first time I have ever heard anyone suggest such a thing.
---Original Message---
From: Dave
Date: 8/3/2007 2:43:39 PM
To: silve
Ruth and anyone interested in Kefir Culture Instructions.
I just posted the above subject info at
Okie Dokie.
Have a Kefir Kind of a Day.
Sasha Max
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribi
Have you checked out Serrapeptase, CMO (Cetyl Myristoleate), and Colostrum?
Here are three links that may provide additional help and pointers.
The Silver List is a m
This is a great inexpensive homemade recipe to clean your silver. The author
is Graham Haley of Haley's Cleaning Hints
1 teaspoon water softener
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup heated water
Place the above three in a glass baking dish or cup on top of aluminum foil.
Dip your silver an
ebay has Needak rebounders for sale. Needak is one of the very best
rebounders you can buy. You don't want a cheap one from a sporting goods
store (trust me) as they will break your ankle and foot bones down and
absolutely will not support the weight.
You can get a Needak for $199 or
Activated charcoal capsules are a possibility as well.
---Original Message---
Date: 9/1/2006 11:26:15 AM
Subject: Re: CS>AG Deodorant
Goodness sakes!
I know this is a CS list, but it is so much easier to pop a
go through that experience.
Are you doing the same protocol now and will CS be the only abx you will use
as a preventative?
---Original Message---
From: Dave
Date: 08/19/06 08:57:32
Subject: Re: CS>CS and lyme
First things first!
Would you please
You might be interested in Dr. Judd's Protocol - Good Teeth.
A lot of people swear by his knowledge and protocol.
---Original Message---
From: Scott
Date: 07/15/06 05:46:00
To: Silver List
Subject: CS>Teeth
icine), Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., and John F.
Thie, D. C., (Founder of Touch for Health - Kinesiology).
Altogether, an excellent book if you are inclined toward energy medicine.
Ifyou want to read more about the book, energy medicine, Donna and her
husband, visit their web at http://www.inner
e-mail me at for a free copy.
---Original Message---
From: brooks76009
Date: 07/12/06 12:22:19
Subject: CS>[RE]CS>Sinus Surgery:COMMENT
Deart Bernadette,
I am dismayed to hear you required surgery fo
Hi Zeb,
I am doing Salt/C. Only recently started the protocol, and immediately had
excellent results. I always take Salt/C and my CS
apart from each other by hours for no other reason other than, personally,
it feels like the better thing to do. As far as any
kind of studies, research, or invest
We didn't know each other, but I greatly appreciated his directness and
sense of humor. I will always remember his posts, especially one having to
do with a formula of H2O2 that he used to eliminate his allergies. It
cracked me up so much, that the image he created still lingers fondly in my
Ian and All,
One of the best books on the market is entitled, 'Energy Medicine' by Donna
Eden and her husband psychologist David Feinstein. They are Premiere
teachers internationally and have a wealth of information on the subject
matter. Google them or Energy Medicine. Their book is replete wi
Carol Ann,
Hi, Not Ole Bob here, but instead Sasha. I am one of the thrilled users of
CMO, short for Cetylmyristoleate. I bought it at Whole Foods and it is
Jarrow brand. I only take one a day, and the results are truly outstanding.
I like Bob, was headed for a wheelchair, without a doubt, hav
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
To post, address your message to:
Address Off-Topic messages to:
The Silver
The Singularity, the Quickening, the Cosmogenesis, a period of exponential
change - the New Age, the New World Order, Times of High Strangeness - it
seems that we are in the throes of a Global Paradigm Shift.
This is a time w
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